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*OFFICIAL CC GROUP CRUISE*"Spirit of the 'Magic'al Dream" CARNIVAL MAGIC, FEB 26,2012


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Marie, my apologies for my poor English last night. Picking and gathering are not interchangeable. Now I know. :)


I may go to the farmer's market this morning and spend the 18 dollars for a dozen eggs. I'm slightly grossed out by the mass market chicken jails they've been showing on the news.


Rich, how did the game go last night? We watched Da Bears and played cards. Please envy me Rich, as our rent will be going down by almost 150 dollars, our bills will go down with new energy efficient appliances, and I'll live closer to my favorite Chinese restaurant. Life is good :) It's just one more weekend of misery and we'll be done. Oh, also our new complex has a bowling club!!!


We're going bowling today as a reward for all of our hard work yesterday. Super goal is scoring a 170. I'd be happy with a 130.


Where is everybody? Cathy sleeping in today?

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My eggs cost me about that much LOL

ever sense they started doing the Fuel out of Corn, (stupid idea if you ask me)

the price of all my livestock food went sky high.

but for me there is just something yummy about raising your own,

and knowing they live the good life til it's done...

if you know what I mean.

Nov. It will be done for the two Bovine living the easy life,

eating all that Grain they love so much...

They should have read Hansel and Gretal ;)

Am I the Mean Old Witch in woods :eek:

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Wow Marie, you go all out! I admire you. Someday we'll have the funds to do the same.


Rich, ok, 18 dollars for a dozen eggs was an exaggeration. They wanted 5 dollars a dozen. Andy said no. So instead we bought 4 green peppers and 2 ears of corn for 2 dollars. Making stuffed peppers for dinner either tonight or tomorrow. I guess we'll just refrain from eating eggs for a bit.


Time for crossword puzzles and grocery shopping list.

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Good Morning All!

Sorry I haven't been around, I will try harder this week.

MIMI what did I miss about egss? And where are you moving to? Inquiring minds want to know. And something else. I know what all the rest of the peeps over here look like, but not you...I think you need to post us a pic of yours and Andy's mugs. ;)

LORI I know you are a cruiser in hick's disguise :) Saw pics of the new pooch. He is beautiful!

Hello my special CATHY P ! Sorry about the tender tootsies. Have a Coors and think about cruising! Any more bites on the condo?

JANET how are you feeling? Last I heard you were under the weather. How was the first week of school for your sweet grand daughter?

BETTY hiya girl! Went to the Blethering place for tea this week and thought about you xo

BOBBIE Hello to my NASCAR connection..lol

Speaking of NASCAR, am I the only fan over here? They call me the red neck diva , gotta have my NASCAR fix, but also need that mint on my pillow :p

MARIE I thought eggs came from the supermarket, what's all this about catching them ? Hope you are recuperating from your procedure.

SHERYL I need some dinner ideas, I have been BBq'ng up a storm and want something different.

Now, where did Twyla and the other Cathy go? I hope we didn't scare them away. :(

We need to figure out a way to get JULIE and STEVE over here!

And then there's our hunka hunka fearless leader RICH... How ya doing Hon! We are thismuchcloser to booking this cruise. Maybe in two weeks. We are definitely coming along though. Don't worry, this Canadian will not be jumping ship.

I for one, think the birthday party should be incorporated in this cruise, since I will be celebrating mine on Feb 28th! It will be the 34th anniversary of my 21st birthday. SWEET! And we do know it's all about me..hee hee

I too, don't understand all the hype over John Heald. We saw him only once when we did our B2B on the Dream in February, Dave tried to say Hi to him, only to be brushed off by his "Holier than thou" attitude. Hmmmmm. :mad:

I have been thinking of things to do while we are in Jamaica, and RUM BAY keeps wandering through my brain cells. The beach looks real pretty. Maybe a beach break like we did on Roatan? Minus the jellyfish of course, I hear Lori takes an exception to them.

Dave and I are taking off for a week next Sunday. We will be staying in Seaside Oregon, and touring the North Coast of Oregon for a few days. I love LOVE LOVE the Oregon coast. We are taking the puppy with us too. Can hardly wait to see her run on the beach, considering she couldn't even walk in March. What a remarkable recovery.

Well my MAGICal Dreamers, that's it from this girl.

