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Just returned from the Crown Princess.


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This won't be a review in the traditional sense that you people seem to prefer. It will be a semi-organized list of thoughts and views on particular items that caught my attention while cruising.


This was my first cuise in 15 years and GF's first cruise ever. We are both mid-40s, from Canada. I have lots of photos and videos that I will post in the coming days.


Before I begin (and before anybody jumps down my throat for posting some negative comments) I would like to start off by saying I had a great time. I loved the ship. I loved the experience. I loved everything about it. So please read my entire post(s) before replying. A lot of my points are tongue-in-cheek because I'm a guy who doesn't take things very seriously. I might grumble about something and then 5 seconds later it's gone and out of my alzheimers-ridden mind. So don't take any of my comments personally.


I should also mention that there were some personal family issues at home that put a damper on the whole trip. My ex-father-in-law had died on the night we had left for Fort Lauderdale (the Friday) and without getting into detail, the email I received from my daughter (his granddaughter) on Monday was a little unsettling. This man was the only father figure I had in my life and I was still fairly close to him. Not as close as when I was married, but I still loved and respected him. The feelings were mutual, even after I divorced his daughter. There were no hard feelings whatsoever between he and I. It took some work, but I tried my best to put on a smiling face and continue on with our vacation. He would have wanted it that way.


Plus, to add salt to the wound, my GF was seasick most days and she suffered from periodic bouts of homesickness. She has never left her kids for more than a couple days at a time and she found it tough.


Anyways, on to the point of this thread. Get comfy. This is going to be a long one.


Port Everglades & Embarkation


-We stayed at the Embassy Suites, which was very nice. The guy who looks after taxis/shuttles (what is his title? I can't remember...he stands at the podium outside the main door) looks exactly like a younger Nicolas Cage. I normally don't point that out to a relative stranger, but the resemblance was so uncanny that I had to tell him. He replied that he gets told that a LOT.


-Port Everglades was very crowded and the waiting area for Priority embarkation was hot and stuffy. But overall the procedure went smoothly, although it seemed hectic. We arrived at the pier about 11AM, we were in our suite (Dolphin 736) by noon, and had our luggage by 12.30pm. We were unpacked by 1PM and out exploring the ship (and getting the stamps for those prizes).


-We were in awe at the ship. Gorgeous. Simply gorgeous.




-Dolphin 736. St. Thomas Suite I think it was called. And again....Gorgeous. Simply gorgeous. Lots of space. We felt more like we were in a luxury hotel room than on a ship.


-I'm not so sure I have the same feelings about an aft cabin as many other do here at cruisecritic. The vibration was constant. I can live with the rocking and rolling of the seas, but the constant humming of the engines got to be annoying.


-the shower door leaks like a sieve.


-the toilet flush is the coolest thing I have seen in a long time.


-the sliding doors don't stay in place unless you go all Hulk Hogan on the handle.


-Being a smoker, it's surprising that I have such a good sense of smell (to go along with my fine sense of taste and very sensitive hearing.) I could smell the vent, even on the corner suite, pretty much constantly. I could tell when it was Mexican night just by the smell. I could smell that thick greasy smell that kitchens generate. And this was pretty much all the time. It wasn't sickening, but it got annoying. However, it got to a point where I would rather smell an American cigarette than that. If I wasn't smelling that greasy kitchen smell, I could smell spent diesel fuel if the wind was right.


-I never smoked in the suite. When I smoked it was on the huge balcony. And even then I tried to hold off if I could hear other people outside. I'm not a heavy smoker so it's not difficult for me to hold off. But somebody else around me (I think he was above, and over 1) was a cigar smoker and must have spent every waking hour smoking his cigar on his balcony. It didn't bother me though. I like the smell of a nice cigar. It wasn't strong or overpowering, but seemed to always be there. I know the man in the BB cabin next to me smoked the occasional cigar, but there was somebody else. Not complaining...just an observation. There were other cigarette smokers somewhere on the aft, so it wasn't just me.


