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Mousey, happy anniversary! Hope your back eases. Have you tried arnica gel? It really helps that deep ache (available at Walmart)


I haven't wrapped a thing, guess I'd better get it into gear! Melody



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No, but I'm going to get me some. I'll try anything at this point. I've had this problem before so I know that it will be over and done with in a couple of weeks. But I don't have time for that now because there's so much to do.


The DS is on his way home as we speak! Can't wait to give him a big hug and see his beautiful smile! I love that kid...DH says he's not a "kid" he's 19 1/2. To me he's a kid and will always be my baby boy! LOL!

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Mousey - you and I really are kindred spirits. I am going to make my first prime rib roast for my in-laws next week. I am going to have to look up these videos on YouTube. LOL. I can use a good laugh. Did you find a good recipe? For Christmas it's only DH and I because I have to work that night, but am off the 26-30th so my in-laws are coming to town on the 26th and we'll have Christmas dinner that night. It will only be the four of us, so I'm going to the butcher shop to try to find the best looking/smallest rib roast imaginable. LOL. I love to cook, so I am actually kind of looking forward to preparing the meal even if the meat itself seems a bit daunting (expensive).


I hope your back is feeling better!!! Back issues simply suck. :(


Happy anniversary! 29 years is something to be proud of -- and then add the 14 years on top of that and I'm thoroughly impressed. I thought i was doing good that I hadn't smothered DH (kidding kidding) in his sleep in the past 20 years. LOL.


I have so much to do to get ready for Christmas visitors. Cleaning, shopping, wrapping... ack... why have i left everything until the last minute?!? I used to be so good about staying on top of stuff and being EARLY for Christmas stuff, but the last few years I am just so fried after work that I seem to get further and further behind. This year is especially bad.


Enjoy spending time with your DS. He sounds like an awesome guy. You raised a good one, Mousey.


Have a great Christmas everyone in case I don't post before. If I'm posting (lol) I'm not cleaning... that could be good or bad depending on how you look at it. Haha... now to get ready for work. Sigh.

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Rib roasts are pretty easy to cook, just figure 5 minutes more per pound than a regular roast. They are best served medium rare. Of course, Yorkshire pudding is a must (I make mine in jumbo muffin tins (cause we like individual ones)


We're doing s ham this Christmas, I'm feeding 20 ;). Guess I'm making up for missing Thanksgiving, lol. Melody



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Cholla, super easy bread type. Here's my recipe

Yorkshire Pudding

Heat oven to 450 degrees


3/4 Cup flour

1/2 tsp salt

3 eggs

3/4 Cup milk

1/2 Cup oil (or pan drippings)

Sift flour & salt. In separate bowl beat eggs & milk together till foamy, add dry ingredients. Set aside. Pour oil (or drippings) into square baking dish (or jumbo muffin tins). Place in oven until oil is smoking (about 5-10 minutes). Remove pan from oven. Carefully pour batter into pan (if using muffin tins fill halfway). Return to oven. Bake 15-20 minutes or until puffed, light brown & slightly dry to touch. Serve immediately with butter & gravy.


No one wants rolls when I make Yorkshire pudding. Melody



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Rib roast is ordered - pick it up on Tuesday. Definitely added the Yorkshire Pudding to the menu. Oh, I went grocery shopping today -- remind me not to go to the grocery store on the Sunday before a holiday again. LOL. It was like a warzone inside -- people grabbing things, running, fighting over the last carton of eggnog, blood, tears, cursing... okay it may not have been that bad but I was hungry... which means I may have accidentally bought everything in the store. Merry Christmas Fridge and Pantry. I love you. :)

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Only one more batch of cookies to do & wrapping is done. I had threatened the family with getting their gifts in the store bags (of course as badly as I wrap they might have preferred that!). Why do I buy odd shaped things! Melody



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Rib roast is ordered - pick it up on Tuesday. Definitely added the Yorkshire Pudding to the menu. Oh, I went grocery shopping today -- remind me not to go to the grocery store on the Sunday before a holiday again. LOL. It was like a warzone inside -- people grabbing things, running, fighting over the last carton of eggnog, blood, tears, cursing... okay it may not have been that bad but I was hungry... which means I may have accidentally bought everything in the store. Merry Christmas Fridge and Pantry. I love you. :)





You and I are definitely kindred spirits! Because, I too went on the internet and watched a ton of u-tube videos on how to shop for, buy enough for 7 people, and cook a prime rib roast.


I can tell you it was so easy! My roast came out perfect...according to my DH, DS and guests anyway...LOL!) I was so proud! Everyone commented on how great it was and we had barely any left over as everyone had seconds...just enough for the DH to make a sandwich today.


Here's how I did it...


Buying the roast.


