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That is simply wrong... John doesn't make any effort to make Cruise Critic look like a site full of kooks. He has no choice but to accept their 'association' with Cruise Critic on face value. He can not verify that they are or are not members here.

Time and time again he has said that he has great appreciation for Cruise Critic and he understands that only a very tiny percentage of members are the ones complaining and demanding.

It is very possible, however, that a number of people not members here are making an effort to discredit the site with continuing idiotic comments on John's blog...

So true, Host Mach

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John Heald doesn't totally control what is on his blog. He gets hundreds of requests and comments and they are forwarded to him for response. Many of the comments that are posted in the Reply section are put there by the Miami office personnel who assist him with his blog prior to him seeing the comments. Saying that he puts negative comments on there about is daughter for publicity is absurd. John struggles daily with being away from his family and the days he does get to spend with his wife and daughter are very precious to him. This man goes way above and beyond what anyone would expect of him. He is a CD, he is a brand ambassador for Carnival and yet he takes several hours every day to write on his blog and answer questions and share information on Facebook.


I have followed his blog from day one and it has become a part of my daily routine to hear about life aboard a ship and the crazy things that passengers do and expect while sailing on Carnival. Unfortunately, many people in recent months have hidden behind the anonimity of the keyboard and decided it's okay to post nasty comments and rumors to a man who is just trying to help people. I firmly believe some of these comments are made up by trolls who just want to see if they can stir up trouble. What once was John's attempt to help people with small requests like dining room seating and recognitions of special celebrations has now turned into people demanding these things and being angry that someone on the ship didn't follow through when John sends the requests on to the various ships these passengers are sailing on. Now all of a sudden, it's his fault their "vacation was ruined". Then there are the people who claim to not like his sense of humor and say they can't believe that "Carnival" allows this. What part of "this is his blog" and not Carnival's do people not understand????? If people don't like his sense of humor; if they don't like reading the comments from people; if they don't like sifting through the thoughtless requests of some people - then don't read the blog. It is as simple as that.


Anyone who has met John Heald knows what a talented and personable person he is. He is a wonderful CD and a great brand ambassador for Carnival. And I personally appreciate each and every day that he takes the time to write his blog and share it with those of us who enjoy the smiles, tears and laughter that each of those blogs bring us. My day would be much dimmer and uneventful if I didn't have John's blog to read.


Well said.

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For the most part, I enjoy his blog and find it very informative. But there are a few things I wish he did a bit less:

- Talking about his bowels

- Talking about Slovenian women he wants Rumpy Pumpy with (that's a little coarse - esp since he has a wife he seems very fond of)

- Talking about Megan Fox's butt

- Making fun of the French (apparently Carnival has no problem with this?)

Otherwise it's pretty interesting - especially his account of the Splendour situation a few months back.

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Not buying it. He touts it as HIS blog, yet then this snafu comes up, he passes the buck to Miami?


Taken directly from his page:


Hi, I’m John, these are my underpants and this is my blog. So please don’t mistake my opinions — or those of my dear friends, fans or commenters — for those of Carnival Cruise Line or Carnival Corporation…………. even if they do pay the bills.


It's either his, or it's not all his. Can't have it both ways. No problem with help, but he is responsible for what is on it.

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These posts are separate and distinct from the posts that are put below the blog as they are written by bloggers. The please reply posts are culled out of the normal posts by "Miami" and then they are somehow sent to John to answer and he does get behind., and on the new blog format they are supposed to be asked on the "Ask John" page. That said, the post by Hildegard is still on the blog and I copy and paste it here.


Hildegard says:



Oh hello my “little” Johnny,


I was talking with some of my girl pals and was wondering if when people get sick and the ships run late arriving and departing do the guests get refunds for what they missed? I hope they do.


Also we wonder why they are charging so much for chicken wings? Why don’t they just give them away lie they do the rest of the food? Does Carnival need money that bad that they charge for a measly chicken wing? Conchs are cheap and all over the beaches in the Caribbean. Why charge for them too? And charging $10 for that Italian Restaurant is ridiculous. It’s just pasta and should be given away free. Just saying. How much longer are the wife and child going to be on the ship? Does Carnival charge for them and their food on the ship? Looks like she is built like her father and is probably a big eater. Just saying.


Love, Hildegard, the lovable one.


