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Any other Zumba fans?

Anita Latte

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OK, that song is driving me crazy! I THINK I have it...


Take on Me?????

Ding ding ding!!!


The Samba remix ROCKS! Have you heard it in class? It's total cheese but at the same time kind of wonderful. I love the added Samba beat and the extended musical interludes that Zumba added to the song...really really fun IMO.

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Nice! I used to love Wham. That Wham song and the new Zumba song were produced in the same year. Both songs are from non-American musicians. That's today's hint...


Come on Eileen? Crap, saw the answer above. I always liked that song.


Sent from my LePanII using Tapatalk 2

Edited by fergusonvt
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Come on Eileen? Crap, saw the answer above. I always liked that song.


Sent from my LePanII using Tapatalk 2

I think Zumba did release Come on Eileen somewhat recently. But I don't remember it being a remix kind of release. I have to go look through my CDs...

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I think Zumba did release Come on Eileen somewhat recently. But I don't remember it being a remix kind of release. I have to go look through my CDs...


Yeah a couple of different instructors did it last year. I don't think it was a remix.

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That remix sounds like fun - but I haven't heard it yet in class.


For whatever reason, 2 of my 3 favorite instructors that I usually attend (Monday, Tuesday and Thursday) have had subs that I don't really care for...although I have no qualms about modifying the routine to lower the impact, sometimes it's just too much thinking involved with some of the subs, so I've been skipping a lot of classes.


Although I didn't do it as much as I SAID I would - on some days I went home and plugged in the Wii Zumba Fitness 2 game that I haven't done since I started taking 'real' classes. What a getup I was in - the hip band with the Wii remote, and I decided to put the coin hip scarf over that, since I SWEAR that it has been helping me trim my midsection better! (Really, I've only lost 2 lbs this month, but several people I haven't seen during this month are asking if I've lost weight)


I scare the heck out of my cats - but it was a nice change of pace. The routines are so much easier to do now that I've done some in classes and it's just easier to pick up on choreography the more you do it.


Everyone have a good weekend! I'm heading to Washington DC to meet DD1 future in-laws for the first time!:eek:

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(Really, I've only lost 2 lbs this month, but several people I haven't seen during this month are asking if I've lost weight)


YAY! This indicates a difference in body composition and body shape. It's wonderful when someone notices, isn't it? Use it to keep you motivated!

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I'm in a David Bowie mood, and listening to The Man Who Sold The World. Thinking it would make an interesting Rumba....


I'm doing three Zumba classes a week, and not losing weight because I'm eating too much! I gotta stop! Why oh why do they make Girl Scout Cookies??


I am such a stress eater. Trying to get my parents and sibs on board to meet with an elder law attorney is making my hair turn gray.

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Margaret, you know the phrase... to everything there is a season... and when we have to be the generation that steps up and makes life-changing decisions... all I can say is that is one of the loneliest feelings in the world. On my DH's side, there is no one that is a generation above us. We have been through everyone's transition and I know exactly how stressful you can be feeling. Good, kind thoughts going out to you from me.


So, I've been battling this bronchial "thing" for a month! A whole month! I never had the signs of an infection, but I had one of those suffocative coughs that just never seemed to end and brought massive tears streaming down my face. I was, literally, afraid to go to Zumba because I didn't want the instructor to have to give me CPR. I mean... I love attention, and all... but there's a limit!


Yesterday, I felt well enough to get myself to a Zumba class. I had two new shoes to try, both Rykas. I didn't think I'd have a problem because I've been wearing Rykas for years. Ryka Transitions. I've had a few pairs. They don't seem to last very long; I've never had this situation with shoes before. Although I love the mesh on the shoe, I keep "blowing" it out AND, literally, the top of my shoes are separating from the soles. You can see daylight when you look into the interior of the shoe!