We bought an 8.26 lb. standing rib roast for only $6.88 a lb. If you have a Ralphs near you...they are having a sale on it (we had priced them at Costco and Albertsens before I saw an ad for the sale at Ralphs in our local newspaper and Ralphs had the best deal). It was a beautiful piece of meat. The butcher cut the bones off and then tied them back on. You want to keep the bones on so that you get more flavor into your roast from them. Ours had 4 ribs.


Cooking the roast.


The night before I made the roast, I took it out of the package and used a rub on it.


Here's the recipe for the rub I used and it was so gooooood!


1 tablespoon chopped garlic (I used minced garlic from a jar)

2 tablespoons chopped fresh* basil (I used dried)

2 tablespoons chopped fresh oregano (I used dried)

2 tablespoons chopped fresh parsley (I used fresh)

2 tablespoons chopped fresh rosemary (I used fresh...I have bushes of it in our yard)

1/4 cup olive oil (I used extra virgin because that's what I always have on hand.)

2 tablespoons Seasoned Salt (I used Sally's Mixed Up Salt...It's what I usually have on hand.)


*1 tablespoon fresh = 1 teaspoon dried.


I doubled the recipe because this was originally a recipe for a 4-5lb. roast.

When I doubled it I didn't double up on the oregano or rosemary because the DH doesn't like the strong taste of those on his meat.


I mixed all the herbs with the oil in a bowl and then rubbed it on thick all over the roast. I covered every inch of the roast including on the bones. LOL!


Then I left it in a large baking dish uncovered in the fridge overnight.


I took it out 2 1/2 hours before I cooked it so that it would warm up a bit because the colder the meat is the longer you have to cook it. I put it into a roasting pan.


I preset the oven for 450 degrees and then cooked it at that temperature for 20 minutes to sear the outside of it.


Then I turned the oven down to 325 degrees and roasted it until it reached 110degrees (because when you take the roast out of the oven it continues to cook and I wanted the roast cooked to medium rare (to 120 degrees).


I then let the roast sit loosely covered with tin foil for 30 minutes before we sliced it up.


Some tips:


The most important thing is to use a meat thermometer. I got a nice digital one for $25 (I had a $5 off coupon) at Bed, Bath & Beyond). It was the kind that you put the probe into the roast (be sure not to touch a bone with it) and then the other part stayed out of the oven. I didn't have to open the oven the whole time the roast was cooking! I love it!! It's by Oneida. I had never used a digital thermometer before and now I'll never go back to using the other kind. It takes about 15 min. per lb. for medium rare. It was great because all I had to do was set the alarm on the thermometer and when it went off the roast was at exactly 110 degrees.


Since this was my first roast, when I opened the oven door to take it out, I almost had a heart attack because it looked burnt to a crisp...but it was just the crust. It was actually perfect!!!!


You'll find recipes for making an au jus out of the fat that's left in the pan on the internet. It's really easy but...I forgot to do it. LOL! So, I'm shameless because I mixed up a packet of au jus sauce that I had bought as a backup. So that saved the day.


The DH finished cutting the bones off the roast and sliced it up (he'd never done it before but had looked it up on u-tube...Ha! Ha! What would we do without u-tube...???


Anyway ChollaChick, It was so easy to do but you really need to get yourself a digital thermometer. You could use a non-digital one but then you have to keep opening the oven and checking it. With the digital, you set it to the temperature you want (remember set it for 10 degrees less than the final temperature you actually want because it will continue to cook after you remove it from the oven 10 degrees more).


I hope this helps you a bit. It worked perfectly for us. I'm so happy I got that new digital!!!


I hope you have great success with your roast also. Please let me know how yours turns out. It will be great I'm sure.


Sad to say but I also experienced some bad attitudes while out shopping. I was counting mushrooms (I needed 24 because I made stuffed mushrooms as one of my appetizers) and this older gentleman (and I use that tem loosely in this case) says to me, very rudely I might add, "So, are you going to leave any for anyone else? I just looked over my shoulder at him and said, "Sir, there are two full boxes here. There's plenty for everyone." After I walked away the produce guy came over and asked me if the guy was hassling me. I told him no...he's just a crouch! LOL!


But there are plenty of nice people out there too. Like the guy tonight that helped me lift my bags into my trunk at Target (the DH wasn't with me) and actually took my wagon back and put it away. So nice!


In case I don't post again until later...Happy Holidays to All!

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Oooh Mousey I am going to make that rub/marinade and try your recipe. I actually have all of those ingredients on hand -- mostly dried herbs but I do have some fresh rosemary (oh I love the smell of rosemary). Someday, when we landscape our backyard I am putting in some rosemary. Years ago we had neighbors who planted a couple of small rosemary plants in their front yard. Within about 2 years those plants had practically taken over the entire yard, but oh how they smelled. I have been coveting them (and an herb garden) ever since.


