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Costa Concordia SINKING!


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I think this is what makes me most angry. I cannot understand how any mother would not RUSH back to be with her child when she is on leave. She has spent MONTHS working MILES away from her child and when she gets the chance she goes to her lover!


The same day his wife and daughter leave the ship to go home from their vacation with him:rolleyes::rolleyes:


Question for MorganMars: It has to do with an extremely complicated area of maritime law called "salvage rights." If I remember correctly, does not Slavage Rights come into effect the moment the CAPTAIN leaves the ship, not before?? In other words, IF he'd stayed with the ship until the Coast Guard arrived, Salvage Rights would remain with the Company??



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Do we know she actually had to pay? Don't think this was proven yet. Her luggage didn't quite make it to her "paid" room.


According to her, her family and Costa. The only suggestions that she didn't pay for a cabin were from the media.


Camaraderie? Perhaps but I would like to think a child would come before this.


If I had a baby at home, I couldn't leave them for months to go work...but lots of people do it out of necessity. If you had been away from her for months, would another week make a difference? It's hard to me to say, because I'm just rather pathetic...you have no idea how much money and effort I spent to have my street-rescue cats join us in the UK... :eek:


It could be love, but the same thing...would you put off seeing your baby for a man? Maybe I dated too much, but I wouldn't put my life on hold for romance.


I don't know about power...what power could she get for being on the ship?


It might be simpler than all this...her mother said it was for Cemorton's birthday...maybe it was just a chance to have fun for a week before heading back to her responsibilities?


Thank God Bosio, the off-duty captain, was there and apparently pressured the captain into giving the abandon ship command from what I understood of the bridge tape.


I meant the captain who was loading passengers on the lifeboats. We have no idea who he is now that we've established Bosio was a senior officer on the bridge.


Interesting that you heard pressure about the abandon ship! I heard Shettino telling them to wait...I'm assuming it was because he was waiting to find out if he could get the tugboats and bring her in closer. Did anyone else get that impression?

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Yes, it has been discussed on this board that more than two compartments were flooded, but the translations from the latest videos have someone on the bridge saying that headquarters says, "We can stay afloat, if it is only two compartments," so it is still all very confused for them at that point apparently, though just another example of failed communications.

I am sorry, but I don't have the time right now to research the video and provide the timestamps.


MorganMars, there were more than two compartments flooded and they (Captain and those on the bridge with him) knew that very quickly from the initial assessments.
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I can't agree. As a former Captain, it is pretty clear to me that this wasn't a case of him being distracted, at all. It is a matter of him misjudging the distance and "hot-rodding" his ship. I will try to put it into terms equated with driving a car so that even those without a mariners background can understand. What the course and his statements show is that he skidded while making the turn on the approach to the island. Someone interviewed mentioned that it was in his nature to drive his ship like a Ferrari, so he was always "showing off" whether or not this particular woman was around, or not. Sailing close to the island is not really a problem as there is plenty of water depth so it is just like having a road there to drive on, but there is a sharp curve in that road and he was going too fast to make the curve, so he slid the ship sideways off the road and into the rocks. Dominica is a fairly typical 25 year old with a tendency to "chat" way too much, and the attention on her takes away from where the true responsibility lies. The Captain was extremely focused on his ship, but not on the passengers. That is shown in the latest leaked videos. The phone conversations with the company are most likely about how to best preserve the company's asset, the ship. They wouldn't even have to spell it out as they all know the rules of the game, so you will never hear it in the conversations. For them it goes without saying. Not that the passengers aren't important to them, since they are the consumers of the product. The proximity to land and the idea that the ship would still float with two compartments flooded may have made them complacent about evacuating the passengers. He did not accurately anticipate the ship laying over on her side when she grounded in her current location and by that time I can assure you that any young woman was the furthest thing from his mind.



Now that is a LOGICAL EVALUATION without all the armchair "assumptions".


NO "assumed" sexual innuendoes of a handsome powerful captain showboating to a pretty standard looking blonde (his wife is much more attractive, IMHO).


Spoken by a captain, who knows probably better how another captain would THINK. He has evaluated what was "probably" causing the captain to think the ship was floatable, not knowing the 3rd compartment was also flooded and expecting the ship to settle evenly upon grounding.


