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Okay, so I've tried those dresses on again. I can definitely see and feel the difference. I'm not sure if it comes across well in the pictures, but I will post the before and after, with the before being old bra and after being new bra.


Purple dress, before:



and after:


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It's funny...seeing the pictures larger and closer together, you probably don't see it at all? Maybe a little at the edge of the dress, where it just lays nicer. But, the first picture is with a 40DD bra and the second is with a 38D.


I'll try the gold next. Just a warning, this is post ice cream. :p I could have timed this better, and maybe my shape isn't ready for this dress? I know wearing the right things underneath makes a difference, and I was focused a lot on the top.







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I've got to say, my daughter and I get to laughing because whenever she goes to take pictures of me, my dogs run into the kitchen and try to sneak their way into the picture. They're such cuties. But I do see a difference in the gold dress on top.

Edited by laurspag
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I'm finding the color charts for soft autumn, true autumn and dark autumn a bit confusing. Some of the colors they show seem a bit to the cool side, and it's throwing me off.


I stared and stared at those color palettes. I looked at so many. I really like these charts, which I have posted links for already...I'll include again though, just because:




These are the only charts that include the different characteristics for the colors and where on the spectrum for each characteristic each color chart is.


Debbie talked about having a feeling for each chart...and I think that this is true. You have to develop a feeling for the way the colors are in each one and not be too attached to finding a particular color within each chart...because it can appear like one color appears on more than one chart...


HOWEVER, I can tell you...if you make those chart full screen in multiple tabs and zoom in on the different squares that you think are the same...they do end up SLIGHTLY different.




Autumn is defined by WARM and MUTED.


But again...


Warm is a spectrum.


Muted also exists on a level of brightness spectrum. We have talked about INTENSE muted colors. That's the biggie for help in defining the difference between the Soft and Dark palettes.


So getting particular.


TRUE Autumn...warm all day. NOTHING but warm. Not a hint of cool at all. Color feels fully saturated but still unquestionably muted. Some of the colors can be quite muddy looking. True Autumn feels like someone took a crayon and pressed really, really hard. And fully colored in all the spaces. They did their very best to fill in between all the lines and cover all the paper with crayon coloring. May not be a perfect coloring job.


This is just like True Spring...in that the True palette is fully warm. There is no such thing as movement on the warmth spectrum toward cool. Not an inch. Must be fully, unquestionably warm.


If some of the colors in the palette seem cool (like some of the mushroom beiges and grays...), I believe that this is an attempt to include the technical possibilities of such a muted color...and I give the benefit of the doubt to digital representation of color. The slider and the info shared says that TRUE has no compromise on warmth.


The other two Autumn palettes can handle that touch of cool. The slider on the temperature scale can begin to move toward cool and still be considered an OVERALL warm color.


So how do the other two palettes differ from each other?


SOFT Autumn...the distinguishing characteristic of Soft Autumn is the feeling of a "smoky" color. Soft Autumn includes that touch of white in PPM to the color. It is somehow still the darker color...but it is like looking at the darker color through a fog. It's like someone painted with watercolors. And they only did one layer...so the paper didn't get completely covered with color...and you can tell that the paper is white underneath the watercolor paint.


Or colored pencils. They used well-used colored pencils that have a really good flat edge on them...not a sharpened tip...but still...they just couldn't fill in the blanks as well as a crayon would. You just can't quite fill in with the colored pencil they way you can with the crayon.


And literally...you think soft. If the color you were looking at were fur...you'd want to pet it. If you could touch the color...it would give...like a cloud...like a pillow. There isn't enough substance there in the color to put up resistance.


The color itself can be a dark color in the base...but there is an OVERTONE to it that screams for adjectives like smoky, ashy, soft, cloudy...


DARK Autumn...I really prefer the label Deep Autumn. Like Soft Autumn, Dark/Deep Autumn can have a touch of cool. But Dark Autumn colors are like someone colored with magic markers. There's no question that the entire space in the lines is completely covered. You have no idea what color the paper was. Or OIL paints...yes...there is a richness to the color.


Dark is as vibrant as a muted color can be. These are the closest to "jewel" colors that Autumn can get. These are the LEAST muted of our Earthy colors. You could not describe any of these colors as "muddy"...muted, yes, but muddy, no.


True Autumn can only cheat into other Autumn colors. Warm is so important...BUT...perhaps a True Autumn can make a slightly cooler color work.


