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Hi ladies...I'm back.


If you remember I went to AZ for "Father's Weekend" two weeks ago at the U of A. The DS and DH had an awesome time. I hit up the local Goodwill and got some awesome things...a Prada purse for $15.00 (and yes it's real). I also got a reversible cape for $7.99...it's awesome..one side is a red plaid wool and the other side is black with gold buttons and it's rain proof on the black side. It has a mandarin collar, which I love. It also has pockets on both sides of the cape, which I also love, I also got a brand new pair of black leather booties...love them, for $7.00. That's the fun news.


The not-so-fun news is that I've been gone because when we got back from our weekend trip I had a voice message on my home phone to call my cousin (my only relative here in CA besides the DH and DS). When I called her, I got quite a shock...she told me she had a brain tumor. Long story short, she was in surgery last Thurs. (not yesterday) for 16 hours! Thank goodness the tumor is not cancerous and she's home now and doing better than the doctors expected she'd be doing. I spent every day last week driving an hour up and back from UCLA hospital. Everyday I would pick up my cousins (my cousin's brothers) at her house and take them to the hospital and then bring them home at night and I made sure they had breakfast, lunch, and dinner every day. I just drove them to the airport yesterday morning so they could head back home to FL. Whew...It was a long trek in bumper-to-bumper, LA freeway traffic everyday. Next week I'll be going over to her house every day to take care of her while her husband works. She only lives a half hour from me so that's a good thing. Anyway, she's home and doing quite well and I thank God for answering my prayers that that be the case.


So, I'm way behind on what's going on...I'll have to catch up starting from today.

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Mousey, I'm so sorry to hear about your cousin, but so happy she did well with her surgery. This is a lot of work for you. She is fortunate to have such a wonderful supporter as you!


How are your parents doing??

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Mousey, strength to you & your cousin. That sounds like an ordeal.


Laurie, we had a fabulous time. Pictures soon. Tried to book another while on the cruise, no cabins (we liked) in 16 or 17! Got home & contacted our TA, same story. It seems like when Celebrity offered the $25 deposit pp lots of folks jumped on it. Have to hope that when it gets closer to final payment people will start dropping off. Now I'm going to have to find a land/beach for next winter! Melody

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Melody , Glad you had a great time .Hopefully some bookings will open up when the time gets closer .



We were able to book a 10 night Eastern Carib in Mar 2017 today with our favored cabin. Now my post cruise depression is somewhat better ;). Melody



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Hi all,


I forgot to post a picture of a scarf I recently got. I really love it, as it has great earth colors in it without looking like I'm dressing for fall. It is really great for spring and summer. The colors are almost all earth, with a touch of hot pink. The pink is very minimal though. Also, the white really doesn't look bright at all in real life, mostly because the scarf is sheer and the other colors come through.




This is definitely going with me on the cruise.


I saw this one too, and it is very nice. There is more white in it than the scarf I picked up. It made me think of Margaret.




This made me think of Mousey, and a few others on here that love animal prints.




And this one made me think of Anita. I'm not fully sure why, but something tells me that you would like it, and it would look good on you. I'm not sure if it was available online, but when I was looking for links to show you the others I saw, I found this. Honestly, I think I'd love it myself!



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Melody, so great that you booked your pcd remedy. :-) I would love to be able to take a llonger cruuse again.


Laurie you picked perfectly for me.


Im still on NY time so i was up at 5:30 this morning watching the EP come in. So happy to have beat the fog an tthings appear to be on schedule. Have been hearing travel woes frim our rolll call and are so glad we came in Friday before the storm.Had a great visit to the Menil yesterday, what a treasure! Fab collectiion, very enlightening and so carefully curated. I could have spent hours though DH was satisfied. It rained so hard all afternoon, got soaked going back to the hotel, our shoes are still wet! Had pizza delivered to our room and an early night. Have been very satisfied with the Courtyard Marriott and the cab drivers here are so nice. Im SO excited for what the rest of our week will hold. :D

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It's wonderful having a vacation on the books to look forward to! Glad you could book what sounds like exactly what you wanted Melody.


mousey...prayers and hugs. The support role in such situations can be very draining...let me just say, great job being there and doing what you are to be that support person, even as you deal with your own emotions and feelings in the situation. Again, prayers and hugs. Hope the road to recovery is a straight line.


