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All things EARTH...

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Well, I'm just having a good time looking at clothes online today. Isn't this dress nice? I'm wondering if I could wear this. I don't think I have the shape yet, and the neckline...sometimes the halter styling like this works for me. The color sure looks earthy:




Lauri, I'm having a tough time, but your coloring is reminding me of Anita. At first I thought I saw a pinkish tone to your skin, and then I looked again. It will be interesting to see what the rest of the gang thinks.

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Welcome Lauri , I also lost weight . I lost thirty pounds after retiring and had to buy a whole new wardrobe . I always liked JJill styling so I bought a lot of JJill separates and scarves . I love it . I can get ready in a flash & it fits my florida life style .Plus the JJill wearever clothes are perfect for travelling .

Anita , I really wanted one of those Panoramic rooms for my trans atlantic but they were booked up .Plus I rethought being up so high on such a long cruise .


Congratulations on your weight loss and your retirement! I love the classic style of JJill! I will have a whole new world open up to me when I am finally out of plus sizes! We hope to live in FL someday...so we can cruise even more!

Thank you for the kind words!


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You are NOT Ice or Air. You are very warm in your coloring!


You didn't find a FIRE color. That color is Air-y. I would call that Raspberry or Watermelon. The Ice version of that color would tend toward being called Hot Pink. Or Bright Fuchsia.


Burgundy could be a great Earth color. It all depends on if the undertone puts it more in the Air or Earth camp.


The orange shirt seems to blend the best of what you have posted.


I am not convinced that you are not a Fire yet, though. You are reminding me more of Debbie. I'm not sure that I'm seeing "thick skin" on you.


You need to find some Fire colors to complete the test, because I'm putting money on Fire at this moment.


It makes total sense to me too. You don't love the Earthy colors...but it sounds like you've gone toward Air instead of Fire...but have instinctively stayed away from Ice.


What blues do you wear? Fire blue is easier to find than you think. Easier than Earth blue for sure.


What I would like to see now...are pictures of you wearing the colors that you have THOUGHT looked good on you, let's see if by chance you picked a Fire blue or purple...and if the burgundy is Earth or Air.


And if you could find a for sure Fire color. Got any beach towels in tropical colors? That might be a place to look...

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Anita, you sound like a pro when it comes to determining colors! It is not an easy task! My DH, DD and I were comparing skin tones. They had pinkish palms and looked better in white. I had more yellow palms and looked better in cream. I have noticed the older I get, the darker my skin is.


Curt charges $150 for Internet consultantations which is a good price especially if it keeps you from making bad decisions in the future! Sounds like he is a busy guy but I am in no hurry!


Thanks for looking at my pics, Laurie. It is not easy! That dress you linked is gorgeous! I love your kitchen, by the way! The pics you took in there made me drool! Did you design it?



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You are NOT Ice or Air. You are very warm in your coloring!


You didn't find a FIRE color. That color is Air-y. I would call that Raspberry or Watermelon. The Ice version of that color would tend toward being called Hot Pink. Or Bright Fuchsia.


Burgundy could be a great Earth color. It all depends on if the undertone puts it more in the Air or Earth camp.


The orange shirt seems to blend the best of what you have posted.


I am not convinced that you are not a Fire yet, though. You are reminding me more of Debbie. I'm not sure that I'm seeing "thick skin" on you.


You need to find some Fire colors to complete the test, because I'm putting money on Fire at this moment.


It makes total sense to me too. You don't love the Earthy colors...but it sounds like you've gone toward Air instead of Fire...but have instinctively stayed away from Ice.


What blues do you wear? Fire blue is easier to find than you think. Easier than Earth blue for sure.


What I would like to see now...are pictures of you wearing the colors that you have THOUGHT looked good on you, let's see if by chance you picked a Fire blue or purple...and if the burgundy is Earth or Air.


And if you could find a for sure Fire color. Got any beach towels in tropical colors? That might be a place to look...


We were posting at the same time! Wow! I will definitely have DH take more pictures. I will have to look up fire on Curt's website to make sure I am choosing the right colors. And I will post colors I think I look good in!


Thanks much,


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Anita , I really wanted one of those Panoramic rooms for my trans atlantic but they were booked up .Plus I rethought being up so high on such a long cruise .


The only reason that I think we'll be okay that high up is because of our experience on Allure. We spent quite a bit of time in the solarium, which is completely forward on decks 15 & 16. I took a nice nap or two there! And I recall thinking to myself that forward wasn't that bad.


I was thinking about it because the stateroom I had booked on Indy for February (the one that I canceled) was a forward stateroom on Deck 8. And I was concerned about that one already. But as I said, the solarium experience on Allure helped me to figure out that it wasn't too bad high forward.

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Isn't this dress pretty? Expensive, but pretty. I've googled it, no one else has it that I can see. I like that it's a bit different.




Kohls also has my long red dress in a turquoise color. It's very appealing, but I don't know that I want the exact same dress in the different color.


This dress is very pretty. The strategic darker coloring in the pattern around the waist would be so flattering!


