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Am i the only one grossed out by robes in buffet line?

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In case you haven't been following along, the conversation GREATLY deviated from wearing them in an eating venue. It went on to include MANY areas, and things other than bathrobes, including but not limited to pajamas.


yes, but clearly going to a spa warrants a robe at some point.


some even shower up there. personally, i would get dressed there as well, but to each their own.

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Not by the sound of it :p ..i nearly got the violin out :rolleyes: & i pay money to cancer research & other charities but ....still has nothing to do with walking around in a robe


Donating a few bucks or a few hundred bucks to cancer research and giving your entire life to it really cannot be compared. No offense here because I don't know you but many people throw money at charities to make themselves look good or feel good.


My point was to humanize these people that you're cluster catagorizing as classless trash just because they're modest and cover their entire bodies with a robe. I'm embarassed to change in an open public space and I refuse to change in a germ infested bathroom stall. So how does that make me classless when I run straight back to my room in my SPA robe?

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donating a few bucks or a few hundred bucks to cancer research and giving your entire life to it really cannot be compared. No offense here because i don't know you but many people throw money at charities to make themselves look good or feel good.


My point was to humanize these people that you're cluster catagorizing as classless trash just because they're modest and cover their entire bodies with a robe. I'm embarassed to change in an open public space and i refuse to change in a germ infested bathroom stall. So how does that make me classless when i run straight back to my room in my spa robe?


but your boobies may contaminate the food from under the robe and through your other clothes!!!!111!!

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Except it does have something to do with many of the comments made here. People who DARE wear a robe or PJ's in public have been called trashy, low class and gross, and the point is those judgments are being made about people, on at any other time, you would NEVER consider trashy.


The point is that you can't call someone trashy/classless/gross based on the fact they dared wear a robe or PJ's to grab coffee or run to the spa, or because they wear a hat/bandanna/head scarf to dinner. It makes you a judgmental jerk.


I like you already miss newbie poster. Welcome to CC! It's great to have some common --- errr I mean common sense people on here :-).

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I like you already miss newbie poster. Welcome to CC! It's great to have some common --- errr I mean common sense people on here :-).


Ha, thanks. I am willing to bet these people with issues over robes are the same people who think babies should be breastfed in the bathroom, but themselves refuse to eat dinner in the bathroom. I don't understand people sometimes.

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I totally agree with you and Carnival should really enforce that robes shouldn't be in dining areas. On our first cruise we saw that everywhere and thought it was wrong on so many levels. However, I won't let that ruin our cruise and spend all our time focusing on it but will submit a communication to Carnival suggesting that they should really consider changing the ruling on where robes are and not allowed or only provide to the VIP passengers with the same restrictions.

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Ha, thanks. I am willing to bet these people with issues over robes are the same people who think babies should be breastfed in the bathroom, but themselves refuse to eat dinner in the bathroom. I don't understand people sometimes.


Haha. Exactly. I'm sorry to ask you this so openly but there's no way for me to contact you privately. Are you doing ok? Are the treatments working for you? Sorry to be nosy. As you can tell from my previous post, this is something that's affected my own life greatly and I've found myself concerned about you. You don't have to answer if you don't wish to do so. But I'll keep you in my thoughts and pray for you regardless.

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I totally agree with you and Carnival should really enforce that robes shouldn't be in dining areas. On our first cruise we saw that everywhere and thought it was wrong on so many levels. However, I won't let that ruin our cruise and spend all our time focusing on it but will submit a communication to Carnival suggesting that they should really consider changing the ruling on where robes are and not allowed or only provide to the VIP passengers with the same restrictions.


Only provide robes to VIP passengers? Lol!! You think that'll do the trick, huh. I'd wager a bet that many robe "offenders" are VIP. I'm close to being VIP and it won't change a thing about my robe wearing habits.


As if the amount of cruises or amount of money someone has translates into whether or not they wear a robe. Absurdity.

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Haha. Exactly. I'm sorry to ask you this so openly but there's no way for me to contact you privately. Are you doing ok? Are the treatments working for you? Sorry to be nosy. As you can tell from my previous post, this is something that's affected my own life greatly and I've found myself concerned about you. You don't have to answer if you don't wish to do so. But I'll keep you in my thoughts and pray for you regardless.