Laurie...all of those scarves are very pretty. I do like the one for me...it does remind me of a couple that I have already. The fabric is lovely...I am finding though that I prefer a scarf with a bit more of a color in the background. I did keep two scarves that have that kind of pale background...but honestly, depending on whether or not they actually get worn over the next year...I may let them go...I think I look better with more color closer to my face.


I'm less than two weeks away and it's time for me to figure out what I'm taking on our Spring Break cruise! I'm thinking about this today...


Margaret...so glad you are having such a good vacation!!

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Anita, I was wondering about the color too of that scarf. It was the pattern that made me think of you.


I have A bit longer to wait for my cruise, but my mind is definitely on planning. I was just upstairs pairing jewelry with shoes and so on. I will post some pictures later to get opinions of the pairings.


I'm feeling fat today so I didn't try anything on. Does that sound silly? I have days like this. It was just me and my husband this morning so we went out to breakfast. We haven't done that in ages and it was s lot of fun. Very relaxing, and I didn't over eat. But bring full, I feel kind of fat!!


Anita, you worded your sentiments about Mousey so well. I'm very much feeling the same way . It is no easy feat to care for someone and to be of so much help to the rest of the family as well.


Anita - I love to see your outfits. I hope that you post pictures of them. You take much better pictures than I do.


Margaret, I'm so happy you made it to Houston. I'm not certain of the time difference but I'm guessing you are boarding soon. I can't wait to hear all about it!!


Melody, what was your itinerary again??

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Well, I just took a little trip to Dressbarn. The sandals I've been watching for quite some time are actually available in the store. They are exactly what I'm looking for, but I'm not certain my bunions/wide feet agree, so I didn't get them. I would rather go back and try them one night on my way home from work, when my feet are a little more swollen and tired. I will know immediately if they will work after that.


Of course, I found a different pair that I really like, and I will have to take pictures and ask for some opinions on how I want to pair them...it is always my natural reaction to dress something up with either my bronze sandals or my gold ones, and then add dressier jewelry to the mix. I'm now asking myself how I feel about adding these gladiator sandals. They're pretty cute, and I thought of how they may work. I will need to put everything on together though.


Meantime, I have some pictures I need to upload from today's experiments, so I will be back...

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This was my husband's vote for jewelry with the purple dress. I will likely wear my gold Anne Klein sandals. Boy, I've gotten sooo much use out of those sandals.




I have some other options too:




Which would you choose and why? If you go back a page or two where I have a picture of my dresses, this is the dress with the cross over/side ruffle.


This is not a great picture, but if I bring this new dress along, this is the jewelry I plan to wear. It also has earrings to match, and I'd wear my bronze sandals. The jewelry is rose gold, and it's a very peachy type tone rather than the pink you see often. The gem stone is brown.

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By the way, with the purple jewelry selection, the necklace on the far left has dangle earrings and stacking rings to match. The antique look next to it has earrings and a bracelet. The next necklace doesn't have anything else...I would need to see what earrings I have that could work with it, or pick up something.


Red dress for formal night (full length)




I haven't decided which sandals to wear yet, but my feeling is that I want to finalize the outfits based on being able to bring fewer shoes, rather than 4 or 5 things for 6 nights, you know? However, if I really love a certain pair with a certain dress, I would think about that.


Here is a closeup of the jewelry and shoes. The bracelet is not part of the set, but I like how it works..do you?




The red dress will probably be worn the second formal night, with the champagne dress on the first formal night. I de-blinged the shoulder strap, and felt much better about choosing what I wanted for jewelry. I think my choices are not necessarily what I would usually choose, but I do like the look thus far.




