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Does it Ever Bother You?


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I too have worked in the customer arena for years! There have been and probably always will be contant complainers! I'm just glad that I don't let those people in my life! We have only been on 1 cruise and it was wonderful!! From the room steward to the bartenders to the wait staff, we couldn't have been more pleased. We are going on our second one in 70 days! Again with HAL.


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Unfortunately it is a sign of these Economic Times we all live in and no matter what country we reside in most are facing a deline in their financial situation. Sadly I have known people that what ever they do they look for a problem so they can get something back :(

The last several years as brought the worse out in many people.


Thankfully cruising is still a great value but on the reverse side sadly it is a great value because it brings out those who badly want a vacation but really cannot afford it so they are constantly looking for ways to get money back.


I unfortunately do not see this going away and sadly even cruise lines such as Crystal and Regent are having the same things happening.


If I really couldn't afford a cruise or vacation, I would stay at home and not spend money I badly needed rather than go to the length's some people seem to go.


Iagree with you Sail, stop complaining after your cruise is over.



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My mother and I were the only ones born in America, and as someone pointed out earlier my father and grandparents were honored to be in this country and made sure to learn the language and become citizens. Never have I heard the word "entitlement" or felt the need to "get even." It wasn't in my upbringing and not in my children's either. I'm wondering if these people who expect after the fact are the same ones who raised and/or parents of the group who go on vacation with their kids and forget they have kids and let me run wild? And it has nothing to do with money: the rich and poor are equally obnoxious if that's their intention. It is sad.

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I must agree with most of what has been posted this far. The fact that we have been on eighteen Holland America Cruises and have two more booked speaks for itself.

We have never been on the 'perfect cruise', but they were all wonderful experiences. We have had things go wrong, and the staff almost always corrected the problem cheerfully.

There will always be those who try to get over or get away with something, and it comes as no surprise to me that some staff gets tired of dealing with them. I think it is the responsibility of both Holland America and the passenger to be straightforward. I've noticed that you can get a quite a bit done with please and thankyou.

And I've learned that you never issue a demand for what can be accomplished by a request for a favor. Use a little courtesy, and they will literally give you the whole dam ship!

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Totally agree with the OP. Unfortunately we live in a society of people who feel they must be "compensated". While it was nice of the service industry to "buy" loyalty to correct problems it lead to "its not enough" and thus the vicious cycle begins.


Truly bad service is one thing but we found it more often on land - at restaurants and hotels - then on any of the cruises we've been on. We should speak up regarding bad service but it should be directed at the people responsible. Venting to others who have no control over the situation is just venting and solves nothing.


I for one feel sorry for people who have received truly bad treatment from staff or found real mechanical issues curtailing their enjoyment of the vacation. But saying the food isn't as good as other places (when I thought it okay) and blaming someone over weather or other uncontrollable acts of god just plain petty. Lately, I've turned a blind eye to most complaints on cc because its becoming hard to sort out real problems from perceived ones. ITs a phenomenon across all cruise lines and not just HAL.

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My mother and I were the only ones born in America, and as someone pointed out earlier my father and grandparents were honored to be in this country and made sure to learn the language and become citizens. Never have I heard the word "entitlement" or felt the need to "get even." It wasn't in my upbringing and not in my children's either. I'm wondering if these people who expect after the fact are the same ones who raised and/or parents of the group who go on vacation with their kids and forget they have kids and let me run wild? And it has nothing to do with money: the rich and poor are equally obnoxious if that's their intention. It is sad.




absolutely right


My grandfather was so proud that he learned enough English that he could talk with his children's teachers at parents meetings . He felt it was a great thing, that here he was a simple man with no education , and he could converse with teachers , people who went to college . Sounds so simple , but it shows the pride these people have.


I talk with people all day at work that have been here 20 years and they still sound like the boat lands next Thursday. :(


I went to a training seminar for work a while back and I remember the istrustor saying to two groups with the beggest sense of entitlement are the rich and the poor.


The rich obviously because they have money , and power, and connections and they think they should always be at the head of the line.


The poor get it from having everything handed to them by some city, state , federal government agency . That they take it as granted and expect everyone to do everything for them .

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I've been noticing so much that people with complaints aboard seem more eager to get the "reward" of COMPENSATION. While that is one of my least favorite words, it seems to be the prize/reward/goal of some cruisers who almost hope something will be less than perfect on their cruise so they can make a sweetly worded, oh so tiny request for whatever they think to be enough to repair their injury?


I'm sorry for sarcasm but it really irks me sometimes to get the impression (and maybe I am wrong) but I sense they really are not looking for the situation to be made better; they are looking for something back. They paid for their cruise and it darn well better not have a single glitch or they are going to chew someone out for it. They want refunds; they want to get their cruise for an even LOWER price.


Isn't the goal to have the best cruise possible? Have the most fun? Enjoy in the ways you like best?


If something is irritating you or not up to your expectation, SPEAK UP immediately. Don't wait until the last day to demand compensation...... speak with the Dining Room Manager if the dining room is where you are having an issue. Speak with Housekeeping Supervisor or Chief Housekeeper if your cabin is not being cleaned well. Speak with Guest Relations Manager....... Speak with someone as soon as the issue arises and hopefully you will have the situation corrected so you can enjoy your cruise.


