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Yeah, that's kinda where I am right now too. I ordered my dress from China and ordered during their month-long "New Year" and they had issues with my order. I found out last week that they hadn't even started on it!!!! I LOVE the dress so I reluctantly ordered it again, giving my exact measurements this time. I should receive it the first week of April, but that doesn't leave much room for alterations, we leave for Puerto Rico 4/30...:eek:


Girrrlllll.....I'd be freaking out right about now. Do you need me to make you a dress right quick out of my curtians? I've seen The Sound of Music a thousand times, and the carol Burnett's show 'Gone With The Wind' parody episode! hhehehehehehe


@ Lipz before I started my diet I had to have a bowl of coldstone ice cream EVERY night,lol.


My devil is Haagen Daz; vanilla swiss almond! :o


I am now down to 161 and want to lose 10 more before May. P.S starting WW on Monday. Will keep you guys posted.


I'm using Sparkpeople (it's free) because I'm to broke for WW right now. I'm thinking about joining WW after the wedding.


I'm eating about 500 calories A DAY or less right now.


500 calories or less?!?! Your fiance better watch out...you might try to eat him!! lol :D

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Girrrlllll.....I'd be freaking out right about now. Do you need me to make you a dress right quick out of my curtians? I've seen The Sound of Music a thousand times, and the carol Burnett's show 'Gone With The Wind' parody episode! hhehehehehehe




I'm using Sparkpeople (it's free) because I'm to broke for WW right now. I'm thinking about joining WW after the wedding.


I ordered the entire kit off of EBay for 50 buck,that was a steal! Try searching it even came with the point plus calculator in excellent condition.


I'm eating about 500 calories A DAY or less right now.


500 calories or less?!?! Your fiance better watch out...you might try to eat him!! lol :D

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I found out last year I have hypothyroidism and I had gained close to 60 lbs in 9 months. I'm petite at 5'2 and usually 100 lbs so I felt like a little butterball.


I'm doing the HCG diet and while strict, the first round I did I lost 43 lbs. I'm doing round 2 starting tomorrow and I'm excited to lose the rest of the weight. I haven't gained any back but I've maintained doing pilates, Hip Hop Abs and walking.


Let's keep each other motivated so we all look fabulous!!!

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I cut most of the junk out of my diet in the last few weeks. I don't own a scale, bt I can see that it's working. My clothes are fitting a little better!


I'm eating about 500 calories A DAY or less right now. My stomach is growling as I type this, but I remember Oprah once said if you feel hungry and you don't eat, your body will eat from its own fat reserves. This seems to be true!! Don't worry, I'm NOT starving myself!! I promise! I'm just NOT running to the fridge each time my belly growls!


I'm on the HCG diet and what Oprah said is true. Plus on HCG we can only eat 500 cals a day and I'm never hungry. But the food is kinda boring.

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I just heard about this HCG diet a few days ago and had never heard of it before. It sounds very strict. Are you ladies doing the shots or drops?

I'm always scared to try any diet that requires drugs or surgery. I always wonder what the long term affects will be especially because everybody's body reacts different.

It's VERY hard, but I just keep it the old fashion way... smaller portions, more fruit/veggies, and movement. I'm not always successful but I try.

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Girrrlllll.....I'd be freaking out right about now. Do you need me to make you a dress right quick out of my curtians? I've seen The Sound of Music a thousand times, and the carol Burnett's show 'Gone With The Wind' parody episode! hhehehehehehe


That is HILARIOUS!!!!


OMGGGG I WAS freaking out, broke out in hives and everything!! Then I re-ordered and said I'm not going to worry about it. The location will be fabulous and that's enough to ease my mind. Since I haven't seen the dress other than pictures, or touched it or tried it on, I'm not all that attached!! I fell in LOVE with it from the pics, but if I have to buy a white "Easter" dress next month and wear that, that's what I'll do. :p


I'm on the HCG diet and what Oprah said is true. Plus on HCG we can only eat 500 cals a day and I'm never hungry. But the food is kinda boring.


I always thought they said that if you don't eat and your body starts eating it's preserves that the minute you eat again it will just STORE all of the food thinking you won't eat again and not burn/digest anything??

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I just heard about this HCG diet a few days ago and had never heard of it before. It sounds very strict. Are you ladies doing the shots or drops?


I'm always scared to try any diet that requires drugs or surgery. I always wonder what the long term affects will be especially because everybody's body reacts different.


It's VERY hard, but I just keep it the old fashion way... smaller portions, more fruit/veggies, and movement. I'm not always successful but I try.


Lipz, The same is true for me. I'm not always successful but I'll keep trying. I stopped frying our foods in oil, and when I have to use oil, I use olive oil.

And yes, smaller portions at meal times and lots of fruit and vegies.


Strawberry/ bananna Yoplait is only about 70 calories. It tastes good too!


Sometimes I "cheat" and have something that isn't so good for me, but as long as I keep trying.......it does seem to work!


Have you heard of the Lemonaid diet? That one sounds like a starvation diet to me!

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I just heard about this HCG diet a few days ago and had never heard of it before. It sounds very strict. Are you ladies doing the shots or drops?


