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Can't go back to CCL


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I have many cruises on both CCL and RCL. RCL has nicer ships and better/longer itineraries. I disagree that they have better food, IMO they do not.

CCL is the better 'cruise.'

But if the OP is permanently going with RCL because of Oasis, he has restricted himself to one line and only 2 ships since RCL is not planing any more Oasis/Allure ships.


With EACH cruise, we pick the line that best meets our desired cruise. And that might not be either RCL or Carnival.

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Oh, I completely understand that and that IS the purpose of this board. But - I don't see the purpose of saying that they just assume pay more money to go on RCI because it is much better than Carnival.... What kind of information and feedback would the poster like?


The board is also for an exchange of information and ideas. There is nothing wrong with comparing experiences on lines. The best information I get on lines are from people who have actually cruised on multiple cruise lines. As someone who is strongly considering the Allure (kids really want to go on that ship), I enjoyed OP's enthusiasm.


There is a current thread on the Princess boards about the "carnivalization of princess" and people there were saying that Princess was a couple of steps up from Carnival. Of course, many of them have never set foot on a Carnival ship. How stupid do posts like that look? But it's the same here with RCI comparisons.

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I think my point is being missed. And actually I really like RCI. But....it didn't sound like the OP was comparing as to just stating 'fact' and walked away. Lots of people make comparisons and lots of folks have had some bad experiences and posters don't get on them for that....generally it results in a discussion. But look at what most people have said and how they have reacted.... Maybe the OP didn't mean to sound like the way it sounds to me....but then the OP can also come back and state that to clear up any misunderstanding that most people seem to have had.

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I'm the opposite. I just did the Freedom of the Seas with my kids in November and found that the food was better on Carnival and so were many other things. Yes they have the big promenade area but it was soooo inconvenient to grab a slice of pizza or a snack on a sea day. There were lots of little things that I didn't like, such as the soft ice cream machine in the MIDDLE of the walkway so it causes a pile up. weird. Also for such a huge ship the buffet area is all the same and the "grill" was way inside at the back of the buffet, so inconvenient to the pool area. They also have the same food at each station. On Carnival you can get up to 3 or 4 areas of different food plus the deli, pizzeria, grill, chinese and others. Way more variety on Carnival.


There was nowhere to get water or juice except again way back in the buffet area. They did have the soda fountain out by the pool but no drink stations. Carnival there is drink stations set up everywhere. I just found for being around the pool, Carnival is so much more relaxed with everything right there, food and drinks. RCCL, you felt weird going all the way back in your bathing suit to get a burger or whatever. The grill should be outside accesible to the pool area easily.


Anyway, I like to try all the lines, going on Holland America in 3 weeks for the first time, but I still say so far, for the value, variety and quality of food and accomdations, Carnival is the way to go.


But I never say never, I travel for variety, ports and so on, so sometimes, the ship or line doesn't matter. But if it's possible to do the ports I want in the time frame I want on a newer Carnival ship, I'll pick that first over all the other lines.

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There is a current thread on the Princess boards about the "carnivalization of princess" and people there were saying that Princess was a couple of steps up from Carnival. Of course, many of them have never set foot on a Carnival ship. How stupid do posts like that look? But it's the same here with RCI comparisons.


Much the same on the HAL board, with the new large structure on HMC, how the (perceived) ugly loud monstrosity that will destroy the quiet beauty of the island was built for the Carnival crowd. You know, those raucous loud hillbilly drunkards.....

There may be a grain of truth behind each one of the cliche's about the cruise lines, but really - the service I experienced on the short HAL cruise was no better than what I've experienced on carnival, and with the first cabin steward it was far substandard. Our 1st cabin was dirty, stank, in fact the entire aft section on that deck smelled like sewage. The HAL cruise was a short 4 day one, I've heard these cruises are not representative of the typical cruise. In any case I think the plain truth is all the different mass market lines have far more in common than many would care to admit.

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But if the OP is permanently going with RCL because of Oasis, he has restricted himself to one line and only 2 ships since RCL is not planing any more Oasis/Allure ships.



Also, the Oasis is limited in which ports it can use. How many ports does it visit? How many times do you want to cruise to Nassau?

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There is a current thread on the Princess boards about the "carnivalization of princess" and people there were saying that Princess was a couple of steps up from Carnival. Of course, many of them have never set foot on a Carnival ship. How stupid do posts like that look? But it's the same here with RCI comparisons.


It is.....and I have.