As for that gentleman - and oh you are a nicer lady than I am - I would have told him "No. I'm taking all the mushrooms. Deal with it." And sadly I would have bought more mushrooms than I ever needed... but he was an a$$ and I'm okay with my inner b*tch. Today I was sitting at a red light waiting to turn right at an intersection that it's really hard to see if there are cars coming (right turns on red are legal here). So I tend to not turn on red at this intersection because I simply don't have enough life insurance to leave my husband in the lifestyle to which he has become accustomed to (ie; eating). This idiot behind me starts honking. HONKING. I was <this> close to simply sitting through the green light cycle. But then I thought he'll probably shoot me. And that would really suck for Christmas. There's nothing like the fear of getting shot to get me to try to ignore my passive aggressive need for revenge.


What all did you serve with your roast, Mousey? What is everyone serving/doing for the holidays? Margaret, have you had a good Hanukkah? I grew up in a predominately Jewish area and have celebrated several Hanukkahs and attended more than my gentile share of Bar and Bat Mitzvahs. I loved it all. I remember especially loving Latkes. I haven't had them in years but oh they were so very good. Anita - I hope you are enjoying your holiday and that the family drama isn't making you crazy. I thought of you today when I was lamenting the partial demise of Deidre the front yard Christmas deer. Deidre has been a part of our Christmas light display for years... and this year when we set her up some of her lights were less than stellar. In fact, two of her legs were simply not lighting at all. Today I noticed that now the only part of Deidre that lights is her head and a small portion of her back. So, to add to the "wow, that lady in that house is weird" vibe that I've been cultivating over the past 13 years since we moved in - our Christmas display now looks like we have a disembodied deer head floating in our yard. Awesome. So I suspect that this is Deidre's last year on earth. I could restring her with lights but I think it's time to give her the respect she deserves and allow her to "rest". Also I'm lazy and restringing her seems like a pain in the butt. As I drove past her little wobbly disembodied head I thought "I bet Anita doesn't have a weird body-less deer in her front yard. I bet all of her deer are pretty and have all of their legs and bodies." And then I drove into my garage and began the mourning process that will end once the after Christmas sales procure me a brand new deer. Maybe this one I'll call Devin.

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We always have a buffet . This year it will be shrimp , assorted cheeses , Ham ,rolls , scalloped potatoes & deviled eggs & maybe a salad . I have the start of a cold so am slightly under the weather . Gary has been really helping out a lot & that has been great . The weather is iffy for tomorrow so I am not sure if we will be eating inside or out . Hopefully out ! Happy Holidays everyone !

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Happy Holidays to all my friends here!


I'm off for the rest of the week. Boy, it's been busy and I still have a bunch to do. My cookies are all baked, and I will be off to the store shortly. I will have one more type of cookie to make when I get home.


For Christmas Eve, that is our big dinner. It will be either a prime rib roast or a beef tenderloin, depending on the size and pricing I find. It's hard, because I need something small. It's a big dinner, but for 4 people. :-)


Christmas Day is buffet style from 12:30 to 4:00. I will be having ham and cheese stromboli, taco dip, kielbasa, cookies, and a bunch of other appetizers. This will be for my side of the family, so based on who plans to come this year, there will be a total of about 15-18 people.


Christmas night, me and Brian and the girls (and dogs!) turn on the fireplace, and enjoy a quiet evening of Christmas movies with bacon wrapped scallops, shrimp, and maybe another thing or two. Oh, and wine!


Then on Sunday, we are getting together with my husband's side of the family. For that, the host takes care of the basics, such as chicken, potatoes and salad. The rest of us fill in the blanks.


I still need to wrap, that is on the agenda for this afternoon or tonight, depending on when this sluggish body kicks into gear and gets to the store! It feels good to slow down once in a while.


Mousey, I hope your back is feeling better, and I'm happy to hear that your rib roast came out so well!


ChollaChick, SailorSally and Awfy....have a wonderful holiday. Your meals sound great!


Anita and Margaret, I hope all is going well for you you.

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Hi, everyone! I want to join in - if that's ok. From what I have been reading you all are a really fun bunch.


I have things to wrap and finishing touches of decoration to do as well. Was cooking today - but with the weather turning rainy and dreary here - my arthritis is acting up so I am not able to cook what I wanted to. Sending dh out for chicken this evening. I do have a few things I need to cook or they may go bad,,,, oh well flexible is my middle name.


My deadline is 4 today. Grandbaby will be here then.


mousey - that roasts sounded wonderful

larspag - I have odd shaped items to wrap as well - bought the 3 year old a snow ball gun for the adults to play with today,,,,,it's really funky shaped to wrap,,,,

sailorsally - we normally do buffet types as well,,,,was suppose to have honeybaked ham, smoked turkey breast, green beans, collard greens, mashed potatoes, baked mac n cheese, candied potatoes and devilled eggs,,,, but chicken it is today,,,,,will cook the feast for the next bunch

cholla chick - I am trying not to be the humbug around these parts,,,,but some people are just mean out there,,,,

awhfy - I have used arnica,,,,now we are using biofreeze,,,,have to change stuff up for it to work after a while,,,,at least for us


Bye for now

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A wonderful Merry Christmas to you all!

