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Cruise Panic


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Well I seem to be at it again. Every vacation I look forward to it for months. Then shortly before it is time to leave I go into panic mode and my nerves go through the roof. I keep trying to rein it in but I can feel the panic arising as we leave in 12 days.


DS & DDIL law are coming to stay at our house so I need to have it clean, clean bed sheets, etc. Our house is really small and I usually use the guest bedroom to lay out our suitcases and pack, check list, pack, etc. Now I do not know where I can do this. There is always last minute laundry to do and get packed. We work right up until we leave so there is no downtime there either (can't be helped).


I am trying to take deep breaths, we have decided to scale down our packing this time (and I really hope to do it) but since we are driving to the port there is still a lot to get ready.


How do others handle this? By the time we are ready to leave I almost do not want to go I am so stressed out. Of course, once on the ship all the disappears and I am excited to be there. Just a worry wart I guess.

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Clean the guest room days in advance... put a small fresh tarp / old blanket over the bed...then sort / pack before your relatives arrive...put the packed bags in the car overnight. Vacuum again after removing the bags and tarp, do a 3-minute dusting job and don't open that door again!!


Don't plan on taking any of the clothes that you wear to work, so no last minute laundry needed there. If you don't have a spare set of bedding for your bedroom, maybe spring for that so you won't have to speed-launder your own bedding to make it fresh for your house sitters. Just stash your used bedding and launder it when you get home.


The beauty of NCL is that you don't really need to bring that much...do the mix and match thing with dinner clothes (ie simple pants / capris with different coordinating tops.) Maybe tops that work at night but can be good for lunch or shore excursions for a second wearing. Simple shoes or sandals that won't stand out so that people don't remember them from last night..one pair of each for the week should do it.


Disclaimer: These are some of the thing that I would do in your place, but I'm a guy so what do I know??


OH....also, practice taking slow, deep breaths and letting them out slowly

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I agree with BakerinTN, but IF you aren't able to pre-pack before the guests set up an area in your bedroom where you can place piles of clean clothes that are to be packed. That way you can see what coordinates before the last minute.


As for laundry, I wouldn't take anything that I was wearing up to the last minute. (I am lucky in that I wear a uniform for work) It should all be clean and ready at least 3 days before. I have enough underwear that it isn't a problem to pack a week's worth away before I leave.


If you want to pack light (I am female): for a 7-day cruise

A. nice pants/capris that can go to dinner every night.

B. 5-7 tops that will match the bottoms you intend to bring, 2 of which can be a bit 'dressier' for dinner that will go with your dressier pants. (This is a bit more than I would bring, but with 7 you will be fine).

C. 3 shorts/casual skirt/capris/pants that will go with your tops. You won't need anything more than this. Mix & Match, wear things at least twice, people won't notice and if they do, who cares!

D. Swimuit(s) and cover-up, beach shoes (flip flops or water shoes), sunscreen and hat/visor.

E. One pair of general shoes that will go with your dressier and casual outfits so you don't have to carry extra shoes.

F. Cut back on the shampoos and extra make-up. A lipstick, mascara and moisturizer should be enough.


All this should fit in a 21" suitcase or SMALLER! Have a great time, relax, breathe and quit worrying! ;)


No need to panic, it will all be fine and a great time.

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And remember it is your DS and DDIL that are coming to stay. Certainly your son lived with you at some point and knows what to expect at your house;) As for clothes I agree with the above, bring just what you need and chill out, relax and enjoy. I never notice if I see someone in the same clothes twice ( unless it is the same outfit I have on) ;)



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Well I seem to be at it again. Every vacation I look forward to it for months. Then shortly before it is time to leave I go into panic mode and my nerves go through the roof. I keep trying to rein it in but I can feel the panic arising as we leave in 12 days.


DS & DDIL law are coming to stay at our house so I need to have it clean, clean bed sheets, etc. Our house is really small and I usually use the guest bedroom to lay out our suitcases and pack, check list, pack, etc. Now I do not know where I can do this. There is always last minute laundry to do and get packed. We work right up until we leave so there is no downtime there either (can't be helped).


I am trying to take deep breaths, we have decided to scale down our packing this time (and I really hope to do it) but since we are driving to the port there is still a lot to get ready.


