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Anyway...with Mom and Dad coming, not sure how much I'll be posting from here out...just wanted to wish everyone a lovely Thanksgiving holiday.



Have fun!


I am very grateful to the ladies here...our conversation over the years has satisfied something in me and it keeps me coming back to this board for our threads to check up on everyone. Happy Thanksgiving Everyone.


What Anita said :)


I love that photo of Anita and Kim!!!! You both look so wonderful. And you are right about color choices and skin and so forth. It can make such a difference. I feel like I'm looking at both of you and seeing the real you...your choices enhance you, not compete with you. And you both look so comfortable with yourselves - you are relaxed and having a good time, and it shows.


Thanks, Laurie.


Laurie, I just wanted to tell you how great you are looking! Your hard work is really showing--keep up the good work :)

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Thanks, everyone. I do like the dress a lot. One thing I wanted to see was how the fit and flare style would work on me, and since it was recommended for my body shape, I thought it was worth a try. One thing I have always noticed is that the continuous flow of fabric is important. Waistbands and belts don't really work for me. This checked the right boxes, and it has me thinking a lot about styles and future purchases.


The color is questionable, I think. But I like it a lot.


Daisyaday46, join us any time! We are a friendly bunch. It does take time to grasp the color concept sometimes. I have a lot of trouble with blue and purple. Those can be really challenging sometimes.

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Laurie , It is good to start retirement planning . I've seen to many people ignore it and never being able to retire . Getting away is also important when you are both working at stressful jobs.Good luck on your decision.


The terror in France is frightening and we never know how much more is to come . Gary & I are watching London for fear that it will happen there . That would probably make us cancel our trip or rethink it since we will be in London center for four days .



Hi all, we're back


Laurie, have you considered stucco instead of siding? Less expensive, more insulating & you don't have to do anything to it, ever


When we departed Galveston we had 4 Coast Guard gun ships & a cutter surrounding us, the cutter followed us out to international waters. We did miss Honduras due to guerrilla fighting ... Fine by us! Melody

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We arrived home late last night. Had 18" of snow here (the day we were in Grand Cayman walking on 7-mile beach; darn, missed it [emoji6]). Nice to have adult kids that came over & shoveled us out before we got home. Today has been grocery shopping, laundry & going thru the mail (to find out one of our cards was compromised, our vacation alert stopped them dead in their tracks, but we're still getting new cards fedexed).


Anita & Kim. Love the picture! Laurie love the dress. MJC. Heading to JJill this week, love the color


I'll work on a trip report (not nearly as interesting as Anita's or Laurie's. We had an aft cabin for first (& last) time. Very rough seas, felt like we were in a mixmaster or a slingshot! But we still had an awesome time. Meanwhile, here's a couple of pictures. Melody




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Melody, it sounds like you had a great time, overall. I had an aft cabin once. I don't really mind all the movement, in general. I felt like I got rocked to sleep each night. It was our one time in a junior suite, and the aft balconies are huge. Boy, I loved all that space. But you are right, there is a lot of movement, and sometimes the noise from the engine is quite loud, even to so someone like me who can't hear very much.


We had a brushing of snow this morning. It's gone now, but the backyard is quite frozen, and the grass is very crunchy...I think some of you will know what I mean by this. Cold air is very dry, and when you get a light snow, it just kind of disappears. But the ground is really frozen, and it was just 31 degrees this morning when I went to work. I don't know what the temperature is now, but it is probably close to what it was this morning. Brrrr...


Stucco isn't too common here. I think that considering the area I'm in, it would be a bit out of sorts and make even take away from the value of the home as a result. My street is somewhat rural in nature.


At least once it's done, it's done for a long time.

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Instead of cooking tomorrow, I'll be doing some early morning holiday shopping. :) I only have nine days until DH's surgery and then I'll be trapped at home for quite a while. I know there's online shopping, but I still like to hit the stores if I can.


Melody has fudge, OMG. Good thing I don't live near you, I'd be knocking on your door. My grandfather used to make the best fudge at Christmastime. It was the only thing he ever did in the kitchen.


We've had an aft cabin on the Princess Grand class and we love it. Probably the next time we sail Princess that is what we'll look for. We are hardy sailors and don't mind the movement, and the sound of the wake puts me right to sleep. I would mind if we couldn't use our balcony though!


We've been through some really rough seas but never on a large ship. Well, apparently we did in the North Sea but we didn't really feel it. We just noticed there weren't many people at breakfast.


Laurie, I love the look on your face in the picture with the blue dress. You know you look good. You look young and healthy and pretty. So sweet to see your confidence. It's hard work getting fit and you deserve to enjoy every minute of it. If I could I'd reach out and give you a giant hug. You make me want to go and do some sit-ups. :)


We have HardiePlank on our lakehouse. The R value is amazing (we get a very icy wind off the lake in winter), but it is more expensive than vinyl. So far our paint job has lasted 12 years and counting. Ours is grained to look like cedar.


I strained my hamstring in Zumba last night, so I'm going to go lie on my couch with an ice pack and my kitty.


