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So sorry you hurt yourself Margaret!! Boo hoo. I also hope you heal quickly and that your injuries don't keep you from being able to fully enjoy your cruise.


Love that green on that dress! Really great green. I have some green that is similar to that color and I find that it often feels more neutral than green. Almost like a greenish khaki or tan color.


I like the multi-strand.

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Our storm is winding down. Measurement this afternoon. On Round 5 was 35", a nice respectable storm.


We had a dr appt today for DH, he's going to have some serious colon surgery next week [emoji22]. His first question, can we postpone till we get back from our cruise in mid May? Doc said absolutely not, but you'll be healed in a month. DHs next question, healed enough to hike trails , paddleboard & snorkel? Doc said ok, 6 weeks (we have 9 weeks)


It's always something isn't it...Melody

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Margaret, feel better soon! Broken toes are so difficult, since you need to walk and wear shoes. Between the elbow and the toe, maybe some Tylenol or Advil will help a little.


I too, like the multi-strand necklace. All of those options work, but that is my favorite. Since you are wearing a shawl with the other dress, this is a good way to do something different. I've got to say though, I love how wonderful those shawls work with the dresses!


Sometimes, I try on my jewelry with the outfits ahead of time, to make sure a necklace lays right with the neckline of a shirt or dress. Remember that Michael Kors hi low dress? That necklace I had on in the picture seemed so perfect, and so did the sandals. But once I put everything on together, not so much. It's funny how that happens.


And yes...February got here very, very fast! I can't believe I'm just under three weeks away. I'm thinking about how quickly all of our trips are coming up. It will be fun to see all the pictures.


Melody, I'm sorry that your husband has to have surgery. I hope he heals up quickly. It sounds like he will be ready to go for your trip!


You're getting all our snow this year, Melody. ;) Last year, it was never ending and this year has been mild. Only two storms so far. Not that I want more, but it's clear we aren't getting the Golden Snowball Award this year, and it's nice to have a claim to fame.


A friend of mine from school said her street was never plowed yesterday. She also lives in Colorado. I think in Colorado Springs?


Any Superbowl fans out there? Who y'all cheering for? I'm going with Denver, mostly because I used to follow them a lot in the past. We enjoy making some snacks and what not, but it's just the four of us and the dogs. I'm making meatball and sausage sandwiches this year. I don't know what else yet. I'm looking for something different?

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Our storm is winding down. Measurement this afternoon. On Round 5 was 35", a nice respectable storm.


We had a dr appt today for DH, he's going to have some serious colon surgery next week [emoji22]. His first question, can we postpone till we get back from our cruise in mid May? Doc said absolutely not, but you'll be healed in a month. DHs next question, healed enough to hike trails , paddleboard & snorkel? Doc said ok, 6 weeks (we have 9 weeks)


It's always something isn't it...Melody

Sorry to hear about your husband's surgery & I hope he makes a fast recovery .

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Had to laugh about plowing streets in Colorado Springs. We live on a fairly large main road. But our driveway is on the side street. We've been in our house 29 years & that side street has NEVER been plowed, even in 97 when we had a snowfall of 64"! Colo Spgs idea of snow removal is "think spring"!


Thanks for the nice words on DHs surgery. He's very positive (just upset that he can't run for at least 4 weeks--he runs 5 miles a day). Melody

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Melody, so sorry to hear about your DH. We'll be sending happy thoughts your way next week that everything goes well. Sounds like the Dr. is optimistic about your trip, which is wonderful news in itself but also bodes well for your DH's health.


I think I will take the multi-strand necklace. I like how it fills up some of the neckline and creates some interest in the chest area. Thank you all for sharing your thoughts. I used to let new things hang around for a while with the tags on, kind of savoring them. Now, though, I'm more like Laurie. I want to see how they fit in with what I already have and create a plan for wearing them. It's fun to see how much more integrated my wardrobe and accessories are now, allowing new things to slip in like they belong already.


The two feet of snow we got last weekend is almost completely gone. We'll have several days in the 50s this week, plus some rain, and that will take care of the rest.

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We had some really strong winds today with gusts up to 55 MPH. There were even trees and utility poles down. Like Margaret, our snow is melted. We had rain today, and it will be snow this weekend.


Sent from my SM-T530NU using Tapatalk

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The insurance adjuster hasn't been here yet, so we'll see what he says. It should be completely covered, but I will be out of pocket some for the rental car, not to mention missing at least a day's work.


Two months ago my neighbor's Honda was broken into just so they could steal the airbags. Last summer another Honda had the wheels removed, though they had more damage than me because they had wheel locks, and the thieves broke a window and the trunk to get to the key. So, it is clear that these are pros who are targeting certain cars for parts they can sell.


The building you can see in the distance is mine. The camera covers the door and the near part of the parking lot, but my car was out of range. In addition, I was parked between two SUV's so the thieves were well hidden while they worked. The cops said they can do this in five minutes, and they probably chose last night because it was raining thus any fingerprints would be washed away. The evidence team said that even if there had been prints, it would be hard to prove in court that they were left by the thieves since so many people go through the lot every day.


