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Imagination Review (old to many, NEW to us!)


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Okay, time for more pics (there's never enough food porn, ya know?) and have got to get to that big tip for the ladies!


Last dinner meant the Pride dining room again for us. We were seated next to a thoroughly delightful couple who happened to be from North Carolina also! I thought soup sounded good, so I opted to start with some french onion:




This was (sadly) a huge disappointment. It tasted like watery beef broth with NO onion flavor, or any onions either for that matter. I didn't last long attempting to eat it, but that was okay because I was smart enough to also order the crabcake:




Now that I ate every bite of! Worth every calorie. Which was a good thing because my entree was probably not:




Doesn't it look good though? And just like everything else on the cruise, each element was cooked perfectly...the pasta, the calamari, other seafood, but it was sorely lacking in sauce.


That was okay though, because for the first time on the cruise, I felt I had enough room for the famous dessert. Before that, though, I did get to taste Husband's Veal Parmigiana, and it was quite good:




I do wish I had ordered it. At least I got to try it. Especially liked the grilled onions that came with it. What a nice touch! Maybe a tad more sauce would have been nice? But Husband was very happy with it and I can see why.


And I can also see why everyone likes this:




It is indeed, very good. Very very rich! The vanilla ice cream perfectly compliments it though. Husband went with the baked alaska (otherwise known as ice cream cake)




This wasn't my kind of thing, but he liked it enough to polish it off. We were having so much fun talking to our North Carolina neighbors, anyway. And for the first time of the whole cruise in the Pride dining room, we weren't made to feel like we were rushed. It was so nice!

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Okay, as promised, for those of you who have made it this far on my weak attempt at a review, let me offer you the most invaluable tip EVER for THIS SHIP!


(note: I still have more to say after this, if anyone wants to stick around, including a bit of afterwards in Miami)


This tip is mostly for the gals, but could also be important for guys, in case your woman disappears on this ship for way longer than she should. :eek:


There is a public women's room on this ship on one of the decks (and I'm sorry that I can't be more specific, because I would run into it, then go awhile and not see it again and go to normal bathrooms, then run into it again). Best guess is it's outside the Galaxy Theater somewhere? (I know that's on two different decks, but that's what I mean about not sure where it was). The point is...if you run into THE bathroom (and there was only one like this that I saw), you'll know it! :eek:


I should have known something was up the first time when I opened the door and a woman rushed out mumbling something about "being stuck in there". Didn't think much about it, did what I had to do, washed my hands and went to head out. Hmmmm, the door wouldn't open. Okay, tried a different door...no, that's not it, there are cleaning supplies in there. Hmmm, tried again. No, the door wasn't opening. No door handles either. This was WEIRD. And surreal. Of course, I was alone in there, and had only been drinking so much at this point, so that wasn't it. I seriously spent quite a long time before I finally figured out there was a button to push to open the doors. (the button was NOT NEAR the doors, however). I realize this was a handicap helper, and have such many times, but NEVER EVER have I seen it where the door would NOT open at all without pushing the button. Nor have I ever seen it where it wasn't obvious!


Several times later on this cruise, I mentioned this unusual bathroom to other ladies, and EVERY ONE acknowledged the same problem! One woman told me she had to call her husband on her cell phone to get him to come open the door! :eek:


So, folks, I give you (even before the end of my review), my single most important tip for the Imagination...don't let this unusual bathroom get you, ladies! :cool:

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Back to last night on the ship, and the promised blackjack results as well!

Our Cabin Steward was up to his usual good work on our last night. (how cool is it to have your room cleaned TWICE a day? What luxury! Would seriously love to have him come home with me.)

Anyway, our animal for this night was not an animal, it was beautiful simplicity:




Even later, the tequila we bought in Cozumel showed up:




This was nice, as we had been told by the gal that took it from us that we would have to go get it the final morning. Luckily we got it the night before, so we could pack it in our bags that we had to (sadly) put outside our door. I hated coming back to the room to find disembarkment info waiting for us. I know it's necessary, but it was so SAD that our journey was coming to an end! :(


That night after all the other things we enjoyed...comedy, Shout, dinner, etc., we opted for a little more casino action. I did still have eleven bucks on my card, ya know? Sat back down at the video blackjack table (do note that I did also do some live dealer blackjack and a little let it ride also over the course of the sailing). This night, it was all about playing down the eleven bucks on my card, which started from my original two bucks, which turned into $5.93, which led to a LOT of fun video blackjack with no more financial investment on my part.