How do others handle this? By the time we are ready to leave I almost do not want to go I am so stressed out. Of course, once on the ship all the disappears and I am excited to be there. Just a worry wart I guess.


Riddle, Let it go. Let all the worries go, what's going to happen will and like always, you will cope. I do the same thing. I worry about having things in order at home, packing everything. At least you have a list, you're two steps ahead of me. I consistently forget something and I either pick it up at the store before boarding the ship or get it on the ship at an inflated price, but I survive and have a great cruise every time. Did I mention that I have to fly to Florida each time. On the last trip, I forgot my edocs.:eek: I had the broshure that NCL sends listing the passengers and they used that to pull up the edocs but I had everything else. Make sure that you have the stuff that you can't cruise without, passport etc., and don't worry about the rest. Have a great cruise.


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Maybe you are like me and thrive with a bit of pressure. Like you, I like to have my house spotless especially if someone is coming to stay. I also like to plan what I carry for my trip in advance. I did have to pack light for our last cruise. We flew to Barcelona and they charged $50 each way for any bag in excess of 50 pounds or greater than 24 inches. Since we did not want to be hit with that extra cost, light was the only option. I have to say that now, I wouldn't do it any other way. I usually took way more than I needed "just in case" and ended up not wearing half of it. That time, I wore everything at least once.


Just clean your house to good enough, pack just the things you need and chalk the stress up to trip anticipation. Enjoy that first drink overlooking the ocean!

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Well I seem to be at it again. Every vacation I look forward to it for months. Then shortly before it is time to leave I go into panic mode and my nerves go through the roof. I keep trying to rein it in but I can feel the panic arising as we leave in 12 days.


DS & DDIL law are coming to stay at our house so I need to have it clean, clean bed sheets, etc. Our house is really small and I usually use the guest bedroom to lay out our suitcases and pack, check list, pack, etc. Now I do not know where I can do this. There is always last minute laundry to do and get packed. We work right up until we leave so there is no downtime there either (can't be helped).


I am trying to take deep breaths, we have decided to scale down our packing this time (and I really hope to do it) but since we are driving to the port there is still a lot to get ready.


How do others handle this? By the time we are ready to leave I almost do not want to go I am so stressed out. Of course, once on the ship all the disappears and I am excited to be there. Just a worry wart I guess.


We (4 of us & sis-in-law family of 4) went on our first cruise in Jan. 09, having booked it about 3 weeks prior so I didn't have the option of buying insurance. The Tuesday before we left, my husband ended up in our local hospital with symptoms of a heart attack (age 39), in local hospital having tests & monitoring until Friday (New Years Day) then transferred to Mlps (Abbott Hospital) for an angiogram/angioplasty. My Sis-in-law & I went to Mlps to be with him while he was having the surgery then back to our hometown (3 hours away) to pack so we could return to Mlps the next day to release him from the hospital in time to get to airport to catch flight.


If that wasn't bad enough prior to going into the hospital, we had been at a timeshare in Northern MN (3 hours away) with 6 other families so we had left our kids up there with our friends. My dad and I ended up driving back up there while hubby was in local hospital to pack up the kids, snowmobiles and "stuff".


We own a business which when I returned from Mlps (from the surgery) found out it had been vandelized. So after meeting with police to file report, take photos, etc we were (finally) on our way back (8 hours after having gotten home) to get hubby out of the hospital and lo and behold good old MN winter, an ice storm. It took us over 6 hours to drive back, the ice was so bad it cracked my suburbans windshield, got hubby released, got to airport only to remember I forgot to pack underwear and a swimsuit.


Moral of story: yes I forgot a few things, but once we got on the ship everything "went away", hubby did fine, and I was able to buy the forgotten things on ship or in the first port. Yes it cost me a bit more, but oh well.


Now we are hooked on cruising.

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omg-my bp went up just reading that!! i show my stress thinking i have a fatal illness and always end up at the dr a few days before.....now i know that's what it is and just ignore. you just can't plan the journeys your brain takes without you!! once i am out of town all is ok.:cool:

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I agree with BakerinTN, but IF you aren't able to pre-pack before the guests set up an area in your bedroom where you can place piles of clean clothes that are to be packed. That way you can see what coordinates before the last minute.


