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The other instructor was teaching today so I did go to zumba. Aferwards me and another gal went to a different place for breakfast. So that was good, took up most of the morning. When I go home the mower guy had left a message that the mowers were ready. So I called him back and told him I was home all day. He came about 1:30 and dropped them off. This time it wasn't so much, $328. Both mowers had blades sharpened, oil changed and one of them needed a new battery.


I saw they are having pork roast and mashed potatoes for dinner tonight so that will be good to eat with someone. My weight has been pretty steady at 118, so I try to eat to keep it from going any lower.


Wine and a hot tub sounds nice. I have the wine but don't generally drink at home.


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Sharon, that was a real good move on your part, to get the mowers serviced early before the real crunch starts. At least you will have piece of mind now all season long.


Good that the other instructor was doing the class today so you could go. Then being able to go afterwards to get something to eat as well. Tonight sounds like a good meal that they will be fixing for you all. So while you are doing that, we will be going to our last police academy tonight. I have to say it was very interesting and I really enjoyed it. I really got to see the behind the scenes on how the department works and to see various offers as well and how each one performs doing their jobs.


The sun was out bright all day today. But with the wind it felt much cooler than it was. It really did not warms up much today at all.


Bill is slowly improving each and everyday. When what he had had such a grip on him it takes a longer period of time to fully recover. Last night was the second night in a row where he slept all night long, without waking up and not being able to go back to sleep.



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Glad to hear Bill is getting better. These things hang on for quite a while. Luckily seems no one up this way has been sick lately.


The meal was good last night, roasted pork, au gratin potatoes and gravy. One of the gals brought in Hawaiian salad for dessert too. There was about 5 slices of pork left and they wanted someone to take them so I volunteered. Will make a sandwich out of some of it this afternoon.


Didn't go to zumba, same instructor as Tuesday, only thing is ....then I don't talk to anyone all day long.


Tomorrow is WW, I think I have stayed the same so that will be good. Then the long weekend will be here again. I hate weekends, so long and boring. Might have to go to the show again just to get with some people.


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Sharon, Bill caught this all from our trip to and from CLE. With being around sick people and those who sneezed without covering their mouth is what did him in. He rarely gets sick and this time it really got a good grip on him. He is slowly improving everyday but it is a slow process for him. For him the weekends are good just for him to stay home and inside and just to rest and to get better.


Good that you had a nice dinner out last night, and even better that you were able to take the leftovers home as well to have some snacks for you later on this week.


So we had our last class and it was really graduation and my GK's came as well. They had a sheet cake for us all and water and soft drinks. So we were home early and it was a nice ending to a great experience.


I have my nail's done after work today as I do this about every month. Then I have my hair colored and set every other week. What we have to go through to keep looking nice. Men have it so easy.



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That sounds like a really nice way to end your classes. Bet it was interesting too.


Sorry, forgot to post last night, I went out for fish with a friend but gone done at 6pm and she didn't want to do anything else since she had fell in the shower that morning and her ribs hurt. So I came home and called my Friday night dancing friends, they said they were going and would pick me up. The other single gal was there so we did some line dancing.


I don't have my nails done, polish makes them split and weak. I don't get my hair done but maybe once a year if that. Since went almost white, no sense coloring it either.


Found out another dancing friend is in the hospital. He has Guilliane Barre syndrome. His legs got real weak and he couldn't stand up. His girlfriend took him to the emergency room, they gave him some pain pills and sent him home. The paralysis kept going so the next morning she took him to a bigger hospital in Janesville. That is where he got diagnosed. This is an autoimmune syndrome and it moves upward from your legs. If it gets to your lungs you have to be put on assisted breathing. Can also go up to your throat and you can't swallow. So this is not something to fool around with. Thursday night he was completely paralyzed all the way up to his chest. Evidently you can recover from it though so we are hoping for the best.


There is a band playing up in the next town at the bowling alley and starts at 7pm. My friend and her husband are going so I think I will go up there for a while tonight and listen to them.


Happy St. Patrick's Day


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Sharon, happy St Patrick's Day to you as well. It is not a very good day around here weather wise. We got a dusting of snow this morning and it is all melted away now as the temp is above freezing.


I do not want to mess around with buying corned beef and cabbage. So we decided to go out and eat tonight and let someone else do the cooking instead of me.


So did you ever have your neighbor come and look at the truck and see if there was something he could do so it does not run so hot?


I went to weigh-in this morning and I am down .8. At least I did not go up and loosing something is better than loosing nothing.


