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Westerdam Panama Canal April 15, 2011


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oops, my bad. I thought I remembered the 26th and was too lazy to go back and look:o!! Hmmm,an accountant--the natural predator of engineers (what we both are):D!! We may have to make an exception for you!


Go pack--forget cleaning the place--it will still be there when you get back. Unless the elves come while you are away;)



One of my favorite peeps at work is an engineer. In my last job that's all I worked with. 80% that I worked with were great.....the other 20% ....well. Now in my new job I long for those days of working with engineers....accountants can be so much more nasty;):D.


I did manage to get most of my packing done today and my suitcase only weighs 46lbs. I could have taken 4 more lbs. Now I've got to get the rest done and clean tomorrow. I just can't get excited about this cruise. I'm much more excited about the Feb. and April ones.

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Well Christmas is over. We have had a tough and scary 3 days before Christmas. I had to run over to Joyce's place of work and take her to the hospital around 11:30am Wed. She was slurring her speech. After 4 plus hours and an MRI it was determined she had a mild stroke in the front left side of her brain. Stayed in the hospital Wed. night and all day Thurs. She was not very happy, doesn't like hospitals. But, luckily, all tests showed no loss of motor functions and her the speech impoved. They usually keep stoke patients at least 48 hrs.


Tests showed heart was OK, caradid arteries OK, and the physical therapist said not decreased function in her limbs. So the Dr. let her go home Thurs. evening. I and our kids scrambled to get christmas gifts wrapped and food made for Sat. Everything has gone well for the last 3 days and I caught up with my sleep since there was none on Wed. night. She's on a number of meds now but she looks good and acts just find. Downside......she is now in a higher risk category for an additional stoke. Still plan on going on the cruise and am looking forward too meeting everyone.



Sorry to hear about this. I'm happy that Joyce is feeling better and that you are still on course for the cruise. Take care!

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Hi Everyone,


Hope you all had a nice Christmas. We were "blessed" with a white Christmas this year. The ground was warm enough that the streets stayed clear but we had 3-4 inches in the yard. The morning was post card perfect with the snow in the trees and yards.


I would be happy to help with the Roll Call and M&G. I did this on our last Noordam cruise in May. I have MS Office and can create a PDF sheet everyone can print out from Excel. Would anyone like to go to lunch together after the M&G? We did this on the Noordam. It was a nice way to prolong conversations started during the M&G.

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Hi Everyone,


Hope you all had a nice Christmas. We were "blessed" with a white Christmas this year. The ground was warm enough that the streets stayed clear but we had 3-4 inches in the yard. The morning was post card perfect with the snow in the trees and yards.


I would be happy to help with the Roll Call and M&G. I did this on our last Noordam cruise in May. I have MS Office and can create a PDF sheet everyone can print out from Excel. Would anyone like to go to lunch together after the M&G? We did this on the Noordam. It was a nice way to prolong conversations started during the M&G.

A lunch after the meet and greet sounds good to me as long as it's not in the Lido. We had a white Christmas because we still have tons of the snow we've received over the last couple months. I was happy that it was warm enough and the roads were clear so that's my idea of a great Christmas.

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Hi Everyone,


Hope you all had a nice Christmas. We were "blessed" with a white Christmas this year. The ground was warm enough that the streets stayed clear but we had 3-4 inches in the yard. The morning was post card perfect with the snow in the trees and yards.


I would be happy to help with the Roll Call and M&G. I did this on our last Noordam cruise in May. I have MS Office and can create a PDF sheet everyone can print out from Excel. Would anyone like to go to lunch together after the M&G? We did this on the Noordam. It was a nice way to prolong conversations started during the M&G.


Hi Kathy


Jealous of the white xmas--we had some clouds and no snow (but I used to live in NY and don't miss the blizzards)! Thanks for the offer to help with roll call and M&G. I will make a note that you offered to help!! FYI, we are working a plan for M&G that may put us in a better position--please stand by and I will let you know. Please email me at no-whinersatmsndotcom and I can tell you more. (sub in symbols at the right places!!). I will coordinate the roll call but we may try to leverage this as well.