John Says:

Hello Hildegard,


You really picked the wrong day to post a comment. While I would have been prepared to discuss the virtues of the Cucina and chicken wings your comments about my daughter have earned you a permanent ban on this blog and the only time anyone ever sees the name Hildegard will be when I refer to something brown and smelly that I have stepped in.


Best wishes….…my arse






Make your own judgment. I think this is very mean spirited at best and wonder why anyone would write something like this. Any person that denigrates a toddler is rotten to the core in my book. There is no mention of CC either by the poster, or by John Heald. Heald to my knowledge has only told two posters they will not be published on his blog. Might be three.


To clarify, Cucina offers pasta for lunch at no charge. It is the dinner menu that includes much more than pasta that has a $10 cover.


I have read Heald's blog since I met him in Europe on the Liberty, or maybe the blog started during the Freedom in the Med the next year, anyway quite a while. I have never seen him criticize Cruise Critic or engage in any kind of guilt by association when answering his please reply posts ( other than against the French). As others have stated, Heald enjoys helping people have a great time on Carnival cruises. The hours he puts in are unbelievable. He keeps up the blog and facebook page even while he is on vacation between contracts. Once in a while he will take a few days off to spend some time with his family. He is a good family man and hates that his job takes him away from his wife and daughter for long periods. But he loves his job.


So tell me, what is it about Heald that sets some people on a rant? I read many posts on CC that are false, in regards to characterizations of Heald. I have read some demand posts from CC members that ask for free drinks and food at meet and greets. All Heald does is say that is not Carnival policy. Is this part of the reason for the ill will? Is this a form of negotiation? Give me what I want or I will flame you on CC?


I get a good laugh out of a few CC posters that think they know more about Carnival and the operation of Carnival ships than Heald. Much of the time Heald is merely a conduit between the Miami executive staff and Carnival guests. But Heald wasn't born yesterday.

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  • 4 weeks later...
For the most part, I enjoy his blog and find it very informative. But there are a few things I wish he did a bit less:

- Talking about his bowels

- Talking about Slovenian women he wants Rumpy Pumpy with (that's a little coarse - esp since he has a wife he seems very fond of)

- Talking about Megan Fox's butt

- Making fun of the French (apparently Carnival has no problem with this?)

Otherwise it's pretty interesting - especially his account of the Splendour situation a few months back.


My suggestion to you complainers about his blog....Don't read it. No one handcuffs you to your darn computer and makes you. We do live in America, where we have the FREEDOM to say what we want! He is doing just that...If you don't like his humor...stay off his blog! And, I can say anything I want about my own children, but, I dare anyone else to say a word. That is totally uncalled for, and anyone that would do so has absolutely NO CLASS!!! Some of these CC people are really kooks!

Linda B

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My suggestion to you complainers about his blog....Don't read it. No one handcuffs you to your darn computer and makes you. We do live in America, where we have the FREEDOM to say what we want! He is doing just that...If you don't like his humor...stay off his blog! And, I can say anything I want about my own children, but, I dare anyone else to say a word. That is totally uncalled for, and anyone that would do so has absolutely NO CLASS!!! Some of these CC people are really kooks!

Linda B


Heald brings a lot of it on himself. I read his blog to get information about the Magic. Even though I am not interested in his bowel movements, farting, his opinions of Russian people, or even his opinions of non-smokers, I put up with it to keep up with a ship that I'll be on. As you say, Heald has the FREEDOM to say what he wants. But if he is going to sink to the lowest common denominator of obnoxious writing, there should be no surprise that his tone brings out the worst of the worst.

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Um ya, but when I read his blog, I rarely read the "comments" placed below.

I just read his actual posts which may contain responses to these comments.


So you are right but I bet very few saw the offending Hildegard post until

he made it the centerpiece of his next blog. He promoted this stupid (but mild) insult

against his daughter. It's the same thing he does with a post he gets from someone who

says they are from CC and demands this or that. He loves to respond making the CC site look like it's full of kooks.


Well that much is true.:D


As a serious reader here and aboard, I'm beginning to think your right.

No reason to post such trifle just to stir the pot.

Remove the offensive poster and the post and move on . Was John looking for sympathy ?

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Good post Mach, however I must point out(for the benefit of others) that there are indeed some "kooks'' here on CC just as there are on any other public forum. It's not John's doing, not your's or even CCs just a fact of cyber-life. I know you already know this as you have to deal with them. My hat is off to you.


