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New Year and new weight loss goals: SPRING CRUISE


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Glad you had a good time for your birthday. Chocolate cake with chocolate frosting is what I always want for my birthday cake.


Ended up going out with some friends last night to one of our casinos and ended up at Denny's afterward. I had a bacon lovers BLT (I LOVE bacon) and fries and they were sure good. I went over my calories but only ended up about 145 in the hole because I hadn't eaten much all day and got a good workout in. I really wanted my friends double cheeseburger but not at 1400 calories!


We ended up getting our meal free because service was so horrible and I burned the crap out of my mouth on this super, super hot cup of hot chocolate - something about the cup was ran through the heater on the dishwasher too many times. I usually don't complain but the service was so horrible the entire meal and the manager agreed so she comped all four of our meals. The food was good so can't complain about that.


Now, if I had won at the casino it would have been a better night but still had fun.


Six weeks from today I will be in New Orleans!!

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Well had such a great nite out last nite with hubby for my bday!! Went into Victoria Secret and tried on some bathing suits which I felt pretty good in!! But I didnt end up buying any only because I wanted something with a little bit of color, (all they had was bright orange or black) but felt pretty good!!! Today kinda a busy day , so no workout , later dinner at inlaws for my bday and cake!!! (this month is gonna kill me, we have 4 bdays but I'll only have cake today cuz its my fav kind choc cake and choc frosting, made by my hubby )!! Oh well tomorrow is another day!!


Happy Birthday!!

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Sounds like everyone did pretty good. I did ok too. No work out yesterday, very busy and hadn't had an off day in 9 days.

Now I am on the home stretch and going to work hard this week. Going out Sat for drinks with friends so I will work hard all week, eat before I go and drink lower cal beer.

Friend is going to let me borrow either insanity, p90x or turbofire for the week so I can switch it up and hopefully get rid of these last pesky pounds.

Have a happy Monday and great week!:)

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Happy Birthday!!



Why Thank You!!!

Well the start of another week, and another week getting closer to our cruises!!!So where is everyone at? Days left till cruise?

We have 58 days, which to me I can't believe its finally getting here! Yesterday I heard "Red Red wine" in the car with hubby , yeah the two of us singing at the top of our lungs! Told him the next time we heard that we'd be on our ship and me saying "OOh drink of the day??? Here's my card!!"


Yes ladies the countdown is going by fast!!!

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Took a couple of days off from the gym (wicked time at work including Saturday) but I did 30 mins of cardio then an awesome kick boxing class on Sunday afternoon! Taking CRT (lifting class) and then doing cardio tonight and I can't wait.


I have to remind myself that even though things get crazy with the kids (would anyone like a teenager? I have three) and work....THE BEST THING we can do to manage it all is to EXERCISE.


Doing better with food (thank you, Jesus that I don't like cake; in reference to the other posts above) but between wine and sorbet I could do some damage.


Welcome to our newbies! And Happy Monday LADIES!!!


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72 days left for me!!!! What excites me even more is that I'll be done with nursing school when I leave. It will be my carefree cruise!!


Finished day 2 of Insanity and it kicked my booty. I was sore from yesterday and now I'm practically jello! Burned 400 calories in 40 minutes. How many glasses of wine is that? :D I even managed to commit to exercise after a long clinical day...in the past I've come home and crashed on the couch.


Doing great with food today...let's hope I keep this going!


Hope everyone has an awesome start to the week!!

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:) Happy monday sounds like no one did to much damage over the weekend. Yeah for Valentine's Day tomorrow :p DH knows no candy or wine for me, I still have over 300 days before my cruise but both my kids are gradutaing in May from college so I want to look good for that. I don't work out on the weekend thats house cleaning time so thats my work out,back to the gym tonight however. Hope everyone has a great week some of your cruises are so near you lucky people. :)

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1 Week until we leave for vacation, and 10 days till cruise.:)

Did my typical Jillian workout yesterday then a friend let me borrow Hip HOP ABS. Did a 30 min workout of that but not as intense of a workout as I had hoped. Oh well that is why I like to borrow those things first to see if it is worth buying.

Trying to get my household ready for us being gone and the business, starting to get overwhelmed and my oldest has 2 major projects before we go and one when we get back. Had a purse/bag party and waiting for those to come in later this week so I can pack, I hate waiting for things.

Today I plan on doing a killer arm workout and elliptical, protein shakes for breakfast and lunch and ribs and salad for dinner. Hopefully no chocolates from Hubby or kiddies;)

Have a great day!!!

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1 Week until we leave for vacation, and 10 days till cruise.:)

Did my typical Jillian workout yesterday then a friend let me borrow Hip HOP ABS. Did a 30 min workout of that but not as intense of a workout as I had hoped. Oh well that is why I like to borrow those things first to see if it is worth buying.