Soft Autumn can cheat into Soft Summer. Soft Summer is the most muted of the Summer colors. Muted is important...when you start to get too cool...you better be as muted as you can get.


So you picture me...and my greens. And maybe some of my greens can get a bit too gray to be truly warm? But still...because of my eye color and lighter hair...if the green isn't too cool...and still smoky/ashy...then it can work well enough.


Dark Autumn can cheat into Dark Winter. Richness and vibrancy within the muted, mostly warm coloring is important. So get into the most muted palette of Winter, which has the darker, richer colors (compared to Summer).


So you picture Margaret...and ANY rich teal and *gasp* the right, not too vibrant, not too inky, maybe knit?, just a little bit matte and somewhat dull black *gasp*. And how that one black dress still looked pretty darn good on her. The blue one was better...but wow...the black really wasn't bad.


And as I said before...


I think that the camera can pick up on things that help us classify colors better than our human eye can.


I think that we are trying to make judgments and process colors...and have memories of color...and just all kinds of influences that really and truly TAINT what our eyes see.


But the camera just sees what it sees. And a bit like a scale...it may not be a perfect representation of actual weight (color) but if you consistently use the same scale, then you can make decently accurate comparisons in weight. The camera can make decently accurate comparisons of color.

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Wow Laurie. I see the difference the bra makes.


My honest thoughts...


I don't love the neckline of the purple dress. This is a bias of mine...but I don't care for the choker look. I don't mind the narrower necklines (I have one) but there is something about the metal aspect of that dress that does not appeal to me personally and I have issues with it. Again...totally personal.


I guess if I were to get nit picky with the purple dress...I wish that it were slightly more fitted in the skirt. I wish that it had a bit more taper to it to the hem-line.


And those are the things that I love about the gold dress.


That is a beautiful dress.


I LOVE the fabric of that dress. It's like it's shiny but matte all at the same time. The texture in the fabric is wonderful. SO lovely. And the neckline is really nice.


I think you could have such fun with a big statement bracelet or a large, fun ring. Of course, fun earrings.


And I just love the way that it hugs your shape.


Laurie...women have a bit of a roundness to their tummies. Most normal women do. It's just the way that a woman's body is. It is so hard for a woman to get that flat stomach. There's like, ONE body type where the stomach is more concave...and I would bet money that those are pre-momma bodies.


Momma's have curves.


Men like curves.


And there's nothing wrong with that little curve you have. Nothing at all. There certainly is no reason at all for you to add more fabric and more fullness there is some attempt to disguise it. That only adds pounds and inches to what is really an attractive figure.


I think the longer skirt is very flattering too.


I think the gold dress is stunning.


BUT...the most important thing is how YOU feel. You have to feel good in whatever you are wearing. How you feel shows.


But I bet your hubby likes that gold dress... You would be his hot date for the night. ;)

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Granny...not sure what you are meaning by lost on this whole thing...and giving up on figuring this out.


Our conversations on the Fire and Earth threads have taken a dip into nit picky land...I think it is a somewhat natural progression for our conversation, which for many of us has been happening now for like 5+ years.


If you are new to the idea of wearing your best colors...then stick with the simplest definition...


I think we expressed a leaning toward AIR (Summer) for you...which just means that you look best in cooler, more muted colors. Colors may not be "true" to our idea of them...but in a general sense...think navy, gray, charcoal gray, mushroom khaki, off-white (not cream), pastel colors (Easter), periwinkle and many, many other blues, pinks and watermelon type colors, lavender, many bluish purples...


I hope you haven't completely given up?


It can seem complicated...but it doesn't have to be. I think it's great knowledge to have...and there are so many Air colors out right now. If we could figure you out for sure...you would have many choices for building a lovely Air capsule wardrobe.

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In any event, I think your last post just gathered all the loose ends and put them in a tidy bow for me. :)


Thanks Margaret!


Comparing Laurie, you and I...I am something of the odd ball out. I think if Jane were more active in our conversation...she and I would be more alike as Laurie and you are more alike.


It will be interesting to see how Lauri pans out...when she has time.


Shout out to Lauri...I can only imagine the looming Sept 7 deadline and the weight of the to do list to prepare for that deadline. Rest assured that we are here...and in no hurry...but ready to pick up our conversation when your life has settled a bit and/or you grab some "me time" and can focus on yourself for a bit. I'm very curious to hear details regarding your situation...DS has expressed a desire to attend the Royal Academy of Music...