I've been reading John's blog (lol I say that like I personally know him, I don't) semi regularly for just over a year and have never, ever seen John disparage the posters at large or CC. Sure there has been a time or two he has taken to task a CC member individually for what they post. In the last coupld of days he has hammered hilde-whatever ( love that one) a little, but it was well deserved, IMHO.


To Richstowe who said,


I have to disagree with you. Any insult to a toddler, regardless of who's child, is far from being "mild" and is only done by spineless weak minded people. I am certainly glad that I am not as miserable with myself that I have to resort to picking on children.


This topic about the daughter is crazy, the comment was made that they could tell she was his daughter, and yes was implying that she is chubby/fat, because John is chubby/fat.


I think the comment was not meant to be mean or hurtful. The same as if John was very tall and thin (the term bean pole comes to mind) and the daughter was also tall and thin and they said they could really tell she was his daughter, know one would have thought about it.


But John took offense to the comment, (because of what he took from it, that his daughter is chubby/fat) and talked about how he BANNED the poster from his blog for life.


My thought is this, if he is this sensitive about people talking about his family, he should not bring them on to the stage, by pointing them out as his family. He is a public figure and it going to get talked about, and when he brings in his wife and child, by accident or not, he opened the door for comment.


If it was meant to be mean, then shame of the person that made the original comment. But if John was just having a bad day as he stated, he needs to work harder to control his emotions.

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This topic about the daughter is crazy, the comment was made that they could tell she was his daughter, and yes was implying that she is chubby/fat, because John is chubby/fat.


I think the comment was not meant to be mean or hurtful. The same as if John was very tall and thin (the term bean pole comes to mind) and the daughter was also tall and thin and they said they could really tell she was his daughter, know one would have thought about it.


But John took offense to the comment, (because of what he took from it, that his daughter is chubby/fat) and talked about how he BANNED the poster from his blog for life.


My thought is this, if he is this sensitive about people talking about his family, he should not bring them on to the stage, by pointing them out as his family. He is a public figure and it going to get talked about, and when he brings in his wife and child, by accident or not, he opened the door for comment.


If it was meant to be mean, then shame of the person that made the original comment. But if John was just having a bad day as he stated, he needs to work harder to control his emotions.


I think the comment was a foolish and stupid one. Maybe she is oblivious to what she says and did not mean to imply his daughter is over weight but absolutely no reason to comment on his little girl in a negative manner.


If you look at her sentence before, the weight comment was her way of calling the family overweight.


Totally out of place.

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My suggestion to you complainers about his blog....Don't read it. No one handcuffs you to your darn computer and makes you. We do live in America, where we have the FREEDOM to say what we want! He is doing just that...If you don't like his humor...stay off his blog! And, I can say anything I want about my own children, but, I dare anyone else to say a word. That is totally uncalled for, and anyone that would do so has absolutely NO CLASS!!! Some of these CC people are really kooks!

Linda B


Well Said!!!:)

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A bit off topic, but a question about John's blog...Why does he feel he has to tell us every time he has a poop? Just curious...I have not been following it that long and was wondering if there is some reason I'm not aware of. Is it supposed to be funny? Who really cares? Most of his comments are funny, but that gets old after a while:confused:.

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I could be wrong.... but I've always taken it to mean that he's "popping" down to the bottom of his facebook to answer questions.

Only pop got spelled poop and he kept it. Yes, that is his humor, but I wouldn't take it literally.

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A bit off topic, but a question about John's blog...Why does he feel he has to tell us every time he has a poop? Just curious...I have not been following it that long and was wondering if there is some reason I'm not aware of. Is it supposed to be funny? Who really cares? Most of his comments are funny, but that gets old after a while:confused:.


Listen very carefully I shall say this only once...

It is a reference to a British comedy show that ran in the 1980's called 'Allo,Allo. The show was set in occupied France during WW2. One of the characters appeared as a French Gendarme but was a British secret agent working with the French Resistance movement and the policeman was his cover. His character always mangled his words such as Good Moaning, I thought I would just poop in and lots of other double entendre. Even now some 20 years after the show ended British people still use phrases from the show which at the time was pulling millions of viewers every week. I got the joke right away but then I am British and watched the show plus countless repeats. It was a very, very funny program. My opening sentence is also a catchphrase from it.


http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%27Allo_%27Allo! will explain a lot to you.