Why in the world would someone wait until last day to speak up unless their real goal is a 'gimme'?


I ABSOLUTELY KNOW I will be lamblasted for this but, so sorry..... It is something I wish to discuss. It is a common situation and has gone on for years and I still don't get why ships go out of their way to placate and pat these complainers of minor, silly situation they did nothing to address early in the cruise. I find it ludicrous they have created this pattern of handing out 'gimmes' to the complainter.


THIS DOES NOT APPLY TO THE REAL SITUATIONS of plumbing that doesn't work, air conditioning in the Caribbean..... things we all acknowledge as legitimate and real discomforts. I'd be the first one hollering if our Air conditioning didn't work.


Does anyone else ever feel that way after hearing how horrible HAL treated them?

Well said....
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absolutely right


My grandfather was so proud that he learned enough English that he could talk with his children's teachers at parents meetings . He felt it was a great thing, that here he was a simple man with no education , and he could converse with teachers , people who went to college . Sounds so simple , but it shows the pride these people have.


I talk with people all day at work that have been here 20 years and they still sound like the boat lands next Thursday. :(


I went to a training seminar for work a while back and I remember the istrustor saying to two groups with the beggest sense of entitlement are the rich and the poor.


The rich obviously because they have money , and power, and connections and they think they should always be at the head of the line.


The poor get it from having everything handed to them by some city, state , federal government agency . That they take it as granted and expect everyone to do everything for them .



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The funny thing that I have noticed, is that many times, the cheaper cruises I've taken have more complainers aboard than those that have a higher price point per day.


I am not sure if it is because the folks on the cheaper cruise are more cost conscious or trying to get an even better "deal'. I will say the cruises I experienced this the most on were Nov. and early Dec. cruises out of Florida.


I wonder if anyone else has seen this???

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I have speculated that might be one of the reasons HAL pulls their ships from the Caribbean in the late spring, summer, fall. I think the low pricing and perhaps some of those who demanded low, low, low prices were the same who were complaining and demanding the most. Yes, they get higher per diems in Alaska, Canada/New England and Europe but they always had at least one ship remain in the Caribbean. I don't think hurricanes are the reason the ships are not there. I don't know but I wonder.


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I have speculated that might be one of the reasons HAL pulls their ships from the Caribbean in the late spring, summer, fall. I think the low pricing and perhaps some of those who demanded low, low, low prices were the same who were complaining and demanding the most. Yes, they get higher per diems in Alaska, Canada/New England and Europe but they always had at least one ship remain in the Caribbean. I don't think hurricanes are the reason the ships are not there. I don't know but I wonder.



I think you might have something there Sail. :cool:

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It's called Facebook. Go to the Holland America Facebook page and you will see 4 or 5 posters openly complaining and virtually making Hollland America look bad in front of millions.


Soon a HAL rep posts to "Please Let Us Know The Problem And Contact Guest services.


They've already made HAL look bad in front of millions

(why couldn't they deal with Hal privately)


Since they've already thrown HAL under the bus at this point, why should HAL do anything at this point (hopefully they don't )

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The funny thing that I have noticed, is that many times, the cheaper cruises I've taken have more complainers aboard than those that have a higher price point per day.


I am not sure if it is because the folks on the cheaper cruise are more cost conscious or trying to get an even better "deal'. I will say the cruises I experienced this the most on were Nov. and early Dec. cruises out of Florida.


I wonder if anyone else has seen this???


Dinner companions once commented "the less people pay, the more they demand" and that is hard to argue with.


We saw it on one cruise in LATE 2008, the ship had been "specialed off" to a nearby geographic area close to the cruise port. Wow. Just wow.

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...I went to a training seminar for work a while back and I remember the istrustor saying to two groups with the beggest sense of entitlement are the rich and the poor....The poor get it from having everything handed to them by some city, state , federal government agency . That they take it as granted and expect everyone to do everything for them .


Good grief!


Your instructor knows precious little about being poor.;)


Rest easy though, the way things are going he/she may be able to speak shortly from personal experience.:eek:


Smooth sailing...

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We saw it on one cruise in LATE 2008, the ship had been "specialed off" to a nearby geographic area close to the cruise port. Wow. Just wow.


Oh yeah, I was on a cruise like that once. The good part was that I got a good upgrade as the "specials" were sold the cheapest cabins, and lots of other people got moved up. Fortunately, I knew my way around the ship and could find places to avoid the obnoxious "specials."

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Good grief!


Your instructor knows precious little about being poor.;)


Rest easy though, the way things are going he/she may be able to speak shortly from personal experience.:eek:


Smooth sailing...


After 27 years of being a 9-1-1 dispatcher in a city that on one side has gated communities with million dollar homes with their own marina . The most derelict public housing projects on the other side , and everything else in between.


I can speak from experience that he was very right. As with everything in life , not all the people on either side of the spectrum. But enough to sure make it seem that way sometimes

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After 27 years of being a 9-1-1 dispatcher in a city that on one side has gated communities with million dollar homes with their own marina . The most derelict public housing projects on the other side , and everything else in between.


