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Sharon, I totally agree about this weather. I do not like it real hot either. This is really perfect weather.


I will pray that your afternoon today will go well with the lawyer. Certainly when it comes with those greedy kids, most of all of the time things will not be good when it comes to them.


Yes, isn't that the case when it comes to the growth during the summer. I know already the weeds have taken control. I need to get out there and get things back in order once again.


Good luck and enjoy the rest of today,




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Sharon, I totally agree about this weather. I do not like it real hot either. This is really perfect weather.


I will pray that your afternoon today will go well with the lawyer. Certainly when it comes with those greedy kids, most of all of the time things will not be good when it comes to them.


Yes, isn't that the case when it comes to the growth during the summer. I know already the weeds have taken control. I need to get out there and get things back in order once again.


Good luck and enjoy the rest of today,




Sharon I hope things go good with the lawyers too. I feel real sorry for your sister tho. I feel her kids really don't want her. Someone will have to tell them this is their responsibility. She took care of them when they were younger. My sister one of them is taking care of my 89 yo Mother.We found out my other sister the baby has stolen 23,000 from my mothers account My mother does not want her arrested. So my mother got a new will and left her nothing for reasons known.
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This same sister has been doing things like this for years and has always been bailed out by my parents and other family members I wanted to threaten her with jail unless she gets professional help The bigger the family the more dysfunction I think.

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Karen, my God stealing from your own mother. That is just terrible. It is one thing to have a total stranger do that, but a family member is just wrong.


This is just too much for Sharon to be a caregiver for her sister. Those kids need to step up and be responsible for their own mother.




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Karen, my God stealing from your own mother. That is just terrible. It is one thing to have a total stranger do that, but a family member is just wrong.


This is just too much for Sharon to be a caregiver for her sister. Those kids need to step up and be responsible for their own mother.




I agree with you Kathy however I don't think they will. Maybe you should talk to your lawyer about that Sharon. I know in Pennsylvania the state can actually make the adult children responsible. Yes We do have Moffitt cancer hospital here. I know it is hard to do but maybe you could write to her kids? Maybe one of them is decent.
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The lawyer visit went ok, he thinks the new lawyer the "kids"got is no better than the first one. There still has not been an estate statement done. And they still have not been able to find a will, which is crazy because I know that first lawyer made one.We had health care and financial power of attorneys done too. But here is the good part. If there is no will found I, being the spose would be entitled to everything in the estate that is not in the Trust. I would also get a share of the Trust. So I'm hoping one doesn't turn up!


More good news, my sisters PET test proved negative for cancer anywhere else. Now Monday she has the upper and lower GI's done to see why she is having trouble swallowing and then the masectomy on Wed. They also set up a May 5th appmnt as a follow up and then she will be able to go to Florida. I told her to contact her sons and get one lined up to come and get her, her stuff and her car and drive her down there. But of couse she doesn't want to hear that. She just says I will, but doesn't. I think you are right Kathy she is too comfortzble here. I provide everything and don't make her pay anything.


Karen that is too bad about the money being taken from your mom, you just wonder what people are thinking sometimes. Good for your mom getting her will in order though. I hope losing that much money didn't leave her in too bad a financial situation. I think you are right sometimes the bigger the family the harder it gets.


Kathy so today is the day HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you! It was a very nice day outside too bad you didn't have the day off. At least your boss isn't here! Did you go out to eat? Any plans for the weekend?


I did get the asparagus cleaned out yesterday afternoon and today zg as in cut some grass. The daffodils, hyacinths and tulips are all blooming now in the circle of the driveway and it looks so pretty when you pull in. Still have more weeding from last year to do but working on it a little at a time. Do you have flowers blooming too?

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Sharon, that could be good news for you if a will is not found. I thought in order for a will to be recognized it had to be stamped by the clerk within 30 days of a death?


It is not a very good day around here. It is cold and very windy. I went last night to watch the final and full run of the play. I had many gifts from work folks yesterday. Then to night I have to travel to play bunco with the gals.


Unless you really push your sister, nothing is going to change. Especially once she has the surgery. Someone is going to have to call those kids in Florida and get it moving to come and get her back there so she can have everything all lined up to start the treatment after the surgery.


