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Disgusting experience!!!!!


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Oh dear! Even I know about mardi gras and I am on the other side of the world! Saying that though, I did get a bt of a shock when I found out at Mass on Sunday gone that its Ash wednesday this week! Is Easter early this year or something? Will time just slow down already!!

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Mardi Gras Day is only one day. Mardi Gras Season starts on January 6 and ends on Mardi Gras Day. And Mardi Gras Day is 41 days before Easter every year (Lent is 40 days and Lent starts on Ash Wednesday: Ash Wednesday is the day after Mardi Gras Day).


I don't know about any of you, but all this talk about Mardi Gras makes me want to go. Like NYE in Times Square, probably something I'd like to do once just to say I've been there. :D

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I don't think it is as much as whether or not a person is "aware" of Mardi Gras...Mardi Gras is celebrated everywhere, however, most places don't do it on quite the same scale that New Orleans does.


I would think that if there are three things that are synonymous with New Orleans, they would be Jazz, Cajun Food, and Mardi Gras. One would think that just booking a cruise out of New Orleans would bring these things to mind.

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I don't know about any of you, but all this talk about Mardi Gras makes me want to go. Like NYE in Times Square, probably something I'd like to do once just to say I've been there. :D


You make a great point. Mardi Gras and New Orleans is like New Years Eve and New York City. I don't understand how somebody doesn't equate one with the other.


Imagine someone being upset that they went to New York on December 31st only to find that Times Square was "crowded". :rolleyes:

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Dang I wasn't going to say anything but.... I have noticed on almost every major tv news show and newspapers they have pictures of carnival in differnt locals(for me a hint mardi gras was comin) I also would think if I was going on a trip in NO I would know there big holiday is Mardi gras. After Hurricane Katrina it was on all news channels how they wanted to bounce back for Mardi Gras. Just sayin

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I feel very badly for the OP. I can only imagine how disappointed she is. Think about being that close to the ship and not being able to make it.


I think the issue here is that she's blaming NCL for missing the ship, which is why she's not getting much sympathy. I think that if she had just come on and told her story of being stuck in traffic and not making the ship without blaming anyone, everyone would have been much more supportive and sympathetic.


We've all tried to get somewhere at some point and gotten stuck in traffic, due to weather, accident on the road, or other unforeseen circumstances and sometimes there's just nothing you can do.


Could she have planned better, sure. Should she blame the cruiseline, probably not. However, I'm sorry she missed the ship and hope she can either catch it at the next port or at least get something back if she had cruise insurance.

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I have been on the boards for awhile and yes, I love NCL. My posts are never mean, and I don't fault people that dislike NCL. I'm the first to admit that NCL is NOT for everyone. We are in the early planning stages for our cruise in December, leaving from New Orleans. We are super excited to see the city, and decided on the cruise based on the fact that it leaves from New Orleans. The first thing I "googled" was the date of Madri Gras. I've never had the pleasure of attending it, and had the faintest idea of its date. I'm sorry you missed your cruise however I do not feel sorry for you. It is not NCL's job to make sure you are at the ship on time. Planning your arrival and departure home is your job.

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You guys are hardcore! The OP had a terrible experience and deserves to be pissed.


Yup I agree with this statement, the OP had a terrible experience. Most on this thread have all stated that they feel bad for the OP and family and/or "that sucks". The OP also deserves to be ticked (in more appropriate wording). However, it's a case of where the OP lays the blame and what the OP planned to do about this.


The OP posted this about 5 hrs after their ship had sailed. I'm pretty sure the cut was still pretty raw and I hope that is why the OP spewed such hate everywhere. But what most of the posters have been trying to say is if there is blame to be placed, that it is not NCL's fault that the OP appeared to know nothing about Mardi Gras or that the OP did not leave enough time or that they chose to follow a suggested route, or a tornado warning doubled up on celebrations or that their TA didn't inform them etc. They are going to take NCL to court...good grief!


The OP insisted on passing blame to everyone but themselves. Hopefully that was anger talking and when calmer heads prevail they will be able to put things in perspective.


I would never have assumed Mardi Gras to actually prevent me from getting anywhere, especially in the middle of the day, so it's not like it's something EVERYONE should be aware of, and even still, 5 hours in traffic is crazy!.


Well hopefully this has taught you one of two things then. If you are going to use a TA, make sure they are working for you and covering all of your trip in it's entirety so you have to do any research and have no big surprises. If you choose to be your own TA that you will do plenty of thorough research so not to have any big surprises. Otherwise if you choose neither (like the OP obviously did), you may be the next one on here that is blown away by a huge surprise that could have been avoided.


