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Kathy my truck is parked in the pole barn but to get to it you have to go to the back of the house and that driveway even though it is gravel is mushy from all the rain. But they did come Tuesday and there were only a few places that got deep ruts in them. I walked over it several times and smashed it down. He got the truck up on the flatbed and took it Wed moring to the garage. So far the estimate is $800, not too bad since it needs 2 fuel pumps, one in each of the gas tanks and a new brake line. I have had lots of interest in it but am thinking I will give it to my grandson for whatever it costs to fix it.


That trip sounds like a very relaxful several days. How was the food, did you all like it? Did you also scope out things to do or see when the regular trip is?


Tonight I am going with my neighbors to the catholic church again for fish dinner. She texted me yesterday that they invited another couple to go also. Now I will be the odd man out and would just asoon no even go but can't think of a way to get out of it.


I have been going to zumba, but that's about it, need to get some stuff ready for Epilepsy, they are coming on Monday and I said I would have a donation.


Today was WW, I wore a long sleeve top and heavy jeans and stayed the same. Was down to 117 this morning at home. Wondering how long before I just disappear!


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Sharon, it has been crazy being away and getting back into the swing of things. But it was well worth the time away. We had 3 choices for the dinner and everyone loved them except the chicken. So once we got back yesterday, Bill scratched the chicken we had and replaced with another chicken that will not be as dry as the 1 we had. Everything is not totally finial but will be in a week or 2. Once that happens then we will look at the tours that we will want to go on.


Well just the same, it will be good to get out with the group and have a nice fish dinner. Since I do not eat fish, I have a hard time going out as most places offer AYCE fish dinners and not really anything else that I would enjoy.


Oh, I see now what you mean about the ground getting harder so not to be so mushy. I agree that $800 is not a bad price to pay for what it all needs. Also a good idea as well to give it to your grandson for the price of the repairs. That way you will not have to deal with advertising it and dealing with public.


Tomorrow we are going to my church fundraiser that we attended last year where I won the wheelbarrow of booze. I only bought a $10 chance, so that was a really great prize I had won. It is an open bar and a plated dinner. It all starts at 6 and we will most likely leave around 9:30 or 10.



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Maybe you will have good luck again this year at the fund raiser. I bought more 50/50 raffle tickets at the fish dinner but didn't win this time. Had a pretty good time last night, although the other gal was trying to think of someone she could match me up with. I told her I wasn't interested.


I went up to the Country Meat Market north of Lake Geneva, it was quite a ride but I had nothing else to do. I got a couple of beef tenderloin steaks, a couple of rib pork chops and a couple of bags of scallops. So I am set for meat for quite a while.


It is a nice day, but really can't do anything in the yard yet, so haven't really been out much except that ride earlier.



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Sharon, we can always hope for the best for tonight. I am not keeping my fingers crossed. It was good that you had a good time last night. It sounds like even though you had a long ride, it was worth it with what you got. Since tomorrow is supposed to be in the 60's, I am going to buy steaks and have steaks on the grill.


The weekend goes by so quickly. So I try to relax as much as possible. This past week was nice having a short work week, and I did really De-stress while we were away. That was nice.


I am sure I will go right to bed once we get home tonight. With all of the travels and this and that, I feel a bit run down or I am just running out of gas or energy.


I am sure that all eyes will be fixed on the Oscars tomorrow night. I am also sure that with all of the movies you see, that some of them you would have already seen.


So the dinner we had on Wednesday night featured chocolate cake. I knew I would be paying the price. This morning at weigh-in. I gained .8.


Enjoy the rest of the weekend.



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That will be nice for you to cook out today, it is sunny and kinda warm. I was just over at my pet sitters letting 3 dogs out. Was going to leave them out for a while but after just a short time hers wanted to go back in, one started chewing up and eating sticks and the little labradoodle just wanted me to pet her. So after about 15 minutes I let them back in and gave them all a yummie.


I have seen quite a few of the movies, missed the "water one". Wanted to see it but the weather was bad when it was at the theater and it wasn't there very long so missed it. Now it sounds like its quite the lead one for an oscar. I did see the Bill Boards one and that was good. Also so the horror one that is a contender too. It was different.


