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Anyone here currently on MediFast?


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Hey Malibubaby

I'm a health coach w/Take Shape For Life so i can answer all that. TSFL is the health coach division of Medifast. When you need the extra guidance that's when you want the free coach that TSFL gives you. We used the Medifast meal replacements so there's no difference in cost. And yes there are people who do it on their own and do well. It's all up to the individual.


I've been on the program for just over a year and have lost 122 lbs. I still have about 43 more to go. The thing to know is that MF/TSFL is NOT a DIEt! It's a HEALth program - using the MMRs (Medifast Meal Replacements) helps those of us who are so morbidly obese we are desperate for a change. Thankfully I am NOT morbidly obese anymore - I started at 313 lbs.


And for dealing with the real world with TSFL you eat 6 times a day (not sure if you've looked in to the program to know all the details) so you're not hungry. Also your body enters a fat burning state where it uses its own fat for energy and that helps control the hunger too.


As far as the "cheating" and cookouts etc - before you go into the program you need to decide what you really want. If you are a regular drinker, you will not go into fat burning which is what causes the rapid weight loss and increased energy. If you have ONE drink once a month, you will probably be okay. I would say give yourself a few weeks before you have any kind of event that is all about food so that you will be stronger and not as likely to be tempted.


Deliamc, you sound like a wonderful health coach. Keep on paying it forward and helping America get healthy.


I am now down 117 in 28 weeks. I attached a photo from a few weeks back just to share. I love this habit changing plan!!! :D


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Hey everybody, if you are looking to buy some MF at half price I have a ton of it. These are shipments I got in the last three months. You can email me at seago2onCC at yahoo.

Edited by Seago2
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Oh gosh NICK! That is AWESOME :-) May I share your picture on Facebook?


Deliamc, you sound like a wonderful health coach. Keep on paying it forward and helping America get healthy.


I am now down 117 in 28 weeks. I attached a photo from a few weeks back just to share. I love this habit changing plan!!! :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

I Just heard about medifast today, so I called them to go to a 15 min seminar. I did Nutrisystem and I didnt like it, nor did I get the results. I had the Lap band surgery 2 years ago, Ive been on Atkins for a year, I lost 120 lbs since 2010 but I hit a total Stall last fall. I work out almost every day, and the weight isnt coming off. I do have a lot of loose skin, but I still have fat to lose as well. Its frusterating. I do take Paxil for panic attacks and Birth Control. Im almost tempted to stop taking them since I noticed my stall started when I started taking medication last fall. Anyway, Even though I love eating out, I want to lose 40 lbs before my sept 2012 cruise to Bermuda. So Im going to start Medifast if It can fit in my budget. I tried HCG, thats where I got my first Panic attack, I tried WW, atkins (did good) have a lap band, I tried everything but MF. So here goes. Any tips will be appreciated.

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I Just heard about medifast today, so I called them to go to a 15 min seminar. I did Nutrisystem and I didnt like it, nor did I get the results. I had the Lap band surgery 2 years ago, Ive been on Atkins for a year, I lost 120 lbs since 2010 but I hit a total Stall last fall. I work out almost every day, and the weight isnt coming off. I do have a lot of loose skin, but I still have fat to lose as well. Its frusterating. I do take Paxil for panic attacks and Birth Control. Im almost tempted to stop taking them since I noticed my stall started when I started taking medication last fall. Anyway, Even though I love eating out, I want to lose 40 lbs before my sept 2012 cruise to Bermuda. So Im going to start Medifast if It can fit in my budget. I tried HCG, thats where I got my first Panic attack, I tried WW, atkins (did good) have a lap band, I tried everything but MF. So here goes. Any tips will be appreciated.


Welcome to MF.


I guess the biggest tip I can give is be ready for the change and embrace all of the things the program has to share. I love the educational pieces that come along with it. Read Dr. A's book and really practice the habits of health. Have you ordered your first month yet?


DW and I have felt like it has been effortless, but I understand there has to be a certain amount of self control. Write out your health goals and realize those goals are the things that you are working towards. Back in February of 2011 I lost my mom because of complications with weight. Once I found this program I have used that single "why" to keep me focused so much so that I love my new saying "nothing tastes as good as skinny feels". Since that time I have lost 131 pounds :D


Do you have a health coach? If not I would say getting one would be excellent because they can help you keep on track (for free). I know Deliamc is a health coach and sounds like a great one.