My impression with Lauri is that she would end up being more Soft or True on the Earth side...and more Light or True on the Fire side. I don't know that the Earth colors I pointed her to are the best...BUT I know without doubt that the 2 Fire colors I recommended would put to rest the Fire question once and for all.


Might have to bring back the lavender sweater to determine if it's a Light Fire or a lovely Earth color...comparing it with the effect of the other shirts that I recommended.


Yay for return policies is all I have to say about that!


But again...like you...I have felt a certain level of dissatisfaction, I guess, with the total results of my Earth Wardrobe endeavor. And now I feel vindicated in these feelings. I understand where the seed of discontent lies and I can again embrace the challenge of the "perfect wardrobe" with color as one of my major requirements for clothing selection.


Because I was going off the deep end a bit...that slippery slope...letting too many compromises into my decisions.


I went shopping today.


I've had a bit of a balloon effect happen with my body. I feel like my chin is mostly there still...but my body has responded to the physical challenges in a negative way...probably because I'm stressed...and haven't been doing my physical therapy let alone any other form of physical exercise...


But I've stayed relatively active around the house with chores...


So I don't feel incapacitated my physical limitations...just frustrated by lack of stamina and also the bit of bloat that seems to have happened...


Point being...my wonderful DH took me to the mall today so that I could overcome some challenges in my wardrobe. I purchased 2 pairs of capris, 2 pairs of super short capris that are almost short like (covers the knees though), 1 button down shirt that I can wear as an overshirt with my camis/tanks, and a transition season vest (also to wear with my camis/tanks).


I shopped at Macy's where the clearance racks are all over the store!


So I bought a pair of capris that are similar to the leggings that I posted to recommend for Mom. The don't look like upholstery...but they are a design of cream and tan.


Another pair of capris in a mushroom color. I know. I would have preferred a more golden tan...but beggars are not choosers as they say...and I know that the color will work well enough.


The long shorts/short capris (pedal pushers?) in another more mushroomy khaki...


The long shorts/short capris in army green.


The button down, elbow length sleeves army green shirt (to wear as an overshirt).


The cream/off-white colored vest.


I will have to take some photos...


I have been totally inspired by the recent Vivienne Files posts...and I definitely had her most recent pale colored summer wardrobe base in mind when I was shopping today.


I'll have to wait to share though...

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Hi everyone!

You all are amazing!!


Love the conversations going on but I must admit it is making my brain hurt too! One day, when both kids are settled into their respective dorms and the house and my brain is QUIET once more, I am going to re-read all of these posts. I know there is some great info there but I cannot seem to concentrate enough to understand it right now!


Laurie, you look so beautiful! I love the dark purple dress on you. Your waist is so tiny! But I do not love the neckline either. Something about large chests and high necklines just do not work in my opinion. But the shape is perfect for you. It really shows off your shape you have worked so hard for! I really like the gold dress too. Very elegant. It shows more of your lovely curves (which we need to celebrate!) and as long as you carry yourself with confidence and know you look amazing in it, you will be smashing! I think attitude and how you carry yourself says so much to the world!


Things are a bit more under control here! We have filled out the Visa application, paid the outrageous fees and now are just waiting for DS's biometric (fingerprinting, photo, signature) appointment this Friday. Friday seems so far away when we know his Visa process will not be started until after the biometric data is sent in and we overnight ship his passport and other supporting documents to the UK office in New York! He may try to walk in tomorrow. Hopefully his polite demeanor, his charm and those double dimples and gorgeous smile will get him in early! He is prepared to wait for hours to be seen if need be, just to have the peace of mind that the process in underway! The most stressful thing is if all the necessary documents are not in line, they will reject you and you have to start all over! We do not have time for that! They do have an expedite process that costs another $192 that we will gratefully pay to know this will be done in time! Cannot buy his airfare until the Visa is in his hand! We will have a discussion with the financial aid lady on Monday so she can assure us that his loans are all approved. Anita, that is the one thing I never would have ever thought...that you have to show proof of funds for the entire years tuition, and 9 months of maintenance (living) fees. We have to prove $34000+ on the day you apply for a Visa and you must have held it for over 28 days if it is cash. We planned on sending him $1500 a month but that does not fulfill the requirement. We ended up taking out (at least applying for) a second loan to meet those rules. Living in the U.S., we are considered "low risk" so you do not have to send in your transcript, proof of command of the English language or financial records showing you have the funds, but they may very well request to see them and you have to send them almost immediately, so you have to have the paperwork at your fingertips. Hopefully none of that will slow down the process! I cannot believe how late in the summer they finally tell you if you are admitted! Of course, DS didn't decide he was ready to go to grad school until June! He was going to take a year off. I am happy with his decision!


