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Concordia News: Please Post Here


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From the article, dated today (February 12, 2012 1:30 PM)


Ever since the Concordia ran aground Jan. 13, fears have swirled about fuel leaks and resulting contamination of the pristine waters off the tiny island of Giglio, which form part of a protected sanctuary for dolphins, whales and porpoises. There have been no reports of any serious leaks.


Bloviator could have been a bit more tactful, but yeah, I think the Italians would know best what's going on in their own harbor. :D

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Several news agencies now quoting stories that pumping has begun. Here's one from Reuters, but plenty of others listed on Google News:




They are still at the ship at 9:30 pm. http://www.giglionews.com/isoladelgiglio_porto.jpg you can see them from the dock, they are on the right hand side, but the 1st linked web cam is the better. http://www.giglionews.it/2010022440922/webcam/isola-del-giglio/webcam-giglio-porto.html


Dates and times are at the top right just at the top of the web cam.



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Ever since the Concordia ran aground Jan. 13, fears have swirled about fuel leaks and resulting contamination of the pristine waters off the tiny island of Giglio, which form part of a protected sanctuary for dolphins, whales and porpoises. There have been no reports of any serious leaks.

No reports of any serious leaks, thereby intimating that minor leaks are best not reported lest internet forum experts and eco-freakos blow them out of all proportion.
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Now that the questions about possible leaks and the water images have been explained, let's get back to the latest news.

  • Fuel pumping has started.
  • Two videos have been released (mysterious videographer unknown), showing activity on the bridge and the evacuation.
  • Memorial mass held today for victims.

NG had a show on at 7 PM. Anyone watch it and did it have any new information available? NG is not in my cable lineup, so I am curious.

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Now that the questions about possible leaks and the water images have been explained, let's get back to the latest news.

  • Fuel pumping has started.
  • Two videos have been released (mysterious videographer unknown), showing activity on the bridge and the evacuation.
  • Memorial mass held today for victims.

NG had a show on at 7 PM. Anyone watch it and did it have any new information available? NG is not in my cable lineup, so I am curious.

While there was no new groundbreaking material, the Nat Geo program had more in depth interviews of some survivors that had already been interviewed. They did not include the latest bridge video since it came out after the documentary was completed. There will be a new Discovery Channel documentary on Sunday, February 19 at 10pm EST.
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Article below translated via microsoft translator:

GROSSETO- Now part of the acts of investigation the video broadcast last night by Tg5, which shows what happened on the bridge of command of the ship Costa Concordia after impact against the rocks of Isola del Giglio on 13 January. Grosseto Attorney did capture by the police the entire movie. But today, new images show-always by Tg5-demonstrate the difficulty with which that night was handled the emergency. In some pictures you see the ship's staff effort to drop a lifeboat in a Babel of advice, cries and calls that come from people on the bridge. In one sequence we see also a person who, in transactions, falls overboard and is promoted by the lifeboat. Other images seem to turn aboard one of the boats used to carry the survivors ashore. There was also who bantered on

Costa Concordia bridge inclined, as it had probably understood what was happening: "Mom I love you," says the camera a guy. And another: "Ce la faremo".


"The video is of investigative interest, is a kind of theatrical performance dashboard command that evening and anticipates the accident evidence on ' black box ' on 3 March," said attorney Francis Verusio after a meeting with Alexander substitutes Leopizzi, Maria Navarro, Stefano Pizza. "The video-he added-confirmed in any way, except for details, the first reconstruction of the facts obtained through the testimonies of dashboard that we have heard, some even more than once."


Prosecutors want to see the full movie too because, he explained, "always Verusio gives us an opportunity to verify some testimonials. We heard the officers bridge more than once and this movie can provide important feedback to their stories ". Who has taken over the master Francesco Schettino and his officers in frenetic moments of sinking the Prosecutor Verusio also said: "I have an idea, but not I say." "We are doing the surveys that will help to figure out who shot this video, and surely we'll hear as a witness," the investigator said.


Meanwhile, you learn new details about the role the night of the tragedy by Domnica Cemortan, Moldovan guest hostess of Commander Francisco Schettino. At first she did not want to climb with him in command of the ship board Costa Concordia on the evening of 13 January; instead accepted the invitation and even when said he wanted to go away from the navigating bridge, Schettino insisted that remained. This is at least as reported the same Cemortan to pm during the first interrogation last February. For now is the only person, no crew member, found in the dashboard at the time of the accident.


Around 21.30 on 13 January, reported the Moldavian rulers, after dinner at the restaurant "at some point we entered we all plank (Schettino, Domnica, Commissioner Giampedroni and Cyrus Honored)". "I was not aware," he said, to go with other people in instrument panel, "so much so that I felt uncomfortable for this circumstance, i.e. when I have invited to climb". Then, in-dash, said, "I was at the bottom and as it was interesting the situation and had even hunger, I wanted to go away, but the Commander (Schettino, ndr) I stayed so, insisted and so I did."