Wow, I have never heard of that disease before. It sound real serious and something that cannot be messed around with. So I hope that they can get it under control at the hospital.


Just going to stay inside and not to do much of anything else over this weekend. I'll let all of the crazies drink themselves into a stopper. I would much rather avoid crowds and drunks altogether. Some people just need and excuse to drink and to get drunk.



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No didn't get anything else done to the truck. My grandson said he will be up the end of April to pick it up, his mom is coming too to ride back down to Louisiana with him. I am worried about it making it since the truck has not been really driven for at least 10 years or more.


My neighbors called me a little before I was going up to the bowling alley and said they were uptown having a glass of wine, why didn't I come and join them. I figured there was no set time to meet my friend at the "alley" so I went up and met them. Then we decided to have dinner since it is a nice supper club. They got one corned beef and split it, I got a bowl of baked onion soup and a shrimp cocktail, 2 appetizers. Then we all went up to the bowling alley and met my friend. They were a very good bank called P.F. and the flatheads. They played older 50's and 60's music, good to dance to. Me and my friend were doing a line dance and unbeknown to us they recorded it and put it on facebook. After we danced everyone seemed to get up and dance too. Had a good time.


Today went to the show, saw TombRaider, it was okay, got me out anyway. I should have probably went for a walk or something but didn't. It got up to 62 so was nice enough.


I was reading the side effects of my new cholesterol meds, it said it could turn off your appetite, maybe that's why I'm not hungry.


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Sharon, if you grandson is coming to pick it up I would certainly have it checked out to see why it is running so hot. As it stands now I would think that it would be unsafe for him to be driving it any distance. How are you going to feel if something happens to him driving it back?


Well that was perfect timing for you to go out with your neighbor's to have a glass of wine and to get something to eat as well.


That sounds like a good time at the blowing alley. So you were on Facebook dancing. Have you actually seen it yet? I'll bet you were surprised to hear that you were featured on Facebook.


Yes, it was a good day yesterday as far as the weather goes. I just stayed inside and did some cleaning and relaxed before getting on the treadmill with this work week ahead. The jerk is coming in next month for a few days as his daughter is having another baby.


Well that is interesting about the side effects on your medication. Are you going to call the Dr and see what he may recommend?



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I don't know what to do about the truck, the mechanic said it was okay. I would feel bad and have told my grandson that too, it has not been drove for at least 10 years so I don't trust it to go that far at higher speeds.


Boy you've got that to look forward to, the jerk coming in. Maybe he won't stay too long.


My friend had taken some pictures and was putting them on facebook when she saw the video of us so I already knew it was there. We did not know they had taken it or had put it on FB before that.


Went back to zumba this morning, the gal teaching told me that her father was in very serious condition in the hospital, maybe that is why she was a little distant last week. You never know what someone is going through.


I hired a guy to put the slats back in on the eaves of the pole barn. First he said he would charge me $200 and I told him there wasn't that much work involved so then he quoted $125. I think it's still too much but said okay. He was supposed to come after lunch today but has texted me that he has to finish the job he is working on and will come tomorrow.


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Sharon, is the truck running real hot? If so the mechanic must be able to do something to cool it down. Certainly if it is running real hot, it will never make the trip. If you can at least get that corrected, then it should be OK to drive it as long as he does not push it and to just take it real easy.


What happened with the slats on the barn, did they fall out over the winter? Maybe once he actually sees the work he has to do, then perhaps he will not charge you that much if he does not have to do much at all.


Yes, for sure not looking forward to the jerk coming back even if it for only a few days. He will be coming in once his daughter gives birth. So I only expect him to stay for a few days, we shall see.


So now you are on FB dancing and having a good time. You must be a celebrity now being on FB and out and about dancing.


As you said, you never know what anyone is going through. With that much stress on her she must have just been zoned out thinking about her father and what to do next. I am even surprised that she was able to get in to do the class at all.


It has gotten real windy, so it does not feel as warm as it is due to the high winds. But at least we do not have heavy rains or snow like other's are getting around the country.





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We had a real jerk build the pole barn and he didn't do a very good job. That's why I'm not surprised that the slats fell out with the wind over winter. Some blew out in the front and my neighbor fixed those but I didn't want to ask him for help again. The guy was supposed to come yesterday but texted me he had to finish a job he was on and would be here today. Then today I got a text from him saying we still on? I texted him back...you said you were coming today, if you don't want the job let me know I'll call someone else. Kinda made me mad, he's charging me so much money and then starts playing games! He did get here and I watched the time. From the time he took the ladder off his truck till he put it back on was 15 minutes. and yes he still charged me $125.00. i will not call him again.


