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New HAL smoking policy


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Phew! I finally made it thru this board, and I need to tell all of you anti-smokers, you have won the day. Of course, HAL will follow suit, and you probably have less than a year to wait. So, quit your griping...

On a positive note, I will no longer be spending inordinate amounts of time trying to find the perfect cruise, and I can unsubscribe from all those cruise vendors. This will clear-up my Inbox considerably.


I feel the same way... But, I think Costa will not follow this anti-smoke trend.


I hope that someone of you, anti-smokers, will be in the next door suite on my HAL cruise, 8/21/2011 from Barcelona. I never smoke inside the cabin, but do not even try to ask me to not smoke on my verandah:p

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I feel the same way... But, I think Costa will not follow this anti-smoke trend.


I hope that someone of you, anti-smokers, will be in the next door suite on my HAL cruise, 8/21/2011 from Barcelona. I never smoke inside the cabin, but do not even try to ask me to not smoke on my verandah:p


From what I saw on Costa it wouldn't surprise me to see them expand their smoking sections. :D

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I feel the same way... But, I think Costa will not follow this anti-smoke trend.


I hope that someone of you, anti-smokers, will be in the next door suite on my HAL cruise, 8/21/2011 from Barcelona. I never smoke inside the cabin, but do not even try to ask me to not smoke on my verandah:p


I don't blame you for smoking on your balcony until HAL prohibits it. As far as Costa they will follow. Maybe later than others but they will follow. The only cruise lines I expect not to follow in the next ten years would be Chinese and Russian cruise lines. LOL. If smokers want to migrate to Costa, go for it. Nothing I have ever read or heard about Costa would ever get me to book it. And I am not talking about the smoking.

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I don't blame you for smoking on your balcony until HAL prohibits it. As far as Costa they will follow. Maybe later than others but they will follow. The only cruise lines I expect not to follow in the next ten years would be Chinese and Russian cruise lines. LOL. If smokers want to migrate to Costa, go for it. Nothing I have ever read or heard about Costa would ever get me to book it. And I am not talking about the smoking.


With all respect, you may also not blame me for smoking where it is prohibited, it is not your business and responsibility. HAL employers only may do it. For the record, I will not smoke where it is prohibited:)


As for Costa, you will be surprised, there are not so many differences in quality HAL vs Costa. I travel every year with Costa in April, HAL in August and RCCL in October or November and I like all of them. Espresso is the best on Costa:)

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With all respect, you may also not blame me for smoking where it is prohibited, it is not your business and responsibility. HAL employers only may do it. For the record, I will not smoke where it is prohibited:)


As for Costa, you will be surprised, there are not so many differences in quality HAL vs Costa. I travel every year with Costa in April, HAL in August and RCCL in October or November and I like all of them. Espresso is the best on Costa:)


On the contrary if you smoke where it is prohibited I will blame you and have no respect for you. It is my business as it affects my health and others health. It is HAL's responsibility to enforce their policy. For the record if I see something (or smell something), I will say something :)

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Back in the day when smoking was allowed everywhere, one of the attorneys I worked with (large law firm) smoked cigars in his office. :cool: Those of us who have been in the workforce for several decades have experienced pipe, cigar and cigarette smoking by co-workers all around us. It was a normal everyday occurence. We simply accepted it and went about our daily lives without complaining. Let's try to do that on our HAL cruises until they ban it completely. :)






I have been a 9-1-1 dispatcher for 27 years . I could write abook about the insignifant , piddely squat things that people not only complain about but call the police to step in and handle .


Some people love to play policeman.


It wouldn't surprise me if some people start asking for some compensation from the cruise line for turning in these smoking offenders . Maybe a percentage of the $250 fine *LOL*

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I have been a 9-1-1 dispatcher for 27 years . I could write abook about the insignifant , piddely squat things that people not only complain about but call the police to step in and handle .


Some people love to play policeman.


It wouldn't surprise me if some people start asking for some compensation from the cruise line for turning in these smoking offenders . Maybe a percentage of the $250 fine *LOL*




Breathing second hand smoke is not piddly. Except maybe if you are a smoker who is inhaling smoke directly.


Don't violate the policy and you won't have to worry about the fine or being tossed off the ship.

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Breathing second hand smoke is not piddly. Except maybe if you are a smoker who is inhaling smoke directly.


Don't violate the policy and you won't have to worry about the fine or being tossed off the ship.


