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My MRI follow up visit is tomorrow just after lunch. I looked at the images on the CD I was given...and I'm fairly confident in what I'm going to hear from the doctor. What I don't know is what exactly is the prescribed course for dealing with the current situation. I'll learn tomorrow.


Melody...I hope you have a lovely holiday. I hope the weather is conducive to safe and easy travel. Take pictures to share! You know how much we all love to look at the pictures. :)

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We're hoping we can get to Denver tomorrow. Everything has been cancelled here for tomorrow.


Anita, hope all goes well with doc tomorrow


I haven't been in and out of the Colorado Springs airport. But DIA is so much better at dealing with inclement weather than Stapleton. We rarely had issues when we flew in and out of DIA but I remember having to spend the night at Stapleton once. Have a safe ride north...may you get where you want to go tomorrow.

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Anita, we'll be thinking of you tomorrow and hope you hear some good news. I'm on the library waiting list for Marie Kondo's book. I think the single most important thought for me was that our things should bring us joy. I hold on to so much stuff for reasons other than that. I feel burdened by it all sometimes. I sorted through all my jewelry and hair stuff this weekend and purged purged purged. Now I open my drawer and everything is happy in there, and I smile.


Love your new glasses! IMO there is no money better spent than my glasses, since they are on my face every day. I don't wear them around the house but I need them for work. I have contacts too but I find it difficult to wear them to work, especially with computer work.


Well, also hair. I will spend money for good hair. I just don't feel confident through the day if my hair needs work. You know, I've never had short hair. I don't know if I would recognize myself that way. I like the bob you are all talking about... my hairdresser did that to her hair once and it was VERY long in the front, very short in back. Pretty edgy. Melody your daughter's hair looks amazing. I hope you get out tomorrow, and if so, bon voyage! I hope you have an amazing time.


I'm a bachelor girl again for a few days. Advance warning: I'm probably going to be a thread hog.


Laurie, I really like that lace dress and the jewelry you picked. The earrings I ended up with for my teal dress are the ones you liked, the aurora borealis and gold ones:




One of my bachelor girl projects was fixing all the broken jewelry I had laying around. I bought this necklace for 1.99 because I liked the colors, but it needed a pendant. So I bought one at Michael's. Then I thought I'd like earrings to match, so I made some:




I had extra hoops because I had bought some to make earrings to go with a stone necklace my sister had given me from Sedona:




While I was doing this, I was playing with my hot rollers, thinking I might do my hair this way for my teal dress:




It takes about ten minutes to roll my hair, and 1/2 hour for them to cool. I wish there were a quicker way. If I use a curling iron, the curls fall out within minutes. My hair is stubborn that way. :)


I scored this cute brown and cream Ralph Lauren dress today, super cheap. Please note that it isn't a sheath! It may be cruise-worthy:



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Just wanted to share the high/low of my week. Friday we had record cold, and then Saturday we couldn't get a car to take DH to Newark (thanks for nothing Uber) so I had to drive 3 hours in a snow storm and miss a planned Chinese New Year dinner with friends. :(


The happy news is the social dance teacher was out this week so I taught her class. They've been doing cha cha and swing, so we did some of that, and I taught salsa which I love. We finished the week with a Virginia Reel, which was so much fun! Then, icing on the cake, my first ever Zumba teacher, la linda Linda, is coming back to my gym and taking over the Tuesday class that I was planning to drop. So, I have some awesome salsas in my future. Happy dance!

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Ooooo...I love your earrings Margaret! (I like your necklaces too...but I'm so impressed by the idea of making the earrings!)


And that polka dot dress is fabulous. OMG...I love me some polka dots...and that brown is special. That little cap on the sleeve...the A-line...oh yes. That would be a fav of mine...it would spark joy!!! I might have to look for that one for myself.


These photos aren't fabulous. But they do the job. My hair dried this way, so this is what happens with no effort. And I'm wearing a comfy sweatshirt that isn't my color. But here are my old black frames:




Not horrible...but definitely, they stick out.


Here are my new blending-into-my-coloring frames:




After all that talk of frames...and my eyes aren't totally centered in these frames! Sigh. Perfection is so rarely achieved...LOL! The shape, the coloring, and the PRICE (at the exact top limit of my allowance for frames with our insurance)...well...these factors sold the deal.


Funny how I didn't change a thing about these pictures. Except the glasses of course. I recall how Curt would point out that when your coloring is more harmonious, the camera has an easier time with it's functioning...so I am assuming that the black frames in the first picture threw off the exposure/color balance and that is why that photo is so dark.