As for laundry, I wouldn't take anything that I was wearing up to the last minute. (I am lucky in that I wear a uniform for work) It should all be clean and ready at least 3 days before. I have enough underwear that it isn't a problem to pack a week's worth away before I leave.


If you want to pack light (I am female): for a 7-day cruise

A. nice pants/capris that can go to dinner every night.

B. 5-7 tops that will match the bottoms you intend to bring, 2 of which can be a bit 'dressier' for dinner that will go with your dressier pants. (This is a bit more than I would bring, but with 7 you will be fine).

C. 3 shorts/casual skirt/capris/pants that will go with your tops. You won't need anything more than this. Mix & Match, wear things at least twice, people won't notice and if they do, who cares!

D. Swimuit(s) and cover-up, beach shoes (flip flops or water shoes), sunscreen and hat/visor.

E. One pair of general shoes that will go with your dressier and casual outfits so you don't have to carry extra shoes.

F. Cut back on the shampoos and extra make-up. A lipstick, mascara and moisturizer should be enough.


All this should fit in a 21" suitcase or SMALLER! Have a great time, relax, breathe and quit worrying! ;)


No need to panic, it will all be fine and a great time.



You're my hero! Great packing list! I'm trying to figure out if I can apply it to my 2 week cruise... :)

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You're my hero! Great packing list! I'm trying to figure out if I can apply it to my 2 week cruise... :)


For my 14 day transatlantic in Oct. I took more coolie/capri pants, no short and two skirts. One was dressy enough with a sparkly top for dress up or not night. I wish I had one pair of shorts as it got really warm in the South Atlantic a few days out from Port Canavaral.


I took two dress pants never wore them. I had about 7 tops for that cruise and 4 pairs of the cropped pants. For underwear I bought three pairs quick dry panties and washed out every night in the shower. One was always dry and could be worn the next day if the other hadn't quite dried it was very easy. Same with brassieres. I did take two tops that were a nylon type fabric that were quite dressy. I did rinse those out as well in the shower so I had them to wear on more occastions. Never used the laundry service at all.


The key to this is that EVERYTHING has to match. I took brown tones with splashes of coral, light blue and pinks so it was easy-peasy to plan outfits. Everything was worn at least twice, bottoms usually 3 days (you don't have to wear them consecutively just rotate them in during the 14 days.) Everything I took fit in a 22" expandable suitcase. I'm not a big souvineer shopper so I don't budget space for them. Ususally things that get purchased will fit in my larger 'carry-on' purse/tote.


One pair of walking shoe/sandals, flip flops for room slippers and pool shoes and that was it for footwear.

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I do the same thing. I book months in advance. I obsess about every detail. I count down the days. But then when I am less than a week out, I get panic stricken, thinking something is going to go wrong. I am going to forget something. The weather is going to be bad. No one is going to have a good time.


I actually get sick to my stomach when its at the 24 hour countdown.


But then we hit the road and it melts away. And of course, all is well. :D


It will all be over too soon and then you'll be suffering from Post Cruise Depression. :(

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I, like the OP, stress out totally before the cruise to the point that I don;t want to go. It has happened the last 3 cruises I have taken. Why don't you plan into your vacation budget, a maid service to clean your house the week of the cruise, when you aren't running around trying to get everything done? Why don't you make it a family project and include your DS and DDIL in your final preparations ? It could be a great way to spend time together as a family while taking some of the stress off of you ?

I now have someone who comes in every so often and cleans my house. That doesn't mean I don't do any cleaning, but it takes the serious pressure off of me. She does the big stuff and I, for the most part, do the small stuff, especially before a vacation.

Have your first DOD at home ! :p

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For my 14 day transatlantic in Oct. I took more coolie/capri pants, no short and two skirts. One was dressy enough with a sparkly top for dress up or not night. I wish I had one pair of shorts as it got really warm in the South Atlantic a few days out from Port Canavaral.


I took two dress pants never wore them. I had about 7 tops for that cruise and 4 pairs of the cropped pants. For underwear I bought three pairs quick dry panties and washed out every night in the shower. One was always dry and could be worn the next day if the other hadn't quite dried it was very easy. Same with brassieres. I did take two tops that were a nylon type fabric that were quite dressy. I did rinse those out as well in the shower so I had them to wear on more occastions. Never used the laundry service at all.