Sorry that the colors didn't really come out accurately in that photo. The colors are much warmer in real life.



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Sorry to be a thread hog. (is that like a chair hog on a cruise ship???)


I couldn't get a good picture of this for the life of me. But, this is what I have planned for the new turquoise dress. I'd probably wear one of the two gold sandals. If I want a more casual look, those patent leather bone sandals would be perfect.




Oh, and remember the purple necklaces? Two of them work great with this dress also, since they each have blue in them. I love how the overall look changes with the jewelry.


Now off to experiment...

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Which would you choose and why?


I love seeing all your pictures Laurie! No worries about being a thread hog. :rolleyes:


I like your DH's pick for your dress...but it's difficult to say without seeing how the necklace hangs in the neckline of the dress.


For me...I'd be all over the necklace on the far left. That's more my style. I like the pendant style of necklace more than the others. I also like the mix of stones in that necklace a lot...very pretty.


I'm too busy watching the Indian Wells finals to take pictures yet...I'm still just thinking through what I want/need for my trip. :)

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Laurie our 14 night was Aruba, Curaçao, Grenada, Barbados, St Lucia, Antigua, St Kitts & St Maarten. The 10 night we just booked is St Thomas, St Kitts, Barbados, Dominica & St Maarten.


I'd love to find a cruise that's St Thomas, Antigua, Barbados, Curaçao (maybe Aruba), St Barts & St Maarten. That'd be my perfect cruise


Love the necklaces & scarves

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Melody, we were original slated to cruise on Adventure of the Seas out of San Juan. We had it down to itineraries and chose one of the two. Many of the places you have gone to on your cruise were in the two itineraries we looked at. We decided a while back to change over to the Pacific Coastal cruise instead.


We have both been talking about wanting to go to certain areas. We've gone to St. Maarten and St. Thomas on a previous cruise, and enjoyed them. We are back to looking at some different itineraries for 2016. Unfortunately, I think the longest cruise we can take is a 7 day, maybe an 8 day where they exist. That limits us. But if we sail from San Juan, it completely opens up all sorts of new places for us to see.


Anita, I really liked all the different necklaces with the purple dress. Overall, I don't wear too many pendant necklaces unless they are bit bolder. This particular one is really nice, because there is a purple, green and blue stone. The earrings and rings really bring it all together so nice too.


I didn't post any pictures of my brown dress today, but I am pretty sure I'm bringing that. I got to thinking today how people will talk about black - it goes with everything, you can dress it up or down, etc. I find that with dark brown being our black, I can really do the same with this dress. The possibilities are endless. I think that I will narrow down all my other choices first, then go back to that dress. Right now, I am looking at a scarf with it, perhaps.



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Laurie , I like all the jewelry & your scarves . I would also try the multi strand blue necklace with the turquoise dress .

Melody , I love the east carribbean and have been there a lot but not for several years so maybe it is time to revisit it .

We still haven't made vacation plans . This is a first for us but I am sure we will go somewhere we just have to get through Gary's total knee before we make plans .Living in Florida we can always hop on a cruise but after awhile that gets boring .Plus we live near a gorgeous beach so travelling to a beach has lost it's luster for me. We were going to go on a cruise to Quebec this year but the one I want is booked solid so hopefully next year & maybe we can make it a 14 day cruise .

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Just a quick note to say I found a dress for the wedding. I got it at Dress Barn - Laurie, I thought of you and your daughter as I tried on dresses there today. It's fitted with those little pleats that run horizontal on the dress. Sort of like crumb catchers on a cumberbund but facing down? Does that make sense? The top of the dress - from bust line up - is gold with black lace over the top. It's very pretty and was actually a dress my DH picked out. I was afraid because it's so fitted, but it is actually really flattering. I need to find a new plunge bra and some type of smoother - has anyone tried Spanx?? - but it will be really pretty. Now, here's the question.. I either wear dresses with tights or bare legged. This dress seems dressier than bare legs (and mine are very pale) and tights would just look odd with it. Should I try to find black nylons? I haven't worn nylons in years, but I haven't worn a knee length dressy dress either... I will wear these satin black shoes I have with ruffles on the sides/top with the dress. Still trying to figure out jewelry and if I should wear hair up or down. If I can find a bra for the dress I will take a picture and see what you all recommend. I've learned so much from this group. And even though the dress is black, it is warmed up a lot by the gold. Or so I want to think. :)

