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First post/First Cruise/Wife stressed...help!


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OK so we're leaving on a cruise that was booked to celebrate my mother's "milestone" birthday on Friday the 29th on Celebrity to Alaska (on the Infinity.) There will be a total of nine of us including myself, my wife and our two kids (20 year old girl/17 year old boy.) We're kind of in a daze trying to put together everything we need to bring and everything that will go on and we're total noobs when it comes to cruising so I think we're just looking for some basic advice and help.


I've been reading and reading and absorbing as much as possible but we're hoping we didn't overdo anything. We have excursions booked in each port and beverage packages for us and the kids as well as one reservation in the specialty restaurant SS United States on the night of my mother's birthday. I'm hoping it's not going to be overkill for us being first timers.


Packing seems to be another source of concern. We're trying to make sure we don't forget anything but we're also not overpacked at the same time. We'll be flying from Newark, NJ to Seattle and then staying overnight in Seattle before transferring to the pier. I want to thank a lot of the people here who have provided lists of things to bring because some of the lists have turned the light bulb on in my head to add to our list. We're keeping tabs on weather as well but it just seems like it's really all over the place up there. We're pretty casual people by nature and with the kids I'm concerned about wearing the right things at the right time. I'm keeping up with what constitutes formal wear and things like that so we don't screw anything up at dinner time but it's a bit nerve wracking.


We've gotten our luggage tags in advance and we've also checked in online already so I'm not as worried there but I know it's going to be a learning experience for sure.


As I'm sure you can tell I'm a bit of a worrier when we travel. I guess I'm looking for any basic cruise advice you can throw at me so I can maybe help my wife and kids relax a bit more. Feel free to throw anything at me...I'm always willing to learn more (and I'll be reading a lot more in the forums over the next couple of days!) I know this isn't a ton of info to go on but feel free to ask questions and I'll be happy to provide answers.



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make sure you have all of your documentation so you can board the ship. passports or id's and birth certificates. Do not put anything in checked luggage that you will miss/need (electronics, passports, birth certificates, medication) Carry on all of this.


Relax... relax and relax some more. :)

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You know what? Sounds like you have it all together, even if you do feel like it's coming apart! For what it's worth, we have been cruising for almost 20 years now and we still get a little anxious when travelling. Just returned from our very first trip to Europe and it was quite stressful for us. I don't know that what you are feeling can be alleviated with mere words.... mostly because even seasoned travellers still get nervous/excited/worried/concerned. :)


Sounds like you have it under control, as much as is possible for you. I guess my only advice would be to "pick your battles"..... there may very well be some things that will go wrong, but it's always a choice to react the way we do, right? Let things roll off your back. Ask yourself, "Will it matter in an hour, or tomorrow, or ultimately, ever?". One can save a lot of anxiety by choosing to let certain things slide, if you know what I mean.


Have fun!! Sounds like a great trip. You are a loving husband, father, and son to be so concerned for your group. Take care. :)

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:) Thanks Carolin and Langley! I was just thinking it would probably be a good idea to make copies of the passports and leave a copy at home and a copy with another part of our family staying in another cabin. I don't know if that's overkill or not.


That last part REALLY needs to happen the most I think! I don't think my wife and I will be able to until we're on the boat and in our cabin.


Langley I think it just comes with the territory of doing something new. I can't remember ever being excited to pack but nervous at the same time. This will be a fun experience but I can't help but get a bit out of sorts over the details. Thanks for the advice!

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RELAX. Carolin gave you the best advice! Don't check in anything that you cannot live without: documents, medications.


Start making a list of what to take, save it on your computer. When you come back from the cruise, take off what was not needed, add what you've missed. Yes, there will be something you've missed, there are sundry shops on the ship and in ports, relax :p


This list saved on your computer will be a base for your next trip.


Have a great time on your cruise! Relax... if something wouldn't go as planned, it will be remembered as adventure.

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Langley I think it just comes with the territory of doing something new. I can't remember ever being excited to pack but nervous at the same time.