It's real windy here too, and feels very cold for the first day of spring.


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Sharon, I should say that this guy really jerked you around. I thought he would have been much more decent and once he saw how easy the job was that he would not have charged you so much. But at least it is done and finished now and you should be good to go for the rest of the year.


Yes, I agree about the weather today. Very windy here and the wind is coming off the lake and it sure does feel real cold with the high winds. This is not the day to be outside and I am sure Bill did not enjoy himself today at all. For this being the very first day of spring, it is more like an additional day of winter. But at least we are not getting heavy rains or snow.


I am just not feeling too energetic today at all. I did not sleep too well last night, and perhaps we will just go out to eat tonight once I get home. Maybe tonight will be different, as I do not do too well when I have not had a good nights sleep.


When we were out the other day we saw all of the bags of mulch stacked up at our local hardware. So that means that the season is just around the corner, as we always have to put more down each and every year. You are all set to go with having your mowers all set for the season. You just have to make sure you cover yourself up so you do not get any skin infections or ticks.



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I know I probably should have just told him no, too high and called someone else, but I didn't. There are more slats in the eaves, so I hope they do not fall off with the next strong wind. The guy who built the pole barn did not do a good job so who knows.


I see the crossing guard when I go to town at the wrong time, and he is pretty bundled up. Its the wind that makes it so bad.


I saw other states were getting snow, luckily for us we aren't at least not now. Maybe the weekend will be different.


Did not go to zumba today, my friend down the road wanted me to come over this morning so I did that instead. Her daughter is scheduled to have a baby next Monday so she will be gone for a while to help her out. She is having someone come and feed her horses and dogs because she has 5 dogs that will be at her house. Her husband will be home some of the time. She is taking her dog with so I will not be watching her.


Going to see the girls tonight, having tacos because it is one of the girls birthday. She will bring the dessert.


I have been sleeping a little better, last night no so much either, but slept in later, too bad you can't do that.



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Sharon, we have had some very high winds the past few days. So I hope that all of your slats will stay in place. At least if you need more work to be done, you know not to be calling him back ever again. With the winds it is much colder than it actually is. I did see where we could get some snow on Saturday, but just now they are throwing darts, as they do not know for sure. For Bill it is all about dressing for the weather. Fortunately he has a place where he can be inside until the kids come. In the morning he may only get 4 or 5, as most get rides. But in the afternoon when all of their rides are gone that is when he gets the bulk of them in the afternoon.


So is this the same lady who you usually watch her dog? But now she has 5 dogs as well as horses. So then it is good that someone else is coming to take care of feeding them all.


Well they do really take good care of you all on Wednesday nights. Especially when it is someone's birthday.


For me if I did not color my hair it would be dirty white. So now it is bright white and I deserve to do some things for myself, after being around here all week long. They have wine, so I can relax with a glass of wine.


I slept OK last night. But then again there are sometimes where I cannot get a good nights sleep. Yes, it would be nice if I could sleep in. I sometimes have a hard time sleeping in on the weekends.





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Yes same lady, my pet sitter/neighbor. She just has the one dog but has 5 others that she will be taking care of. She keeps trying to get me to do it too as last week she had to turn away 6 people. I hope she is not gone too long at her daughter's house, I will miss her.


I have been looking into this thing called, Float Madison. You can google it and see what its all about. It looks interesting and I want to do it but have to find someone else to go with me and help me find the place. You can float in a Pod or a room if claustrophobic. It is supposed to be quite an experience. There are several around now, one in Chicago and one in Appleton. The one in Appleton is called Float Light.


You do deserve to get your hair/nails/pedicure done. You are still working so it is something that you enjoy doing and should be doing.


The snow is supposed to miss us, should be going south of here.


I have slept pretty good lately, a least I think I am, I really don't sleep late on the weekend either, just stay in bed and watch tv a little longer. I still wake up at 3am and then again about 4:30 or 5. Restless sleep after that until I get up at 7 or 7:30.


Will see how I am doing at WW tomorrow morning, think I am still the same. Go up a pound then down one but right in between 118 and 120 usually.



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Sharon, I could see where that would really get out of hand having all of those dogs around. It sounds like there is a huge market whih watching dogs around in your area. But I can also see how that would just get overwhelmed as well.


So I did look it up and I have never heard of that before. But it sounds really interesting and it could be very helpful. You are not that far away from Madison. So it would not be too far for you to go. For me a very long way away. But if you do it let me know how it was for you.


