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Bit of a blog – Navigator of the Seas – E Caribbean – 8 nights – 26th November 2011

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I'm the one mentioned earlier that just got off the 6 day on the Navigator. I haven't elaborated yet as I'm still not home and using an iPhone to post. However since there is a vast interest here, I'll do what I can to explain.


We arrived at the Port around 10:30am and were met with much disorganization. We get our luggage unloaded and myself and one other in my party go get in line to enter the terminal while the other two take the car to the midport garage ( a very good distance away from 29, which to me makes this terminal very inconvenient). We arrive at the door and are told they aren't starting check-in until later. Fine. No problem. We line up and enter the (what I call a warehouse) terminal pictured earlier in the thread. Check-in didn't take too long but it took a while to get our Seapasses. I came to find out that they were not organized properly and that over 100 people who had already checked in did not have Seapasses. Yikes! Terminal employee told us that this warehouse setup was a makeshift done just hours before our arrival. Keep in mind, the temperature was horrible in this place and the port-a-potties were stinking up the place, at least last week. They finally begin boarding at 11:30 and we walk through the real terminal 29! Boy was I mad to see they had that one completely set up, normal looking terminal for RCI. Also it's worth noting, boarding was a free for all. As soon as they opened the doors to make our way to the gangway, everyone flooded the doors to head that direction. Oh well, I let it go, we enter on deck 4 finally and they tell us the Windjammer is open and to head up for lunch. We do and we are greeted by an empty Windjammer although very nice employees there. They tell us lunch isn't ready yet but feel free to grab a drink and sit down. We sit and attempt to find drinks only to no avail. Roughly 5 minutes later, the Windjammer manager comes around and tells everyone they have to leave the room as they are supposed to be closed. He later outside the Windjammer tells me it's due to a Health Inspection from the US Coast Guard.


We move on expecting no more problems. Sail away comes and we are running 15 minutes behind but no ruffled feathers about that. Dinner in the MDR comes and it starts with no major problems. Then the wrong entrées come out and we kindly inform our waitress who then says "no they came out how you ordered it. This is what you ordered I have notes!" keep in mind she says this with an angry tone. She then proceeds to go grab her notepad from the waiter station! She comes back and shoves it in my face showing me the "notes" of what I ordered, yet what dish I ordered and what she wrote are two different things. I was frustrated with this along with her slow speed at serving us and the tables around us in her section. I spoke with the head waiter and he and the maitradee replaced our waitress with a new one and zero other problems for days 2-6. Good to go on that front.


Day 2 goes with no problems. Next was Grand Cayman, always a good port. We board the Navigator after a fun filled day and go to the C&A event before dinner. It was held in Studio B, horrible venue for this but oh theres more to this story. I approached the bar/free drinks as usual for these events expecting to be greeted, yet the bar server's first words to me were "First rule I had you your drink!" Wow! Rudeness at a C&A event. Not good. I spoke the the head bartender who I'd met earlier in the week as he was passing through my favorite bar onboard, Boleros. He told me he'd take care of it and I went about my day. Can't let it ruin your day and I just chalked it up to a couple bad apples.


Yet, the bad things kept happening. After the two run ins with bad employees I stopped by guest relations to let them know my opinion on the experiences. I was then on a first name basis with the guest relations manager. Ana was very apologetic and understanding. She later in the week helped me out with other problems, most RC related, one not. Anyways, days come and go without problems til day 5 in the casino. I cashed in at a roulette table, well I throw my money on the table anyway. The spinner is busy ignoring me rearranging the chips. Keep in mind the table is completely empty other than myself. I tell him I'm ready for him to spin and he got mad at me and said, "you have to bet first before I can spin, no bets, no spin". Anyone who's played roulette before knows that's not the case so I cash out, go to another roulette table and start playing. The manager came to talk to me, offered an apology and free drinks for the original spinner's rude demeanor.


Earlier in the week I had received the invite for the D and D+ Behind the Scenes Entertainment tour. I sent in my RSVP card, receive the official invite and waiver and off I go at the noted time. It's worth noting that the time listed was 9:30pm. Odd, but I go anyway. Myself and 6 other guests waiting outside the Metropolis theater stand there for a good 45 minutes before giving up. We spoke to a couple officers who had arrived in the theater and they stated we should take the matter up with Dan, the CD and he'd be along very shortly. So we wait and he never shows, yet some of his staff were around and we asked them to give him a ring so we could speak with him. Their words, after calling, were that Dan was "too busy to meet with us and had other obligations". This didn't surprise me as Dan was the worst CD I've had in all my cruises.