-the sound of the wake was overpowering at times. When we were going full steam we had to yell if we wanted to speak to each other. We had the Ultimate Balcony Dining on my GF's birthday and it wasn't very romantic at all due to the high level of noise.


-I took a look and seen that the mattress was made by the Portland Cement and Mattress Company. Gerry, our steward, had a foam pad on it when we arrived. He asked me the next morning if I liked it and I told him it was still hard. So he put one of those egg-crate style pads on it (on TOP of the first foam pad, so there was 2 pads). This was some sort of deluxe pad too, with the different zones for body pressure. You know, one section had zig-zags, the other was egg cups, and the third section had very small wavy dents. That pad REALLY helped. We had no issue after that thing was put on the mattress.


-the comforters/duvets that Princess provides don't provide much warmth. We had to throw the bedspread back on top of it.




-the Ultimate Balcony Dining was absolutely stunning. It's too much food though. I'm a good eater, and so is my GF, but this was too much.


-speaking of Dining in general...the wasted food throughout the entire ship is very disheartening. I'm not a tree-hugging hippy. Nor do I go around screaming "think of the children!" but the fact so much good quality food gets tossed away without a second thought should cause most cruisers (and Princess themselves) to re-think their serving and dining habits.


-We did the Crown Grill one night. It was very good. Was it worth the $50 for the two of us? No.


-Speaking of the Crown Grill. One of the Chefs Recommendations for an appetizer is Carpaccio Pine-nut Coated Lamb Loin. Gooseberry Chutney. Minted Pear Spaghettini. DO NOT ORDER THIS. I took a small mouthful and saw Satan. It was the most vile, disgusting, nastiest thing I have ever put in my mouth...and believe me, I've put some vile, disgusting, nasty things in my mouth of the course of 40+ years. If you want to make it yourself, go to your local deli and order 2 slices of paper-thin sliced Kolbassa or other type of meat that stinks. Put it in your fridge for 9 months with the bag not completely sealed. Take it out and put it on a plate. Go out to your lawn and pull some crabgrass and put it on the plate. Also put some dandeloin stems on the plate. Then leave the whole plate in the sun for another 9 months, completely uncovered. Then eat it. That is what this dish tastes like. It took me 3 days to get the taste out of my mouth, and I still get periodic flashbacks. Who on earth thinks that is a tasty dish? If I ever meet the Chef who designed that dish I will punch him in the throat.


-The pizza is good, but isn't fantastic. Maybe for pizza on a cruise ship, but it's nothing to write home about. Unless you're a lover of paper-thin crust pizza with hardly any cheese on it.


-the burger place on the pool deck doesn't serve hamburgers. They serve charcoal briquettes with cheese on them. The cook/server even asked me: "do you want cheese on your briquette?"




-as a considerate smoker, I always try to ensure I don't bother others. I think in the whole week I had 2 cigarettes outside of my own balcony. One was out by the bar at one of the pools and the other was in the casino.


-it was funny to watch people put their face in a knot at the mere sight of a smoker. On this cruise I seen more people with happy smiling faces instantly turn to a scrunched up mass of flesh than I have ever seen in my entire life. It was downright hilarious sometimes. We sat near a group of smokers out on deck one night and that was our entertainment for the evening, watching people make faces the split second they came around the corner. I never knew the human face could contort itself into such shapes and sizes so quickly.


-overall, smoking has nothing on perfume when it came to this cruise. Nothing. I give all due respect to the anti-smoking people, but I have to be honest here. The heavy thick scent of old-lady perfume was flowing by the gallon on this cruise. I think I grabbed a table at the buffet that was previously used by a prefume junky and it made not only my eyes water, but also my GF's and the people sitting next to us. And another time I was getting in the elevator on formal night and a couple walked out and the cloud of perfume she left in her wake was actually visable to the naked eye. After the door closed I passed out. Luckily my room steward found me and rolled me down the hall to my cabin.


-even I found the casino disgusting to be in. And I'm a smoker.


Misc. Onboard experiences


-we met a lot of very nice down-to-earth people. 99% of the people were like this. We also met a lot of elite snobs. I didn't let it bother me, but one grouch bothered my GF for a period of time.