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Yay for finding a dress Barbara! Mom went on a nylon search fairly recently. I wonder if she'll chime in on this topic...anyway, the only thing that I can report secondhand is that today's nylons are much improved on what we remember. Where/when is the wedding? If the weather is conducive, I say go for the nylons if that would make you feel more comfortable in the dress.


I haven't really tried Spanx. I think I might have tried it on in the store, that or the Assets brand at Target (which is similar but more affordable, I think) but it is just too hot for me...and so, uncomfortable. I understand that if they are sized correctly, then they shouldn't be too uncomfortable to wear, but for me the lack of breathability is what made them uncomfortable.


I found a super high waisted panty at Dillards that I personally like a lot:




The name "just enough" is totally apt. This has just enough to smooth out any lumps/bumps without acting too much like a full on corset. I have worn underwear under mine and it smooths out all the lines that would otherwise result from that underwear even. The waist is so tall on me that I can get it all the way up to my bra. It isn't a wrestling match to get into these panties either. I would liken it more to wearing a leotard than a corset.

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Thanks to all for your supportive words. I love my cousin dearly and I'm so happy I can help her out. I know she'd be here for me if things were reversed. We come from a very tight knit, loving family and we're always there for each other if we can be.



I loved all the scarves but of course...the animal print was my fave. LOL!


I loved the purple necklace with the oval stones best out of all the purple ones as I think it's more of a "statement" necklace. However, you can't go wrong with any of them. I also love your red dress...wowza! I also loved gold shoes and red stone jewelry. Most of all I really really love your silver cuff bracelet that you plan to wear with the silver shoes...now that's my kind of "statement" piece.


I agree with Anita that there's hogging of the thread with everyone shows off there fashion. I love seeing all of it. You gals are all very inspiring.


Cholla Chick...I know your name is Barbara but I just love your handle so much...glad you found a dress you love. Again, I agree with Anita...the new hose are way nicer than those in the past. I hope you'll post a picture of yourself when you're dressed for the wedding.


I too hope Margaret is enjoying her trip!


I'm off to spend the afternoon with my cousin and do some errands.

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Hi Mousey! Those are actually gold. I have a lot of trouble photographing metallics. I try with and without the flash, but it just doesn't come out right.


Barbara, am glad you found a dress! I think I know which one you are referring to. They have such beautiful dresses there!


I work on a business where some sort of hosiery is required. To me, tights are casual and for colder winter weather. I wouldn't opt for those for a wedding.


I like L'Eggs silky sheer. I would try he color labeled as nude. This way, it will blend nicely. Your legs won't look tan, but they won't look pasty. It should create a seamless look. I order online because I get a package of 3 or 4 along with knee highs. I am pretty certain you can still pick up individual pairs at the grocery store. I wouldn't get the everyday ones - they are scratchy and don't look as nice.

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My packages come tomorrow! I'm so very excited! I needed to order a smaller size of the one maxi skirt from Target...and then I also picked up another one online that I didn't see in the store...it isn't Earth...at all...and I don't care! LOL. Also, my new fun sneakers should arrive tomorrow as well...very excited.


I know that I'm taking the one maxi on the cruise...pretty all sure...and so I've been waiting for it...I already returned the other size that was too big.


My cruise is so different from Laurie's! And Margaret's for that matter...because we have 5 ports! So only one sea day...we may stay on board on the last port day, though. Anyway...planning for 2 catamaran excursions, one beach day, and one shopping day/water taxi hopping.