As if all the other problems weren't enough, the last night just threw the icing on the cake. Myself and my girlfriend were drinking at Boleros and she had to use the restroom, cool, no big deal. Yet when she returns she tells me these little teenagers were camped out outside the women's bathroom and attempted to trip her both going in and coming out. The first attempt going into the bathroom she chalked up to a mistaken movement while she was walking through and it didn't bother her. Try number two solidified to her that this was no accident. We ask the bartender to call security as its past the little ones' curfew. Security never shows as we stayed down there for about 15 more minutes. We decide to call it a night and head up to deck 9. Well wouldn't ya know it, we get off the elevator and the little punks are sprawled out in the floor of the elevator bank on deck 9 aft starboard. So we make our way to the room and give security a call. They say they'll handle it and I started getting ready for bed then she tells me she wants a snack from Cafe Promenade. So we head back to the elevators and the little ones are still there. This time, they tried to trip me and I'd had enough. So we went down to guest relations only to find a line with only one person working the desk. So we take the stairs down to 4 and go see our friendly neighborhood bartender Marly and ask that she call security for us again as we had found the punks again. These two show up dressed as if they are Men in Black officers and approach me asking if I was the one who called and I told them I was. The older man (of the two) got an attitude with me and told me I had no right to call security multiple times to handle a problem and that it was their job to decide where to send their officers. He told me that when I called him the second time he was handling the problem then and I interupted him. Then he storms off without any more words to me and turns and says to the bartenders "next time don't you dare let a guest use the phone to call security. It's your job to call first and if we want to speak to a guest we will. Follow procedure next time" and walks off towards the casino. I ask him to come back and speak to me and he ignores me. This whole fiasco goes on until he returns and I get his name and his partners name. I then ask who they report to onboard and they tell me "it's a matter of guest security. I can't give out that information". Wow! Rudeness continues. I returned to guest services, got the head of security's name and will be calling Miami tomorrow.


Alas, I'm sorry for being quite winded and high jacking your thread. That's not to say I didn't have good experiences on board as well. Yet, they were confined to the MDR and Boleros. It's worth noting that my stateroom attendant was very nice also. She wasn't as personable as I would have liked but she was always nice and respectful.


There you have it folks. A string of weeklong problems on board the "beautiful navigator of the seas". Started with embarkation and just went downhill. Luckily this wasn't my first rodeo with RCI or it'd be my last. This wasn't the norm and I only hope RCI will weed out the bad apples on this ship, and in my opinion, start with getting a new CD.


Thanks for sharing, really sorry things went that way for you. Disappointing after shelling out lots of $$ for vacation, I know.

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Terminal 18 does spoil you. But I am really attracted to this 8 night itinerary especially since it includes a new island for us as we have never been to St. Kitts. And I really liked our 8 nighter on Independence. The extra day seems to make a huge difference. I don't really want to do Oasis again this year as the shows will be the same. So it is either Allure with its bland itinerary, Adventure which I love but will have nothing new to offer from an itinerary perspective, or Navigator.


Kind of tough having these sorts of problems in life, huh?


I say go for it, haha!


My big question is how RCI can continue to allow these issues to happen without rectifying them in some way. I do not understand that.


Which terminal does the NAV use again? I left on the Enchantment some years back out of a terminal that was further away from most other ships, but I can't remember the terminal number.

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I say go for it, haha!


My big question is how RCI can continue to allow these issues to happen without rectifying them in some way. I do not understand that.


Which terminal does the NAV use again? I left on the Enchantment some years back out of a terminal that was further away from most other ships, but I can't remember the terminal number.


Terminal 29 - far south.



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Terminal 29 - far south.




With a view of Key West!:D:D:D


I was just thinking, if the first day of Linda's thread and a couple of pictures have caused this much posting what will the rest of the week bring? Hopefully, a calming on my anxiety! :D

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And I WILL say I booked my upcoming Navigator cruise BECAUSE of the CD. Dan the party man is one of the best there is IMO. I've cruised with him many times on Radiance and he cracks me up like no other. There isn't a CD out there who can tell those really stupid top 10 questions on the last night and make it sound like he just heard them and actually make them funny again. Just watching his face as he tells them and then watching the audience makes me laugh. Usually I hate those jokes.