-I was standing at the Pursers Desk/Passenger Services in the Elite/Platinum/Suite line. There was only maybe 3 or 4 people in the other line and all the service people were busy with passengers. A young couple came in behind me and 10 seconds later an elderly lady came up behind them. She immediately piped up "are you elite?" The young lady said "pardon?". "Are you elite? This line is for elite passengers only". The young couple looked blank for a second and then I was called up to the counter. I turned around and told the young couple to go ahead of me. And they went straight to the counter. Then the elderly lady huffed and asked me the same question "are you elite?". I simply responded "yes". Sorry lady, whoever you were. You don't treat people like that, I don't care how much cruising you've done in your life. You're no better than them. You want to be rude and arrogant you'll get right back in spades. It wasn't WHAT she said, it was HOW she said it. The young couple just got in the wrong line...give them a break.


-the coffee isn't that bad. We got it every morning via room service and it was hit and miss. One morning we'd get fresh brewed and the next morning we'd get the instant/syrup coffee. Obviously the fresh brewed was better, but the instant/syrup wasn't too bad. At least it wasn't Gas Station Grey Coffee.


-this ship is too crowded. Of course we never made it into every nook and cranny, but everywhere we went there were people. Some nights finding a table in the buffet was difficult (and getting a simple glass of water in the buffet usually took more effort than should be expected). Finding a lounge by the pool wasn't a big issue, it was just that the only time we ever felt like we weren't part of a crowd was when we were in our room.


-as previously mention, my GF suffered from seasickness. The night we left Cozumel was pretty rough and even I felt a little queasy. She had been taking Ginger pills, but the effect they had was minimal. Our room steward, surprisingly, was also affected by the rough seas. He was very pale and sullen.


Ports & Excursions


-we did all excursions thru Princess. For our first cruise I didn't want to bother going with private excursions and the potential hassle involved.


-Grand Cayman was nice. We took the scenic drive and the turtle farm. The scenic drive wasn't anything special, and Hell was a definite let-down. I thought it was much bigger than 100' x 50', but I suspect we only saw a tiny portion of it behind the hole-in-the-wall bar we stopped at. The turtle farm was pretty cool though.


-Roatan was beautiful. But in the future I don't plan on going anywhere outside of Mahogany Bay. We took the tour to the wildlife preserve (I can't recall the name). We walked around Mahogany Bay for a while before the tour and took the chairlift. The wildlife preserve was nice and very interesting but the drive there was depressing. I know I'm lucky in my social circumstances, and understand that some people aren't as lucky as you and I and they live in different cultures...but I really don't want to see extreme poverty, garbage riddled streets, and policemen carrying AK47s while I'm vacation.


-Cozumel is a nice tourist trap. We took the tour to the small Mayan Ruins right on the island (San Gervais?). It rained most of the time, but our guide (Barbara) was still the best damn tour guide I've ever had. The beach break was cancelled so we had a choice: lunch at a nice Mexican restaurant or a tour of the tequila factory. We were starving so we stopped at a place called Tiki Tok and had a fantastic lunch. It was overcast, a little cold, and rained off and on for most of the day, so that put a damper on Cozumel. I would go back in a heartbeat though.


-Princess Cays was nice. It only got up to 68 that day and was very breezy. We rented one of the bungalows and were mildly disappointed in it. They sit right on the sidewalk and it's like Grand Central Station right there. And the number of people who walk right up, poking around, was surprising. I know if I wasn't there people would have walked right in. Princess offered us a complimentary lunch to be brought to us, so we accepted. All the food was cold by the time it reached us. We went back to the ship about 2pm because it just didn't feel like a nice day at the beach.


other stuff/summary


-EZ Check isn't available to Air Canada passengers flying out of FLL, contrary to what I was told via phone AND email. No big deal, we'll just book a post-cruise excursion in Fort Lauderdale. The first choice, the airboat ride, was cancelled due to lack of interest. The 2nd choice, Ft. Lauderdale by Land & Sea was also cancelled due to lack of interest. So we just walked off and took a cab to the airport.


