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Westerdam Panama Canal April 15, 2011


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We've been looking at excrusions again trying to get a look at what we might want to book. Found a couple that look interesting and not to expensive on the HAL web site. Coffee planations, old ruins and jungle canopy ariel tours, ATV, snorkel or a hike in the jungle. Don't know if we are that comfortable with privite tours. We keep looking trying to sort out or get an idea for each port. Any way we still have lots of time to make our final decision.

Allan & Marlane :confused::D

I've done a jungle canopy ariel tour (not zipline)in Costa Rica and it was really beautiful. I highly recommend it. I saw a picture in HAL mariner Magazine called the Arenal Volcano and Thermal waters and it looked really nice so I've booked that. It's a 10 hour tour if I recall so I think I'll be toured out after that. I think I've been to most of the ports before so I'm not sure if I'll do anything else. I'm not big on independent tours, but HALs tours leave a lot to be desired IMO.

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I've done a jungle canopy ariel tour (not zipline)in Costa Rica and it was really beautiful. I highly recommend it. I saw a picture in HAL mariner Magazine called the Arenal Volcano and Thermal waters and it looked really nice so I've booked that. It's a 10 hour tour if I recall so I think I'll be toured out after that. I think I've been to most of the ports before so I'm not sure if I'll do anything else. I'm not big on independent tours, but HALs tours leave a lot to be desired IMO.





We've never been to any of these ports--can you you give a rundown on what your favorite ports/excursions available you might recommend?




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We've never been to any of these ports--can you you give a rundown on what your favorite ports/excursions available you might recommend?




I'm not big on tours because I find HALs selection pretty sucky. I've done the ariel tram and that was excellent. I also did a boat ride on the Canal in Costa Rica. That was average. I did a tour in around Huatulco to the different Bays and that was average as well. One tour that I also loved was in Puerto Vallarta. It was to Las Calletas (sp). It's beautiful there and worth the price. Just one warning....it's very hilly so if that's not your bag you might want to shy away from that. I've got to think if I've done others.

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Did you read on the CC web site about the passenger on the Ryandam who dropped the rear anchor well the ship was under way? Got himself arrested and charged. Talk about dumb things that some people do. Good thing that they're stupid and get caught.


Allan & Marlane:confused::rolleyes:

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Did you read on the CC web site about the passenger on the Ryandam who dropped the rear anchor well the ship was under way? Got himself arrested and charged. Talk about dumb things that some people do. Good thing that they're stupid and get caught.


Allan & Marlane:confused::rolleyes:


I saw that. I guess he decided to create his own excursion--and got a nice behind-the-scenes tour as well;)!



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I saw that. I guess he decided to create his own excursion--and got a nice behind-the-scenes tour as well;)!



I think some guy is posting on this site pretending to be him. He even said "hey, that guy looks like me" on one thread and no one really paid attention. See this guys profile http://boards.cruisecritic.com/member.php?u=630452. He lists his occupation as releasing anchors and his location as in the brig. Think this guy must be pulling a fast one.

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I think some guy is posting on this site pretending to be him. He even said "hey, that guy looks like me" on one thread and no one really paid attention. See this guys profile http://boards.cruisecritic.com/member.php?u=630452. He lists his occupation as releasing anchors and his location as in the brig. Think this guy must be pulling a fast one.


Has to be a goof--isn't the real guy still in jail somewhere? Kinda funny story though--I mean, I've seen the anchor but even if I was drunk,I wouldn't try to raise/lower it!! The worst I've ever done, sober, is try to climb up on the anchor on the little deck in the front of the ship!!




PS: How's the weather?

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Has to be a goof--isn't the real guy still in jail somewhere? Kinda funny story though--I mean, I've seen the anchor but even if I was drunk,I wouldn't try to raise/lower it!! The worst I've ever done, sober, is try to climb up on the anchor on the little deck in the front of the ship!!




PS: How's the weather?

Yeah...it has to be. You would think the person that is using his pic could get in a bit of trouble but I guess the real guy will never know.


The weather is so so. It's somewhat cold but not like it was. I finally drove on Tuesday so that was a big thing for me. Wow....I went and got groceries:D. I take the bus everyday to work so I really don't need to drive that much. It's a good thing because I'm a total chicken for driving on bad roads. Big day tomorrow. I'm going to exercise in the morning and get my hair colored in the afternoon. Do I live an awesome exciting life or what:D? It was the company Xmas party tonight. I didn't go. The last 2 years we've had a severe blizzard on this night. It will be a blessing for those who went to the party tonight to have somewhat "good" weather.

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Yeah...it has to be. You would think the person that is using his pic could get in a bit of trouble but I guess the real guy will never know.


