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Rant and feedback needed.

Cruisin Christi

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Hey cruisenub love the blog!





Thanks Wiz, it is a work in progress.


And I wanted to clarify that I occasionally text my sister in law about the cruise, I don't hound her daily or anything. She lives in IL and we live in TX so I don't see her often. My husband, well he hears something daily, but I know he will have a good time regardless. He just doesn't get excited about things until about a month before hand.


I really just wanted to inform my sister in law about tips and things they should know to help them pack and be prepared. I am sure she will be more receptive closer to the cruise. And in the mean time I know I have others who share my enthusiasm here.


Thank you all!

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So there are others like me! We are 61 days away from our cruise and this will be our 14th. Am I excited? You betcha! Now my wife, that is a different matter. She likes cruises but if I did not book one, we would not cruise.


I set up several banners on the Guest Bedroom door listing what we need to take. One banner shows all the decks and rooms. I even have a time schedule posted so we get to the port on time. On my I-Touch, I have a picture of the ship and when I select it, it sounds a ship's horn and tell the amount of time before the cruise (Days, hours, minutes and seconds). I visit Cruise Critic several times a day to get the latest and I advise my wife of the important issues. I have set up a Cruise Book with all kinds of data regarding the cruise (Excursions, decks, budget, Fun Times, island descriptions, Fun Pass, Travel Insurance and much more). I have booked several excurions all ready. Today I went through some of my clothes in case I needed to buy some thing. Now I am in the process of checking out the camera and other things we will bring. So you can see, I take this seriously.


Now my wife on the other hand will begin the cruise process about 3 or 4 days before the cruise. Packing is reserved for the day before. Yikes, it drives me crazy! On the other hand, we have never been late or missed a cruise so I guess either process works.


Rich, you're my soul mate!!


My packing pile (32 days out) is growing, but my list isn't shrinking. The children's bonine, for example, got eaten by a labrador.. need to repurchase

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How do I get my DH, BIL and SIL as excited as I am???


DH makes fun of me, says it is till over 200 days away and I am a nut...and SIL just acts like it is no big deal, this is her first cruise and she has no idea what it is gonna be like. She thought the cabin would be exactly like a hotel room, when I told her there were no coffee makers in the cabin I thought I she was going to cry! I have tried to get her to do some research, or at least listen to my tips, but she just doesn't seem as excited as I am.


I told her there was an elegant night and was trying to explain dress codes and such and she simply said, "I am not wearing a formal" and changed the subject without letting me explain anything to her!


I guess I will just go and be super prepared and let them all look like nutjobs.


What upsets me the most is I will tell them all what they need to know now and they will have not listened and when we are 2 weeks out they will want to know if they need a birth certif and end up not having one:eek:


Listen now! Be excited with me! Lets learn together!


I get the samething from my family..... To me I love the

anticipation building up to the actual cruise date. I research everything from watching You tube videos of the ship to webcams of the ports. I don't understand people that do not get as excited as I do...... Then when I get on the ship there are very little unwanted suprises. I with you. I do have to say if they are not excited now they most likely will not get excited.

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Hahaha...I am in the same boat (pun intended). We have a group of 10 and I am the sort of group leader. What I did was make up a page for our group on Triporama.com. I post reminders, updates, tips, etc. from time to time. That way they can look at it when they get a chance. I think only 2 people really look at it, but that is their choice. Later no one can say "You didn't tell us ____" and I can have proof that I did.

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I get the samething from my family..... To me I love the

anticipation building up to the actual cruise date. I research everything from watching You tube videos of the ship to webcams of the ports. I don't understand people that do not get as excited as I do...... Then when I get on the ship there are very little unwanted suprises. I with you. I do have to say if they are not excited now they most likely will not get excited.


My husband gets excited about vacations (like just small out of town ones) about a month before we go. I obsess constantly over any vacation. I will keep you posted closer to let y'all know if he gets excited. Now, my dad, he is just like me about excitement. In fact, he just told me he is a closet CC reader! They are going in April and he probably had everything ready as soon as they disembarked from their previous cruise in September :D

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Hahaha...I am in the same boat (pun intended). We have a group of 10 and I am the sort of group leader. What I did was make up a page for our group on Triporama.com. I post reminders, updates, tips, etc. from time to time. That way they can look at it when they get a chance. I think only 2 people really look at it, but that is their choice. Later no one can say "You didn't tell us ____" and I can have proof that I did.


That is an awesome idea! I can just give her one website to go to instead of texting her all the ones she needs to see. All in one spot. I love it!!!!

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I feel your pain, but you have come to the right place. You can come on here and chat about cruises to your hearts content.


Too bad we are not going on the same cruise. Not to worry about your roll call, it should pick up. I am beyond annoying on mine. I posted almost daily even when no one else was. Someone finally started posting, then another and so on. My cruises are in Nov and Jan 2012.