I bought Ryka Influence and Ryka Rhytmic#. By the end of the class, I was almost in tears... and they were definitely NOT tears of joy! I didn't think I'd have a problem so I didn't bring another shoe to switch into. I tried the Ryka Influence and, as it turns out, the toe box is way too small. Can you imagine that, of everything that COULD compromise the ability to do Zumba full out, my TOES were going numb and I was hobbling through class?!? It wasn't my big toe or pinky toe... let's see... the little piggy that doesn't get roast beef?... that one! I ended up with abrasions on both feet. The toe box of both of these models seems to be the same; so I'm sending both back.


I went onto the best-shoe-site-in-the-world to reorder... and I think that Ryka may be discontinuing the Transition model. There is only one style available (and by that I mean color combination) and it's on sale for about $56. So... if anyone else is a Transitions fan... be aware! This is just my opinion, but it feels like the stars are aligning for this phase out. Anyway, I have the shoes that I know will work coming... and I'll be OK for a while. But, now I feel like I'm going to have to get serious about finding a good replacement.


Anyway, it felt good to be back in a Zumba class! Yeah.


I'm a little upset with my gym and the decisions that are being made about my favorite Zumba instructors and the class schedule. They tried a Zumba Toning class that started right after a fabulous Zumba class with a brilliant instructor. I guess that they felt that the Zumba Toning wasn't that popular... SO....they replaced it with a regular Zumba class with a DIFFERENT instructor. How stupid is that?!? Which makes me worried for the class that I really love. I get so tired of people messing with me! :(


That was just a short rant. We're starting our Spring here in the desert. The temperature is lovely; the evenings are fabulous with that silky feeling to the night air; the birds are happy, happy, happy way too early in the morning!


Hope everyone is doing well. :)

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Pam, thank you for your kind and supportive words. I come from a family that never talks about anything important, which makes planning ahead more challenging than it should be, I think. I'm happy to hear you're feeling better -- the bugs going around this winter seem to be particularly long-lived for some reason, don't you think?


I'm so glad you talked about SHOES! They're so important. I tried a pair of Rykas for my general, all-purpose gym shoe, but they didn't last very long even for that. Long before I experienced any of the failure that you did, they just got real loose and didn't support my feet anymore. I have reverted to my usual Nike cross trainers, which for some reason fit me especially well and seem to be more durable. I'm waiting for the rain and snow to be over so I can toss the Rykas and start wearing the new ones.


I have two pairs of Zumba shoes. Here in NY we have a lovely sprung wood floor, and I wear New Balance Trail Runners which give me a natural stance and let me really feel the floor under my feet. I have had a hard time adjusting to dancing in sneakers, but I find these work well for me. In NJ where we work on an artificial surface over who knows what underneath, I wear Bloch dance sneakers which are a little more cushioned and slippery. The turning spot under the ball of the foot makes them a little TOO slippery for a hardwood floor, which I found out the hard way one day. :)


I like my Zumba shoes snug, snug, snug!


And I am so with you -- don't mess with my Zumba classes, I like them just as they are.

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p.s. No salad of the week, I was too busy this weekend to experiment. :(


p.p.s. to Pam, re your post on another thread -- The Galapagos is easy, but both popular and capacity controlled so plan way ahead. I posted my photos and a review on the Lindblad forum, and there is a ton of info on the Celebrity Xpedition board.

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It's my birthday weekend!


The big day is actually Monday, but in my family...we extend the celebration for at least the weekend. :D


I have planned a lazy weekend full of excellent food. ;) My greatest recent achievement has been to rediscover my love of cooking. I've altered my mindset from the "have to" that evokes feelings of drudgery to the "get to" and "love to" attitude that evokes thrill and pleasure. The awesome thing is that my men LOVE my cooking and they are both very vocal in how much they are enjoying their food. Which makes me even more happy.


So, in lieu of paying for the privilege of eating someone else's sodium-laden restaurant prepared food that will take however much time from my day, and however much money to get the quality I want...I am cooking my way through my celebration weekend.


My family is focusing on 3 things right now...


1. Eating food from home.

2. Get some sleep.

3. Reduce stress.


Hopefully, we rested, well fed, less stressed bodies will respond to their new state of well being and the hopefully increasingly warmer weather and get active. It's just too much to tackle that right now with some health issues we have been dealing with. One step at a time.