The weather is so so. It's somewhat cold but not like it was. I finally drove on Tuesday so that was a big thing for me. Wow....I went and got groceries:D. I take the bus everyday to work so I really don't need to drive that much. It's a good thing because I'm a total chicken for driving on bad roads. Big day tomorrow. I'm going to exercise in the morning and get my hair colored in the afternoon. Do I live an awesome exciting life or what:D? It was the company Xmas party tonight. I didn't go. The last 2 years we've had a severe blizzard on this night. It will be a blessing for those who went to the party tonight to have somewhat "good" weather.


Getting groceries is always good!! I wish we had good public transport. When I travel I have found great public transport (NY, DC, Vienna, etc) but not in Albuquerque. That's part of the reason i started riding my bike--plus i get exercise and save gas!! Made a big difference. I would rather ride my bike than go to the gym, so that was a real motivation.


Your life sounds as exciting as mine!! Isn't it a bit early for an xmas party? Doug's group has theirs next weekend. our company doesn't have one, but my retirement party is on 12/21, and I am telling people to look at it as an xmas party too. Might get attendance up a bit. We are having it at a local pub/tavern, not the typical cookie party in one of the company conference rooms. i hate those--boring and very constrained. We'll see if anyone comes...



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Getting groceries is always good!! I wish we had good public transport. When I travel I have found great public transport (NY, DC, Vienna, etc) but not in Albuquerque. That's part of the reason i started riding my bike--plus i get exercise and save gas!! Made a big difference. I would rather ride my bike than go to the gym, so that was a real motivation.


Your life sounds as exciting as mine!! Isn't it a bit early for an xmas party? Doug's group has theirs next weekend. our company doesn't have one, but my retirement party is on 12/21, and I am telling people to look at it as an xmas party too. Might get attendance up a bit. We are having it at a local pub/tavern, not the typical cookie party in one of the company conference rooms. i hate those--boring and very constrained. We'll see if anyone comes...



I wouldn't say our transit is good. It seems at least one day a week the bus is late or doesn't show up. I need to walk the better part of a mile in the morning so I can get a seat. It's takes about 1 hour to get to work (door to door). Many people take transit because you'd be lucky to find parking for less then $500 a month downtown. Too rich for most of us. My dream is to be able to buy a condo somewhat close to downtown so I could walk. I'm a big walker so I don't mind a long walk. Prices for a typical condo remotely close to downtown would be in the range of $400-450K for about 1000 sq feet. I've got about 1400 sq ft. and my condo was quite a bit cheaper then that. I'm hoping for a lotto win about now.


Actually most parties are somewhat early in Calgary. Many people take time off at Xmas so they usually do them early. Your party sounds like it would be fun. I don't like the stuffy parties so so that's why I don't go to the Xmas one.

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Hi bc


You guys really could have shown some mercy yesterday--37 to 7 is not a pretty sight (but better than New Mexico losing 66-17)!!


Too bad there were 3 good teams in Big 10 this year--looks like Wisconsin gets Rose Bowl and OSU may get to Sugar or equivalent? it's all pretty confused the way college football does the bowls, with all the special deals they cut!


Hope you had a nice Thanksgiving!



Sorry for the slow answer but not sorry about the win- son went to the game and found the penalties for celebrating in the end zone a bit strange, but the good news is that neither of us is Northwestern and Wis literally beat them into the ground - that was a huge score - around 70 -14 or something like that. I have been focused on our Winter Concert which was last Thursday and a huge success and our family Christmas which was this weekend. It was great. All is done and I am exhausted.


This is my last week for Fantasy - I did not make the playoffs but all three of the teams I have been helping this year did so I will continue to help them. DH is still in the running but our son says that the 11 year old will win and since he is the statistician I am guessing he is right.


Somehow am having trouble wrapping my brain around tours yet - I know that April will be here before I know it. Right now I am thinking that I have done well to get our 6 Winter 6 weeks taken care of out of this yuck weather. Cannot believe that we have already had 6 inches of snow. My bags are packed and I'm ready to go!!!


How is your team doing?

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Any one catch the news clip of that cruise ship, the Ciella I think it was, sailing to Antarctica that had the windows on the bridge caved in and losing an engine? Talk about rough seas, and it's summer down there. They should have some really great stories to tell.:eek::eek:


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Sorry for the slow answer but not sorry about the win- son went to the game and found the penalties for celebrating in the end zone a bit strange, but the good news is that neither of us is Northwestern and Wis literally beat them into the ground - that was a huge score - around 70 -14 or something like that. I have been focused on our Winter Concert which was last Thursday and a huge success and our family Christmas which was this weekend. It was great. All is done and I am exhausted.