I can speak from experience that he was very right. As with everything in life , not all the people on either side of the spectrum. But enough to sure make it seem that way sometimes


Perception is not reality.


Speaking to the topic though, it is difficult to establish the intent of any pax with a degree of reliability. Wise people won't make the attempt.


Some people have inexhaustible energy to find flaws just as some seem to have been inoculated with a phonograph needle with respect to the energy they utilize to explain away even the most minor fault attributed to their favourite cruise line.


Inevitably people will filter both observations through their own set of biases and interpret them in a way that makes most sense to them.


Some complaints will be exaggerated I suppose, just as some bouquets will be a stretch.


It all balances out.;)


Smooth sailing...

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Dinner companions once commented "the less people pay, the more they demand" and that is hard to argue with.


We saw it on one cruise in LATE 2008, the ship had been "specialed off" to a nearby geographic area close to the cruise port. Wow. Just wow.



I remember one couple (but they reminded me of others). They paid a dirt cheap price and got a great upgrade. Because they had been moved to the top deck of the NA they had the 'best cabin' and were quite proud of the accomplishment. they had an upgraded verandah at the very, very front of the ship (not my cup of tea.). It was a 20 day cruise and by day 7, the complaints were continuous. Once we were crossing the Atlantic Ocean, he was upset he couldn't use his internet :confused: He would never sail HAL again (and all I said to myself was thank heavens:))


I can't say this is true for everyone, but it seems that certain people are a lot more demanding. 'I paid and I demand perfection". Unfortunately, there can be these people in any class of the ship. :( But I have found that those that got a 'bargain' want more or expect more generally speaking.


I'm not sure if this is lack of experience or expectations?


In any case, it's far better to travel with the glass half full, resolve any issues and move on. Anyone has to realize that internet will not work anywhere, NORO might hit, nothing we can do but co-operate, etc.


Smooth seas:D


Others at the table were far more tolerant.

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Perception is not reality.


Speaking to the topic though, it is difficult to establish the intent of any pax with a degree of reliability. Wise people won't make the attempt.


Some people have inexhaustible energy to find flaws just as some seem to have been inoculated with a phonograph needle with respect to the energy they utilize to explain away even the most minor fault attributed to their favourite cruise line.


Inevitably people will filter both observations through their own set of biases and interpret them in a way that makes most sense to them.


Some complaints will be exaggerated I suppose, just as some bouquets will be a stretch.


It all balances out.;)


Smooth sailing...


Sometimes my perception gets a little cloudy because reality is coming at me at 90 miles an hour

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I've been noticing so much that people with complaints aboard seem more eager to get the "reward" of COMPENSATION. While that is one of my least favorite words, it seems to be the prize/reward/goal of some cruisers who almost hope something will be less than perfect on their cruise so they can make a sweetly worded, oh so tiny request for whatever they think to be enough to repair their injury?


I'm sorry for sarcasm but it really irks me sometimes to get the impression (and maybe I am wrong) but I sense they really are not looking for the situation to be made better; they are looking for something back. They paid for their cruise and it darn well better not have a single glitch or they are going to chew someone out for it. They want refunds; they want to get their cruise for an even LOWER price.


Isn't the goal to have the best cruise possible? Have the most fun? Enjoy in the ways you like best?


If something is irritating you or not up to your expectation, SPEAK UP immediately. Don't wait until the last day to demand compensation...... speak with the Dining Room Manager if the dining room is where you are having an issue. Speak with Housekeeping Supervisor or Chief Housekeeper if your cabin is not being cleaned well. Speak with Guest Relations Manager....... Speak with someone as soon as the issue arises and hopefully you will have the situation corrected so you can enjoy your cruise.


Why in the world would someone wait until last day to speak up unless their real goal is a 'gimme'?


I ABSOLUTELY KNOW I will be lamblasted for this but, so sorry..... It is something I wish to discuss. It is a common situation and has gone on for years and I still don't get why ships go out of their way to placate and pat these complainers of minor, silly situation they did nothing to address early in the cruise. I find it ludicrous they have created this pattern of handing out 'gimmes' to the complainter.


THIS DOES NOT APPLY TO THE REAL SITUATIONS of plumbing that doesn't work, air conditioning in the Caribbean..... things we all acknowledge as legitimate and real discomforts. I'd be the first one hollering if our Air conditioning didn't work.


Does anyone else ever feel that way after hearing how horrible HAL treated them?


We met a woman on our first cruise out of New York who as we understand is one of HALs most frequent quests... nice lady.


On our second or third cruise, we saw her again. Only this time she was very upset that she didn't get upgraded on the first day... and demanded a better cabin. HAL was unable to accommodate her. For seven days, every time we saw her she was complaining to somebody demanding a free cruise as compensation.. completely sulking. For the entire week we tried to avoid her... as did the staff!

We thought what a shame to ruin a week away over that... She seemed to get so caught up in not getting a "reward", that she ruined a wonderful time on a beautiful ship... truly sad.

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