I'm always scared to try any diet that requires drugs or surgery. I always wonder what the long term affects will be especially because everybody's body reacts different.


It's VERY hard, but I just keep it the old fashion way... smaller portions, more fruit/veggies, and movement. I'm not always successful but I try.


I'm doing the shots. It doesn't hurt and I'm never hungry but I miss mashed potatoes lol. I don't know anyone who has had any negative reaction to the diet. It's strict but it not only controlled my thyroid problem (I have hypothyroidism) but it reset my body so the long term health benefits have been awesome.

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What is the HCG diet??:confused:


HCG diet is a strict diet and everyday you have to give yourself these shots (but they are the really itty bitty needles you can't feel really). The shots are composed of the hormone HCG which is the hormone we produce when we are pregnant. Because it contains all the vital amino acids we lack because of how we eat, your body starts to eat at the abnormal fat deposits. Those fat deposits are the ones that your body forget about and stores. The hormone and strict diet force your body to eat away at the fat and in result you burn about 2-3 times the amount of calories a day without exercise. In result you can lose 1-3 lbs a day.




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I always thought they said that if you don't eat and your body starts eating it's preserves that the minute you eat again it will just STORE all of the food thinking you won't eat again and not burn/digest anything??


I did my first round of HCG last year as an attempt to curb my hypothyroidism because medicines werent working and I didn't gain any back. I'm doing round 2 now.

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Lipz, The same is true for me. I'm not always successful but I'll keep trying. I stopped frying our foods in oil, and when I have to use oil, I use olive oil.

And yes, smaller portions at meal times and lots of fruit and vegies.


Strawberry/ bananna Yoplait is only about 70 calories. It tastes good too!


Sometimes I "cheat" and have something that isn't so good for me, but as long as I keep trying.......it does seem to work!


Have you heard of the Lemonaid diet? That one sounds like a starvation diet to me!



I have done the lemonade diet 3 times within the last 6 years and actually it does work while you are consuming the liquid but long term I have yet to have any real success with it. You don't have an appetite at all because the combination of the ingredients that you use suppresses your appetite.

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I think we all come realizes that dieting is a quick fix if we are not willing to changing our eating habits for the long road. Let's replace this word with "lifestyle." That sounds so much better because the first 3 words of dieting is what? D-I-E! I wanna live forever! LOL


Seriously, I noticed since my weight lost that I have more energy and feel much better about myself. I know that in order to prevent certain illness that I need to change my eating habits. I am exciting about life and realizes that I have to treat my body like the temple it is and be mindful of what I put in it. Ladies you are all doing a great job and I want to encourage you to do this for YOU and not for that DAY(our wedding). This is something I must tell myself over and over again but like anything else easier said then done. I am determined to not let high blood pressure, diabetes, kidney failure and other ailments take control of me! It's time that we take control of our life and GET FIT FOR LIFE! LET'S GO!!!

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I did the "Dr. Lara" diet 2 years ago (we call it that, because that's the name of the dr who does it around here). It's pricey but works and fast! I lost 85lbs 2 years ago and now i want to lose the 25-30 i've gained back.

I go once a week and get weighed. Get shots of b12 weekly and a weeks worth of appetite suppressents. Then i take fat burners and multi-vitamins. You eat about 700 calories a day. But you don't feel hungry.


I actually have an appt to go back tomorrow after work, which means i'll start the diet on thurs. I'm really excited, but it's boring. I don't eat seafood, so it's mostly chicken, cheese and veggies/fruits for me. But it's so worth it!!


I'm hoping to lose at least 25lbs before my dress comes in June. I've saved enough for 12 weeks, but hoping i don't need to use that much! Know i'm going to sign up for 6 then we will see from there.... Hate to spend that much money, but knowing what i looked like skinnier will make me not like any of my wedding pictures! Plus, it's not just a gift for me...but for my fiance as well ;-) AND, it's for my health!

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Call me old fashion at just 41 but, none of these things sound long term and if you stop the weight comes back. Now I know it's the same thing when you eat healthy and exercise, you stop & weight comes back, but I just think it's 'safer'. Again, I'm no expert but just nervous about trying some of these things that that are not as natural as just eating right and exercising.

Be safe ladies.

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I have to agree with you Lipz and I think the complications that I'm having now at the age of 34 if from all the different diets I have tried over the last 10 years. Popping diet pills regularly. Once again Ladies please be careful.

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I think we all come realizes that dieting is a quick fix if we are not willing to changing our eating habits for the long road. Let's replace this word with "lifestyle." That sounds so much better because the first 3 words of dieting is what? D-I-E! I wanna live forever! LOL


Seriously, I noticed since my weight lost that I have more energy and feel much better about myself. I know that in order to prevent certain illness that I need to change my eating habits. I am exciting about life and realizes that I have to treat my body like the temple it is and be mindful of what I put in it. Ladies you are all doing a great job and I want to encourage you to do this for YOU and not for that DAY(our wedding). This is something I must tell myself over and over again but like anything else easier said then done. I am determined to not let high blood pressure, diabetes, kidney failure and other ailments take control of me! It's time that we take control of our life and GET FIT FOR LIFE! LET'S GO!!!


