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Recap of first-time-ever NCLer going on EPIC . . .


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I actually laughed out loud at the tale about both slides!! this is the best review I've read about Epic, and I've read a lot!! Can you drag out the rest of the week over the next 20days ......that'll take me up to when we leave for our cruise ;) and give me my daily fix!


If there was an Epic contest for reviews (like the recent Epic Moments one) you'd win - hands down!

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If there was an Epic contest for reviews (like the recent Epic Moments one) you'd win - hands down!


I agree! I wish I had some of that writing/storytelling talent :(


Awesome review...thanks Don! Its like reliving our week on the Epic, one of the quickest weeks of my life BTW.

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I had little idea that more than a small handfull of people would remotely care about the observations of someone who is so far outside the normal NCL Cruise Critic inner circle of posters. I sincerely thank you for that support. :)


Don, Any review, comment, post that is entertaining, witty and well thought out is a boon to the NCL boards, if not C.C. itself. I appreciate the time you are putting into your review and am enjoying myself keeping up with all the commentary as well.


THANK YOUfor being so willing to keep giving us our 'fix'. With your new NCL 'eyes' its always interesting to see what loyalists from other lines discover, like and dislike, on NCL ships.


Again, thank you so much for posting this, I envy your energy and your joie de vivre, thank you for sharing it! ;)

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We were on that same sailing and it brought back so many good memories! (We were a part of that wedding party (the rehearsal dinner in Le Bistro) you saw. You also captured a picture of me and my husband in that first picture you posted from the Cruise Critic meet and greet!


Loved it!



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I am still LOVING this Don! An excellent report...I am so enjoying the stories and the pictures and some past memories! I had milk come out my nose when I saw your men's toilet picture. It came out easy because I too had water up the nose from the first purple slide last October. Hey, I just put two and two together when I went over to the roll call boards earlier this evening. We are on the same sailing/ship next year. Wooo-Hoooo! Looking forward to meeting you in person!



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My mother and I are also enjoying your commentary. I can't wait to experience everything first hand.


To doggfan: My mother and I always go to Le Bistro on all the NCL ships we have been on. Mom says the lobster is the best! I have to say that we really like the chocolate fondue and creme brulee for dessert. You can't go wrong with Cagney's, either. It has been very consistent on all our cruises. In fact, my son wanted french fries at one meal but the menu had potato planks listed, so the server, a lovely Romanian woman, went to another restaurant and served him french fries. That was above and beyond what we had expected.


Thank you, again, Don, for the wonderful review. We have three first time cruisers traveling with us and I can't wait for them to read your review!!

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After looking back at a few of the horrific misspellings I've created tonight, I realize it's way past time to head to bed and face another rip-roaring day at the office in a few hours.


Later, gator!! :D


- - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Also . . . I'm just now paying any attention to the number of page views this rather nonsensical thread is getting. That's bizarre to me - honestly.


I had little idea that more than a small handfull of people would remotely care about the observations of someone who is so far outside the normal NCL Cruise Critic inner circle of posters. I sincerely thank you for that support. :)


Even more amazing is to see a thread go for this length without some feelings getting hurt concerning opinions and comments.

For that I offer the ultimate Thank You!!! :D




Don, it's all praise well earned - Best. Review. EVER. Thank you - and put up more!!! We need our fix!!!

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:) Oh, wow!! After a day at work that was (like this entire week) a big pile o' poo . . . it is a definite day-brightener to see the positive feedback, and confirmation that I'm not boring everyone to death with all my rambling. Again, a huge Thank You to all!! :D


Wednesday brought yet another good-weather day to Norwegian EPIC as we arrived in St. Thomas USVI.

Again, since I'd very recently been here, I had no shore excursion planned, but was very much looking forward to today because of attempting to accomplish I though would be really cool. A wonderful family I'd cruised with on three earlier sailings (including a back-to-back) was going to be in St. Thomas on this same day, and that brought about our attempt to try to rendezvous a bit before Noon for a trip up Paradise Point to chitchat for a while, and have a Bushwacker. T-n-C would be joining as well, as all three households had also sailed together back in December 2009.


Earlier in the cruise, NCL did something that I wasn't expecting, which was to participate in a time change so that we were actually on matching time with the location we were visiting. I'd done that once on Princess, once on a Carnival ship, and also on Premier, but it had been a long time since doing so, and it caught me off-guard.