I cruise with friends and sometimes people invite themselves. They are always the ones that want an action packed, fun filled vacation, but do not want to do any of the work, then they are the first to complain. Don't let your in-laws spoil your trip. You do not have to spend 24/7 with them. You are not their entertainment organizer.


I over obsess about my plans and excursions, and everyone that cruises with me knows that. I e-mail them detailed instructions on what I booked and the costs, and yet they still e-mail me and say now how much is that??? After the last cruise, when two of the women complained about everything, and I mean everything, I decided I will book for myself, and they can stay on the ship. :mad: I am not even going to offer my opinion.


I have two faithful friends that never complain and always thank me for my work and planning. I will be happy to tell them what I have found. :D


Just keep on being happy. I have faith that you will LOVE cruising. If no one else does, cruise w/o them.


As far as taking the kids, the cheapest time is during the school year.


Just come on here and share your excitement with us.



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I feel your pain, but you have come to the right place. You can come on here and chat about cruises to your hearts content.


Too bad we are not going on the same cruise. Not to worry about your roll call, it should pick up. I am beyond annoying on mine. I posted almost daily even when no one else was. Someone finally started posting, then another and so on. My cruises are in Nov and Jan 2012.


I cruise with friends and sometimes people invite themselves. They are always the ones that want an action packed, fun filled vacation, but do not want to do any of the work, then they are the first to complain. Don't let your in-laws spoil your trip. You do not have to spend 24/7 with them. You are not their entertainment organizer.


I over obsess about my plans and excursions, and everyone that cruises with me knows that. I e-mail them detailed instructions on what I booked and the costs, and yet they still e-mail me and say now how much is that??? After the last cruise, when two of the women complained about everything, and I mean everything, I decided I will book for myself, and they can stay on the ship. :mad: I am not even going to offer my opinion.


I have two faithful friends that never complain and always thank me for my work and planning. I will be happy to tell them what I have found. :D


Just keep on being happy. I have faith that you will LOVE cruising. If no one else does, cruise w/o them.


As far as taking the kids, the cheapest time is during the school year.


Just come on here and share your excitement with us.




I think I love you! You have got a great attitude and I wish we were sailing together too.


I have got plenty of time to plan, I just get so obsessed! I have one port planned and I am working on the other. I am going to give her the info and if they want to join they can and if not they can do their own thing.


I have talked to my parents(this morning in fact) about a family cruise with the kids and my dad sounds super excited. At least if we get that all set up he will be on my side and we can plan that cruise together :) We will be going in the school year, sometime in Sept or Oct of 2012. So we should get good rates.

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Just yesterday my wife was moving some boxes around in our unfinished basement. Later that day she commented, "Hey I saw a box that said cruise stuff on it". Ok we leave in less than 30 days. I asked her where she put it and did she set it aside? Nope not sure where it is somewhere over there with all those other boxes. You're kidding right? So I had to plow through all of the other boxes to find it. Yes it was in the last place I looked! It always is. It is now upstairs in the spare bedroom.


Could you please get a little excited before we get on the ship!



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Just yesterday my wife was moving some boxes around in our unfinished basement. Later that day she commented, "Hey I saw a box that said cruise stuff on it". Ok we leave in less than 30 days. I asked her where she put it and did she set it aside? Nope not sure where it is somewhere over there with all those other boxes. You're kidding right? So I had to plow through all of the other boxes to find it. Yes it was in the last place I looked! It always is. It is now upstairs in the spare bedroom.


Could you please get a little excited before we get on the ship!




I guess some people are just that way. My dad stays focused on the cruise but my mom just goes, doesn't get excited. She likes to cruise to relax so I think that is all that she gets excited for. Like she has the same excitability level if she gets to spend the day in bed watching TV.


I am glad to know that the over excessive feelings I have are not necessarily due to the fact that this is my first cruise.

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The funny thing is that she complains to me about wasting time on the computer with CC. Yet when we are cruising and she enjoys all the fruits of my labors ie fun excursions done on the cheap. Sorry she can't have it both ways! Oh well. When we are on the ship she will ask me Oh where will we be tomorrow and what do you have planned? I tell her and I'm thinking don't you remember me talking about that weeks ago! Okay I admit I do spend too much time on CC, but I enjoy it.



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The funny thing is that she complains to me about wasting time on the computer with CC. Yet when we are cruising and she enjoys all the fruits of my labors ie fun excursions done on the cheap. Sorry she can't have it both ways! Oh well. When we are on the ship she will ask me Oh where will we be tomorrow and what do you have planned? I tell her and I'm thinking don't you remember me talking about that weeks ago! Okay I admit I do spend too much time on CC, but I enjoy it.