I purchased a cover-up today on a super sale! Not an ideal color...black, but it has the functionality that I have been looking for. And the price was right.




I've been wanting a cover-up that I didn't have to pull over my head for a long time! But I didn't want it to look like a robe!


There are clear beads on the waist tie. I think I'm going to switch those out for some wooden ones or at least, some more earthy ones...we all know how black gets mixed in with typical Earth patterns.


And if anyone remembers, my new green suit has some black in it...but it reads more Earth than Ice.


And bonus...I can make a pattern from this cover up so that I can make another one. I have some filmy, sheer fabric in an Earth pattern...BUT...its brown/tan/bronze pattern and wouldn't go well with my current green patterned suit.

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Anita, you sound like a pro when it comes to determining colors! It is not an easy task! My DH, DD and I were comparing skin tones. They had pinkish palms and looked better in white. I had more yellow palms and looked better in cream. I have noticed the older I get, the darker my skin is.


Curt charges $150 for Internet consultantations which is a good price especially if it keeps you from making bad decisions in the future! Sounds like he is a busy guy but I am in no hurry!


Thanks for looking at my pics, Laurie. It is not easy! That dress you linked is gorgeous! I love your kitchen, by the way! The pics you took in there made me drool! Did you design it?




Thanks! I don't know if I shared on this thread or just on the previous Seasons thread that my career was in desk top publishing in a marketing department. Back in the day when paper was more important...I was involved in the creation of all the marketing brochures etc...and also involved in the printing process.


Color can be a big part of that.


Plus...design of this or that has been a background thought for the longest time. I love interior design (and organization), landscape design (I designed our from scratch yard of our first home), sewing...all things that relate to the interplay of color and texture in space and relation.


I love it.


Looking at all this color stuff through the digital world isn't easy. Helping you is fun though because you are actually doing the pictures that we need to see! You found a good spot.


Be sure the flash doesn't go off. :)

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Thanks! I don't know if I shared on this thread or just on the previous Seasons thread that my career was in desk top publishing in a marketing department. Back in the day when paper was more important...I was involved in the creation of all the marketing brochures etc...and also involved in the printing process.

Color can be a big part of that.

Plus...design of this or that has been a background thought for the longest time. I love interior design (and organization), landscape design (I designed our from scratch yard of our first home), sewing...all things that relate to the interplay of color and texture in space and relation.

I love it.

Looking at all this color stuff through the digital world isn't easy. Helping you is fun though because you are actually doing the pictures that we need to see! You found a good spot.

Be sure the flash doesn't go off. :)


I can definitely see where you got your expertise! You use Colors professionally and personally! I have found I love working with colors when I have scrapbooked..picking different papers that work well together, but choosing your own colors is more difficult! Thank you so much for helping!


I went back to Kurt's website and focused on the fire colors. Funny, I have never worn red before! I found a lot in my closet that is fire! I have a few shirts in aqua blue, a few more in lavender that are the same tone as the fire swatches, plus the corals/pinky colors. My closet is full of pinky coraly orangey colors that are fire! But I also have burgundy (my scrubs for work plus a few shirts) and navy, teal, fuschia. Oh, I just remembered I bought an ivory goldy dressy blouse for our last cruise. I was so surprised how great it looked! We may be onto something. I will have to throw that in my pile for me to wear in pics. I am off tomorrow so will have DH take more pics.


Both kids will actually be home tonight so it's dinner, a swim and a fire before bed! I am trying to take advantage of every moment with all four of us together! DS is hoping to go to Scotland for his Masters program in September so our lives will never quite be the same after that! We have to savor every moment!


Thanks Ladies! I feel like I have made new friends today!


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Lauri, I'm still trying to figure me out too! Fire or Air, hmmm. These ladies are just so nice.


Here's what we did this weekendImageUploadedByForums1437348472.357749.jpg.0696b611b7eca1638192419978a0f651.jpg. Melody

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Lauri, I'm still trying to figure me out too! Fire or Air, hmmm. These ladies are just so nice.


Here's what we did this weekend[ATTACH]356449[/ATTACH]. Melody


Make your DH take many pics in different shirt colors and post them here! It will be fun! Once we have an answer, it will make clothes shopping so much easier!


I told my DH that I was running up to take a shower so he could take pics of me. I had just got undressed and guess who burst through the bathroom door with a camera in his hand?! Smart Alec!! Not quite what I meant, but he was hopeful!


Have a great night,


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WOW Melody! It does seem like you're able to get back on your feet quickly following the surgery!


What Lauri said! LOL. She is a MODEL example of the kinds of photos we need to be able to make comparisons...that is, if only she had really picked out a good Fire color! LOL!!!


Lauri, the funny thing is that I actually had quite a few Earthy clothes when it was all said and done. If you have never had someone tell you your colors in the past, you may instinctively gravitate toward your best colors. You may have a bunch of Fire in your closet...if it turns out you are indeed Fire...