The fire/earth shirt shipments are still on the counter, unopened! Hopefully today after our swim (90 degrees again today!) I will have DH take some pictures and post them here. And just maybe we will determine whether I am earth or fire and then the decision, am I soft or true or..... I think there is a third choice!!!!



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I love the color and style of the purple dress, but the neckline isn't working right, and there isn't much of a way to fix that. The bottom I already thought about - it would need side seam adjustments for the pleats to lay better and conform to my shape. It is going back.


After much debate abut the gold dress, I'm keeping it. Pictures don't always do justice to certain dresses, and this may be one of those cases. At heart, I love the dress. I feel good in it, and I don't think there really is anything more important. I will get it hemmed, and then I'm good to go! Considering that really light tones aren't always my best, I do like the gold a lot. The pattern and texture of the fabric is wonderful.


So, I took pictures! Lots of them! Once I delete the blurry ones, I will have about 70. That is way too many, I know. I got the positioning just right for some, not for others. My daughter has volunteered to retake them when she gets home later, so I may give that a try.


I have concerns, and one as that I have some red blotches to my skin because it is kind of dry. I feel it throws my coloring off a bit sometimes. By the end of the day though, my natural oils and so forth may help so those pictures may end up better.


Just a bit of food for thought, here are two pictures that looked consistent. I think my position is the same. I haven't classified the colors yet, I'm simply looking and asking myself about my eyes and skin tone...it's funny how you stop and ask yourself, "is that really an earth color? Is that how my skin looks when I wear that?" I'm not saying these are good or bad pictures, but I will say that I kept looking at these, and analyzing them a lot.








I'll just leave it at that for now. My grumpy face is depressing, lol.

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By the way, Margaret, I'm glad you're back and typing! I think you would enjoy this picture taking process. It is so much different than taking a picture and analyzing how something looks.


Granny, don't be discouraged...We love to do this. It creates those aha moments. I would love to see more pictures of you!


Lauri, I know what it can be like with kids in college. My daughter did a summer abroad program, and it gave us little time to prepare. she just needed a passport, which she already had, but everything else leaves you running around. We had to get the proper adapters so that she could charge her lap top and so forth. For the most half, she was never able to get a signal on her phone, but we used skype because she had internet. It was a lot of fun to be able to see her when we were talking to her.


In a few more weeks, you will be trying to figure out what to do with yourself, while they enjoy being back at school. Mousey will be doing that too!


We went to a baseball game on Friday night, and I thought of you, Lauri, because NBT Stadium is right next door to the regional market! You mentioned you were going to visit there during your trip.

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Oh yes, I forgot to answer your questions, Laurie! We went to the regional market and it was wonderful! We bought lots of veggies; tomatoes, corn, eggplant, beans, and grilled them up later in the day. We made a great tomato and mozzarella salad with a great olive oil and balsamic we bought there too! The veggies are all so enticing and beautiful. We went early so it was not very crowded. It was a lovely morning. Then we ventured out to a few wineries, breweries and waterfalls. Our favorite winery was Snowy Owl. I am more a microbrew girl, but I picked up some wine from Snowy Owl. It was so tasty! One is for our Liberty cruise to celebrate our 25th! Just 66 days from now! We had a wonderful time. We did not do much hiking since we were with my Mom who is not very mobile. I would love to go back without her and really spend some time on the trails.

We also went to Dinosaur BBQ the first night. It was amazing! Reminded me a lot of VooDoo BBQ in New Orleans. Terrific food, the brisket literally melted in your mouth! It was a great weekend!

We skyped frequently with Brooke last year and it is so wonderful to see her smiling and happy and doing exactly what they should be doing! Ryan isn't as receptive to Skype but being half a world away, I am sure that will change! We were hoping to get a SIM card for his phone for international calls. Do you know anything about those?


