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Margaret, the dress has some fantastic colors on it, but it does seem to have a bright white background. One thing I've been doing is ordering when there is free shipping and then I can just make a return at the store. This way, there is no money lost. I may give it a try.


I will post a link from my computer in a bit.

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Laurie, I like that teal dress a lot . It would look great on you .


We are cruising in may on a transatlantic to the Azores , Lisbon , Vigo Spain , Le harve France and ending in England . We will spend four days in London before returning . I have most of the trip planned and paid for including insurance and several tours . I am also looking at maybe taking a short cruise in Jan. out of Tampa . We can drive there in less than an hour . We did this last year and it was so relaxing plus relatively inexpensive .

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Here is the link to the questionable dress. Like many things that are labeled as scuba, there seems to be a very white background coming out. Despite the warm colors, it seems the bright white dominates. I may still try it, since real life and computer screens can be different.




Here is another dress of interest I saw today:




This one has a cream background, it looks like, but some cooler colors in it. It's pretty, it's "me" but it is also like so many other dresses that I am drawn to. It's nice to have a style that looks good, but I often want some things that are different. Margaret, I think you were just mentioning that a few posts ago.


Speaking of which, I never went through and did the whole body analysis thing, which I should do. I will have to go back and try to find that link. It was on the fire thread, right? I think it would benefit me a lot. I'm also wondering if they give recommendations for styles to look for, and more than just one style. With my chest being smaller, it seems like things I couldn't wear before look much better now. I still have to watch the amount of fabric that falls between the neck and the start of the bust line...it needs to be broken up somehow.


Oh, and I remember someone commenting about the molded cup look when it comes to bras that I wear. I guess I really can't help it. I'm going between a 38D and 38DD. I have a feeling that if I wore the old brand, I'd be a 36D or 36DD, but the Soma bras are fitting me fantastic. Certain styles fit looser than others.


Sometimes, we have to go with what we've got, you know? I am exercising, watching my diet. I still loose a pound here and there over the main weight loss. I feel good, I am smaller, and most of all, I am healthier. But I'm always going to be top heavy, so I deal with it.


This is cute...once again, very similar styling. I was trying to decide what the background color was.



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I really like the first Lauren faux wrap dress, I may go look at that one for our Hawaii trip & cruise. The second Lauren shows up as a burgundy (looks a bit deeper than my Athleta black currant skort. Laurie, I'm glad you're able to wear the Soma bras, they don't fit me right at all. I wear a 38DD-38DDD, I could lose 50 lbs & that still wouldn't change...Melody

Edited by awhfy
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I love a good mud room. Sounds so funny, but I do. Dedicated organized spaces make me happy! :)


Excellent news regarding your hip, Laurie. Here is a blog that I have gotten a lot of help from:




There is an exercise there called hip glides. I ended up with some severe pain from some compensation issues and poor biomechanics related to favoring my knee. That hip glide exercise seems so simple, and is, and it made a HUGE difference in the functioning of my hip. Check out the information there...I don't know if there is anything that would help you or not, but I feel like sharing...so I did.


My next cruise is April 2017.


That teal dress has no elastane in it. It's a woven fabric...with a nice hidden zipper. With the full lining, it should be easy to find a decent bra to wear underneath the dress...and also you wouldn't have as many panty issues with the style of the skirt. The fabric is the kind that will be a bit crisp...KWIM? Not soft at all. It has it's own shape and will support your body into that shape.


All those other dresses are that jersey fabric that will take it's shape from your shape.


The long sleeved one could be earth...it reminds me of a dress I have because of the way that the fabric photographs differently in the light. The customer photo is much more purply than the retail photo. The dress on the model is too tight, you can see the outline of the top of her strapless bra in the photo...something to be aware of. Means underwear issues.


I think the one you think is cream background is more winter white (;) Melody)...not really cream. I personally don't care for the contrasting white top stitching on the hem and up the one side on that dress. That's something associate with more casual clothing and don't care for it on a nicer dress.


The Betsy Johnson dress is really short. Not necessarily a bad thing...but with the exposed zipper in the back...it's reading very, very casual, which is fine if that's what you want. I've never seen you in such a short dress...that would be interesting. I think you will fill it out more and that the waist would be raised a bit and then the skirt that much shorter than you think it might be. I think you could work that neckline with one of your statement necklaces, so no problem there. The colors are a riot of differentiation...and who knows how careful they are with what part of the pattern hits where...so it would be a crap shoot to order one and see what you got.