Very best of luck in your journey and we are all here for you.

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Thank you so much Nick! Here's the thing - if you are not ready to commit to health and make some changes, NOTHING is going to work for you. Take Shape For Life (Medifast with a free Health Coach) is a lifestyle change - we don't stay on it FOREVER - we get our initial weight off and then go thru 6 wks of transition then into maintenance.


Actually TSFL is cost neutral so you don't have to worry about your budget so much - you already buy food in the grocery store or as you say eating out so you instead buy the food from the company. PLUS the foods have all the daily required vitamins/minerals in them. You will have more energy than you've had in years! (and YES you can eat out while on the program - we do it a lot!!)


I have several clients who have had unsuccessful lap bands however they are getting the pounds and inches off safely and effectively with TSFL. I personally never had gastric surgery - although I considered it for about 10 minutes. I started at an all time high weight of 313 lbs and my being confined to a wheelchair didn't help either. I'm now down 122 lbs in 13 months and feel FANTASTIC!! If I could walk, I would run :-)


If you need any other questions answered I'll be glad to help answer them.


Good luck on your path to Optimal Health!

Delia Fuller McLaughlin


Welcome to MF.


I guess the biggest tip I can give is be ready for the change and embrace all of the things the program has to share. I love the educational pieces that come along with it. Read Dr. A's book and really practice the habits of health. Have you ordered your first month yet?


DW and I have felt like it has been effortless, but I understand there has to be a certain amount of self control. Write out your health goals and realize those goals are the things that you are working towards. Back in February of 2011 I lost my mom because of complications with weight. Once I found this program I have used that single "why" to keep me focused so much so that I love my new saying "nothing tastes as good as skinny feels". Since that time I have lost 131 pounds :D


Do you have a health coach? If not I would say getting one would be excellent because they can help you keep on track (for free). I know Deliamc is a health coach and sounds like a great one.


Very best of luck in your journey and we are all here for you.

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Thank you so much Nick! Here's the thing - if you are not ready to commit to health and make some changes, NOTHING is going to work for you. Take Shape For Life (Medifast with a free Health Coach) is a lifestyle change - we don't stay on it FOREVER - we get our initial weight off and then go thru 6 wks of transition then into maintenance.


Actually TSFL is cost neutral so you don't have to worry about your budget so much - you already buy food in the grocery store or as you say eating out so you instead buy the food from the company. PLUS the foods have all the daily required vitamins/minerals in them. You will have more energy than you've had in years! (and YES you can eat out while on the program - we do it a lot!!)


I have several clients who have had unsuccessful lap bands however they are getting the pounds and inches off safely and effectively with TSFL. I personally never had gastric surgery - although I considered it for about 10 minutes. I started at an all time high weight of 313 lbs and my being confined to a wheelchair didn't help either. I'm now down 122 lbs in 13 months and feel FANTASTIC!! If I could walk, I would run :-)


If you need any other questions answered I'll be glad to help answer them.


Good luck on your path to Optimal Health!

Delia Fuller McLaughlin


Yeah. Lifestyle change is the key. After reading my first response that is what I want to change my biggest tip to. Which is also why I suggested the Take Shape for Life part.

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Hi everyone! Just want to add another vote for MF. I am not on it (as I said down thread somewhere) but I had great success on it. If you truly want to lose weight it will really work for you. I tried like hell to make it "click" for me again and I just couldn't manage to pull together a string of days- but that is me, right now. Not the program. So I had a couple of autoships that had arrived when we were cruising and I sold them on Craigslist to a very nice (heavy) woman. Well we ended up talking for about an hour then- she had ordered a two week package and was about ten days in. She had a lot of questions but was BEAMING with happiness at the weight she had lost, how she felt, and most of all, newfound confidence in HERSELF. It was truly a delight and she brought me back to my former very successful MF days.


She has called me a few times since then and I have given her pep talks and told her how to make the chili taste less like rocks ;).


