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RCCL- Vacation = Ruined

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Didn't know we could do that - thought because RCCL ( Choice AIR) booked the flights they had to make the changes and they were less than helpful doing that... probably because the cost of the flights increased significantly between the time we booked & paid and when they ( the airline) changed their schedule

It's unfortunate that you and your daughter didn't become CC members earlier. :) All of us here, at one time or another, have faced exactly what your family did or something similar. Maybe we could have given you some pointers from our own personal experience and you could have avoided what happened.

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RCI can not control the airlines. If flights are booked through RCI and then are late or delayed causing you to miss the ship .. their responsibility is to get you to the ship .. they did that .. although they did not do it well.


I think their offer is fair.


I used to travel all the time 2+ million airline miles and 3,000+ nights in hotels .. THINGS HAPPEN :eek:

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Hi there. I'm sorry for the poor experience you had and RCCL definitely dropped the ball. What bothers me is the fact that from your account and others, they are so reluctant to offer adequate compensation. It's mind boggling when huge corporations penny pinch in this way for truly poor experiences at their own fault especially. It's common sense business practice to ensure happy and satisfied customers yet some companies just don't seem to get it. Others most certainly get it and are able to thrive (eg. Nordstrom, Costco, Bed Bath & Beyond, Southwest Airlines).


I'll add a few experiences of my own:


1) I flew British Airways once a year for four straight years from 2005-2009 during my winter break from college to visit friends I had worked with at a summer camp as well as a girl I was dating at the time. Due to it being winter, prices were much cheaper to London and I was able to use miles accumulated from flying plus credit card miles to upgrade from premium economy to business class at only a little more $ than economy. Well one year my business class flat bed seat was very wobbly which made it difficult to sleep on the overnight flight to London. It certainly didn't ruin my experience, yet wasn't pleasant and there weren't any empty seats to move to. So I wrote an email to British Airway's customer service and was promptly replied with compensation that blew me away (I hadn't even asked for it). They gave me enough miles for a free one way business class flight. They clearly wanted to ensure happy customers and retain my business.


2) I buy a lot of Stonyfield yogurts and just last month had one that had a very watery consistency. So I emailed customer service just to let them know of the problem. They mailed me a letter with four coupons for a free yogurt plus other money saving coupons. Now I know this pales in comparison to the cost of the cruise, but again they gave more than necessary.


3) On the contrary to British Airways, I flew Virgin America two years ago to San Francisco and had paid $110 to upgrade my flight there from economy to their version of premium economy which included unlimited food/drinks, movies, and a seat with more legroom. On top of the $250 or so for the original fare. My seat's entertainment system didn't work (it had no sound) and they weren't able to do anything onboard because there weren't any empty seats of that kind. I asked to be moved to first class since they had empty seats but they refused to do so. I could either sit there and just not get the use of entertainment or move to a regular seat and they would file forms for me to get back my money for the upgrade. I chose to stay in my seat and complained. They originally offered me only $25 which I was able to get negotiated up to $75 in credit for future use, which was adequate. However, my experience with them left me with a slightly negative view which was a shame and as such would probably seek alternatives in the future.


It's a shame Royal hasn't taken a more proactive approach to keeping satisfied customers. I hope they improve upon this in the future. Also I suggest you don't back down in your requests and if they can't be of assistance go to your credit card company and file a dispute of the charge or something.

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Hi there. I'm sorry for the poor experience you had and RCCL definitely dropped the ball. What bothers me is the fact that from your account and others, they are so reluctant to offer adequate compensation. It's mind boggling when huge corporations penny pinch in this way for truly poor experiences at their own fault especially. It's common sense business practice to ensure happy and satisfied customers yet some companies just don't seem to get it. Others most certainly get it and are able to thrive (eg. Nordstrom, Costco, Bed Bath & Beyond, Southwest Airlines).


I'll add a few experiences of my own:


1) I flew British Airways once a year for four straight years from 2005-2009 during my winter break from college to visit friends I had worked with at a summer camp as well as a girl I was dating at the time. Due to it being winter, prices were much cheaper to London and I was able to use miles accumulated from flying plus credit card miles to upgrade from premium economy to business class at only a little more $ than economy. Well one year my business class flat bed seat was very wobbly which made it difficult to sleep on the overnight flight to London. It certainly didn't ruin my experience, yet wasn't pleasant and there weren't any empty seats to move to. So I wrote an email to British Airway's customer service and was promptly replied with compensation that blew me away (I hadn't even asked for it). They gave me enough miles for a free one way business class flight. They clearly wanted to ensure happy customers and retain my business.


2) I buy a lot of Stonyfield yogurts and just last month had one that had a very watery consistency. So I emailed customer service just to let them know of the problem. They mailed me a letter with four coupons for a free yogurt plus other money saving coupons. Now I know this pales in comparison to the cost of the cruise, but again they gave more than necessary.