BTW I speak Canadian English (see my location) and don't feel the need to use those words.

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I wonder how close to the departure time the OP tried to drive up to the cruise. In the documents, cruise lines recommend to arrive by 1-2 pm to avoid the lines.


Did they know they can start boarding from 11 am?


Once our same-day flight was 3 hrs late, but as we'd planned to be on the ship at 11 am, we made it. If not, insurance would help to get to the next port (I hope :))


I wish the OP would come in with more information. Maybe they did make it to the next port?

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I love the way we find the need to find fault or lay blame when something goes wrong.


None of us would want to miss our cruise because of traffic or any other reason...we would all be upset and can empathize with the OP.


But...that doesn't mean what happened is anyone's fault...not the OP's, not NCL's...not anyone's. An unfortunate combination of circumstances produced a very bad result. Sometimes stuff just happens, and all you can do is learn from the experience and do what is necessary to avoid putting yourself in that situation again to the extent you can.


You can prepare all you want and do everything "right" but still have things go very wrong. Fly into your ship's port a day ahead of time? Oops...an unseasonable blizzard closes down the airport for two days and you're out of luck.

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i have seen that freeway blocked, for hours, by traffic jams/road construtions/etc. the lines can seem to reach to the texas state line. when i did that cruise, we got there around 10:30 am, early enough to beat the afternoon jams and late enough to miss the morning jams. if anyone doesn't know about carnivale or mardi gras..just go to cnn.com, they have a couple of news stories on it.

it's the feast before the fast..fasting starts on ash wednesday, old thought was that you partied hard and all was forgiven on ash wednesday. it is nice to know the crowds are returning to NOLA..

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I love the way we find the need to find fault or lay blame when something goes wrong.


None of us would want to miss our cruise because of traffic or any other reason...we would all be upset and can empathize with the OP.


But...that doesn't mean what happened is anyone's fault...not the OP's, not NCL's...not anyone's. An unfortunate combination of circumstances produced a very bad result. Sometimes stuff just happens, and all you can do is learn from the experience and do what is necessary to avoid putting yourself in that situation again to the extent you can.


Far easier apparently to file a lawsuit... :rolleyes:

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I feel very sorry for the OP and I think she has every reason to be upset.


I sailed out of NYC when Hurricane Irene was coming in (August ?? 2011). Princess kept saying that everything would go as scheduled. Thank God for my CC roll call. Someone realized that the cruise terminal parking was in Flood Zone A- a mandatory evac zone. So..... Where the H was I going to park? And then people were saying (on other threads, CNN, etc) that NO SHIP would sail that Saturday, that the entire port of NY would be closed. Meanwhile, Princess was saying everything would be fine. The terminal parking lot people said that they would be open, and then no one picked up the phone for two days.


My biggest fears were: nowhere to park (after driving from Buffalo), the ship leaving early to clear the port before it closed (very real possibility), and getting into NYC, finding the cruise delayed by days, and having nowhere to go.


So thank you to CC, I found a hotel with cruise parking in Brooklyn and we got there at 4 am and slept for two hours. I then found out the parking lot was closed (as I had suspected, but which was now ok as I had the cruise parking package with the hotel), and that the cruise was leaving 3-4 hours EARLY. Can you imagine if I had timed it like most people? I would have missed the cruise. Oh- and the airports were closed.


Meanwhile, nothing from Princess. The source of my info? Tweets directly from Micky Arison to me. I just started tweeting him and damned if he didn't respond. The Heat must not have been playing :rolleyes:.


By the time Princess texted me to tell me the cruise was leaving early we were at the terminal.


So: If I had not been insanely early, through my own manic need to be early everywhere, if Micky Arison had been asleep at the twitter switch, if I had listened to CNN, and if I had not checked the roll call every five seconds I either would have not gone, assuming the trip would be delayed by days, or i would have rolled up just in time to see her pull away (and with nowhere to park).


So I guess my story shows how on top of things you need to be, but it also shows that the cruise lines absolutely SHOULD let travelers know when there is going to be something that will cause a major delay (such as Mardi GRAS, hello????).

