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We went on Royal's Navigator out of Galveston the end of November beginning of December last year (on our 45th anniversary). By & large we had good weather. We did almost drown in Belize coming back from a Mayan ruin in a speedboat (used our ponchos to save the camera equipment [emoji6]), never saw so much rain! Had a bit of rain (hard but not long) in Honduras, rest of trip was beautiful till we got back to Galveston (pretty chilly, 50s) but only cloudy. We normally sail February-March & weather is normally spectacular (whatever it is it beats snow!!!).



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Wow, if you miss a day on this thread there's so much to catch up on...LOL!



I agree...let's go Mets (unfortunately they're not doing so great right now as they're down 2 games but I've seen them come back from worse case scenarios)!


That Andrew Marc leather jacket you posted a picture of...I almost bought it in beige while I was shopping at Ross 4 Less when I was back in FL. It was on sale...dang...now I wish I had gotten it!!!


I loved the Michael Kors outfit...minus the fur (faux or otherwise). I have a jacket similar to that one so I might try to find some funky pants to go with it. I love that those pants were pajama ones.


Hope the DH's hip surgery goes well. My cousin's DH is recuperating fine so far from his. He's 63 years old and should have had the surgery done years ago. Christmas in New York...how exciting. I've done that before when we spent Christmas with the SIL years ago. It's so festive and fun. Very crowded though so take that into consideration. Wishing the best for the DH.


I agree with the East v. West style of clothing. Here in So Cal we are very casual. I live in jeans and various styles of tops. Since we don't have "weather" per se...we can live in our jeans (Capri or reg. length) all year round. Our younger girls usually wear denim short shorts with cut-off hems. Also, here in So Cal it's very trendy. One of my girlfriends once said of me..."She'll be trendy till the day she dies!" So that tells you a lot about my style. LOL! I just don't have one set style...I'm all over the place. I just enjoy fashion and don't like being tied down to one look. I just love shopping! But...and this is a big BUT...I don't spend a lot of money on my clothes because with rare exceptions I don't plan to have them for a long time...I know I'll be handing off most of them off to my girlfriend's non-profit group at the end of every year. I do tend to keep coats and jackets forever...but all the other stuff usually goes out the door to people that love to get them. I usually shop at TJ Maxx, Ross 4 Less, Marshalls and sometimes Macy's and Nordstroms. I just have so much fun with fashion.


One sad note...of course so it seems lately...the DS just had his computer stolen again! This time out of his car as it was parked in his fraternity's parking lot as did a few other kids...dang! But we're just getting him another one and rolling with the punches. I feel so sorry for the DS and all he's been going through with these thefts. He's getting to the point where he's hating living in Tucson and I feel badly about that. Especially since he has another year to go studying there. He's especially bummed out because he has to sit around today waiting for the guy to come and replace the window of our car that got bashed in. Geeze! Poor kid!


I'm into planning Thanksgiving dinner and collecting up my single friends that have no plans to dine with us. So far I've got seven for dinner.


Here's wishing everyone that has an upcoming cruise or trip a really great time! Can't wait for our cruise in Dec.

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Mousey, it sounds as if his frat house is being targeted, maybe the frat house should invest in a security patrol.


I also do a lot of my shopping at TJMaxx, Ross & Marshals. I've found some lovely things at Kohls too (especially trendy). I donate twice a year too. Of course, finding Athleta made the rest of my clothing budget less [emoji57]


Our oldest daughter will host Thanksgiving (3 turkeys this year (32 people only 4 kids). She has the entertainment house - double oven, 8 top stove, just a beautifully laid out house


We leave in less than 2 weeks, all set to cube & fold this weekend. Melody

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Another vote for Nachi Cocum. We had such a lovely, relaxing day there, and the lunch was delicious. We both had one of the Mexican dishes, very good.


Anita, I remember quite a while ago when Rosie O'Donnell had her first talk show, she was complaining about her weight and said that elastic waist pants were to blame. She said they allowed her to gain weight without feeling it, and then when she'd try on her jeans or other pants and they didn't fit anymore she'd realize how much she'd gained. And then she'd just put the elastic pants on again. My dress pants are definitely my best gauge for what's going on.


