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I thnk millions of people were shocked at the verdict, who else but Casey killed her, no one! I just couldn't believe it either, I think the jury wanted to just get it over with, I mean with 31 days of testimony and they can reach a judgement in 11 hrs??? Unbelievable!!! Now what is she going to do, I don't think her friends will want to be with her anymore now that they now about her lies and is she going home to live after accusing her dad of molesting her? I heard on Good Morning America this morning they were discussing who would play Casey in the surely to be made TV movie.


Anyway, I did buy some things that were on sale yesterday. I got a nice Caribbean Joe handbag, a new bathing suit and a pair of light weight blue jeans. Not that I needed any of those things but they were on sale :D.


Found out the closing has been set for 11 am on Friday, looks like its really going to happen. I think we will stop for lunch afterwards and celebrate. Its always food isn't it!!!! We have a wedding to go to on the 30th of July, sure wish I could at least lose 5 pounds but can't seem to do it.


Bet you will do just fine with the weigh-in, you have been maintaing so well. One of Bills son in laws goes to WW and he said he could only gain 2 pounds or he would have to pay, he has life time status. He has really gotten thin, almost too much, but he's happy with how he feels and looks.

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Sharon, now that you have all of those summer fashions, you will have to find someplace to go to enjoy wearing everything. Eleven is a good time for a closing. Then like you said, you both can go and celebrate and take a big sigh of relief that everything is behind you and now will have more free time to enjoy the rest of the summer.


We have a wedding to go to next week, and food is always the issue when eating out. That is where I have problems if there are any. I also have a 2 pound window ether way to maintain the life status. We have a bye tonight for Bocce and since we have not seen anyone, I do not know what the team did last week. This Friday I have bunco with the girls and then my aunt is coming back to stay with us Saturday until Monday.




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O.K. one more surprise. The RE guy called and said I have to pay another $400 for a home warranty for the new people. I told him I never agreed to that and he said it is in the contract. I told him I didn't know anything about it until now! He said he would cut his commission to 5.5% instead of 6% to cover the cost of it, since he didn't tell me about it before. Geesh!

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Wow Sharon, that is really crazy to find out about this 2 days before the closing. Let's hope there are no more surprises. Well there is a saying, what goes around comes around. That lady will get hers someday for all of the ling she has done and all of the pain she has caused her family.


I have to start watering my flowers and grass as things are really dry and I don't want anything to get browned out.




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The grass is getting brown here too, I watered my tomatoes and pepper plants last night. Want to go outside and spray some of the thistles but having to wait by the stupid phone again for someone to call me back. The propane people were supposed to go and read the meter on the tank and let the lawyer know how much is still in there and what I paid for it so I could get a credit from the buyers (heaven knows they have gotten enough from me). But 2 calls from me and 1 from the lawyer and still no information. They are supposed to call me back today after the gal I was talking to gets back from lunch. She should be back by now, its been an hour and a half! I have never seen so many inept people in my life as the ones I have been working with for this closing! The electrician never got the bill to me, I've called and called, no answer. Even went to his house today....front door open, car in the garage and no one came to the door! Called the RE guy, its his brother, but he says he can't get a hold of him either! Finally gave up, and told the lawyer who said, get the RE guy to get a bill from him, its his "F" ing brother! Kinda surprised me he would say that "f" word to me. Did you ever hear of so much baloney???


Yes in regards to Casey, she will probably do something else sooner or later, but with all the money she will make from a book and a tv movie she will be able to buy herself some "friends". Makes you sick she could profit from this.

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Sharon, things just keep rolling along with the little things that are coming your way. How about the electricity, did you call to have that taken out of your name? I am also very surprised that the lawyer would talk to you like that. I would have said excuse me. I agree you should get a credit from the LP Gas as certainly you have done way more than enough.


Perhaps something happened to the electrician as you said he was sick a few weeks ago. Strange he would not answer the door when you were there. Put it on the RE guy to bring something to the closing tomorrow so you can clear everything all at once and be finished with it all.


Let's hope there are no more surprises.


Who could ever feel sorry for that lady from all of the money she is going to have fall in her lap. Something is really wrong with this picture. :eek:




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Papers all signed and a check in my hand, finally! RE guy brought the electricans bill with him to the closing, I will pay it separately, like I did all the others, but it was proof that it was done. The buyers are really young and should have a lot of energy to put into the place. The closing gal brought a paper she found during the title search that said the land was originally owned by by a Joseph Keeler, who was given the land because of An act to raise for a limited time an additional military force, approved Feb 11, 1847". He was a private in Captain McKenzie's Company fifth Regiment Tennessee volunteers. He assigned the property to a Jonathon Lockwood, it originally was 160 acres. The paper was signed by Zachary Taylor, President of the United Stated on April 7th 1849. I found that quite interesting and never knew who owned the propery prior to 2 other owners. Quite a bit of history there, nothing about who built the house though.