Just think...







that's it for now, from the Pacific Northwest. Take care and play nice.


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Mimi - $5 is still too much of a dozen of eggs. I'm with you, rather have the stuffed peppers.

Andrea - there you are!!! we've missed ya. So, your going to be in Marie's neck of the woods next week. I though Rum Bay way in Grand Caymen. You know they have a seven mile beach in Grand Caymen and as I understand all you have to do is take a taxi there and its free. I too will check on that. Glad your back. Have fun in Oregon.

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:(I am holding my heart on my sleeve today. Was suppose to go shopping with Kevin for his birthday. Well as usual he has not changed. First he wanted me to pick him up later as his grirlfriend spent the night, TMI for granny. Then he said how about another day. Well I finally had it with him and said nope. I will mail your card. I just saved me about $200 as most of you know how I use to spoil him. No more. Now I have spent my day being mad and can't stop the flow of tears.

No bites on the condo but we will have steak anyway. I bought him some ramen noodles and Kenny will drop them off with the rest of his junk from the house along with a card that says have lunch on us.

OK sorry for the ranting and raving. Maybe one day I won't cry when he hurts me but at least I am not giving in and he will get chit for his birthday. My Dad always says it is about time.

OK sorry again, enought....hi to all and I love you. Thanks for being my sibs and bros!!!:mad: :(

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Cathy - you don't need to go through that again. Take the money your were going to spend on him and go to dinner with Kenny. Have a nice dinner and toast your GS for his B-day. That will you don't have to feel guilty because you were thinking about him:D.

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Cathy, I sent you an email that says how disgusted I am at your grandson's behavior. It has some not so nice choice words that would probably get me banned from here...again.


Andrea, we are just moving down the road, 5 miles away to a better complex (better as in the rent is less expensive and they have a bowling club, which is just too cool for words). The whole thing about the eggs is that there is a massive recall due to salmonella poisoning throughout the country. I returned my eggs the other day. We went to the farmer's market today in hopes of salmonella-free eggs, which they had, but were 5 dollars/dozen.


I need to find a happy medium without breaking the bank for eggs.


Have fun on your vacation! Especially with the doggy, how cute.


I have no pics of us online or in the computer. I will try to get a pic on something and post on facebook soon. We honestly have no recent pictures of us together. That's pretty sad.


Ok, time for bowling, finally.

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Cathy sweety, catch my hug. And also box up this good swift kick to your grandson's rear end and give it to him from me :mad:

Rich has the best idea darlin'. Take the money, go out for dinner, and toast his sorry butt.

Rich I meant to say Grand Cayman oops. I am gonna look up good snorkel spots, as I am not happy unless I am in water.

Thanks for filling me in Mimi, the new place sounds much better for you.

As for the eggs YIKES!!!

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Andrea - I think that seven mile beach is one spot that they do recommend for snorkeling. I was thinking about buying the snorkel equipment at the excursion desk, grab a taxi and go to the beach.

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thanks for the link Rich. Wow I am so excited!! BUT I think it will be Rum Point Beach, it has everything. It sounds a lot like the beach excursion we did to Roatan, sans the jellyfish. I like the idea of hammocks and water toys, and a place to grab a snack...

I also like that it's a ways away. You get to see a little of the island at the same time.

I actually found a catamaran tour that takes you there...


We have our own snorkel gear.

Ohhhh I LOVE researching !!!!

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thanks for the link Rich. Wow I am so excited!! BUT I think it will be Rum Point Beach, it has everything. It sounds a lot like the beach excursion we did to Roatan, sans the jellyfish. I like the idea of hammocks and water toys, and a place to grab a snack...

I also like that it's a ways away. You get to see a little of the island at the same time.

I actually found a catamaran tour that takes you there...


We have our own snorkel gear.

Ohhhh I LOVE researching !!!!

Hi Guys, for my Liberty CC Group I was trying to get the group to do a Charter, for up to 60(?) Min of 25...

$1000 for the first 25, and $35 for each extra. 5 Hour excursion

Anyway, it does the Sting Ray City, then off to Rum Point Beach..

Just thought I would mention this option...