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This topic about the daughter is crazy, the comment was made that they could tell she was his daughter, and yes was implying that she is chubby/fat, because John is chubby/fat.


I think the comment was not meant to be mean or hurtful. The same as if John was very tall and thin (the term bean pole comes to mind) and the daughter was also tall and thin and they said they could really tell she was his daughter, know one would have thought about it.


But John took offense to the comment, (because of what he took from it, that his daughter is chubby/fat) and talked about how he BANNED the poster from his blog for life.


My thought is this, if he is this sensitive about people talking about his family, he should not bring them on to the stage, by pointing them out as his family. He is a public figure and it going to get talked about, and when he brings in his wife and child, by accident or not, he opened the door for comment.


If it was meant to be mean, then shame of the person that made the original comment. But if John was just having a bad day as he stated, he needs to work harder to control his emotions.


I don't agree with anything you wrote. I think it was obvious that the poster meant to be hurtful with these comments. If you go back and read all of the posts by this person over time you will see a pattern of increasing personal attacks in order to provoke a response. This poster knew perfectly well what she/he was doing. They finally poked around till they found a sensitive spot.


As far as being a public figure so he has to expect this. WHY? No one should be disrespected in that way. Just because it happens doesn't make it right or expected. The level of personal discourse that has evolved on the internet in this country is depressing. To excuse it as you suggested is to condone it. I couldn't disagree more and will never stoop to doing that in order to make me feel superior to someone, which is the real reason for those comments.


He shouldn't have to grow a thicker skin, people should stop hiding behind their avatar's and man up. If you made those comments to my face, you would eating with a straw. Since there are no real consequences to their inane chater on message boards, the cretins continue to come out to play.

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I don't agree with anything you wrote. I think it was obvious that the poster meant to be hurtful with these comments. If you go back and read all of the posts by this person over time you will see a pattern of increasing personal attacks in order to provoke a response. This poster knew perfectly well what she/he was doing. They finally poked around till they found a sensitive spot.


As far as being a public figure so he has to expect this. WHY? No one should be disrespected in that way. Just because it happens doesn't make it right or expected. The level of personal discourse that has evolved on the internet in this country is depressing. To excuse it as you suggested is to condone it. I couldn't disagree more and will never stoop to doing that in order to make me feel superior to someone, which is the real reason for those comments.


He shouldn't have to grow a thicker skin, people should stop hiding behind their avatar's and man up. If you made those comments to my face, you would eating with a straw. Since there are no real consequences to their inane chater on message boards, the cretins continue to come out to play.


I will agree you are probably correct in her other post, I have not seen or looked for any of them. I only read the copy that was posted her, in the link to his blog, and the response/comment he made.


If she was being mean then it is wrong.

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Good post Mach, however I must point out(for the benefit of others) that there are indeed some "kooks'' here on CC just as there are on any other public forum. It's not John's doing, not your's or even CCs just a fact of cyber-life. I know you already know this as you have to deal with them. My hat is off to you.


I've been reading John's blog (lol I say that like I personally know him, I don't) semi regularly for just over a year and have never, ever seen John disparage the posters at large or CC. Sure there has been a time or two he has taken to task a CC member individually for what they post. In the last coupld of days he has hammered hilde-whatever ( love that one) a little, but it was well deserved, IMHO.


To Richstowe who said,


I have to disagree with you. Any insult to a toddler, regardless of who's child, is far from being "mild" and is only done by spineless weak minded people. I am certainly glad that I am not as miserable with myself that I have to resort to picking on children.


Clapping here in SC....well said!!! I'll add to your statement of the "spineless weak minded people" who hide behind their computer keyboards!!!

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I met John most recently on May 22nd sailing of the Magic. I have met him before on other cruises and find that he is a very down to earth and friendly person. His zany sense of humor is what makes a lot of the shows on the ships he is CD come alive.

I don't know how he does what he does. On the day we disembarked the ship he was awake at 4am getting ready to make announcements for those departing the ship which continued through until 10am when everyone was off the ship. He then had to prepare for the new set of guests that were boarding and do his blog and face book. The greet guests and do the safety briefing and then the two evening shows probably not getting to bed until around 1am.


Who does he do this for? Yes it is his Job but it is for the Guests.