This is SO true! I feel really good after working out the last 2 days with my fiance. He is acting as my personal trainer and I told him he will get the satisfaction of saying HE is the one who helped me and pushed me when we are on the beach and I'm looking GOOD! :p LOL

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I did the "Dr. Lara" diet 2 years ago (we call it that, because that's the name of the dr who does it around here). It's pricey but works and fast! I lost 85lbs 2 years ago and now i want to lose the 25-30 i've gained back.

I go once a week and get weighed. Get shots of b12 weekly and a weeks worth of appetite suppressents. Then i take fat burners and multi-vitamins. You eat about 700 calories a day. But you don't feel hungry.


I actually have an appt to go back tomorrow after work, which means i'll start the diet on thurs. I'm really excited, but it's boring. I don't eat seafood, so it's mostly chicken, cheese and veggies/fruits for me. But it's so worth it!!


I'm hoping to lose at least 25lbs before my dress comes in June. I've saved enough for 12 weeks, but hoping i don't need to use that much! Know i'm going to sign up for 6 then we will see from there.... Hate to spend that much money, but knowing what i looked like skinnier will make me not like any of my wedding pictures! Plus, it's not just a gift for me...but for my fiance as well ;-) AND, it's for my health!


The B12 shots are amazing!! I love them.

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I think we all come realizes that dieting is a quick fix if we are not willing to changing our eating habits for the long road. Let's replace this word with "lifestyle." That sounds so much better because the first 3 words of dieting is what? D-I-E! I wanna live forever! LOL


Seriously, I noticed since my weight lost that I have more energy and feel much better about myself. I know that in order to prevent certain illness that I need to change my eating habits. I am exciting about life and realizes that I have to treat my body like the temple it is and be mindful of what I put in it. Ladies you are all doing a great job and I want to encourage you to do this for YOU and not for that DAY(our wedding). This is something I must tell myself over and over again but like anything else easier said then done. I am determined to not let high blood pressure, diabetes, kidney failure and other ailments take control of me! It's time that we take control of our life and GET FIT FOR LIFE! LET'S GO!!!


A diet should be a lifestyle change. That's what the HCG did for me. Since I have a thyroid issue and medicine wasn't helping, this was a godsend. I can't wait to feel "normal" again and although my fiancee loves me regardless, I want to do this for me and for us in the long term

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Good morning just checking in on my favorite brides to be:D How are you guys doing with your plan? Give me updates please but it's only fair I share my success with you too.


I started SB 3/1 and lost 6lbs in 2weeks! Amazing right? Well I decided to switch to WW and have since maintained the weight loss while enjoying some of my favorite foods but smaller portions. I am now 160 and although I feel great with the weight lost I would like to lose 5 more before the BIG DAY. I am going to try on my dress for the 2nd time today and make sure I haven't lost too many inches(wishful thinking).


So talk to me and share what has worked best for you.

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Good morning just checking in on my favorite brides to be:D How are you guys doing with your plan? Give me updates please but it's only fair I share my success with you too.


I started SB 3/1 and lost 6lbs in 2weeks! Amazing right? Well I decided to switch to WW and have since maintained the weight loss while enjoying some of my favorite foods but smaller portions. I am now 160 and although I feel great with the weight lost I would like to lose 5 more before the BIG DAY. I am going to try on my dress for the 2nd time today and make sure I haven't lost too many inches(wishful thinking).


So talk to me and share what has worked best for you.

Hey Denise...

I'm doing Sparkpeople right now and only watching what I eat. I haven't gone back to the gym yet but it will come. I started having a healthier eating lifestyle on 2/5 and have lost 13 lbs so far as of today (I weigh myself every Monday morning). I know once I incorporate some sort of excerise I will probably lose even more weight. I'm happy with my progress so far though.

I've been thinking about joining WW but after the wedding. Since this is not a pre-wedding diet for me, there's no need to join now. In fact, I don't need an added cost with the cost of the wedding PLUS I don't want to lose to much weight because then my alterations will be even more money! lol

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Congratulations Lipz and that's great news! You still get to enjoy the foods you love but only in smaller portions. I haven't joined the gym either but does go walk on my lunch break if weather permits and take the stairs instead of the elevator(I live on the 5th floor) every little bit helps. LOL

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  • 2 weeks later...

How is everyone doing with eating good???? I'm doing great! Been hard, with my birthday just passing and the "goodbye" party for a coworker with my favorite publix cake! But not one bite :-)

Once I get past a week, its easier for me to stay on track! I've lost 7lbs :-)


How about everyone else?

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Yeah birthdays are always the hardest but I see you past that with flying colors. It does get easier after a week or so...I have lot a total of 8 lbs since Mrch 1st and tried on my dress this AM at 5:30 to see if I lost too much weight(wishful thinking) it is still tight! I assume the dress I tried on at DB must have really been stretched out or maybe I just gained that much weight since November:eek: Well I still have 29 more days before departing to Florida and I'm sooo excited. Great job with the weight lost flgatormom29.

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