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If I had a baby at home, I couldn't leave them for months to go work...but lots of people do it out of necessity. If you had been away from her for months, would another week make a difference? It's hard to me to say, because I'm just rather pathetic...you have no idea how much money and effort I spent to have my street-rescue cats join us in the UK... :eek:


It could be love, but the same thing...would you put off seeing your baby for a man? Maybe I dated too much, but I wouldn't put my life on hold for romance.




We all understand the necessity of working. The point is that when you have the chance to see your child and spend a few precious weeks with her, you have to be really callous to choose your lover instead.

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Morgan Mars


I respectfully disagree with your opinion but do not insist that I'm right and you are wrong. (When I was in my twenties, I believed I was right 5 out 5. After fifty, I'm delighted with 3 out of 5)



Well, now that I am past 60 I am just content whenever I can negotiate a compromise, no matter who is right or wrong, especially since I seldom find any situation where it is all one way or the other. :)

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If I had a baby at home, I couldn't leave them for months to go work...but lots of people do it out of necessity. If you had been away from her for months, would another week make a difference? It's hard to me to say, because I'm just rather pathetic...you have no idea how much money and effort I spent to have my street-rescue cats join us in the UK... :eek:


It could be love, but the same thing...would you put off seeing your baby for a man? Maybe I dated too much, but I wouldn't put my life on hold for romance.



We all understand the necessity of working. The point is that when you have the chance to see your child and spend a few precious weeks with her, you have to be really callous to choose your lover instead.

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C.E.O of Costa said Domnica/Dominica had paid for her ticket weeks ago! also Roberto Bosio was the Staff Captain on Concordia! and therefore was not an off duty Captain as the Media had claimed along with many other things that are now proving them wrong!


But don`t let the Truth get in the way of a good story eh! after all the Truth does not sell newspapers.


Off duty might mean that he was not on duty on the bridge at the time of the disaster. Could have been a translation or other misunderstanding by the media.


As for Dominica.....does it trally matter?

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According to her, her family and Costa. The only suggestions that she didn't pay for a cabin were from the media.

If I had a baby at home, I couldn't leave them for months to go work...but lots of people do it out of necessity. If you had been away from her for months, would another week make a difference? It's hard to me to say, because I'm just rather pathetic...you have no idea how much money and effort I spent to have my street-rescue cats join us in the UK... :eek:

It could be love, but the same thing...would you put off seeing your baby for a man? Maybe I dated too much, but I wouldn't put my life on hold for romance.

I don't know about power...what power could she get for being on the ship?

It might be simpler than all this...her mother said it was for Cemorton's birthday...maybe it was just a chance to have fun for a week before heading back to her responsibilities?

I meant the captain who was loading passengers on the lifeboats. We have no idea who he is now that we've established Bosio was a senior officer on the bridge.

Interesting that you heard pressure about the abandon ship! I heard Shettino telling them to wait...I'm assuming it was because he was waiting to find out if he could get the tugboats and bring her in closer. Did anyone else get that impression?

Vabbuo :)

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some slanted drivel of evidence


If you want clarification of my opinions or wish to express another viewpoint, you can do that without being insulting. Can't you?


I am going to answer your questions, but this is the last time I will acknowledge anyone who feels that the anonymity of the electronic medium allows for free reign of rudeness.


Apparently you think this was just fine and dandy because some map somewhere doesn't show the rock.


I asked the gentleman for his opinion. Schettino clearly stated that the rock wasn't on the chart. I have been working on the assumption that if it, in fact, didn't, it would lessen the degree of negligence on his part. I wanted a mariner's opinion.


you claim that DeFalco is "MR. OBNOXIOUS" for telling Schettino in clear and concise words to get his butt back on the ship and help those people still aboard. You try to turn DeFalco into the bad guy? Really?????


From the minute I heard DeFalco, I have thought he was obnoxious, over-bearing and shouted more than he listened. He interrupted Schettino several times and had a very bullying manner. That's my opinion. I've heard lots of nicknames given to the characters in this Greek tragedy. For me, DeFalco will always be Mr. Obnoxious.


Your agenda is crystal clear....


You mean my agenda about trying to encourage people to keep an open mind and question the media reports when they don't make sense?


Do you think Schettino was NOT at fault for this accident?


I don't know. There isn't enough reliable information. As captain, he was responsible for the ship and all on her. But I don't know whether he was negligent, and if he was, to what extent.


Do you?


Isn't that why they hold a trial?


Do you think Schettino wasn't at fault for not telling the passengers the truth about what was happening?