When I was much younger I always had straight hair. So once I went through menopause my hair became curly, and now my hair is totally curly all by itself. The only good experience that came out of that experience.


I saw last night that your area will get nothing and we are right on the line if we get snow or it may just go south of us and then we could either get a dusting or just rain. We shall see. Just now sunny and temps in the 30's.


Good luck at WW today. For me I usually get up around 7 or 7:30 as well. I have to get up at 7 on Tuesday and Wednesday as my daughter drops of the GK's and then I take them to school.





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My pet sitter/neighbor is very good with all animals, very calm and relaxed so it all works out just fine for her and which ever dog she is taking care of. They also get along so its like a play day for them.


There is also a Float in Chicago somewhere but I don't know where.


I lost a pound today, just back down to the 118, had been 119 last week.


Going out for fish to night with the gal that I go to Florida with. Her significant other is out of town so we will eat and then go to the dance place I usually go on Friday nights. The other two couples will not be there as one couple left for Florida driving, on Thursday and the other couple is driving to California on Sunday. They are all retired so time is not really a factor to them anymore. Except the ones going to Florida have horses and sheep so they have someone come and stay to take care of them.


It got up to 46 here today, a little windy but not bad.

Nice to get the curly hair, my is somewhat curly/wavy but I have to do something to it to make it look decent.


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Sharon, when I was younger I had long straight hair. But once I went through menopause then it all became real curly.


So how was last night at the fish fry and then going out afterwards dancing?


Today around here no rain or snow, but high winds and it feels real cold outside with the winds.


I had been shopping all day with that lady friend of mine that I take out every other week. So I just got home a short time ago.


Well that is good that your neighbor does so good with all of those animals. It sounds like she really has a good system all worked out.


Bill is going downtown tomorrow managing the beer tent for the Shamrock Shuffle that goes off tomorrow morning. If the weather is like today as especially being by the lack he will have to dress for the conditions. He will take the train down there.


I may have to get a new 1 as well not too far down the line. As mine is an old Vista. Let me know how your works out.



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I got an all in one HP, was planning on getting an all in one Apple, but the guy said it was more than I needed so I hanged my mind. Afterwards I was second guessing myself because I really didn't need a different computer just wanted an Apple. So today when I went to pick it up I asked if I changed my mind could I return this one for the other one and he said as long as it was within 15 days. He said it would be harder to learn an Apple system than stay with a HP like I had. But I forgot to tell him I had an apple table and an apple laptop. And this HP has a different system too so there is a learning curve and I am having to put in all my passwords again to access my stuff. Lots of work!! I think I may have logged in to most stuff by now.


The fish was okay Friday and we had fun dancing, it was just the two of us so we could do the dances we wanted to. There were however quite a few singers so we had to sit thru their songs . I usually have fun with Sandy.


I went to dinner Sunday night with that other gal and she did talk an awful lot. Her husband has been on dialysis for 9 years and doesn't do anything. She is looking for someone to do stuff with but I don't know if I can deal with all the talking all the time. She explains stuff down to the last little detail, which usually doesn't matter to the story anyway.



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Sharon, if you already have Apple stuff, perhaps you should not have even picked up the HP. Since you are already good to go with Apple, you should take it back and bring home the Apple you want. It should not be what they think you should be comfortable with. I have to start looking at a new 1 as well. I have windows vista and it is really outdated. I think I would like to get an all in inclusive 1 as well.


So I asked Bill if we could go downtown to see Pretty Woman, The Musical. So he was able to find tickets at a reasonable price. So that is what we are doing on Friday. Even better we are staying downtown in the theater district, and will come home on Saturday late morning. So I am looking forward to see this.


The good news for Bill is that the kids get out early on Thursday. Then starting on Friday they are on spring break and all next week. So he will have a nice break. Yesterday he was managing a beer tent for the Shamrock Shuffle 8K race down in Grant Park. He did not get home until after 3:30, and when Bill goes to bed way before me I know that he is either sick or extremely tired. He was very tired.


So I do not know about your area. But around here starting after 5 tonight we are in store for some very heavy rains and thunderstorms, lasting right into tomorrow morning. Bill also said that they are coming to clean and power wash our pond to get it ready for the upcoming season. That is a sign that the hot tub will not be too far behind opening, like sometime in May. I love my hot-tub.


Well that was good that you had the place to yourselves for dancing on Friday night. It is really too bad about you friends husband being sick for such a long time. But that would drive me crazy as well for someone to be talking all of the time and just rambling on and on.



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