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What the heck? Note: Electronic cigarettes are only allowed in smoking areas????


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That was not the confusion I was talking about......I was thinking more on the line they look like real cigs to everybody not just non smokers.......


Refusing to get information again and lives with a smoker ! ! :rolleyes:


Many do not look anything like a cigarette. After going through all the "lookalikes" with their short battery life and limited e-liquid cartridges, almost all of the serious vapors will eventually end up with an e-cig that is larger and the end won't light up imitating a cigarette. They'll also be mixing their own liquid instead of buying the expensive cartridges and will wind up with a device roughly the size of a very small cigar. This will allow them to vape ALL DAY without changing the battery and mix their own FLAVOR of liquid in a small "tank" that drips the fluid directly onto the atomizer. Each tank will last 3-6 hours.


I'm not promoting a particular brand, but I use a Totally Wicked Tornado - T which is white, but it can be purchased in pink or red (for the ladies) or black, platinum, or gold. It has little resemblance to a cigarette.


To any smokers who are thinking of making the leap. Be very careful of buying an e-cig kit in a mall or other high-end shopping area. Most of the mall e-cigs are incredibly over-priced, relatively ineffective (length of battery life and power to create cloud), and the pre-loaded cartridges have a short life and are limited in flavor selection. These are probably the kind of e-cigs Carnival would sell if they ever do this. Just a quick money-grab and then you're gone. I had to go through 2 lookalikes (Blu and Totally Wicked's Maxi-Mini) before I went to the Tornado.


Give it a try. The first thing you'll notice, IMHO, is how great everything tastes.:) You'll love the different flavors available that even others sometimes can detect in the room and enjoy them too (vanilla, strawberry, chocolate).


Totally Wicked's site: http://www.totallywicked.com

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Refusing to get information again and lives with a smoker ! ! :rolleyes:



I was just throwing out assumptions of why Carnival only wants e cigs in the smoking area.......if you have any better assumptions then maybe you can throw them out as to why Carnival is doing this instead of attacking posters........

I personally could care less about e cigs......my dh smokes and never had a problem on a ship or at a non smoking hotel or anywhere else for that matter......he thinks the smokers that complain are just too lazy to walk outside:D His words not mine;)

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Actually I only had only one ship employee tell me I couldn't smoke on the non-smoking side. I just held out my e-cig to show him and he said "no problem" and walked away. How is that a big deal?...especially since he was walking by anyway???


So he did confuse with a real cig......

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So he did confuse with a real cig......


Only in that it made vapor, which looks like smoke but isn't. My e-cig is large, totally black and has no light on the end. He came up from behind me and probably saw the vapor. The point is that of all the times I used it, no one else questioned it so it can't be that big of a confusion issue....

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Actually I only had only one ship employee tell me I couldn't smoke on the non-smoking side. I just held out my e-cig to show him and he said "no problem" and walked away. How is that a big deal?...especially since he was walking by anyway???


In California STARBUCKS has already been challenged.


I live at STARBUCKS when I'm not at home. FREE internet, great coffee, take off plans, do estimates, submit bids, and the SoCal social environment where we solve all the world's problems.;) Recently I was challenged by an employee at a different STARBUCKS. I explained the process and got a, "Well, all the evidence isn't in yet, so we don't allow it". I told him to get his manager. The manager came out and apologized to me (wasn't necessary) and that was that.:)


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In California STARBUCKS has already been challenged.


I live at STARBUCKS when I'm not at home. FREE internet, great coffee, take off plans, do estimates, submit bids, and the SoCal social environment where we solve all the world's problems.;) Recently I was challenged by an employee at a different STARBUCKS. I explained the process and got a, "Well, all the evidence isn't in yet, so we don't allow it". I told him to get his manager. The manager came out and apologized to me (wasn't necessary) and that was that.:)



Awesome!....good for you!


On a side note, any chance you can enlarge your font a little?...I love reading your posts but have a hard time with the small print

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Awesome!....good for you!


On a side note, any chance you can enlarge your font a little?...I love reading your posts but have a hard time with the small print


You're the second person that has mentioned this, popsec. What am I doing wrong ? In your post, my font appears larger than yours on my screen ?


After nearly a lifetime of PCs (I go back to the IBM junior) I got a Macbook and the learning curve is phenomenal. Discover something everyday that I didn't know about Macs.


I'll bump the size of the font in this post UP and tell me if that's any better. I don't understand, since my font is larger than yours in your post ? ? ?