Vests. I liked TVF post. I have one at the lake that I wear often. Not so much here in the city.


There's a local ad running, I think for an app? Website? It says women only wear 20% of their wardrobe. I know I definitely fall into a rut of just wearing favorites. Even when the laundry is full, I always still have tons of choices.


That Andrew Marc jacket... yum.


We have Thanksgiving with DH's cousins and it's always fun. I'm not sure how well he'll be getting around by Christmas, so it will probably be just us. BUT... my sister may have to go to FL for work right after the New Year, and I may join her for a few days in Sarasota. Yay!


I'm reading one of Mindy Kaling's books and she talks about shopping for a sofa in her gym outfit and the saleslady completely ignoring her. I do find a definite correlation when shopping between clothing choice and sales help availability. However, it is true that you will see everything on the streets of NY and no matter what "look" you choose you will see others in it too. We are very egalitarian in that way!

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I forgot to say congratulations on your DGD's band's 2nd place win. Yea!


We agree that the DS's frat should have cameras in their parking lot. AEPi can certainly afford to do that. They would not hire guards...you know because of the partying and all they only allow their frat brothers and special male guests, parents (when they're invited) into the house. Oh yeah, and girls, girls, girls! LOL!


The DS has invited a really nice young man on the cruise. He's one of the new crop of frat brothers that's going to be inducted into his frat this year. We met him the last time the DS was home. The DH and I liked him very much and he's going to be a perfect fit with us on the cruise. I'm so happy he chose this kid because I feel very comfortable around him and he's very easygoing. He's also a good influence on the DS I'm happy to say.


Well, I've gathered up all of our single friends...not a couple among them with the exception of the DH and myself of course...and there will now be 10 of us for Thanksgiving dinner. I've got my menu set. I'm going with what I did for Thanksgiving of 2013. It was a hit so I'm going to repeat as with the exception of one person these are all new guests.


The Macy's parade, football, great food, drink, family, and friends...what's not to like. Plus everyone's bringing something to share. Can't wait! I love Thanksgiving!

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Ooh Thanksgiving. ... I haven't really thought much about it yet because my mind is stuck in cruise mode. We don't have family here so usually it's just DH and I. I typically cook a turkey breast or roast a chicken (a couple of years I made a capon but they are really hard to find and ridiculously expensive lately).


We have had a rough two days. On wednesday as I was driving to tucson to visit my friend my car died. Had to get it towed quite a ways to a dealer with me riding in the car on the flatbed because I couldn't climb up into the tow truck. I was like the most ridiculous parade float ever. Lol. Then on our way from the dealer, DH's front tire shredded. Fortunately, or unfortunately considering how it ended up, it happened almost directly in front of Walmart. So we go in to buy a pair of tires. They install them and we go to leave and discover they replaced THE WRONG TIRES. By this point they are closed. We limp the car home and go back in the morning and tell them what happened. They give DH some song and dance and convince him to buy TWO MORE tires. Then the proceed to lock the keys and key fob in the car. By this point I was raging. This is where DH and I are really really opposite. DH hates to cause a fuss or make a scene. He can be very passive. I, on the other hand, will be incredibly nice until it's no longer warranted. Then I generally tell him to wait outside so I can handle it. I am not passive. I am not rude, but I can be very very firm. And since I work with police I have mastered my calm but firm manner. Unfortunately, DH wanted to handle this situation and I let him. In the end we bought FOUR tires from Walmart and wasted about 6 hours. All this time I am still freaking out about my car. No idea what was wrong or how I was going to pay for it. I suspected the turbo was shot on the car and all of my research pointed to a very very expensive fix. Happy ending is that it is covered under my warranty and they will even give me back some of the cost for the towing. Yay!!! Likely it won't be done until we are on our cruise so they are going to fix it and then I can pick it up once we are home. What a huge relief. But not a great start to our vacation.


We fly out Saturday! !! Today I finalize the packing and take the fogs to get boarded. I got my nails and hair done on wednesday before the car fiasco began so that's done. Nails are a dark cobalt blue with some sparkles. I will try to get a picture of them today.


Have a great Friday everyone!

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Bon Voyage Barbara!!