I think that is quite common. No, I don't agree with it. I think the passengers and crew should always be informed.


Do you think Schettino wasn't at fault for not quickly informing the Coast Guard of the seriousness of the problem?


I don't know. I haven't heard the reasoning behind it. Do you know why he did that?


Do you think that Schettino wasn't at fault for not getting the passengers on the lifeboats earlier?


I don't know. Probably not. Most abandon ship situations seem to have at least an hour between incident and evacuation. Beaching seems to be standard procedure. He was on the phone asking for tug boats. I'm inclined to think that he decided it would be safer to evacuate the ship closer to port.


Do you not think that more lives might have been saved if everyone was ordered into the lifeboats sooner?


I don't know, but I'm inclined to think that it may have resulted in more fatalities. It depends on when the ship reached the 20 degree tilt that interfered with the lifeboat launch. I'm still waiting for an answer on that one. If they were in deep water and the lifeboats didn't all launch, how long would it have stayed afloat? Would it have been long enough for port vehicles to reach the ship and evacuate the remaining passengers by ladder? Do you know?


Do you think that Schettino wasn't at fault for getting off the ship while passengers were still aboard fighting for their lives?


I don't know. According to Schettino, the increased list was responsible. I'm waiting for confirmation or denial by witnesses.


Do you believe that he "tripped" and fell into the lifeboat?


See above. One report said he fell onto the roof of a boat. Still waiting to hear the story properly and then for witnesses to confirm/deny.


Do you think that Schettino should not have been ordered to reboard the ship by DeFalco?


I don't know. I do think that deFalco should have listened to Schettino to see if there were extenuating circumstances, rather than just repeat himself.


Do you think Schettino was the good guy and DeFalco the bad guy in this incident?


No, I think DeFalco was obnoxious, over-bearing... I didn't hear him do anything to achieve "good guy" status, though. Schettino got some points for holding his temper...I wouldn't have been able to.

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This amazes me. First.....you seem to research every detail, every picture, every sentence, every frame of video with no purpose other than to try and conjur up some slanted drivel of evidence to help you in your defense of Domnica and Schettino....you do Johnny Cochrane proud. You have a very clear and well defined agenda here. Personally...I don't even understand why Domnica is a part of this whole discussion. There's no way she can be blamed for this accident. It all lies on Schettino. He turned off the alarms and took manual control of the ship and steered it directly at the island at 15 knots.....took a sharp right turn when he was right on top of the island, and hit bottom on some rocks. Apparently you think this was just fine and dandy because some map somewhere doesn't show the rock. So who exactly do you think is at fault for the crash? The buck stops somewhere...tell us who you think is THE person responsible for the ship hitting the rocks? Then....when the captain leaves the ship when there are still people aboard fighting for their lives......you claim that DeFalco is "MR. OBNOXIOUS" for telling Schettino in clear and concise words to get his butt back on the ship and help those people still aboard. You try to turn DeFalco into the bad guy? Really????? Your agenda is crystal clear....but I think you need to state your beliefs on the key questions more clearly. Do you think Schettino was NOT at fault for this accident? Do you think Schettino wasn't at fault for not telling the passengers the truth about what was happening? Do you think Schettino wasn't at fault for not quickly informing the Coast Guard of the seriousness of the problem? Do you think that Schettino wasn't at fault for not getting the passengers on the lifeboats earlier? Do you not think that more lives might have been saved if everyone was ordered into the lifeboats sooner? Do you think that Schettino wasn't at fault for getting off the ship while passengers were still aboard fighting for their lives? Do you believe that he "tripped" and fell into the lifeboat? Do you think that Schettino should not have been ordered to reboard the ship by DeFalco? Do you think Schettino was the good guy and DeFalco the bad guy in this incident?


I agree, she had nothing to do with the accident. The issue with a tragedy, your whole life is put out in the open. So if he was having an affair it will come out in the open. If she has information about the accident then she just needs to be open and honest, weather it hurts Schettino or not.

This gentleman yelling at Schettino was probably upset and commanding him to do the right thing. He was thinking of the passengers and what was going on. I do not believe for a minute that he fell into a life boat. Now that there is video out this will bring out more truth than ever before. I cant rely on the news media.

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There are several charts available to the navigator in different "scales." The chart that he was looking at may have been one where a mile equals less that one inch and would not show the rocks. The one he should have been using would have been more like using four inches to equal one mile. That scale would provide much more detail including the rocks. This would be another Captain navigational error, however, as he should know to select the appropriate chart for the situation. Rather like the difference between using a map of the United States to find your way around downtown Manhattan.