I have 3 bags of clothes to give to Epilepsy tomorrow, will have to put them down by the road tonight.


Got nothing else today so will probably just play games on the computer, or work on the puzzle, its almost done. Both make the time go by.


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Sharon, I did not know that they had 3 dogs total. I thought they had only the 1 as you have had it over at your house before.


Yes, I did see that 1 where the monster pops out of the water. They were showing just how they do that a few days ago. That should be a top contender. I figured that you would have seen most of them.


Agreed that today is a nice day with lots of sunshine. So I will do the steaks later on this afternoon. It is going to be up and down this week with the temps and some rain as well.


Bill has not been doing too well today. He has been laying down most of the day. He started coughing hard yesterday and today besides the cough his throat is not doing very well. When he asks me for hot tea and something to put into it like sever cold and flu packet, I know something is wrong. As he never does that usually. The good news is he does not have school tomorrow. So he is off the entire day.


Last night they had a very good crowd. I did not win anything. Spent money buying tickets, but last night was just not our night. But we all had a good time and that is the main thing. We were home just after 10.


Enjoy the show tonight,




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My pet sitter only has the one dog but she was pet sitting for 2 other ones. They all get along and are very friendly.


Hope your Bill feels better soon, its supposed to be really bad this evening and tomorrow. I'm sure he wouldn't want to stand out there in the snow, if we get it, and not feel good. Does he have someone he can call for a substitute?


It is very, very windy here but so far no snow or rain. They are saying anywhere from 2 to 5 inches. I saw inWI they were already spreading salt at the intersections this morning.


I got the puzzle done this afternoon. The last 20 or 30 pieces were really hard. You would think with just that many left it would have been easy.


Wednesday I signed up to go on a bus trip for lunch at the Chocolate Sanctuary. I'm not sure where it is but sounds interesting. Hope the roads are clear by then so I can get to the bus.



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Sharon, so are they still out looking for a new place to move to?


Yes, a not good day today. Fortunately Bill is off today due to the state holiday. Pulaski Day. If he is sick he just calls it in to the PD and they get someone out there. With us traveling on a plane on Monday and Thursday, I am sure he picked up something. He has been in bed all day. He has been drinking hot tea and I have been putting packets of flu and sever cold into the tea. Sometimes the best medication is sleep and rest and to stay hydrated. He just lucked out from not having to work today. He slept most of the day yesterday.


So due to the fact that I ate a big chocolate cake on Wednesday at the dinner, was for sure the reason that I gained .8 at weigh-in on Saturday morning. I could not resist yesterday evening as I had Baileys. This jerk drives me crazy, and after all day listening to him on the phone, that is my release and relief.


So it is Bill's birthday on Friday. Since I do not eat fish I guess we will celebrate it either on Thursday or Saturday. He said just order pasta, but I will have to pull up the menu and see. Bill says since he is a senor citizen he does not have to observe that rule. He eats what he wants.


This weather just went right through me today both going out to work this morning and coming home for lunch. I did hear that we are supposed to get rain today, but nothing thus far. You say we are supposed to get snow tonight that will accumulate? I know that once we all left CLE on Thursday it was pouring rain. They said later on that day they got 6" of very heavy snow. So it would not surprise me if we do get snow tonight.


Stay warm,



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The place they went to look at before was underwater so it was a no deal. Not sure if they are still looking or not, probably.


We do not celebrate that "holiday" out here in the burbs so there was school.


It's always hard to stick to eating right when you go away, so you didn't do too bad!


Too bad you have to answer the phone when the jerk calls, at least you can hang up if you want to, lol.


We got some snow that completely covered the grass again and some rain last night. It has all melted off the driveway and the roads so that is a good thing. It has been fluttering all afternoon but with no accumulation so looks like it will be okay to drive tomorrow morning for that lunch on the bus trip.


What rule is Bill talking about that he doesn't have to follow since he is a senior citizen? Up here everyone eats fish on Fridays. Doesn't matter age or religion.


Been procrastinating about doing my taxes, was going to start for sure today and haven't done it yet. Did finish reading a book though, a good way to get away from your own life for a while.