I don't mean anything that my critical eye catches as a negative...you know that, but just to say. Since I shop online so much...just want to share my observations since I have been working on my online shopper's eye.


I'd love to see you in any of those dresses, Laurie...especially the fit and flares, because we haven't seen as much of that on you.


This is one of the body shapes blogs:




That's an interesting thought to put your vest on over the coat. That is what that is? Love the scarf pairings. My SIL gave me a lovely scarf that has all the colors in it. It was kind of amazing actually...they were selling these lovely cashmere scarves at one of her conferences for $10, I think. There was one that was Mizzoni like with all the colors of the rainbow in muted and the same with bright. From our talks, she knew she was bright and I was muted. It goes with everything...that is my "outer wear" scarf.

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One of the things I have been thinking lately is to just try things. I have found that there are dresses that I didn't think would work but they do.


I am looking for some casual dresses. That is one of the things that attracted me to it. With the other two ( I think they are both Ralph Lauren) they just seem...typical? And jersey always means having tone careful of undergarments even on looser items. I decided to order the dressbarn dress. I'm not certain about the other. I noticed how short it was but sometimes it's because the dress is on a model. I have spider veins on my thighs. Not a good look.


I love being organized. I love planning things out and having a place for things. We finished it up today by adding a scarf holder to the door and these adjustable baskets on the side. We also have a light in the closet now too.


Yup, a vest over a coat! I'm hearing it will be warmer this week so I won't need both. The coat vest combo works for 40 - 50 degree weather.


I should check out that link on shapes. And the info for hips too!

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A quick note here...I am a V shape. This makes perfect sense to me. If that is correct, the teal print dress from Dress barn should be flattering. I think it explains why I always want things looser through the hips on a sheath style dress. It also confirms that skinny jeans aren't the best for me. Very good reading! I'm going to go back to that site for more tips.


Sent from my SM-T530NU using Tapatalk

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I wish we had a mushroom or room to put one in. I've adjusted by taking our entrance from the garage (which is down 7 steps) & made a coat rack & shoe rack out of the railings on the stairs, it's helped quite a bit (not exactly what I want, but it's something).


Laurie, I wear a vest over a heavyweight fleece quarter zip when it's 40-50, quite a bit the same look. Melody

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Melody, that's a very comfy but stylish travel outfit. You look good in blue! I like that big chunky necklace.


I have never had a mudroom or even a foyer. We just walk right into our apartment, though there is a tiny coat closet there and a table for our bags and a key bowl. At the lake we mostly come in from the garage which goes right into the den. Both places kind of force us to come in and put our things away immediately, which I guess is a good thing!


Sad about the Mets. Happy that it's going to be in the 70's this week!

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Melody , Cute travel outfit ! It looks like what I travel in .


We have a foyer but it is on the first level .It has a huge closet which is used for storage mainly Christmas decorations and occasionally used items . I went toy shopping yesterday ( . We have 7 grandchildren and I got some great deals at toys r us ) . They toys are all stored in the closet until closer to Christmas . We do not need a dedicated coat closet since we rarely wear coats.

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Ugh, I typed this long post and then it just vanished!


Anyway, just as well as it was not the best news. We got a call that no one wants to get from their kid..."I'm dropping out of school!" It was going to be for just the rest of this semester but we totally freaked out. It's because of all he's gone through since coming home from Argentina in Aug. The near death car accident, the break-in and burglary of his condo, and now the break-in and burglary and damage to his car. It's just too much and he freaked out. The loss of yet another computer with schoolwork on it and not having one for several days was just too much. Thank goodness with a lot of calming down, conversation, research, talking to teachers, deans, and counselors, etc. we've saved the semester by have him drop out of all but two classes. It's not a big problem because his trip to Argentina had put him ahead 1/2 a semester. But it was just a week of hell. I don't know how much more stress the three of us can take and it really has me worried. Not for myself, but for the DS and DH. We just need a break from all the negative stuff. I'm just hoping we can calm down, relax, and get through this God awful year without any more negativity. Geez! Enough already!


Anyway, I was hoping to wish Barbara a good cruise but I see I missed her. Well good wishes to those of you...Melody comes to mind on your upcoming trip.