We are SLAMMED in our schedule from now until Thanksgiving...crazy busy with marching band. Mom and Dad are visiting us for Thanksgiving...they arrive 3 weeks from tomorrow!


The last time we had a my side of the family Thanksgiving, we did it slightly different...rather than a huge buffet type spread, I planned out a multi-course meal...planning on the same thing again.


I don't have a normal set of china (I have a tea set), so I use my dishwasher friendly everyday dishes. I have been collecting the pattern that my Grandmother used for one set of her everyday dishes. California Ivy by Metlox. I love it because it works for all the themed holidays. I do use my silver flatware and crystal glasses to take the table up a notch. And I do a very elaborate table...I love that.


That statistic of 20% has been around for a while. I believe that part of that statistic DOES take into account the fact that women hang on to clothing that doesn't fit (either too big or too small) and often have special occasion clothing that isn't meant to be worn more than a few times a year. I don't recall if the statistic accounts for seasonality and having clothing that is out of season, but I think it does?

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Wanted to share my vest outfits inspired by TVF post...


This is an 11 item mix-and-match:


1. Green vest

2. Off-white vest (a little too white for Earth)

3. Rust/Orange long-sleeved knit shirt

4. Turquoise long-sleeved knit shirt (a little bright for Earth)

5. Orange/Rust/Green scarf

6. Green/Blue scarf (from Debbie!!)

7. Blue/Green pattern sneakers

8. Mizzoni mulit-colored sneakers

9. Moccasin booties Minnetonka

10. Blue-green ankle boots

11. Dark denim skinny jeans


Not everything perfectly mixes and matches with everything else...I only like the scarves each with one shirt and not the other, for instance.


The Green Vest:










I think the sneakers look just okay with the scarves. It'd be a warmth thing? I think it'd be nice to have a solid colored scarf that would work with both shirts to wear with the sneakers...something more sporty too? Maybe fleece?


Also...I think the boots work with both shirt and scarf combos...


And the Mizzoni sneaks have blue in them, so they also work with the blue shirt...but I don't like the blue/green sneaks with the rust.

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Barbara! At least your car will be ready when you get back & covered by warranty! You should have taken a selfie on the flatbed!


I do the same as you, I'm the one everyone takes when they do a car repair or buy a car; they don't expect it out of a little old lady. Our oldest daughter just blew the transmission on their 4-wheel drive truck. Her DH took it in (got soaked), got it home & tranny died again. This time she took it in (after picking me up) back we go, limping away. The guy (the owner) says, must be a faulty tranny, I said did you ck the computer- he looks at me (like a monkey doing a math problem) & says of course we did. I said, so if it turns out that the computer caused the failure you'll cover the cost of the replacement, right. He looked at me & said yes we will, I said I want that in writing. He gave it to us in writing. They pull the tranny, put the computer on the thingy, son of a gun, the problem was a bad computer that messed up the tranny. So what would have been an $8500 repair (!!) ended up costing her $250 (haven't figured out how they came to that figure) & she has a new (not rebuilt) computer & transmission. She's happy, DH called me a sage (snicker). That was my week.


Last cruise (March) our rental car was towed from in front of my SIL house cause the condo security didn't recognize the car (even tho we had registered it with them 4 hours previously). That was $160 out of pocket until last week when we received a check from the condo association & a letter apologizing, really never expected to see anything back. FYI trip insurance wouldn't cover it.


Barbara have an amazing cruise, maybe we'll see you in Galveston! I'll be in a neon yellow shirt & my black currant Athleta skort (with the coolest chunk agate necklace that I just found in SteinMart) I will be hard to miss [emoji6]. Melody

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Here is the whole:




Definitely think one more scarf and a hat would complete this grouping.


I did play with adding a sweater:




If I were all layered up with the vests...I only like the boots. The sneakers don't balance it enough...however...without the vest, the Mizzoni sneaks look really good with this sweater...


Would be another good candidate for a fleece scarf! Or a hat.


Changing up hair style and earrings...and a necklace for a no scarf look...will be what makes wearing these items not seem like they are being worn quite as much.