Funny how this seems to be a never-ending process...but this time...I'm very hopeful to have both oars in the water...diet and exercise...and if I could add two more oars to the list...sleep and stress. If we can manage all of this into a healthy balance...OMG...I think we'll really be on the road to achieving our health and fitness goals.


Hope everyone has a great weekend!

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Margaret, you know the phrase... to everything there is a season... and when we have to be the generation that steps up and makes life-changing decisions... all I can say is that is one of the loneliest feelings in the world. On my DH's side, there is no one that is a generation above us. We have been through everyone's transition and I know exactly how stressful you can be feeling. Good, kind thoughts going out to you from me.


So, I've been battling this bronchial "thing" for a month! A whole month! I never had the signs of an infection, but I had one of those suffocative coughs that just never seemed to end and brought massive tears streaming down my face. I was, literally, afraid to go to Zumba because I didn't want the instructor to have to give me CPR. I mean... I love attention, and all... but there's a limit!


Yesterday, I felt well enough to get myself to a Zumba class. I had two new shoes to try, both Rykas. I didn't think I'd have a problem because I've been wearing Rykas for years. Ryka Transitions. I've had a few pairs. They don't seem to last very long; I've never had this situation with shoes before. Although I love the mesh on the shoe, I keep "blowing" it out AND, literally, the top of my shoes are separating from the soles. You can see daylight when you look into the interior of the shoe!


I bought Ryka Influence and Ryka Rhytmic#. By the end of the class, I was almost in tears... and they were definitely NOT tears of joy! I didn't think I'd have a problem so I didn't bring another shoe to switch into. I tried the Ryka Influence and, as it turns out, the toe box is way too small. Can you imagine that, of everything that COULD compromise the ability to do Zumba full out, my TOES were going numb and I was hobbling through class?!? It wasn't my big toe or pinky toe... let's see... the little piggy that doesn't get roast beef?... that one! I ended up with abrasions on both feet. The toe box of both of these models seems to be the same; so I'm sending both back.


I went onto the best-shoe-site-in-the-world to reorder... and I think that Ryka may be discontinuing the Transition model. There is only one style available (and by that I mean color combination) and it's on sale for about $56. So... if anyone else is a Transitions fan... be aware! This is just my opinion, but it feels like the stars are aligning for this phase out. Anyway, I have the shoes that I know will work coming... and I'll be OK for a while. But, now I feel like I'm going to have to get serious about finding a good replacement.


Anyway, it felt good to be back in a Zumba class! Yeah.


I'm a little upset with my gym and the decisions that are being made about my favorite Zumba instructors and the class schedule. They tried a Zumba Toning class that started right after a fabulous Zumba class with a brilliant instructor. I guess that they felt that the Zumba Toning wasn't that popular... SO....they replaced it with a regular Zumba class with a DIFFERENT instructor. How stupid is that?!? Which makes me worried for the class that I really love. I get so tired of people messing with me! :(


That was just a short rant. We're starting our Spring here in the desert. The temperature is lovely; the evenings are fabulous with that silky feeling to the night air; the birds are happy, happy, happy way too early in the morning!


Hope everyone is doing well. :)



I love the Ryka Transitions. I got mine in October and do Zumba 3 to 4 times a week. So far they are holding up really well. I tried them on at a local store then ordered off Amazon because they were $20.00 cheaper. I will most definitely get another pair when these die if they still make them, oh I hope they don't discontinue these! They are the 4th pair of shoes I've tried and definitely my favorite.


Happy belated birthday Anita and happy Easter to everyone!

Edited by fergusonvt
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Happy Easter Everyone!


I got great news today...well, sort of...it's sad that my instructor friend is having to have surgery...but the good news is that she has asked me to sub her Tuesday morning class during her 6 week recovery. I feel sort of awful to be excited about this...LOL...but I must admit that I am excited to have a 6 week teaching assignment!


She wants me to teach 2 songs next class so that everyone can see how much fun I am!


