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Lauri, I got stepped on on a cruise ship in 2001, didn't realize I'd crushed my foot until 6 weeks later when I finally went to doc. 13 surgeries later...Last surgery was in July, where they removed a broken implant (!), 1-1/3" bone spur & a 2" neuroma. Still a work in progress. Melody

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Lauri, when you first posted my first thought was wow she's really pretty! You have a sparkle when you smile that reaches out from the screen. I will be happy for you when you find your colors because you will have those days when someone says how fab you look. That is such a lovely moment (I had one on Saturday!) and it happens more and more often when the right colors make you glow.


Laurie, that gold dress has such a beautiful back!


Debbie, that photo of you in the brown sweater is just so perfect in so many ways.


It's hard to type because I just spent 3 hours in the ER getting my finger stitched up. Slicing bagels.... I'm fine but my posts may be brief ones for a bit!

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My thoughts are--I think the gold dress looks more balanced on the top with the wider beaded area. It makes your bust area look more balanced overall. The brown dress to my eye, doesn't look as balanced at the top. I think it might be because of the thin gold circular strap not being very wide and it draws the eye up like an inverted triangle? Does this make sense?


Both are really pretty dresses but, I think of the two I like the gold one better on you.

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Between the two dresses, I prefer the darker colour on you. The trim on the gold dress is very pretty. If you could find that brown dress styling with a neckline with a fuller trim, I think it would look very nice on you.


Congratulations on your weight loss and fabulous figure!

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Laurie, The brown dress makes your waist look TINY! I bet with your new bra it will be perfect! You are gorgeous! And so is your kitchen!


Here are some pics of me and other people. My daughter and I in St Croix. The sun is so bright it may act like the flash pictures to see if your skin is thick or thin.


p><p><img src=[/img]


This was a few years ago. Me on far right. My cousin in the middle is a fire, I believe. My sister is on the left...she was always blonder and freckly.


p><p><img src=[/img]


p><p><img src=[/img]


Just realized most of these are outside. The sun may play too big a role. I have another pic that I do not want to post her of me and many coworkers. That may be more telling.


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Lauri, when you first posted my first thought was wow she's really pretty! You have a sparkle when you smile that reaches out from the screen. I will be happy for you when you find your colors because you will have those days when someone says how fab you look. That is such a lovely moment (I had one on Saturday!) and it happens more and more often when the right colors make you glow.


Thank you Margaret! Such wonderful supportive women here! It's been a pleasure getting to know you all!

Hope your hand is healing well!


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Lauri, I got stepped on on a cruise ship in 2001, didn't realize I'd crushed my foot until 6 weeks later when I finally went to doc. 13 surgeries later...Last surgery was in July, where they removed a broken implant (!), 1-1/3" bone spur & a 2" neuroma. Still a work in progress. Melody


Oh my goodness, Melody. I can't imagine what you have gone through with just being stepped on! 14 years of surgery and pain! I hope you are on the upswing now! Lauri

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Margaret, I hope you heal up soon! I've only had one emergency room visit. It was actually urgent care, but because I also cut my finger. What surprised me was how much it hurt. They couldn't stitch it, but they did cauterize it and that pain lasted for quite some time. Take care of yourself!


Thank you for the kind words. It's funny, because there are things I like about both dresses, and the comments all of you made mirrored that. I love the back of the gold dress. I love the blingy neckline. With the purple dress (it looks brown in many light settings) I loved that I felt like I had a shape. It accentuated my waist, which I need.


I also disliked some of the same things as all of you. The gold dress may really be too much. As much as I love formal night, I am finding myself feeling more comfortable in a short, blingy, formal dress or a long plainer one with a fancy necklace. My red dress that I wore on my last cruise was really perfect. So was the shorter one, with the lace and sequins.


My husband said that when I tried on the purple dress, I was playing with the neckline a lot. I never noticed that, but he did. He said "you know, that is pretty but I don't think you like the neckline area." I thought that was interesting.


I would love to change the neckline on that purple dress, because it is very flattering. I would also love the gold dress in a rich, warm brown jersey.


It really helps me to do this, so thank you everyone.


Lauri, I'm looking at your pictures....it really is tough! But I do agree with Margaret, as that picture of you in that purple shirt was great. But when Anita says she'd really like to see you in a true fire color, she makes a very good point. The blue shirts are somewhat close. But I like that purple print shirt!

