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No Kids in CL but Adults at DreamWorks Breakfast & Getting Face-Painting??

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How exactly does a child know that there's "alchohol" in a glass? And why should children NOT be exposed to adults drinking responsibly? That's how children learn that when they get older, alcohol is to be consumed responsibly. I'm struggling to see how adults attending an event that is CLEARLY intended for childrens' enjoyment (i.e., people dressed up in fuzzy costumes) is not somehow similar to kids attending an event that is clearly intended for adults.


I really am struggling to see why fully grown adults would want to see staff members dressed up in childrens' costumes (and know that they're taking the place of kids seeing this). Just because it's legal, that doesn't mean it's the right thing to do. What goes for the goose (CL), goes for the gander (face-painting, character breakfast).

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....I also agree with a previous poster who said that we are comparing two completely different things. Exposing Children to an adults lounge with alchohol is not something I would think any cruise line would allow.


Alcohol is available ALL over the ship, pretty much everywhere but the spa and the children's club. Should people keep their children (18 years and younger) away from the pool, dining room, Windjammer, show room, etc.? There's serious drinking going on in all those venues.

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Wingnut: Just online, but we tried once again when we were on-board with no luck. They told us the character breakfasts were all booked up. I hope the adults enjoyed their chance to spend time with fuzzy cartoon characters while I and my two young sons had another breakfast at Windjammer.


Of course, these are the same people who say children should never be allowed in the CL.


I'd just like to hear a couple of adults who say that kids shouldn't be taking up room in t0he CL at cocktail hour agree that adults without kids shouldn't be taking up room at the character breakfasts, face-painting, etc.

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Going to characters breakfasts are not somehow reliving our childhoods. These characters didn't exist when I was a child. I do however love the dreamworks characters and shows and have watched them as an adult even before there were children in my life. I do want to go to the breakfasts and intend to book them, childless. If our 5 year old were going with us I wouldn't expect any adult to give up their spot for us.

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That's exactly my point. If adults don't want kids at certain events that are clearly designed for adults, then those same adults shouldn't invade certain events that are clearly designed for kids. That's why I won't be bringing my 7 year old twins and 3 year old into the CL. It's out of respect for a certain level of decorum.



I agree that character breakfast's are marketed towards families with children but I don't agree that the event itself is a children's only activity. It isn't and the cruise line welcomes all ages to attend.


Using Disney as an example, earlier this year we went to two character breakfasts with a group of 6 adults and no children. These events were during the busy holiday season and were quickly sold out. We saw many children but also many adults-only tables and I am sure many families with children had to be turned down because of lack of space. Later that night, we enjoyed dinner at Victoria & Albert's, which requires you to be at least 10 years old to dine there. Parent's didn't bring their young children into that restaurant because it is the rule, not because they were choosing to reserve a level of decorum.


The CL is an adult space but I think kids are allowed to go in now. The nightclub and the solarium are adults only spaces. Bingo, gambling in the casino, adult comedy shows, and the Quest are also adult activities. It's amazing how I don't see many people on here complaining about trying to bring their kids into the nightclub or solarium but it's always about the CL.

Edited by HighlandCruzer
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I also have paid/earned the perks, so I would like to go to the CL where kids are not allowed. Remember the perk has been no kids.


The key word is "has been", not anymore. At this moment the kids are allowed in CL, just like adults are welcome to participate in Dreamworks experience.


I believe you missed the point of my post, which was that if you pay for something then you are entitled to receive it regardless of your age (as long as you follow the rules).

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Isn't this kinda stretching it??? Everyone has the same opportunity to book.... someone waits til on the ship to book and finds out it's full and is disappointed because there's adults in it?!...


Should the adults NOT go to the character parade either??? After all, they are taking spots that kids should be standing so they can see...(now personally I let little ones get in front of me)


The CL issue imho isn't anything like the character bkfast issue....don't flame me, I'm entitled to my opinion. The cl issue is brought up due to a change in policy....there has not been a change of policy in the bkfast issue.