Yes, a few things are popping up around here. But the weather has been crazy. So tomorrow night we will go to our finial place for birthday discounts.




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That was nice of your coworkers to help celebrate your birthday. We have a bunco night coming up on the 12th, I think. Is the place you are going tomorrow for dinner the one that gives you a % off for yor age?


I went outside after dinner tonight to take a picture of all the flowers blooming before the frost they are predicting for tonight, I heard some noise coming from the top of tge roof. I looked up and right on the top ridge were two Canadien geese walking. They were making quite a noise. We have them flying over all the time because of the ponds across the road but I have never seen them on our roof before.


I don't know anything about when the will has to be filed but that would be a good thing. Seems like no one is watching what any of them are doing so I just have to bide my time and see what happens.


I've got a 5k walk tomorrow morning. Its to benefit the local radio station. A friend that just got back from Florida was going to walk too but it was too late to get a T shirt so she didn't

sign up. So I am going by myself.


Enjoy the rest of your birthday week


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Sharon, yes the place we are going to tonight does offer the % of your age off the bill.


So this morning you are doing a 5K. I am sure it was very cold this morning when you went outside. But it will be warming up over this weekend.


That is all you can do with those kids, just wait out your time. But all in all it does benefit you all the way.


Next month is my turn to host bunco. So I told Bill so he can make his reservations to stay at the hotel.




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It wasn't bad this morning, I ended up walking with some gals that had programs on the local radio station. Of course they wanted me to be a volunteer for the station, but I told them I would think about it. After the walk we went out from breakfast.


It has warmed up a lot this afternoon and very sunny. Trying to decide if I want to work in the yard or what. There is an auction I would like to go look at but really don't want to get anything, trying to get rid of stuff myself.


My sister packed some stuff up and took it down to her storage unit, hopefully that is a good sign. Since she got her monthly social security check she has been spending money like water. She bought a bag of shrimp and a box of 6 rib eye steaks and some frozen dinners. My freezer is packed, I told her not to buy anymore frozen foods, it just won't fit. I hope she is saving enough money for gas to drive to Florida and not thinking she will wait until June to go.


Hope last evening was fun, enjoy your weekend,


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Sharon, yes it has turned out to be a very nice day today. Especially how cold it got last night. It must have felt great to have gotten out this morning for the 5K walk. Especially since this day has turned out so beautiful.


It sounds like your sister just lives from check to check and does not save anything. Let's hope you can get her to get moving and come up with a plan of going to Florida after she has her surgery. You will certainly have to stop her if she starts making plans to have her treatment here after the surgery.


Shortly I am leaving to get my hair and a pedi. Enjoy the rest of the day and the weekend as well.




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I was surprised to see that the post I did yesterday isn't here. I must have closed before it actually posted!


I did do the walk yesterday and it was pretty nice out, a little windy but nice. My friend could have came too, the one that didn't want to do it because she was entering too late for a Tshirt, because they had plenty of extras. Oh well the next walk is next Saturday and she will walk then along with two others and me.


I am going out to cut some more grass this afternoon, have to get it done because they say it is going to rain again tomorrow.


The youth group at church had a buffet lunch at a local golf course and I had gotten tickets for it. But when we got there after church they had ran out of juice, fruit, sweet rolls and coffee. And my sister ate only about a teaspoon of scrambled eggs and a half piece of toast. Certainly wasn't worth the $10 price of each ticket. There was still the late service people coming, don't know what they were going to get to eat for their money. Very poor on the part of the golf course.


So you got all fixed up with your hair and feet. I have never had a pedicure I just paint my own toenails in the summer so I can wear sandals.


Enjoy the rest of the day,


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Sharon, I did hear that tonight we could get some storms. But the greatest chance is Wednesday, Thursday. It could be a nice day today as far as the temps go.


I may do a 5K walk this Saturday as Bill is running that event, Saturday morning.


Yesterday went out with my daughter and GD. It did not really turn out to be anything as they wanted to do something else on their own so I was back home around 2:30.