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Sharon, you live close to the WI boarder. But literally IN is just across the street from us. So we get and look at weather for NWI. We are south of I-80. So when you said WI was getting snow and you also we just got 100% rain. Sometimes we get snow and you get rain, and this time you got the snow and we got the rain.


Wow, underwater that is too bad. Well if they keep looking perhaps they will be able to find something sooner or later. You know all too well what family things go when it comes to money. I cannot stand people like that at all.


That is mainly a south side holiday. As there are many Polish people in this neck of the woods. At least it kept Bill inside and trying to recover. He has never called in sick. He has only taken off days when needed for something, like the trip we just came back from. He figures he picked up something on the plane either flying there on Monday or returning on Thursday, or maybe both.


You are right, but then again when I get home after dealing with that jerk all day on the phone. I need something strong to get me back where I need to be once again. But eating out when away does not always help either.


Please let me know about the bus trip tomorrow and where this place is at. Chocolate and what kind and how much you enjoyed the entire experience.


Bill is probably right about this, but for me it does not matter. I do not eat meat on Friday's. Bill eats whatever he wants. He said back in the day they were all fisherman. People were eating meat and not eating fish, so they came up with this rule that you cannot eat meat of Friday's, so they would sell more fish.



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The bus trip to the restaurant was long. I think the driver on purpose took the long way so we wouldn't get there too early. The Restaurant was in Gurnee, Il. Everything was presented really pretty and nice. We were offered either salmon or steak. The steak had some type of chocolate sauce which was good but the steak itself was very touch to chew. Those that chose salmon said it was good. Each table was given a plate of desserts all had some type of chocolate in or on them. After lunch we went to a place called the Pyramid House. It was not much to look at from the outside, but it was a big pyramid. Inside it was nice but had the smell, which we determined to be that of a wet dog. It was interesting, all of the egyptian things were however reproductions. I would not go back to either place. I had a very large woman who took up not only her seat but half of mine sit with me. She complained about everything and was not very nice so I didn't talk to her at all. Could have been a better trip all the way around.


I did go see the girls on my way home, we were all tired so we all left about 9:30. I had gotten something to eat in Janesville so was not hungry for the baked chicken and rice they had for everyone.



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Sharon, I am so sorry to hear that your trip yesterday was not good at all. Especially having that rude lady sitting next to you. Well lesson learned that you will not be doing that again.


So last night for us was the second to the last PD Academy, and next week will be the last one. Yesterday it was very interesting and I really enjoyed it. It was long as we did not get home until after 10.


Temps yesterday only in the 30's and a sharp wind. Today much of the same around here.


Bill over the past few days has progressively gotten worse. He now says he thinks he has a phonemania. He says that every breath he can here wheezing. So he is going to call the Dr this morning and see what he says. He does not have a temp or a fevor, but is not getting any better. He says he has a full blown cold now.



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Probably a good thing to see the dr when it hangs on and you don't get better something more needs to be done.


I am mad at myself for not moving to a different seat on the bus yesterday! Will not put up with that again.


I called and got my name on the list to have my 2 mowers picked up whenever he starts doing them. Last year I waited almost too late, the grass was already needing to be cut.


I got a salt lamp, I had wanted one and my friend said she could get one wholesale. It came in today. It was listed for $80.00 and the cost through her is $43. It's supposed to be good for you eliminating some kind of ions. It's actually quite large so time will tell if I can see any difference.


Is it fun to ride along with the police? Bet they have to be kind of careful where they take you so they don't run into any kind of trouble.



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Sharon, Bill sees the Dr in the morning for the phononania. The Dr finally gave him a script for tamiflu and he started taking it yesterday. He has a temp of 100, so we will just have to wait and see what happens.


Yes, it is a good idea to get your mowers all ready now versus waiting until when they get real busy and then you have to wait a long time.


You will never make that mistake sitting next to a rude lady who makes you very uncomfortable. Just excuse yourself and move to another seat.


Bill sleeps for a few hours and then gets up. He went to bed early and then woke up and I have fixed hot tea with night time solution to help him sleep for the rest of the night. Yesterday he woke up at 5 and could not go back to sleep. Hopefully he will sleep the rest of the night now.






William Corbett


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I'm glad Bill got some medicine, don't want it to get any worse and he's had it quite a while now. You may be right about getting something on the plane, they recirculate that air and so many people, even if they are sick get on the plane.