To make a long story short, at just three bucks a hand for the most part (except for occasional double downs & splits), I couldn't lose! The same seat that had done me well on other occasions, was not letting me down again. At one point I was up over a hundred. Played it down, then back up, and finally, being tired won and I cashed out with $80 on the card! :D:D I confess I've always been suspicious of ship casinos that they would set the odds in your favor early in a sailing, then take you for everything you've got the last night before you get off. This was so not the case. This casino ALWAYS felt on the up and up to me. And I say that even for the live dealer not-winning moments at let it ride and blackjack.


If you enjoy gambling, this is an enjoyable (and from my experience) very honestly run casino!

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After a last night of peaceful sleep on the very comfy slightly rocking bed, we did indeed arrive back in Miami and were forced to end our lovely cruise. However, we were smart enough to anticipate this sad time, so we planned for an extra night in Miami!


This bargain-loving gal had scored a Priceline win and managed to get the perfect post-cruise hotel...the Marriott Biscayne Bay for $100 for that Friday night. So, we were in no hurry to get off the ship. As everyone else rushed off, we took leisurely showers, dressed and went to the Pride dining room for a leisurely breakfast.


We were seated at a large round table with others that were also so inspired to not want to hurry and get off the ship, nor wanted to get into the crazy frenzy of the buffet. Unlike the other breakfast we'd had in the Pride dining room, this time the staff actually seemed to not be in any hurry to rush us off.


This time I went with an omelet. Omelet choices are very limited here. Either cheese, ham or a combo of cheese and ham. I asked for the possibility of salsa for my omelet, but that didn't happen. Also had hash browns (they're not hash browns, more like hash fried rounds), bacon and rye toast:




I didn't bother to take pics of husband's scrambled eggs. It all looked very similar. This was a very pleasant experience. We enjoyed meeting more people, had a relaxing breakfast, and went to explore the ship one last time.


We went to look at the pics for one last time, found one we hadn't seen before and decided to purchase it. TIP TIP TIP...if you want to buy any pics or anything else on the ship for that matter, buy it BEFORE you get to Miami. Because as soon as the ship is docked, it means TAXES. Taxes that would not have been there before. I know it might not be a ton of money, but every little bit counts, ya know?


Some last pics of the ever-quieting ship:








This bird was just hanging around like we were:




And so was this one:




Hey Husband, stop a sec and let me take your pic!




After pondering if anyone has ever managed to hide on the ship and not get off, we slowly worked our way to the exit, let them insert our cards and delete us. For now.


TIP...don't leave immediately! Do like we did and spend a night before going home. It makes it a lot more leisurely and pleasant to have to get off that wonderful ship!


Coming up, a little bit of the Marriott Biscayne Bay.

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Our luggage was waiting for us when we got off the ship. Customs were quick and easy. We stepped outside, got a cab headed straight to the Marriott Biscayne Bay. I might add that I was not happy at first about our cab driver. He was very agitated, yelling into the phone and I indicated that I was not comfortable getting into his cab, even though he was next in line, and so were we. The guy directing traffic wouldn't take no for an answer. He insisted we get in, but told the driver to "knock it off". Yeah, right. :rolleyes:


Anyway, turned out that this poor driver was not some crazy maniac. He was dealing with getting ripped off by Western Union with some money he had sent to Haiti. It was very sad and so WRONG what he was dealing with. I felt bad for being scared to get in a cab with him. We tried to offer some suggestions (go to the media, local tv stations, newspaper, go to the police, and perhaps contact someone like Clark Howard)...but other than tipping him well, there was not much else we could do.


Arrived at the Marriott maybe around 11 or so? Who knows, I was beyond caring about time at this point. (isn't that what a cruise is for?) Anyway, I knew it was too early to check in most hotels, so when we made our way through the busy lobby to the desk, we were prepared for waiting.


We told them we were just off a cruise, knew we were too early to check in and asked if anything was available yet? Thus began very friendly service. Constance was our gal. She recognized our Priceline pre-paid reservation. She then offered us a $30 upgrade for a bay view to see the cruise ships come and go. Even though I'm a bargain gal, it was my birthday the next day, and we didn't want our serene experience to end, so we agreed to the upgrade. GREAT DECISION! Was never sorry for it! It didn't hurt that when she heard it was my birthday, she offered up two free drinks. Score! Thank you kind Constance! Off we happily went to our 12th floor beautiful view!




