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Anita, our DGD is first chair for (tenor sax) marching band, (not sure how you have a chair for marching band?), first chair (tenor sax) jazz band, first chair alto sax) symphonic & darn it, I'm forgetting one. You know Colorado, we live in Colorado Springs, one of the football games for marching band is in Grand Junction (only a 5 hour drive!!!). We'll go, spend at least one night & hit a couple of wineries the next day. That'll be all we do till we cruise in midNov. Melody

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Playing Grand Junction is crazy! My in-laws lived in Grand Junction for a while... hopefully it's earlier in the season so that you don't have the worry of weather added to the travel... Good grief.


Marching Band is very time consuming. I'm a "Uniform Mom" in training and likely to be the Uniform Mom during DS' Junior Year. Our band is a very competitive band...very serious...very time consuming for both the students and the Boosters.


DS plays Baritone in the marching band, Euphonium in symphonic, and is hoping to play guitar in Jazz Band in the Spring. Jazz Band is another extracurricular band like Marching Band at our school. DS also sings Bass in the Mixed Chorus class and in the Men's Choir and Acapella.


And to brag a bit...He was also elected President of the Freshman Class! (So weird to me but each class has a full range of officers for student council.)


So yeah...the taxi service is really busy taking him to his before school activities and picking him up from his after school activities...he's at school for 12 hours or more many days of the week...


We sleep a lot on the weekend...:rolleyes::eek:


Can't wait for Fall Break!


Fortunately Marching Band season will end in November...that's the biggest time commitment.

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Last night was fireworks night (which was cancelled in June because of rain). We got to our favorite spot early and watched everyone else roll in:




We tied up with friends and drank wine and ate cookies. As soon as the fireworks were done, the full moon came over the mountain and guided us home. It was one of those magical nights, so special.


Anita, your summer must feel soooo short. I go back to school Sept. 15 but then my "kids" don't come back until another week later. I decided not to go to Miami with DH since I would have to take the third day of school off, and really, he'll be working the whole time. BTW I'm with Melody, take the picture. Also I really like your nail colors. I go crazy with my toes, but for my hands I tend to pick a neutral like the last one because my nails are so short.


So, we still have plans to go to Vermont for a weekend in October, and to Seattle for Christmas. We are thinking we might cut short the Seattle trip and spend a week in early December in Siesta Key. Flights and condos are pretty cheap at that time. All of our plans our tentative, though, since his hip has gotten so bad he's talking about finally having surgery.


Hotel Edison! OMG I spent so much time in the café there when I was teaching dance classes down the street. It was a popular hangout for Broadway folks between rehearsals and classes. That is such a convenient location. Laurie, a taxi from LaGuardia to midtown will be about $25, maybe more if you go to the west side, or if it's rush hour and traffic is slow. There are also buses (not city buses but private bus companies) that drop off in Manhattan.







The bus will be a lot slower, and if you do the math it comes out pretty close. From JFK the flat fare is around $50, I think, but I hate JFK and avoid whenever possible. :)


Stupid me, it cost me $8 to send that Joe Fresh dress back and it was a bit of a hassle to boot. So, I did not order the next size down. I won't order from their website again. Lesson learned.


DH hates shopping. I hate shopping with him, he's such a PIA about it. He needs tall sizes anyway, so except for summer casual wear, everything comes from a catalog like Lands End. He buys his suits and shoes on his own, but I buy pretty much everything else. He wears suits to work at least half of the time, so he has quite a few, though they are all blue. :rolleyes: He will wear stuff until waaaay past its prime. He likes what he likes, and gets upset when his favorites change or are discontinued. There is no way he could ever be "fashionable" because his choices are just so limited. His whole closet is like one big Vivienne Files post, because everything goes with everything else. ;)


And now, I think it's time to put on my wetsuit and get out my ski. Summer will be over soon, gotta get the good water when I can. :D

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Anita, I forgot to comment about those nail colors. They are pretty! I tend to be what I call business like with my fingernails, for the most half. A manicure seldom lasts me more than 3-4 days, but the last time I did my own and used Opi, I got close to 5. For that reason, I may do my own for Lake Placid.


But the reason I go business like is because I will often get a gel manicure for a cruise, and those last longer. I have to work quick when it starts chipping though, and get the rest off. That is no easy feat for gel polish. But if I have a color that passes in the business world and I get close to 2 weeks out of it, then it is good.