Incredibly useful information! Thanks.

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We all understand the necessity of working. The point is that when you have the chance to see your child and spend a few precious weeks with her, you have to be really callous to choose your lover instead.


I'm not sure if it's callous, but like I said, I wouldn't do it.

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I really cannot subscribe to the, Capitan was distracted theory. :(


If as many of you suggest, they were lovers and, he could have her any time he liked, why would there be a need for him to flaunt and fawn at his workplace to to attract her. The seduction had been done.;)


Why, if she was on the bridge, would this have been a one off event? Surely, as his piece of eye candy, she's been there before and, if this was the case, again, why was she a distraction.:confused:


If you are going to imagine things, be imaginative with your imagination. Think beyond this one event and invent a back story that supports your "Moldavian whore sinks ship" theory. :mad:

It was probably a good thing she was on the bridge.. if you were a Russian passenger. I find it interesting that the first 100 persons to reach the shore in lifeboats happened to be Russians. Perhaps it was because someone fluent in Russian made an announcement from the bridge in a language understood only by Russians that enabled them to get to the lifeboats first.

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Been reading this with interest. While I think there is much still to come out regarding Schettino and Costa's knowledge of the salutes, I don't think Cemortan had anything to do with what happened other than being an observer.


I do respectfully disagree with any descriptions of DeFalco being obnoxious. I think he was very controlled in a crisis and rightfully angry and astonished that he was getting little to no cooperation from the Captain. I am amazed he didn't go find him and put a fist in his face. He sounded to me like a man passionately trying to get answers and do the right thing. Schettino seemed to be frozen in a crisis when he should have "risen to the occasion". Others did rise up - the deputy mayor, the ship's doctor and many mid and low level crew.


I also think that there hasn't been enough outcry and reporting (unless I've missed it) on the other high ranking officers. Schettino failed during the rescue but so did most of the other officers. Where the heck were they? I've seen no stories about any officers assisting on land or water or ship other than the deputy mayors report and a few reports on Roberto Bosio. As for someone identifying him as the Staff Captain, all the reports I've seen said he was the Serena's Captain and was hitching a ride home for his vacation. Is this not accurate?

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That's an awful lot of Dunnos, Milaandra! Funny how you seem so careful to wait for credible , proven-beyond-doubt evidence whenever negatve views are expressed relating to Schettino, yet you seem to be unique in charactersing him as 'noble'...(or to meet your standards of exactness, 'possibly noble', or 'maybe noble', or 'just a little bit noble') for navigating his ship to safe-harbour after the collision ...............when the evidence seems to suggest it kind of drifted there while the guys on the bridge were wandering around aimlessly or chatting on mobile/cell phones. I have seem Schetttino described in many ways but I would have to look hard & long to find anyone else who would support the use of this adjective you used.


No idea if you have your own agenda or not but your logical thought processing soon lets you down when you stray beyond 'reflecting' news items from elsewhere?

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That's an awful lot of Dunnos, Milaandra! Funny how you seem so careful to wait for credible , proven-beyond-doubt evidence whenever negatve views are expressed relating to Schettino, yet you seem to be unique in charactersing him as 'noble'...(or to meet your standards of exactness, 'possibly noble', or 'maybe noble', or 'just a little bit noble') for navigating his ship to safe-harbour after the collision ...............when the evidence seems to suggest it kind of drifted there while the guys on the bridge were wandering around aimlessly or chatting on mobile/cell phones. I have seem Schetttino described in many ways but I would have to look hard & long to find anyone else who would support the use of this adjective you used.


No idea if you have your own agenda or not but your logical thought processing soon lets you down when you stray beyond 'reflecting' news items from elsewhere?


What no funny jokes.

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That's an awful lot of Dunnos, Milaandra! Funny how you seem so careful to wait for credible , proven-beyond-doubt evidence whenever negatve views are expressed relating to Schettino, yet you seem to be unique in charactersing him as 'noble'...(or to meet your standards of exactness, 'possibly noble', or 'maybe noble', or 'just a little bit noble') for navigating his ship to safe-harbour after the collision ...............when the evidence seems to suggest it kind of drifted there while the guys on the bridge were wandering around aimlessly or chatting on mobile/cell phones. I have seem Schetttino described in many ways but I would have to look hard & long to find anyone else who would support the use of this adjective you used.