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The natural light outside can be a very good thing. It doesn't appear overly sunny in any of your pictures. But one thing has me thinking...


I looked at your daughter, and wondered if she was a fire. Then I started comparing her skin to yours....specifically, where she is wearing the striped shirt. Is that her natural hair color?



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Lauri! What a fun family you have!


Well. DH is pretty easy. So sorry. He has the muted skin...very obviously, he has the muted skin. I'm thinking that he is AIR if his eyes are indeed a cool blue/blue gray kind of color. When I mess with the color in the photo of you and him...I can basically make you look yellow and him pink...which is the hallmark of AIR...that cool undertone.


Pretty all sure that your DS (he is the graduate?) is also a muted skin. Not sure if he is cool or warm though. That's more difficult because there isn't a close up and the lighting for the photos he is included in aren't helping. I'm not sure that he is wearing a great color for him...whereas the blues that you DH wears are very attractive with his coloring...so that seems easier to see.


Now for you. I would love to see the coworker picture...just to see if we could find someone with clear skin to see how you compare.


Because I haven't seen definitive clear skin on anyone else that you are next to in your photos...but you are photographing differently from your DH...and also from your daughter.


As Mom puts it...it is appearing that she is glowing from within...the light is becoming a part of her skin whereas on you...the light is seeming to see more on the surface. Which makes you appear to be different, but not sure how...


Men have generally thicker skin that women (literally, whatever layer it is in their skin is thicker)...so comparing the light on DH and you doesn't work so well. It's much more effective to compare women with women.


You have a lot more pigment going on than DD so that's a hard comparison because she is so much lighter than you. And that could account for the difference in the way the light plays...I just don't know for sure.


So if you could send me that photo with other ladies...or any other's that you have with other ladies...that would be helpful. The one you think is a Fire? If you had a head shot of the two of you together...


(I hope this is all okay with you. I'm having fun going through this analysis. I hope it isn't making you crazy. I'm not an expert but I can go through a process...I can make comparisons and know what to look for in the comparisons...I just need to see a definitive for me to feel comfortable making the call so to speak. it's just a process for me, :o)

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The natural light outside can be a very good thing. It doesn't appear overly sunny in any of your pictures. But one thing has me thinking...


I looked at your daughter, and wondered if she was a fire. Then I started comparing her skin to yours....specifically, where she is wearing the striped shirt. Is that her natural hair color?




The younger photos of Brooke are more her natural hair color. In the striped shirt she had a reddish color on it. And she had a bad sunburn then, we were in San Juan and she was on a med that made her more sensitive to the sun. Now she has very dark hair and she just glows! Her skin is much lighter than mine, though I am more a "sun" girl! And she has a pinker tone to her skin.


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Laurie...I like that neckline on you. I agree with the undergarments...I think that could help with the fit of the Purple? (really?) dress. I think halter top works on you...I really do.


It's different than skinny straps. Probably what Margaret said about the angle and the exposed shoulder...IDK...but I like it.


As to these two dresses. There are pros and cons on both. I pretty much agree with everything that has been said here. I'd just be an echo.


Just want to say though...I've been rereading through our threads a bit with Lauri coming on board...and wow Laurie...


You look fabulous!!! I'm so impressed...even more so all over again because I have been seeing all these older pictures of all of us.

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Lauri! What a fun family you have!


Well. DH is pretty easy. So sorry. He has the muted skin...very obviously, he has the muted skin. I'm thinking that he is AIR if his eyes are indeed a cool blue/blue gray kind of color. When I mess with the color in the photo of you and him...I can basically make you look yellow and him pink...which is the hallmark of AIR...that cool undertone.


Pretty all sure that your DS (he is the graduate?) is also a muted skin. Not sure if he is cool or warm though. That's more difficult because there isn't a close up and the lighting for the photos he is included in aren't helping. I'm not sure that he is wearing a great color for him...whereas the blues that you DH wears are very attractive with his coloring...so that seems easier to see.


Now for you. I would love to see the coworker picture...just to see if we could find someone with clear skin to see how you compare.


Because I haven't seen definitive clear skin on anyone else that you are next to in your photos...but you are photographing differently from your DH...and also from your daughter.