I honestly don't recall ever reading comments about this on some of the NCL reviews I'd browsed through in preparation for my own sailing. So that's why I'm mentioning it now as a "heads up" for others. :)




Now there was the challenge of making sure I'd be able to determine what time to meet LHP (Linda), husband, and possibly son. Would they know we were on difference times? Also, we were meeting on the ground and not at the top of the hill. Solution would be for me to just wait for them to come off their ship (Carnival Glory) and then head to Paradise Point. We'll see how well that went a wee bit later.


Since EPIC arrived first on the scene, there was plenty of time to get off the ship for the meet-n-greet, so it was off to take some more pictures.


The Sports Complex Deck is a pretty cool place with several things to see and do.




Lots of cool (and tastfully done) graffiti throughout the area



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I never actually saw the Spider Web being used, but I'm betting it was a really fun experience for those kids who did take part . . .






From the design of the support posts, and the text printed at center court ("Winch Only"), it appears the Basketball Court can be a great recreational facility during the cruise, and also a location for airlift in the event of an onboard emergency.


Thankfully it was only used for fun during this sailing!! :)



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Also on the recreation deck was the EuroBungee for those who chose to have their feet fly over their heads, in all sorts of contortions. I'd seen nearly the same the previous evening at Shakers, but up here it was all intentional. (I'm gonna lose karma points on that one, I bet) :o






And, of course, there's always the Climbing Walls for those who dare. I watched people of a wide variety of ages having a great time on these. Suprisingly, most were quite successful. Kudos to all for that fun!






(yo, Don, nice job cropping - but I can still see your finger -- you doofus)



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An additional recreational option is in the main parts of the ship, and seemed to be quite popular - - Bowling!!


Available at both O'Sheehan's and Bliss Lounge (although the former seemed by far the more popular of the two). Perhaps that's why Tom, Cheryl, and I chose the Bliss venue for our own bowling experience a few days later. We didn't have to wait at all for a lane.


O'Sheehan's lanes . . .






Bliss lanes . . .




Sorry the pictures sorta suck, but my camera didn't react well to all the neon lights, etc.

Tom, can ya help me out a bit? :)

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Thanks Don, thanks a bloody lot!!! Here I am now feeling like a junkie waiting for my next dose of "Don's stuff". I am forced to wait until October before I get onboard the Epic for a putter around the Mediterranean. Thank you so much for adding to the anticipation.


T-n-C, we are booked in 17020, so please share some of your suite experiences and more pics, we have scoured your smugmug!!



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Just as it had been in St. Maarten, getting off the ship in St. Thomas was a breeze. Easy peasy, and a feather in EPIC's cap to have figured a way to move that many passengers around with great coordination.


Yep, it's a big floating 'box', but for this week, it was my own special floating box. :)




While in the port area, I got to meet three new crew members who would each be boarding a separate ship this day. All were excited, and it was fun to be able to discuss with two of them the things I particular enjoyed on their upcoming 'homes'. There was also a wedding planner who was getting a bit nervous for her arriving wedding party on Carnival Glory, as the ship was running just a bit late getting in. We also had a nice time chatting for a while, since I also have a connection with ceremonies at sea.


Well, Glory arrived and made the trip around EPIC in order to 'park' in the front position.






Bride from Norwegian EPIC visible in the above pictures as well.



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I'm really confident at this point that getting the group together is going to be doable. As long as they don't have two different fence gates to exit the Glory passengers. That would suck for sure.

So here I am still chatting with the soon-to-be Spa crew member, when I hear "Don, Hey, Don!". I look up to see Linda & husband waving from the still moving ship. Ta-da!! :D Now I know this is going to happen. It still took a while for their ship to get tied, and with as many many CCL sailings as they've been on, they knew how to navigate their way to the front of the debarking passengers.


Original thought was to meet at the base of the hill and actually hike to the top (yes, we were all totally aware of the cable car ride available), we hailed a nearby cab driver and arrived at the top, barely breaking a sweat. Much better plan. Lots of catching up to do, and some snacks and beverages.

Linda and her family are what I dubbed my "Cruise Heros" early in our friendship. They know how to do it right, no matter what potential challenges.


<< cheese >>




Soon after, T-n-C arrived up top via their taxi so that we all could enjoy the time together. A true highlight of my cruise week. :)


<< cheese, again >>




I'm sure it's been done before, and probably with even greater numbers, and success, but this was totally cool to me.