I hope everyone has a Very Happy Thanksgiving! I'm all set to watch the parade in my jammies and eat cinnamon rolls, and be thankful for my wonderful friends here.

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Dresses from the Emmy's. I thought there were some bad color choices here but Jessica Pare and Maisie Williams were my favorites color-wise:




If I had to pick one for myself, it would be Ellie Kemper's:



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Well Thanksgiving is over and now onward toward Christmas.I decorated today . Everything but the tree . That is usually done closer to Christmas . I find every year I decorate less . I gave my Christmas village to my daughter and little by little I have been eliminating some of my decorations .


Margaret , I will be thinking of you for your husband's surgery & wishing him well . My SO had a knee replacement in April and except for the first week he was fine.

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Went Black Friday shopping with my daughters. I taught them well, they ran me into the ground & then dropped me off at home cause they needed more room in the Xterra, lol. I'm going to have a nap!


Margaret, hope DHs surgery goes well

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Margaret, I hope everything goes well for your husband. I too wish him a speedy recovery.


I seem to get more involved each year with my decorating. I even have some things for the mud room! I'm going to do a few small things the next few days then we spend all day on Sunday decorating. We play Christmas music, drink eggnog and all of that corny stuff. I can't wait.


Oh and we have Thanksgiving leftovers for dinner too!

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I got 90% of my shopping done on Wednesday. It was definitely a marathon! I'll spend next week wrapping and shipping. I love wrapping presents. Every year I have a theme and everyone always knows which are my gifts under their trees.


Laurie, I saw this beautiful red dress at JCP and thought of you:





For myself I bought these cute boots in Ash Suede. I've been looking for a good neutral color in a comfy style. They go well with the clothes I have in the champagne/buff family:




I've also had my eye out for some walking shoes in brown that aren't sneakers. I got these at the Skechers store, and they're like walking on pillows:





We decided not to put up our tree this year as it might be an obstacle for DH, so I'm trying to figure out exactly how much decorating I can do. I might get a small tabletop tree and put it on the buffet in the dining area. I need to do something to make the holiday special for myself this year. It will be hard not to be with family.


I just finished with the November Vogue and believe it or not I didn't pull a single photo to post.


Further to our ongoing Marie Kondo conversation, there has been a lot of media talk about de-cluttering and minimalism as the first of the new microapartments come to NYC:



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Margaret, I love that dress. That is so pretty. I wonder if they have it at the local store in the mall? I would love to try that on!


I love your new walking shoes too. That is always a difficult thing for me, as I have a rough time with the fit of shoes. I really need some non sneaker shoes to wear. I actually don't wear sneakers, or athletic shoes too often. I wear what I need to at the gym, and I tried some Keds for my cruise in May but didn't have the best results.


Yesterday, we went to an event we have been attending yearly that is referred to as the Wine and Chocolate Festival. We've been going for quite some time, and it was incredibly disappointing this year. Many people are demanding a refund. To taste wine, you had to stand in line from 20 minutes right on up to an hour. We finally gave up and came home.


Today was decorating day, and it's an all day event for us. Everything is looking great! I am just waiting for a few decorations I ordered online to come in, and then I will be taking pictures to share.


I was aiming towards creating a more cohesive theme to my decor. It's better than it was, but...


it's a very emotional day for me. Holidays have me thinking of many joyful things that I am thankful for, but it also brings back memories of those that are no longer with us. For that reason, I have trouble weeding out old decor and bringing in new, until items are in bad shape. Also, I tend to get a bit OCD with the decorating, and I have been reminding myself that it is a family tradition for us, and that if Steph puts an ornament on a different tree than what I had in mind, so be it. I've put my snowman collection together for a nice effect, and the family room is more rustic and the living room is more elegant, but you will still see a mix of all different things on the trees.



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Both our daughters decorate with snowmen. Our oldest counted her collection as she put them out, she only has 1548. I think I need to get her a couple more [emoji6]. We celebrated our oldest granddaughter's 17th bday & our 46th wedding anniversary today. Just got home & we've collapsed. Weather has been exceptionally cold (finally hit 19 today) with snow since Thursday. Melody

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Hi Everyone,


Hope you all had a great Thanksgiving. We had a really great time hosting our friends and the DH's cousin. The DS was quite impressive making conversation with all the adults. Everyone was so happy to see him as some of the friends hadn't seen him since he was in high school as he rarely comes to our all adult gatherings. Understandable at his age. But he really was a hit at our Thanksgiving dinner and charmed everyone. We are quite proud of him. My turkey was a hit with the DH, he loved it. I've came up with my own recipe using lemon flavored-olive oil for basting instead of butter or pan drippings. I also rubbed grated lemon peel all over the turkey along with the oil. Even the DS who doesn't usually like turkey was impressed with how moist it was. So yea for me! LOL! We've been eating leftovers for days now. I'm kind of turkeyed out! And forget about eating anymore sweet potatoes or cranberry sauce...pie however...its another story?


On to Christmas! Can't wait for our upcoming cruise!