As Mom puts it...it is appearing that she is glowing from within...the light is becoming a part of her skin whereas on you...the light is seeming to see more on the surface. Which makes you appear to be different, but not sure how...


Men have generally thicker skin that women (literally, whatever layer it is in their skin is thicker)...so comparing the light on DH and you doesn't work so well. It's much more effective to compare women with women.


You have a lot more pigment going on than DD so that's a hard comparison because she is so much lighter than you. And that could account for the difference in the way the light plays...I just don't know for sure.


So if you could send me that photo with other ladies...or any other's that you have with other ladies...that would be helpful. The one you think is a Fire? If you had a head shot of the two of you together...


(I hope this is all okay with you. I'm having fun going through this analysis. I hope it isn't making you crazy. I'm not an expert but I can go through a process...I can make comparisons and know what to look for in the comparisons...I just need to see a definitive for me to feel comfortable making the call so to speak. it's just a process for me, :o)


We have a fun family. We are always laughing! One of the biggest blessings in my life is having kids that adore each other! They are 4 years apart and have always loved hanging out with each other! Brooke is a total goofball so she keeps us in stitches!


I thought Mike (DH) was air. He definitely has a pinker tone to his skin and gray, blue eyes. He looks great in those medium blues and looks better in white than cream. I think I will get his color swatches too, but I tend to love Air colors, so those are easy for me to shop for!


I think I have photos of my cousin and I but we took them of each other during dinner. I will have to look! Maybe the lighting will be the same that you can compare. I will definitely send you the coworker picture. I have to remember to bring it home and scan it!


I think my coloring is like yours Anita, when next to others, I almost "gray" out. I think that is how you described it. This is fun! I am over my little negative Nellie moment! It is a lot of fun trying to figure this out! Off to find pics of me and other women!


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Decided to share this family - well grands & DH & I. Hope this is a decent color for me, it's about one half of my wardrobe! MelodyImageUploadedByForums1438651684.014040.jpg.1cba03cbaafa237451d3db1267c33ed6.jpg

Edited by awhfy
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Melody, I love this picture. How wonderful! I would say that is a fire color from what I can see,but there is a lighter tone with it.I think it gives it a muted appearance, perhaps.


Sent from my SM-T530NU using Tapatalk

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Photo bucket is having issues right now though I am not finding many more pictures to post. I think my new resolution is to make sure I am not always behind the camera!

I am traveling this weekend with my Mom and sister to go see my niece in Syracuse (not too far from you, Laurie) so I will make sure to get pictures of all of us! It will be interesting to see if you think my Mom and I are the same season. My sister is blonder and freckly, whereas my niece is almost black hair and eyes and a creamy white complexion, with some freckles too!


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Your niece gives the impression of ICE from what I saw in her photos. Curt used to describe certain ICEs as "Snow White" with the creamy white complexion and almost black hair...and your niece reminds me so much of that. Not that I'm saying anything definitely because I don't feel like I know her too much from just those few pictures, KWIM?


Have a great weekend! Sounds like fun. Have fun with your camera! :D

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Wow, I've been away from the boards for a bit due to work insanity and I am nowhere near caught up with all the posts I missed. But, I did want to welcome Lauri and chime in on what I have been able to scan over. Personally, I lean towards the fire diagnosis for Lauri. That purple patterned shirt seems a bit more fire than earth to me and really looks good on you.


Awhile back we were all discussing hairstyles, and I have been debating about what to do about my hair for months. See, several months ago when I was getting my hair done to go to a wedding the stylist burned my hair badly with a flat iron. She had been using the flat iron to curl my hair for an updo and I didn't realize how bad it was until I took the updo down that night. It was fried. I got some of it cut off right away but cutting it all off would have left me with very little hair. So I have been letting it grow out for the last couple of months. I went yesterday and got the rest of the burned hair cut off - which worked out to be between 5 and 6 inches of hair. I like it, and DH also likes it so I may try to keep the style for awhile. It's definitely the shortest it's been in about 10 years and the first time I have had bangs in probably close to 20 years. LOL.



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Nice haircut, Barbara! It's good to hear from you.


Lauri, you will be in Syracuse? It really is a small world, isn't it? Do you have any special plans for while you are here?


For those of you not familiar with Central New York, Syracuse is just don't the street from me. I work in Syracuse.

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