It is still quite hot here, we sure could use some rain! I sprayed the fence line yesterday with weed/grass killer and the stuff is already starting to wilt. The thistles had gotten 5 ft high already. The milweeds are blooming and they smell so fragrant, its wonderful. I didn't spray those as the Monarch butterflies like them too.


Probably go dancing/visiting tonight, my stress level should go way down now that this is over. What are your plans for the weekend, taking your aunt anywhere special or just going to enjoy the visit.

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Sharon, congratulation on finally closing the house. I would think that there is a huge burden lifted form you by having all of that put behind you now. Wow what an interesting story about the history of the property. Did she let you keep any of it?


Tonight should be a real good time for you both to have a nice evening out and something really to celebrate. Tonight is bunco with the girls. So I will be out late tonight. Then tomorrow evening my aunt comes. I originally was going to have a party here for her on Sunday. Have my sister and her family over and my kids. So my sisters daughter offered to have the gathering at here house as she is only 1 mile from us. She has a kids friendly house and we do not. Besides Bill would have flipped out having all of the kids running all around. So this will work out fine and he was real happy when I told him last night.


Should be a nice weekend weather wise.




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The gal gave me a copy of the printout of the history of the land. I thought it was very interesting also.


That should be better to have the party at your niece's house that way you can leave when you want to if the kids get to be too much :rolleyes:.


Have a good time tonight, should be a fun night with the girls.



Did you see the Jacee Godart(sp) story is going to be on TV Sunday at 8pm. Thats the girl that was held hostage for something like 18 years in the backyard of that couple. Can't even image how you could live through something like that.

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Sharon, I got home around 1 am, always an interesting evening when we get together. Next month it is my turn to host the evening. So Bill usually goes to the club, until I give him the all clear.


I did see part of the interview with her mom. I remember seeing the couple who held her. They really looked like low life's. I don't know how she survived all of those years. There is just way too much going on bad things each and everyday. I am almost afraid to turn on the TV to hear more bad news.


Bill is very happy not having all of those kids running around and making him nervous. My one daughter just does not have any control on her kids and they get all of the others all jacked up as well. There is just too many things that they cannot do while over at our house. A better move having it where the kids can run wild, and they will.


Enjoy the weekend.




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Funny, Bill has a son that brings down his "almost" daughter, she is his xgirl friends daughter, long story there, but anyway this girl is so immature it's pitiful. She is 16 and dumb as a box of rocks,also wears inappropriate clothes that are too low in the front for her mature figure. When he brought her down a couple of years ago she wasn't wearing a bra, her mother never got any for her, so one of Bills daughters took her shopping and bought her some. So I know what you mean about "others" kids and how they raise them. You want to say something so bad, but often times its always better left unsaid.


We felt almost free today not having to worry about the other house, we did drive by and the young guy who bought it was out trimming trees so they could put up fencing for the horses. He will probably work himself to death the next few years, just like we did.


Stopped at one of the grocery stores that was having an anniversary sale. They had all kinds of samples, many varieties of cheeses, hot dogs, desserts, wine, choc milk, pizza and gelato. Needless to say we are full now.


How many gals were there last night? Is it once a month you do it, seems like it. Like I said, sounds like a fun time.

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Sharon, for our bunco group there are 8 of us totaL, 4 at each table and we have alternateS set up as there are times when everyone cannot make it. Yes, we do this once per month and my turn got pushed to September now. My aunt is headed back to WI. The party went well yesterday. It was very hot and humid. Bill stayed in the basement watching games and movies. All of the guys stayed outside drinking and Bill can't take the heat nor does he drink very much when we are out and he is driving.


We were the first to leave and everyone else was also getting ready to leave after us. 10 kids running around. They had a water slide in the yard. Inside it was cool and the kids were running back in and out and I am sure this week some will be sick from going form the heat into the cold.


I have weigh-in tonight. I don't know how I will do after all of the eating out these past 2 weeks. It will be interesting. It sounds like you had a good weekend. It must be nice not having to worry about the other place now. Those people can work all that they want as they are young and have much more energy than we will ever have.


It has been raining hard here this morning. So I hope my aunt has a safe trip home. It takes her about 4 hours.




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The elec. went off early this morning and has not come back on. I went to zumba and got all sweaty and want to tske a shower! I am using my tablet to post it comes in handy. Bills DD is in the hospitsl with pnuemonia. They have put her in hospice, dont know if its at home or in the hospital. She said she was tired and ready to go.


