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Have you attended a worship service on board?


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I think this is a great idea... I would attend if I was sailing with you and I am Catholic.... I think a simple service with people coming together with a common thread is great for anything... I think you have a great thing being planned.. good luck and let us know how it goes

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Those are not non-denominational. Unless you mean only non-denominational Christianity. If you search Google for non-denominational prayers you will see that they are not just Christian prayers.



The songs listed are non-denominational. They are not inter-faith songs. There is a difference.


interfaith ( ) adj. Of, relating to, or involving persons of different religious faiths: an interfaith marriage; an interfaith.


I can not imagine attending an inter-faith service. What songs and sermon can be for multiple dieties? Call me politically incorrect but I have no desire to attend such a service...it would be either confusing or very generic. I go to church to worship God and no one else. And I fully believe that other religions probably feel the same. And I am not bashing any religions...I am just using my beliefs as an example.


OP, I think it is wonderful that you are planning on a service and are willing to open it to others.

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I can not imagine attending an inter-faith service. What songs and sermon can be for multiple dieties? Call me politically incorrect but I have no desire to attend such a service...it would be either confusing or very generic. I go to church to worship God and no one else. And I fully believe that other religions probably feel the same. And I am not bashing any religions...I am just using my beliefs as an example.


OP, I think it is wonderful that you are planning on a service and are willing to open it to others.


Well, there are other faiths that worship the same God as you do -- just in different ways.


(And of course there ones that do worship a different one/s)

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Well, there are other faiths that worship the same God as you do -- just in different ways.


(And of course there ones that do worship a different one/s)



I don't have any issue with different forms of worship. But if different gods are worshiped I think it gets too generic and worship should be more personal than that. IMO.

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The songs listed are non-denominational. They are not inter-faith songs. There is a difference.


interfaith ( ) adj. Of, relating to, or involving persons of different religious faiths: an interfaith marriage; an interfaith.


I can not imagine attending an inter-faith service. What songs and sermon can be for multiple dieties?


Except for Jesus, Jews, Christian and Muslims worship the same God of Abraham. I'm not sure what other deity you expect them to worship.

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Except for Jesus, Jews, Christian and Muslims worship the same God of Abraham. I'm not sure what other deity you expect them to worship.


You say "except for Jesus"...like you can take Him out of the picture. You can't since Jesus is a crucial part of Christianity. You can't take Christ out of Christian and be left with the same faith.

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The songs listed are non-denominational. They are not inter-faith songs. There is a difference.


interfaith ( ) adj. Of, relating to, or involving persons of different religious faiths: an interfaith marriage; an interfaith.


I can not imagine attending an inter-faith service. What songs and sermon can be for multiple dieties? Call me politically incorrect but I have no desire to attend such a service...it would be either confusing or very generic. I go to church to worship God and no one else. And I fully believe that other religions probably feel the same. And I am not bashing any religions...I am just using my beliefs as an example.


OP, I think it is wonderful that you are planning on a service and are willing to open it to others.


Actually interfaith services are some of the most interesting services you'll ever attend. I've attended quite a few in high school and I feel that I'm a better and more accepting person because of it. You can find quite a few various interfaith services on the Internet.


In my county, theres a interfaith council of clergy (I believe that's the name, don't quote me on that one though lol). And once or twice a month there are various events, speakers, and services geared to interfaith and the togetherness of all religions. Everyone in the county (and beyond) is invited, doesnt matter if your Jewish, Christian, Catholic, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, or another religion I didn't mention, everyone is invited.


The programs are geared towards education about other religions, and questions are very much encouraged. Its an open invitation to learn about other customs, and religions. Your not expected to take part in a custom thats not yours, the goal is more of a show and tell type of thing.


To be honest, I think it would be interesting if someone could figure out a way to make an interfaith service opened up to anyone. It would be very interesting to learn about how other people worship. You might get passengers and crew as well.

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I don't think the Muslims worship Jesus in any sense of the word, but they do accept him as a prophet.


As a Jew, I would have no problem, and would be interested in attending such a service, as long as it stuck to Christianity as religion and not politics.


I am not interested in neither Judaism or Islam as politics, either.


But since I am sailing on an Italian line that leaves port late Sunday and arrive early the next Sunday, I think that will be moot.