-We lucked out and got Silver 7 for a 10.15AM disembarkation time.


-We were at the airport by 11.30am for our 2.30pm flight. Snow in Toronto delayed the plane we needed to be on, so we never took-off until 5.30pm. Yes, yesterday was a looooong day.


Well, that's it for now. I know I have tons of other things to say. I'll add more later.

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Enjoyed your review (even if I am a face scruncher when I forget and come out on the wrong side of the ship).;)


So sorry for the loss of your ex-FIL. As someone that was very upset when I lost an ex-BIL, most people just don't understand there can still be good relationships with "ex's" and don't have a lot of sympathy. Sounds like you made the very best of the cruise that you could under the circumstances.


Thanks for taking the time to review!

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Thank you for a thoughtful, sad and funny review. I am sorry for your loss.

I have a request of subsequent posters-please, please do not put the OP's whole story in your response!

May I suggest if you take your GF cruising again, you have her try Bonine. My wife gets car sick, air sick, and seasick. After introducing her to Bonine, she was even able to fly with me in a light aircraft.

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Thanks for your review.


Could you tell me which of the bungalows you were at on Princess Cay, the adult only ones or the family ones? I ask as I just booked one and I don’t want to be by a busy sidewalk with people “checking in” on my privacy.

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Very good review, looking forward to more. I have one question concerning smoking in the casino. Do they have a non-smoking area? They did on the Coral when we sailed her in Oct. In fact that was the most smoke free casino I have ever been in on a ship.

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Here are a few more random thoughts I filed away in my brain as I was cruising...


-sailaway is the most boring thing ever.


-The Newlywed and Not-so Newlywed Game was comical, but the elderly couple picked to go on stage really put a damper on the fun. I'm sure they're lovely people and a joy to be around, but they were so reserved that it kind of sucked some of fun right out of the game. I don't think they really understood the point of the game, to be perfectly honest. The actual newlyweds were interesting and fun, even though the groom gave one or two pre-made responses designed only to get a cheap laugh from an old joke. The two middle couples were great. Both were married 20-something years and a lot of fun. If all 4 couples were like them then it would have been a complete howl.


-the Princess Theatre is a beautiful place to be. We seen Motor City and really enjoyed it. Although some of the songs in the production had nothing to do with Motown.


-I'm not a girly-man, and by no means do I have the thick flowing hair of my youth, but the shampoo/conditioner that Princess provides can only be used for a few consecutive days before it builds up and your head will feel like you have bacon drippings in it. Maybe it's the lack of water pressure (it's like 1 PSI in the shower in our suite...seriously) that causes it...I don't know. Luckily in Cozumel we found a drugstore on that main tourist trap area that sold Pantene 2-in-1 and it was problem solved. They also had some bandaids (see below) but I didn't by any ointment for my blisters because I don't read Spanish and didn't want to risk putting hemorroid cream on them.


-TIP: never take a new pair of sandals on a cruise. I don't mean those cheap drugstore flip-flops, I'm talking about nice leather walking sandals. Break them in first. UGH. I made this mistake and had wicked blisters after the first day at Grand Cayman.


-TIP: don't count on the clothing sizes to be consistent from store to store and especially from island to island. An XL t-shirt from Roatan fits me more like a wet suit, but an XL t-shirt from Cozumel makes me look like I'm wearing a tablecloth.


-TIP: if you're gathering stamps at the beginning of the cruise and you need to go to the Lotus Spa...DON'T. Just go to the exercise room and get your Lotus Spa stamp there. Just tell the guy/gal with the stamp that you took the tour but fell behind your group and want your stamp now. Otherwise, if you go to the Lotus Spa entrance to get your stamp they'll put you in groups and take you on a long (and boring) tour which ends at the exercise room.


There's more to write. I just need to gather more of my thoughts.


Thanks for your review.


Could you tell me which of the bungalows you were at on Princess Cay, the adult only ones or the family ones? I ask as I just booked one and I don’t want to be by a busy sidewalk with people “checking in” on my privacy.