Lunch would be great--perhaps you could handle details for that? We can see who wants to do what. Just as an FYI, here is a list of all the planned/suggested activities so far:


roll call--in process

dinner the night before cruise--suggested



lunch after M&G--suggested

wine crawl--planned

2nd wine crawl--suggested (it IS a 16 day trip!!)

shared non-HAL excursions--suggested


Any other thoughts/ideas are welcome, as well as help from anyone who wants. Email me if you want.


lorekauf--go finish packing and have a great trip--Happy New Year!!



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Happy New Year everyone from the Sapphire Princess. It's so nice to have a balcony and to be on a cruise. How can I ever do back to the cheap seats:D. Have some free internet with Princess so had to check in.


Wow--didn't think we would hear from you until you were back!! Now it is your turn to gloat over nice weather:D We are in the middle of a snowstorm watch, with lots of wind and cold (it is actually below freezing today and will be colder tomorrow)!! Could get 5" of snow--just enough to gum up the roads. No worries for us--have all we need to get thru tomorrow night and New Years day and Sunday. Pretty easy--get food and wine, watch football, play with new Xbox360 + kinect I got for xmas. Sort of fun, but we needed to move some furniture around to make room to play. Which led to buying a new table, which led to buying a new floor lamp!! No good deed goes unpunished. We also have a wii and i think I like it a little better--but not having to use a controller is a very cool feature!!


Have a great time--and enjoy the warm weather. Have a glass of wine for me.


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Wishing every one a very Happy New Year. Weather here is warm +10C and rain for the last two days. As of Sunday supposed to snow and go back to -6C to -9C which is good as I start work as a ski instructor at our local ski hill. I've been retired for 12 years but have been doing a little of this and a little of that to keep me busy so I don't get to bored. Will also start to think more about pre and post cruise hotels. We've gone over the shore excrusions on the HAL web site and have narrowed then down to what we might be interested in.

Allan & Marlane :D:D

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Wow--didn't think we would hear from you until you were back!! Now it is your turn to gloat over nice weather:D We are in the middle of a snowstorm watch, with lots of wind and cold (it is actually below freezing today and will be colder tomorrow)!! Could get 5" of snow--just enough to gum up the roads. No worries for us--have all we need to get thru tomorrow night and New Years day and Sunday. Pretty easy--get food and wine, watch football, play with new Xbox360 + kinect I got for xmas. Sort of fun, but we needed to move some furniture around to make room to play. Which led to buying a new table, which led to buying a new floor lamp!! No good deed goes unpunished. We also have a wii and i think I like it a little better--but not having to use a controller is a very cool feature!!


Have a great time--and enjoy the warm weather. Have a glass of wine for me.


I'll have more then a glass for you:D;). They are receiving lots of snow at home too so glad to be out of it. Weather isn't the best here either (cloudy)but it's all good. Take care.

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Wow--didn't think we would hear from you until you were back!! Now it is your turn to gloat over nice weather:D We are in the middle of a snowstorm watch, with lots of wind and cold (it is actually below freezing today and will be colder tomorrow)!! Could get 5" of snow--just enough to gum up the roads. No worries for us--have all we need to get thru tomorrow night and New Years day and Sunday. Pretty easy--get food and wine, watch football, play with new Xbox360 + kinect I got for xmas. Sort of fun, but we needed to move some furniture around to make room to play. Which led to buying a new table, which led to buying a new floor lamp!! No good deed goes unpunished. We also have a wii and i think I like it a little better--but not having to use a controller is a very cool feature!!


Have a great time--and enjoy the warm weather. Have a glass of wine for me.




Have you been slammed with snow and bad weather? I have a cousin who lives in Flagstaff AZ and I think that storm froze up the town and then moved east toward you.

We have just had rain the last few days but today nothing but broken sunshine and no rain. It's been chilly, mid-30's, a few snow flurries 2 days ago. We are suffering right???? lol.

Got thru Christmas just fine and Joyce is doing very well after her minor stroke last week, which made the christmas very special. She went back to work on Monday with no side affects. Joyce has had her work schedule changed so she has to work on Sat. & Sun.