Oh...very excited for the return of your Zumba teacher Margaret!! So wonderful!

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Cute glasses and the color is great on you :) I sent you an email, did you get it?




The new jewelry is cute. I make some of my earrings and necklaces. It's fun to do. I have used sea glass that I've collected as well as some really cool beads I've gotten from various places. What else have you made?

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I haven't been in and out of the Colorado Springs airport. But DIA is so much better at dealing with inclement weather than Stapleton. We rarely had issues when we flew in and out of DIA but I remember having to spend the night at Stapleton once. Have a safe ride north...may you get where you want to go tomorrow.



We're flying out if DIA. I've had the opposite from you. I flew into Stapleton in many a blizzard & never got stuck. DIA closes at a snow warning. We couldn't get a decent rate out of Colorado Springs or we'd have definitely gone out of there ($400pp difference) as its only 15 min from our house.


Just finished shoveling the 19" we got last night & it's -10F. I'm ready for toes in the sand! Melody



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Wow Melody! I bet you are ready for warmer weather!


Thanks Kim...just went looking for that email...and I replied.


I've started the KonMari method. We begin with clothing. Take out all the clothing that you own...everything, from everywhere in the house...includes anything and everything that you would put on your body...so shoes, scarfs, bags, belts...as well as dresses, tops, bottoms. Take it all out and put it on the floor.


Yes. On the floor. I was hesitant for this. The floor? But as I made my pile...more and more, the pile was reduced to just articles of clothing. My floor is clean...and really, nothing will happen to these clothes on the floor...they might be wrinkled...but this can easily be overcome. The pile of the floor started to lack emotion as it built...


But a funny thing happens...you can already tell those things that you really don't want to just toss on the floor. It's like you carefully lay something down on the pile. And you can't wait to "rescue" it and put back away. Already...handling the clothing...some things are like...oh yes...going to say goodbye to you today!! and others...well...it's like you feel slightly apologetic that they are having to go through this process.


Here is my pile...I don't think it's all that big...considering that all my shoes, bags, outerwear through underwear is in this pile. It's not even as tall as my bed. It looks like it would cover about half of my king-sized bed:




Proof of empty closet and drawers:






Isn't my dresser fabulous? It was Grandmother's. Circa 1930s, I believe. It could use a bit of love to restore some of the finish which has suffered in all it's moving. Poor thing, I think it only moved once or twice prior to my ownership...and now, it has moved around ten times?

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Anita, those glasses look nice! It's funny, because I'm due to make an appointment. I'm lucky if I can get glasses to last me two years, but I made it with these. They are definitely in need of replacement. The frames have held up good, but I need new lenses. Even if my eyes haven't changed, the coating on the lens wears off, and it does this funny thing...it's like the coating starts to separate, and it is almost like being smudged. Anyway, I'm hoping to find the right shape this time. I know that the shape at the top should be similar to your eyebrow, and that the top should end up in the eyebrow area...now to find something like that! We'll see.


I do think my eyes have changed though. Do any of you have experience with the contacts make for people who wear bifocals?


Yes, I have. I loved them. Because I had cataract surgery two years ago I no longer need to wear glasses. It was like a miracle really because I had worn glasses from the time I was thirteen. Big thick lenses as I had terrible vision. Now I don't need glasses at all. But I did love my bifocal contacts. They worked great for me. They take a little period of getting used to...but within a week I was in love with them.

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I wore glasses & contacts for many years . I tried the bifocal contacts but did not like them so I settled on monovision contacts. One eye is for distance and one is for close up after you wear them your brain adjusts and it is just like they are both the same vision . When I was in my 50's I had cataract surgery and they implanted monovision lenses . I now am free from glasses & contacts forever . It is great !

Laurie, Love the dress & the 1928 jewelry will go great with it .

Anita , Love those glasses !


This is exactly what I have now...monovision. I'm not overly crazy about it but it beats having to wear the thick, heavy glasses I used to wear. I had really bad vision, I couldn't see further than my hand in front of my face.

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I love your new glasses and your hair. I hope you get some good news today from your doctor.




Love the jewelry and the dress!



Your hair looks awesome and I love the necklace and earrings too




I hope you get to Denver okay today!


I'm headed off to the gym even though I'm aching all over. But I'm going to forge ahead with my workout. Not giving myself an excuse to give up just cause I'm hurting a little.