We just got the regular bungalow, not the sanctuary. Our was Oleander (or, as I like to call it: light blue). They're all right, but if I had known it was right on main street I would have reconsidered. It was a constant flow of foot traffic. Keep in mind everybody is nice and friendly so it's not all bad. It just felt like we were on display.

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very witty review...some comments you made had me laughing. As for the face "s****chers"......I just simply ask them if I am invading Their SPACE or are they invading MY SPACE while I smoke in a designated area ! They usually just huff and puff and walk away !


We will be on the Crown in less than two weeks celebrating our 25th anniversary and are very excited to reach this milestone in marriage and be fortunate enough to celebrate it on a cruise !


PS... we will be doing the UBD on the anniversary date. Who did you contact to set the date and time ? I have been getting mixed answers on this from "See the restaurant manager when you board" to "Call room service to arrange" and then of course "See guest services".....ARGH !!!


Had to edit due to my rudeness by neglecting to say I am sorry for your recent loss.....sorry :(

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-overall, smoking has nothing on perfume when it came to this cruise. Nothing. I give all due respect to the anti-smoking people, but I have to be honest here. The heavy thick scent of old-lady perfume was flowing by the gallon on this cruise. I think I grabbed a table at the buffet that was previously used by a prefume junky and it made not only my eyes water, but also my GF's and the people sitting next to us. And another time I was getting in the elevator on formal night and a couple walked out and the cloud of perfume she left in her wake was actually visable to the naked eye. After the door closed I passed out. Luckily my room steward found me and rolled me down the hall to my cabin.

I had to chuckle when I read this. I have pointed this out in several anti-smoking threads and told I must be crazy! We had a balcony on one cruise that if I spent to much time out there prior to dinner you would have sworn I had an affair with the woman on the balcony next to us.


Sorry to hear about your lose but glad you still where able to enjoy your cruise. Thanks for a review that was actually a pleasure to read. Happy cruising!

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QUOTE:They also had some band-aids (see below) but I didn't by any ointment for my blisters because I don't read Spanish and didn't want to risk putting hemorrhoid cream on them.


That reminds me of a time in Brazil where I needed some Imodium. The pharmacist spoke no English and my command of Portuguese was just as bad. Fortunately I remembered the generic name and wrote it down for him.

When I got back and told my wife what happened, she laughed and said, "Thank goodness you did not have to use charades to describe what you needed!"


P.S. Your write ups are giving Sailor Jack a run for the money!

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Great review! And boy o boy could I relate to the heavy perfume scenarios - I don't even smoke but would rather walk by a smoker than a woman with heavy perfume (or a man with a ton of cheap cologne on) .....gives me a headache that knocks me off my feet. And why don't people scrunge up their faces and huff and puff at women who clearly are overloaded with perfume :confused:

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With concerns to the "Elite "woman- Ive often wondered if this is a problem.

I agree that long time loyalty etc should be rewarded with additional perks but I do not agree with Elite etc passengers getting prioratised with things like dining/lines etc. It will alienate people and certainly wont set the momentum for a new generation of Elite as no one will be coming back.

My first cruise with Princess is coming up and if anyone tries what you experienced with us, they will get an Elite shove up the back side :D

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PS... we will be doing the UBD on the anniversary date. Who did you contact to set the date and time ? I have been getting mixed answers on this from "See the restaurant manager when you board" to "Call room service to arrange" and then of course "See guest services".....ARGH !!!


Had to edit due to my rudeness by neglecting to say I am sorry for your recent loss.....sorry :(

I just phoned room service the Saturday afternoon we boarded. They want 24 hours notice and I was booking for the Monday.


As far as I could tell you get a choice of Lobster, Filet Mignon, or both (surf n turf). I'm not a seafood lover and didn't want to waste a lobster so I told them to send 1 surf'n'turf and 1 Filet Mignon and I would pick at my GFs lobster if I had the urge to try it.


That being said, just so you know, you don't get half a lobster portion and half a filet mignon if you order the surf'n'turf. You get full portions of both. So they should just say you get one or the other or both.


Wondering what beach break you had reserved (we are going to Nachi Cocom) and why was it cancelled?