Also, the Oasis is limited in which ports it can use. How many ports does it visit? How many times do you want to cruise to Nassau?


Could be they are cruise for the ship type of people......there are alot of them on this board......

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Also, the Oasis is limited in which ports it can use. How many ports does it visit? How many times do you want to cruise to Nassau?

But, you seem to forget that the ship is the destination ... or so the ccl cheerleaders would make you believe since they cruise for the ship, not the destinations:rolleyes:

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Also, the Oasis is limited in which ports it can use. How many ports does it visit? How many times do you want to cruise to Nassau?


I don't cruise to Nassau on any ship from any line. If I'm doing an Atlantic cruise its to Bermuda or a transatlantic.

RCL is an OK line and Oasis/Allure are OK ships. If they were going on an itinerary that we wanted, when we wanted it, at the price we were willing to pay, we would take either of those ships. We would take any RCL ship back to the Voyager OTS. Back beyond that, no interest in RCL ships. Cabins TOOOO small. But that where when and how much criteria applies to all lines. NCL, PCL, HAL, X, MSC, etc.etc. [bet you haven't sailed on etc. yet!] Whomever meets our requirements gets the booking. If it were all even, we'd take Carnival. But we've taken about all the Carnival Caribbean itineraries we care to take. And I doubt that we will ever cruise with the ship as a destination. For us, its is the cruise, not the ship.

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Right, I can definitely see the ship being the destination. I'd love to sail on the Oasis just to see first hand what I've read so much about.


Still, even though I just love being on a cruise ship, love sea days, I can't see only sailing one ship & seeing the same ports over and over. Or not seeing them & just staying on board. Far too many itineraries I haven't been able to cruise & ports I haven't seen yet.

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I find it really strange that there is such fierce "brand loyalty" within the cruise community.


People really take this stuff personally, and it is amazing to me.


I mean, if someone said they decided they only like Burger King vs Mcdonalds...id shrug and say, OK...but if someone says they prefer RCL over CCL, people want to burn them at the stake.


Have the conversation of Pepsi over Coke with my brother.. thats brand loyalty:D

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There are cruise lines for every type of passenger. We love RCL. The shows are a lot better. We find the food to be about the same. For most of our cruises, RCL is considerably less expensive. We also enjoy Carnival, and for a few cruises, especiallly during the summer, Carnival is less expensive. Though the service and shows are not as good, the price is right, and we always have a great time on Carnival.


I don't think you should be locked into one cruise line. Whatever cruise line you chose, you'll probably have a much better time than staying at home. I've never had a bad cruise on any line.

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Cabins TOOOO small.


You'll be back, when price is important, then you'll see the light when you can have more money for those tasty frozen drinks each night....


These are 2 things I seem to read on the Carnival boards all the time. That is false info, and is simple not true.


In my personal experience....My first 2 cruises were a B2B Carnival Imagination and RCI Majesty of the Seas. The 4 night MOS cruise was cheaper than the 3 night Imagination, both in standard oceanview rooms. As far as room sizes, that was the one and only time I experienced a larger room on CCL.


Since then, I've taken 1 CCL cruise and 3 RCI cruises. My standard balcony rooms were larger on all 3 RCI cruises than on my CCL cruise. As far as price, my Mariner of the Seas cruise was cheaper than my Splendor cruise,and my other 2 RCI cruises were only slightly more expensive.


RCI always being more expensive and their rooms always being smaller is a myth and someone who claims to have cruised so many times on both should know that.

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YOU can thank our veterans and soldiers for keeping our country free so that YOU have a CHOICE to cruise with any line you CHOOSE.


YOUR freedom did not come cheap nor will it continue to exist without the dedicated men and women of our military.


What would you do if someone else dictated when, where and how you would spend your time off??


Something to think about.


Appreciate the tip of the hat. To those who are offended by G'Ma, you get used to her ramblings after awhile. 95% of her posts are made without any research whatsoever and I'm convinced that she's one of those folks who wakes up every morning on the wrong side of the bed. If you don't believe me, just read her quips on the consumption of alcohol onboard. Live long and prosper.


A Vietnam veteran

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To those who are offended by G'Ma, you get used to her ramblings after awhile. 95% of her posts are made without any research whatsoever and I'm convinced that she's one of those folks who wakes up every morning on the wrong side of the bed. If you don't believe me, just read her quips on the consumption of alcohol onboard.


On another board, she's known as Giving' Misinformation Again.