OH Wiz, I am here too much as well, but I am with you. I am learning so much everyone in my party should be kissing my feet when it is all said and done.


I got my husband excited for about an hour last night. I found and printed the MDR menu for our cruise. He drooled and oohhed and ahhhed. He was picking out what all he wanted to get, it was great. Short lived, but great.

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When I did my PowerPoint, the thing that excited everyone the most was the menus that I included. Of course then they complained that I didn't include any food porn, but maybe next cruise I'll have to do that.


The funny thing is, I have this PVP that somehow picked my name out of a hat. He keeps calling me, asking if I need any information. He finally stopped calling and is now emailing. I'm so tempted to email him my PowerPoint and ask him if he has anything to add, and if not to stop bugging me.

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I guess I will just go and be super prepared and let them all look like nutjobs.


What upsets me the most is I will tell them all what they need to know now and they will have not listened and when we are 2 weeks out they will want to know if they need a birth certif and end up not having one:eek:


Listen now! Be excited with me! Lets learn together!


You have plenty of time to get passports!

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Nearly a year out it is hardly unreasonable not to be too excited. And in fact, nobody is going to look like a nutjob if they get on the ship knowing absolutely nothing about cruising. I enjoy the planning but my family is just as happy not to think about it until it is packing time. And yes because of my planning things go better and a bit cheaper but really- things go fine if you do nothing too. Yes you might spend a bit more, yes you might get the second best excursion but I recognize that my obsessing is my problem- not theirs. And I try to remind myself to carry on with the rest of life and not live a year for that one week.

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Nearly a year out it is hardly unreasonable not to be too excited. And in fact, nobody is going to look like a nutjob if they get on the ship knowing absolutely nothing about cruising. I enjoy the planning but my family is just as happy not to think about it until it is packing time. And yes because of my planning things go better and a bit cheaper but really- things go fine if you do nothing too. Yes you might spend a bit more, yes you might get the second best excursion but I recognize that my obsessing is my problem- not theirs. And I try to remind myself to carry on with the rest of life and not live a year for that one week.


To each their own I suppose.

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My first cruise is in my March and I am taking my daughter so my DH is definitely not too excited about my research!


I am enjoying this site so much. I've never liked to be "new" at anything so all of the information I'm finding helps me feel more prepared. Plus the planning is part of the fun!


My daughter is at school so I just talk to her occasionally or send her the occasional email with a link or a question. She is content to let me do all the work! But since it's a first, her main interest is just enjoying the ship so she is fine with me making decisions.


But I have to say that I sort of feel about your situation like others may have stated- you're not responsible for your family members having a good time. You may think there is stuff they need to know but there really isn't that much you HAVE to know or do- bring ID and docs for boarding and you're good to go! If the planning doesn't interest them, I'd let it go.


We'll be excited with you!

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My first cruise is in my March and I am taking my daughter so my DH is definitely not too excited about my research!


I am enjoying this site so much. I've never liked to be "new" at anything so all of the information I'm finding helps me feel more prepared. Plus the planning is part of the fun!


My daughter is at school so I just talk to her occasionally or send her the occasional email with a link or a question. She is content to let me do all the work! But since it's a first, her main interest is just enjoying the ship so she is fine with me making decisions.


But I have to say that I sort of feel about your situation like others may have stated- you're not responsible for your family members having a good time. You may think there is stuff they need to know but there really isn't that much you HAVE to know or do- bring ID and docs for boarding and you're good to go! If the planning doesn't interest them, I'd let it go.


We'll be excited with you!


I understand I am not responsible for their good time...but at the same time I don't understand why someone would not even research a trip they booked? SIL obviously trusts me to plan, so why will she not listen when I try to let her know what is going on. Last night we spoke on the phone because I am moving mine and DH's cabin to the Empress deck and so I wanted to know if she wanted to do the same or stay on the Riviera. In the process she asked me if she was gonna have to spend a fortune to EAT! She hasn't even gone to the Carnival website! They are spending as much $ as we are and my husband has even casually looked at Carnival's website...just sayin'. She invited herself..btw.

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It drives me crazy too when people won't research anything for a trip. The problem is when you get mid way through the trip and people look at you and say "well you didn't tell us about that". Well, yeah, because I didn't want to be an obnoxious know-it-all and you weren't interested in hearing about it!!


But then again, I have to remind myself that I am a bit OCD and that not everyone is. I try to live and let live. My husband told me the other night that one of the things that he appreciates about me is that I don't try to push my OCD off on other people. That I prepare information, give it to him for him to review on his own time (or not) and then stand back and watch him make his own mistakes.


It's kind of like raising kids. You want to give them the guideance that they need, answer any questions that they have, and then let them make a few learning mistakes of their own. You just want to steer them away from the really big mistakes (no identification to get on the ship is a good example of a "big one") and then let it go.

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