I am not certain if I'm going to just do a manicure using Opi for Lake Placid, or do something fun, so as some of the print Jamberries I have? I haven't used them because I would want to get a long weekend out of them.


We did decide to hold off until spring for NYC, but we are doing a girls only trip to Eastview Mall, which is just under two hours from here. We are going to stay overnight so that we can go, shop, relax...just enjoy ourselves. Me and both of my daughters! This could also be a great time to do my nails.


I guess I look for a special event to do them, and I don't have to be conservative for Eastview Mall or Lake Placid. I do want my nails for Lake Placid to go well with the outfits I'm starting to plan out though. I'll have to see what kind of shape they are in at that point.


I saw this today, and was thinking it was earth. So much of this wine color that is hot this season can vary. It can be warm or cool. I was thinking it was warm, but I wasn't feeling 100% sure. You know how it can be with lighting in stores. If it is one of our colors, it may be more a color for Margaret, as a deep autumn. I will need to compare it to the charts.


What do you all think?




Margaret, I love fireworks. I have a really soft spot for them when the follow a baseball game. My dad used to always call me when the Auburn Doubledays were playing and they were going to have fireworks. We'd meet him there, and it was always so much fun. He knew I loved fireworks, and he would think of me.


I guess I'm getting all mushy here. I miss him a lot.


You mentioned your husband's hip...is he in need of a replacement? I come from a large family, and we tend to have things crop up in large numbers when it comes to health. For example, all 4 of my sisters had hysterectomies. Not me. Most of my siblings had to have their appendix removed as adults. Not me. One of my brothers had both of his hips replaced at age 48, and my 56 year old sister will be having her surgery very soon. My sister who recently passed away needed her hips replaced also, but she had too many other things going on for it to be a priority. My hearing loss is also shared by 3 of my sisters, my daughter, and a nephew.


I seem to dodge the family bullets, so to speak. But I don't think the hip bullet is going to miss me. I'm having issues off and on. I think I will be a ways off for surgery, but it will likely happen.


Margaret, it sounds like you have some fun things planned. I've been to Vermont once for a long weekend. It was beautiful! I went to the Ben and Jerry's Factory, the Vermont Teddybear Factory, and I recall a mansion that was just stunning to see...it was about 10 years ago.


It sounds like we all have some fun things going on! I'm itching for a cruise though. It will be so hard to wait until June to go on Allure.

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I'm with you Laurie, next spring seems like a long time to wait for a cruise. Because ours won't have formal nights and many of the port activities are included, I can't even indulge in my usual OCD planning. There is very little to do. :(


DH needs hip replacement. He has/had a black belt and did taekwondo for many years, including being on the team in college. So, his pivot leg is shot. We've spent the last two years accommodating his ever lessening mobility. Now the pain is keeping him awake and he's finally going to do it, I think. I hope. He's only 55 and he walks like he's 90. It has been challenging because we have been on separate health trajectories with me getting more fit and him getting less and less so. Devising vacations with little walking is really hard. Life in general with little walking is really hard! I look forward to having my playmate back.


In my family it's heart disease and obesity. My older brother had a heart attack at 46. My grandfather died of a heart attack at 49. I am trying not to follow that road. Now I am learning about the connections between obesity and dementia so I am doubly motivated to get my weight down some more.


On a fashion note, I was dismayed at The Vivienne Files that she did so little with that beautiful Agutte painting -- all those wonderful blues and oranges gone to waste. I love blue and orange together.


Anita, I think if I did a short cruise I would pack very light, mix and match, and focus as much as possible on squeezing fun out of every minute.


Laurie, about the red shirt. I've mentioned before that I tend to shy away from wine-colored reds, or any red with a tinge of pink to it. Even though the name is burgundy, for you I would give it a shot because it seems very neutral and muted. Not a clear ICE red, nor a rusty EARTH red. I really like the style, it looks stylish and flattering.

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Been busy planning parties!!! Had a small, intimate dinner party last night because my niece and her BF came up from San Diego to spend the night. I also invited my BFF and the DS's Godfather because he and the niece hadn't seen each other for awhile. We had a great time. Since the niece's BF is part Cuban I made a Cuban chicken dish that my mom used to make for me years ago. It was a hit with everyone and the DH was eating the leftovers today. When I throw any kind of party I always lean towards having more food than less. I've been to parties and weddings were food was on the sparse side and have gone hungry too many times to do that to my guests!:eek: It doesn't matter if I have lots of leftovers because the DH will eat anything. He's the King of Leftovers...LOL!