Sounds like it was quite a party and sooo many kids. It was very, very hot here yesterday also. Did Bill have a good time sounds like he was pretty much by himself at the party. Today we got only a half inch of rain, but with the wind a lot of trees are down all over. Wish the elec would come back on, cant use water is the main problem right now.

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Sharon, I did hear about all of the power outages. Com-Ed said one of the worst storms and high wind combinations. Bill would have been fine not even going at all but he goes for me. He does not have much in common with the other guys as they drink and drink and he does not do that. Staying in where it was cool was fine for him.


We did not loose power, however we do have a backup generator if we did loose the power .I am sorry to hear about about Bill's daughter. My FIL was the same way. He just decided enough was enough and gave up. I will say a prayer that she has piece. The Zumba place did not loose power? Perhaps if you do not get the power back, maybe you can go to the resort and take a shower there if they have power.




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I waited until 4pm then I went over to Bill's house and took a shower and washed my hair, it felt so good. Then when I got home I saw the stop light was working and knew the elec was back on because we are on the same line. So it came on between 4 and 5pm. I had gotten out the flashlights and candles in case we needed them tonight. Thank goodness we won't be needing them, and will have the air on. Bill was talking about getting a backup generator too. We don't lose elec very often but when you do, its a real problem.


Thats nice your Bill goes to those things for you, my Bill only ever has one drink any where we go. I'm glad I don't have to worry about him drinking too much as my first husband drank beer like a fish.

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Sharon, I am glad you had your power restored. From some reports it may take a few days before everyone get their power back. Well I gained .6 yesterday at weigh-in. I was prepared for that. We never got any more rain yesterday and it is supposed to be nice for a few days.


I have been run down these past few days. The boss is back in St. Louis so things have been real crazy lately.




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Kathy, maybe you just have to recooperate from your vacation/business trip!:p You did really well only gaining .6 at WW. I think you have it down what you can or can't eat and the amounts. I still have been maintaining instead of losing, but I guess at least thats something good.


I heard on TV that some people are not going to get their elec on for another day or two. If they live in town, other than being an inconvenience and hot, it would not be too bad. When you have your own well, you cannot use the water and thats a real problem. I could deal with the other things, but really need water.


We are going on a bus trip again tomorrow to Dubuque, Iowa. We will board a paddleboat and have lunch and entertainment while floating along. Should be a nice day weather wise, sounds like it will be cooler than it has been. We did this once before but it was a two day trip and we spent the night in Dubuque and went to the Mississipi River Museum and other tourtisty spots before coming home.


I thought it was better at work when the boss was away, no?

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Sharon, I do like not having him around, but we have had a couple of people quit and everything falls back on me. This was a storm the com-ed people said was really bad. Did you hear about that 264 year old tree that got knocked down?


The bus trip tomorrow sounds like a nice get a way. I have not been there in a long time. Stayed at this place called Jummers in Betendorff. Enjoy and have a nice day away. Tomorrow is supposed to be beautiful. I supposed with all of the other people still without power, you should consider yourself lucky to have it off only 8 hours. How far out did you plan this bus trip?


When that Casey gets out of prison she could be well set off with book deals and movies. Something is wrong with this picture. Some of the jurors are getting threats as well.




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Funny, last time we went on the river boat we stayed at Jummers also, it was a nice place. We have had this scheduled for several months and it finally is getting here! Should be a fun way to spend the day.


You have had people quit? Was it because of the jerk boss or were they fortunate enough to find another job. Yeah, thats not so nice when you have to do your work and other peoples.


There have been many many trees down, we are lucky we don't have any real close to the house here. I wonder about the house I just sold, all kinds of trees over there, hope they didn't have any problems.


Just was ready that they may charge Cindy Anthony with perjury, we'll she did perjure herself, everyone knows she wasn't the one looking up that stuff on the computer. Don't know where Casey can go, everyone seems to hate her. Also they were saying on CNN that a lot of the offers given to her had been revoked, due to public opinon. They referenced OJ's book "If I did do it", that didn't sell at all.

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Sharon, I hope you both have a nice relaxing day today on your excursion. Well our business is run by 2 brothers. However the older brother is really in charge of everything as he has put up all of the money. So the younger brother has his 2 kids working there, and the 1 girl had her boyfriend working there as well. The boyfriend quit and now his daughter is quitting as well. As she is tired of working for her father. Sounds like a real mess.


I turned off the air today and opened the windows as it is real nice today. I am sure you will drive by the other house and see if they had any damage. You were lucky to get rid of it when you did. That's all you would have needed to have damage you would have been responsible to take care of.