Dan also throws a great 70s party.


I guess he can do no wrong in my book. If they replaced him...I'd follow him. :D


I don't do parties in Studio B because I don't think that venue is good for anything except ice skating. I went to one quest in there on one ship and NEVER again. There's no place like the Colony Club on Radiance (or the equivalent) for Quest.


Crummy embarkations don't affect my cruise whatsoever. Even if I hate them. Our recent TA on AD was one of the best cruises ever with the best crew ever and it was one of my worst embarkations ever - up in the top 2 if not the worst.



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With a view of Key West!:D:D:D


I was just thinking, if the first day of Linda's thread and a couple of pictures have caused this much posting what will the rest of the week bring? Hopefully, a calming on my anxiety! :D


I sounds like the parking lot is a walk almost that far. I'm not looking forward to parking. Although one person's definition of far isn't necessarily mine. :)



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I honestly don't see what the big deal is about these terminals. You're in them for MAYBE an hour or two, if things are bad. Does this really make that much of a dent on your vacation and whether or not you will consider using that cruise line any more? I think not.

I agree.....

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became diamond 2 1/2 years ago and have not been on a cruise since....even though everyone here was complaining about the terminal, i would have just taken it all in because i was finally on a cruise after all this time!!! i think i would sell my soul to the devil about now!!! lol


I'm with you there! We haven't cruised in a couple of years due to unstable employment. Hoping that changes in 2012 now that we are back on our feet!


Really enjoying this thread and look forward to sailing the Navigator albeit vicariously!

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Hey Tryon, doing well here.


We cruised out of one of those old terminals a few years back on the Navigator and debarkation was the worst for me in over 26 years of cruising. I won't repeat that mistake again. :)


Can you be specific? Was it the worst as far as length of time? Just trying to be prepared as we have a "relatively" early flight home on 12/18.


Thanks for all your comments and support!


My OBC has been applied. Thanks very much.


Ok. They changed the clocks without telling me. Now apparently it was announced over the loudspeaker at some stage and it was written in the Compass last night but I didn’t see it. I DID ask the waiter if there was anything I needed to know and he missed the ball on this one! No big deal. I woke at 4 according to my watch and tried to go back to sleep. Next time I checked the TV to see if there was anything on the bridge cam….with no daylight here it’s difficult to judge the time… and it was over an hour later!


Eventually I get myself out of bed and head to the gym. Rather make use of the time. Bit odd walking the tread mill with pitch black ahead. Join a stretch class…. According to others there it was a light stretch… yeah right… not for me….


Whilst sorting myself out back in my room and about to head for breakfast I get a call inviting me to a trivia competition. This never happens at home. I rush up to Windjammer and grab some food and discover they have my favourite…. Pic below!




Not so good at general knowledge quiz….. but later on there is a movie picture quiz and we win!!! I do have to say that my ability to recognise Andy Sirkis was the winning factor! My girls would be proud (less proud for not recognising a character from the Goonies or the name of the Gene Kelly character from Singing in the Rain… I got the Don bit right ok?) I am now the proud owner of a RCCL key ring! Yay us!!


Lunch in the MDR is wonderful. Sit with my friends and meet new people for a delightful and fun experience. Just love the build your own salad.


Emmy : not seen any queues but to be honest I've not been anywhere yet.... lol ;)


I'm loving your report, Linda. I was surprised to read that they changed the clocks but I am so thankful you mentioned that as it will be instrumental in my excursion planning (and yes, I haven't planned any excursions for the cruise I am leaving on in 12 days, lol). Keep it coming and more importantly, have a great time!

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Also, a person who got off the 6 day cruise before this one has stated, on another thread, that it was the worst cruise he's ever taken. Lots of bad. Some good. He hasn't elaborated yet though. Some of us are eager to hear what the problems were.



One of the Pink Boa Society gals is on the 2nd leg of her B2B.... maybe on her return she will be able to comment.... I heard today that ambulances were called to assist people who had collapsed in line. Will see what more I can ascertain.