Now I need to clean house and put the decorations away in between the football games tomorrow. If I don't and joyce comes home and finds nothing done I may loose my TV rights.

Have a good new year.

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Have you been slammed with snow and bad weather? I have a cousin who lives in Flagstaff AZ and I think that storm froze up the town and then moved east toward you.

We have just had rain the last few days but today nothing but broken sunshine and no rain. It's been chilly, mid-30's, a few snow flurries 2 days ago. We are suffering right???? lol.

Got thru Christmas just fine and Joyce is doing very well after her minor stroke last week, which made the christmas very special. She went back to work on Monday with no side affects. Joyce has had her work schedule changed so she has to work on Sat. & Sun.

Now I need to clean house and put the decorations away in between the football games tomorrow. If I don't and joyce comes home and finds nothing done I may loose my TV rights.

Have a good new year.


Hi Rick


Happy New Year to you and Joyce--glad she is doing better and able to go to work, even over a weekend:(!


Albuquerque is lucky when it comes to winter storms; we live in the 'shadow' created by the mountains, which protects us from the worst of the snow. We got a few flakes 2 days ago, now it is just really cold. 8 last night, high today of 27, 35 tomorrow!! saw the Flagstaff weather and glad we missed it when we drove through at Thanksgiving. We are going to Las Vegas next week and will fly but after Doug retires, we will drive. Could be a problem at this time of year. But, there are lots of hotels along the way, so we can always check in and spend the night inside not stuck in car!! We always go to the CES, which is early in January so no way to avoid this.


Go clean the house--you don't want to lose TV privileges at this time of year!!



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Just heard the weather report for snow and my thoughts immediately turned to the cruise. Less than a 100 days and counting down fast. Yea!! Apparently everyone else is busy getting things together. See you all soon. Deb

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I can't wait to get away from this winter. It's cold and snowy here for a change:rolleyes:. Thank goodness I only have to wait until Feb. to get away:D.


Hi Lorekauf


We are back from las vegas and freezing, but no snow in forecast!! How was the cruise to mexico? saw your post about the wine package and using it in your cabin--never even thought of that. FWIW, i wouldn't have any problem drinking 3 bottles of wine over 7 days, but we usually have a glass before dinner, as well as with dinner!!


Cruise is getting close--final payment due next Monday for us. I am waiting to hear from George so we can start planning M&G. Stand by for details!!



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Hi Lorekauf


We are back from las vegas and freezing, but no snow in forecast!! How was the cruise to mexico? saw your post about the wine package and using it in your cabin--never even thought of that. FWIW, i wouldn't have any problem drinking 3 bottles of wine over 7 days, but we usually have a glass before dinner, as well as with dinner!!


Cruise is getting close--final payment due next Monday for us. I am waiting to hear from George so we can start planning M&G. Stand by for details!!



I forgot you were going to Vegas. How was it?


The cruise was excellent. I LOVED....LOVED....LOVED the balcony. It was an aft cabin over the wake and it just couldn't have been better. I loved it so much I upgraded for the Feb. cruise to a balcony. Will you come visit me in the poor house:D? The food was so good and New Years was really fun. I had 2 bottles of wine on that cruise and ended up pouring some down the drain so 3 is going to be a challenge. That said I did a lot of drinking in addition to this. I'm sure 2 people could drink 3 easily....but I'm willing to give it my best. I was kind of peeved by the comment on that thread. Came back from the cruise with a cold again for a change:rolleyes: and it's year end so I'm ready for another vaycay.


I'm really looking forward to "our" cruise too.

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I forgot you were going to Vegas. How was it?


The cruise was excellent. I LOVED....LOVED....LOVED the balcony. It was an aft cabin over the wake and it just couldn't have been better. I loved it so much I upgraded for the Feb. cruise to a balcony. Will you come visit me in the poor house:D? The food was so good and New Years was really fun. I had 2 bottles of wine on that cruise and ended up pouring some down the drain so 3 is going to be a challenge. That said I did a lot of drinking in addition to this. I'm sure 2 people could drink 3 easily....but I'm willing to give it my best. I was kind of peeved by the comment on that thread. Came back from the cruise with a cold again for a change:rolleyes: and it's year end so I'm ready for another vaycay.