Yeah I bought the Hip Hop abs at a yard sale so the price was cheap, so I dont feel bad that I dont use it that often, cuz I agree with you its ok, and after a while, Shawn T I wanna choke!!!! Although after a while after doing certain DVD's I get to that point that I start making fun of the trainer or people in the video!! Hay I need something to pass my time!!

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haha! Thats funny, I kinda do that too Mimic what I know they are gonna say next. I bought Jillian Michaels ripped with weights today and did level 2, it was a good workout, glad for a little change up. 2Whey protein shakes with a banana today so i am doing pretty good. Now just portion control at dinner. :)

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Well, no offense but Shawn T is such a "queen"! I love him but my goodness. I really enjoyed his HIP HOP ABS series. A while ago, I did this STEP Video with Cher and after about three months I could cue the instructor and sing along....my ex husband thought I was crazy!


The Barbell instructor on Wednesday night classes at my gym cues from me during class if she loses count and especially during the warmup as I can do it during my sleep.


Happy Valentine's Day, dear ladies!



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Well, no offense but Shawn T is such a "queen"! I love him but my goodness. I really enjoyed his HIP HOP ABS series. A while ago, I did this STEP Video with Cher and after about three months I could cue the instructor and sing along....my ex husband thought I was crazy!


The Barbell instructor on Wednesday night classes at my gym cues from me during class if she loses count and especially during the warmup as I can do it during my sleep.


Happy Valentine's Day, dear ladies!





LOL, oh yes a queen he is!!!! Especially when he does this little (too much bootie in the pants) i one of his dvd's, I just about die every time I see it!!

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Happy Valentines Day!!! DH and I kept it simple this year... I got him a Starbucks gift card and he got me a box of chocolates (which I told him NOT to do....he's such an enabler!) He said he'd help me eat them which basically means he'll have one piece and the rest will be calling my name until they're gone! We had a heart-shaped cheese pizza for dinner which wasn't too bad cause I only had 1.5 slices and loaded up on some green beans. DS loved the fact it was in a heart shape. DH and I are going to dinner this weekend just ourselves, so I thought it would be best to have a nice little family V-day.


Also got day 3 of Insanity in today!


How's everyone else doing?!


LOL, oh yes a queen he is!!!! Especially when he does this little (too much bootie in the pants) i one of his dvd's, I just about die every time I see it!!


He can be the biggest queen in the world as long as he helps me make my booty smaller!! lol

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Hope everyone is having a good week. I was craving pizza tonight so we ate at Pizza Hut so I am sure the salt will get me for the next few days. This is really the only day in the past couple of months that I have gone overboard but did exercise after for an hour. Managed to be down 3.8 lbs this week - of course 2 of them were what I added last week, who knows what my body is doing.


Travelcat - congratulations on almost being done with nursing school, that is a great feeling and accomplishment.I graduated about 11 years ago and am back in school again, I swear it is never ending. This semester is stressing me out for some reason and trying to get caught up so I don't have to do anything over our cruise and spring break.


39 days now, it is getting closer!

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3.8 is awesome Ladyd and good job travelcat.

our Dinner consisted of Crock pot Ribs, one red skin potato, one cheddar cheese biscuit and salad.Told my HUbby NO chocolates and NO dessert. I am going to my kids school PTO Meeting tonight and we usually go for a couple drinks afterward but I am opting out of that and saving my drinks for Sat PM when we go out. Trying to be so good but the scale has stopped, plan on getting 2 workouts in today, usually can on Wed. Tomorrow might not have time during day.

So bummed cause I am bloating this week and will be "uncomfortable" next week for my vacation, right when we go on our cruise. Not too happy about that and am sure hubby won't be either, but what do you do?

7 days from exactly right now I will be getting on a plane, can't complain about that:)

Have a great, Healthy Day!!!!

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Hi everyone. Well, my whole family is sick to varying degrees and I'm trying no to get it. So I'm going to do less this week and pick up next week when (hopefully) everyone is better.


Keep up the good work ladies. I'm so impressed with everyone's commitment!

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Do what you can Fruth, a little effort is better than none.



Yesterday was another good day. Good Eating and 2 workouts. Today I am traveling in the car between 4-5 hours total with my HUbby and plan on stopping for lunch. I am having a light breakfast, packing a snack(fruit) in the car and going to try and squeeze in a quick workout. Depending on what time, where and what I eat I may be skipping dinner and having just lettuce:) This is my attack plan for the day! Only 6 more days and still want to lose 3 pounds but coming to the conclusion it isn't realistic.


What is yours??