Today will be a good day to be working outside if that is what you will be doing today. Enjoy and have a good day today.




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Too bad that didn't turn out with your daughter and GD. But it was a nice day so hope you had a plan B at home.


I went to a different exercise class this morning, don't think I will go back. We did push ups, burpees and a bunch of other strenuous moves. Then got my oil changed and they told me I needed something done with the wheel hubs to the tune of $700 and an in the car air filter $45. I told them just change the oil, nothing else. Then I went to the dentist for a cleaning, luckily no cacaties! On the way home came through heavy rain but then the sun came back out.


My sister had a colonoscopy and also the one down her throat today. This was her first colonoscopy, she had 9 polops. She has some kind of black fungus in her throat. I'm hoping its not contagious! She coughs all the time and doesn't always cover her mouth. Tonight she was talking about a wedding she was invited to and she was concerned about who she would sit by. I asked her when it is and she said June 4th. I told her, well don't worry you won't be here by then.I don't know why she can't understand she can't keep living here. She also bought more food. This time pork chops. I told her don't fix me one, last time she made them she fried them in lots of oil real fast and they were very tough. She said you never eat anything I buy, I told her I want to eat what I want not what you want to eat. Stop buying stuff for me! Grrrrrr

Sorry, I could just go on and on.


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Sharon, we have gone from 80 yesterday to the 40's today. All of the rain and storms stayed up your way yesterday. We could see the heavy lightening, but all went out over the lake. Now Wednesday and Thursday we are supposed to get the rain. This is too much a shift for me.


I can see why you are leaving that class. That really sounds like a very strenuous work out that you had. I'll bet you are feeling it today.


All you can do is keep getting on your sister. If you don't she is just going to string things along. I would not feel guilty reminding her everyday until something gets done. Also tell her you are eating healthy and not all of the crap she is putting into her system.


That sounds like they were really going to rip you off. I have heard about those places, that once they get you in they find out things they can push down you.




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We actually only got a little bit of rain yesterday, they kept scrolloing across t b e botyom of the tv last night about storms but we didn't get any of them. Cold to night with the wind.


Tomorrow we are leaving at 6am to get to the hospital for my sister's masectomy. Hopefully I will get back home in time to go see the girls tomorrow night. Here I am being a care giver, just what I had told her I didn't want to do. But I just about have to do it. When I had my surgery last November she wasn't any help to me. Oh well what else is new.


Yes I a m sore, my stomach muscles and my arms I can feel it the most.


Are you ready to go or have you been back to WW? The pounds I gained back seem to be staying.


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Sharon, I have not been to WW yet. I have until the end of the month to weigh-in. Right now I am over my goal weight. So if I was to go today I would loose my lifetime membership. So If I cannot bring it down before the end of the month, I guess I will bite the bullet and have to start all over once again.


I hope all goes well for you today with taking your sister. I hope she starts making plans to get her son's to come and get her so you do not become a caregiver for her. That is the last thing you need at this stage.


We got no rain last night at all. Today they are calling for it but either late this afternoon or into this evening. But the temps are winter cold just now with the wind and the temps in the 40's.


I hope you can get out tonight with the gal's.




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Left at 6am this morning, it was 55 miles one way. The surgery went well and she was in recovery wide awake, feeling no pain at all, when I left. On the way home I drove in rain most of the way home and its still blowing and raining. I am really tired only got about 4 hrs of sleep last night, couldn't fall asleep and then got up at 5. I am going tonight but won't do much if any dancing. She is supposed to come home tomorrow so will make another 110 mile trip then. She will have the drainage tube in until we go back to the dr's office next week. Then we will have a talk about her leaving again, before anything else shows up. When I got home today there was a call from one of her sons that didn't want her to live with him asking how she is, I didn't call him back.


You have a few more days to get whatever weight you have on you that is over the amount that is supposed to be there, good luck!


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Sharon, I am so sorry that you are being a caregiver just now. Today it will be taking all of your time going to pick her up. It was pouring all evening and into the wee hours. Today just overcast and damp. I hope you will get the ball moving with her laving and going to FL. I would not have called that son either, as he has just abandoned her and has not cared.