You can only IMAGINE what happens if I threw a second pair of bottoms into the mix. Turns out, after all my playing to match these scarves, etc., the weather heated up again and it was just too warm to wear the jeans (for me)...so I paired up these things with skinny capris that are army green and another of light colored khaki and boom! I was feeling pretty stylin'...for casual.


Oh...definitely wearing the sneaks with the capris.


This isn't earth shattering for most of you, I'm sure...but it's been a long time since I have concentrated on looking nice but still being casual. So long that I have to say that I felt very dressed up, even though I know I wasn't.


Hey Margaret...remember your little experiment however many years ago? You took a photo each day of what you wore and you were trying to not rewear clothes, or something? I'm thinking about doing that.

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Anita, love Love the last picture. I'd do a hat, newsboy or a crocheted cloche. I think I'm going to have to find those boots.


I have that same vest & a brick red one. I wear the brick red vest with my brick red Merrill fleecy clogs, dark washed jeans & a cream turtleneck cable knit sweater. I never know what to wear with the (I call it winter white) vest; now I'm going to pull out the teals & olives with it. Melody

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Here is the whole:





Love love love this grouping. If you added another shirt or two you'd easily have a wonderful week's worth of travel clothes for a fall destination. Worthy of a TVF capsule post!



Hey Margaret...remember your little experiment however many years ago? You took a photo each day of what you wore and you were trying to not rewear clothes, or something? I'm thinking about doing that.


You know, I still try to do this every semester for work, wear something different every day. For me each semester ends up being about 40 work days. It would have been difficult this semester because of my extra pounds, but the weather has been so nice that I was able to extend wearing my warmer weather clothes. I'm just now getting into fall wear.


I find it so helpful. Once I wear my favorites it makes me really examine the choices I have left. I end up tossing things in the Goodwill bag, putting them in the don't fit now section, or being more creative with pairings (I don't include bottoms in the rotation by necessity). This week I discovered a combo with a newish summer shirt, dark red fall pants, and a sweater, tied together with a necklace I already had.


My big learning moments this summer were the 12 season analysis (thank you Debbie!) and really refining my understanding of body shape, and so reexamining my clothes as a rectangle. I have a nice selection of colors in my closet now. I think my next challenge will be trying to achieve some variety in the shape of things, since I know what is optimal for me but don't want to always look the same. I mean, how many sheath dresses have you seen me wear?!?


I'm finally feeling better so I went back to Zumba. I'm so sore! The exciting news is that we now have four, FOUR, men in class. One is a ZIN in training. It was already a really diverse class and now it's even more so. I love that!

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Those boots were the ones I just got from Planet Shoes. I posted the link a while back...they are surprisingly comfy for being so inexpensive! What you can't see in my photos...there is a zipper on these boots, not at the back but up from the arch area, so you don't necessarily have to lace and tie everytime, which makes them like slip ons. I love that because my foot shape does not lend itself to wearing most slip on flats and it can get so tiresome to always have to deal with laces, etc.


Love that hat Margaret! I have a black military one from a concert and even though it isn't the best color on me, I've been wearing it recently with my activewear...(wear a military hat with my activewear, activewear). I know how flattering that look can be.


Love the little bow detail on yours.


I must reign in the spending though! MUST. NOT. SPEND.


Seriously though...I've had quite a bit of fun with the shoes. I bought a mulit-style pattern of hats a while back. Think I'm going to revisit that and see if I have any fabric around that would work.


I do love hats.


Great news about Zumba Margaret!

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I am trying to handle the holidays one at a time . We are on our way to a Halloween party tonight. I am wearing scrubs and I bandaged Gary all up including scar tattoos .Next week I will start thinking about Thanksgiving . We have gone away several years for Thanks giving but this year we are staying home so either I cook or we go out to eat . I am not sure what appeals to me yet .

All the talk about negotiations reminds me that we play good cop bad cop and I am always the bad cop .

Barbara , Have a great trip !

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I have packed, weighed, unpacked, weighed, and packed again. The dogs are at the boarders, the cats have a sitter coming and the airport shuttle gets here at 6:55 tomorrow morning. I am trying to make sure I am nor forgetting something important... but I likely will and that's ok. We will still have a wonderful time. I am so excited. Tomorrow we fly to Newark and stay the night at the airport Hilton. Then Sunday we board Liberty for 12 days. Have a great week if I don't get a chance to check in tomorrow.