So even though I am not on it (tried WW again until I realized I was eating nothing but carbs and had never been hungrier) I don't want any of you to think I had put down the MF life in a prior post.


I bought the book "Why We Get Fat" by Gary Taubes- great book, even if you are on MF- in fact, especially if you are on MF! So I have slipped back into Atkins very easily and I am off to a very good start after ten days.


Good luck, everyone!

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has been 10 weeks now and I have lost 48 1/2 # and wife has lost 37, so color us believers. Still quite a way to go, but at this point I'm aiming to have 100 # off by our Dec cruise.


Quite a motivator to go in and buy slacks that are 6" smaller. *S*

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I'm guessing you didn't have a coach to give you tips on meal prep hahaha - you have to hydrate some of the soups/chili/stew so it won't be crunchy. I always send my clients a two page tip sheet :D


Good luck on your diet!


Hi everyone! Just want to add another vote for MF. I am not on it (as I said down thread somewhere) but I had great success on it. If you truly want to lose weight it will really work for you. I tried like hell to make it "click" for me again and I just couldn't manage to pull together a string of days- but that is me, right now. Not the program. So I had a couple of autoships that had arrived when we were cruising and I sold them on Craigslist to a very nice (heavy) woman. Well we ended up talking for about an hour then- she had ordered a two week package and was about ten days in. She had a lot of questions but was BEAMING with happiness at the weight she had lost, how she felt, and most of all, newfound confidence in HERSELF. It was truly a delight and she brought me back to my former very successful MF days.


She has called me a few times since then and I have given her pep talks and told her how to make the chili taste less like rocks ;).


So even though I am not on it (tried WW again until I realized I was eating nothing but carbs and had never been hungrier) I don't want any of you to think I had put down the MF life in a prior post.


I bought the book "Why We Get Fat" by Gary Taubes- great book, even if you are on MF- in fact, especially if you are on MF! So I have slipped back into Atkins very easily and I am off to a very good start after ten days.


Good luck, everyone!

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It is absolutely one of the best motivators there is to buy those much smaller sizes and being taken off different meds for your ailments after decades!! Best thing I've ever done for myself :-)


Delia Fuller McLaughlin


has been 10 weeks now and I have lost 48 1/2 # and wife has lost 37, so color us believers. Still quite a way to go, but at this point I'm aiming to have 100 # off by our Dec cruise.


Quite a motivator to go in and buy slacks that are 6" smaller. *S*

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Hi there! I just started MF. I'm on day 2 and hungry, but that's to be expected. I did ww and lost a ton of weight and through nobody's fault but my own, I gained it back. I like WW and it definitely works. You can't stop tracking and eat milk duds and think you'll be skinny.


I wish I would have read a little more because I did place my order sort of impulsively. I thought you had to order from each section and now I wish I ordered more bars and shakes vs. eggs and pancakes. So next month I'll know better.


Can you tell me more about TSFL? It's medifast also?


I have 9 months until my cruise and 4 months until my trip to WDW. I'd like to be down a decent amount by then.

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Look at your Quick Start Guide that came with your food - there is a page in there that lists your optional snacks (If I could I would give you the website but CC won't allow it). I'm a coach w/TSFL - Medifast with a free health coach.


If you have food you don't like if the boxes are unopened you can return them for exchange or credit. Check your invoice for the info and have your Client ID # handy when you call - they'll ask for it.


Figure out your fueling times. Say you get up at 5 AM so you should eat within 30 min to an hour. Figure 6, 9, 12,3,6,9 9Adjust these times to your schedule. Figure out when you have your L&G and that can be anytime of the day you want it. Now you need 4 boxes of food for the other 5 fuelings. Figure 4 breakfast things, 8 Snacks (4 for morning, 4 for afternoon) and 4 for lunch and 4 for evening. That will help you judge what you need and what you might want to send back.


You have made a great lifechanging decision! You can do this :-)


Delia Fuller McLaughlin



Hi there! I just started MF. I'm on day 2 and hungry, but that's to be expected. I did ww and lost a ton of weight and through nobody's fault but my own, I gained it back. I like WW and it definitely works. You can't stop tracking and eat milk duds and think you'll be skinny.