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Good morning! Mama - 6 days will come up soon, my 37 day so seems to be sneaking up on me quickly! I thought my treadmill was broken yesterday because it was acting funny but it had a loose belt on it so my boyfriend was able to fix it - YEAH but didn't get a workout in but ate pretty well yesterday.


Weather if finally getting colder here and am over winter already so cruise can hurry up but I guess if it comes too fast I don't have anything else to look forward to for a while.


My whole office is sick and I keep telling them I am going to quarantine them so I don't get it!

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Ugh! My office is sick and we were just "acquired" by another company. Bad news: the work load is killing me, good news: I am being retained and given a promotion.


Regardless of that, I am committed to my fitness and food. Tuesday was Kickboxing and some cardio. Wednesday was Body Pump and THEN my awesome/crazy instructor invited me to run with her for 20 minutes on the treadmill.


The scale was kind to me today and reflected my hard work!


Hope y'all are well!


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Ladyd – congrats on 3.8 lbs!! That’s great! And I know exactly what you mean about being in school forever! This spring I’ll be done with my associates, so I’ll have to go back for my bachelor’s in nursing…and I already have a bachelor’s in another area. Try to take it easy and enjoy a relaxing cruise!!

Fruth – Stay as well as possible. Stay hydrated and take some Vitamin C or airborne!!

Mamaparr - 6 days and 3 lbs is a tall order, but sounds like you have a plan for the car trip…you never know! Stick with it! If you’re anything like me even if I miss a goal, I feel better knowing that I am eating right and getting activity.

Donna – Hang in there…sounds like you have a lot going on! Exercise is a great stress-buster and sounds like you’re showing that gym who’s boss! And congrats on the happy scale movement!


I just finished day 5 of insanity and it was crazy! That program is aptly named...that's for sure. My eating is going okay...I'm staying within my calorie range, but I know I could be making better choices...so I'll be working at that. Weighed in and lost 3.2lb this week! I'll take it. I'm already feeling better, more energy, less bloated...yay!


69 days left til I cruise!!!

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Donna, thats awesome!

To everyone STAY WELL!

I get to try insanity workout this weekend, it sounds like I amm in for a real treat.

Yesterday was ok went over on calories ate chinese food but no dinner. Exercised but that chinese food is pack full of calories. Now going to be good till we go except a few beverages tomorrow night.

Edited by Mamaparr
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:)Happy Saturday all:) Lost one pound last week, I like the Winsor Pilates DVD on days I don't make the gym does anyone else use this? It is a 20 minute core work out. Have a good and safe weekend all, I see some of you will be thinking of packing and getting ready to head out to the warm sun, enjoy your cruise.:p

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Going to work out and eat well today because will be enjoying some beers at a bowling benefit tonight. Probably some junk food too...just a little. Think I mat try the 55 cal beer. Then I can have more and hopefully not do too much damage to all my hard work. Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!!!

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Everyone is doing a great job! My friend is on week 5 of insanity but I have not even ventured to watch the DVD. She keeps getting me to try it but I am just getting into the exercise thing so going to wait.


Insanity is no joke! Because I'm just getting back into exercise I'm modifying a lot of the moves, and frankly I'm impressed with my ability to keep up with the DVD. Even some of the people in the video drop like flies toward the end...makes me feel like they ARE human after all! lol... give it a try once you feel up to it.


:)Happy Saturday all:) Lost one pound last week, I like the Winsor Pilates DVD on days I don't make the gym does anyone else use this? It is a 20 minute core work out. Have a good and safe weekend all, I see some of you will be thinking of packing and getting ready to head out to the warm sun, enjoy your cruise.:p


Great job on the 1lb!!! Awesome! I've heard of the Winsor pilates but never tried it. Pilates in general is awesome core work so I'm sure it's a great workout!





Going to work out and eat well today because will be enjoying some beers at a bowling benefit tonight. Probably some junk food too...just a little. Think I mat try the 55 cal beer. Then I can have more and hopefully not do too much damage to all my hard work. Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!!!


Enjoy tonight!! And I can't believe you're packing... so very close! You're going to have a wonderful time.



I finished week 1 of Insanity and I'm still alive! I've also tracked my food and have been eating really well. Yesterday I went to PF Changs for a lunch date with DH and I tried to eat slowly and put fork down between bites. We only ordered one entree and one appetizer to share and DH ate at least 2/3 of it all. I thought I might have gone haywire, but when I tracked my calories I was doing just fine. I even fit in some nonfat frozen yogurt when we stopped at Costco! Taking a brief study break now, but planning to go out tonight to celebrate a friends graduation! I'm going to try to eat well at dinner, because I know I'll be drinking my calories! On the plus side, I'll be dancing off a bunch of calories too!


Hope everyone has a great fun-filled, active weekend!!

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