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New Year and new weight loss goals: SPRING CRUISE


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Had a fun night out, didn't go crazy with food or drinks. My friend and I are sharing Insanity I am starting a week 2 since I am used to working out. So we will see how that goes today.

The next few days are going to be crazy busy which will make them go by even faster:)

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Had an RN open house recruitment day yesterday at work that I had to be at and they always have soooo much food. Managed to eat a cheese omelet, a bagel, fruit and the best looking chocolate covered strawberries. I logged everything and had pretty much hit my calorie goal by 10 a.m. LOL but it was so worth it. I did turn down lots of other foods that I could have been eating as they starting serving lunch before I left. I did manage to get a workout in and didn't really eat the rest of the day since I was pretty full from the morning so still managed to come in under net goal for calories.


34 days til I cruise and it is sneaking up fast, feel like I have so much to do still. Sunny here today but I will be stuck in all day doing homework. Trying to get ahead so I don't have to worry about it on the cruise or even the week before.


Hope everyone has a great Sunday and work week!

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Hi my ladies!!! Seems like forever since I've been on this thread!! Can't believe this month is almost done, THANK GOD!!!! I can't wait to say "we're leaving this month", eh I'll take saying "I can't wait till I'm leaving next month"! Kinds are home this week (woohoo, there is sarcasim there) I love having them home, but my youngest who is 8 does'nt know what to do with herself!! (why I hope she'll try Camp carnival)

Hoping the weather gets a little warmer so we can go outside, go for a walk or just be outdoors and get some fresh air!! Well worked out already, feel real good, weekend was pretty good too got a good workout in yesterday, would be nice to see if I lost anything, but the scale has officially died!! But my clothes feel real good and much looser!! WOOHOO!!!

We're gonna go Cruise shopping later, me and the girls, see how that goes, My oldest balks at the idea of dresses, where my youngest asks "how many fancy dresses can I bring mama?" God their so different! Well I hope everyone is doing good! For those who are packing and leaving soon, so excited( and jealous) for you!!! And those of us who have just a little to go Its coming!! And oh so quick!

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Did two classes on Saturday and then 2 on Sunday. But I had a big steak and wine to wash it down so I don't want to see the scale. Will check it tomorrow.


Our progress as a group is so inspirational to me!


BTW, please send hugs my way. Today is the big "take over" day at work and they have 10 security guards in the lobby. While I think I am going to be ok, please pray for those who are in for a surprise. Walk outs at work with immediate terminations are ugly. I am so nervous for everyone.



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Hello All, Wow wish I had seen this post back in January. It appears most of you will be cruising soon where as my next cruise is not until the end of October.

3 years ago I was a size 8 and now I'm busting out of a 16:( I quit smoking 4 years ago and I have put on 40 pounds:eek:. I just don't have any willpower, every night I say tomorrow is the day I'm gonna be good and I might start that way but I don't end that way.

I am gonna check out some of the sites you folks mentioned for logging your food intake and hope I can stick to it.

Keep up the good work you are all doing I hope I can be as good as all of you.

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Hello All, Wow wish I had seen this post back in January. It appears most of you will be cruising soon where as my next cruise is not until the end of October.

3 years ago I was a size 8 and now I'm busting out of a 16:( I quit smoking 4 years ago and I have put on 40 pounds:eek:. I just don't have any willpower, every night I say tomorrow is the day I'm gonna be good and I might start that way but I don't end that way.

I am gonna check out some of the sites you folks mentioned for logging your food intake and hope I can stick to it.

Keep up the good work you are all doing I hope I can be as good as all of you.


Hay there!! Welcome to our Support group!!!!

There are a great group of ladies here, you need support we're here!! Whether your having a bad day or good we're here!!! And believe me being on this boards helps , especially those times that you have a slip up (cause we're human and it happens) or need support cause your frustrated at that scale, feel free to drop in!!!


RealBlonde474, thinking of you today, I can only imagine the stress your feeling,your gonna need that cruise soon, and a nice glass of wine!!

Edited by jolyroger
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Welcome Sun and don't worry once you do get motivated you will be so surprised how much support there is out there.


Good job Joly!

RealBlonde prayers your way hope all is well. Good Job too :)


Guess what today is???????:D

Yep leaving this afternoon after the kids get off the bus. Going to stay down near the airport because our flight leaves at 6:40 AM> We have a restaurant and a bar at the hotel so I will be eating out tonight. WEnt to my Boys Cub and Boys Scout potluck last night and didn't eat too well. Thank goodness I only really had a protein shake all day and did Insanity.