I'm really looking forward to "our" cruise too.


Vegas was great, as always! walked our feet off at CEs all day, then went and drank good beer, tried the M buffet (includes wine and beer!!), watched lots of football, and won $10! (That doesn't sound like much, but i lost a bunch of money one night but was able to win it back 2 nights later, then stopped playing. I play craps and love it but sometimes I lose ;-)!)


I have a friend who would call pouring perfectly good wine down the drain wine abuse :-)!! Which comment annoyed you--the one that asked if you thought about keeping the wine for the next day, the one suggesting you carry your own on, or the one that said they were impressed you could drink 3 bottles of wine over a week?? Or all of them :-)


This is no time for a cold--year end always sucks (at least it did for us, and I wasn't even the admin staff who had to close the books. Just the project lead who had to answer all their questions and provide paperwork!!). Get lots of rest, stay warm and drink soup--that has to help.


Now that we are back, I have started my sorely-needed pre-cruise diet. hopefully, I can lose some weight before we go. gained 20 pounds over the past 18 months...



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Vegas was great, as always! walked our feet off at CEs all day, then went and drank good beer, tried the M buffet (includes wine and beer!!), watched lots of football, and won $10! (That doesn't sound like much, but i lost a bunch of money one night but was able to win it back 2 nights later, then stopped playing. I play craps and love it but sometimes I lose ;-)!)


I have a friend who would call pouring perfectly good wine down the drain wine abuse :-)!! Which comment annoyed you--the one that asked if you thought about keeping the wine for the next day, the one suggesting you carry your own on, or the one that said they were impressed you could drink 3 bottles of wine over a week?? Or all of them :-)


This is no time for a cold--year end always sucks (at least it did for us, and I wasn't even the admin staff who had to close the books. Just the project lead who had to answer all their questions and provide paperwork!!). Get lots of rest, stay warm and drink soup--that has to help.


Now that we are back, I have started my sorely-needed pre-cruise diet. hopefully, I can lose some weight before we go. gained 20 pounds over the past 18 months...



The one that was impressed that I could drink 3 bottles in 7 days. It killed me to pour that wine down the sink:eek: but I just couldn't drink it. Don't even talk about weight. I still haven't lost the weight from Oct....and now Dec....pretty soon Feb:D:eek:. I exercise my butt off and watch what I eat (at home, not on a cruise) but I've been "round" for most of my 50 years. I wish I was one of these peeps that could eat anything and never gain.

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The one that was impressed that I could drink 3 bottles in 7 days. It killed me to pour that wine down the sink:eek: but I just couldn't drink it. Don't even talk about weight. I still haven't lost the weight from Oct....and now Dec....pretty soon Feb:D:eek:. I exercise my butt off and watch what I eat (at home, not on a cruise) but I've been "round" for most of my 50 years. I wish I was one of these peeps that could eat anything and never gain.


That's what i thought!! I too have been round (great term) since my mid-30s but lost about 75 pounds, then put back the 20. Now i am punishing myself--no wine, mostly fruits and veggies, only some poultry, fish, occasional beef. i was going to the gym at 4 am while i was working but am basking in the new ability to sleep in. I will use the gym for weight training but mostly will be using my wii fit, walking and biking to at least lose the 20 pounds before the cruise. if the weather was warmer it would be a lot easier!!


saw your other post to the person asking about cruising HAL for the 1st time. Were you thinking swissmyst was signing in under new name (cruiserqueen or something)? or maybe sail7seas--she seems a bit hardover at times too!



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That's what i thought!! I too have been round (great term) since my mid-30s but lost about 75 pounds, then put back the 20. Now i am punishing myself--no wine, mostly fruits and veggies, only some poultry, fish, occasional beef. i was going to the gym at 4 am while i was working but am basking in the new ability to sleep in. I will use the gym for weight training but mostly will be using my wii fit, walking and biking to at least lose the 20 pounds before the cruise. if the weather was warmer it would be a lot easier!!


saw your other post to the person asking about cruising HAL for the 1st time. Were you thinking swissmyst was signing in under new name (cruiserqueen or something)? or maybe sail7seas--she seems a bit hardover at times too!