This is my last week for Fantasy - I did not make the playoffs but all three of the teams I have been helping this year did so I will continue to help them. DH is still in the running but our son says that the 11 year old will win and since he is the statistician I am guessing he is right.


Somehow am having trouble wrapping my brain around tours yet - I know that April will be here before I know it. Right now I am thinking that I have done well to get our 6 Winter 6 weeks taken care of out of this yuck weather. Cannot believe that we have already had 6 inches of snow. My bags are packed and I'm ready to go!!!


How is your team doing?


Hi bc


Thought you had fallen off the earth!! Glad to hear that your activities were fun, even if exhausting. I made the playoffs in one league; the other league still has one week before playoffs. I have to win this week, get some help against another team, and i could make the playoffs. i think it is unlikely but you never know what can happen. been a weird season--unexpected things keep happening, like whatever team I play has record-setting play by their defense. I lost 3 or 4 games due to unheard of defensive team points. Uggh...


Today was my last day in the office--woo hoo!! I have to go back in for a few hours on 12/20 to turn in my badge and do my security debrief, then I will be done. It hasn't hit me yet--maybe next week? I know i don't have to get up at 3:30 am anymore, so that is a nice change. I won't miss that.


Tomorrow i will sleep in (I might make it until 7 am!!), take it easy, drink coffee, hang with the dogs, just relax and bask in the knowledge i don't have to drag myself into work anymore!!


Trying to pull everyone together on final payment for cruise; costco seems to have made a minor billing error, so i need to call and see what is happening.



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Hi bc


Thought you had fallen off the earth!! Glad to hear that your activities were fun, even if exhausting. I made the playoffs in one league; the other league still has one week before playoffs. I have to win this week, get some help against another team, and i could make the playoffs. i think it is unlikely but you never know what can happen. been a weird season--unexpected things keep happening, like whatever team I play has record-setting play by their defense. I lost 3 or 4 games due to unheard of defensive team points. Uggh...


Today was my last day in the office--woo hoo!! I have to go back in for a few hours on 12/20 to turn in my badge and do my security debrief, then I will be done. It hasn't hit me yet--maybe next week? I know i don't have to get up at 3:30 am anymore, so that is a nice change. I won't miss that.


Tomorrow i will sleep in (I might make it until 7 am!!), take it easy, drink coffee, hang with the dogs, just relax and bask in the knowledge i don't have to drag myself into work anymore!!


Trying to pull everyone together on final payment for cruise; costco seems to have made a minor billing error, so i need to call and see what is happening.



Congrats on being officially retired:D. That's awesome!

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Thought maybe I'd check in since this month has been busy. Not real happy after last weekends loss to Oregon #1 football team. We had quite a crowd at the game in Corvallis with Game Day also there. Now I am rooting for Auburn (I'm a real Duck hater).

Well Joyce has finally run the numbers, looked at her time management hours and vacations days and has decided to retire on 4-4-11 the day before we fly to Orlando and then the cruise. It took many hours of calculating and discussions with her "bosses" to come up with that date. It has taken many hours to figure out when and how to retire and not leave very many "time management hours" on the table. I think she is finally happy with it.

After Christmas we will finalize what excursions we want to take. Hope everyone is doing well. We have the "Pineapple Express" rolling thru OR today with rain and warn temps. It's suppose to get to 62 degrees today......crazy.


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Thought maybe I'd check in since this month has been busy. Not real happy after last weekends loss to Oregon #1 football team. We had quite a crowd at the game in Corvallis with Game Day also there. Now I am rooting for Auburn (I'm a real Duck hater).

Well Joyce has finally run the numbers, looked at her time management hours and vacations days and has decided to retire on 4-4-11 the day before we fly to Orlando and then the cruise. It took many hours of calculating and discussions with her "bosses" to come up with that date. It has taken many hours to figure out when and how to retire and not leave very many "time management hours" on the table. I think she is finally happy with it.

After Christmas we will finalize what excursions we want to take. Hope everyone is doing well. We have the "Pineapple Express" rolling thru OR today with rain and warn temps. It's suppose to get to 62 degrees today......crazy.



Hi Rick


Well, not to be mean or anything, but you didn't really think OSU would win, did you? I mean, I get being a good fan and all but it was kinda a long shot. But I agree it would have been nice! I usually root for the underdog in those games. I think I will root for Auburn too though.


Nice that Joyce could work it out and retire right before the cruise. That is what I wanted Doug to do but he changed his mind.