I went to WW this morning, stayed the same. I got there early, only the weigh gal and the leader were there. I was taking off my coat and the leader asked me how I was, I said ok, but she said why..what's wrong. That did it, I started to cry. It's always right there and I have to be so careful or that happens. Sorry just not getting any better it seems.


Going with the church group tonight for fish fry, it will help to be with some people I think.


Got the truck back this morning, neighbors went and picked it up. When they got here I was opening the gate and the truck smelled real hot, like it could burst into flames. They were on their way down to their daughters house so didn't want to do anything. But I am worried that its not fixed so good.


Have a nice weekend,


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Sharon, it could be the thermostat or even not enough antifreeze. In any case keep it off as if it is run it could burst into a fire. Wait until they return and then tell him your concerns. Better to be safe than sorry.


So Bill went downtown to see the Dr. Usually he takes the train, but is still not feeling where he should be so he drove so he did not have to walk a long distance and so he could get down there and back without waiting for the train schedule, that only runs every hour.


So he does not have a phonomania, but just a severe cold and even the flu is getting better. Yesterday he started with a 100 temp and last night it was at 99. Today at the Dr's he is back to normal. But the Dr said not to take this all lightly. She said to continue to take the temp everyday as if it is left alone it could turn back around and go south again. She wrote him a script for cough medicine with codeine to help him sleep at night. He has been only sleeping for 4 hours and then wakes up. The flu medicine has seemed to work as well, even though he just started taking it yesterday.


Over the last few weeks you have been getting out and enjoying your dinner with your church group. So tonight should be another good night out. Always better being with a group of people rather than eating all alone. At least at WW you are staying the same. Things will take time and always sensitive for those who do not understand what you are going through.


Last night we went to our place for dinner that gives you the % off of your bill whatever your age is. Today is Bill's birthday and I am afraid it was not a very memorable 1 for him today being sick and all. But at least he is turning things around and getting back on the road to where he should be again. I was very concerned today that they would keep him in the hospital. But at least we have piece of mind now. I could tell last night he was not doing too well from the way his eyes looked.



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Happy Birthday to Bill! Hope the meds kick in quick and he's feeling fine again soon.


Last night was a good dinner and one gal from church rode with me to the restaurant. Only thing is we go so early that I get home by 7pm and have the whole night left to just sit and watch tv.


Really have nothing to do today so going to be a long day also. I really hate weekends.


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Sharon, I am afraid that this year will not go down as Bill's most memorable birthdays. He is slowly getting better, and he has to really take it easy and give the med's a chance to take its own course. He really has to watch to assure that he does not just stay inactive and has to be up and around and to cough to clear any of that stuff from building up, where he would actually get a phonomania. He also has a thing that he can blow into to move this ball up and down to exercise his breathing. Most important is to keep the lungs clear.


Yes, if you go to someplace very early, then you will get back really early. We do not go out real late and in turn get back not too late. For us on Thursday, I did not really know how sick and not feeling too well until once we got to the restaurant and I could see how bad Bill really was. He went to bed as soon as we got home, and yesterday he also went to bed real early. I felt bad for him being his birthday. But at least he is improving. Bill just does not get sick. I cannot remember the last time he was sick or even close to what he has now.


Temps here in the 30's and lots of sunshine. Bill is staying in this entire weekend and just resting and drinking fluids. I will go out with my cousin and my sister later on. I feel bad leaving Bill all alone, but he will just rest and will not be disturbed with any noise.




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I went to church this morning, then came home and have just been waiting for the time to pass, then will go to the show. Going to the 3:55 one, that way when I come home the day will pretty much be over.


It is sunny outside, but haven't been out for a while so not sure if it warmed up or not.


Got a call from the mower repair guy, he is coming tomorrow morning to pick up the mowers.


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Sharon, what show are you going to see this afternoon? Did the show you expected win the Oscars last week, and was it one that you had seen?


Yes, the sun is shining but it was still cold around here today. I just got back from shopping with my #1 daughter at Kohl's. Bill just slept most of the day today trying to recover and to just rest up for his last day. As he has a full work week this week. He says that in the morning he only gets 3-4 kids. He is inside the rest of the time and is only out crossing them for less than a minute. In the afternoon another story as they do not have rides where they do in the morning, so they all come at once. But that is for only 20 minutes. The rest of the time he is inside once again.