I wish I would have read a little more because I did place my order sort of impulsively. I thought you had to order from each section and now I wish I ordered more bars and shakes vs. eggs and pancakes. So next month I'll know better.


Can you tell me more about TSFL? It's medifast also?


I have 9 months until my cruise and 4 months until my trip to WDW. I'd like to be down a decent amount by then.

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I forgot to tell you that the foods are all interchangable as theyhave the same nutritional value - you could eat chili for breakfast and oatmeal for supper if you want.


Look at your Quick Start Guide that came with your food - there is a page in there that lists your optional snacks (If I could I would give you the website but CC won't allow it). I'm a coach w/TSFL - Medifast with a free health coach.


If you have food you don't like if the boxes are unopened you can return them for exchange or credit. Check your invoice for the info and have your Client ID # handy when you call - they'll ask for it.


Figure out your fueling times. Say you get up at 5 AM so you should eat within 30 min to an hour. Figure 6, 9, 12,3,6,9 9Adjust these times to your schedule. Figure out when you have your L&G and that can be anytime of the day you want it. Now you need 4 boxes of food for the other 5 fuelings. Figure 4 breakfast things, 8 Snacks (4 for morning, 4 for afternoon) and 4 for lunch and 4 for evening. That will help you judge what you need and what you might want to send back.


You have made a great lifechanging decision! You can do this :-)


Delia Fuller McLaughlin

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I lost 60 pounds on Atkins and over about 2 years, gained half of it back. I just couldn't seem to get back into it again. I started MF 3 weeks ago. It is going really well, and most of the food isn't bad at all, for diet food. The problem is that I lost 8 pounds within the first few days and then nothing. I have stuck with the diet pretty faithfully, but may go a little over on the lean and green. For example, I can't get used to salad without dressing, so I do have dressing but try to find lower carb varieties. Please tell me that that I WILL eventually lose more weight. I still need to lose another 50 - 60 pounds, but I'm getting discouraged.

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Thank you Delia! I can't believe I ate veggies this week that weren't carrots and corn. Hunger will do that to ya! But it's going pretty well.


I sat and really went through the program so I know a little better what I'm doing, what I'm supposed to eat (calorie/carb-wise). I'm motivated. I know I shouldn't but I got on the scale this morning (I've always been an every-day weigher when I'm trying to lose - but I don't let to rule how I think - it's just part of my day). I was down 4 pounds. yay.

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Read your Quick Start Guide cover to cover and keep it with you so you will have the L&G info and amounts with you until you get used to it. It eventually becomes 2nd nature.


The difference in this & Atkins.....Atkins is a DIEt and TSFL/MF is a healthy nutrition program. You learn the Habits of Health...try to participate in the weekly support calls - the numbers are in the back of the QSG.


You are allowed to have dressing. Use reduced fat dressings as they are better than fat free nutrition wise. Ask for dressing on the side then dip your fork in it then into the salad.


I know that having a coach helps you in that you can turn to him/her when you have questions & problems. Take Shape For Life is the health coach division of Medifast so we are all in the same company and we all do the program the same way. TSFL gives you a free extra means of support w/ a coach.


I've been on the program for 13 1/2 months now - I've lost 122 lbs and I just knew it was meant for me to help others. I think it was a given that I would start coaching and it is immensely rewarding to know that I've made a difference in someone's life. I'll be glad to help any of you and that's why I'm here :-) I still have about 40 or 45 lbs to reach my healthy BMI weight so I'm still on this journey with you.


Have a great onplan day~

Delia Fuller McLaughlin

Legalease0213 on AIM


I lost 60 pounds on Atkins and over about 2 years, gained half of it back. I just couldn't seem to get back into it again. I started MF 3 weeks ago. It is going really well, and most of the food isn't bad at all, for diet food. The problem is that I lost 8 pounds within the first few days and then nothing. I have stuck with the diet pretty faithfully, but may go a little over on the lean and green. For example, I can't get used to salad without dressing, so I do have dressing but try to find lower carb varieties. Please tell me that that I WILL eventually lose more weight. I still need to lose another 50 - 60 pounds, but I'm getting discouraged.
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Veggies aren't bad are they :-) I even eat salad now without dressing sometimes because my tastes have changed so much I just love the flavors of raw veggies!