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I wish the rate of viewing this thread was due to the witty writing and elucid descriptions of life on board.... but I know otherwise! Lol. I can't read each post in detail to respond appropriately but will make sure I do on my return. suffice it to say that many people on board are still seething about their treatment. We have our M&M tomorrow and no doubt we will be taking matters further. I am personally aware of people who have been unwell directly as a result of being out in the sun for that length of time.



I’ve had a go at another trivia quiz; this time on Secret Agents. I’m OK on James Bond, so so on Austin Powers and utterly useless on Get Smart.


Formal night




Attire in the MDR is mixed; some men in tuxedos, some in smart suits and ties and others without ties. All ladies look lovely in all possible lengths and heel sizes. I have pre-ordered gluten free escargots, seafood brochettes; I factor in a Caesar salad without croutons. Sat in a different area of the MTD area so a different waiter who is lovely. The escargots arrive and I request gluten free bread. When it arrives it is inedible. One of my tablemates also has the seafood; hers comes with a sauce and a cauliflower base; mine is sauceless and instead of the cauliflower I get a jacket potato. All the food is delicious. A couple of men in white jackets make perfunctory ‘Everything all right?’ comments as they pass. As they don’t look in the least bit interested I don’t raise the subject of the bread. I miss savoury bites.


Spend time and $20 in the Casino. Enough said.


Captain's party on the promenade. About half the guests on board are returners to Royal. I have missed the beginning so don't know if he made mention of the boarding fiasco. Maybe his speech will be shown on the TV tomorrow.




I go to the show (Now and Forever) in the theatre. Now I have not enjoyed these in the past but this crew, staging, choreography, musicality and audience appeal was excellent (I can’t believe I just said that). The Abba tribute at the end was superb. How they managed to keep their balance and poise with the ship still rolling is beyond me. I vaguely recognise the Cruise Director but I don’t know where from.


Next is the ‘Majority Rules’ show presented by one of the crew director’s staff, Wendy. Now I recognise the CD. They were both on Radiance last year. I sit with a bunch of my dear Pink Boa friends and we have a laugh and a groan at the game. All good fun. They subsequently head for the ‘Dungeon’ for a dance to be followed by an Adults Only comedy show. Smoking is allowed in the Dungeon and I make my excuses and leave. I’m tempted to try and stay up but I have a full day tomorrow (another sea day) with our Meet & Mingle, room crawl and slot pull. Just as well tomorrow is casual dress for dinner as there’s no time to change!

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I wish the rate of viewing this thread was due to the witty writing and elucid descriptions of life on board.... but I know otherwise! Lol. I can't read each post in detail to respond appropriately but will make sure I do on my return. suffice it to say that many people on board are still seething about their treatment. We have our M&M tomorrow and no doubt we will be taking matters further. I am personally aware of people who have been unwell directly as a result of being out in the sun for that length of time.



I’ve had a go at another trivia quiz; this time on Secret Agents. I’m OK on James Bond, so so on Austin Powers and utterly useless on Get Smart.


Formal night




Attire in the MDR is mixed; some men in tuxedos, some in smart suits and ties and others without ties. All ladies look lovely in all possible lengths and heel sizes. I have pre-ordered gluten free escargots, seafood brochettes; I factor in a Caesar salad without croutons. Sat in a different area of the MTD area so a different waiter who is lovely. The escargots arrive and I request gluten free bread. When it arrives it is inedible. One of my tablemates also has the seafood; hers comes with a sauce and a cauliflower base; mine is sauceless and instead of the cauliflower I get a jacket potato. All the food is delicious. A couple of men in white jackets make perfunctory ‘Everything all right?’ comments as they pass. As they don’t look in the least bit interested I don’t raise the subject of the bread. I miss savoury bites.


Spend time and $20 in the Casino. Enough said.


Captain's party on the promenade. About half the guests on board are returners to Royal. I have missed the beginning so don't know if he made mention of the boarding fiasco. Maybe his speech will be shown on the TV tomorrow.




I go to the show (Now and Forever) in the theatre. Now I have not enjoyed these in the past but this crew, staging, choreography, musicality and audience appeal was excellent (I can’t believe I just said that). The Abba tribute at the end was superb. How they managed to keep their balance and poise with the ship still rolling is beyond me. I vaguely recognise the Cruise Director but I don’t know where from.