By the way, you know how I love my silver jewelry...well I accidentally left my jewelry behind in the locker at the gym last Fri. and...it's gone forever now. No one turned it in to lost and found. I'm so bummed! The DH says not to stress that he'll buy me new jewelry...but I just loved the bracelet I lost and don't know that I'll find another one quite like it. Oh well...live and learn. Don't take jewelry to the gym!!! Duh Mousey!


Have a nice day everyone!

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Thank you to everyone for the well wishes for my knee situation. The great news is that I really like my ortho doc a lot. SO. I tore my ACL...100%. My doctor believes that there are many unnecessary surgeries...and his attitude is prove that you need surgery. See, through physical therapy, etc., if you are able to do what you want to do to the extent that you want to do it.


Each individual is different. I talked to him about my Zumba and basically, his POV is that you won't know if you can do it to the extent that you want to until you do it. I think you have to be the personality that is willing to give yourself a chance.


And that's me.


We begin with PT twice weekly. I go back in 4 weeks to meet with the ortho to see how my healing is going. I am still swollen and I guess I also bruised my surface cartilage? (This explains the random twinges of pain I have experienced on the rare occasion and immediately following my fall).


Basically, I am fortunate in that I have been, for the most part, pain free at the injury. I asked if I was pain free because there's no pain when you just rip something in half and he assured me again that everyone is unique therefore everyone's experience is also unique.


This approach "sparks joy." My ortho is a keeper.


My first PT session is Thursday. I'll learn even more.


Meanwhile, I've been prescribed a custom ACL knee brace...we'll see what the insurance says about that. It will be for my use for when I would appreciate additional stability. Basically, I should use it as little as possible as biofeedback from the muscles surrounding the joint is very important...braces tend to dampen this biofeedback.


The greatest concern is the strength of the leg muscles, esp. the quad, which have a tendency to deteriorate (usually rapidly) with knee injuries.


This is the best report that I could hope for given my circumstances and I am thrilled. Hard work doesn't necessarily put me off. I happen to be one of those people who are proud of the strength and capabilities of their body so this is a challenge that is right up my alley.


My most awesome DH had encouraged me with the thoughts that I had been wanting to be a fit, strong, healthy woman for a long time...and now...fitness has been forced upon me...he foresees that I will finally achieve my goal.


I'm taking the holistic approach and thinking about getting your life in order in multiple arenas is therapeutic...hence, the whole KonMari undertaking.


I'm so happy to say that I'm in a very positive space right now for tackling that pile of clothing on my floor. I know just where to start...because I know already one pair of shoes that definitely does NOT spark joy and one that does. Hoping to hone in on the feelings through other similar items that I already know spark joy (I could feel it when I was emptying my closet) and then hope to feel the contrast.


I will report.

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Mousey if you have a picture of you wearing the jewelry print it out - take it to the gym & post it in the locker room. Put a note on it that the jewelry was an inheritance, it might reappear.


We made it to Denver safely (a normal 1 hr drive took almost 3!)


I also had cataract surgery. Omg best thing I ever did. I went from 20-200 in one eye & 20/100 in the other I now have 20-10 distance & 20-20 reading. Of course now I'm addicted to good sunglasses!

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By the way, you know how I love my silver jewelry...well I accidentally left my jewelry behind in the locker at the gym last Fri. and...it's gone forever now. No one turned it in to lost and found. I'm so bummed! The DH says not to stress that he'll buy me new jewelry...but I just loved the bracelet I lost and don't know that I'll find another one quite like it. Oh well...live and learn. Don't take jewelry to the gym!!! Duh Mousey!


So sorry mousey! Melody had a good idea with the photo...maybe reminding someone that the owner cares would be enough if someone took it but maybe forgot to turn it in on their way out?


It's a hard lesson...jewelry and the gym. DH's locker was broken into at the Y. They stole his wedding ring and broke his stone cross in half and left it in his newly opened locker to find. It was a sad day...and now we never, ever...even behind a lock, take jewelry to a gym.

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Oh, so many great things going on here! I really love you guys. They say that's a New York thing, although I'm from Central New York, not New York City...I call my friends guys, lol.


First off, glasses. I do agree with you to a certain point, Anita. I do think the shape of the glasses should follow your eyebrow shape. I also think that they should be up towards the eyebrow. It isn't realistic to thing they will touch the eyebrow though. My eyebrows are thin, and I don't pluck them or wax them or anything. I'd have to wear those really big glasses to reach that point. That being said, your glasses come pretty close to meeting your eyebrows!


