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Our FIRST RCCL Cruise- FOS 10/2-10/9


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I have read review, after review, just helping pass time until it was MY time to cruise! Well, HIP HIP HURRAY, it was finally MY cruise day! I was hoping to have a wonderful trip with my family and hoping to have lots to share, when we get back. Well...I did and I do!


I hope that others find this an enjoyable read!


I went on the ship on the lookout for men in crowns w/ parrots on their shoulders or women, whose wigs have been blown off by the updraft created when stepping out on deck! Well, I did not see any of that but members of my family gave some pretty good shows! (Yes, names will be withheld!!!) Keep reading...


Characters: My sweet husband, 43 years young, of 18 years, also known as the "other Clark Griswald"; Me 38 years young Kindergarten teacher; My 15 year old dancing queen daughter;My 12 year old son, who embarrasses his sister by even trying to dance!

We have been making a 10 hour road trip to my in-laws for the life of our marriage, so we decided to drive to PC to board Freedom of the Seas. Also, I have been working out & feel pretty good about my body but not good enough to give the TSA a peep show! Hee hee! I am kidding! I really prefer the extra private time with my family. We have great discussions in the car!


The drive down was pretty uneventful. Our trip was a lot like the car trip seen in Lampoon's Vacation. It was complete with parent's singing, listening to books on CD, and kids snoring in the back seat. Yes, we really are the "Other Griswalds"! We drove to Valdosta, GA and booked a room at the Hampton Inn for the night. The place was clean and beds are really comfortable and we were only ONE (Can you hear the music building?!) day away from sailing away! There was a Cheddar's Restaurant that is just across the parking lot. Their food was delish, so poof, there went my good eating habits! I must admit, I started to panic a little bit. I am the sole vacation planner and I have planned some pretty awesome trips in the past. I worried, was I setting myself up for disappointment. I had been reading about wonderful cruises for almost a year, would ours live up? Had I thought of everything?! Can our family, who is used to two bedroom condo, handle our two small interior cabins? Have I packed everything....and on... And on.....UGH, what will be, will be! Off to visit Mr. Sandman with visions of sandy toes and SPF on my head. A good night sleep was had by all and we are eager to get to OUR ship!

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We left around 6 am before it was even light out. It was an easy 4 hour drive to the port. We took the toll road and I believe we spent under $8 in all. My kids now both awake and super excited to see everything, even spotted some dolphins in the bay. For KY kids this is an exciting thing! Since we had no traffic hangups and plenty of time, we decided to use Park and Cruise, which was half the price of parking at the terminal. We dropped our luggage off at the terminal then proceeded on to Park and Cruise only a few short minutes away. It was a simple drive thru process, since I has reserved a spot a head of time. (No deposit was necessary.) My DH gave credit card info. and we were on our way back to the port!


CRUISE DAY 1, October 2

There was a small line outside of the terminal but it was beautiful weather. The line moved quickly, I started scrambling to hand everyone their passports. It was now OUR turn, my husband and son hand their passports. Guy looks at my sons, hands it back and says, "It's not a valid passport." ACK!!! I go instantly into panic mode, what the heck?! My DH ask, why? He says, it's not signed. UGH, I start digging for an ink pen. Finding a Hampton Inn pen (Yes, I have a nice collection), he signed his, quickly followed by my daughter signing hers too. WHEW, crisis adverted. Yes, I could have done without his curtness. Would it have been so hard to say, your son needs to sign his passport?! I know, I know, there is probably some security reason, WHY he could not have said that, but he really scared me! I had seen/read too many times about people being denied boarding at the pier. Anywhoo... The rest of security was an easy process and after about 15 minutes, it was our turn at the counter! It took no more time to check in, than it does to check in at a hotel. We were directed to a sitting area, that we sat down and within five minutes were told that we were allowed to board the ship! Picture taken, up the ramp for another photo and then (yes, the music is building again!) we step foot on our home away from home for the next seven days!!! Having read so many post on CC, I kept my family moving so as to not block to passage ways. My first impression was it is beautiful, and so posh feeling. The only other cruise line I had been on was Carnival and yes, RCCL has a more sophisticated feel. My DH wanted to drop off our bags. I tried to tell him that our rooms would not be ready yet. It was about 11:45 and that they would be ready around one. Well, he had to see so... We pop out on the 9th floor and sure enough a person is standing there, saying exactly what I had said. Now my family all turn to me, What now? Since we are on deck 9, I change my original plan from going to Sorrentos to the Windjammer, crossing my fingers all the way. We quickly spot a 4 top table, wonderful. There are still plenty of tables opened. I stay with our carry on bags and off they go to grab a quick bite. First impression, food is good and service better than expected! I am relaxing and realizing that all my worries were unfounded. It was going to be amazing!