When it comes to the things to do on the ship, whether it be a character photo, character bkfast, production show, facepainting...it doesn't matter....I could cop the same attitude the suite guests have copped....I PAID FOR IT...It didn't say 'price for adult without kid activities...$$$ and price for adult WITH kid activities...$$$....

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I don't know. Justify it all you want with what's allowed, etc, but I would feel pretty awful if I took away a small child's opportunity to experience a fun event like the Dreamworks breakfast. It's not the child's fault if parents didn't realize they were supposed to prereserve or some other such reason.


Just watching how excited kids get over events such as this would be enough reason for me not to book. I think that RCCL should add more capacity or offer reservations to families with children under ten first (and make sure that those non internet-savvy customers still get the message!) because the event might be fun for adults to watch- but it's a very special experience for a child.


And yeah... different characters or no different characters, I do think that it is less than considerate to book multiple times without children in a limited seating event. But, of course, it is permitted so that is the pax's decision.

Edited by SusieV
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Just to clarify, I tried to book the Dreamworks children's breakfast online well in advance of the cruise. It was already sold out due to many adults unaccompanied by children who had apparently booked it online the day that reservations first opened up.


And according to some responses, even though RCCL's policy re the CL has changed, kids still shouldn't go into the CL during adults' time, but it's fine for adults to take slots at events designed FOR KIDS. If you think unaccompanied adults should be able to go to the Dreamworks breakfast but that kids should be barred from the CL during cocktail hour, you are making an unprincipled argument. Put another way, you are a hypocrite.


Hope you enjoy all THREE of your character breakfasts and are able to see the fuzzy rat at the third one that wasn't at the first two.

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Why can't RCI simply make more "space" available for the character breakfasts?


If it's fully booked, add more.


Those are my thoughts exactly. After a while the novelty will wear off and they can reduce the number of breakfasts accordingly.

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The key word is "has been", not anymore. At this moment the kids are allowed in CL, just like adults are welcome to participate in Dreamworks experience.


I believe you missed the point of my post, which was that if you pay for something then you are entitled to receive it regardless of your age (as long as you follow the rules).



Rules change for many things on a daily basis. The new rule is children are allowed and if the other members of the CL don't like it they have 3 choices as near as the average person would conclude.


1- Try to get the old rules reinstated or

2- live with the new rules or

3- quit the club.


Perhaps they should do what someone else suggested over a month ago. Make the CL for suite guests only, with or without kids. However, they will have to enhance the perks for the higher level cruisers that are not in suites. How... that is for RC to figire out.


We are suite cruisers but I doubt our 5 year old will ever be in the CL that much during the duration of the whole cruise. But if it happens to be for a few minutes during the drinking hours the rules are the rules so he is welcome.


It is the adaults who do not control their children or the adaults who act like children that are the real problem. Until the unaccepting people accept that they could be members of those 2 groups can the rest of the masses really enjoy themselves.

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I think that RCCL needs to figure out a way to give priority to children at those types of events (reservations, tickets, special seating (up front) or standing areas at the parades, etc.) before they open up to "unaccompanied" adults.


I can see why adults might want to attend the breakfasts ... but face-painting? That's just silly.


Haven't ever been in the CL, probably would never go even if I could ... but don't see what's wrong with children being present in the morning & afternoon, make it an adult-only venue after, say, 6pm.


To the OP, I hope you write to RCCL and let them know your experience.

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I think that RCCL needs to figure out a way to give priority to children at those types of events (reservations, tickets, special seating (up front) or standing areas at the parades, etc.) before they open up to "unaccompanied" adults.


I can see why adults might want to attend the breakfasts ... but face-painting? That's just silly.


Haven't ever been in the CL, probably would never go even if I could ... but don't see what's wrong with children being present in the morning & afternoon, make it an adult-only venue after, say, 6pm.


To the OP, I hope you write to RCCL and let them know your experience.


And that is what is used to be before the rule changes. I have no comment on the topic of this thread as I don't have kids and the breakfast holds no interest to me at all.