The key to this is that EVERYTHING has to match. I took brown tones with splashes of coral, light blue and pinks so it was easy-peasy to plan outfits. Everything was worn at least twice, bottoms usually 3 days (you don't have to wear them consecutively just rotate them in during the 14 days.) Everything I took fit in a 22" expandable suitcase. I'm not a big souvineer shopper so I don't budget space for them. Ususally things that get purchased will fit in my larger 'carry-on' purse/tote.


One pair of walking shoe/sandals, flip flops for room slippers and pool shoes and that was it for footwear.


Thanks for the tips (and I apologize to the OP for the mini hi-jack!). I would definitely need shorts (Panama Canal will be hot!) and sneakers would be an additional piece of footwear...

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I start to get panicky also. My problem is the dreams. I always have at least one or two before the cruise, that I can't make it to the cruiseport on time, or I can't find my passport, or I forgot to pack and have to rummage for clothes. (and don't we ALL spend weeks, if not months:eek: picking our outfits for the cruise??? So you have an idea what kind of nightmare it is to have a dream that you forgot!)

Then I worry about my pets and how bad they're going to miss me and suffer without me...:rolleyes:.....well they do get sad!


All my troubles melt away the second I get to the terminal. Or that magic moment when I step onboard:)


We were just on the Dawn in May and the time is tick tocking towards our next cruise! Can't wait!


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Riddle, I can completely relate to your original post however my panic is of a different nature. Have been on cruises before (total of 5) yet as it gets closer the nerves start. No matter how hard I try to self-discipline I find myself drawn to watching movies like Titanic or Poseidon Adventure (old and new versions). Deep breathing and trusting in fate help me. My gripe is with people who say negative things that feed the panic. When I first booked our future cruise I was telling an acquaintance about it and she said and I quote "with all of the natural disasters going on in the world oh no I would never take a cruise right now". Ugh!


When the panic comes and we both know it will just try to tell yourself that YOU ARE GOING TO HAVE THE TIME OF YOUR LIFE. Every day cruises leave and return and the passengers come home with amazing tales of delicious food, entertaining shows and beaches with pink soft sand and aqua water. Everyone deserves happiness so why not us!

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There is always last minute laundry to do and get packed. We work right up until we leave so there is no downtime there either (can't be helped).


Solve this one. Pack now. Buy extra of whatever would have been last minute laundry. Nothing like new socks and underwear for a cruise.


I don't stress at all. My check list has 3 things on it. Passport, toothbrush and credit card. Over the years, and not just cruising, but other frequent travels I have learned that most things forgotten can be replaced.

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Try taking some 5-HTP which helps promote serotonin and take a melotonin whenever your brain won't get off the trendmill at night (like the night before). Other favorites: washing dishes, cleaning toilets (yes, so I may be abnormal ;)), smashing glass bottles, target practice with pellet guns, crossword puzzles or card games. These help get your mind off things. Personally, I don't leave for 6 weeks, 5 days (and counting down!) but every night I fall asleep thinking about the moment I step on that cruise ship and start the most relaxing week of my life. Also try one of those sleepytime teas! Have fun and enjoy!

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I don't stress at all. My check list has 3 things on it. Passport, toothbrush and credit card. Over the years, and not just cruising, but other frequent travels I have learned that most things forgotten can be replaced.


I'm beginning to think all the talk of economic hard times is garblygoop, while reading CC. monicajay not everyone has the funds to be able to replace items that they already have in their possession and afford a cruise for vacation as well. Very good advice if you are made of money, not so good if you've only allowed so much for your vacation with an emergency amount for the unforseen.


OP you sound like you've been working on this for a while so I'm sure you make lists. I just make 2 lists one for packing, one for what I wish to accomplish before I leave (double check to make sure both are reality and not over what I can physically do in the time alloted). Very seldom have I ever left anything I really needed at home and always left my house looking presentable.

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I can totally relate to how you feel. I would call what happens to me more of an anxiety attack than a panic attack.... I constantly am talking to myself that whatever I'm obsessing about is just that -- obsessing!! I drive my family NUTS!!! (not to mention, I drive myself nuts too!)

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