Well that I will never do ( I only smoke in areas where it is allowed )


You don't happen to be the person who came up with this "See something, Say something " mantra they have been pushing lately , are you?


Because there are a bunch of us here that would like to have a word with you *LOL*

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Well that I will never do ( I only smoke in areas where it is allowed )


You don't happen to be the person who came up with this "See something, Say something " mantra they have been pushing lately , are you?


Because there are a bunch of us here that would like to have a word with you *LOL*


Nope. Trying to inject a little humor. We have the Homeland Security issued posters saying that all over where I work. I have to respond to that. It does not bother me cause although most suspicious items and activity are nothing, most I checked out were nothing, some where I work have had suspicious items or activity that were hot. I think that campaign gets more results than the TSA making grandmas take off their diapers and patting down toddlers.


Sure you get a lot of piddly calls to 911 but that comes with the territory. I think you are proud of the ones you responded to where you were part of saving lives.

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Nope. Trying to inject a little humor. We have the Homeland Security issued posters saying that all over where I work. I have to respond to that. It does not bother me cause although most suspicious items and activity are nothing, most I checked out were nothing, some where I work have had suspicious items or activity that were hot. I think that campaign gets more results than the TSA making grandmas take off their diapers and patting down toddlers.


Sure you get a lot of piddly calls to 911 but that comes with the territory. I think you are proud of the ones you responded to where you were part of saving lives.


OH absolutely. I love when I know I have helped save a life or aided someone in real peril.



Argueing with a guy for 20 minutes about kids playing basketball on a public basketball court at 2 in the after noon , because he pays taxes and they don't belong there . Thats another story *LOL*

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On my last two cruises with HAL, I was annoyed that smoking was allowed in the casino where one had to walk by to get to someplace else. After all, it is "inside" the ship. Smoking on balconies will only lead to ashes flying and creating a fire hazard. But, I guess better than smoking in bed and having the ship catch on fire. My cruise begins Jan 6, 2012, so will miss the "updated policy". Darn. I was once a smoker and am now a non-smoker.

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On my last two cruises with HAL, I was annoyed that smoking was allowed in the casino where one had to walk by to get to someplace else. After all, it is "inside" the ship. Smoking on balconies will only lead to ashes flying and creating a fire hazard. But, I guess better than smoking in bed and having the ship catch on fire. My cruise begins Jan 6, 2012, so will miss the "updated policy". Darn. I was once a smoker and am now a non-smoker.


Only your second post as a CC member and its a full rant about smoking.



Man they are recruiting them younger and younger everyday :)

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Only your second post as a CC member and its a full rant about smoking.



Man they are recruiting them younger and younger everyday :)


really? why younger and younger? how many posts does it take to post on a smoking thread? is there a minimum? don't get me wrong, I'm a casual smoker:eek: yup, go ahead, flame me.


But I don't see why any cc member can't express their view point


and cudos to a new member for expressing their views;) Isn't this what the board is all about? JMO:D

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I have enjoyed reading these comments. I'm not a smoker, quit over 20 years ago, and I don't much like the smell. I'm also fairly frugal and book inside staterooms since I like to be out and about, or curled up in a deck chair with a book. I've never been disturbed by others smoking though. The casino can get a little hazy, but I don't spend much time there either.


Now I can say I book inside to avoid smoke instead of the real reason - that I'm cheap! So is it better for ones image to be picky about smoke or cheap?


Leave two weeks from today for Copenhagen, and a Baltic cruise on the Eurodam. I can't wait!



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Here is the response from HAL:


There is absolutely no smoking in the staterooms and a fee of $250 is assessed if they do so. They can’t pay the fee and smoke if they are caught smoking after paying $250 they will be asked to pay that fee again.


This should end the discussion.

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Here is the response from HAL:


There is absolutely no smoking in the staterooms and a fee of $250 is assessed if they do so. They can’t pay the fee and smoke if they are caught smoking after paying $250 they will be asked to pay that fee again.


This should end the discussion.


LOL! I agree that it should end the discussion, but we both know that it probably won't. ;) There was no real point to the discussion about whether or not someone could get away with smoking in their cabin for a small one-time fee, IMO. The policy announcement was quite clear.

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Here is the response from HAL:


There is absolutely no smoking in the staterooms and a fee of $250 is assessed if they do so. They can’t pay the fee and smoke if they are caught smoking after paying $250 they will be asked to pay that fee again.


This should end the discussion.


Thank you HAL!