I've lived in various parts of this neighborhood since I moved to NY, and I chose it because it was safe and kind of sleepy. It wasn't until the police handed me a copy of the report and it said Grand Larceny that I starting feeling like a crime victim. I'm hoping this won't change how I feel about where I live, because I really like it here. Since nobody got hurt I feel like it's important to keep some perspective.

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Margaret, it sounds like you are trying to keep a good perspective on the situation. My experience is somewhat second hand but I think Mom can relate to the thoughts regarding how safe you feel given what happened after their house was broken into while they were here for Christmas a couple years ago.


To keep in mind that the thieves seem to want no trouble...they are looking to quickly and without incident do their work, so to speak, is a very good sign and something to keep foremost in mind. These are just enterprising people that have figured out a system that is profitable and likely not too dangerous if they can meet certain criteria for a job, again, so to speak.


Mom and Dad just learned from the experience and did a safety overhaul of their house and figured out a new routine for leaving their house for their extended trips...all things geared toward reducing the chances of a repeat performance.


Sounds like your situation was a perfect storm and somehow you have to try to be aware of the contributing factors and adjust accordingly so that when you get new wheels and new tires, you aren't looked upon as open for business again to these thieves.


Still, so sorry that you have to deal with this, all the actual dealing with the car and the emotional and psychological dealing as well.


More hugs.


We also had high winds. A less than healthy tree broke in half and feel on the fence with our back yard neighbors. Fortunately, the fence was really new so only the two pickets and one cross brace were damaged. Not bad at all, considering. And the branches that feel in front didn't damage anything.


Time like this, I'm happy to have a landlord that I can call to deal with the situation.


Today is beautiful though. Clear, blue skies...but cooler. But not too bad, considering.


I really loved TVF post a couple days back based on the tiger print scarf. Teal was the main accent color, I think. There were so many things I loved about the different outfits she put together...including the shoes. I've been thinking about getting a pair of Birk's again. I loved the two pairs that I had...I wore them out so bad...I wasn't nice to them, but they were great shoes for me. But I didn't/don't think they are very fashionable...


But I think I got too concerned with what is fashionable. The one outfit with the Birks, the cropped pants, the tank top and the fleece jacket was SO ME.


I'm looking forward to rethinking my wardrobe again. I love the idea of finding an inspiration piece like TVF does and seeing what happens... I might actually try to have a few different capsule wardrobes, maybe seasonal ones...

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Margaret, may be too late for this claim but add rental car insurance to your policy, it literally costs pennies (like $11 for the year). Your apartment should take some liability as well as yours was not the first major claim, maybe fencing with security gate would deter a bit (not eliminate but at least deter). My DD lives in a condo in what is now not the very best part of town. Her condo association put up steel fencing & security gates & crime went down over 75%. Of course, her alarm system (car & house) would wake anyone that had been dead for 10 years [emoji6]. Melody

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Melody, my insurance covers the rental for $50/day, which is nice but doesn't nearly cover what it actually costs to rent a car here. However, when I went this morning to pick up the rental, they had given my car out and I had a long wait for them to bring me one from the airport, so they're comping me the difference. Not too shabby.


My building is one of fourteen, arranged around a central park area, and we have 8 parking lots, a playground, and a basketball court. It is not really practical to fence in the whole thing and have gates at the multiple entrances. Our situation has illuminated the need for better lighting and additional cameras. Since DH is on the board, I'm hoping that he can use our situation to push the board (a bunch of tight-fisted old geezers) to spend more money on security to close the loopholes that the pros are taking advantage of.


We were the last big complex in our immediately area to get security cameras, and the final decision was made after a couple of people were robbed on the grounds because we had allowed ourselves to be the low-hanging fruit. I think this is a similar situation. Our neighborhood is also undergoing a lightning-fast demographic shift to younger, more affluent people with better cars, so I think that is partly why the neighborhood in general is attracting unwanted attention now.


Anita, so interesting to hear your wardrobe analysis. I have found recently that within my colors I am gravitating to certain brands that work well for my lifestyle. I think I have at least 10 Pleione tops that I wear to work constantly, and they mix and match with my bottoms well enough that I don't get bored. I've been buying Lucky Brand casual tops for weekends and around the house. They are bit more fun than a simple t-shirt, but so comfy.

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Wow! So much stuff going on here! Don't know where to start and I only read the posts on the last two pages!:eek:


First off, Melody...hope all goes well with the DH's surgery.


Margaret...I totally understand exactly what you're going through with the destruction of your car. As you might remember, our DS recently went through having his condo broken into twice and having his car vandalized twice. So hang in there and all will be well. It's taken us all a while to get past the DS's unfortunate situation. But thank goodness...at least for now...it's over and done.


Our Christmas cruise was fun...not the best and not the worst of our cruises. The highlight was meeting our friends and having dinner with them in PV. We're getting kind of bored with Carnival although we'd never rule them out. We did meet some nice people and did some fun things...it just wasn't as exciting as I would have hoped it would be. Still...we did enjoy our cruise.