No idea if you have your own agenda or not but your logical thought processing soon lets you down when you stray beyond 'reflecting' news items from elsewhere?


Okay. I'm going back on my word and answering you.


Perhaps you should read the posting again. For those who haven't read it:


In an earlier post, I outlined four different scenarios suggested by the reports we have had. Four different scenarios. One of which was that one of his officers made a mistake and he was taking the responsibility. The premise for this one scenario was a combination of that phone call he was supposed to have received during dinner, and the third officer's testimony reported in La Repubblica. According to that report, Coronica said that Schettino told them to go to .5 a mile...we know they hit at .28, and there was no further mention of Coronica's testimony to say how they went from .5 to .28. So I suggested that as one possible scenario. One of four. And I said in that case, he would actually been sort of noble.


Another scenario was that Schettino was needlessly reckless and negligent. There were two others, as well.


Hebersgyll remembers this as me calling Schettino "noble", without remembering the rest of what I wrote.


Let me ask a couple of quick questions. If I have been advocating open-mindedness, why is anyone surprised when I haven't made up my own mind? Why do you assume I have?


And most important...am I only welcome here if I am willing to convict before hearing the evidence?

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"Off duty might mean that he was not on duty on the bridge at the time of the disaster. Could have been a translation or other misunderstanding by the media."


As for Dominica.....does it really matter?


Charles ... I am with you ... the officers usually work a 4 hour turnaround with a 4 hour break and i reckon Bosio was in his cabin taking his break when all hell broke loose, i also think he may well have been on his way to Savona seeing the ship was due to port there next and thats where he would have got off to take his leave.


With regard to Schettino and his Media claimed remark of "well i guess i am sacked then" after talking on the radio/phone to his boss right after the collision ... maybe he though what the hell i have no job why should i stay onboard! who knows because 99% of people are guessing based on Media rubbish... the bridge video also does not tell the full story and appears to have been recorded without permission.


Milaandra .... Once again the programme by ABC 20/20 has 2 women either American or Canadian telling the camera 1 that Schettino was in the Costa Club "period" while 2 the other one tells the camera that "at that point he (schettino) must have known what had happened" and they ran off!! which seems to mean that the ship had hit the rock while Schettino was in the Dining room!! unless these two women were telling lies to the camera it may well mean that someone else was in charge of the bridge at the point of the accident and Schettino is taking the rap for it!

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Bosio was "comandandante in seconda" (Chief mate according to my dictionary) on the Concordia. He finished is months-long shift in Civitavecchia that same day but since he lives not far from Savona he stayed on board planning to get out there instead of taking the train. According to his testimony, he was watching tv in his room when the accident occurred and then he went to the bridge to see what was going on.

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Let me ask a couple of quick questions. If I have been advocating open-mindedness, why is anyone surprised when I haven't made up my own mind? Why do you assume I have?


And most important...am I only welcome here if I am willing to convict before hearing the evidence?


Milaandra, If you don't buy the Moldavian whore theory you're persona non gratis it seems.


If you don't buy that the captain jumped from the ship screaming "We're all gonna die . . . I want my mommy" theory, you'll be severely thread chastised. :D


The vast majority of the posters that "linger" on this site are convinced that the captain should be shot and his whore girl toy neutered. Presenting a differing viewpoint constitutes "bucking the trend". Many don't like that. Even suggesting that we wait until the trial to see what evidence is actually OBJECTIVE is not soon enough for them.


The good Captain MorganMars, however, always brings an element of logic and reasoning to the actions of that evening. An those that just want to keep an open mind until the hyping of the media and the different 15-minutes-of-fame personally connected video opinions vanish.


Just imagine the WHO KILLED PRESIDENT KENNEDY thread, had it not happened in the 60s. :eek:


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If you want clarification of my opinions or wish to express another viewpoint, you can do that without being insulting. Can't you?


I am going to answer your questions, but this is the last time I will acknowledge anyone who feels that the anonymity of the electronic medium allows for free reign of rudeness.

Trust me I was way less rude than I wanted to be!



I asked the gentleman for his opinion. Schettino clearly stated that the rock wasn't on the chart. I have been working on the assumption that if it, in fact, didn't, it would lessen the degree of negligence on his part. I wanted a mariner's opinion.

He admitted that he turned off the alarms and took the ship under manual control.....steered it way off course and into the rocks....how could his negligence be in doubt by anyone?