Agreed. You may have heard the advice to "take half as many clothes and twice as much money"! That certainly holds true for our recent Med cruise. We withdrew more funds abroad twice during our trip, and ended up bringing home clean clothes, some we never even wore! Too funny.

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Ha yep it will be an adventure! I'm coordinating with my brother in Arizona since we're both going and our cabins are basically right next to each other. We're trying to consolidate and on certain things we're thinking we can share.


I think the shoes are an item that are throwing us for a loop. I know I need a good pair of hiking shoes plus a decent pair of regular shoes and a pair of sandals. I'm hoping a sportcoat and a nice shirt with a pair of dark pants or khaki's will fit the bill for the nicer dinner nights.


I'm trying out the travel Space Bags as well. They seem to do ok for the jackets with the fleece liners (cut down quite a bit of space in the suitcase.) It's looking like mid 50's for high's and low's in the port cities the days/nights we'll be there (except Victoria.) So that to me signals plenty of long sleeve polo shirts and sweaters (not too many though!)


This is exciting to say the least!

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You sound like you are in good shape!


For first time cruisers, I like to warn them that getting dropped off at the pier can be a bit overwhelming, but it's really not a big deal if you know what to expect.


Do you know how you'll be getting from the airport to the pier? If it's via cruise line arranged transportation, you are in better shape, as they'll direct you when you get to the pier. If you are taking a cab or other service, just tell them your ship and you'll get to the right pier. You will want to look it up on Celebrity's website ahead of time though and bring the address just in case (it's also probably on your cruise documents). Just know things can change and your ship MIGHT be at a different berth at the pier. Not likely, but it does happen!


Anyway, back to my point. When you are dropped off, you may be wondering "where do I go next" and things move fast, much like getting dropped off at the airport. Give all of your bags (except anything you want to carry with you onto the ship) to the porters at the pier (fyi, they don't work for a specific cruise line, they work for the port). They are usually wearing orange safety vests. Tip them a few bucks. As long as your bags are tagged with the cruise ship provided tags, don't worry. They'll get to your ship! If you can't tell where to go next, ask the porters where to go check in for your Celebrity cruise. If you want more details on what happens next (though not necessary, sometimes it helps people's stress level to know what to expect), ask on the Celebrity boards. I've only sailed NCL and every line seems to be slightly different. Just relax and go with the flow!

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Thanks weltek!


We do have transfers with Celebrity from hotel to pier and when we get back pier to airport. My kids are on a seperate reservation and we're still waiting on the travel agent to get them on the transfers but she's supposed to take care of them today. I think the thing that's added to our stress a bit is they're not on the original reservation (my mother coordinated the original reservation but we had to add the kids on late with our own travel agent.)


Thanks for that. We were wondering how it was going to work getting everyone on the ship so that's great information. I appreciate it!

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Hi ABECruiser,


As others have already stated you seem to have all the details under control. I tend to plan everything to the nth degree and probably don't have to. As long as your documentaion is in order you will be fine. Alaska is beautiful.


If you are not familiar with Seattle there are many good restaurants for your supper the night before. If you are staying downtown, Ivar's on pier 54 is an old favorite. I like it because it's right on the waterfront and the views are nice. I hope you have a great time.



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Thanks Larry! We're trying to get all our ducks in a row. Thanks for the dinner idea. We're staying at the Hyatt Olive 8 so hopefully that's close to something good to eat in Seattle. I haven't been there in years so I remember a little bit but not much. Our family doesn't have many opportunities to get together since we're scattered all over the US so this trip will be a lot of fun for us (I hope!)

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I am the same as you and I have cruise many times over...I must double check for my passports every hour until we get to the ship. I have forgotten things in the car that I wish I had but lived without, I have had a bag lost that had a lot in it that I needed but lived without.


Best advice I can give you is to cross pack...put half of wifes clothes in your suitcase and vice versa that way if a bag does get lost no one is completely without. My big thing is my garmet bag...that has our dresses and tuxes and all of out dinner clothes in it...I don't let it out of my sight!


Relax and have fun!