Having a coach helps you in that we always contact you once a week for your weigh in.....helps us all stay accountable. I use a ticker on my emails so I can always see just how far I've come and how only a little further til I reach goal. You can get them on the Medifast support board. Weighing is not a bad thing but when you let every little ounce throw you into a depression it's not healthy. As long as you aren't living your life by what the scales say you're doing good :-) Keep it up!!


Delia Fuller McLaughlin

Legalease0213 on AIM


Thank you Delia! I can't believe I ate veggies this week that weren't carrots and corn. Hunger will do that to ya! But it's going pretty well.


I sat and really went through the program so I know a little better what I'm doing, what I'm supposed to eat (calorie/carb-wise). I'm motivated. I know I shouldn't but I got on the scale this morning (I've always been an every-day weigher when I'm trying to lose - but I don't let to rule how I think - it's just part of my day). I was down 4 pounds. yay.

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okay after my first debacle with pancakes, I made them again today (no sticking, thanks PAM). Had them with 1 tbsp Cary's sugar free syrup and a little cinnamon. I felt like I was eating regular pancakes. Very pleased.


It feels good to be detoxing from all the sugar I was eating - my problem has never been meals - it's sweets. The candy aisle in Walgreens is like porn to me. LOL.

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I could never get the pancakes to turn out right so I make them into muffins - spray a large coffee mug with PAM, put the mix (already mixed with water) into the mug and pop into the microwave for about 1 min, 15 secs. It's GREAT! The chocolate chip pancakes are DA BOMB!!


okay after my first debacle with pancakes, I made them again today (no sticking, thanks PAM). Had them with 1 tbsp Cary's sugar free syrup and a little cinnamon. I felt like I was eating regular pancakes. Very pleased.


It feels good to be detoxing from all the sugar I was eating - my problem has never been meals - it's sweets. The candy aisle in Walgreens is like porn to me. LOL.

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Oh I forgot to respond to the "sweets" - for me Hot Cocoa is a GREAT Chocolate craving cure :-) Also the Chocolate Crunch bars are excellent! I can go down the Walmart candy aisle (or any store for that matter) now and it doesn't bother me at all! You'll get there - be persistent and stay commited to your weight loss goals!!


okay after my first debacle with pancakes, I made them again today (no sticking, thanks PAM). Had them with 1 tbsp Cary's sugar free syrup and a little cinnamon. I felt like I was eating regular pancakes. Very pleased.


It feels good to be detoxing from all the sugar I was eating - my problem has never been meals - it's sweets. The candy aisle in Walgreens is like porn to me. LOL.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I follow a pretty strict hmr 70 routine perfected over many years. Basically, three to five servings of lactose free supplement and fruit and vegetables for electrolyte control. When away from the blender, a Pure Protein bar as a substitute.


Of course, I take a multi-vitamin and extra vitamin d.


Snacking is on dry Kashi Cinnamon Harvest cereal


Tracking is done on a product called lose it. http://Www.loseit.com on a IPad and pc.


The method works very well. It's easy to see when my system is initially clear of sodium.


I shoot for a relatively safe calorie intake of 1200-1300. That allows a ten pound a month drop....


Good luck with what ever method you are trying



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  • 1 month later...

I hope everyone is having a great summer and on track with you weight loss. Don't let vacations and cruises railroad your progress! If you take a week off from weight loss for your cruise - get right back on plan the day you get home!


Looking forward to my 30th anniversary cruise in Feb 2013 :)


Delia "Dee" Fuller McLaughlin

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Hi Dee! I'm still going strong - 26 pounds in 7 weeks!! Almost halfway there - 34 more to go! I found a few things I really like so I'm sticking with them. Getting a bit creative with my L&G's but still OP - very happy. Feel better than I have in a while.


Oh and I LOVE the pancakes now that I know how to make 'em.


Going to work in my exercise DVD's starting this week. A little nervous because I don't want to thwart the losses, but it's good for me. Haven't exercised since I started.


When are you sailing? We're sailing February also.

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