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thong swimsuits allowed onboard?


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Yes... should you? Unless I can bounce a quarter off your hind end... snort.. that was funny.. I crack myself up..


In all seriousness some parents will have a fit. I really don't care and my boys are not bothered by nudity in general but be aware that some people will flip out.

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"noticed several women wearing thongs"

"saw a heavy set woman wearing a thong"

"would definitely not recommend this for the guys"


why not for the guys?


and by the way, you CAN bounce a quarter off my rear end.

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I saw several people wearing thongs on the ship. I mostly saw women wearing them, but there were a few men.


Generally speaking, if you are thin and have the body, people don't say anything, if you are a little larger than most, I frequently heard complaints and talking behind people's back.


I'm a size 2 and I did not wear a thong. To each's own.

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It does seem to freak out the kids at the pool when they see one. One little boy screamed at the top of his lungs at his mother, (and this is God's honest truth), "mommy, that lady's butt is eating her swim suit". While no one will say anything, they will be talking about you behind your back and you will hear your share of disapproving comments from a lot of people---mostly the senior set.

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I don't really understand why anyone wears butt floss nor do I understand why anyone would parade around poolside in the nearly nude. I'm not against nudity per se, and I don't think it's something only for the thin and firm of cheek, but I think a cruise ship (unless it's a nudist cruise) is not the appropriate place for it.

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I don't really understand why anyone wears butt floss nor do I understand why anyone would parade around poolside in the nearly nude.QUOTE]


i don't understand why people smoke:confused: . when someone is smoking near me, i don't like it. i don't complain about it, i just get away from the smoke. it's a pretty simple solution:D . if you don't want to see a thong, don't look at it. it doesn't matter if we understand it.:)

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To some people it is the norm. Europeans tend to be less conservative than Americans.


I think the disapproving looks and snickers are what is rude. Just because it isn't the norm for you doesn't mean it is wrong.


I was in South Beach where topless and thongs are completely acceptable and legal. What was wrong were the people upset by this.

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Chickenhead, could you explain to me WHY you'd want to wear a thong on a ship where families and a large segment of the senior population congregate? I can understand in Saint Tropez, Monte Carlo or even Montecatini, where it is a "natural" occurance but here in America most are not comfortable with pulbic nudity, and most are aware of that fact, so whats the motivation? I could understand on a "singles" cruise or a "nudist" cruise or as one poster stated at various locations where it is openly accepted, but what are you looking for by wanting to do this in the midst of families and seniors? There is a time and place for everything and IMO this is not one of them. I happen to have a great body, I do not however, display it like produce at Walmart, for the general population.

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i find quite a bit of the posts interesting. so i finally decided to respond.


1. i don't understand why many would think it was ok for a person to wear a thong as long as they were attractive. what does that have to do with anything? if you are offended by uncovered butt cheeks, you are offended by uncovered butt cheeks. it shouldn't matter if the butt cheeks in question are attractive to you.


2. i also find it interesting that there is a very mysterious boundary on a person's backside, that no one can really definitively show you the line where if your swimsuit is on one side of that line it is ok and if the swimsuit is on the other side of that line it is not ok. any bikini is going to show some parts of the butt. so how much butt do you have to cover so that no one will complain? the answer of course is that there is no answer because depending on who you ask, the answer will always be different. uncovered butt cheek is uncovered butt cheek. if you can see any of it or all of it, it's still uncovered butt cheek.


3. a few posters seem to understand the concept of if you don't like it, don't look at it. it's like when i am listening to the radio. if a song comes on that i don't like, i don't sit there and torture myself by listening to it--i change the channel. if you do not like to see the skin on someone's backside, either don't look, or don't go where there is a likelihood that you will see the skin on someone's backside (like a beach or a pool). i bet that if you stay in your house you most likely will never have to look at the skin on someone's backside.


4. all i asked was if it was allowed on the ship. meaning, was there a rule on cruise ships that states you cannot wear a thong swimsuit? i find it interesting that no one actually answered that. the closest anyone got was "no one will say anything to you." i do not care if people are looking or talking or complaining. i only wanted to know if they are allowed.