So when someone posts something like Hilde-whatever he can either ignore it or he can post it and slam the person. We I bet you that for that one that he posted there are probably another 100 or so that were just discarded. And there may have been many many others that were just filtered out by Miami.

So that post was probably just the tip of the iceberg and he posted to it as an example of how low people stoop.


You know the question about why Carnival charge for Jerked Chicken Wings and Conch fritters in the Red Frog was quite a valid one. But to say she should have them for free because his daughter has some kind of eating disorder as she looks like her Dad was just despicable.

Hilde-whatever has opened a can of bad karma for herself there.


You know if Hilde did not want to pay for the wings and fritters she could always go get some from the buffet on the lido and bring it down to the Red Frog.


Well John should keep up the great job he is doing and I really don't blame him for highlighting some of the crap that people post, even if it does increase his viewership which I don't think was the intention of him posting it.

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So that post was probably just the tip of the iceberg and he posted to it as an example of how low people stoop.


A comment like the one made by this Hilde-person was clearly meant to hurt John. Another person might point out that there was a family resemblance without even mentioning the weight issue, but really when it comes down to it, John's family had nothing to do with chicken wings and conch. To even bring up his family after complaining about the charges for food was all too clearly a cheap shot.


I don't know John at all and I've only read his blog a couple times, so I can't really say much for his character, though I can't imagine he's a bad guy if he works as hard as everyone says he does. But I highly doubt he would highlight a comment like that on his blog unless it was to make a point. His point: You can insult me all you want, but leave my family out of it. I think it's something we all would agree with. Say whatever you want about me, but don't drag my loved ones into your beef with me. John seems to cherish his family, like many people do, and it's a very mean thing to do to cheap-shot and go after someone's family the way that commenter did to John.

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I don't agree with anything you wrote. I think it was obvious that the poster meant to be hurtful with these comments. If you go back and read all of the posts by this person over time you will see a pattern of increasing personal attacks in order to provoke a response. This poster knew perfectly well what she/he was doing. They finally poked around till they found a sensitive spot.


As far as being a public figure so he has to expect this. WHY? No one should be disrespected in that way. Just because it happens doesn't make it right or expected. The level of personal discourse that has evolved on the internet in this country is depressing. To excuse it as you suggested is to condone it. I couldn't disagree more and will never stoop to doing that in order to make me feel superior to someone, which is the real reason for those comments.


He shouldn't have to grow a thicker skin, people should stop hiding behind their avatar's and man up. If you made those comments to my face, you would eating with a straw. Since there are no real consequences to their inane chater on message boards, the cretins continue to come out to play.


I agree with you 100%! DW and I know and like John. As a previous poster said the failing to receive some gift or service requested of John is usually a failure of someone on the ship after John sent the request. When we were on the Carnival Splendor with him we met and talked to Heidi and Kye at the VIP check in area and gave Kye a liitle toy we had brought for her. As a thank you John sent us strawberries twice. But even on his own ship his crew neglected to put a card with his name either time. Only later when when met with him could we confirm he had sent them.


John sometimes exhibits a low brow sense of humor but that is John. He likes to turn almost any situation into a gag our bit so don't believe everything you hear from him. But he is a great family man and a pleasure to deal with. As to the thing with the French, that is almost a requirement of being British. We look forward to sailing with him whenever we can

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A bit off topic, but a question about John's blog...Why does he feel he has to tell us every time he has a poop? Just curious...I have not been following it that long and was wondering if there is some reason I'm not aware of. Is it supposed to be funny? Who really cares? Most of his comments are funny, but that gets old after a while:confused:.



You must mean on his Face Splat thingy... If you look at the structure of his page you'll see that all of the questions and comments are down below where his most recent entry is. He used to say 'I'm going to take a minute to POP downstairs and answer some questions.' At one point he misspelled it 'poop' and everyone got a huge chuckle out of it so it has stuck!

Typical John Heald sense of humour (spelled correctly...)


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I am actually a little nervous posting on this thread.(Not really).

The last time I did, someone posted my comment on Healds blog and he called me a kook.

I may not get over it.:p


At the risk of opening another can of worms, the beards pick the questions for John to respond to.

Alot of them are hostile and nasty and often say they are CCers.

I'm sure the guidelines for which posts to choose originally came from John.

My question is why do they choose the nasty ones?


BTW- I like Johns blog. As for whether he has thick skin or thin skin, I don't know or care.

All this speculation on his feelings is kindda funny.

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