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Happy Halloween, everyone! I am home by myself tonight. My older daughter is working, and the mall has a lot of trick or treaters. She decided to put together a Hermione Granger outfit herself, and I think she did a wonderful job. She said that on Halloween, they really have very little business, as far as selling things. It's giving out candy that rules the day.




My husband is working although he wasn't supposed to be...there is an overtime schedule, and someone else was scheduled. This person has two little kids, and being Halloween, he said he couldn't work. No one else wanted to work the event, so my husband is working 7:00 to midnight. My other daughter is watching movies over at her boyfriend's house.


So, just me and the dogs!


Anita, I love the whole capsule wardrobe you have going on. It is very "you", in my eyes. I love the olive green vest you have. I would snap that up in a flash if I could find one! I could see Margaret borrowing the blue/green scarf too, lol. I have been thinking more about this sort of outfit planning.


Our weather has been pretty odd, but definitely much cooler as you would expect in the fall. This morning on the way to the gym, there was a hard frost on everything. It warmed up as the day went on, but it was still quite cool. My go to jacket right now is a beige, and I've been wearing a vest over it. I have around three different cold weather scarves I can wear, as well as scarves that can be left on after the jacket and vest are removed.






When it gets even colder, and the snow flies, then I have a really nice, warm teal puff coat from Eddie Bauer that my daughter got me for Christmas. I love it, but I do like having a more standard wool coat to wear for going to work and certain other things. I tried on my green one today, and it's too big. I really liked this coat too...how often to we find a coat that color? It's kind of an olive color, and it had a really nice shape to it.


I've been working a lot of extra hours lately, and it won't be ending any time soon. As a result, I'm not able to post as much as I would like to lately. Tonight is a good opportunity for me though. We spent most of today working on our mud room closet. We didn't have a closet in there before, so we built one. It seems like we've been working on it forever. We have a few small things we are going to add tomorrow, then it is done. We are lucky because the mud room is very large, and it doesn't have my washer and dryer in it. We have a devoted laundry room right next to it, but this large room has been wanting to be organized for a long time now. It got us cleaning and organizing and planning out our next projects...we love to work on things, but we have so much to do. We've been letting things pile up in the corners and the like. It's like spring cleaning, but in the fall instead! But this closet really will help us so much.








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Barbara, I'm probably too late posting this for you to see, but have a wonderful cruise! Tell me all about the transportation from the Newark area to Bayonne when you get back. We are in driving distance, but the traffic and then paying to park make the idea of flying seem very sensible. With our close proximity, they often offer very cheap flights. I wish Liberty was staying along with Anthem. That would be great.


Melody, you are getting close. Lauri should be on her cruise already, right?


Anita, when is your next cruise? Sally, I forget, when you are going again?


I love Thanksgiving. I usually start making homemade pies the day before, and make about 4 different ones. Then my daughter makes her chocolate mint pie. We eat family style on Thanksgiving, just like on TV, lol. I use my Lenox plates, even though some people think they are just for Christmas. It really is a big day for me. I've had as many as 22 people, or as few as 5 of us. I think this year there will be 5. My sister Sharon, who passed away when I was on my finishing up my cruise in May, always came to my house for the holidays. There are times when it really hits me hard, and this is one of them. She was not married, and had no kids. She was always celebrating holidays with us. My stepmother spends holidays with us, since her family all lives out of state. Before dinner, we set up appetizers, wine and soda, and there are people who stop in to say hello on their way to wherever they are having dinner.


I have some good news...remember when I mentioned I was having issues with my hip, and that there is a family history of hip replacements? Well, I finally decided to see my doctor. He took x-rays and checked everything over carefully. My hip itself is just fine. I do have some arthritis starting, but my source of pain is bursitis. He has me taking Naproxen for the inflammation, and says that is should settle down in 5 to 7 days. After that, I should be able to take an over the counter product if it is still bothering me. It is already feeling much better. I'm not a fan of Naproxen, but it is very effective on inflammation as I have used it before, about 7 or 8 years ago, I think. It's rough on the stomach, so it is very important to take it with food.


