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Caribbean-Cruising Fashonista


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Whew!! I just finished putting all of our cruise photos in a scrapbook, along with typing all my notes for each day. (Is it still called typing, even though we use a computer??)

It took more than 2 days to complete - but it's finished:).

DH and I will have a special dinner early next week (using recipes from Royal Caribbean cookbooks) and review all 11 days.

And then it will be time to choose outfits for The Next Cruise. I'm also thinking ahead to June 2013 when we will once again need to fly to Florida. Anything I buy must be lightweight. I don't need any heavy fabric weighing too much!

For example, I saw a dress in TJ Maxx that could have been a good choice...but even though it was a summer style, the fabric was heavy.

I did, however, find a nifty black knit dress. Black is usually a color I reserve for Formal Night, but this dress goes well with my new black, gold and bone sandals...

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Manis and Pedis are part of the pre-cruise procedure for many of us. (My pedi STILL looks as good as the photo posted a couple pages back:)).

What About a Facial?? Is that part of your regular routine? Do you get facials occasionally?

I've had 2 and, frankly, except for the relaxing atmosphere, don't know if it did anything noticeable...

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My thoughts exactly about the facials that I had done.

Also, last cruise I had a sea weed wrap massage and I thought "what a waste of money". I did not even relax much...may have had something to do with the theme music from the Titanic playing in the background :eek:

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I have facials and do notice the difference, my skin looks younger and glowing after facials. I use Clarins products and usually have a clarins facial, which are better in Europe than here in USA as there are Clarins salons in the stores theren, The Clarins salons here are few and far beteen and none in my area.

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Not a big fan of spa facials. For the money I'd rather do my own. When we were in Dominica last month I bought some of the mud from the sulphur springs and oh my! What amazing stuff - your skin feels so soft afterwards! But I admit my homespun facials lack the ambiance of the spa ones!


I'm still enjoying my pre cruise pedicure! So glad it lasted as had to go for physiotherapy on my ankle and the toes were much admired! Not sure which OPI colour it was so told them it was Caribbean Pink! Of couse OPI would have had a much more unique label! My grandmother used to say always have on clean underwear dear in case you have to go to the hospital (a fatalist!) but I can add - always have your pedicure up to date in case you sprain your ankle and have to go for physio!


Loved the pics of your cruise wardrobe indiana. So well coordinated. Loved your accessories. I now have this urge to visit Naturalizer for some lime green sandals!


ETA: Still smiling at Cancun01'scomment about the theme from the Titanic being played as background music in the spa!

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snowbird2: I totally agree with you RE pre-cruise pedi lasting. Your comment brings up another question:

Which Beauty Treatment Is the Best Value/Makes You Feel the Most Pampered?

Cancun01: It IS ironically funny that your spa had Titanic music playing in the background:eek:

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I vote for the pedicure being the most pampered item. The same cruise as the seaweed massage, I had a pedicure and I have been going every 3 weeks here at home then since then. My toes have been covered with socks most days but I was thinking along the same lines as the "clean underwear" philosophy. Also, if tomorrow is a reasonably warm day my feet are ready for sandals!!!

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My favorite beauty routine has to be having my hair done with a good scalp massage! I hate doing my own hair - time consuming and difficult to style. But when the hair's good - I'm good! A manicure comes in a close second. Luckily I have an inexpensive but good source for both!


I'm probably one of the few people who does not enjoy pedicures! My feet are really sensitive! I make myself go because I know I'll like the end result - but not the process! Rates right up there with going to the dentist for me!:D

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Cancun01: My feet have been covered with socks, too! We had Sandal Weather before and shortly after The Last Cruise...but now are back to socks and jeans weather:eek:.

It brightens my day when my toenails peek out of the ends of my shoes:cool:!

snowbirds2: Another relaxing pampering time as you say - letting the hairdresser take charge and getting a scalp massage.

And the sensitive feet issue - when the pedicurist is scrubbing the bottom of my feet - it's all I can do to keep from kicking because IT TICKLES!!!

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The most relaxing and pampering thing to me is a good massage.

I love to get them until they get to the deep tissue massages.

I always tell the massuse not to do the deep tissue.

The one and only deep tissue massage I got it felt like they were breaking my ribcage!!!:eek:


I also like to get a pedicure and am with a lot of you--- IT TICKLES!!!!! But is so relaxing when they massage my feet and legs.