Next up...this coming Sat. is a Going Away party for one of the couples in our group. The BFF and I have it all planned out. We assigned a special food item to everyone and everyone is chipping in $20 a piece to have the main entrees catered. I opted to host this party because, with the exception of one couple in our group...I have the biggest house. There will be 14 of us.


I'm also in the midst of planning Dad's 90th Birthday and his and Mom's 70th Wedding Anniversary shindig with my SIL. It's going to be the second week in Oct. and there will be about 55-60 people coming. The SIL and I are doing all the cooking...well we're doing everything ourselves! It's been fun planning it with the SIL as we are so compatible and respect each other's opinion greatly. I just love her!



I know how you feel. When I first moved to California I hated the mountains and missed FL and it's environment so much. Now I live in the mountains ten minutes from the ocean and I'm in heaven! It did however take me about 14 years to get to this point though! LOL!:D


I hope you and your family have a great cruise and take great pictures. You could match your son's jacket by picking out one of the colors in it and wearing that in a solid-colored garment.



The reason you're seeing a lot of high necked clothing is because it's a "thing" this Fall. It's what's happening fashion-wise now...or so I've been reading in my fashion mags that it's the case.


Even in the middle of all this party planning, I'm still dreaming up outfits in my mind for our Christmas/30th Anniversary cruise. I'll probably get serious about pulling stuff and buying some new things when I get back from the big shindig (am I dating myself with that word or what? LOL!).


I thought it was funny that Anita mentioned her "crisp" morning while here in CA we're having a humongous heatwave! It was into the 3-digits here last week. Thank goodness we're only going to be in the high 70s this week!

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Laurie...it's always a gamble when you shop online. I think the shirt would be worth a shot...just know your return policy! It's so hard to look at the photos to determine when you know they are just photoshopped color, which that photo is. We just don't know which one is photoshopped...the blue or the burgundy?


That shirt would be very flattering. I like all this layering and asymmetry at the hems these days.


mousey...the high neck line is what I saw in the latest InStyle too. I don't care for that style simply because I generally don't like something that close to my neck. The ones in that magazine were like chokers, they seemed so high and tight.


Margaret...yes. The summer felt very short. You just have to have a new mindset though.


The school system is leaning into what they call a "balanced" school year. So the summer is shorter, but we get a Fall Break in September, we get a full week at Thanksgiving, at least 2 weeks for the Winter Holidays, another week off in February (I don't know what they call this), and Spring Break week in April. There are a couple 3-day weekends... And we are out for summer with enough time for the graduation ceremonies to be completed by Memorial Day.


I like it. It gives the opportunity for travel at some time other than summer and the major fall/winter holidays.


It's one reason why I think Fall Break is so awesome. Our April Spring Break always feels so late...and then to try to take another vacation in June/July...well...that's pretty fast...I like being able to spread out the vacations/travel and go in September.


I'm definitely leaning toward easy. And exactly what you said Margaret, "squeezing fun out of every minute."


That's one reason why I've been debating the whole formal night thing. I think I'm leaning toward seeing how the ship is dressed...and see if we can be one of those dreaded people that aren't really dressed for formal night...or we might go to Chops that night...or just eat in the Windjammer.


I've been looking at Enchantment more as we get closer. IIRC the WJ is different on Enchantment and is toward the front of the ship... Which would mean that we could have a lovely view...which we likely wouldn't have at dinner in the MDR.


The hardest thing to prep for with the September sailing is RAIN.


I do recall that it rained on our last Fall Break...not that we have a problem with that...but if you are caught in the rain and decide to go ahead and enjoy yourself regardless...you might need extra clothes...

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Oh! Wanted to add...I only have the one nail polish from Rimmel London. The nude color. On the bottle, it says up to 10 days.


I can confirm that it lasted 10 days. I need to redo it because my nails have grown enough that there is the big gap between bottom of the polish and my nail bed (hate that)...and there was a little bit of tip pull, but no chips.


I'm seriously considering using this one for my fingers on the cruise. I plan on being in the water enough...and I find sand to be very rough on polish.


Usually I go for more color...so this would be new and different...I'll continue my testing. I have time to test 2 more I think.


Edited to add: It's the LASTING PRO kind of Rimmel.

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Margaret , Sorry to hear about your husband's hip but in my experience the pain gets to the point it is unbearable . Everyone I know had an easy time with the surgery & recovery .Hopefully he will be all better by the time of your cruise .