Just got back from two weeks in FL with the folks. They are so funny. Health-wise they are doing as well as can be expected given their many ailments. I had a great time with them. Mom and I got into watching all the political stuff on CNN...debates, town halls, etc. She never was much into politics but for some reason her and I just had a blast watching some of those guys make fools of themselves. Kind of scary in a way.


This coming weekend we have brunch plans with the DH's cousin who is visiting from upstate New York and Super Bowl Sunday. Usually I'd be hosting a party at the house but this year given I've been traveling so much...it's just going to be the DH and I so I'm going to make some of my homemade pizza and some snacks. We'll have fun just the two of us.


Lauire...we are going for the Broncos as we would love to see Payton Manning win and hopefully quit football before he hurts himself too badly. It's time. I was so freak'n excited when they beat the Patriots!!!! I was jumping up and down in my parent's living room and my Dad was like...so did you bet money on this game or what? LOL! No...just not a Brady fan. Sorry to any Brady/Patriots fans but I was ecstatic when they loss..I know it's mean...sorry.


The following week is Grammy weekend and we're in the midst of making airline reservations for the DS and his three friends (the DS gets 4 tickets just like the DH as they are both songwriters and are in the songwriters' union). Not only are we hosting three of the DS's friends but I'm also hosting my BFF from Arizona. Should be a busy weekend and lots of fun as my BFF and another BFF from here in CA have never been to the Grammys before. The DH and I love taking our friends to the Grammy show that have never been before.


Next up is the Academy Awards...my BFF has been hosting that party for the last several years and I'm lucky to have won the last two betting pools. I've been told that they may exclude me from the pool this year. LOL! I promised to bring my Mac n Cheese dish and they've relented! Ha! Ha!


One exciting thing...during his Winter Break at home, the DS had to write a paper about visiting a Buddhist temple for a religious class he was taking. So we, the DH and I, went with along with him on the afternoon of New Year's Eve. What a wonderful, amazing experience that was. It was a wonderful way to start off the New Year.


Here's hoping everyone has a great New Year with lots of cruising, traveling, and fashion. Let the Good Times roll!

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Margaret, this may sound weird to say, but I don't think it has much to do with the neighborhood itself, when it comes to theft. They will go wherever the goods are. If you are safe where you are, then I would say you're all set.


Still, I'm sure you are a bit rattled about it, and I think it's great that you are being realistic. I hope you get everything squared away quickly!


Mousey, it's good to hear from you. I was thinking about you, and Barbara and Laurie earlier in the week. We haven't heard from any of you!


Sometimes, we're just off a bit. I know a few years back, when we had that big snow storm and I almost couldn't get out of Syracuse, it took me a while to get back into things. I really couldn't relax and enjoy myself immediately. You have had a lot going on, so it can be hard to just free your mind and get into vacation mode.


My husband has joked that I already checked out mentally for our up coming vacation, lol. I am excited, that's for sure.


I'll have to get over to TVF. It seems I love what she does, or I hate it, lol.

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Yes, Birks are those sandals. Birkenstocks. I'm not positive but I think the two strap style is one of the first if not THE first style. I don't know when they started naming them, but that is called "Arizona" now.


I've had Arizona, in a surprisingly neutral kind of dusty, mauve undertoned purple and the Florida (which has 3 thinner straps) in a very neutral deep tan brown color.


I've been looking at the different styles out there now. I still like the classic Arizona, but I do appreciate some of the newer ones that are a bit more feminine too.


Hi mousey! Do you have any photos to share from your Christmas cruise?

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Unfortunately no, I still haven't learned to post pictures. :eek: We didn't take a lot of pictures this trip. I think we're kind of getting jaded in that we've done the Mexican Riviera cruise a couple of times and have traveled to Cabo so much that we're just not taking pictures there anymore because we have so many already. We did take a couple of pictures with the cruise photographer but I wasn't really happy with them and we only bought two of them. The DS took pictures of his friend and him and we have those.


I think there was just so much "negative stuff" that was happening leading up to our cruise that I just didn't get into it that much. Being on the cruise was repetitive...you know..."been there done that" that it just wasn't all that exciting. My head just wasn't in the best space though I tried to get it there. Also, the Christmas cruise wasn't what I thought it would be. I guess I expected more of a holiday vibe and I didn't get that at all. In hind sight, I realized that the reason the cruise was so different was because most of the people on it..including us...where there because of the casino deal. So most of the action was in the casino and I'm not a casino person.


I'm not saying I didn't have a good time because I did...it's just that it wasn't what I was expecting and I just didn't have the energy going into it to change the vibe. There will be other cruises and next time I hope to make a point of going somewhere different and special. I do love Mexico...but I'm ready for something more exotic.


I've kind of lost track...so where is everyone going this year? Who has cruises coming up and to where?

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What is it about cats and boxes? Dani is much bigger now so she'd need a bigger box. :) I think of her as my baby kitty but she's going to be five next month.


Grace is such a pretty girl. Thanks for making me smile. :D


I'm going to Chinese New Year dinner tonight with friends. Our Chinese friend chooses the place and orders all the food. It's always fun and delicious and I get to try new things.


I think the only thing I might need for our cruise is some shorts for hiking. Something that dries quickly is in order, I think. I'm so excited to be going on an adventure trip again!

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