Nice room with the usual incredibly comfy Marriott bed!




And more:







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After checking in and enjoying our view for a little while (by the way, the window opens up, so you can feel the breeze also), we decided to go find Bayside Marketplace, which we had never been to.


We went downstairs and asked a friendly Doorman how to get there. He gave us three choices: the free People Mover, walking or taking a six dollar cab ride.

Dumb me thought the People Mover looked like it would be fun to ride.


TIP!!!! We cannot recommend the People Mover, no matter how free it is! That is probably precisely the problem with it. Yes, it was very close to the hotel, but then you have to go up to get on it, and once you go up, you are at the mercy of whoever is hanging around. Now, we recently had a year and a half of Metro riding in DC, so riding these kind of trains was not unusual for us. THIS one made us very nervous! Husband described it as "the Metro on a bad day". Maybe it was just the car we got it, but we did not feel safe. There was a small gang of guys that looked like they were just waiting for the right opportunity.


Plus it is confusing! We knew about where the Marketplace was. We could see it on the map, but we figured out you had to transfer to one going in the other direction at one point. To make a long story short, we finally made it there, were incredibly relieved to get off, and will not be doing that again! (and this was broad daylight).


Now, Bayside Marketplace was quite charming! Lots of little shops (which is where I found the sundress I had bought in Cozumel for $4 cheaper). We enjoyed walking around, more so on the side with the smaller shops, than we did on the traditional mall stores part, but that's us.


Somehow we managed to work up an appetite again, and since a free buffet was no where in sight, after checking out lots of menus, we ended up at Bubba Gump's. I had a very good mango mojito, and we shared a couple things:




This was a kicked up spinach artichoke dip that was very delicious. With that we shared this tasty shrimp sampler with fries:




Both were perfect for sharing!


Later, after some more shopping, we stopped at Hard Rock for a couple drinks:




I really did not care for mine. It was a mixed berry mojito, but it tasted like kicked up cough syrup with seeds to me. Husband was kind enough to let me have his tasty Hurricane, as he didn't seem to mind it as much as I did. ;)

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Sounds like you had a fabulous cruise! We just did a b2b on Imagination and found the food hit and miss, too. One leg, something tasted great - the next leg, it was bland and not very good.


One tip for you on omelets - you can get any veggies you want added to the ham and cheese choices - just order like you know what you're doing, lol. They'll bring it. I'm not sure why it wasn't on the menu. I think it's different when you ask for condiments - they may be more difficult to obtain, but I had a tomato, cheese, and green pepper omelet twice during my week - yes, in the dining room.


Did you guys dock right at Mallory Square? We were at the shipyard yet again. I haven't been lucky enough to dock at MS on the Imagination yet! That would sure be a nice treat ...


Thanks for taking the time to post your review!

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Very nice review. Loved your pictures as well. Been on the Imagination twice, once a week long trip in her earlier days and the 2nd time a 3 nighter to the Bahamas. I also really enjoy this class of ship, especially the fantail. I only wish she had more balconies, as we are addicted to them now. Again, really nice review. Thanks

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Okay, let me see if I can finish this up. Hopefully I won't get distracted reading other people's reviews like I did last night. Many of you are truly amazing at your story-telling and picture-taking abilities! It's not only entertaining, but informative as well. (What exactly did we do before the internet anyway?)


Let's talk a minute about entertainment on this ship. I know it appears that all did is eat and drink, drink and eat, and while that is largely true, :D we also tried to partake of as much entertainment as possible. This meant two full production shows..."Living In America" Tuesday night (Key West night), and "Shout", Thursday night the last night at sea. Both of these shows

were long, but very entertaining. They pack so much into each show! There were two main singers, a guy and a gal. Both had their plus and minus moments, and I think that's largely because they were required to sing so many different types of music. My suggestion would be to simplify and perfect it. Less is more sometimes. That being said, there really was something for everyone as every style of music was covered in these two shows. Same goes for the dancers. They had so many different styles to cover, some were better at some than others. Costuming was excellent, by the way! In a nutshell, I strongly recommend that if you like live music and dancing, don't miss either show.


TIP: The view from the top floor of the Galaxy Theatre SUCKS. Sit down below ANYwhere, before you sit upstairs. Also, try to get to the show BEFORE it starts! Especially if you're upstairs. I can't tell you how many people (many elderly) who almost hit the floor tripping over this not well-designed area. Also it is very dark in there once the show starts...I would be very surprised if people have not gotten hurt before. I know we had a couple folks almost end up in our laps.


