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Anyone here currently on MediFast?


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I am waiting for my food to arrive and have found myself eating everything I can be for I start MF. My goal is to loose 60 pounds by November. I have never tried the MF but I do know two people who have met there goal weight. It gives me hope. I have a fantastic incentive to loose. I will be given 1,000 dollars for my cruise if I can loose the weight. I will be coming back to this board for encouragement. I don't have the personal coach yet... I will look into how to get that set up. Congratulations to all who have posted with there success and helpful web sites. I feel positive that MF will work for me as long as i stay true to the program.


Thank you for the support!

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What do you mean you're finding yourself eating whatever you can before you get the Medifast? Are you talking about pigging out on bad-for-you food before you start the program? This is the main reason most people DON'T succeed with Medifast -- or any other weight-loss program out there. Medifast is just a TOOL to lose weight. KEEPING it off is the hard part and changing your lifestyle is a MUST post-MF once you hit goal.


I feel bad for you because it doesn't sound like you're going to do very well at this. I hope that's not true, but I'm just bein' real here. I hit my goal last October and have pretty much kept my 50 pounds off -- even having gone on a couple of cruises since then. YOU MUST change your lifestyle after you hit your goal, PERIOD!!!


While I was waiting for my first box of Medifast meals, I started eating Lean and Greens for that week while it shipped, and I jump-started my weight loss by 10 pounds. You're not doing yourself any favors if you're pigging out "one last time" before the box comes.


Contact me at hpmedifast at gmail dot com if you have any questions or problems during your journey and I'll be glad to help you out. I've been there and know all the tweaks to make the weight-loss phase tolerable, but once again, you better get your head in order or you're just wasting your money on this.


Cheers... Hap

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I do agree... I must say that I have not started off well. I am sure that I will need help along the way.. I sent a message to a health coach today .. and cleaned out my dressers and closets keeping only the things that I plan to wear with my goal weight hanging up. I plan to loose 10 pounds in the first two weeks. with my start weight it should not be a problem. I will check in after my first two weeks. Thank you for the pull up and with that I am going on a two mile walk.. its about 80 degrees out side and sunny Just the whether I hope for when we cruise. Iknow I will feel so good when I start treating my body, mind and spirit well....


Congratulations on your long term of victory .. Be well

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  • 3 weeks later...

What's "long term"? I started in July 2012 at 230 pounds and hit my goal of 180 pounds at the end of October 2012 (12 weeks) for a 50-pound loss. I've been maintaining ever since now going into my eighth month of maintenance.


It's all about lifestyle changes. ANY weight-loss program is just a TOOL. The easy part is losing the weight; the challenge is in KEEPING it off for the duration -- which I COMPLETELY plan on doing. It's easy now, now that I know what to eat and what NOT to eat anymore.


So again, what's "long term" in your book?


Cheers... Hap

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What's "long term"? I started in July 2012 at 230 pounds and hit my goal of 180 pounds at the end of October 2012 (12 weeks) for a 50-pound loss. I've been maintaining ever since now going into my eighth month of maintenance.


So again, what's "long term" in your book?


Cheers... Hap


Long term in my mind is at least three years, but preferably long term would mean a permanent weight loss--weight loss that lasts the rest of one's life.


Hap, congratulations on your fifty pound loss. Keep up the good work. Mama of Ami, best wishes to you in your efforts.

Edited by Gangway Style
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I actually started this program on Monday. This is day 6 and am down 5.2 pounds. I have tried just about everything and thought this one sounded promising. I got off a cruise Sunday on which I gained 5 pounds on top of what I already wanted to lose.

I like that you really only need to plan one meal a day. I don't want to spend all my time in the kitchen preparing food.

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Thanks, Hap. I know it's hard to keep it off long term unless you change your eating habits. I'm doing this alone so I imagine they will tell me what to eat when I'm finished.