Sounds crazy but I am bringing the DVD with me just in case I have a chance to do it. I know I will be running though because I love to run outside and it is my passion, so might not need the Insanity while on vacation.\

I am not going to completely sabatoge all of my hard work. I will run use the gym while on he ship ( I did last cruise) and eat semi healthy while not on the cruise. I have packed my protein powder. We are staying with relatives so we won't have to eat out all the time. Hope my plan works and I don't come home weighing a bunch more than I left.

Good Luck Ladies, Be good while I am gone and I will report back in when I get back...or maybe while I am on vacation. LOL

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to MMPar: by the time you read this you will on your cruise: Have a fantastic time.


Hope everyone is doing well. Never made it to the gym yesterday (Monday) at I was at the office from 6 am to 8 pm but I didn't snack and no wine last night.


Today is kickboxing!


Happy Tuesday and thanks for all the prayers. I passed them onto the people doing and receiving the news.


How many days?

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:rolleyes: Thinking about being gone on a cruise right now after the snow we had this morning it sounds like the place to be. I made it past Fat Tuesday eating no Paczki, my boss who is a workout freak brought in Paczki's today. I'm like really? are you planning to eat any of these? he said no but you can enjoy them. ;) When I felt the melt down sneaking up on me I headed to the gym to workout. My son's first words to me when I got home were where is my Paczki, you could have brought one home for me, yeah I would have ate it on the way home unless I stashed it in the trunk :confused: I thought it was better if I left them at work. Keep up the good work everyone remember its for a great cause.


Cruising in under 300 days.:p

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Hope mama has a good time on her cruise. Welcome Sun. Managed to lose 1 1.2 lbs this week so I will take it. Went over yesterday on my calorie and not even my workout could make up for it haha but today is a new day.


We cruise in 31 days and it seems like it is coming up fast. My son is counting down school days and said he has 24 as of yesterday!


Want to go shopping and get a few new clothes for the cruise but waiting a couple of more weeks to see where I settle at in size. I have gone down one size and they are lose on me but not sure I could fit into the lower size.

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Hope everyone is doing well. Never made it to the gym yesterday (Monday) at I was at the office from 6 am to 8 pm but I didn't snack and no wine last night.


Today is kickboxing!


That is a LONG day!! Hope you got to blow off some steam with kickboxing. Stay strong...my prayers are with you during the transition and for those that weren't so fortunate.


:rolleyes: Thinking about being gone on a cruise right now after the snow we had this morning it sounds like the place to be. I made it past Fat Tuesday eating no Paczki, my boss who is a workout freak brought in Paczki's today. I'm like really? are you planning to eat any of these? he said no but you can enjoy them. ;) When I felt the melt down sneaking up on me I headed to the gym to workout. My son's first words to me when I got home were where is my Paczki, you could have brought one home for me, yeah I would have ate it on the way home unless I stashed it in the trunk :confused: I thought it was better if I left them at work. Keep up the good work everyone remember its for a great cause.


Cruising in under 300 days.:p


Hula it's cold here, though no snow....so I, too, can't wait to cruise! Great job on avoiding the Paczki...I've never had one, so I guess I don't know what I'm missing!


Hope mama has a good time on her cruise. Welcome Sun. Managed to lose 1 1.2 lbs this week so I will take it. Went over yesterday on my calorie and not even my workout could make up for it haha but today is a new day.


We cruise in 31 days and it seems like it is coming up fast. My son is counting down school days and said he has 24 as of yesterday!


Want to go shopping and get a few new clothes for the cruise but waiting a couple of more weeks to see where I settle at in size. I have gone down one size and they are lose on me but not sure I could fit into the lower size.


Great job on the loss and having gone down a size! Both awesome accomplishments!!!



To MamaP...I hope you're having a great time already!!!



I'm down 2.2 this week. I've been working really hard doing Insanity and eating within my calorie budget... I've had about a 1,000 calorie deficit each day which = 2 lbs...so I'm on track. I've done something to my knee from doing Insanity...I think maybe I hit it too hard! I'm going to try to take it easy, but I might need to switch to a program with less plyometric activity!


Hope everyone's having a great week!



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Hope mama has a good time on her cruise. Welcome Sun. Managed to lose 1 1.2 lbs this week so I will take it. Went over yesterday on my calorie and not even my workout could make up for it haha but today is a new day.


We cruise in 31 days and it seems like it is coming up fast. My son is counting down school days and said he has 24 as of yesterday!