Edited by cruisingator2
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Seriously? Adults without children going to a character breakfast is the silliest thing that I have ever heard. Why would you take up a space so that a child would not be able to attend and I cannot even believe that an adult would do face painting.


CL should be adult only during the evening and character breakfast and face painting should be for the children and parents. My opinion!

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Let me get this straight now.....


Kids should be able to go to cocktail hour.

Adults should not be able to go to the character breakfast.

Adults should not be at the fronts of the people watching the parade.

Adults should not be in front rows of the shows (although this is where the suite seating is)


Why is it that adults without kids should go on Oasis/Allure again??? Apparently, they aren't supposed to be interested in any of the activites....


I'm NOT saying that adults should take priority over kids in these areas but give me a break, people are talking like it's ridiculous to do some of these activities...I enjoy the parade as much as the kids do....and had a great time at the character breakfast (since I got to watch lots of kid's faces ---and it's was over 1/2 empty)



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I haven't been in the CL so I cannot comment on that.


As for the Character breakfasts. I agree with some others, they should either expand the capacity, offer it to children first, or have a separate one for adults.


My husband and I (no kids) did make a reservation for 1 of the 3 breakfasts on the Oasis. Maybe they should figure out a way to contact the adult-only reservations - let them know a family needed (in our case) two more seats. If I knew that I would gladly cancel it. What I wouldn't like is not reserving the breakfast and allowing two other adults (with no kids) to have those seats.

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Seriously? Adults without children going to a character breakfast is the silliest thing that I have ever heard. Why would you take up a space so that a child would not be able to attend and I cannot even believe that an adult would do face painting.


I really fail to see what is so silly about going to a character breakfast as an adult. I pay to see the movies and I definitely had fun playing with my puss n boots app taking photos of everyone with it on my phone. :) I get excited when I hear King Julien sing Move It and I love the penguins. Shrek and Fionna are high on my list of characters I love as well. Move the Penguins into an a adult dinner for sushi in Izumis and I might reconsider having to go to the character breakfast in the morning.



Edited by sherilyn70
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Maybe if there was a limit of booking one breakfast and not all three,there would be room for others to go to at least one....


Then have the option to book a second or third last minute,if there are openings..


To book all three and have others deprived of the opportunity doesn't seem quite fair to me.

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I was on Allure's maiden voyage last December with my then 3 yr old grandson and we of course hit the Dreamswork breakfast which was over 50% adults only as couples giggling and carrying on during photo ops.


Needless to say children like my Grandson enjoyed less time with the characters as a result!



129 cruises strong

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I was on Allure's maiden voyage last December with my then 3 yr old grandson and we of course hit the Dreamswork breakfast which was over 50% adults only as couples giggling and carrying on during photo ops.


Needless to say children like my Grandson enjoyed less time with the characters as a result!



129 cruises strong

What's the difference if it was 100 adults or 100 children?? Wouldn't it be the same time spent with the characters??:confused::confused:

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I was on Allure's maiden voyage last December with my then 3 yr old grandson and we of course hit the Dreamswork breakfast which was over 50% adults only as couples giggling and carrying on during photo ops.


Needless to say children like my Grandson enjoyed less time with the characters as a result!



129 cruises strong


Our experience was that they gave each table X number of minutes and then moved on.....sounds like you had a bad 'handler'.....We saw one character's handler move him on so fast nobody got to see him or get much in photos.....

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I was on Allure's maiden voyage last December with my then 3 yr old grandson and we of course hit the Dreamswork breakfast which was over 50% adults only as couples giggling and carrying on during photo ops.


Needless to say children like my Grandson enjoyed less time with the characters as a result!


So you think that if it had been all kids instead of adults also at the breakfast he would have had more time with them? Unlike kids, adults actually understand how to share and won't throw a fit when they've had their short time with a character. If it had been all kids then he likely would have had even less time. 4-5 year olds aren't the best at sharing even when extremely well mannered and behaved like our son. We have plenty of issues getting him to understand that things aren't all about him and that he has to let others have turns when we're out in public.

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