I just know that I need to do better than these. The color is kind of a light copper, so that was a good choice. Since I have to wear them all the time, I find that I prefer wire rims, because with plastic frames, I have to constantly push them back up. For the longest time, I had these glasses to wear "as needed". I never wore them, but it seemed like I always had trouble seeing, whether I had them on or not. Come to find out, it was because I needed bifocals. I haven't been able to go without them in quite some time now.

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Melody, I hope you can get to Denver okay. I reminds me of my cruise in February of 2013. We had a bad storm here and even though it was over the night before, all flights were cancelled. We had to drive 2 hours to Rochester and catch a flight there. In the end, it was all worth it!


Margaret, I love your jewelry. That first necklace is gorgeous, just the kind of thing I would wear!!! The real winner is that Ralph Lauren dress. I would totally wear that dress myself!!! Where did you get it, if you don't mind me asking?


Speaking of dresses, I'm learning a lot about what styles work and what ones do not. I'm also finding that unless you know there is no way for something to work, it's okay to try something on and analyze it. There are sometimes exceptions. I think an example would be the new olive dress. I think it works because the one shoulder strap doesn't cross over the main chest area, it's off to the side a bit. Does that make sense? With that one shoulder teal dress that was available at Nordstrom, I probably wouldn't have been okay because the tuille went over a good portion of the front of my body. I would like to describe it as saying, could I wear a necklace without it laying on top of the fabric? If it does, then it won't work.


But you know, since it was sheer at the top, I'd try it.


Anita, I will have to look for that book. You know, my wardrobe and how I approach it is different. I have to have work clothes, play clothes, and what I'll call cruise/vacation/going out clothes. I really don't think I have much of anything that transfers over from one area to another. For example, I wouldn't wear a suit on a cruise. Also, we have four distinct seasons and I really can't get away with not having clothes for the ever changing climate.


That being said, I'm trying diligently to buy clothes that I really, really love.


I'm finding that in formal wear readily. I'm part way there in what I call play clothes and going out clothes. Work clothes? Well, I think I've mentioned how much I dislike suits, and how they do nothing for me. I am currently wearing suits when I have to, and I have started to change up what I wear on the other days. It's a fine line, because I really have a job where I'm expected to wear a suit. I'm learning to wear dressier scarves, and coordinating jewelry. I can't get loose or casual in any of my sweaters either.

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Melody, I missed your later post that you made it to Denver. Good for you! Have a great vacation.


Mousey, I'm sorry you lost your good jewelry. I always leave my wedding band and engagement ring on. I only take it off for very messy cooking at home, like mixing meatloaf with my hands. Or when I'm painting. I hope it shows up. You never know! I did lose a wonderful watch that belonged to my husband's mother. The strange thing is, I know I lost it at home, and it's been a few years and it has never shown up. My husband and I determined that it must have fallen off my nightstand into the trash can. Without knowing it was there, I must have thrown it out. It was one of a kind, and in no way replaceable. It makes me sad just thinking about it!


Anita, it is encouraging that you may be able heal up your leg without surgery! My husband torn a ligament in his arm, and I'm trying to remember what it was called....actually, it was a tendon that was attached to the bone. Because it was a complete tear, he had surgery because there is no way for the tendon to reattach itself to the bone. it dies off and creates a very weak arm. My husband elected to have the surgery immediately, and he was back to work in two weeks. He was able to do almost everything within two weeks, including reaching overhead to sheetrock a ceiling. Um, that's how it happened to begin with!


You have a lot of focus, Anita. Not wanting surgery is a tremendous way to make you focused on the healing process, and doing what you need to do.


I'm posting in spurts here because it seems like the posts disappear before I'm done, and I have to start over. Just a quirky thing with CC, I guess.


Speaking of clothes that create a sense of joy...


I have this shirt in my closet, and I want to wear it so bad. I told my husband I want it to warm up and then we'll go to dinner at the mall or something. I just love this shirt. I have a picture of it, so I will find it and post it.

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The shirt I'm itching to wear is on the left. It has these little sparkly things on it, and comes with a matching warm brown camisole. Animal prints are so fun.




Margaret, I keep thinking about all your wonderful cruise dresses.


So, Melody is off and running for her vacation. Who's next? Margaret? Then Anita?