"I'll still pointed out-testiomne-I wanted to get off and go away, but the Commander told me to stay there". And again: "I was basically in a darkness that did not allow to see very well, however I could see the lights of Isola del Giglio". Prosecutors ask how much time is remaining in the dashboard and what happened afterwards. "I was with Ciro honored with which I got from the bridge 3 aboard one of lance. I'm almost certain that at 00.30-1.00 I arrived at Giglio Porto ".


For prosecutors, the woman also did a drawing that shows the command Bridge of the ship Costa Concordia at the time of the sinking. In the schema, on the invitation of pm, Domnica has indicated its position, and that of people and things present, including Schettino and the other officers. On a map of boat show by the pm has also indicated the location of Schettino where she had placed his clothes. The drawings are on record of the investigation of the Prosecutor's Office of Grosseto and were annexed to the minutes of the interrogation.


Next Tuesday will be heard in the meantime as a person informed about the facts the CEO of Costa Crociere, Pierluigi Foschi while yesterday was listening for 4 hours the Director-General of the Genoese company, Gianni Onorato, who tried to rebuild together investigators what happened that night on the ship. Honored, Foschi and manager of crisis unit Roberto Ferrarini and Manfred Ursprunger at around 3.30 am went to Lily.


In the coming days, in addition to the ad, the pm work asolteranno other three components of the crisis Committee, Alessandro Costa Crociere, Fabrizia Greppi Carella and fleet superintendent Paul Parodi. This week, as we learn, the pm could assess any new entries in the register of suspects, which at the moment are two: the Commander Francesco Schettino and first officer of plank, Ciro Ambrosio.

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Hi Joanie,


Thank you for taking the time to view the video clips. I also appreciate the fact that others have added their opinions based on their observations of the videos.


And I also appreciate the fact that a civil conversation was held discussing these observations instead of being 'called out' like I was some kind of idiot.


I too have spent a lot of time on the water; twelve years in the US Navy (ten of those years sea duty, the other two stationed in Naples, Italy) as well as approximately 45 cruises under my belt on various passengers ships since then. And I too have lived on open bodies of water, large and small bays, and all sort of rivers. I have only lived in West Virginia for the past five years. Before that I lived in California (San Diego and San Francisco), Virginia (Norfolk), North and South Carolina (think beaches), four different Gulf Coast states (more beaches), Pennsylvania, Georgia, Connecticut, Italy, and several other places on or near bodies of water. So like some of you I also have a lifetime of observations of how petroleum products and detergents behave in these different environments.


So please accept my gratitude for all of your observations as we agree to disagree on the source of the light colored 'stream' emanating from the ship.


I wanted to add that I never meant to infer that there was a 'large gushing oil slick' coming from the ship. As pointed out by QED that 'There have been no reports of any serious leaks' but that doesn't mean that there have not been small discharges or leaks, as mentioned by Dmetrius.


Thanks again for the gracious and civil conversation.



Edited by dmwnc1959
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Hi Joanie,


Thank you for taking the time to view the video clips. I also appreciate the fact that others have added their opinions based on their observations of the videos.


And I also appreciate the fact that a civil conversation was held discussing these observations instead of being 'called out' like I was some kind of idiot.


I too have spent a lot of time on the water; twelve years in the US Navy (ten of those years sea duty, the other two stationed in Naples, Italy) as well as approximately 45 cruises under my belt on various passengers ships since then. And I too have lived on open bodies of water, large and small bays, and all sort of rivers. I have only lived in West Virginia for the past five years. Before that I lived in California (San Diego and San Francisco), Virginia (Norfolk), North and South Carolina (think beaches), four different Gulf Coast states (more beaches), Pennsylvania, Georgia, Connecticut, Italy, and several other places on or near bodies of water. So like some of you I also have a lifetime of observations of how petroleum products and detergents behave in these different environments.


So please accept my gratitude for all of your observations as we agree to disagree on the source of the light colored 'stream' emanating from the ship.


I wanted to add that I never meant to infer that there was a 'large gushing oil slick' coming from the ship. As pointed out by QED that 'There have been no reports of any serious leaks' but that doesn't mean that there have not been small discharges or leaks, as mentioned by Dmetrius.


Thanks again for the gracious and civil conversation.



Tis not a problem as I try to look at all sides and views. I want to have my suspicions proven wrong....


Hubby reminded me yesterday that we have lived very near a large body of water, the Aegean Sea. But as I reminded him, though we lived on the coast outside of Athens Greece for almost 4 years, I did not pay attention to the water other than to see if it was calm enough to go swimming:) AND, 8 cruises under my belt does not make me an expert by a long shot, far from it, even if 6 of them were from an aft wrap around verandah on them:)


It has only been since the Concordia that I have really been paying attention to the seas and waves and such.