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Cruised thirty-three times and each one was different --- but what stands out the most when not leaving from NY-- we go to that state a day early, just to make sure we get to the terminal on time ---

p.s. we do check if anything is going on in "The City" -- better safe the sorry --


Sorry for those who missed the boat --

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but it also shows that the cruise lines absolutely SHOULD let travelers know when there is going to be something that will cause a major delay (such as Mardi GRAS, hello????).


I guess this type of logic goes completely over my head.


I drive to Syracuse N.Y. (2 1/2 hours away from my residence) to fly to other destinations in the U.S. Using this logic are you trying to say that it is United Airlines responsibility to let me know if there is something of magnitude going on in the city or around the airport that may delay my drive, which in turn may have me miss my flight?

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I doubt that anyone will actually make it this far, but I have to put my 2 cents in.


I feel very sorry :( for the OP and the vacation they're missing right now, but if they were stuck in traffic for 5 hours, they were in a jam of 1. I live and work in the New Orleans area and drove in (30 miles) for a parade Sunday. (btw - all of the Saturday parades were not rescheduled for Sunday, only 2 were and they were for 9:00am) I left 1 hour prior to when I wanted to arrive in the heart of the city and made it with 10 minutes to spare.


No, I did not leave my house at 4:00am. I left at noon and was parked in the middle of the CBD at 12:50pm :eek:. That put me exactly 1 mile from the port. I did not put to use my knowledge of side streets or "alternative routes" because none was needed.


I'm guessing the OP was attempting to make it to the port with a little time to spare so they could avoid the longer lines that form earlier. Guilty of this myself a couple times, but no adverse consequences for me (lucky, I guess). Advice to self (and anyone who cares to follow), quit cutting it close. Nothing wrong with being first in line.


As for not knowing about Mardi Gras - nuf said already. It's an annual thing.


For what it's worth, I'll be cruising out of NOLA in November :D and plan on being at the port as early as possible so I can enjoy every minute on board.

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I drive to Syracuse N.Y. (2 1/2 hours away from my residence) to fly to other destinations in the U.S. Using this logic are you trying to say that it is United Airlines responsibility to let me know if there is something of magnitude going on in the city or around the airport that may delay my drive, which in turn may have me miss my flight?




If you were sailing out of Syracuse, then YES. Obviously the cruise line would not be able to alert everyone flying out of every airport, now would they?:confused::confused:

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If you were sailing out of Syracuse, then YES. Obviously the cruise line would not be able to alert everyone flying out of every airport, now would they?:confused::confused:


She asked if the airline should be responsible, and I think we'd all say no. It would be nice if they included a note about big events, but then if they missed one, they'd end up in court. Tough spot.


I do believe that your situation was entirely different, though, and have done a similar dance on my own getting to a port when flying out in a winter storm. I took it on myself to find the best route and show up to the airport prepared.


It's also interesting to hear Walt's take on it, as he was on those roads yesterday with no issues.


Surprised to not hear from anyone else, since OP said so many missed the ship.

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Well, where does the burden of responsiblity lie on you?


I dont see how it's the ships fault you were late if you didn't plan accordingly.


And NCL could hardly care less if you are a Latitudes member either.


Sorry but your rights do not replace your responsiblity.


My husband, brother and i just came back on 2/19 from trying to get aboard the norwegian spirit in new orleans. The ship left without us because it was absolutely impossible, if driving, to find an access road that would take you down to the dock. Every road was blocked because of freaking mardi gras, and the norwegian cruise line knows this and didn't let anyone know of an alternate route to get to the ship. We were stuck, and i mean stuck, in traffic for over 5 hours in new orleans while we tried to get to the ship, and we simply could not get there. The ship left without a lot of passengers who had the same experience. Ncl and our travel agency, ***********, do not accept any responsibility for this mess and won't compensate us for the loss of the trip. Ncl provides driving directions to the terminal. They already accept the responsibility for telling you how to get there. Now they say they have no responsibility for these driving direction. We say they do. We say they could have emailed every one of us on this cruise some new directions, given what happens on mardi gras (we didn't know about it because we don't live in n.o.). We are going to sue them in small claims court. We hope every one of the passengers who missed this boat does the same. We will prevail in small claims court--the directions that did not work are printed on ncl letterhead, which proves that they expected us to use these directions. If they did not work, ncl should have let us know how to get to the ship.


We are latitudes members who have cruised on ncl many times, without incident. I cannot find the words to express my anger and frustration with this cruise line now. They are real pikers in my opinion, and i am considering not setting foot on another of their ships. I will also write to the better business bureau in my area and complain about this service issue.

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