Anita , I also have mixed feelings about formal night so I pack a long black sundress that can be dressed up if I chose to go . If not I can still wear the sundress minus the bling to another dinner . When I first started cruising I packed a different dress & shoes for each night but after 23 cruises & ships getting more casual I have paired down to nice dinner outfits but nothing close to real formal.Though I may take something dressier on my TA cruise .


Laurie , Have a great time on your Lake Placid getaway . We are going on a trip to Gatlinberg to visit fall & meet up with my daughter , son in law & grandsons in early October .


Mousey , Wow ! You really have been busy entertaining .


Cholla , Always good to hear from you !


In other news we started the slow process of house hunting . Our house is just too big for us now & we really need to downsize . I have started tossing , donating & giving away lots of stuff . What a daunting task !I also have been getting all my plans made for the TA next spring . Flight & Hotel are booked , excursions are semi planned but I am just stuck on clothes planning .I have travelled before for over three weeks but this is the first time combined with a cruise .I just need to alter my mind set & get planning .

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On nail polish I've been very happy with CND Vinylux. It lasts a minimum of 2 weeks & I've actually made it over 3 without chips. Only drawback is that you have to use the CND Vinylux top coat, others get tacky. It removes easily with regular nail polish remover. Great colors tooImageUploadedByForums1441054517.410529.jpg.9efcf78f64259cb19bec581ca56488d8.jpg that's after 2-1/2 weeks. Melody

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There's no way that polish would last so long for me! My nails grow too fast...I get a big ole gap at the bottom after one week.


Pretty color! I've never heard of that brand. I'll have to look it up.


Sent from my KFTT using Tapatalk 2

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There's no way that polish would last so long for me! My nails grow too fast...I get a big ole gap at the bottom after one week.


Pretty color! I've never heard of that brand. I'll have to look it up.


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I get it at Ulta. I normally wear Sparkling Grapefruit - almost sheer with a sparkle & doesn't show the grow out like darker shades. Melody

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I will look for it too. Nail polish doesn't last on me at all. With gel manicures, my nails grow a bit too quick for them to last long. I can go two weeks on a light color but that is it.


And you said it comes off will regular nail polish remover?

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Another new nail polish to try. Fun!




This fleece jacket has some nice colors, I think the teal one has my name on it:





Two of my favorite stores in NYC are the museum shops at the Metropolitan Museum of Art and AMNH. I usually make at least one trip to the Met for Christmas shopping, and sometimes Santa gives me something from the catalog:











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Margaret...I've been wondering if you were reminded to go look at the Met gift shop after that Vivienne Files post with the same scarf? I didn't realize from the blog that the scarf was SO BIG.


Loved today's Vivienne Files. I liked the pieces...the idea of shades of a color and the patterned skirt and the pop of color on the accessories. That was nicely done.

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I liked the idea of the capsule today too. I can use my colors with those general lines or even just my version the items. I don't wear button-down shirts. I don't wear a watch. However, I can plan around neutral, neutral, accent, accent. I LURVE the stories though. I especially liked today's story. I would absolutely love to live like that for about 6 months of the year.

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For me, what I like about the Vivienne Files is that she is pairing different colors together. Maybe it goes back to my style statement, and that word harmonious. I like how everything comes together and works.


I'm not big on tonal outfits, so I love to see how some of this works. I found a link farther down the page where she works with four colors, and one of them had olive, camel, teal and wine. I loved to see how she'd pair things, and then I'd see how the accessories make the whole thing come together as if they were almost meant to be.


That particular grouping had a shirt from Disigual, and I was thinking of looking for it, but I don't know how old that posting was.


I am hoping to have these kind of polished, pulled together looks for Lake Placid, but in a casual way. As a matter of fact, I may work on that tomorrow night a little, and take some pictures. For example, I have brown leggings, and this almost khaki colored sweater, and want bring in some color with one of my scarves. I'm a bit nervous about the leggings, but I like them with tunics or longer tops. They would definitely be great as part of the traveling outfit, since we have a 4+ hour drive. It would be nice to get out of the car and be ready for whatever awaits us.


Since we are traveling in just two weeks, it means I have to be prepared that it might still be warmer there. The nights cool off fast there though, even if they days are warm. It will be interesting to see what I bring!

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I hadn't looked at TVF since the weekend, so I didn't know she'd used that scarf, which I think is really pretty. I get their catalog which is where I saw the scarf. Why did she include that French blue shirt? and the stonewashed jeans?? blech.