If the Charter went no where


I was thinking of one that does Rays, Reef and Rum Point Beach for my family, but it is about $20 pp



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Mornin' all, a quick pop in b4 work :( had a busy weekend, worked at the fair all day Saturday, beer tent in the eve ( that's a story for another time!) then house cleaning, laundry and grocery shopping yesterday b4 taking the grandkids to the fair after dinner out with them. Then they spent the nite as Don is watching them all day!! glad I am going to work, might get some rest there!

You all are making me feel a little guilty for not researching excursions yet, I still need to do that for my Vegas trip in Nov! have a great day~

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Good morning, SMDer's!

Thanks for all the support as usual. We stayed home and had the filets we were going to have with him. I did toast him.

Today I was so drained and worn out I had to call him. Belly was not feeling good so decided to stay home.

You all are so funny talking about what you want to do in 2012. I watched that movie yesterday 2012 where the world fell apart. It was surely uplifting if I do say so myself, especially the part about the cruise ship.:eek:

I do have good news, I won $6 in the Powerball.:D

Off to Looney land.

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Good morning, SMDer's!


Thanks for all the support as usual. We stayed home and had the filets we were going to have with him. I did toast him.


Today I was so drained and worn out I had to call him. Belly was not feeling good so decided to stay home.


You all are so funny talking about what you want to do in 2012. I watched that movie yesterday 2012 where the world fell apart. It was surely uplifting if I do say so myself, especially the part about the cruise ship.:eek:


I do have good news, I won $6 in the Powerball.:D


Off to Looney land.

Cathy, I haven't seen that movie,

Dawn, (My kiddo) told me if I did I was not allowed to watch the part with the Cruise ship :o

She loves me, and would not want me to worry LOL


I hope you are feeling better soon!

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Howdy all!

Good morning, SMDer's!


Had my cheese and chocolate fix at the Melting pot last night so I am set for a while. Got to bed at 11 so I am just pooped this morning.


I have to work until 3 and then I am making enchaladas for dinner.


Rich, sounds like you have a plan going and it looks good to me.:)


Chat later.

Can you say JEALOUS?! I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE THE MELTING POT! Misty(from the Dream cruise) and I met and ate there for the Eclipse premier. It was nice actually meeting someone from the group before we sailed.

I am super excited about GC after reading that link! There is so much to do, it sounds like I will have to go back to be able to enjoy it all!

I have had a busy week and weekend. The kids' first day back to school was today. It was crazy getting them ready. I had to shop, shop, shop! Now my oldest will come home with her supply list (she is in high school, and they don't hand out a list before school like they do for elem. and middle) and we will have to shop some more...I never thought I would say I was tired of shopping, but...

I am about to leave work, and I never even made it to the Matey board.:o:( I guess that will have to be my 1st stop tomorrow.

Have a great evening.

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Yup, they were nice. Oh well. Just waiting on Laura to set up our business page so we can get some of this stuff started. Cathy knows a couple of managers of hotel in Galveston and she is going to check with them about rates for everyone and that will help. I got the name of the guy Al worked with on the Veterans cruise to get everyone shuttled from the airports to the hotel in Galveston. Hopefully we can get the same rate as Al did ($100 per shuttle) and if we can get 7-10 per shuttle that will cut down on that cost. And just think, we are just getting started:confused::eek::rolleyes:.

Rich we have some in our group in just about every cabin, interior, ocean view, aft, aft wrap, balcony, suite, penthouse suite, so if yall want to do the cabin crawl get in touch with me and we could be more than happy to lend our cabins and join in the fun...email me if you would like tweetrp@windstream.net

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Wow, busy board today.

Cathy - hope your feeling better. I did see the movie 2012 and yes I can swim (just in case) lol

Lori - you were talking about sweet wines, so I went and bought a bottle of Texas Hill Country Sweet Red, and let me tell you, it is really good:D. I'll have to get you one for the cruise. Anyone else?

Nancy - Hard to believe that you have one in high school:eek:. I found that link and can't believe that there is so much to do in GC right there at the pier. I told West when we were there, that you could snorkel there, but was just kidding. Who know?

Marie - those look pretty good. Hope you had a good day.

Andrea - I didn't know that you like Family Guy. Stewie is my fav.

Twyla - thanks for the offer. I will keep that in mind. We did one on the Dream and I sure did like that Cove balcony!

OK, haven't heard from Laura on our business page yet, but I know that she is working on it and soon it will be posted.

Time for some dinner. Back later

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