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I don't think the Muslims worship Jesus in any sense of the word, but they do accept him as a prophet.


Accepting Him as "a prophet" is not the same as accepting Him as the Messiah. An important distinction. Not that that would/should prevent different religions from worshiping together.:)

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The songs listed are non-denominational. They are not inter-faith songs. There is a difference.


interfaith ( ) adj. Of, relating to, or involving persons of different religious faiths: an interfaith marriage; an interfaith.


I can not imagine attending an inter-faith service. What songs and sermon can be for multiple dieties? Call me politically incorrect but I have no desire to attend such a service...it would be either confusing or very generic. I go to church to worship God and no one else. And I fully believe that other religions probably feel the same. And I am not bashing any religions...I am just using my beliefs as an example.


OP, I think it is wonderful that you are planning on a service and are willing to open it to others.


There's actually an entire church that does just this - the Unitarian Universalist church. It depends on the individual congregation sometimes, but in general the ones I've attended are a place where people of all faiths come together for the spiritual and believe they can respect and learn from the faiths of others. I've been to Unitarian services with a Christian theme, another was once centered around a Native American group with a drum circle, celebrations of passover and even a Buddhist monk as featured speaker. It's certainly not to everyone's taste, but there definitely is such a thing.:)

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There are/will be Jewish holidays that fall on Sunday as well. Hopefully Carnival will take that into consideration when planning worship services on those dates.


I think the OP said they were planning a worship service for their family, and was opening it up for anyone who WANTS to attend. Sounds to me like it is completely optional, and no one will be dragged in there. That being said, they can make it a service of Christian worship with Christian songs, and prayers in Jesus' name if they so wish. I don't think the purpose of prayer is to make everyone feel "comfortable", but rather, to talk to God. And a person would normally address the One Whom they believe is God when doing this.

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it is nice that they provide a room prayer books etc


there is nothing wrong with Manischewitz, what ever they provide is great


are you gonig to bring your own wine onboard for the Shabbat?


lets be grateful for what they do provide

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I think the OP said they were planning a worship service for their family, and was opening it up for anyone who WANTS to attend. Sounds to me like it is completely optional, and no one will be dragged in there. That being said, they can make it a service of Christian worship with Christian songs, and prayers in Jesus' name if they so wish. I don't think the purpose of prayer is to make everyone feel "comfortable", but rather, to talk to God. And a person would normally address the One Whom they believe is God when doing this.


Very well said.... I think this is an awesome thing to do, it woud be awesome to go and worship.. Thanks for setting something like this up...

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Except for Jesus, Jews, Christian and Muslims worship the same God of Abraham. I'm not sure what other deity you expect them to worship.



There are - and have been - literally thousands of dieties. People worship all kinds of things. A short time ago people (hundreds of thousands of them...a significant portion of the ancient population) were worshipping Poseidon, Thor, Apollo etc. They were taken just as seriously as your god "yahweh". I am quite sure you are "atheistic" about those (am assuming from your post you are Christian, apologize if I am wrong).


As an atheist I will happily not oppose any magic sky man you wish to worship without interfering. I will look at the same sea and sky as religious persons and marvel at the wondrous beauty that nature and evolution have "created", without thinking in any way about a supernatural creator.


Cheers to you and whatever you believe. I do not mean this to be offensive in any way, nor am I making fun. I simply took mild objection to your assumption that the judeo-christian-abrahamic god is the only one worshipped (what about Vishnu - Hindus?)



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I think the OP said they were planning a worship service for their family, and was opening it up for anyone who WANTS to attend. Sounds to me like it is completely optional, and no one will be dragged in there. That being said, they can make it a service of Christian worship with Christian songs, and prayers in Jesus' name if they so wish. I don't think the purpose of prayer is to make everyone feel "comfortable", but rather, to talk to God. And a person would normally address the One Whom they believe is God when doing this.


Yes, that's what the OP said, and the OP also said that it would be non-denominational (not restricted to or associated with a religious denomination,) however, this appears not to be so, so that needs to be clear because some religions do not believe in a God or Jesus. Yes, it's true.