Knowing your colors can also help explain why you end up liking some clothes so much. Like why a cream and gold shirt would be so great. That would be more cream and bronze on an Earth...


Wow on Scotland! DS has expressed a desire to go to a school in England...so I relate to those thoughts of your kiddo on the other side of the pond. :(


Laurie...I think that halter dress has a bit of that built in necklace effect that is really flattering on you! Are you just window shopping today or do you have something specific that you are shopping for?


Next week, I'm going to be volunteering at the marching band camp, helping to measure and deal with uniforms. :eek: I should be meeting a lot of people for the first time...and I'm trying to decide what to wear. First impressions and all.


I don't want to be wearing anything too nice, because it is going to be some work, KWIM? But I don't necessarily want to wear my exercise clothes. I'm still struggling a bit for normal casual clothes sizewise...still too many in the drawer that are too small and I don't fit back into...



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Anita, St Kitts is one of our favorites, I think we've been there 8 times. The fort is a must (world heritage site) with amazing views. The batik factory has great buys. The Marriott does day passes for about $35. There's a great day catamaran trip to Nevis (only ship tour we've done there). If you want to shop everything is right in the square as you get off the ship, if you're looking for jewelry go to Colors (tell them I said hi & that you want a Jerry special).


Laurie, I probably shouldn't have paddleboarded this week, but it was high 80s & clear. I can't feel the bottom of the foot anyway so no harm no foul. Melody

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Anita, I'm window shopping. It's hotter than all get out here, and muggy too. I don't know if I've ever mentioned it, but I don't have air conditioning. Not even a window air conditioner. I've been doing laundry, so I was working on researching cruise things and lake Placid things, and ended up meandering over to look at some sales.


I love that dress, but I don't want to pay $198.00 for it. It is not part of their sale.


As soon as it is less muggy, I want to go through my dresses and see what I can adjust myself, what still fits, what needs to go to a tailor, and what I should get rid of. It's just way too sticky to have done that today. I know my new red dress (the long one) needs some adjustments but I can do those. There was a green, rust and ivory maxi dress I wore on Enchantment, and it is way bigger than I would have expected. However, there is an elastic band in the back that may make the adjustment easier than I thought.


I'm just a sucker for red, so that dress is a real standout for me!


Speaking of dresses, have any of you ever given thought to convertible dresses? I tried one once, and once I got past the intimidation of so much fabric, I found it quite nice. It turns out that it was the wrong color for me.


I saved a website address once that has a zillion colors on it. I always think about trying one of these. I wonder what color to get? It would probably not be red, because I know I find red on a regular basis...whether it's earth red or not. I'm just drawn to it. Anyway, I'm wondering what color I should get? Please check it out. I'm not getting anything soon, but maybe in a few months.



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Laurie , White House Black Market had those convertible dresses in red , burgundy , black & ecru . They are great dresses . I sold a bunch of them on ebay and everybody loved them . In fact at a party one of my friends modeled one and even I was amazed at the versatility .


Lauri . You mentioned scrubs . Are you a nurse ? I was a nurse for forty years mostly I worked in Operating Rooms .


Melody , That really looks like fun ! Be careful with your foot !

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I've thought about those convertible dresses! But I have never tried one...


My thought is that you would have to LOVE the color...because you'd be wearing it multiple times!


I think the chocolate would be fabulous...could have a lot of fun accessorizing that dress...and kind of like an LBD...could truly take on a new personality with a new wrap style and new accessories.


A color would be fun though...


I would be concerned about some of the lighter colors because of the whole undergarment factor...darker seems more forgiving to me...

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I love the brown too. I think the odd colors also attract me because I can go with gold sandals or perhaps bronze, and it will be a one of a kind outfit. I was eyeing some of the purplish tones but they have olive, and I've never had an olive dress.

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Good morning Ladies! We had a fun night with the family, swimming and a nice fire. Didn't crawl in bed until almost 1! Today I am off work again so we are planning some house projects. We just picked up stain for the decks and paint for our front porch and front door! Hopefully it won't get too hot today!


Anita, our kids were both in Marching Band so I did years and years in the uniform room! And DH worked in the pit! It really was a whole lot of fun. Met some really nice parents and great kids! To this day when I hear a marching band, I get all excited! What a cool experience for you! We did a lot of fund raising; chili cook offs, jazz nights, auctions, drive through Christmas light displays. It really was a huge part of our lives!


Sailor Sally, I am actually a Clinical Laboratory Scientist. I run the Hematology and Coagulation departments in our Hospital laboratory. It is a great job, I love it! Lots of respect for nurses who spend their days giving one on one care to patients! I prefer to be in the background, helping indirectly! DD is still trying to figure what she wants to do with her life. Right now she is geared up to be a Physician Assistant but nursing was a strong contender for a long time.


You ladies have a great day. I will have DH take more pictures of me today a bit later. Thanks again for playing along!


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Laurie , That avocado color is a pretty color also & it is on sale .Looking at those dresses they seem to have much more material than the White House Black market ones so I wonder how easy they will be to work with and if all that extra fabric will be bulky ?

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