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The thermometer is going to reach 70 today. Yay! I can wear Capris to Cocktail Hour:cool:! The warmer-than-usual temps have spoiled me into thinking that western PA is not such a cold & desolate place most of the year...

Which brings me to another Question (which I will lead up to...)

Looking through the latest Talbot's catalog, I spotted a pair of Capris in the color I've been wanting - lime green. BUT - knowing that any piece of clothing on my lower body can fit or totally not work, I hesitate to order them; and the nearest Talbot's is 2 hours away.

Yes they make it easy to return (most do), but nothing beats actually trying on clothes in a dressing room surrounded by mirrors.

I can order tops and certain brands of shoes that don't disappoint. Sometimes a dress (or whatever) looks good until the package arrives and the fabric is less than desireable or the color isn't the same as the picture, etc.

So Here's the Question:

What do you regularly order online? Make-Up? Shoes? Dresses...

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So Here's the Question:


What do you regularly order online? Make-Up? Shoes? Dresses...


I'm willing to take a bit of risk with shoes and tops -- holding my breath about a pair of wedges I just ordered! Anything else I will usually only order online if it is a brand/style I've tried on before and am familiar with the sizing of. I'm also willing to take more risk for things that are really cheap and things I really fall in love with ;)

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Online shopping can be fun - so many more options - although sometimes the featured items look rather different than expected when they arrive! Especially the colours.


I'm a bit of a cautious shopper though. Shipping and return policies are usually my guide. I look for free shipping deals and prepaid no penalty returns. Also has to be a Canadian site for me even though many US stores will ship here. Just don't want to chance an added customs duty surprise!


I've shopped Old Navy, Gap, Sears, (got both my last cruise formal dresses from them), The Bay, Ecco shoes and Walking on a Cloud and Naturalizer. It helps if you already have an idea of your shoe size of course. Walking on a Cloud was the only store that didn't have prepaid shipping returns or in store returns. I've not taken chances with ebay clothing/shoes just in case they don't fit/suit. I feel more comfortable with sites that use Paypal or their own store credit card.


....Ah lime green capris! I bought some years ago and still love them! Only challenge I had was finding the right tops to go with them once their original coordinating top reached it's expiry date! Lime green isn't really my "best colour" but I love it - so I cheat and make sure the top flatters instead!

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The most relaxing and pampering thing to me is a good massage.

I love to get them until they get to the deep tissue massages.

I always tell the massuse not to do the deep tissue.

The one and only deep tissue massage I got it felt like they were breaking my ribcage!!!:eek:


I also like to get a pedicure and am with a lot of you--- IT TICKLES!!!!! But is so relaxing when they massage my feet and legs.



I am a big big man so I love the deep tissue massage but you can keep the pedicures lmao



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snowbirds2: I loved your Lime Green Capris story! Lime is not my best color either, but many of my tops have a bit of that color. Maybe Macy's will have them next week when I'm in the store.

Shipping & return policy is a guiding factor for sure.

gymbomb: Agreed - knowing your size in a particular brand makes it easier. Online sales can be very tempting!

KDilly: Welcome to CCF!! All of you who love deep tissue massages are adamant about how good they feel. Both of my DDLs share your opinion:).

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Today the weather has been PERFECT! Sunshine, light breeze, 77 degrees:cool:. I spent most of yesterday doing lawn chores so today was a girlie day:).

This was the second time I've gone back to the same hair stylist. She does a wonderful job with color (lots of compliments have come my way...makes me think "doing my own coloring was never worth the $$ saved!"). Another cut or 2 and my hair should be where I want it.

As I sat with the color working it's magic, I realized that having a luxurious shampoo and scalp massage after having a wet head is one of those indulgences to look forward to.

And after the hair and eyebrow appt, it was time to do a little shopping - I should say looking since nothing in any store called my name. Okay, it happens sometimes...

A pair of shorts were nice on the hanger, a skirt had possibilities; but in the dressing room they did nothing for me.

No big loss, though. Just being out and about on a beautiful spring day was reward enough!

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My last post was all about glorious weather. Well that's about to change to SNOW:eek: - several inches are predicted tonight!

I'm going to face this as a mature adult...by closing blinds and draperies, listening to Caribbean music and beginning the process of Choosing Outfits:cool: - 16 this time.

No trying on just yet.

My quarter sheets of paper are ready with each occasion on one sheet. I'll put an outfit together (lay it out on a bed or on a hanger) and list every item. Whatever gets done by tomorrow evening will give me a head start...and by Tuesday the temperature should begin to rise:cool:...at least to where boots and gloves aren't needed!