This always makes me feel :eek: because I feel like my class is an overall thing...and I don't ever feel like I have stand out songs that are so fun. Always challenging to pick two.


Anyway...I'm reluctant to grab old songs...I've been working on new songs. I know I'll have some new for the class...but for Tuesday?


I LOVE this one:



So catchy! Upbeat and fun. That's me! I haven't done it though...and I don't have a routine...but I love it. And really, that's the key!


I also love this older one, but I haven't taught it yet..this is not the Zumba version, but everyone might recognize the song:



It's so upbeat, but it's really not that fast...


So many decisions!


I'm excited about this...good motivation for me.

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Anita, what a great opportunity, though unfortunate for your friend. I love that first song! So fun. That second one we did on my cruise last November.


We've been doing Jai Ho in my Sunday class, which I didn't even realize was from Slumdog Millionnaire, so I guess it's not new. It's a fun song and I enjoy the dance, though. I'm so looking forward to getting back to my classes this week.


What with Passover and Easter, I've been eating a lot of things I normally wouldn't. My body is actually tired of it. I'm happy to be away from it, and I can't wait to fill my poor empty fridge with some fresh fruits and vegetables. I love my family, but I don't eat the way they do, and it feels so good to be home!

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Tomorrow is the day that I guest teach two songs. I decided to do Limbo by Daddy Yankee (I tweaked a routine that I found online) and Wepa by Gloria Estefan (I'm tweaking the routine that one of Mom's fav instructors does...I just love her).


So we'll see how it goes tomorrow!


I'm doing a bunch of nutrition research. My DH is having some significant joint issues...and it feels like it is becoming an all over kind of thing...first one knee, then both knees, his wrist, his elbow. He hasn't played tennis is so long because of the way they feel. Based on his description of the pain, it appears to be a tendon issue, so I've been researching tendon issues. I have found the latest buzz word AGEs...which stands for Advanced Glycosylation (or Glycation) End products. It's a chemical bonding that happens between excess sugars and free amino acids. It's commonly associated with Diabetics, but my research is showing an increasing report of people who are having various tendon issues ascribing their tendon issues to this.


Not only does this reaction occur in the body but also it occurs in food depending on the way that you cook it. I have read about this before...I may have even reported on it... but this phenomenon would explain why my Grandma believes she can eat ground meat browned in the microwave but not on the stove top. AGEs in food result from high and dry heat cooking, which I do A LOT. And unfortunately, DH binges on sugar things quite a bit too.


I'm putting together a way of eating to really try to help my DH...I'll let everyone know how this goes.


I'm so excited about tomorrow!!

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So interested to hear the reaction from people in class to my FAVORITE Zumba instructor!


So, a new research topic, eh? Listen, I know how much you grill, so I was interested in looking into this new AGE-related information because that would be quite a transition for you to make. And, of course, we just "invested" in a fantastic new grill and are looking forward to our spring/summer/fall/winter grilling because, yes, we grill year-round.


Anyway, just a brief amount of reading... but I did find the statement that you can inhibit the AGE-formation in grilled meats (especially) by subjecting the meat to a marinade that includes acidic elements (i.e., lemon juice and/or vinegar) for at least an hour. So, that gave me "hope" that you could still include grilling in your cooking methods and provide a reduced AGE diet. You know, from reading the elements of a reduced AGE diet, you really don't have a big change to make... just perhaps cooking methodology. The recommendation was to look to the cuisines of Mediterranean and Asian cultures as guidelines. FYI: I got this information from the American Diabetic Association. So, you probably already read this? But, I thought I'd send you in that direction just in case you didn't land on this tidbit quite yet.


Anxious to hear about your class! This 3-hour time difference is just :mad::(:p

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OMG...I LOVE Zumba!!


Class was great. Well...I got to see some ladies that I haven't seen in a long time. I collectively think of them as the Brits...because several of them are British, though they have not lived in Britain for a long time. I think I've mentioned them before...they are new to the area also and I talked them into going to this Zumba class in the first place...and it appears that they continue to go, even though I haven't been going...