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Many do not look anything like a cigarette. After going through all the "lookalikes" with their short battery life and limited e-liquid cartridges, almost all of the serious vapors will eventually end up with an e-cig that is larger and the end won't light up imitating a cigarette. They'll also be mixing their own liquid instead of buying the expensive cartridges and will wind up with a device roughly the size of a very small cigar. This will allow them to vape ALL DAY without changing the battery and mix their own FLAVOR of liquid in a small "tank" that drips the fluid directly onto the atomizer. Each tank will last 3-6 hours.


I'm not promoting a particular brand, but I use a Totally Wicked Tornado - T which is white, but it can be purchased in pink or red (for the ladies) or black, platinum, or gold. It has little resemblance to a cigarette.


I don't know how you can say that many don't look anything like a real cigarette. For anyone who searches Google Images for "e-cigarette", you'll find that MOST look exactly like a cigarette!


(I'm not a smoker now, but was for 20 years, and still miss it! LOL. I have no intention of picking up this habit, but I'm still curious about e-cigarettes.)


I did Google your Totally Wicked Tornado as well, and I have to tell you, that one doesn't look like a regular cigarette, but it does look like a pot pipe. :eek: No wonder people are confused by them!


And Gary, for heaven's sake, ENLARGE YOUR FONT or un-italicize it!! :)

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I don't know how you can say that many don't look anything like a real cigarette. For anyone who searches Google Images for "e-cigarette", you'll find that MOST look exactly like a cigarette!


Actually when the e-cigs came out they pretty much all looked like a cigarette. Now about the only ones still made to look like a "real" cigarette are the disposable models or the really cheap models. Ones made by the main companies will come in the same size as a regular cig but in black, all white, blue, green, pink, purple, etc. The larger ones mainly come in black but also can be purchased in colors. I don't want someone thinking I'm smoking so I don't want one looking like a cigarette.

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The trouble with googling e-cigarettes is that the ones that come up are the "free trial" scam ones that don't work. There are a few that look like a cigarette and work amazing, such as Volt and Bloog. The rest look like a Sharpie marker and beyond - way beyond.


There is enough known about them. The invention itself is from the 60's. A person goes from 4000 chemicals in a cigarette to TWO or THREE plus some flavoring. There's data on inhalation of propylene glycol, there's data on inhalation of vegetable glycerin, there's data on nicotine by itself. It's the flavorings that are the unknown, but nearly all ingredients in flavors are also in cigarettes in some form.


I have seen recommendations by e-cig groups for vapers to go in smoking sections, but only to introduce them to the possibility of switching. When you see a person with COPD suddenly start to improve drastically, a person gets kind of evangelistic about these things.


I sure hope Carnival embraces e-cigarettes and shows some leadership in the travel industry. It can only benefit them.

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It's the flavorings that are the unknown, but nearly all ingredients in flavors are also in cigarettes in some form.


My e-cig liquid actually only has food grade mango flavoring in it so there are no mysteries. The ones we don't know about are the liquids that come from China and are re-bottled and labelled in this country.....buy American!

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One thing to keep in mind. Just because something is safe to eat does not necessarily mean that it is safe to inhale.


A good example is the compound used to flavor popcorn (diacetyl). Perfectly safe to eat. But when it gets into the lungs it can cause severe and permanent damage.


While any additives are unlikely to impact the people around an e-cig user, it is unclear if all of the additives are truly safe when inhaled.


I would be cautious when it comes to any flavorings and additives and would check out the chemical components in the context specifically related to the lungs and not just go by the point that it is a safe food additive.

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My e-cig liquid actually only has food grade mango flavoring in it so there are no mysteries. The ones we don't know about are the liquids that come from China and are re-bottled and labelled in this country.....buy American!


Well, there are several ingredients needed to make mango, and we don't know if everything that is safe to ingest is also safe to inhale - but like I wrote, nearly all those flavoring ingredients are also in cigarettes. I make e-liquid now and have been working with the flavoring companies to find the safest flavors in the lowest concentrations.

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One thing to keep in mind. Just because something is safe to eat does not necessarily mean that it is safe to inhale.


A good example is the compound used to flavor popcorn (diacetyl). Perfectly safe to eat. But when it gets into the lungs it can cause severe and permanent damage.


While any additives are unlikely to impact the people around an e-cig user, it is unclear if all of the additives are truly safe when inhaled.


I would be cautious when it comes to any flavorings and additives and would check out the chemical components in the context specifically related to the lungs and not just go by the point that it is a safe food additive.


The point for me is that 2+ years ago I was smoking....and wheezing & coughing. Now I do neither so, for me, yes it's better....

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The point for me is that 2+ years ago I was smoking....and wheezing & coughing. Now I do neither so, for me, yes it's better....