By alone do you mean without a health coach? If so, :eek: I have been doing this for 5 weeks and I am down 15 pounds(half the amount that I want to lose!) I have made goal with WW before but it took a YEAR to lose 20 pounds, so "normally" I am not a fast loser.:o I am so thrilled that the (obsessive) cravings have disappeared. I was down on myself today after looking at a photo. I told my husband, IF I had cravings that would have been it. I would have chucked my plan but I have had no cravings. If nothing else, that is keeping me going! FREEDOM finally! They do have 6 week maintance, once you get to goal. If you have a health coach (totally free resource!) ask them to point you to the explaining. Happy losing!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi hapster- remember me? I started Medifast last February and you really helped me. I am down 34 pounds with 25 left to go. Everything is going great! Thanks for all of your help



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You go, girl... that's FANTASTIC news... so sounds like only a few months to go to hit your goal... GREAT!!! Hit me up again when Transition/Maintenance comes around and I've got a lot of material for that.... just make sure you do Transition BY THE BOOK!!! You might even want to spend a little more time on each phase of it (like I did), just to make sure you don't just jump into bad habits again....




P.S.... any cruises coming up?? We're going on a week down to Mexico on the Sapphire Princess in December... no worries....gonna eat lotsa protein and not a lot of crap like I used to LOL...

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So maybe you will have an answer, haven't figured this out yet. I (6 weeks on plan) decided to have a blizzard & a piece of pizza. These were the only things that "tempted" me. The blizzard, I could not get past 7 bites. Ugh, too sweet! (Crazy for me the queen of desserts!) the pizza was just right! I went right back on plan the next day with no issues. Here is what I can not figure out- most of my cravings have disappeared. I have NEVER experienced this. The only craving I have (daily!) is for the "approved" Fage greek yogurt. What is up with that? I am craving yogurt? Everyday?! Tonight I was fixing dinner & wanted to stop to run to Walmart to get some, so funny & odd!!! I guess I can handle that, I just wish I knew why! ;)

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Hapster- next cruise is a Rome to Rio transatlantic in November. That is what started this whole losing weight thing in the first place. So much more fun to look and feel good on a cruise. I am really trying to be at my goal weight and through transition by November 1 and I think that is a reasonable goal. Then I will be very careful on the cruise, but I fully intend to have a few drinks and an occasional dessert! I am a little worried that I could do a lot of damage in 30 days of cruising but I really feel like my tastes have changed so I am not near as worried as I was. I will certainly let you know when transition begins. I can use all of the help I can get.



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So maybe you will have an answer, haven't figured this out yet. I (6 weeks on plan) decided to have a blizzard & a piece of pizza. These were the only things that "tempted" me. The blizzard, I could not get past 7 bites. Ugh, too sweet! (Crazy for me the queen of desserts!) the pizza was just right! I went right back on plan the next day with no issues. Here is what I can not figure out- most of my cravings have disappeared. I have NEVER experienced this. The only craving I have (daily!) is for the "approved" Fage greek yogurt. What is up with that? I am craving yogurt? Everyday?! Tonight I was fixing dinner & wanted to stop to run to Walmart to get some, so funny & odd!!! I guess I can handle that, I just wish I knew why! ;)


Hi Britney, I am on week three and loving this program. Can you tell me where you are finding that we are allowed greek yogurt? I have looked through my literature and just don't see it.

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I'm pretty tuned into the Medifast program and have "coached" a few people as well (not for $$ ;-).... I'm pretty sure that yogurt in ANY form is NOT approved during the weight-loss phase. Now, once you get into the Transition phase -- and WELL into the Transition phase -- then you can have dairy. But during the weight-loss phase, the ONLY foods allowed are the Medifast meals themselves and one "Lean and Green" meal you make daily for yourself, and that meal is simply protein and an approved vegetable.


Anyone who would like to email me, I'd be glad to pass along some information you might not already have -- i.e., the Medifast Quick Start Guide, which explains the program and the Lean and Green meal in DETAIL, and also the Transition and Maintenance Guide to be used once you've hit or are about to hit your weight-loss goal.


My email: hpmedifast at gmail dot com


Cheers... Hap

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Yeah, strange about the lack of cravings, isn't it? This is one of the benefits of the ketogenic type of diet. I used to LOVE bread and potatoes. I mean, I would hit that burger bar on a cruise ship during the afternoon on the pool deck and absolutely PLOW plates of french fries dipped in ketchup and mayo.... not to mention that daily bread basket on the dining room table; right?