About the post....I think it's someone who used to have the screen name Usha. Her and a few others got banned a while back and one of them started a website that makes fun out of everyone on cruise critic. It's so childish. Anyway....that poster was taking several swipes at RuthC the other day and has taken a few at me. RuthC is a wonderful person and a great source of info and I don't appreciate people taking swipes at her for no reason. This Usha used to pour it on so thick about the smoking just like that poster. CC is like Peyton Place at times.

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CC is like Peyton Place at times.


Soooo true! I don't respond to many of the posts because it isn't worth having to defend my point of view. i read to get info that helps and post when i can help, pretty much keep it to that (except when the debate on the new "patdowns' at airport was going on)!!


i can't believe anyone would be mean to Ruth!!



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Hi gang


The time has finally come to start getting organized. i have a semi-plan that consists of 3 parts right now:


Update roll call/CC participants

See who wants to do what

Contact George and schedule M&G and 1st wine crawl


Hopefully, everyone who is interested will see this post (and i will post on the main board too) and contact us. I will collect info for a week, then provide an update. maybe by then, we will be close!!


Here we go--What I have so far for roll call:



NOWHINERS - Mary Lynn and Doug - first posters

with nowhiners Carol and John from Michigan

with nowhiners Kitty and Jim (also in Albuquerque)

with nowhiners Bill and Kay from Albuquerque

with nowhiners - Jim and Cindy from Saginaw Mi

HIGH SEAS TEXANS - George and Rand - Fort Worth Texas

RAJKR74 Rick and Joyce - Springfield Oregon

SKI WW - Allan and Marlane from Victo Harbor, Ontario

cardev - Mike & Karen from Alberta, Canada

NO BOARD NAME - with cardev - Don & Brenda from Edmonton Alberta

dontspin - Ann & Don

buffdored - Dorothy & Ed

mjtigger -Pat and Bob Longmuir from Moosejaw

SE4Deb - Deb and DH from Washington State

Mad Jayhawk - Dennis and Karen - Sun City West Az

lorekauf - ?? - ?? - Canada

user8 - Lee and Virginia - Lake Jackson Tx

canuckcruiser0711 - Terry and Jack Calgary Alberta

fixeaudon - ??


Odleka—Bill and Kathy, Canada


If I missed anyone, please post and let me know. i also setup an email box for us to use for some personal info we will need for M&G. It is:




just put in symbol for parens/at--this is so we don't get a bunch of spam!!


We need to decide what events we want to do. So far, we seem to have a lot of agreement on a M&G and at least 1 wine crawl. We have also discussed at varying times: a sailaway party, a 2nd wine crawl and a lunch. Please let me know which of these activities you are interested in and I will compile lists.


Since George and rand have offered their cabin (the Penthouse!!), I need to check with them on when they would like to have the M&G. They have also offered their cabin for the 1st wine crawl. I expect these both to happen fairly early in the trip, probably on sea days. if others want to offer their cabin for a wine crawl, let me know. I think the M&G should be 1 of the first 2 sea days, but what do you guys think?


I am open to any suggestions. Kathy has offered to help coordinate events (possibly sailaway and lunch); others are welcome to help. Let's not get too crazy with this or we will drive HAL nuts!! (Not that that's a completely bad thing--I am still very annoyed about losing the old wine cards:D).


So, post your thoughts and let's get this party goin' on!! Pleas email me at above address your full names, location info (not street address, just city/state/country), and cabin # if known!!



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Greetings everyone. Just checking in to see what is going on, have been away from the board for a while (cruising on Carnival just for fun-the fun ships). I made the final payment today! April will be here before we know it-time to get serious and plan. SO looking forward to this. Rand and I will be staying over in Seattle for a few days after the cruise and then joining a Celebrity ship to cruise to Alaska. Is there a 12 step program for people addicted to cruising?......

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