5. i have heard many people (men and women) say they would never wear a thong because they are uncomfortable. then i ask, have you ever worn one? they say no, then i ask how would you know if they are uncomfortable? they just think they might be. and in fact it is possible to find thongs that aren't comfortable just like any other article of clothing like shoes or pants. if you shop around, you will find something that fits you correctly and feels good on your body. so once you find some that are comfortable, like i have, you realize just how comfortable they are. i love to watch and laugh at people wearing shorts, shirts, bikinis, whatever, things that don't fit properly and they are pulling and tugging and twisting on them. constantly realligning the material, checking to see that they are still in place, etc. i never have to touch my swimsuit because it fits well and doesn't move at all. so, cher amie, that is why i would want to wear a thong, no matter where i am. because they are the most comfortable type of swimsuit to wear.


6. many people think they are somehow sexual. i don't think so. no more than any other bikini anyway. i think this might be why so many people think you should only wear one if you are attractive. you should wear one if you want to. and everyone should let you. and no one should comment on your attractiveness whether good or bad.


7. i think another reason so many people don't like other people wearing a thong is that they are slow to change. i can imagine that the first women to wear a bikini rather than a "swimdress" got the same kind of reactions. but those bikinis had three times the coverage of what today's bikinis have, and the people that complain about thongs are ok with today's bikini. things change. people change. the world changes. deal with it.


8. finally, everyone should remember, treat others as you would have them treat you. if you talk bad about me wearing a thong swimsuit, then i get to talk bad about your thinning hair, or that mole on your eyelid, or your second chin, or your lovehandles, or your striped shirt and polka dot pants, or your brown socks and sandals. you wouldn't like for me to talk bad about you would you? in fact, i will not talk bad about you, and i will not expect you to adhere to my ideals of beauty, fashion, or fitness.

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What's it like to be the center of your own universe?

You are Not allowed to blindly snipe at others for their views when you are the one who is engaging in a behavior that is not condidered the norm within the environment you have selected. No one on this board is employed by the cruise lines and therefore your question should be posed to them and them only if you do not wish to be subjected to the miriad of opinions out there. The "mysterious boundry" of a persons backside is called "Modesty" my dear, and that is something you have to deal with.

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What's it like to be the center of your own universe?

i take it this is a rhetorical question and i shall treat it as such.


You are Not allowed to blindly snipe at others for their views when you are the one who is engaging in a behavior that is not condidered the norm within the environment you have selected.

first i did not snipe anyone, i calmly, mannerly, and logically replied to posts, and it wasn't blindly as i had everyone's input before i posted a reply. and as far as what is considered the norm i will refer to my previous post concerning change. and are you saying that if my views are different from the majority i should not be allowed to voice them? because that is what it sounds like. and, boy, is that a whole other can of worms.


No one on this board is employed by the cruise lines and therefore your question should be posed to them and them only if you do not wish to be subjected to the miriad of opinions out there.

i think it is odd that i cannot expect someone to answer a simple question without hearing their opinions. however, i never said i minded hearing their opinions. not only did i not mind it, i already knew that was the way many people felt on the issue. i only replied when i was asked why i wanted to wear them. so, instead of just saying they were comfortable, i also gave some reasons as to why i think i should be allowed to wear them without being hassled about it (assuming there were no rules prohibiting them--i like to wear them, but i am not going to break any rules or laws to do it).