I too won't be putting up a big tree this year, but for a different reason. Since we're going to be going on the cruise I'll only be putting up a small table-top tree using only some of the decorations that my mom has made for me over the years. I'll be thinking of you and your DH and wishing him well when he has his surgery.




Love the dress on you!


We are never 100% safe anywhere in the world but I don't really think about that most days. Just seems lately what with Paris and what's happened in Colorado Springs recently that it's getting kind of scary out there. Sometimes I'd like to just stay on our mountain top and not go out anywhere. But then I'd miss our cruise so that's not going to happen! LOL!


Speaking of Colorado Springs,

I thought of you Melody and was wishing you and yours safe as I did for my friends and family that were spending Thanksgiving there. What a tragic situation.


I know I'm late but Happy Anniversary!



Loved the picture you posted of you and Kim.


Well, it's on to Christmas. I'm thinking of what gifts to get the DH and DS. I know I'm giving the DS cash and taking him on a shopping spree at his favorite clothing stores and I think I'll also add a new GoPro and some attachments to the list as it's one of the things he did not replace after he had his apartment burglarized. As for the DH...I think I'll get him some clothes, some comfy bedroom slippers, and I'll let him pick out a watch as a 30th Anniversary gift on the cruise. For some reason, I have no idea why, the three of us are watch freaks and it's become a tradition that the DS and I get watches on our cruises. This time it will be the DH's turn as he's never gotten one while the DS and I have gotten several. As we live far away, all the young nieces and nephews get Target gift cards (we give actual gifts when we're back home). We decided long ago in our family that only kids under 16 get gifts. There are just too many of us. My DB and I do buy gifts for Mom and Dad.


So that's it. Oh yeah, I forgot...I have to send out our Christmas cards before the cruise. Boy...I better get started. LOL!

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I am totally done shopping and except for one trip to Toys r us I did not enter a store . I did it all online . Our house is decorated except for the tree .We buy a real tree so we will probably do it next week .

Melody , Sorry about the snow but it does put you in the Christmas spirit . It is still warm here and I never get that Christmas feeling . I just fake it .

Mousey , Have a great cruise !

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Mousey, it sounds like you had a wonderful Thanksgiving, and that your son is feeling more like his old self these days.


We too limit our Christmas shopping. For me personally, I bake cookies and give everyone a cookie tray, plus I host our Christmas gathering. I feel that those things are a gift, in a way. There is just too many of us.


I do enjoy shopping for my girls and husband. I try hard to come up with special gifts that they will enjoy.


I'm not done yet...I'm really not that close. For whatever reason, my daughters have been slow at giving me ideas this year. I have a few ideas on my own, but I really like for them to give me a sense of direction.


I like to be done early though because I want to enjoy the season and all the special things that go on, rather than worrying about getting to the mall or something.


My husband is almost completely done, and that has all been online. I am making a stop tomorrow night on the way home from work for a few smaller things I thought of for my girls. AAA offers two movie tickets plus $10.00 towards concession for a package price that is a great deal. Things like that are fun to buy and fun for my daughters to use.


My decorating is done, except for one small thing that I will get to this weekend. I've been meaning to get some pictures, but I've been busy. I also want to get a good picture of the living room when it is light out, to show a bit more detail.


Does anyone have plans for anything special coming up? Saturday, my daughters are going to see The Nutcracker together. Sunday, my husband and I have my work Christmas party. I may go to a Christmas special next Sunday, depending on what we have going on. There is a local venue that holds an orchestra special for the holidays each year. We also want to get to Lights on the Lake, which is a neat event. There is large lake park area, and there are huge light displays for the holidays that you drive through. We usually make hot chocolate and bring along some cookies and the dogs.

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Sounds like everyone is gearing up for the holidays. We did our outdoor lights (cause it's warmer). Did something different & got the star shower laser lights (no climbing on roof for DH this year). I was surprised at how neat they are. Sends colored lights over entire house & our two 70' pine trees. Only problem is it has to be full dark for them to work. I did put my outdoor moose by the driveway, the kids in the neighborhood call him Mortimer, not real huge (about 4') but really cute


I have our son & his kids left for gifts, only have books for the kids so far (yup I'm that Nana). I know what I'm getting, just haven't picked it up yet


We're hosting XMas Eve & I decided to do appetizers (shrimp, Swedish meatballs, chicken wings), soups (lobster bisque & pasta Fagioli). My girls will do cookie trays & candies. I'll still bake holiday breads & cookies for the neighbors. Melody

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DH is scheduled for 10am tomorrow. Wish us luck!


I gave myself an end of semester treat and saw the new musical School of Rock on Tuesday. Awesome fun! The kids in the band are so incredibly talented.


All my shopping is done, now just wrapping and shipping. I gave DH my wish list and he did some cyber shopping. Still don't know what we will do for Christmas day. We're going to miss attending the new Star Wars movie with our gang of friends, but I'm hoping he's well enough to go with me by the end of the month. We are lucky that our theater has a parking lot, so we can drive. It's quite a walk.


Did anyone see the news about the Pantone color for 2016?




I'm hoping that blue manifests as a periwinkle. A color sadly lacking in my wardrobe at the moment.

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