Loved reading all the latest from you great ladies, especially the roast info.

One of our grand daughters is coming home ( born Nov 6) so the parents are excited for sure. Her twin is staying in the NICU for a bit longer but both girls are getting closer to 6 lbs each now.:)

We are looking forward to seeing them again but now at least one will be napping in her very own crib!

Proud grandparents here.

Again, Happy Holidays to you all.

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We do buffet on Christmas Eve, Swedish meatballs (been rolling the little suckers for days 😉), macaroni salad with shrimp & crabmeat, deviled eggs, cocktail shrimp & probably tons more food, dessert trays, etc... All the kids, their friends, grands their friends, neighbors, work friends all stop in for a bite & a drink. My festive punch (cranberry juice, pineapple juice & vodka. I freeze cranberry juice & pineapple juice into cubes so as not to dilute it); non alcoholic eggnog & a non alcoholic punch for those so inclined (that's cranberry juice with ginger ale). Last year we had about 75 from 4pm until midnight service. But I think the word has spread😉🎅🎄. Merry Christmas to all. Melody



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OMG Barbara...you crack me up!!


Happy Christmas to all. Funny how each one of you can enter into conversation (Mom and Dad arrived Saturday) and/or thoughts throughout our days. It's a beautiful season and I hope everyone has a chance to relax and have some stress free time with their loved ones...however small or large that gathering may be. Blessings to all. :)

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Merry Christmas everyone, and thank you so much for being my fashion friends. It has truly been a blessed escape to come here and talk with all of you about whatever we talk about! I really value our "time" together.


I've had a rough couple of weeks. But, we did have a lovely Hanukkah. My MIL used to have a diary meal for first night, but we don't eat much cheese. So, I made salmon in Dijon sauce, asparagus, and we had latkes, plus cheesecake for dessert -- DH would sulk if there was no cheesecake! We went to an incredibly fun wedding in Williamsburg on Saturday night and I danced until my feet were swollen. My one foray into holiday baking this year was making Russian tea cakes (also called Mexican wedding cakes) which my mother always made this time of year. They were yummy.


I'm at my brother's this year so I'm not doing any of the cooking, which is kind of nice for a change. It is so much fun to play with my new stepnieces and my nephews since I'm just a big kid at heart. Being barefoot on the floor playing is an awesome Christmas gift. :)


cruzisme - so glad to hear that the babies are coming along well and that one of them will be home for Christmas. How joyful to be a grandma at Christmastime! <3


chollachick - so funny, your talk about the deer. I think we have Deirdre's twin on the grounds at our apartment building!


Thanks to all for sharing recipes and menus. It's like a virtual Christmas party!




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Hope everyone had a lovely holiday season. We're at home today with the snow & brutal cold & too many cookies!



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Sorry about the snow . Luckily the rain held off so we still did our Christmas eve outside but today the temperature has dropped & it is cloudy . I got three tech gifts for Christmas so spent today figuring them out . One is a Wi-Fi photo frame so I have ever changing pictures of my grandchildren & one is a waterproof I pod for swimming since I swim at least twice a week.The third present is a new Kindle . I love the Kindle fire .

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It's the weirdest thing here...it's about 50, and the snow has all melted. I really don't like this for the Christmas season!


But, we have had a great holiday. It was so much fun. First we had our dinner Christmas Eve, then Christmas day with family. We ran some errand yesterday, and had a good time being out and about. I can't believe my vacation is just about over with. It makes me rather sad! I only took 3 vacation days total, but it has all gone so quickly.


Anita, I hope you are enjoying your time with your parents. That must be like a gift to you!


It sounds like we have all had a really nice holiday overall. Margaret, I'm glad you are trying to make the best of things. This must be a very trying time for you.

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What a beautiful picture, Melody! That must have been a wonderful walk.


I'm wondering...what are you all doing for New Year's?


We make homemade pizza on New Year's eve and typically watch a movie and then watch the ball drop on TV. It is really just a quiet night at home.


I was thinking of making a nice brunch maybe for New Year's morning.

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New Years Eve we have tons of shrimp cocktail & homemade pizza & try to eat all the leftover cookies 😉. We do a 5k race on New Years Day at 10 so we don't stay up too late. Luckily being in CO the NY ball drops at 10pm 😉


I'm 60 days out from a much anticipated 14 night Caribbean cruise on Celebrity Eclipse. Guess it's time to start getting outfits together! Melody



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