We also made sure to go to the Punchliner Comedy Club. The first show we went to was the family friendly one where both comedians performed for about twenty minutes each.


We loved the first comedian, Happy Cole, who was HILARIOUS. Then out came Adam Hunter. Poor guy, he really seemed to be out of his element. And was so not funny. It was really uncomfortable for all. Perhaps he might find a different kind of audience to be a better target for his,uh, interesting style of comedy, or he just plain isn't too good. I don't know, but we weren't the only ones to feel this way.


Anyway, if you have the opportunity to see Happy Cole anywhere anytime, GO. (unless unless you're wound really tight, cause he does use some choice words and his adult topics are very adult), but what makes him so perfect for cruises is he targets a lot of his humor toward the cruise experience. We made it a point to not miss a single one of his shows for the rest of the cruise. He would do the kid-friendly show, then do an adult version the same night. Don't wait to the last minute to get there, by the way, one night they had to close the Punchliner for capacity.


Now, here's a tip for Mr.Happy himself. We bought your CD, Happy. (he only takes cash, by the way, it's ten bucks). Got home and pulled it out of the suitcase and realized, you didn't put your name on the cover, or anywhere else on the CD! That's called, not being good at promoting yourself...just sayin'!


There were also many other various entertainment options. We enjoyed watching Superstar Karaoke. I've never seen karaoke with a LIVE BAND before! How cool is that? (Darn, I wish I could sing!). This band was quite good, and the gal singer was very very good. Would have just liked to listen to her and the band, but the karaoke part of it was just pure FUN. So nice to see people really enjoying themselves. Of course, some were better than others but that wasn't the point. This was about watching joy, and that is very contagious. (not enough to make me get up there, though...and fellow passengers, you're welcome that I did not :D)


We are not dancers, so we did not go to the disco. We did pass by dancers dancing to Latin music in the Dream bar area one night, and they looked like they were having a joyful time as well.


There is a very cool piano bar on this ship that not many people seemed to find. (or weren't interested in). There was a male singer the night we checked it out who was good. We weren't crazy about some of his selections. We made one suggestion and he was not familiar with the song (a very popular Michael Buble) which was surprising as he would have been good at it probably. But what a nice atmosphere this lounge is!


Of course there's the Love and Marriage Game, which is not to be missed. You'll laugh and laugh. Our cruise director, Skip, had this down pat. As for the other promotions staff, some seemed more entertaining (and into their job) than others. They've got tough jobs...one minute one is emceeing a comedy show and the next they're a game show host or hosting bingo, trivia, or giving away a future cruise to a very lucky person, who was so not me! :(


We somehow managed to miss the hairy chest contest, the ice sculpture demonstration and the towel animal demonstration (all of which we've seen on other ships, but would have still liked to have seen).


Which leads me to another TIP (still not THE tip...I promise that's next!): If you want to keep your Fun Times, PACK THEM. We left ours out on dresser each day and they were gone, whisked away forever. So, if that is something you want to preserve, be sure to tuck them away.


Went to Superstar Karaoke in Sept. 2011 on the Liberty for the first time--it was absolutely hilarious!


Loving your review!


I like Michael Buble too! By the way, we will be on the Imagination in one week. Who was the piano bar singer when you were there? Piano bar is my favorite venue. :)

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Okay, as promised, for those of you who have made it this far on my weak attempt at a review, let me offer you the most invaluable tip EVER for THIS SHIP!


(note: I still have more to say after this, if anyone wants to stick around, including a bit of afterwards in Miami)


This tip is mostly for the gals, but could also be important for guys, in case your woman disappears on this ship for way longer than she should. :eek:


There is a public women's room on this ship on one of the decks (and I'm sorry that I can't be more specific, because I would run into it, then go awhile and not see it again and go to normal bathrooms, then run into it again). Best guess is it's outside the Galaxy Theater somewhere? (I know that's on two different decks, but that's what I mean about not sure where it was). The point is...if you run into THE bathroom (and there was only one like this that I saw), you'll know it! :eek:


I should have known something was up the first time when I opened the door and a woman rushed out mumbling something about "being stuck in there". Didn't think much about it, did what I had to do, washed my hands and went to head out. Hmmmm, the door wouldn't open. Okay, tried a different door...no, that's not it, there are cleaning supplies in there. Hmmm, tried again. No, the door wasn't opening. No door handles either. This was WEIRD. And surreal. Of course, I was alone in there, and had only been drinking so much at this point, so that wasn't it. I seriously spent quite a long time before I finally figured out there was a button to push to open the doors. (the button was NOT NEAR the doors, however). I realize this was a handicap helper, and have such many times, but NEVER EVER have I seen it where the door would NOT open at all without pushing the button. Nor have I ever seen it where it wasn't obvious!