Nope... haven't had a potato or a piece of bread since last July and I'm not even missing any of it. I'm perfectly fine with that as long as it lasts. Will it last? Who knows, but I'm enjoying eating "clean" carbs now every day and just simply healthy foods. Do I overdo it some days with a little extra red wine? Sure... but I weigh myself every day and make sure it doesn't get away from me.


After all, I gave away all my 38-waisted pants for 34s, and I'm NEVER buying bigger pants again -- EVER...... ;-)



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Hap, I have read this whole thread a couple times and I have to say you are very inspiring.

This plan is so easy for me. I can even buy chocolate chip cookies and chips for my husband(who is a stick) and grand kids and not even want them. I do have trouble eating enough of the lean and green. It is so much food at one time. I am on the search for L&G meals as for me this is the key. I don't eat red meat and am getting tired of chicken. If you have some great recipes, I would love to have some. I have checked out some of the websites you mentioned previously and have found some good info.

I do have a coach but have an idea that I may be her first. I have gotten more info from you on this thread and I really do appreciate it.

I am finishing up week three and have lost 7.4 pounds so far but have been the same weight for the last four days. I'm sure it will jump down soon.

I just wanted to thank you for all the good info you have put up here and being such an inspiration.

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No problem Nana....glad to help... I've gotten kinda evangelistic about Medifast in the past few months and love to "spread the good word" as it were LOL...


Here are a couple of go-to's for us (I say "us" to mean my wife and me... she's lost about 20 pounds by osmosis as I'm the cook in the house.. so she eats Lean and Greens or she's on her own LOL).


Cauliflower, cauliflower, cauliflower...... love me some cauliflower..... very versatile and economical on calories.....


Since we don't eat potatoes anymore, I make my mashed cauliflower and I can tell you it's pretty much like the real deal and much lighter and easier on your system....


Steam 2 good sized heads broken apart of cauli till it's al dente. Let it cool a bit, and then drop the pieces into your food processor. Get some Laughing Cow low-fat cheese wedges (any flavor will do). For each food processor "load" put in one wedge, along with a couple tablespoons of parmesan cheese, some either Hidden Valley Ranch low-fat ranch dressing OR low-fat sour cream (about a tablespoon or so), some garlic powder and S/P. We're on maintenance, so if you're in weight-loss phase of Medifast, go LIGHT on the extra condiments and COUNT out your 1/2 cup servings of this when it's done. But since we're in Maintenance, I ALSO steam a cut-up onion with the cauliflower and process that, too.


So you process all of this mixture till it's the consisntency of mashed potatoes. Excellent... serve it with, say, a stuffed green pepper (stuffed with ground turkey or beef; again, count it all out if you're on Medifast), and you have a good old-fashioned comfort Lean and Green meal. We usually make TWO processor container's full and have a bit leftover for the next day.


If you're near a Costco, buy the ready-made rotisserie chickens and split them in half lengthwise....freeze the halves and that's a Lean for two for dinner on a night. Costco canned chicken drained is ONE Lean serving. Serve that on a bed of greens with some low-fat ranch on top: instant Lean and Green.


Along the cauliflower line again, take your cauliflower pieces and put them in a saucepan, cover with enough low-sodium chicken broth to just cover the top of the cauliflower. Boil till soft. Cool. Then take that cauliflower/broth mixture and blend it in your blender. That makes a FANTASTIC chowder base with NO cream, but you wouldn't know it by tasting it. Separately saute some onions, carrots, peppers, celery -- whatever -- add some seafood, or chicken, corn... whatever.... then put that cooked mixture together with your "chowder base" and you have some GREAT chowder (LOW FAT/CALORIES).


There's a couple ideas to get you started. Be creative... just make sure you WEIGH/TRACK everything if you're in the Medifast weight-loss phase. But these are our regular gotos now in Maintenance.



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Started Medifast on Jan 21st at 281 pounds. lost 18 pounds in 3 weeks. Put 9 pounds back on the week if our last cruise. But I keep losing weight. Yesterday I weighed in at 234 pounds. Slow is smooth, smooth is fast. 8 plus years since I was at this weight. My goal is to get below 200 by next February before our next cruise. No matter what I am happy to lose a little at a time. I travel for work and it makes it so easy for me being on the road every week.

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