Bill is gradually getting better each and everyday. But he still has a ways to go yet to get back where he needs to be. At least he was able to get good rest over this weekend. For the past 3 nights he has gone to bed at 8. But he is only able to sleep 4 hours. Last night he slept 5 hours. Then he gets up and takes medication to put him back to sleep once again. But that takes an hour.


I have no idea whet we will be doing this week. Except for Wednesday, where we will have our last community police academy class for this year. I have to say it was very interesting and I am so glad that Bill had talked me into it. I would have never gone by myself and I had really enjoyed it over the winter.


Enjoy the show later on, and it is god that the mower guy will be picking them up to get ready for another season. You are good to stay on-top of them as you have had problems in the past. Do they guarantee them to work all season long once they have serviced them?



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It is so windy today, makes it feel colder than it is.


I saw Red Sparrow yesterday at the movies. It had Jennifer Lawrence in it and had some full frontal nudity, I was surprised. Very violent film just like the one last week, Death Wish.

But I wanted to go and that was about the best choice I had.

I got home around 7:30 and had a call on my phone about 6 from neighbors. They were going out to eat pizza and said they would stop and pick me up. Well, missed that one so ate carry out at home alone again.

I had asked a friend from zumba if she would go with me to the corned beef and cabbage dinner tonight. She said yes and then called this afternoon just before I went to get the tickets and said she had a Lioness meeting and couldn't go. She was really sorry and said she would make it up to me, but here I am eating alone again tonight.


Did you buy anything at Kohls? I got a 30% last time but didn't even go, just still trying to get rid of stuff. But I am going to have to buy a new pair of jeans, mine are too big as you can imagine.


The mower guy did pick up the mowers this morning, I had told him I wouldn't be home to just go ahead and get them out of the pole barn.



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Sharon, I picked up a couple of tops. My main reason for going was to buy some presents for a couple of employees at work who were having birthdays this week.


I agree that yesterday was not a good day at all weather wise. Today is not much better either. Just east of us they picked up a lot of snow. A major highway is closed due to many accidents. At least we did not get any


I have not heard of that film. But then again I have not been to a show, I cannot even remember. So no surprise.


Tomorrow is the last night for our citizens police academy. We have been doing this every Wednesday night all winter, and I have to say it was very interesting. I am glad that Bill had talked me into it.


Well that is good that the mower guy has picked up your mowers and he will be getting them ready for this season. Once he has serviced them does he offer a guarantee that they will work all season long?



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No guarantees they will be good all summer. Depends on how I take care of them and if I don't run over anything that messes up the blades. I do always check the oil each time I use them, that is an important thing, just like on a car.


Didn't go to zumba this morning, yesterday at class the Tues/Thurs zumba instructor came and was standing right next to me. She never had anything to say to me or even acknowledged that I was there so I figured I wouldn't go to her class today.


I decided after that gal canceled on me for dinner that I would make my own corned beef and cabbage dinner. It was kinda late so it didn't get done until about 8:30. I debated if I should eat that late but hadn't had anything since breakfast so went ahead and ate. It was good and I have a lot left.


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Sharon, I figured I would do the very same thing as you, make my own corned beef and cabbage. I know the last time I did that it was very expensive. But like you said there will be leftovers. I will not do that until Saturday when I am off. I did not feel like cooking last night so once I got home we went out to eat and there was only 4 of us there. Monday's are not popular for eating out. But then again it is nice to have the place to ourselves.


That was not very nice for that instructor to be ignoring you the way she did. You have been loyal and go each and every week and for her not to even make you feel like a valued member of her group. Maybe she will get the message when people do not show up and she is left with gaping holes in her class.


Once in a while after a hard day at work hare, I just feel like coming home and opening up a bottle of wine and have a glass. Then jump into the tub and relax. I figure in 2 months I will have my hot-tub once again for a short summer. I say that, as it seems like the summer just goes by way too fast.


I cannot think of anything else we have planned this week except for our last police academy tomorrow night. With this weather being so crap I would rather just stay inside where it is nice and warm.



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