Several times later on this cruise, I mentioned this unusual bathroom to other ladies, and EVERY ONE acknowledged the same problem! One woman told me she had to call her husband on her cell phone to get him to come open the door! :eek:


So, folks, I give you (even before the end of my review), my single most important tip for the Imagination...don't let this unusual bathroom get you, ladies! :cool:


I've been on the Imagination once before and don't remember this bathroom, BUT DH and I recently sailed the Celebrity Solstice for the first time, and I encountered a ladies room just like this! And many people throughout the cruise were talking about it. The button to open the door was no where near the door! Very confusing!:)

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Thanks for such a detailed review! 3 weeks from right now, we will be on our way to Key West on the Imagination. It's our first cruise ever and I'm just soaking up all the info I can get in advance. Your review had so much great advice, as well as loads of personality. Much appreciated!!

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I love your review I will be on that ship in 12 days. This is my second cruise I am super excited. I have some questions for you hopefully you can help.

What terminal did you guys go to D or E at the port of Miami ?

Do you know a great location to watch the ship sail away with a less crowd ? If so how do I get there ?

Any other tips you would love to share! thanks a lot

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Great review!!!!! I'll be on the Imagination in four weeks!!! Question: Can you give me any tip as to how you got Mariott Biscayne Bay for $100 a night on Priceline? For example do you remember how many stars you entered as part of your bid?

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I love your review I will be on that ship in 12 days. This is my second cruise I am super excited. I have some questions for you hopefully you can help.

What terminal did you guys go to D or E at the port of Miami ?

Do you know a great location to watch the ship sail away with a less crowd ? If so how do I get there ?

Any other tips you would love to share! thanks a lot


We were on the Imagination 2 weeks before tweetylori (my review is in my signature if you want more!) and we found that the Serenity deck was a great place to watch sail away. Not crowded at all, I'm not sure most people had figured out where it was/how to get to it yet!


I think we were at terminal D at POM, but not 100% sure. Hopefully tweetylori remembers!


Have a great time :)

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There is a public women's room on this ship on one of the decks (and I'm sorry that I can't be more specific, because I would run into it, then go awhile and not see it again and go to normal bathrooms, then run into it again). Best guess is it's outside the Galaxy Theater somewhere? (I know that's on two different decks, but that's what I mean about not sure where it was). The point is...if you run into THE bathroom (and there was only one like this that I saw), you'll know it! :eek:


I should have known something was up the first time when I opened the door and a woman rushed out mumbling something about "being stuck in there". Didn't think much about it, did what I had to do, washed my hands and went to head out. Hmmmm, the door wouldn't open. Okay, tried a different door...no, that's not it, there are cleaning supplies in there. Hmmm, tried again. No, the door wasn't opening. No door handles either. This was WEIRD. And surreal. Of course, I was alone in there, and had only been drinking so much at this point, so that wasn't it. I seriously spent quite a long time before I finally figured out there was a button to push to open the doors. (the button was NOT NEAR the doors, however). I realize this was a handicap helper, and have such many times, but NEVER EVER have I seen it where the door would NOT open at all without pushing the button. Nor have I ever seen it where it wasn't obvious!


LOL :D This is possibly one of the most useful tips in any review here! I'm glad I never encountered this bathroom. The only public restroom I used was the one close to the Pride Dining Room. I did get my own little bathroom surprise there - the automatic flush appears to be timed so that it goes when you sit down, not when you stand up. That lovely blast of cold air and water greeted me every time I used that restroom.


I can't find the place where you talked about the photographers but I have to say I was really disappointed to hear that they were so aggresive :( We loved them on our sailing, they were friendly and not push at all! What happened?!

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Hey All...thanks for the responses...my apologies for not being around, but I've been busy working. :( And tonight went to a Kelly Clarkson concert. :D


Anyway, will respond to everyone tomorrow.