I do think I now know what the darker water that I mentioned in an earlier reply (marine life type of wave) may have been. While watching the Port Everglades web cam inlet yesterday, I noticed a point in time where there was no marine traffic entering or exiting the inlet for well over 15 minutes. The water sometimes had the lighter variation/stream and others in the same general area had those darker colored wave like I saw in the Giglio time lapse videos.


Turns out as I watched the Port Everglades to be larger waves rolling in.


Anyway, I like having these civilized conversations just as 99.99% of us have been able to have.


When we disagree with each other, we do it civilized and when we agree or are proven right, we do not gloat or lord it over anyone else.


Ah... If only more people in this world cound be the same....Life would be grander than it already is:)



Edited by IRL_Joanie
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On the National Geographic cable channel last night, they had a very well-crafted program on this tragedy. From watching most of this program last night, I was impressed with how they "told the story" using so many different interviews with passengers and staff who had been on the ship, plus the various cell phone video segments that told the story as if you were "inside" as this was happening. Very chilling and enlightening. Sad!! I'm not sure how Costa and/or Carnival ever explain this one to future customers. It's hard to trust people who are so bad both during the incident, plus since that time.


THANKS! Terry in Ohio


Did a June 7-19, 2011, Solstice cruise from Barcelona that had stops in Villefranche, ports near Pisa and Rome, Naples, Kotor, Venice and Dubrovnik. Enjoyed great weather and a wonderful trip. Dozens of wonderful visuals with key highlights, tips, comments, etc., on these postings. We are now at 64,098 views for this live/blog re-cap on our first sailing with Celebrity and much on wonderful Barcelona. Check these postings and added info at:




As we did our sail-away on the Solstice in Barcelona, this was the view of our next-door docking neighbor, a Costa ship with their unique yellow "C" stack. Just recently, I looked more closely at this picture to see that it is the now infamous Concordia that, sadly, will not be sailing out of Barcelona any more. As you can see, it was clearly a nice-looking ship. Such a tragedy! In the background of my picture, you can see the unique curved shaped of the fairly new W Hotel that is located overlooking the main Barcelona beach area.:



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here is another one that I use, it shows the view from the mountains looking down to the ship itself. You may have to refresh every few minutes though and ignore the Forbidden message and hit refresh again until the web cam comes up: http://www.giglionews.com/isoladelgiglio_porto.jpg



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News today that a major crack has opened on the rocks side and that walls and parts start collapsing on board. Sounds like the end for the CC, chances of salvaging her are shrinking by the day.


TLCOhio... Yes indeed, she was a lovely lovely ship. It's so sad.

CC was certainly a beauty compared to uglies like the Norwegian Epic.

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Joanie: Thank you for the link to the second webcam. It's a different perspective altogether. You're a doll....and full of good information.


Glad to help:) And you are so right on the totally different perspective/view. The only better one we only had for a couple of days and that was the LIVE Video from on the mountain that was provided by a Swedish Newspaper. Since the Concordia moved down the newsworthiness arena they removed that link and I've not been able to locate it anywhere:(


Did you realize that if you click on the http://www.giglionews.com/isoladelgiglio_porto.jpg web cam itself (the picture) it enlarges? Much larger view indeed:)



Edited by IRL_Joanie
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Do you have a cite for that? Not seeing that on the news anywhere...


Only in German, and not the most reliable source:



citing an engineer who was interviewed by a local newspaper "the structure begins to crumble". Another engineer "a large crack has developed", "steel plates are cracking".

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This is a great news article that shows exactly what happened and what is planned to right the ship. Click on the graphics to enlarge it.

The graphics are good, but what struck we was the inane statement in the article from the lawyer that the only other "cruise ship" to sink in 100 years was Titanic. I guess he never heard of the Andrea Doria - or, more recently, the Sea Diamond (at least that one was actually a "cruise ship"). It just demonstrates to me that this is not the lawsuit I would latch onto if I was a survivor.
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The graphics are good, but what struck we was the inane statement in the article from the lawyer that the only other "cruise ship" to sink in 100 years was Titanic. I guess he never heard of the Andrea Doria - or, more recently, the Sea Diamond (at least that one was actually a "cruise ship"). It just demonstrates to me that this is not the lawsuit I would latch onto if I was a survivor.


Here is a partial list.


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The graphics are good, but what struck we was the inane statement in the article from the lawyer that the only other "cruise ship" to sink in 100 years was Titanic. I guess he never heard of the Andrea Doria - or, more recently, the Sea Diamond (at least that one was actually a "cruise ship"). It just demonstrates to me that this is not the lawsuit I would latch onto if I was a survivor.


Actually if you want to get technical, the Titanic was not a cruise ship - it was an ocean liner.

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