Your eyes are so green in that green shirt! Wow!! Glad you decided to keep the elegant gold dress..it is amazing! When will you get to wear it?


Gotta run,


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Does anyone know where I can find something like these, but less expensive? I like the heavier weight, as opposed to tights or the usual stretchy leggings. They're a great color.




Lauri, the Dinosaur Barbecue is one of our favorite places. We can walk in where it is so packed we can barely move, and there is one bartender who will ask people to make room for us, and he just gets our beers...he knows exactly what we want. To us, this is a pretty big deal because it's not like we are big drinkers. We have one beer during our trip there. But he remembers us, and always chats with us.


I may not like our winter weather too much, but I do love where I live. The snow is pretty as long as I'm in the house, lol.


By the way, Kohls has these straight crops with the folded hem in olive green, a few shades darker than the Athleta leggings. I loved them when I saw them yesterday, as they were one of the few things I could find in the store. I didn't get them. :( I wish I had, as they aren't online. They aren't a gray-green, they are really warm. I will go with true or deep/dark autumn as a description.


Thank you. I sometimes forget how green my eyes are, when they're lurking behind glasses. I am hoping that when my daughter gets home and we take pictures, I can make sure I am standing in the same spot, and she can make sure she holds the camera in the same spot...this way, I will know that the pictures were all taken with the same group of constants.

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I don't "get" half of what I'm reading, but I enjoy the discussion and the pics all the same. I never seem to get time to do pics. I haven't figured out where to take them either. I did get to a Chicos yesterday. It was an outlet store and didn't have the gray top I liked. I did try on a couple of things and couldn't decide if they were too "sunny". So I didn't buy anything. The one blouse I really liked the didn't have in my size...always the way! Laurie the green top really brings out your eyes, I think the brown top (middle pic) really brings out the color of your hair. Funny, I never paid attention to this stuff before!

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Hi all, I'm back from the 60th anniversary of the Pikes Peak Marathon. Boy, take a few days off from this board & the Fire board & you all go crazy with posts ;). It'll take me a bit of time to process all of this.


Here's a picture that was taken of me with the very first woman to complete a full marathon (in 1959, 8 years before Kathy Switzer jumped into Boston). Arlene Pieper is 85 & just look at her skin! FYI she said I'm Fire & Ice. She was a color coordinator for 30 years for Nordstroms. So now I'm really confused again, darn it! I'm really red in this photo as shade was at a real premium on the mountain. MelodyImageUploadedByForums1439756091.012008.jpg.de71ddae6b966ac2c4bde5f2fb7966da.jpg

Edited by awhfy
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Lauri, I'm thinking of wearing that dress for one of two formal nights on Allure next June!


Granny, it takes time to really absorb this. I was brought up that blue is always cool, red is always warm...it wasn't until I started realizing that certain colors didn't work for me that I wanted to learn more. I think that getting it down to cool or warm is the first step, then deciding which season - earth (autumn), air (summer), fire (spring) or ice (winter). What we're doing now is tough, but I think it's a great way to really pinpoint your best colors. Once I figure it out for me, I really want to make a note of it, and if I see the right item in one of those best colors...well, I better grab it while I see it!

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I have a new set of pictures taken. I think my daughter did a great job. It's humid today and I got rather splotchy. My thing is that I'm having trouble deciding where the colors go. It takes a bit to get used to One Drive, but I live having those pictures lined up that way. I may need some help with categorizing them.

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I am with the Margaret camp . All this shades of colors is hurting my head . I have been traveling and observing styles . It is so interesting to see the various travel styles that people have . Lots of jackets and scarves , leggings & long tunics . The best outfit I saw today was a lacey tunic over tight gray pants & a gray cami . Plus she had on gray esperdrills .

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Melody, if you are truly a mix of Ice/Winter and FIRE/Spring, you are either Bright Winter or Bright Spring. Happy researching and reading. Let us know what you think, please.



I'm going along with Bright something. My best colors seem to be vibrant jewel colors & highlighter brights, but black also appears pretty good. Now, no color looks good if I don't have my eyebrows on & a bit of mascara. A work in progress. Melody

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I'm not certain yet, but I'm thinking I don't have too many soft autumn colors in my photos. I may need to use the chart and compare it to my clothes. I'm sure I have more...


Anita does this picture seem okay lighting and perspective wise?



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