Here's what I know I'm packing in a sort of general sense:


Formal 1: Red "salsa" dress

Formal 2: Margaret's dress

MDR other: Blue/orange sundress

MDR other: New maxi...at least twice with 2 different shirts

Qsine: hopefully, we will be able to eat here! Repeat a formal

MDR other: repeat a different dress? Bring an extra shirt for the maxi?


Swimming attire:

One super duper awesome green one piece from Athleta!! (Happy BDay to me from Mom/Dad!)

One cargo colored one piece (recovered from the doesn't spark joy pile) to wear in the Thellosotherapy pool (which is what faded it out in the first place)

Yet TBD...if I fit into the top that could go with the brown swim shorts that "made the cut"...in which case, I WILL bring 3 suits on this water intensive trip.

Purple tunic style cover up

TBD...rashguard or equivalent

TBD...a small wrap style skirt (I wanted something simple on the last Carnival cruise to cover up my lower body just to cross over and use the lady's room...so something simple here for modesty in travel on board but not necessarily sun protection)

TBD...a dress style coverup for wearing over my swim suit to travel to and fro shore excursions.


Exercise Clothing:


I will be continuing with my physical therapy. It's a daily thing. I believe that I will be able to move my knee in the water on the catamaran/beach days so that I won't need to go to the gym to hop on a recumbent bike...but otherwise, I need appropriate attire. I figure 3 full outfits ought to be fine...so I need to figure out:


3 bottoms

3 tops


On the last Spring Break cruise...I recall that on one of the Sea Days, I dressed for Zumba in the morning...and then I didn't change out of that outfit until I got dressed for the pool? Or for dinner? So I'm thinking that I don't really need too much in the way of day time clothing outside of my exercise clothing? It's what I'm comfortable in.


I need to figure out what to wear for traveling...this should be interesting because I have to see what my choices are from what made the cut from my KonMari method. Based on my traveling outfit...if it's separates...I might pack an additional coordinating shirt to have some day wear that isn't swimwear or exercise clothing...just in case I would need that...but I'm not sure about that.


I'm absolutely determined to bring no more than just enough...


I'm feeling very good today. I did a weight and measure at Curves...and I've made great progress on my goals...a 2" loss all around my torso from bust, waist, abs, and hips...a 0.5" loss from my bicep...and a 0.25" GAIN around my thigh (yes...I have been doing daily PT for 4 weeks now. ROCK ON.) Oh...and 7 pound loss...which was all fat...my BMI/body fat% went down too.


So I'm pretty pumped over here and definitely feeling motivated to continue on this road.

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What awesome news! I'm so happy for you! It's always great to see good results from your hard work. You go girl!!!


As for pulling your one swimsuit from the not joyful pile...I always keep a swimsuit on hand that's not "joyful" just for the purpose of using it at the gym's pool and Jacuzzi, and on cruises for the spa and hot tubs. I hate using nice swimsuits in those venues.


I hope you and your family have an awesome cruise!:D



I've love Spanx! I bought a pair of black, Spanx tights many years ago at Lane Bryant and they still look brand new after tons of machine washing and drying. They were well worth the money. I'm planning on buying some Spanx bodywear for my next cruise.



I love that beautiful silky scarf that part paisley and part animal print. Wherever do you find these things?? You have such an eye for fashion.


I saw my cousin today. I spent a couple of hours with her. Her husband had called me and told me she had had a panic attack and was asking for me so I rushed over there. Poor soul...not only is she recovering from having a brain tumor but she's also going through withdrawals from nicotine and sugar. She's been a chain smoker since she was about 14 and her brother told me she was drinking 4, two-liter bottles of Coke Zero a day! Wow! Anyway, I talked to her for a long time until she finally fell asleep. I feel so badly for her. Going through withdrawals of any kind is hard enough when you're healthy, but going through them while recovering from major surgery has got to be hell. But she has not choice...she cannot smoke or have sugar right now. Poor baby.

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