One more tip to whoever asked if I had anymore. This might be my best yet, but it's not specific to the Imagination, like the bathroom one.


The smartest thing I did BEFORE the cruise was to go to my favorite spa and have a massage. I know a lot of folks want to go to the spa on the ship, but when you are on a shorter cruise, you want to make the most of it. I was seriously stressed out and it would have taken me days on the ship to unwind.


By going on the Saturday before the sailing on Monday, I could even pack stress-free. Plus, I already knew I'd get a good massage for a reasonable price at home. No telling what you'd get on the ship and for what price. From now on, I might do this before any vacation. :D


To the question about how to bid on Priceline. I'm happy to help more specifically later (am tired from the concert), but the Marriott Biscayne Bay is in the Downtown Miami zone and it is considered a 3 1/2 star. There is no way to target that hotel specifically. You would have to be okay with ANY 3 1/2 star in that zone. I thought it was worth a gamble, and the other hotels in that level in that zone seem to be all good too. I would've been okay with a 4-star downtown as well. But could not have been more thrilled to get the Marriott. :D

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Sounds like you had a fabulous cruise! We just did a b2b on Imagination and found the food hit and miss, too. One leg, something tasted great - the next leg, it was bland and not very good.


One tip for you on omelets - you can get any veggies you want added to the ham and cheese choices - just order like you know what you're doing, lol. They'll bring it. I'm not sure why it wasn't on the menu. I think it's different when you ask for condiments - they may be more difficult to obtain, but I had a tomato, cheese, and green pepper omelet twice during my week - yes, in the dining room.


Did you guys dock right at Mallory Square? We were at the shipyard yet again. I haven't been lucky enough to dock at MS on the Imagination yet! That would sure be a nice treat ...


Thanks for taking the time to post your review!


Thank you so much for your INVALUABLE tip about the omelets. I would have loved some green pepper, maybe some onion? Something other than ham and cheese? Anyway, you might be right about that versus condiments, but I won't know unless I go back again, ya know? Thanks for the Carnival challenge! :D


And yes, I do believe we were right at Mallory Square. I know we didn't have to take a trolley or anything. That being said, apparently that is unusual for Imagination in Key West? I don't know? I was just glad to be in that awesome little town!


Thank you for taking the time to come here and talk...very much appreciated!

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Thanks for the review and thanks for all the tips. Looks like you had fun and I am looking forward to my time on the Imagination in June. Thanks again. :):):):):D



Thank you! And do you have room in your cabin in June for company? :D

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Very nice review. Loved your pictures as well. Been on the Imagination twice, once a week long trip in her earlier days and the 2nd time a 3 nighter to the Bahamas. I also really enjoy this class of ship, especially the fantail. I only wish she had more balconies, as we are addicted to them now. Again, really nice review. Thanks


Ahh to experience the Imagination more than once...I envy you! I am personally afraid of experiencing the joy of a balcony, as I KNOW I too will be addicted. I dream this addiction will either come true or just be a one-time event in my life at some point. Thanks!

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Good review. I especially love the food pictures. Thanks!

We are leaving on Imagination on Feb. 13th :)


Thank you! So excited for you! I KNOW you'll have a fabulous time, and can't wait to read your review. Try to take some pics for us too, okay?

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Went to Superstar Karaoke in Sept. 2011 on the Liberty for the first time--it was absolutely hilarious!


Loving your review!


I like Michael Buble too! By the way, we will be on the Imagination in one week. Who was the piano bar singer when you were there? Piano bar is my favorite venue. :)


Thank you! I actually wouldn't call the Karaoke thing hilarious. It was moving and fun, and sometimes funny. If yours was hilarious , that's awesome!


I'm sorry, but I don't remember the name of the talent in the piano bar. Maybe you'll tell me, and I'll remember if that's him? ENJOY!

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I've been on the Imagination once before and don't remember this bathroom, BUT DH and I recently sailed the Celebrity Solstice for the first time, and I encountered a ladies room just like this! And many people throughout the cruise were talking about it. The button to open the door was no where near the door! Very confusing!:)



Interesting that this has happened elsewhere! Have personally never encountered it before and I've been in a lot of bathrooms (thanks for my fondness for drinking, even if it is tea or water:p) And I know it sounds simplistic to look for a button, but when you're in this situation without reading of a discussion about it before, it is NOT obvious, so hopefully our stories will help spare others valuable non-panicking ship time.

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