Mousey, I'm sorry your son has been having all these things creating havoc this year! College is like a second home, and it is important for him to feel safe where he is. I'll bet you are really looking forward to him being home during the holidays. You have Thanksgiving all planned out, and a cruise for Christmas!

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Laurie love your closet! We don't have a mud room or area to make one (split level)


We haven't had a single kid tonight! Perfect weather, not a kid in sight. We usually have 75-100, not sure what's up. We're going to have TONS of candy (some I'll take on the cruise)


I use Aleve (which has Naproxen in it) when I need to, take it with yogurt, I'm glad your hip isn't what you thought it was.


Lauri returns tomorrow, Barbara leaves tomorrow & I leave on 13 Nov. I know it's getting close cause DH polished his shoes today (his sign he's ready to go, lol) Melody

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That is what I thought the cruise schedule looked like, Melody. I'm still thinking about a cruise this winter, and when I mentioned it to my husband, it seemed like he was liking the idea. I'm not sure if you all will recall, but we had a cruise in February a few years back, and a major storm moved in the day before we were to fly out and all flights from Syracuse were cancelled. We ended up getting the last two seats on a flight out of Rochester, and it was hair raising. Since then, we haven't really tried to go on vacation during the winter. I guess the main thing is, get travel insurance!


We are really happy with the closet. Because the closet is deep enough, we are going to add some baskets to the wall on the left. They aren't huge, but they will work perfectly to hold gloves, grocery bags, and so on. My husband enjoys working with the moldings a lot. The top over the doors is made from around 5 or 6 pieces of wood put together. He did this through most of the downstairs of our house. We did a lot of the kitchen that you see in the background of my dress pictures too. We enjoy this stuff a lot.


We get no kids whatsoever, any year. We are on a hill with no sidewalks or streetlights, and there is a great deal of distance between the houses. I know that when I lived in the village, which is just down the hill and around the corner, many of the kids went to the Halloween party that was held where they had a costume contest. My daughter says a lot of kids come to the mall, but I think it all depends on location. In the suburbs where the streets are level without a lot of traffic, you will see kids out. In the city, there is a lot of poverty and it isn't really safe at night, so they are taken to the mall.


I would have to say that the adults I know enjoy it more than the kids!


So, I was doing a bit of looking, and came across this dress. My eyes sometimes have trouble with distinguishing teal from other shades of blue. It is being called teal. It feels like a wonderful change of pace for me. I'm not sure if the colors are right or not, but the style could be really nice. I can see this on a cruise too.



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Laurie, we definitely have winter weather here in CO too! We travel most every winter, give ourselves at least 2 days to get there & always buy cancel for any reason insurance. Started buying that when I worked as Id have vacation cancelled on very short notice if a general wanted me to run an event. The insurance is expensive, but if it happens once (happened to me six times) it's worth every penny. One of the cruises that I had to cancel turned out to be a two week land trip to Hawaii (DH liked that too) with me working 4 days & my hotel, rental car & airfare were paid for


I like the dress, I'd call it a warm teal (at least on my iPad). Melody

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Here is another one that caught my eye. I don't think I could do the neckline though. The colors aren't perfect but it was giving me a warm vibe. What do you think?






Not sure this will work. I have a rough time with attachments from my nook.


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I like that teal dress, I just wish the model filled out the top better because I don't think it fits her well. Hard to know what that part will look like IRL but I think it would be lovely on you. The second dress photo is really small so it's hard to see the print. Does it have white in it? It's reading really bright at that size.


We had only two kids last night. DH made himself ill on chocolate. :) So, actually three kids last night. :D


Now that DH's surgery is on the calendar, I can start preparing for our spring cruise. I've narrowed down what we'll do for five of our six port days, now I just have to find vendors. Still pondering the most difficult one. I'm thinking about a horseback tour with a ride on the beach but I don't know how that will be for Mr. Hip just three months after surgery.


I'm in the throes of preparing to present at an education conference this month, so not a lot of time for fashion and shopping. I'm very nervous about it because it's my first one, and my boss is doing it with me. :eek: After that it will be Thanksgiving and then DH surgery, so I feel like I'm in a headlong rush for the rest of the year. It's rainy and quiet today, so I'm going to write and practice, write and practice.

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