Playa Mia? Something like that. It was only supposed to be for an hour and a half after we visited the Mayan site. The beach portion was cancelled because it was raining. And cold. And cloudy. Nobody on the bus wanted to go to the beach and we all voted on just going for lunch.


Then the guide (Barbara) made a call and said they could drop off those who wanted lunch and take the rest to the tequila factory. Then they'd come back and pick us up and take us all back to the pier area. And that's what they did.


Some more random thoughts and tips, mostly about the buffet:


-the buffet was so-so in my opinion. Not bad, but not great either. I'm a carnivore so 90% of the buffet area didn't interest me whatsoever.


-I must say some of the different cheesecakes they offer are wonderful. One was Reese Peanut Butter Cup flavour and I had to put on my football helmet, set up in a 3 point stance, and go all running back on a team of women so I could nab the last piece. They put up a helluva fight, but I prevailed and won the prize of another plate of extreme deliciousness.


-one thing at the buffet was beef something-something. Like stewing beef in some dark gravy. I can't remember the name exactly, but I call 'em as I see 'em and taste 'em...so I'll just call it Dog Food.


-they had a hogs head one night at the buffet. It took me a few seconds to figure out what the hell that thing was on the cutting board. Then the guy flipped it around and next thing I know this huge pig head is smiling at me. He was delicious.


-it's funny how every crewmember that I talked to from the Phillipines has a kid at home who is 7 years old.


-regarding the charcoal briquettes, a.k.a. hamburgers, I mentioned earlier. This was at the place beside the one pool. They never asked how I wanted it done. Everybody just said "gimme a burger now!" and the guy would grab a bun, throw a pre-made wad of lettuce and tomato on it, put it on a plate, give a scoop of fries, and throw it in your face. One night I wanted to test the 24 hour room service, so about 11:30pm I ordered a cheeseburger. This time I was asked how I wanted it done, and it was 2 or 3 times the size as the briquettes given out by the pool. I received an awesome hamburger. So awesome that it came back to give me heartburn at 4am.


-if anybody in the future has Dolphin 736 on the Crown, look at the big book in the dresser drawer. Go to the Room Service menu page. See that old hunk of lettuce stuck the page? That wasn't mine. It was there when I got there. I'm going to book this room in a few years and see if it's still there, so leave it alone.


-we found the small mini-fridge to be more than adequate for chilling cans of Coke/Sprite/whatever. I don't know why people say they have them turned down really low and don't chill anything. The one in our room worked just like our fridge at home.


-I don't know how many times we were told "do not put on your lifejacket until instructed to do so." We were told this at least 12 times before the Muster Drill. When drill time arrives, sure enough, there's a handful of people walking into Club Fusion with their life jacket on. I seen one guy put the whistle to his mouth but a crewmember gave him the evil eye before he could blow it.


-I fail to see why some people are obsessed with the cruise director. Maybe other people do, but I don't need anybody to tell me how to have a good time. Ron Goodman was a nice fella and everything, so I'm not complaining about him. I met him in the elevator once and he helped me get my bearings back.


-Speaking of bearings. I constantly suffered from confusion when getting off the elevator, even on the last day of the cruise. I know the carpet colour is different for port and starboard, but there's always that moment of confusion where I must have looked like Chubby Checker doing the Twist in the foyer. Some people were laughing at me...but that's okay. I would laugh at me too.


-Do people really buy art on a cruise ship?


More later.


EDIT. Sorry missed this VVVV


What is this "stamp" thing you are talking about???


There was a card in the cabin. It was a game to encourage people to look around and become familiar with the ship. You just had to go to different bars/stores/whatever and they would stamp the card. Once the card was full you take it to the sailaway party and they would draw some cards to win prizes. We didn't win a thing.

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Travelntreats, to set up the UBD, you have to call room service and they will set it up for you. We had this booked for our anniversary, but it was extremely windy and raining off and on, so we cancelled it.


Thanks... I will pray for a great romantic evening.....who knows, there may be fireworks occurring afterwards if all goes as planned !!!

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