Dude, just be discreet about it. Usually if you're not open and not using a light-up, and vape out your nose, no one knows you're using an PV. If they can see the cloud of vapor, people assume you're just sucking on a pen or something equally innocuous.

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Dude, just be discreet about it. Usually if you're not open and not using a light-up, and vape out your nose, no one knows you're using an PV. If they can see the cloud of vapor, people assume you're just sucking on a pen or something equally innocuous.


It's dudette :D

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You're the second person that has mentioned this, popsec. What am I doing wrong ? In your post, my font appears larger than yours on my screen ?


After nearly a lifetime of PCs (I go back to the IBM junior) I got a Macbook and the learning curve is phenomenal. Discover something everyday that I didn't know about Macs.


I'll bump the size of the font in this post UP and tell me if that's any better. I don't understand, since my font is larger than yours in your post ? ? ?


That is a better size font!..and thanks!:D I actually looked back over your posts and they appeared ok in size until this month....did you get the Mac this month?

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Saw this at bottom of FAQs on Carnival's website:


Note: Electronic cigarettes or e-cigarettes are only allowed in the designated smoking areas


Is Carnival nuts? There's finally a way to appease the non-smokers with e-cig use and now the brass at Carnival want to relegate the e-cig users back to the smoking areas? I'm not sure how they dare make such a move as states haven't even banned them from non-smoking areas (although a few have tried).


Since I was a 2 1/2 pack a day smoker who hasn't had a real cig in over 2 years I sure don't want to have to sit in a smoking section to use my e-cig




This issue was just raised on John's Facebook and he got a lot of good feedback to send to the "beards".


Most of the recommendations were to allow E-Cigs every where except the Main Dining Room and the Main theater.


The ONLY reason I can think for this decision is to prevent the staff and crew from wasting time checking on everyone that they see smoking ...only to find out it was an E-Cig.


For awhile, enforcement is going to be enough of a nightmare without having to deal with checking folks with E-Cigs.


ONCE the smoke settles (so to speak) I am sure that Carnival will relax the rules in public places .


I also recommended that Carnival immediately allow E-Cigs in the cabins....because this would not cause unnecessary work on the part of staff and crew.


But for right now....it is just to make enforcement of the new rules as easy as possible.

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This issue was just raised on John's Facebook and he got a lot of good feedback to send to the "beards".


Most of the recommendations were to allow E-Cigs every where except the Main Dining Room and the Main theater.


The ONLY reason I can think for this decision is to prevent the staff and crew from wasting time checking on everyone that they see smoking ...only to find out it was an E-Cig.


For awhile, enforcement is going to be enough of a nightmare without having to deal with checking folks with E-Cigs.


ONCE the smoke settles (so to speak) I am sure that Carnival will relax the rules in public places .


I also recommended that Carnival immediately allow E-Cigs in the cabins....because this would not cause unnecessary work on the part of staff and crew.


But for right now....it is just to make enforcement of the new rules as easy as possible.


Actually, I'm not worried about the cabin issue as "vaping" isn't smoking and leaves no residual smell, etc so I'll continue using my e-cig in the cabin. My concern is the casino that is now 75% non smoking and I don't want to sit in the small smoking section to vape my e-cig. Carnival stands to lose alot of money from me in the casino if that's the case....

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Actually, I'm not worried about the cabin issue as "vaping" isn't smoking and leaves no residual smell, etc so I'll continue using my e-cig in the cabin. My concern is the casino that is now 75% non smoking and I don't want to sit in the small smoking section to vape my e-cig. Carnival stands to lose alot of money from me in the casino if that's the case....


I'm sure that they are preparing a strategic bankruptcy filing post haste!! :p

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I'm sure that they are preparing a strategic bankruptcy filing post haste!! :p


Well, we cruise so often and I gamble quite a bit every day so it does add up. Plus, I qualified for a totally free suite for my husband and myself on our upcoming 8 day cruise. So...who's grinning now?;)

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Well, we cruise so often and I gamble quite a bit every day so it does add up. Plus, I qualified for a totally free suite for my husband and myself on our upcoming 8 day cruise. So...who's grinning now?;)


Carnival. They've got all your money! :)

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Have any of you successfully beaten the e-cigarette addiction? Do you even try? After all, it still costs money....or do you just merrily vape away?


For me, I never wanted to quit "smoking".....I enjoyed the habit....just not the smoke, smell & mess. I have no desire to quit vaping, just as I had no desire to quit smoking. The money it costs is miniscule compared the the money I used to spend on my 2 1/2 pack a day habit;)

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