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As I get older and living on a budget,I will be crusing where I get the best bargin. Right now I have no debt, own the house, the cars, no kids, inherited money. We are also very furgal, we don"t eat out, we hijack wifi, and have the most basic cell phones. My car is so old it has a cassette deck and I still own a turntable. I also didn't say, but RCCL upgraded us to a loft suite, a 2 deck cabin with alot of perks including beer and wine with lunch and 3 hours open bar in the evening. This had alot to do with the enjoyment of the cruise.

Folks, I never said I didn't like CCL. I never said I was better then other people, good grief I am just a commen person with commen tastes and life style. I guess I had a chance to sample something good and I liked it. I don't know why I posted, I guess I was still caught up in the afterglow of the cruise. The reason I don't keep posting is right now I only have a computer at work and can only get online once or twice a day. Have a nice day.

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Folks, I never said I didn't like CCL. I never said I was better then other people, good grief I am just a commen person with commen tastes and life style. I guess I had a chance to sample something good and I liked it. I don't know why I posted, I guess I was still caught up in the afterglow of the cruise. The reason I don't keep posting is right now I only have a computer at work and can only get online once or twice a day. Have a nice day.


Sorry you had to endure some of the responses on this thread. Anything that even hints at favoritism towards RCI always brings out the same cache of CCL loyalists who make you out to be the bad guy. Their brand loyalty trumps their love of cruising. :rolleyes:


I know exactly what you mean about the afterglow of your Oasis cruise. I felt the same thing. Enjoy your future cruises! :)

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My post is in response to the people who say that they have no desire to use some of the features on a ship and therefore don't want to pay more for a cruise because a ship has these extras. I choose not to climb the wall, surf the flow rider, ride the horses on the carosel, or take the zip line across central park. However, I feel that half the fun of being out and about is people watching. On sea days, when you've done all you want to do it's fun just to watch others enjoying what they have chosen to do. Do you people that don't take advantage of the opportunities to enjoy watching others not go to movies either, or watch television? After all, you're not an active participant in these cases either. I have sailed more than 1 cruise line, and I do have my favorite, but that doesn't mean my favorite needs to be yours too! Do all of you Carnival cheerleaders use the water slide, because, after all, you're payoing for it!

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Lord have mercy! You mean she stalks other boards as well??


Yep, I haven't read anything pleasant she's (G'ma) posted yet.


To the OP, you don't need to apologize. Ignore the bashing. You were caught up in cruise afterglow and we've all been there.


I've been on a few different lines and like them for different reasons. I can't really compare them all, since it's comparing apples to oranges. I can, however, compare the Sensation and Ecstasy to Monarch. Monarch loses in terms of cabin space, service and food. But I might have gotten them on a bad few days and since I have teenagers, I'm certainly willing to try a higher grade RCCL ship when and if the opportunity presents itself.


Snarkiness has no place on a vacation board. There are some people in this thread that really need to mind their manners.

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These are 2 things I seem to read on the Carnival boards all the time. That is false info, and is simple not true.


In my personal experience....My first 2 cruises were a B2B Carnival Imagination and RCI Majesty of the Seas. The 4 night MOS cruise was cheaper than the 3 night Imagination, both in standard oceanview rooms. As far as room sizes, that was the one and only time I experienced a larger room on CCL.


Since then, I've taken 1 CCL cruise and 3 RCI cruises. My standard balcony rooms were larger on all 3 RCI cruises than on my CCL cruise. As far as price, my Mariner of the Seas cruise was cheaper than my Splendor cruise,and my other 2 RCI cruises were only slightly more expensive.


RCI always being more expensive and their rooms always being smaller is a myth and someone who claims to have cruised so many times on both should know that.


Dan40 WAS talking about the cabin sizes on the older RCCL ships being smaller........he said ships prior to the Voyager class.......like the Majesty of the Seas:D

He is well aware as us that the newer RCCL ships cabins are bigger then they use to be and their balconies are much bigger then Carnivals....

But I agree that alot of Carnival cheerleaders don't know the facts about this.......

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Dan40 WAS talking about the cabin sizes on the older RCCL ships being smaller........he said ships prior to the Voyager class.......like the Majesty of the Seas:D

He is well aware as us that the newer RCCL ships cabins are bigger then they use to be and their balconies are much bigger then Carnivals....

But I agree that alot of Carnival cheerleaders don't know the facts about this.......


My apologies. I did re-read it, and I agree with you.


But like you just said, it is a myth that seems to get spread a lot.

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