Want to go shopping and get a few new clothes for the cruise but waiting a couple of more weeks to see where I settle at in size. I have gone down one size and they are lose on me but not sure I could fit into the lower size.


Thats great!! Hay any loss is better than nothing! Yeah our cruises are getting quickly, definatly have to start shopping and as unhealthy as I know it is, I usually try to get a couple (ok maybe a little more than a couple) tanning sessions in....I've tried many different spray tans and even the creams, (and not the cheap ones) but I have a bad reaction to them, not right away, but as the day goes on I itch like CRAZY!! To me My bathing suit and shorts just look better with a little bit of color!!


Oh as a side note as i'm typing this there is an infomercial for Brazilion Butt Lift? the system looks great was just curious if anyone as tried it!

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Hello All, Wow wish I had seen this post back in January. It appears most of you will be cruising soon where as my next cruise is not until the end of October.

3 years ago I was a size 8 and now I'm busting out of a 16:( I quit smoking 4 years ago and I have put on 40 pounds:eek:. I just don't have any willpower, every night I say tomorrow is the day I'm gonna be good and I might start that way but I don't end that way.

I am gonna check out some of the sites you folks mentioned for logging your food intake and hope I can stick to it.

Keep up the good work you are all doing I hope I can be as good as all of you.


Welcome!!! This is a great group! I know exactly what you mean about putting it off til tomorrow...and then it seems like tomorrow never comes. Normally when I start a plan I wait til a Monday so I can go crazy over the weekend and have anything and everything I want to eat... This time I just decided one day to start...I'm 2 weeks in, 5.4 lbs down, and feeling so much better, more energy, clothes are looser, less bloated, and because I'm on the right track I just feel better about myself in general. I hope you'll make your "tomorrow" today if you haven't already!!! Check in frequently...it helps keep you accountable! Good luck!



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Thats great!! Hay any loss is better than nothing! Yeah our cruises are getting quickly, definatly have to start shopping and as unhealthy as I know it is, I usually try to get a couple (ok maybe a little more than a couple) tanning sessions in....I've tried many different spray tans and even the creams, (and not the cheap ones) but I have a bad reaction to them, not right away, but as the day goes on I itch like CRAZY!! To me My bathing suit and shorts just look better with a little bit of color!!


Oh as a side note as i'm typing this there is an infomercial for Brazilion Butt Lift? the system looks great was just curious if anyone as tried it!


Hey! I meant to reply to your last post...but I have been crazy busy with a test this week and I can't keep anything straight. Congrats on the clothes fitting better even if the scale doesn't move you know you're doing something right!


I don't know what it is about the "fake" tans, but I can't stand the smell...they ALL have a weird smell about them. I agree that things look better with some color!


I have the Brazilian Butt Lift... I only did a few workouts when I first got it because I felt I wanted something more extreme (Insanity)... but I definitely could tell those few workouts were working! My butt and legs were sore in places I didn't know existed, so there is something to Leandro's program with that triangle training. I just love all of beachbody's programs...I'm biased I suppose!

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Hey! I meant to reply to your last post...but I have been crazy busy with a test this week and I can't keep anything straight. Congrats on the clothes fitting better even if the scale doesn't move you know you're doing something right!


I don't know what it is about the "fake" tans, but I can't stand the smell...they ALL have a weird smell about them. I agree that things look better with some color!


I have the Brazilian Butt Lift... I only did a few workouts when I first got it because I felt I wanted something more extreme (Insanity)... but I definitely could tell those few workouts were working! My butt and legs were sore in places I didn't know existed, so there is something to Leandro's program with that triangle training. I just love all of beachbody's programs...I'm biased I suppose!

Well gotta say just did Jillian Michaels "Banish fat Metabolism" Let me tell you its been awhile since I've done particular workout, yeah halfway through I though I was gonna die!!! But its done!

And I feel so good now, and to top it off, the bathing suit I ordered came in and it fits good looks cute(so my 11yr old said) , so I'm thinking in 49 more days, I'll love it even more!!! There's more of an incentive!!! WOOHOO!! Yes I love Beach body Programs, love the website too!! I just needed something different to do today, but tomorrow, back to SLIM IN 6!!

"Just Press Play"!:)

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Joly, how do you like Jillian Michael's programs? I probably should check a few out at the library before I purchase. Congrats on the "cute" swimsuit! That must feel nice!


Donna, Great job on the eating and working out!!! Hope you are doing okay and not too stressed with all the long work hours.