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LOL! I agree that it should end the discussion, but we both know that it probably won't. ;) There was no real point to the discussion about whether or not someone could get away with smoking in their cabin for a small one-time fee, IMO. The policy announcement was quite clear.


NO it was not clear until JORAY called and specifically asked for an interpretation, But that only informs a very few people here on CC The rest of the ships population will be as confused as ever.

Enforcement by the cruisers detecting the smell is the one quick way to stop the problem.

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Here is the response from HAL:


There is absolutely no smoking in the staterooms and a fee of $250 is assessed if they do so. They can’t pay the fee and smoke if they are caught smoking after paying $250 they will be asked to pay that fee again.


This should end the discussion.


Doesn't this response imply that the stewards are deep cleaning the cabin while the occupant is still in it and before he/she has disembarked?


I'm a nonsmoker and am sensitive to smoke, but this response from HAL makes no sense. If they intend to charge it each time someone is caught smoking in his/her cabin, then it should be called a "fine" rather than a "cleaning fee" as that is what it is as a result.

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Thanks for getting a quote directly from HAL Joray.


I've found this thread amusing. This thread should be in the hall of fame for splitting hairs. :p


I am a smoker. A considerate one, if you are of the mind that a smoker can be considerate at all. If not, well, I agree with many of your complaints, but my habit has been on my back a long time and I'm just not ready to quit.


When the new policy was released, (as a smoker, I understood it was informational to me, so I paid attention), anyway, when it was released, it was very clear to me. Cabins are now a non-smoking area. Period. OK, got it. I won't smoke in the cabin. Wasn't planning to anyway. (I'm in CA. We smokers prefer a breeze, since areas in this state have gone so far as to prohibit smoking outdoors also)


The cleaning fee? Yep, obvious, this was consequences. Got it. HAL was dumb in stating the actual figure of the fee. It should have just said "If you smoke, you will be charged a monetary fee for the sanitation of your cabin"


I'm not one for looking for loopholes, or bucking the system. And I don't believe anything can be had on a cruiseship for a fee. Just most things.:D


I am grateful that these ships aren't registered in California, for these reasons:


1) Smoking would be banned entirely

2) All menus would have nutritional info with Calories and Carbs in bold font

3) There would be 100 Nutrisweet packets for every 1 sugar packet

4) Instead of Formal Night, we would have Designer Sport Apparel Night

5) All foods would be organic, free range

6) You would be fined for not using the proper recycling bin

7) Two people of the same gender would not be able to share the same cabin without many years of debate, votes, and court cases

8) The list of state mandated fees and taxes would be equal to the catalog listed fare.


See? We have lots to be grateful for. I'd even go up to the top deck to smoke, if that's the only place HAL would let me. Gladly.


This issue is peanuts.

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Here is the response from HAL:


There is absolutely no smoking in the staterooms and a fee of $250 is assessed if they do so. They can’t pay the fee and smoke if they are caught smoking after paying $250 they will be asked to pay that fee again.


This should end the discussion.


Thank you HAL!




NO it was not clear until JORAY called and specifically asked for an interpretation, But that only informs a very few people here on CC The rest of the ships population will be as confused as ever.

Enforcement by the cruisers detecting the smell is the one quick way to stop the problem.


Everybody who has been on these boards for a while fully knows the value of a reply provided over the phone by HAL Seattle staff. What they really meant to say was maybe yes, or was that maybe no, or was it just maybe? The only real answer will be provided when someone comes back who has been charged the fine/fee/or whatever. In any event, I am willing to bet they will be fuming ;)

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Everybody who has been on these boards for a while fully knows the value of a reply provided over the phone by HAL Seattle staff. What they really meant to say was maybe yes, or was that maybe no, or was it just maybe? The only real answer will be provided when someone comes back who has been charged the fine/fee/or whatever. In any event, I am willing to bet they will be fuming ;)


but they shouldn't be. this is no different than any non smoking hotel where there are fees if you break the rules. You get one chance and then you are out. I suspect HAL will be the same.


bottom line - no smoking in the cabins. If you do you will be fined. A second time, who knows? but yes you will be fined again.


The policy is new so perhaps Seattle doesn't know all the stuff yet - but the policy was pretty clear to me when I read it originally - just like any non smoking hotel. consider the cabins the same way. I really don't see this as complicated at all. No smoking in cabins. fines don't give you an out. they give you an expense and constant abuse may give you an 'off' the ship;)

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