From the minute I heard DeFalco, I have thought he was obnoxious, over-bearing and shouted more than he listened. He interrupted Schettino several times and had a very bullying manner. That's my opinion. I've heard lots of nicknames given to the characters in this Greek tragedy. For me, DeFalco will always be Mr. Obnoxious.

How would you try to motivate a seemingly cowardly man who has abandoned people who have put their lives in his hands....would you baby talk him?




You mean my agenda about trying to encourage people to keep an open mind and question the media reports when they don't make sense?

Youre the closed minded one on this thread...every step along the way you have defended and attempted to find or twist evidence to remove or lessen any kind of blame on Schettino or Domnica. Not once have I seen you post anything that would in any way criticize either of them. But yet you freely criticize DeFalco....that is absolutely astonishing to me. Talk about misguided!




I don't know. There isn't enough reliable information. As captain, he was responsible for the ship and all on her. But I don't know whether he was negligent, and if he was, to what extent.


Do you? Yes...there isn't a doubt in my mind that he was negligent.


Isn't that why they hold a trial? Trials often don't work as we all know. You get yourself a slick lawyer who's great at twisting the truth...and you may get off. So if OJ killed his ex wife....but was then found innocent in court....is he innocent?




I think that is quite common. No, I don't agree with it. I think the passengers and crew should always be informed.

So even here you try and get him off the hook by saying its "quite common"



I don't know. I haven't heard the reasoning behind it. Do you know why he did that?

A huge gash in the side of the ship....water flooding in.....the ship listing to port.....nope I really cannot think of why he didn't inform the coast guard.




I don't know. Probably not. Most abandon ship situations seem to have at least an hour between incident and evacuation. Beaching seems to be standard procedure. He was on the phone asking for tug boats. I'm inclined to think that he decided it would be safer to evacuate the ship closer to port.

Wow so you think all abandon ship situations are the same...that's interesting. I've read many statements by experts who said that he should have started the evacuation much much sooner....I'll stick with their opinion.




I don't know, but I'm inclined to think that it may have resulted in more fatalities. It depends on when the ship reached the 20 degree tilt that interfered with the lifeboat launch. I'm still waiting for an answer on that one. If they were in deep water and the lifeboats didn't all launch, how long would it have stayed afloat? Would it have been long enough for port vehicles to reach the ship and evacuate the remaining passengers by ladder? Do you know?

You think that if they had started the evacuation earlier...when the ship wasn't listing very much and lifeboats could have easily been dropped on both side of the ship....that it may have resulted in MORE fatalities? RRRRRRReallly????????




I don't know. According to Schettino, the increased list was responsible. I'm waiting for confirmation or denial by witnesses.

Here you're just saying anything to defend the undefendable. His legs weren't broken....he wasn't unconscious.....no matter how he got off the ship...he could have gotten back on....others did!



See above. One report said he fell onto the roof of a boat. Still waiting to hear the story properly and then for witnesses to confirm/deny.

See above



I don't know. I do think that deFalco should have listened to Schettino to see if there were extenuating circumstances, rather than just repeat himself.

Extenuating circumstances eh? And what would they be?? Are there any extenuating circumstances that could possibly relieve Schettino of his duties as captain of the ship and responsibility for every one of those passengers still on the ship trying to stay alive.



No, I think DeFalco was obnoxious, over-bearing... I didn't hear him do anything to achieve "good guy" status, though. Schettino got some points for holding his temper...I wouldn't have been able to.

I really don't think DeFalco's intentions were to achieve "good guy" status. His intention was to get the Captain back on the ship where he was supposed to be....in order to help save innocent lives. You give Schettino points for holding his temper....lol.....too funny. You calling DeFalco Mr. obnoxious is no better than the people who call Schettino Captain Coward or Domnica some of the names she's been called. But let me clear this up for you since you are so unsure....DeFalco is most definitely the good guy here.....there's no question of it.

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Okay. I'm going back on my word and answering you................


And most important...am I only welcome here if I am willing to convict before hearing the evidence?


That funy reasoning again! You (us & others) can comment as much as we all like but the trial judge will be the only one to hand out any conviction.


There could be 4,5 any number of scenarios, but if you can't see that the use, however qualified, of the adjective 'noble' was inappropriate as applied to Schettino's actions that night, well what more can one say? I doubt the any of victims and their families will be inclined to think that way.

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