That post and the one before it with the orange & blue painting have been bugging me. Probably more than they should. :) I know she has her thing that she does, which is great, but it's the white and black in those capsules that is driving me nuts. I think they provide a jarring note that keeps me from the love. Why not pale taupe and burgundy for the neutrals? Or navy? Her first selections, the black and maroon, just really depressed me.


Laurie mentioned harmony. Just because everything mixes doesn't mean it matches. Not thinking specifically about color, more about ambience. Does that make sense? There is a bit of trying too hard, like wearing red, white, and blue together (except for parades!). All the warmth and invitation of that painting are missing in the clothes. JMO.


Fall is such a colorful time of year. I'm sad to see all the black coming back.

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I always have mixed feelings about TVF blog. I certainly admire her ability to do what she does...but the style isn't mine, I don't love the individual pieces so much as the IDEA of what the piece represents.


But I agree Margaret with that one post...everything about it...I was like :eek:. For such a beautiful scarf...I was very surprised at where she went and what she pulled. Not my fav for sure.


Yes, Debbie...loving the little stories. It's very fun to read her thoughts about the person that is wearing her wardrobes.


Speaking of...Fall Break is in 2 WEEKS!


The cruise isn't until Monday of that holiday week...so there is leeway in that timeline...BUT...I'm really wanting even that weekend to feel like vacation. I dream of actually having everything packed (or as close as possible...if wrinkles are a worry) and ready to go before the weekend even hits. For me...that would be Wednesday.


Because I have school related responsibilities from Thursday night onwards.


I guess I'm going to be the President-elect of the Chorus Boosters. :eek:


Which means I'll be the Pres next year...and I know they hope that whoever holds the office of Pres and Treasure can hold that office for more than one year...




It's cool though. I was a flag girl in MB in HS so I relate to that. But singing is nearer to my heart...I was in Chorus in HS and college. I have also been involved in my church's praise and worship...and way back in Wichita, I was actually one of the lead altos for P&W.


Anyway...back to wardrobe planning...


Gonna play with that a bit today, I think.


In finally putting away some of my new purchases, I happened upon an unexpected combination...and then thought of another...very exciting...gonna build on that...shouldn't take long...there's only 4 nights!

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Believe it or not...


Here's what I'm thinking of wearing for formal night:




This is that lace skirt that everyone has seen before...


Here's a better representation of the texture of the skirt and the shirt:




People have talked of wearing black pants and a "sparkly top"...and this is a variation of that idea IMO...


I'm thinking that for a 4-night cruise...this will probably pass muster...especially considering some of the recent reviews that I've read.


I'll be very simple with my jewelry. I have some lovely gold hoops that I think will be just the thing. And I'm debating some bracelets...I have a 3-strand pearl bracelet that I have shown before that I enjoy wearing...which I think would work splendidly with this.


One night down.

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1st or 2nd alto, Anita? I sang 2nd alto in our 8-part aCapella HS choir and sometimes 1st tenor when the director needed more on the note than those freshmen boys could give him. Great memories of those years. It never occurred to me until much later how much I learned during those years, both musically and for myself personally. We had such a strict teacher and we still love him to this day. He and wife celebrated their 56th wedding anniversary this year. The single reason I like Facebook is that it allows people to keep in touch no matter where they live.


I continue to learn from TVF but hardly ever choose the same colors from her paintings or scarves. I assumed it's because I unconsciously gravitate toward my own set of colors. Very seldom have I been able to use her color scheme, and the items are Way Too Precious for me to afford, but it's the ideas I am eager to learn. It's the same reason that I like to watch Tiny House Living. I don't think I would want to live in less than 400 square feet, but the multi-purpose features and off-the-grid living ideas are fascinating to me. As a young teenager, I would pore over the bi-annual Big JCPenney catalog and decorate my make-believe house. Daddy got a monthly farm magazine that included a single architect house drawing in each issue. I tore the page from each issue and kept them in a folder. See, Ladies! Once I finally found the color & style wagon, is it any doubt why I jumped on with both feet to organize myself?


Our fall break isn't until the first week of October, so I have a few weeks before I begin to spreadsheet both four-day trips. I may try to do completely different capsules so I don't become confused when looking at pictures from the trips. Both will be very similar--beautiful fall color scenery pictures and super casual clothes. Heaven knows, I have plenty of casual clothes!!!


It will be fun to talk about everyone's wardrobe combinations for this time of year. I love sweater weather!

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