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Anita, it is encouraging that you may be able heal up your leg without surgery! My husband torn a ligament in his arm, and I'm trying to remember what it was called....actually, it was a tendon that was attached to the bone. Because it was a complete tear, he had surgery because there is no way for the tendon to reattach itself to the bone. it dies off and creates a very weak arm. My husband elected to have the surgery immediately, and he was back to work in two weeks. He was able to do almost everything within two weeks, including reaching overhead to sheetrock a ceiling. Um, that's how it happened to begin with!


You have a lot of focus, Anita. Not wanting surgery is a tremendous way to make you focused on the healing process, and doing what you need to do.


My ACL is basically gone. Without divine intervention, it will not heal, per se. But knees are functional without an ACL. The question is...will it function the way you want it to? This question can only be answered through the process.


My doctor's wife had ACL recontruction surgery. Then she tore her reconstructed ACL. She opted to not have the second surgery. It is 16 years later...she plays soccer with their sons, plays tennis, and basically does everything she wants.


So we'll see if I am also able to do what I want. Compromised ACLs usually result in weak quads...so this may be something that would become a life long therapy so to speak. Fact is though...weight maintenance for me must also be treated this way...because...sad to say, my fat cells have learned to store fat pretty well so this tendency of my body is one that I must stay on top of...hence the ease with which I regained my weight...


So, who knows...this could just be further motivation and incentive for me to actually do what my heart's desire is...maintain my health and fitness.

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No worries Laurie. I do believe that your husband had to have surgery to keep moving his arm! Not so with an ACL and the knee...which is all I wanted to clarify.


I just ordered some stylin knee high compression socks. My doctor indicated that would help will some lower leg swelling I have...I guess this is common with knee injuries. I tend to retain water anyway...so I'm hoping that the strategic use of these socks will help in the future for some travel we have going on. Sitting in the car for long periods and plane rides usually can affect me negatively.


Anyway...these are fun designs and colors I ordered! I'll just have to figure out how to rock the knee high look...or hide it strategically under a maxi skirt or something!


Margaret talked about being a thread hog with her DH out of town...maybe I should have posted the same warning? :eek:


So I tried to start going through my pile...it didn't take long to figure out that I really needed to sort the pile first. Now it looks like laundry day all over my floor! Take note...while you empty your closets and drawers...be sure to keep your piles separate!


They'll be waiting for me tomorrow morning.

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Wow lots going on in this thread ! Margaret , I love the dotted dress . I can really picture red shoes with it .

Melody , Have a great trip !

Anita , Good luck with your therapy . I hope you get great function in that knee . Also , I can not believe you emptied your closet & all your drawers . Gutsy ! I have been cleaning my closet & wondering why I ever bought some of this stuff .

Talking about hair dos . My hair is currently in a long pixie . Here is a picture of Helen Miren with the cut but my hair is reddish brown.


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Anita, there was a woman who danced with Paul Taylor Dance Co. for several years who was in your situation. She biked an hour a day to keep her quads strong so she could rehearse and perform. I don't think your needs are quite so extreme, but she's an inspiring example. I am guessing you will lose some stability in lateral movements, something to think about for your Zumba routines. As for life long therapy, I think the discipline of being involved in fitness and health makes it fairly easy to roll therapy into your usual regimen as just an additional activity. Yes, it's necessary, like taking insulin for a diabetic, but it doesn't have to be a burden, KWIM?


One of our water ski buddies is on his second cadaver ACL. He's an avid snow skier as well and hasn't learned to modify his behavior or technique. Personally I think that's a bit reckless. Then again, after my surgeries I swore I would never have another operation, so I am very cautious now with sports.


Laurie, that polka dot dress came from this weird local shop that is a kind of remainders/closeout place. I think the most expensive things she carries are long dresses at $35 (they are usually pretty sad). I don't know where the owner gets things, and a lot of it is outright crap, but every now and then I pop in there and find a treasure. One week she had a bunch of Ann Taylor necklaces. Sometimes jackets from Christopher & Banks, or jeans from The Limited. Very unpredictable. BTW I think there are several of us here who would arm wrestle you for that blouse you're itching to wear.


I don't consider myself a jewelry maker. Those earrings were so simple. I just picked some coordinating beads and slipped them onto the hoops. I do think it would be fun to take a jewelry making class, though it might be a dangerous hobby for me! I already have so much.


Mousey, I'm sorry about your jewelry. But snaps to you for starting Zumba! I hope you enjoy it. For me, it's so much fun that I forget I'm exercising.


I cruise in four weeks. :D So glad that Melody was able to get out ok.

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