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There's actually an entire church that does just this - the Unitarian Universalist church. It depends on the individual congregation sometimes, but in general the ones I've attended are a place where people of all faiths come together for the spiritual and believe they can respect and learn from the faiths of others. I've been to Unitarian services with a Christian theme, another was once centered around a Native American group with a drum circle, celebrations of passover and even a Buddhist monk as featured speaker. It's certainly not to everyone's taste, but there definitely is such a thing.:)


I ♥ the UUs!!!!!


I wish they would set up here, I would be with them in a snap, but this part of the world is far too intolerant for them.:mad:

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Yes, that's what the OP said, and the OP also said that it would be non-denominational (not restricted to or associated with a religious denomination,) however, this appears not to be so, so that needs to be clear because some religions do not believe in a God or Jesus. Yes, it's true.


When Christians think of "non-denominational", we understand that to mean it would not specifically a Baptist service, or Methodist, or Pentecostal. It would still be a Christian service, with Bible reading, songs about Jesus, and prayers through Jesus' name. These are things that Christians from various denominations would hold in common.


It does not mean that we would water-down God to make Him acceptable to everyone who might worship another God. I am sure anyone would be welcome to attend regardless of their belief, provided they were respectful and not disruptive. But that doesn't mean that the ones organizing the service would change God to try and make Him more acceptable.

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My family would love to attend a Christian worship service on board (denominational or non-demoninational for that matter). We always plan to attend different local churches when on vacation, but find it too hard to get everyone up and moving in the same direction during vacation. Having a service available on board would make it very convenient for the whole family.

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Yes, that's what the OP said, and the OP also said that it would be non-denominational (not restricted to or associated with a religious denomination,) however, this appears not to be so, so that needs to be clear because some religions do not believe in a God or Jesus. Yes, it's true.


Yes, that was my point.

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Sounds great! It would be nice if John could arrange a room with a view of God's creation during the study. Your efforts are truly appreciated. For many cruises, I have sat on deck on Sunday morning and viewed the splendor of the sea, the sun and the sky and had a one person worship and thanksgiving service.


Captain Ronn

I can feel you Lord


Lord, I heard you call me today, as your breath moved the waves.

Lord, as an angel’s wing brushed my shirtsleeve.

Lord, I heard you whisper my name on the soft gentle breeze.

Lord, I felt your presence here today, as I tended to your needs.

Lord, I fell on my knees, as I began giving praise to thy name.

Lord, as angels sang loudly your praise.

Lord, as I heard the songbirds praising on the horizon of the sea.

Lord, angels soared high above as I continued to pray.

Lord, I asked what it is you want of me on this day you made.

Lord, it was your blessings that you gave me this day.

Lord, your love is boundless as angels surround us as we pray.

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There are - and have been - literally thousands of dieties. People worship all kinds of things. A short time ago people (hundreds of thousands of them...a significant portion of the ancient population) were worshipping Poseidon, Thor, Apollo etc. They were taken just as seriously as your god "yahweh". I am quite sure you are "atheistic" about those (am assuming from your post you are Christian, apologize if I am wrong).


As an atheist I will happily not oppose any magic sky man you wish to worship without interfering. I will look at the same sea and sky as religious persons and marvel at the wondrous beauty that nature and evolution have "created", without thinking in any way about a supernatural creator.


Cheers to you and whatever you believe. I do not mean this to be offensive in any way, nor am I making fun. I simply took mild objection to your assumption that the judeo-christian-abrahamic god is the only one worshipped (what about Vishnu - Hindus?)



I respect your atheism, and most of your post seems very tolerant of the various world religions, but using the phrase "magic sky man" is offensive and condescending.

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Yes, that's what the OP said, and the OP also said that it would be non-denominational (not restricted to or associated with a religious denomination,) however, this appears not to be so, so that needs to be clear because some religions do not believe in a God or Jesus. Yes, it's true.


As I stated earlier, I was not aware that other groups of religious people (other than Christian) would associate the word non-denominational with themselves. As this is a term regularly used in the secular and Christian world to describe the different organized Chirsitian religions (Baptist, Methodist, etc.), I was using it in that vernacular. We will also have it posted in the Fun Times as a Non-Denominational Christian Worship. As I also stated, everyone is welcome, we do want people to understand what type of worship will be offering so no one is uncomfortable.

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