The "mysterious boundry" of a persons backside is called "Modesty" my dear, and that is something you have to deal with.

the word modesty does not define 'the mysterious boundary' as 'modesty' is itself an undefinitive word. with different people, modesty takes on different meanings. and as for dealing with it, i DO deal with it and always have. that was precisely my point in my last post. i shouldn't HAVE to deal with people making negative comments about it. (i don't suppose i get to tell you that my thong is something you have to deal with do i?)


i just now realized the root of our disagreement. you want everyone to adhere to your ideals and i want everyone to expend their energy on the important things in life, not on how much of my butt cheek is visible.


i know that many people get extremely upset when someone posts something in direct opposition to their thoughts, but i assure you that i am not upset in the least, because i have heard it all before, and i have become immune to it. i am simply stating logical rebuttals in order to make readers think. i understand that i will most likely never change the mind of the person with whom i am debating, i am posting solely for the other readers. the more you think about things from multiple viewpoints and the more logical, reasonable statements you hear, the better, more informative decisions you can deduce. i want everyone to take from this discussion that just because someone is different, acts different, looks different, talks different, dresses different, that it does not make it ok for you to talk bad about them or complain about the difference. not everyone is like you, in fact, no one is like you. in other words, you could be the one that is different. and you wouldn't want those "normal" people to talk bad about you or complain about your differences. i am not saying that 'anything goes'. in other words, i am not saying that if someone is going around shooting people, that you shouldn't report them or try to stop them. if what the person is doing is illegal or against some set of rules, then you should inform them or report them or whatever the case may be. if what they are doing is legal or within the rules you should leave them alone. if you want to calmly discuss the issue with them, feel free to try that. that will be immensely more productive than just complaining or talking bad about it. not to mention it might keep you from getting in a fight. and the other thing i want readers to get from this is this: let's all focus our energy on the importance aspects of life. does it really matter in the big picture of life if this person has more skin showing than that person?



cher amie, since this all started because you asked me a question, i have a question for you. could you explain to me why you clicked on this thread and then posted? it is obvious you didn't intend to answer the question, so i was just wondering. it kind of seems like you were looking to start something.

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Well, here is what I have to say about this;;


First off, it's not just the cheeks that bother me....why even bother to put anything on? Whether you like it or not, it IS nudity. I could give 2 craps what they do in Europe, I don't live there. I feel it[wearing such attire] is part of the moral decay in this country.


People who wear thongs are exhibitionist and nothing more. They, in my opinion, lack self respect, and need for people to look at them to get attention because it makes them feel important. I think it's comical that the front is covered, but the back is left for all to see. Nothing is left to the imagination.


Let's not forget what the butt is for. 1.....expelling spent food, and 2, to cushion when you sit. Now I have never thought the butt was "sexy", but maybe that's just me.



It's disrespectful to wear them in mixed company, in my opinion. If you are at South Beach, or a similar beach where it is done, and people expect it there, then I can see that. But to wear it on a ship, where there will be a number of people, including children, who find it offensive, is completely self centered. Of course exhibitionist are self centered though.


I do consider myself a progressive thinker, but public nudity is not acceptable to me, and that's just what it is. The only reason it is not legally considered true public nudity, from what I can see is that the butt is not considered a "sexual organ".


Bottom line, those who like to wear them, think there is nothing wrong with it. The rest of us find it tacky, disrespectful, and just plain offensive.

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Here are my two cents. I think that you have to call the cruiseline and find out the legal/rules of your particular cruiseline.

Now as far as all the posts, Everyone has a different view on everything. I don't think he cares what the moral majority feel.

Do what you feel comfortable doing within the rules and I will also.

HAVE a wonderful and cheeky cruise!!!!:D

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I think everyone is a little too worried about this. If you want to wear a thong bathing suit, go ahead, there are no rules against it. Some ships have topless decks, you may find it a little more comfortable up there, instead of all the mixed company.


I would not be comfortable exposing that much of my body, regardless of what shape or size. However, someone else in a thong would not bother me, I don't make choices for other people.


For the OP, I don't understand why you are so upset about this. You asked this question on a public forum, you will get many differing answers, many of them won't be the answers you were looking for. However, there are far more people brave enough to give their opinion in the safety of annonymity, you will not get this attitude onboard a ship. I shouldn't write that, there are rude people everywhere.

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I have to add my two cents worth also. I say if you want to wear a thong or if you want to wear a one piece or a bikini that is up to you.If the others do not like it ohh well do not look. If they want to talk behind your back have a ball.You are on vacation enjoy yourself. I do not see anything wrong with them. Have a great Vacation

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