Well we shall see on what happens over the next few days. if I can keep my lifetime status, or if I will have to start all over with new goals and see what that take me. It may take a few months to get back to lifetime once again.


Once again I hope all goes well with you sister and attempting to get her moved out very soon. They all need to be stepping up and caring for their mother.




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Yes did one more 110 mile trip today, hopefully never again. She is feeling fine just tired but oh my gosh keeps talking and talking. I told her I think she is over dosed on meds.


Hope it goes well at WW, you still have a couple of days to get to the weight you need to be.

It has been cold and over cast here again here today. I bought a flat of various colored snap dragons yesterday and have them in the sun room till it warms up again. Probably another week or so and I can plant them. I love snap dragons, one of my favorite flowers.



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Sharon, I would have to say that you are correct on your sister being heavily medicated and thus the reason why she is talking so much. Now all you have to do is to get that ball moving in the direction of Florida.


I agree that it has been down right cold. Today, damp and overcast, and of course cold once again. Rain forecast for tomorrow.


So I have 2 friends coming for tonight's opening performance. They live in a different direction from here. So I asked Bill if he would wait for me tonight so we do not have to drive separate cars. There is an opening night party after the show, so we both can attend that and come home together. So a busy weekend for the both of us, with Bill doing the shows over the weekend and me attending every night with family and friends.


Well we shall see if I can get to WW over the weekend with the show and trying to get the weight off. If not I am back to square 1 for a couple of months.




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I kind of forgot about Bill's being in that show, it's the final performances this weekend so he will need to look for another opportunity. Nice you have some friends coming too.


I think you are really going to be busy the next few days and then it's going to be May! So if you don't get back to goal weight you'd have to start over anyway. Don't worry too much about it.


My sister told me this morning her son and his wife were coming over. I told her I didn't want to be here when they came. Maybe she forgives them but I don't because they put this taking care of her on me. So I went to the mall for a while, then to Home Depot where they had veg plants on sale, bought a few more tomatoes and pepper plants. Then went to the show and saw Mothers Day, pretty good movie. Then stopped at the Chevy garage were I had my oil changed a couple of days ago. My car started making a noise right after that oil change. I asked them what they did to it because it was fine before the oil change. They said it was the alternator and it would cost, for a GM part $525 or for generic part $325 plus $104 charge for installation of either one. I'm going to call another place and see what someone else would charge. Gee, money, money all tge time!


Got t have e 5K walk tomorrow morning, it would be nice if it would be sunny.


Have a good time this weekend


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Sharon, it was a good opening performance. It was rough going there with all of the traffic, but we still made it there on time. So I went with Bill last night, all the cast and crew went out afterwards, for pizza and drinks. We were the first to leave, as Bill had to get up this morning at 5:30. to run the CARA site at the race this morning in Aurora. So only 2 more, tonight and tomorrow afternoon.


I totally agree about your feelings with that son and his wife. They threw you under the bus by kicking out his own mother. Your sister does not think of anyone's feeling especially yours. So hopefully the next move is to get those in Florida here to take her back there ASAP.


It started raining here this morning and will continue throughout the day into this evening. Cold and damp outside today. Tomorrow morning the same. I have a 5K MS walk tomorrow for my son who has that. Then change and on to the performance. I hope your 5K went well this morning and you finished before it started raining.


It looks like I am going to start all over with WW next week for a few months to get back my lifetime status once again. I just could not do it with all that is going on this past week.




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We barely got our walk in before it started raining. After the walk they provided a nice lunch of chicken wraps with cesear dressing, carrot with humus dip. Quinoa, which none of us liked, and a small red velvet cupcake.


I was tired when I got home so laid down for a while, I never do that but with the rain wasn't anything I could do outside.


Sounds like a fun night last night for you. Was it a sold out show?


I forgot about your son having MS, how is he doing? Hopefully someday they can find a cure for some of the diseases.


I hope you and Bill get your 5K in and Bill gets his CARA thing finished without rain, but it doesn't look too promising.


I've got nothing planned for tomorrow so looks to be a long day after I get back from church.


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