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My wife and I have traveled a lot and the first thing we do is start our vacation as soon as our cars clear the parking lot at work after that we are on vacation. Relax you guys have your stuff together, have fun and if something goes not as planed oh well go to plan "B". Don't have a plan "B", no worries we never do. We just make something up as we go. Just remember if your not smilling and having fun you are probably still at work.

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Best advice I can give you is to cross pack...put half of wifes clothes in your suitcase and vice versa that way if a bag does get lost no one is completely without.



Yes, we do this too! Hubby wonders why my stuff is in his suitcase, but it's for this reason, you're right! :D

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Whenever we take a big trip we always have a take-out meal the night before we leave home and breakfast via a drive thru window and a big M sign! --no dishes or kitchen to cleaned. Our on-body checklist is passports, money, tickets, medicine --anything else can be acquired on the way. I use a travel pouch that holds tickets, passport, ID etc and it doesn't leave my body until I get to the final location. If you are leaving the US keep a copy of your passport with a relative and in the cabin safe.

My DH will be taking khakis for most evenings and dark sport coat, pants and long-sleeved shirt w tie for formal nights.

Re the shoes --if they are not waterproof you can locate waterproofing spray in the shoe section of Walmart.

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Wow thanks everyone for the kind words and the helpful hints!


tracy thanks so much for the cross packing idea! We'll definitely do that so we're not stuck (and we'll have the kids do the same.)


gord exactly. Today at 4:30 PM EST will be the start of our vacation since that's when I'll be leaving the parking lot!


Thanks alaska! I'm going to carry on a backpack and put all the "must haves on person" stuff in that. Passports, cruise documents, camera and accessories, chargers, meds, some assorted toiletries (just in case), our windbreakers and our netbook. I'm wearing a polo shirt, jeans and my hiking shoes on the plane and I thought of maybe getting a bottle of Fabreze or something so that if I have to wear this another day in case of luggage troubles I could freshen it up a little bit. The wife is also going to have a carryon and she's going to put an extra shirt and shorts in her bag just in case.


We're trying to just work through the checklist. The only hiccup we've run into so far is the transfers for the kids. The travel agent said she tried to get them on with our transfers but they were closed so as of right now the kids are not on the transfers. She said to ask at the hotel to see if we can get them on that way. If that doesn't work I'll put them with the rest of the group and the wife and I can just grab a cab over there since it's close enough (the hotel we're staying at is about a mile from pier 66.) When we get back we'll have to get to the airport as well but I'm hoping that will not be too much of a problem.


I'm glad we're flying out a day ahead of time so hopefully we can tie up the loose ends when we get to Seattle. This should be fun!

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I just talked to the hotel and thankfully they said they would make sure the kids get on the shuttle with us so I feel a lot better! Hopefully that actually is the case once we get there but he said it's not going to be a problem. Phew!

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ABECruiser, have a wonderful cruise and please stop by and let us know how everything went for you. I am sure you will have a great time.:p


Be sure to take a twilight stroll with your wife. The views are amazing and very romantic.



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Best advice I can give you is to cross pack...put half of wifes clothes in your suitcase and vice versa that way if a bag does get lost no one is completely without.


I pack the very same way. We also take a carry-on with us and pack a change of clothes in that.......just in case.:)

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One tip re hand luggage--put your change of clothes in a zip lock bag so it is easy to get to. I typically have several zipper bags in mine so I can just grab what I need. I also often put an extra swimsuit in the hand bags.

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I just saw this thread and I hope the OP has a fun time. I'm glad this family is flying to Seattle a day ahead. When you do go early, you not only not have the stress of hoping a last minute flight goes smoothly, but also it allows you time to do a little shopping for items you could leave behind and not load into your suitcase for the flight. We had taken the train up the west coast to Seattle for our Alaskan cruise and that's what we did as there was a weight limit on the train.


For any newbies, that is one of our best advice: go to your embarkation city at least a day ahead.


Another advise I would have given the OP, you really don't have to plan an excursion for every port. At least my family doesn't. I'll research each port (go on the websites for each one -- often they'll send you a brochure with a ton of info and maybe maps) and come up with attractions to visit. If you don't feel the need to "do" something in each port, you can relax and just hang out and enjoy whatever presents itself.

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