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Crazy weather this year! At least you know it's only going to be temporary - and what a good excuse to start the cruise wardrobe spread sheet again and think tropical!


Found my perfect pink Spring jacket during yesterday's shopping spree thinking I'd wear it today - but too cold! Then discovered we are supposed to be getting some snow tomorrow as well which would explain today's temperature drop! Well at least I'll be ready when things warm up again!


I know all too well the hanger to dressing room let downs! I console myself that I've saved money!


But having looked at my last cruise photos :rolleyes: I am also determined to be more careful and selective now the cruise buying pressure is off and purchase only things that flatter - not just fit! Not that they were all bad choices - but could have been better!


Lesson learned - don't book a cruise and need to revamp your wardrobe when all the summer merchandise has left the stores!

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You guys are so good, I try to be organized, but it never happens. I don't put any thought into my day outfits cause I'm on the beach or at the pool, but I change at least twice in the evenings. I wear scrubs for work most days, and my evening cruise clothes aren't really work appropriate anyway. But I love wearing my clothes, so I wear one outfit for dinner and the show, then change for the casino and rest of the evening just so I can wear all my clothes.


But alas, I don't plan ahead, I just take a bunch of clothes that are mix and matchable, and come up with my outfits on the spot. My fiance (who will be my husband on our next cruise) thinks I'm nuts, but oh well. The less clothes he takes, the more shoes I can put in his suitcase.

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soozles: If the clothes you take are generally in the same color family, that's a good thing:). And since you didn't mention any outfit catastrophies, it must be working for you, so keep it up!

I love the idea of dressing for dinner and then changing in to something else (probably more casual) for the remainder of the evening. I've done that only a couple times (never planned in advance), usually because it's chilly and my sleeveless dress isn't warm enough. Definitely will plan a "later in the evening" outfit or two. Thanks for your input:cool:.

snowbirds2: It is a revelation to see photos from the actual cruise - rather than just trying on an outfit and looking in the mirror. I did the same thing! A dress, shorts, whatever...that makes a good cruise outfit at home doesn't always look so flattering in the photo:eek:.

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I'm getting ready to go to work, and walked into my closet to get a sweatshirt, and happened to see my cruise clothes. Here's my question, over on the pet peeves thread, people were talking about how they hate seeing couples in different levels of formality. I dress up most nights on a cruise cause in the real world, I don't always have the time or place to dress up, so cruising is my fun time. My fiance hates wearing real clothes. On our last cruise, he wore casual pants, not jeans, and a polo most nights except formal night. I prefer dressing to the nines. Do I really need to scale back my clothing choices to more match his? I never really cared, and there is no way I can get him to dress more fancy.

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soozles: What a great question and topic of conversation: You enjoy dressing to the nines every evening but your fiance/DH/friend is content to wear Docker-type pants and a polo shirt (except for formal night)...

This is EXACTLY the same scenario for many CCFs:confused:.

IMHO: Not anything to be concerned about. My DH wears either khakis or black Dockers to dinner. Instead of the polo shirt, though, I've bought him several tropical print shirts - not that they're any more dressy - just more fitting for a cruise (again IMHO). And I wear dresses, etc. as some of the photos posted show. My real world is like yours - only rarely do I get a chance to dress up. Cruising is my outlet and you and I and other CCFs think of it as fun.

As long as his clothes are neat and clean - let him be comfortable so he will want to continue cruising:cool:. That's what I've done and my DH is as addicted to cruising as I am!


Anyone Else Have an Opinion - Let Us Hear from You, too.

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Heh, my fiance will never wear a tropical print shirt. Actually, I don't think he owns any shirts with prints on them. He's not the most adventurous when it comes to clothing choices. Actually, he very rarely buys his own clothes, I buy most of them and I tend to buy him darker colors cause he has a tendency to spill things.


Eh so we don't match in formality, but at least we both wear what we want.

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Heh, my fiance will never wear a tropical print shirt. Actually, I don't think he owns any shirts with prints on them. He's not the most adventurous when it comes to clothing choices. Actually, he very rarely buys his own clothes, I buy most of them and I tend to buy him darker colors cause he has a tendency to spill things.


Eh so we don't match in formality, but at least we both wear what we want.



Mine won't either. He will wear white, black, gray, and blue :) But he will wear a shirt/tie when I ask him to a couple of nights on each cruise.

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