I've only ever living in FL or CA so there's never been a need for a mudroom in any of my homes. We enter our house through the garage so any dirty stuff...like returning from skiing or the beach...gets left in the garage or in the laundry room which is the room you go through once you're in the house to get to the living area. After the laundry room there is a short hallway where I have a rack on the wall and that is were we hang our jackets, sweaters, etc. when the weather is such that we need them.


I love Margaret's hat. I have a couple in that style too.


Melody your travel outfit looks really comfortable and I agree the blue looks good on you.


Laurie, I love the flower print dresses you posted.


Anita, I love your boots and color scheme with all the scarves and all. I'm glad you're coming up with a plan that makes you feel better and from what I've seen you're going to look great with the choices you've made.


I can't believe I'm saying this...but my head just isn't in a place for even thinking about clothes right now. I'm sure I'll snap out of it soon. I'm just too anxious and down in the dumps right now. But I do enjoy seeing and hearing everyone else's plans.


I've put together my Thanksgiving menu and now I'm assigning dishes for each person to bring. All my friends have a signature dish that they make and the ones that don't are happy to bring whatever you might need. I am really looking forward to Thanksgiving because even though I've had a crappy year so far...there has been good things that have happened such as the party we gave my parents. They just can't stop talking about it. Mom just picked out 100 pictures from a disk that my niece made up for them. She's busy putting together a memory book. I have a lot to be thankful for and as they say "This too shall pass..."


Wishing everyone a great day!

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Mousey, remind your son to take a step back & just breathe for a few minutes. He's gone thru several life changing events that many folks never go thru, in a very short time. You're right, this too shall pass. Hopefully the scaling back will bring him back on track.


I'll be making pies (two Apple, blueberry, cherry & two French silk) plus tapioca pudding & fudge for Thanksgiving (two days after we get back from the cruise) glad daughter is doing pumpkin & pecan. I always knew that the commercial pie holder that I bought at an auction would come in handy (I have to transport the suckers across town!)


We leave a week from today for Galveston, woo hoo! Melody

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Melody, I'm so excited for you! I hope you have an awesome trip!


Wow! I thought I was doing a lot by thinking of make three pies and look at all the ones you're making. And I don't have to transport mine...good luck with that...LOL.


I pray every day for things to calm down for the DS. He's a great kid and it just breaks my heart to see him suffer so much. He's always been proud of his grades and is a high achiever so getting behind in his classes was just stressing him out so much. But now he's only got two classes to worry about so things should get better for him. At least I pray that's so. Keep your fingers crossed.

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Mousey, remind your son to take a step back & just breathe for a few minutes. He's gone thru several life changing events that many folks never go thru, in a very short time. You're right, this too shall pass. Hopefully the scaling back will bring him back on track.


I agree with what Melody says. I am so glad to hear that you used all the resources at his school to keep him in and on track for now. That's a lot for a young guy to handle and I hope his stress level comes down now. I hope he can finish the semester with some positive and fun experiences to balance out all the bad.


In some ways I think college is a much bigger adjustment for the smart students who were high flyers in high school. Their expectations for themselves and for the experiences they envisioned having can need some realignment, I think. Being healthy mentally and physically has to be high priority, whatever it takes.


Here's hoping we all have some stress free holidays coming up!


I'm not even making one single pie this year. How did that happen?!?!

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Well ststed, Margaret. It is a big adjustment for any young adult to make. Being able to regroup is a really good idea for him. If he had left school, it would have been very difficult to go back.


My daughter had an issue her freshman yesr, and we had to work hard to be supportive yet try to keep her focused on the big picture. Then the next year, she had to have her appendix removed. Her kind surgeon told her that since her surgery was Friday night, she would be able to go back to school Monday morning. That was extremely trying for her.


He will get through this, and end up being stronger because of it.


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Thank you all for your support. It's so nice to be able to come on here and read such supportive things.


The DH got a hold of the DS's guidance counselor today and she was awesome! Right now the DS is back on track so let's hope it stays that way. He's coming here for the U of A v. USC game on Sat. Hopefully this break will help him relax and he'll get to have fun with his frat brothers.


I got out today and had lunch with one of my very dearest friends. It's easy to talk to her and she is also very very supportive. I came home feeling way better for having spent time with her.


So...life goes on!


The DH is going to take me to a pumpkin patch and on a hayride this weekend. I love doing stuff like that.


Can't wait for Thanksgiving!:D

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