Oh, I'm okay. I am on chemo drugs but not for cancer. I have Behcet's disease, and take methotrexate, cellcept, imuran, prednisone and humira (although I did have cervical cancer when I was 19). I am mostly healthy, but the meds make my hair fall out. But thank you so very much for your concern!

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Only provide robes to VIP passengers? Lol!! You think that'll do the trick, huh. I'd wager a bet that many robe "offenders" are VIP. I'm close to being VIP and it won't change a thing about my robe wearing habits.


As if the amount of cruises or amount of money someone has translates into whether or not they wear a robe. Absurdity.


Or how much class they have.

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Oh, I'm okay. I am on chemo drugs but not for cancer. I have Behcet's disease, and take methotrexate, cellcept, imuran, prednisone and humira (although I did have cervical cancer when I was 19). I am mostly healthy, but the meds make my hair fall out. But thank you so very much for your concern!


That's wonderful news to hear that you're doing okay! Life is too short to juge people and spend our time worrying over what other people are doing or aren't doing. You seem young, in spirit anyway. I'm sorry life hasn't been easy for you but you seem to be handling it well. I hope you continue to get better. I don't know much about your condition but will read up on it and educate myself. Thanks for sharing.

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That's wonderful news to hear that you're doing okay! Life is too short to juge people and spend our time worrying over what other people are doing or aren't doing. You seem young, in spirit anyway. I'm sorry life hasn't been easy for you but you seem to be handling it well. I hope you continue to get better. I don't know much about your condition but will read up on it and educate myself. Thanks for sharing.


Thanks, and you're right. I have way too much going on trying to raise a family to worry about what other people do, unless it's a direct threat to me. Maybe my new avatar with my bandanna will keep them busy judging for a while :D

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Do you agree it's certainly within someones rights to be lazy on vacation? Isn't that the point?


This is NOT directed to you, just in general.

The issue here is that the bathrobe or PJ's isn't hurting anyone. It's simply one of those things where someone thinks its tacky, and sorry, but adults don't get to dictate how other adults dress based on the tacky factor.


If someone didn't like sandals and socks, hats, tattoos, or piercings, left-handers, or wild hair color, should those be banned, also?

No, because it's not hurting anyone.



Lazy is fine on vacation. Dress tasteless and tacky. Don't get me wrong, seeing someone in a bathrobe, too small a bathing suit, or the lack of undergarments won't ruin my vacation. In fact, it adds to the fun of people watching. It doesn't offend me, it gives me something to tell folks when I get back home!

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Lazy is fine on vacation. Dress tasteless and tacky. Don't get me wrong, seeing someone in a bathrobe, too small a bathing suit, or the lack of undergarments won't ruin my vacation. In fact, it adds to the fun of people watching. It doesn't offend me, it gives me something to tell folks when I get back home!


who waits? it's a great icebreaker to meet other people.


just look around at those also in amazement or laughter, and start a new convo....


"did you see that.....?" :eek:

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We saw a few folks in robes up on the Lido. This was both at the buffet and at the pool, with what I assume was a bathing suit under.)

That kind of thing does not bother me in the least. One thing though that kind of grosses me out, is the tank tops with hairy arm pits with the sticky deodorant clinging on. They make the clear kind that glides on without any residue. Clingy things are just not a pretty sight.

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We saw a few folks in robes up on the Lido. This was both at the buffet and at the pool, with what I assume was a bathing suit under.)

That kind of thing does not bother me in the least. One thing though that kind of grosses me out, is the tank tops with hairy arm pits with the sticky deodorant clinging on. They make the clear kind that glides on without any residue. Clingy things are just not a pretty sight.



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I'm sorry but this is getting silly. Using words like "gross", "trashy", "low-class", "not raised well" - to describe people that walk out of their stateroom in a robe that fully covers their body for any purpose is dramatic and over the top.


Some of us have demonstrated valid reasons why we leave our cabins in a robe. The spa is far from a tacky place (in fact it may just be the most uppity place on the ship). But they encourage you to use your spa robe to come to the spa and back to your room.


In the spa on our cruise aboard the Dream, we met a philanthropist who blew our minds away with how selfless she is and everything she does for the world.