Three separate households, from different States, arriving outside the continental US on different ships, and all having met through Cruise Critic, and all having sailed together previously.


A huge Thank You to my four wonderful friends for making this happen. (and you, to, DJ, for giving Mom & Dad 'permission') :D

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You just gave me my new background picture. We are traveling on the Glory in July and the EPIC in December. Now I can look at one picture, see them both, and day dream some more. Thanks for the excellant review....I can't wait to sail the EPIC.:D

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Not to brag too much, but I'm joining Epic's next cruise on Saturday!


Would it be wrong for me to hate you? On Saturday I'll be in a hospital bed starting my recovery from spinal surgery. I MUCH prefer what you'll be doing. :) Have a great trip!!!

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'twas getting time to head back to the ship, as our time to be back onboard it 3:30. We all get in the taxi van for our trip back to port, and hugs goodbye. While T-n-C head to one shop for a quick look-see, I pop into the local grocery to get Cheryl and me each a 2-liter Coke product. Neither of us are big Pepsi fans.


For anyone else who might be hunting for the same before reboarding a ship in St. Thomas, this is a great spot to get quite a variety of things, and right there amongst the main shops. You just have dig a little to find it in the mix.




Dinner tonight would be a bit earlier than some other days, and at 6:00 we decended upon Shanghai's for some Chinese eats.

Tom has definitely worded it better earlier in another thread, but expectations were not extremely high for this to be one of the more memorable meals of the sailing. It would be enjoyable, but it's not somewhere that ever hits high marks on most reviews . . .

. . . until this sailing. :)





Goodness, gracious, that was one really enjoyable meal, with exceptional food and service. As Gomer Pyle would say, "Surprise, Surprise, Surprise!" The menu had some of the normal/expected offerings, and a few others that sounded interesting as well. As we were trying to make our own personal choices, the server began to explain that we could do multiple choices in a 'family style' manner, allowing us to each sample all of the things we'd already been eyeballing, plus some more. Excellent option!


BBQ Pork Spare Ribs

Shrimp in Black Bean Sauce

Orange Peel Beef

Kung Pao Chicken

Sweet n' Sour Pork


We all left a bit of food on the service plates, not from lack of wanting, but because we were all getting quite full. Of course then we were offered dessert. I said No Way . . . but was somewhat easily coaxed by Cheryl to try the Oriental Creme Brulee. :)

It's actually three separate desserts served together, each with its own flavor. I decided that I'd only try one (despite the server insisting he bring all), and it was the Ginger flavor. Very good!


And another bonus was Chinese decor' in the dining room. Yes!! :p



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Earlier that morning, while grabbing another enjoyable breakfast at Garden Cafe, crew members were already at work making sure that EPIC kept looking spiffy with a bit of pressure washing.




Also, after Shanghai's, I headed to see Howl At The Moon, and found these three performers to be exceptionally talented, each with their own personal strengths, yet working together as a wonderfully cohesive whole. Well, done, gentlemen! Thanks for the memorable entertainment!! I went back later nights as well.



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Sorry the pictures sorta suck, but my camera didn't react well to all the neon lights, etc.

Tom, can ya help me out a bit? :)


I don't think I have anything better - though I have not yet really looked at Cheryl's pics.




T-n-C, we are booked in 17020, so please share some of your suite experiences and more pics, we have scoured your smugmug!!




I posted what I took (Cheryl asked "WHY didn't you take more of the room :o)!


I will see if she has any which I can post as well. Though it likely won't be until after our sailing which starts in a few hours...!



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:D Really enjoying your fab review! Cruising on NCL Star 4/2012 with family of four, first timers on NCL. Frankly, we could have fun in a paper bag so switching cruiselines isn't a big concern! However, I am very curious as to what to expect from NCL, and your review (although it is not nearly the same ship!) is really enlightening! thank you!

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I love your pictures ,Brought back GREAT Memories .I loved EPIC but due to an injury i realize I did not see a lot of it So we are going BACK to Med and Transat I still need to see so much of this ship .Your pix are getting me excited again WOW!!

Great stuff

I could never get a complete picture of the ship something always blocked it or hid it Hope to get one next time

I agree the CREW is AMAZING on EPIC Martin and Denis kept saying call me if you need anything ..I did and they were quick to respond

My sister will be delighted with this ship

Are you planning the TRANSAT???


Keep on writing



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