Weather might be a sensitive subject for some of the folks--midwest is getting hit with a big storm, and it is headed for the east coast next. lorekauf has been coping with really cold/snowy weather lately. (BTW--weather here has been great the last week or so, hasn't been freezing at night and in mid-50s during the day.)



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Hi Rick


Well, not to be mean or anything, but you didn't really think OSU would win, did you? I mean, I get being a good fan and all but it was kinda a long shot. But I agree it would have been nice! I usually root for the underdog in those games. I think I will root for Auburn too though.


Nice that Joyce could work it out and retire right before the cruise. That is what I wanted Doug to do but he changed his mind.


Weather might be a sensitive subject for some of the folks--midwest is getting hit with a big storm, and it is headed for the east coast next. lorekauf has been coping with really cold/snowy weather lately. (BTW--weather here has been great the last week or so, hasn't been freezing at night and in mid-50s during the day.)




I could only wish. We live in Spfd. next to Eugene and all these Ducks are getting to me. I was getting real tired of their banter. But we would have had to play perfect to win and that did not happen.

Well it did not get as warm as they predicted here today but it rained like crazy and unfortunately that is all headed east so that means the east going to get more of what has been hitting them for the last few days. I am just glad we don't get that cold here during the winter.

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Thank goodness the weather has gotten somewhat better for us lately. It's really been up and down. Had a total whiteout while on the bus going to work Friday. That was scary. I'm done with the snow. Yesterday was fairly nice and it's supposed to be ok today although we have fog and chance of freezing rain this morning. I just don't want it to go to the low -30s C because that really sucks.


For those that have good weather could you send some up here:D?

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For those that have good weather could you send some up here:D?


Done--did it work?;)


Saw your post on the thread about the 2 mega ships going into Port Everglades and possibly impacting infrastructure. I didn't know the left click trick either so i tried it--very cool. Even Betty thanked you for that--quite an accomplishment:D And, btw, you and sapper crack me up. Another BTW--is it just me or did SwissMyst and heather go a little crazy on that thread?


I am home celebrating retirement with a nasty but fast moving cold. Hope it passes before Friday--that is the day I will do our annual Christmas lunch and movie with my 3 closest buds from work. Trying to take it easy and see if I can beat it down.



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We have the "Pineapple Express" rolling thru OR today with rain and warn temps. It's suppose to get to 62 degrees today......crazy.




Did you get hit by the freak tornado? Saw it on the news and thought of you. Hope you guys are OK.



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Done--did it work?;)


Saw your post on the thread about the 2 mega ships going into Port Everglades and possibly impacting infrastructure. I didn't know the left click trick either so i tried it--very cool. Even Betty thanked you for that--quite an accomplishment:D And, btw, you and sapper crack me up. Another BTW--is it just me or did SwissMyst and heather go a little crazy on that thread?


I am home celebrating retirement with a nasty but fast moving cold. Hope it passes before Friday--that is the day I will do our annual Christmas lunch and movie with my 3 closest buds from work. Trying to take it easy and see if I can beat it down.



Well, that sucks, having a cold on your first week of retirement. What's up with that? No......the warm weather didn't get here. Actually, I'm lying a bit on that one. It hasn't been bad.


Yeah, every once in a while Betty throws me a bone. We don't see eye to eye generally. I was so irritated with SwissMyst (a.k.a Velvet Fog) as one poster calls her. She told me I'm so dense culinary wise (in another thread) that I make eggs bennie with bologna, white bread and miracle whip. She's such a nice person:rolleyes:. I think the world of Sapper. We met on cruise crtic on a roll call for our cruise in Apr.08. We went again in Apr. of this year. Her and her husbank Ken are just great people. We just love to get sarcastic and have our "favorite" posters on the board. It's funny how you can gel with some....and others just get under your skin.


Can't wait for Xmas to happen so I can get away. It's been a rough few weeks. My favorite uncle passed away last week after a very long illness but he was still pretty young at 72. Work has been crazy and it's just been a hassle every day lately. I think I just need a break....but that one is going to come tied to me turning 50:D:rolleyes::eek:.


Take care and get rid of that cold.

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Did you get hit by the freak tornado? Saw it on the news and thought of you. Hope you guys are OK.




The tornado set down in Aumsville OR about 1 hour north of us here in Eugene/Spfd. We don't get very many tornados in OR, they are very uncommon and don't happen very often.

Joyce's brother happened to be southwest of the town and watched it form and move northeast into the town. It was estimated at an F1 tornado.

Joyce has an aunt that lives a few miles away from Aumsville and she was OK with no damage. There was no loss of life, they were lucky.

Here's a link showing some pictures of the town:


Here's a link with video and an article:


This has been the main news item here in Oregon today. Normally the only thing we get is tons of rain and some flooding.

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