I was reading today that there are civil suites coming her way to collect money that was spent. We can only hope that she will not collect a lot of money from this.




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We had a great day yesterday, the weather was just about perfect and the food, oh, so much food! When we boarded we were shown to our tables and the given coffee and fruit and a pecan sticky roll. About an hour later a buffet lunch was served with all kinds of salads, a hot alfredo noodle dish, mashed potatoes and gravy, chicken breasts, and rolls, the dessert was an out of this world cheese cake with a crust on top of mini choc chips and pecans, was it ever yummy! Then about an hour and a half later they served strawberry shortcake for an afternoon snack, we passed on that being still too full from lunch. They had entertainment all the time, a couple that sang all the old oldies songs. One guy at our table mentioned it was the only time he knew the words to all the songs he was hearing, and he was right we did too. They also dressed the part, her with a full felt skirt, him with a letterman sweater. Then him in a white Elvis jump suit while singing Elvis songs. After the lunch we went up to the top deck, there were 4 decks. The 3rd and 4th were open in the back with tables and chairs to sit and watch the scenery. We got home around 6pm.


We then got a call around 10 pm that Bill's daughter had lapsed into a coma. Today her husband called and said that the dr didn't expect her to last through the day. Bill is trying now to decide if we should go up to the hospital in Madison or not. He is supposed to call me back in a bit, if we don't I will go out and mow some of the weeds, grass is not growing but weeds keep on. It is a nice day today to get that done, the weekend is supposed to be terribly hot again.


Arent family run businesses just the worst??? I used to work at one also, too many family dynamics! Hope it gets better with a few of them out of there, just hope you don't get someone worse to take their place.

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Sharon, it sounds like you had a real nice trip yesterday. How long was the cruise? We could not go on the river while in St Louis because the river was overflowing its banks and they said they cannot go on the river if it is over 32 feet.


I am so sorry to hear that Bill's daughter is slipping away. Perhaps she will be in a better place without suffering. It is heating up here today as yesterday we were able to turn the air off with the nice breeze we had all day. If we do not get rain in the next day or so, we will have to put the hose back on to keep the grass from burning up. We lost in bocce last night. One week we win and another week we loose. But the main thing is that we all have a good time win or loose.


Yes, this family business is crazy and I am the one who has to do everything. I went crazy in St Louis as I lost my bosses credit card. Bill said he never saw the waiter give it back to me. So the next day we went back and they had it there for us. That would have been bad if I really had lost it. They might get rid of me calling me senile.




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Oh my gosh, I bet you were really worried about that CC! Good thing Bill remembered the restaurant and you got it back. Hey a thought: if they canned you for being senile maybe you could file for disability and unemployment and stay home! :D


The cruise was from around 9:30 am to 3:30, didn't look at the clock but it took us two hrs to get back and we got home at just about 6pm. I'm glad we got that in before we heard the bad news. Just as we thought, Bill's daughter passed away this afternoon. He is taking it very hard, I hope he doesn't make himself sick. Also his other daughter had some hernia surgery on Monday, supposed to be outpatient, at a clinic in Arlington Heights, I don't know how she heard about and went there instead of right up here at one of the hospitals. They did send her home, but she had major complications and ended up that same night in the hospital up here. She had a bad reaction to the anesthisia and swell up all over and her kidneys shut down. They had to put in a catheter to relieve the urine. She stayed in the hospital 3 days and just got out this morning. I don't know how that clinic could possible send her home in that condition. Luckily for her, her daughter just became a registered nurse and still lives at home so she can take her of her now. So many things all at once!


It was very nice here today, I cut some of the weeds with the mower, but the grass is just brown all over. We had a very very brief sprinkle lasted about 30 seconds this afternoon. Must have just been one little cloud that went over. The breeze is nice and I have opened a couple of windows as it seems cooler outside than inside. But thats all going to change by tomorrow, when the brutal heat comes back.

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Sharon, I will stay a prayer for peace for Bill. I also hope that he does not get himself sick over the passing of his daughter. OK, are you ready for this. We had a major fire last night. I was cooking on the grill and I was inside talking and not paying attention. I went back outside and there was a major fire going on at the grill. I called Bill and he went and got an instigator and put it out. We have a plastic fence and it melted a section of the fence. Part of the grill is cooked. What a mess. We ended going to the club for dinner since I took care of our own dinner here. I was lucky someone did not call the fire department.


Yes, the heat is coming over this weekend. I agree it was good that you got away with all of what is going on just now. I will have to look into doing something like that as it would be nice to go for a day or maybe 2 days for just a get a way.




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