<a href=http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6060/6243573329_c21b79b12e.jpg' alt='6243573329_c21b79b12e.jpg'> 028 (2) by Brit38ky, on Flickr[/img]

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Soon we head up to deck 12 to check out the FlowRider as it will soon be opened. This feature was one of the reasons that helped me decide RCCL, instead of CCL. My kids are both athletic, coordinated and I thought that they would enjoy it immensely! They both changed in the single restrooms and were ready to get wet! There were only two others waiting, when we went to get the kids wrist bands. (I think they kept them on all week!) No sooner than they put them on, they opened it. My son (age 12) started to waiver a bit but big sister pulled him into line! They both loved it! It was fully opened and the line was very short. Whoever posted this information, you were 100% correct! This is the best time to try it. The workers were FANTASTIC with kids. All week I kept seeing the crew treating the young kids like they would have a younger sibling. OUTSTANDING, made my heart smile often! They were really good at helping us older folks out too but my teacher/momma's heart was very happy to see how they interacted with the kids!

p><p><img src=037 by Brit38ky, on Flickr[/img]


041 by Brit38ky, on Flickr

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Next up- heading to our cabins. I booked 2 interior cabins for the extra space, restrooms and privacy. Our cabins were 9489, 9491. They were on an interior hallway and right int he middle. I would easily book these same cabins. We meet our cabin steward, Fritzroy from Jamaica mon! He very sincerely told us that he was there to make our week relaxing, that whatever we needed to just ask. One room was set up with twin beds and one with queen. My DS's coke cup was waiting for him. PERFECT! I had booked girls in one room, guys in another but decided to let the kids share. I moved the table into the closet and put everything in it's place. Side note- I did leave an extra tip- my kids were MESSY!!! Then we were off to explore!


We went to the front of the ship to the Helipad. My DH thought I was brilliant for knowing about this location, thanks CC posters! My DH grew up cruising with his family and I was thrilled to find out that this was his first time being on the bow of the ship. YEAH, new memory with his own family! The ship had already started sail a way and it was very windy. It was kind odd passing the beach! We spent quite a bit of time here before we went exploring some more!

p><p><img src=047 by Brit38ky, on Flickr[/img]

Muster Drill, no big deal.

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We had the early dinner time and we were nicely surprised with a table best to the window. We thoroughly enjoyed our views throughout the week, calm waters, pulling out of ports, sunsets and even rough waters on the last night! Our server, Rolando, was from the Philippines. He did a nice job, used our names and tried hard to be personable. He presented the night's menu and also, told the kids what they offered on the kids menu. He quickly learned that my kids were adventurous eaters and kids menus were not necessary. He offered and brought extras of the mashed potatoes, when we raved about them. I did not take notes but the food all throughout the week was wonderful and much better than I expected! I am sure that we made quite the sight, sharing bites here and there with each other. Yes, I know that we could order extras but do not like to waste. A shared bite and there was just right for us! I do not remember our assistant waiter's name. His service was just ok, not bad but not outstanding either. I mentioned on the first night that I do not drink alcohol and was kind of surprised that he did not take away the wine glass from the kids & my settings. He remembered my DH and DS's drinks. I felt like my water could have been refilled more often but I mostly just used my DS's water, that he did not touch all week, so no big deal. One thing that I found a little odd was the OVER attentiveness from the "burgundy jacket" after our first night, I'll explain more later....

NEXT CRUISE: I plan on the later dinner, just so the kids have more time for the sports deck stuff before getting cleaned up for dinner.

p><p><img src=030 (3) by Brit38ky, on Flickr[/img]


029 (3) by Brit38ky, on Flickr

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After dinner, we dropped the kids off at their meet and mingle. We just checked out the ship and caught the Move it Shake it Parade. I love Disney, so I enjoy a good parade. I wish I had a better viewing location by the coffee place but I am putting it on my "next time" list! Meet back up with the kids, both were happy. The clubs were not age divided like I expected (12-14, 15-17) but combined (12-17) At the beginning I thought that it was great, my kids could stay together but I think my DS 12 would have made more friends if they had been separated. Then again, that is just an awkward age for boys. He enjoyed it but I am crossing my fingers, that he will enjoy the next cruise even more. We were asleep by 1am. It had been a long, fun filled day!

NEXT CRUISE: Coffee shop for parade



CRUISE DAY 2, October 3

Our first Sea Day was kind of a blur for me, too much too soon and not enough coffee! We went to the Windjammer for breakfast. Oh My Goodness, not my idea of fun on no coffee. It was a busy beehive of people! My family ended up splitting up to eat, grrrr! I NEED my coffee or I am grumpy! I do not like chaos or feeling rushed, this was both.

NEXT CRUISE: First night, earlier to bed, rise and MDR for first breakfast with family.