We met a married couple in the T-pool that own a successful family practice and shared their story with us of how they met and fell in love (truly one of the most epic tales I've ever heard). They left to their rooms in their robes. Later in the week, we saw them sitting in a lounge on a non-formal evening dressed to the nines in luxury clothing.


On the last sea day, we met a lady in the heated tile loungers room that had been quarantined to her room all week because they thought she might have Noro virus. Turned out to be food poisoning. Her entire trip was basically ruined but she sat there with a smile on her face and didn't blame Carnival for the week she had. She has 3 adopted special needs children. She gave up her job as a highly paid public defender to have time to take care of kids that most people didn't want. Her heart shone through her Terry cloth robe on her way out.


My gf has her Ph.D in Mollecular and Cellular Pathobiology. She works long hours every day doing cancer research in the pursuit of finding a prevention for cancer. She doesn't do this job for the money or the Dr. label although both are nice. She does this because her grandma and my mother both lost their battles with cancer. My gf is calm in nature, a great mediator and doesn't let the small stuff in life get to her. I admire and respect her. She's one of the classiest people I've ever known.


As for me - I'm sure the hundreds of people in my Dream review would not call me trashy. Why? Because they feel like they got to know me after reading about my adventures for a week. I've had over 40 personal emails with people asking for my advice/help with photography related things. I've taken time from my busy schedule to help all of them. So what if I wear a robe for 3 minutes to and from a spa? Does that really define who I or any of these people are?


Are we hurting you? Starting fights? Pushing and cutting in line? Sneezing on your food? Cursing at you? Blowing smoke in your face? Hogging chairs that we won't use for 1/2 a day? Etc. Etc. Etc. I'd wager probably not because when we strut on by for those 3-10 minutes in our robes, we're far too relaxed to be bothered with nonsense.


Written on my iPhone. Please forgive any grammatical errors.


You are my new hero! Well said!

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After dinner, while everyone else is in the casino, at the bars, or shows; my mom and I like to hit the hot tub...


We typically go back to the room, change into our suits and use the robes as a cover up to head up to the hot tub... So yes, we've committed the cardinal sin of wearing robes outside our cabin...


Quite frankly though, we don't know any of you people and when the cruise is over we wil never see you again... Therefore, your opinion of our attire choices at any time during the cruise really means nothing to us...


If you are shallow enough to judge us by our outward appearance then you are not the kind of person we want to know anyway...


What really cracks me up about this thread?


It's one thing to get a chuckle out of someone's attire in the moment, onboard... Or even to be momentarily "disgusted" at the sight at the time...


But to allow it to continue to rent space in your brain once you've gotten home... Enough so that you felt the need to start a thread about it... Really??


Seems a bit silly to allow what a complete stranger wore on some cruise you took in the past to continue to occupy your thoughts...


Thanks for the laugh though... Happily going back to the real world to enjoy my life not caring what a complete stranger from the other side of the country that I'll never see again thinks of my attire...LOL


Well said! My BF and I often wear our robes when going to the hot tub at night. I have never thought that it was inappropriate and don't care if someone else thinks otherwise.

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Wearing a bathrobe in a public place tells a lot about a person. They have no regard for the sensitivities of others, and not very high standards for themselves.


It is okay for someone to be a person with low standards of personal appearance. However, it is also okay for me not to enjoy seeing such people in public places. I do believe it is kidding yourself to think you should not be judged by your appearance. Though you cannot judge a book by its cover, marketing spends a great deal of money to make covers interesting.

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Wearing a bathrobe in a public place tells a lot about a person. They have no regard for the sensitivities of others, and not very high standards for themselves.


It is okay for someone to be a person with low standards of personal appearance. However, it is also okay for me not to enjoy seeing such people in public places. I do believe it is kidding yourself to think you should not be judged by your appearance. Though you cannot judge a book by its cover, marketing spends a great deal of money to make covers interesting.


and then there are others wondering why carnival wasn't in the conde naste poll results. :rolleyes:

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Well said! My BF and I often wear our robes when going to the hot tub at night. I have never thought that it was inappropriate and don't care if someone else thinks otherwise.


Actually, I think the use of the robes for what you mentioned above is exactly why they are provided, along with with other uses. I think the main concern on this thread is people being dressed properly around their food. People get hinky about their food.......

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