Next is the ‘Majority Rules’ show presented by one of the crew director’s staff, Wendy. Now I recognise the CD. They were both on Radiance last year. I sit with a bunch of my dear Pink Boa friends and we have a laugh and a groan at the game. All good fun. They subsequently head for the ‘Dungeon’ for a dance to be followed by an Adults Only comedy show. Smoking is allowed in the Dungeon and I make my excuses and leave. I’m tempted to try and stay up but I have a full day tomorrow (another sea day) with our Meet & Mingle, room crawl and slot pull. Just as well tomorrow is casual dress for dinner as there’s no time to change!



Thanks for taking the time to tell us about your cruise and to post these photos. I know it is time consuming so appreciate it very much.


You look great all dressed up with that 'pink' accent with your formal attire :) :) Have fun at the M& M Give a hug to Wendy for me:)

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Thanks for taking the time to tell us about your cruise and to post these photos. I know it is time consuming so appreciate it very much.


You look great all dressed up with that 'pink' accent with your formal attire :) :) Have fun at the M& M Give a hug to Wendy for me:)


Not much else to do to be honest. Roflmao.

Will do!!!




Will post loads of Pink Boa pics in their own thread another time.... you have no idea where the boa has been photographed! ;)

Gone now!

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Not much else to do to be honest. Roflmao.

Will do!!!




Will post loads of Pink Boa pics in their own thread another time.... you have no idea where the boa has been photographed! ;)

Gone now!


Great photo Linda and Wendy:) have fun at the Meet & Mingle and maybe a photo or two with some of the banners you took along with you...ty :)

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Wow' date=' I am reading this and wondering what we will be in for when we arrive at the port. As long as we expect long lines/heat/delays and all the other stuff we can't be disappointed, just happy if it doesn't happen:D


Off topic, Mommabean, are those baby Conures in your pic?




Sue, I always thought they were baby parrots. They were in a box in Cartegena, Collumbia where they had all the full grown parrots. I'll ask DH what they are, just to be sure. All I know is that they were really darn cute. :)



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Really? Did you read the post by tarheel? What was he writing about? Give me a break.:rolleyes:


I read Tarheel's review and actually it reassured me. I didn't see a ship problem in that review. It seemed it was some problem with interpersonal relationship skills. The biggest problem was the silly girl passengers. Not knowing the attitude of the writer I would not immediately assume the crew was at fault. I've witnessed so much rude behavior by guests towards crew, the crew generally takes it, but there may be a breaking point eventually.


I know that guests are not to take drinks off of serving trays. And they are not to expect servers to take used glasses onto a tray of new drinks. Some guests go nuts when crew won't break the rules for them. I'm not saying tarheel did this.


I've also seen drinkers think they did one thing and actually they did another. I've been known to think one thing and say another. I recently wrote "port canaveral" when I was thinking "port everglades". ( I was not drinking :) ) Had I not seen it in writing, I'd have never believed I wrote that.


I'll be on board this month and am eagerly looking forward to checking out the situation. My last cruise has set the bar quite high for any future crew. :)


By the way, my first cruise ever was on Navigator and I read some really bad reviews prior to going. I was shocked to find out how wrong they were. I don't take most reviews very seriously unless I know the reviewer.



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We will be on the Navigator in January - have you seen the beer cooler bags at the pool?


No..... weather has not been kind... very windy.... not many people out there when I've braved the outdoors.... will look out for them. More water out of the pool than in it!!

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Good morning.


I’ve slept until 8 am. Unheard of. I never need to set an alarm for work (although I do). I’d been planning on joining the stretch class again. Oh well.


I head for the solarium for a dip in the whirlpool spa which turns out to be very interesting as I get to talking to people who were directly impacted by the boarding fiasco. The elderly gentleman had had with him an oxygen tank and having queued for a while in one queue was moved to a separate queue with no apparent difference. He was offered no seating or assistance. They’d asked for a wheelchair and had been told they had run out. He said, and I quote directly, ‘I felt abused’. I got the impression from the various people I met there this morning that there is a lack of information for them on how to complain and who to complain to. There is understanding about why the lines occurred but bewilderment about the lack of care shown by RCCL. I gather that there was a delay in debarking some passengers from the inbound cruise. No doubt I will find out more at the M&M.


I’m currently sitting in the theatre where there is a port of call talk about St Maarten. The theatre is very empty. If there are 2 dozen people here I would be surprised. I'm at the very back and high up.


Here are pics of the room service breakfast menu.... hope they are clear enough.







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