After breakfast we went to the CC MEET and MINGLE. My family (and myself) still not sure what to expect but I wanted to meet those that I had been chatting through post for the last many months! I was still pretty useless, not enough coffee and allergies bothering me. The MM was nice, did not get to meet everyone that I had hope too. "Oh well I thought there is still lots if time left." Nope, I am till kind of bummed about that part. :( We went on the cabin crawl that a man on our MM board organized. Thanks Al! It was awesome but I should have forewarned our poor cabin steward! Sorry, Fritzroy. I wondered if the "door prize" slips with our screen names are utilized. I wonder because after day 2, the "burgundy jacket" guy would come around very attentive and insisting we tell if there is anything amiss. A little odd and did make me wonder....


Changed for the pool, ate some lunch and caught the "Sexy" man game. OH my, my stomach had a workout from the laughing. What a bunch of good sports! I am glad that my kids had already gone off to meet up with friends.


We had 5:00 rsvp for the ice show. WOW! I loved it! Off to dinner, um, I do not think I am going to use those exercise clothes that I packed. The ship is HUGE and you get quite the workout from just getting around and the stairs! MERCY, bring on dessert! Unlike others, I liked most every dessert that I tried but then again, I am NOT picky! LOL! DH booked zip line and floating mats for Labadee, Haiti. Also saw the MARQUEE show, love it too! The quality of music really surprised both my DH and me! My DD loves music and I am sad that she did not get to see it. She was enjoying all the new friends from all over the world that she had met.

NEXT CRUISE: Use the Compass more to preplan day. I felt like we wasted a lot of time trying to figure out what we wanted to do, not like us at all!


Wanted to see the Battle of the Sexes but missed it. DH ended up singing Karaoke. We went back to the room to meet up with kids at 12. Last night for this, the rest of the trip it was 1 am curfew for them. I am surprised that we did not run across them more than we did and definitely need to have better communication.

NEXT CRUISE: I am going to sing too! Yeppers, you're going to want to get the cameras rolling folks! ;0)

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CRUISE DAY 3, October 4

We let the kids sleep, we ended up taking photos around the ship of the port. Another beautiful day, AHHHH! We had breakfast in the Windjammer and it was much more relaxing. We woke the kids, enjoyed the pool to ourselves for a while, ate lunch on board, and then headed out to enjoy the port. Found a nice place in the shade for my DH (He is not a soak up the sun but more a sweat like running a marathon race kind of person) MY DD & I enjoyed lying on the mats in the refreshing water. My DS discovered all kinds of rocks & shells. Soon the guys were off for their zip line adventure. I was hoping to be able to see them but it is really difficult! I am glad that my DH was able to get some video of my DS.

NEXT CRUISE: Girls might try zipline too! I plan on spending more time on the private beach exploring.

<a href=http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6237/6244096492_67194383c1.jpg' alt='6244096492_67194383c1.jpg'> 033 (2) by Brit38ky, on Flickr[/img]


016 (2) by Brit38ky, on Flickr


015 (2) by Brit38ky, on Flickr


Hanging in the shade by Brit38ky, on Flickr

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Saw the NOW YOU SEE IT show. If you like magic (and my DH, DS do!) you will like it very much! DH & DD participated in the Family Karaoke. They sang, "Here We Go Again" and sounded great! Early to bed night for us- tomorrow is Jamaica mon!!!

p><p>The old gray mare ain

NEXT CRUISE: Practice up on my swing dancing and wear more appropriate shoes for dancing.

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CRUISE DAY 5, October 6

We have been to Grand Cayman, so I intended to stay on the ship and enjoy it! DH & I were up early, grabbed a bite of breakfast and headed off to try the FlowRider ourselves. Yes, we left the kids asleep! Good thing...keep reading! Oh my, what fun!!! I think I had four rides due to very little lines before.... Where did my bottoms go?! Yes, you read right! This mom of two LOST her bottoms on the FlowRider! Good thing I had tanned a little before the cruise! Yes, there was a full moon but at least my hiney was TAN! There was a girl working the FlowRider and she was, God BLESS HER! She was right there with a board up, so I could right my suit! My DH, along with a few others, I'm sure had quite a show. Ok, so I am done flow-riding for now.

NEXT CRUISE- One piece swimsuit OR bottoms with drawstring. ;)


I ended up enjoying the very quiet ship, while my DH took the kids in GC for some shopping. Son found a cool LARGE shell that was turned into a horn. He was happy, so Momma was happy!

NEXT CRUISE: plan excursions for all islands at least for DH & kids. They had been but did not remember their past trips to G. Cayman. I wish I had thought of that before it was too late.