Okay, so today I put in Insanity and did a couple minutes and said forget it! I fell yesterday (call me captain clumsy) while walking to the mailbox...and hurt my other knee. So I switched to Turbo Fire...LOVE IT. It's more dance-y which is fun and I remember a lot of the moves because I used to do Turbo Jam at my gym. It's also much nicer to my joints. Once I get some more weight off I'll try insanity again. Food journaling is going well...just trying to get all my fruits and veggies in daily...that's the hard part! Also, tried on the dresses I bought again and I think at least one of them is going to be too big by the time I cruise. I guess I'll return it cause I don't really need 4 dresses! 62 days til I cruise!!


Hope everyone is having a great day!

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Joly, how do you like Jillian Michael's programs? I probably should check a few out at the library before I purchase. Congrats on the "cute" swimsuit! That must feel nice!


Donna, Great job on the eating and working out!!! Hope you are doing okay and not too stressed with all the long work hours.



Okay, so today I put in Insanity and did a couple minutes and said forget it! I fell yesterday (call me captain clumsy) while walking to the mailbox...and hurt my other knee. So I switched to Turbo Fire...LOVE IT. It's more dance-y which is fun and I remember a lot of the moves because I used to do Turbo Jam at my gym. It's also much nicer to my joints. Once I get some more weight off I'll try insanity again. Food journaling is going well...just trying to get all my fruits and veggies in daily...that's the hard part! Also, tried on the dresses I bought again and I think at least one of them is going to be too big by the time I cruise. I guess I'll return it cause I don't really need 4 dresses! 62 days til I cruise!!


Hope everyone is having a great day!



Oh I was yelling at the tv!!! She kicks your butt!!! But feels great when your all done LOL! Check out the website HULU..They have so many exercise programs you can do and watch on the site.. Many shows that use to be on Exercise TV are on there as well!!

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Hey ladies. Just checking in so you don't think I've forgotten about you! I haven't exactly been working out, except my stomach muscles...lots of coughing. But the antibiotics are working and my family is slowly getting better. As soon as I can get a good night's sleep I can get back on the treadmill!


That Brazil Butt Lift looks good (I watched the infomercial in the middle of the night). I wish it wasn't so expensive - what if I don't like it?

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:) Hi all, thinking about checking out the Julian Michaels DVD my DH has done it and he thinks its great. I am so hooked on the Pilates I have a hard time trying new things, my DD had me try Zumba and I really did not like it. I did feel some in my hips the next day. I have Slim in 6 and haven't done it for a while so maybe I will throw that in. I mostly go to the gym if I'm paying for it I may as well use it, we have tanning at our gym and I do tan on occasion, I don't want to be super tan but I like a little color.Keep up the good work everyone.:)

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Hope y'all are doing well. Got a great workout in on Saturday. 1 hour of cardio and 1 hours of barbell.


Did great with food and wine then I started feeling funny last night.


Wicked, gross gastro flu but at least I am down 4 pounds, don't ask me how....




Great job on the 4pounds!! Not so great about the Stomach flu, eh look at it this way, better to get it now then on your cruise...Rest up and keep hydrated!!

My weekend was pretty good, great workout yesterday and then seemed like I spring cleaned all day...Then had to make a cake for inlaws bday...And quite proud of myself cause I had none!!! Hay that cruise is getting closer and I don't know about you ladies but when it does I kinda get into "the zone" ....Adding extra workouts here or there when I can and trying to be real good during the week with wine (not really having much if ) and eating!! Hope all is well with everyone, to those of us who kids are now back to school WOOHOOO!!!!! I love them dearly but after awhile even they want to go back(at least my 11yr old could'nt wait to )!

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:eek: Donna, sick before the cruise not good get better girl I'm sure you have lots to do and no time for flu. Glad you got 4 pounds off thats great!!!! I have to agree with joly you girls are now in the zone. :) I keep thinking I still have plenty of time but I still keep thinking about the cruise, I did the spring cleaning this weekend also must be the warm sun just put me in the mood. Keep up the good work all week everyone.:)

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I agree gastric virus is not the best way to lose weight YUCK. I swear everyone in my building has been sick a couple of times this winter. I am threatening voodoo on them if I get sick before my cruise HA!


Cruise will be here soon and I can't wait. It was 55 here yesterday and I was loving it. We have been very fortunate this year as we have only had a couple of days of snow (barely snow) and have not had to miss any school this year. I am hoping that the end of March when we leave does not bring some freak snowstorm.

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