The instructor is on an 80s kick, which is like :eek: to me...and other random songs...like she did a cool down to the Summer Lovin' song from the movie Grease...which was okay, but really weird to me...and not so Zumbalicious. :rolleyes:


However, the class is popular, or at least it was today...there were 33 people there, which is really awesome for an independent class. My songs seemed to be well received by most. I was really watching the crowd and everyone was able to follow along. When class was over, a student approached me and the first words out of her mouth were, "Where do you teach?" DH is really trying to encourage me to find a place to teach on Thursday to try to grab this Tuesday morning crowd...


Anyway...I was able to talk to several students and I think it's going to be so much fun to teach this class. I start on April 23 and the end will all depend on when the instructor gets the okay from the doctor's to return to teaching.


I can tell you that I"m very happy to have 3 weeks instead of the 2 I thought I had because I could use the time to get some cardio stamina back. It just doesn't take long to lose that cardio...


But I didn't lose my love for Zumba in my time away from class...

Nor my skills as an instructor...*toot* *toot*


I feel like I've been bit by the bug again and I'm just going to run with it...it started with doing those two new songs today...I almost can't believe I did two songs that I've never taught before...


I'm not going to try all new songs for my class...but I might tweak some songs that I've done in the past...and really pull out the oldies and goodies...because this particular instructor doesn't do a whole lot of Latin...which sounds ridiculous talking about a Zumba class...but somehow is true.


I had coffee with 6 ladies after class...the Brits all have husbands that work for the same company and other new to the area wives have joined them and we all hung out after class. I was talking to one that just moved here from Kentucky in December. She took Zumba there...and we were able to talk about her class up there and the other instructor and me...it wasn't a catty conversation...but it was fun to hear her talk about how much her instructor loved Pitbull, etc. So she is definitely used to a music selection that is more like my taste. :cool: There is the issue of the class meeting in the church and needing to have there be some censoring of the music not only for specific language but also for some general themes...there are just very few Pitbull songs that aren't suggestive. I think I have one that I could use in the church...not that I use bad music...


I have to say that there is a song out there that I think is really funny...it's number 1 on the charts..and I know many instructors are using it...I just don't know how...because it is so bad...anyone here heard "Thriftshop" in class?


Anyway...I'm open for suggestions on songs again...I feel like this class doesn't get classic Zumba songs because the only Latin songs the instructor uses are ZIN songs...and a whole lot of fun Zumba songs are non-Zin songs...one of the best examples is "Danza Kuduro" which is pretty classic to me...


Hope everyone is having a great week!

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Happy Easter Everyone!


I got great news today...well, sort of...it's sad that my instructor friend is having to have surgery...but the good news is that she has asked me to sub her Tuesday morning class during her 6 week recovery. I feel sort of awful to be excited about this...LOL...but I must admit that I am excited to have a 6 week teaching assignment!


She wants me to teach 2 songs next class so that everyone can see how much fun I am!


This always makes me feel :eek: because I feel like my class is an overall thing...and I don't ever feel like I have stand out songs that are so fun. Always challenging to pick two.


Anyway...I'm reluctant to grab old songs...I've been working on new songs. I know I'll have some new for the class...but for Tuesday?


I LOVE this one:



So catchy! Upbeat and fun. That's me! I haven't done it though...and I don't have a routine...but I love it. And really, that's the key!


I also love this older one, but I haven't taught it yet..this is not the Zumba version, but everyone might recognize the song:



It's so upbeat, but it's really not that fast...


So many decisions!


I'm excited about this...good motivation for me.



We've done both of those songs in our Zumba classes. I love both of them.

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I have to say that there is a song out there that I think is really funny...it's number 1 on the charts..and I know many instructors are using it...I just don't know how...because it is so bad...anyone here heard "Thriftshop" in class?



There's a radio version of this song that you could use. I hadn't heard this before - so funny!


Ima take your grandpa's style :)


So glad to hear your class was fun! And so happy to hear you'll be teaching again. Gotta love that natural Zumba high.

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