Later, we (parents) climbed the rock wall. Let no one fool you, it is hard! I do not know if it was because I was tired from my earlier adventures or what but sadly, I did not ring the bell. Shhh, I did not tell my kids that part. I just told them I climbed it. Hee hee! My DH did ring the bell. I think he had thought that I had and did not want to be shown up. Silly man! My DD likes to dance a lot, so she met up with other for the Flash Mob Dance practice today. She picked it up quickly and was excited about doing it the next night!

p><p>Dinner back in MDR was nice and enjoyed the Once Upon a Time show. Again, the music was superb and the show itself very imaginative! We also saw Graham Seymore


CRUISE DAY 6, October 7

Hee hee, try and try again. Yes, I am a total glutton for punishment! We left the kids in bed and headed back for more FlowRider fun! This time, I wore my running shorts with tightened drawstring over my bottoms!!! Some say that I am a fast learner! I am happy to say that no "indecent exposures" this time, at least not by me, hee hee! We stayed the full hour. We woke the kids up and took them to grab a late breakfast. We did same in Cozumel, mom stayed on ship and DH took kids to shop. This time DD came back with a purse made from Mexican candy wrappers. It is very cute and quite the conversation starter! My DD and I thoroughly enjoyed the sing- a-long "Grease" on the pool deck. Skipped Formal night and did Windjammer dinner, works for me! This night we went to the Man of a 1000 Voices show. It was good but not sure we would want to go again in the future. Tonight our DS had started spending more time with us. I think he was starting to feel like the odd man out, since the others were more his sister's age. We met up with the kids at the 80's dance party. My DD& DH, who are a lot alike personality wise, danced while DS& I watched. DD had fun participating in Flash mob dance before Quest. Asked DS12, if he wanted to leave w/sister, he said no but he had no idea what Quest was. Oh my, probably should have warned him. He was mortified that his parents were cracking up over this adult game. Sorry DS that you had to see it, Sorry DD that you did not get to see it. She saw some of our video later and was doubled over laughing. Oh well, you learn/see something new every day!

Went to bed laughing.

p><p>Let the kids sleep in and pretty relaxing day. We went to the Captain


DISEMBARKATION- It was easy peasy no problems. We waited at C for Park and Cruise shuttle pick up. We missed it. DARN! DH checked on taxi. Taxi said, P&C will pay me, you just tip. AWESOME!

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Yes, just for the record, I am already planning on next year's cruise!


These are some of the photos that we (mostly) took during dinner.

p><p><img src=

' alt='>'>

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To those that have commented on my review, Thanks! It was fun reading other's reviews and this is my payback. It was really nice to mentally relive :cool::eek::D the week, while writing it and I would like others to encourage writing theirs too! :o

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Glad you all had a great cruise. I especially like the pictures. Any videos, maybe on youtube?

I would add: Next time get coffee in Cafe Promenade (they have to-go cups and it is free), or order room service for coffee and even breakfast (again, free, but tip a dollar or two). Did you ever try Cafe Promenade or Sorrentos? And next time you might try connecting cabins, although the sofa is replaced with a chair to make room for the door -- something like 7489/7491 or 9361/9363.

Edited by Jimnbigd
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Agreed, great review & photos!!


We'll be on the Freedom in three weeks, doing the Eastern cruise ... and can't wait to be on board. It's a great ship, with a great crew!


Michael and Silke


Soooo?:rolleyes: Will you come back and write a review for me? I am hoping to do Easter route next year!

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Glad you all had a great cruise. I especially like the pictures. Any videos, maybe on youtube?

I would add: Next time get coffee in Cafe Promenade (they have to-go cups and it is free), or order room service for coffee and even breakfast (again, free, but tip a dollar or two). Did you ever try Cafe Promenade or Sorrentos? And next time you might try connecting cabins, although the sofa is replaced with a chair to make room for the door -- something like 7489/7491 or 9361/9363.


:rolleyes: Ok, just what kind of videos are you hoping to see? :p I am hoping to add some of the videos to YouTube. I will try to post, when I get them loaded.

Coffee to go. :rolleyes:

Well, duh, that tells you just how out of it I am before my coffee. I never once thought about it in the morning, even though I picked up coffee (Ok, ok and a cookie too!:cool:) every night! I did eat the pizza a couple times, pimento pizza, wonderful!!! Thanks for the room suggestions! I think the 9th deck was great due to just going up a couple floors to pool, Windjammer without using the elevators. Even on my "hiney is dragging" day, I could handle a couple flights.

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Great review and loved all the pics! Freedom is one of my fave ships. We sailed on her 6 weeks ago and had a great time. I enjoy reading reviews from first time cruisers, but I think because you had researched so much here on CC, you were a pro before your 1st cruise!:D I wish I had found CC sooner.

Now.......let the addiction begin......:D:D

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Great review!!! really able to visualize your trip :) we are doing the eastern route over thanksgiving. can't wait!!!! I will give a heads up to the kids ( and DH) about the flow rider mishaps....hmmmmm or maybe not :D lol. seems like you have a wonderful family,glad you enjoyed you're cruise so much. Thanks for feeding my addiction ;)



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