3) On the contrary to British Airways, I flew Virgin America two years ago to San Francisco and had paid $110 to upgrade my flight there from economy to their version of premium economy which included unlimited food/drinks, movies, and a seat with more legroom. On top of the $250 or so for the original fare. My seat's entertainment system didn't work (it had no sound) and they weren't able to do anything onboard because there weren't any empty seats of that kind. I asked to be moved to first class since they had empty seats but they refused to do so. I could either sit there and just not get the use of entertainment or move to a regular seat and they would file forms for me to get back my money for the upgrade. I chose to stay in my seat and complained. They originally offered me only $25 which I was able to get negotiated up to $75 in credit for future use, which was adequate. However, my experience with them left me with a slightly negative view which was a shame and as such would probably seek alternatives in the future.


It's a shame Royal hasn't taken a more proactive approach to keeping satisfied customers. I hope they improve upon this in the future. Also I suggest you don't back down in your requests and if they can't be of assistance go to your credit card company and file a dispute of the charge or something.


While I think the majority here agrees RCI dropped the ball, I don´t see a reason for a charge dispute with the credit card company.

RCI showed bad customer service, but they provided what they were paid for, just not in a good way. They flew the OP to the ship, they arranged them to meet with the ship in the next port and they refunded out of pocket expenses. Last but not least the rest of the cruise was delivered as well, as transportation back home.

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I am so sorry this happened to you. You and your family really needed a wonderful trip and it wasn't delivered. I am discusted that the room attendant left dead flowers in your parents room. I hope you didn't leave them much of a tip. I think RCI should have left something special (flowers or a basket of treats) in all of your rooms for the the trouble you went through. They dropped the ball in so many ways, you have every right to ask for more if they want to keep you as a customer. All this talk on this thread about entitlement is just ridiculous! You were wronged and you have choices on how to spend your money in the future, and if they want to keep your business, they will accommedate. If they don't, that is bad business practice and they lose a few customers. I would expect the same thing if it happened to me.

I think what people are forgetting are the health problems of your dad, and this was supposed to be a special trip. You trusted RCI to come through for you and they didn't.

I honestly hope everything works out for you, and that you have the time to enjoy another trip with the whole family.

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Ahhh if only all businesses were like Nordstrom!


Or Costco- if you buy something online and need to return it, they refund your shipping also! And olive garden offers generous compensation for issues


But according to Chloe this is a stupid response. She's much more intelligent and knowledgeable of travel so disregard my 491 responses and only read her three.

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What a great idea to file for a credit card chargeback.


The law says that you are entitled to dispute the charge and to a chargeback if you did not receive the goods or services for which you paid, and if you try to settle it first with the merchant but to no avail.


This action on your part will put more pressure on RCCL to make things right. In any case, many large companies don't respond to chargebacks within the deadline for doing so and the chargeback very often becomes firm and definite.


To the poster who says that RCCL's only responsibility is to get you to the ship, I wholeheartedly disagree. You forgot about the part about, at the very minimum, refunding the missed portion of the trip (4 days).


You definitely did not receive the goods and services you paid for, and I would definitely file a chargeback for this reason.


Kind regards,


Gunther and Uta

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Whenever an airline changes a schedule, and if it doesn't coordinate with a connecting flight, you have the option to call the airline direct, give them your Reservation Confirmation Number, and they have to put you on a flight close to what you had originally booked at no additional cost to you....or at least get you to your final destination at approximately the same time as originally booked.


Not exactly. If your ticket happens to be a consolidator ticket, it may be subject to such strict restrictions that the above is not true.

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I don't know a lot about Choice Air, so I'm just curious... as you live in Toronto/Mississauga, why would they not have just booked you on a direct flight to New Orleans from Toronto, with Air Canada for example?


Flights were originally booked through Choice Air / Custom Air out of Buffalo to Cleveland, Cleveland to NO. When I went to book our seats on the airlines web site I discovered that the flight from Cleveland to NO had been changed to leaving Cleveland at 5:30 PM. I contacted Choice Air immediatly regarding the scheduale change ( they should have been contacting me) It took several phone calls to even get a response so we were in trouble before we even got on the plane.

Never happened before and I'm not sure I'm going to give RCCL an opportunity to let it happen again

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The credit card chargeback laws are there to protect consumers (the little guy) against the bullying of the major corporation (the big guy).


The law specifically gives the consumer the right to dispute the charge, not pay it while the dispute is in progress, and to have a chargeback ultimately issued when the consumer does not receive the goods or services purchased, or there is a defect in the goods or services purchased, the consumer first tries to resolve the matter with the merchant, but is not happy with the response by the merchant.


Some of the posters on this thread sound like they work for RCCL. If the consumer has the right to proceed this way, why are you begrudging it?


Kind regards,


Gunther and Uta

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I don't know a lot about Choice Air, so I'm just curious... as you live in Toronto/Mississauga, why would they not have just booked you on a direct flight to New Orleans from Toronto, with Air Canada for example?


Well, that is the flight I would want, especially with an ill family member. I would always try to book it a day early. I'd rather book the flights myself than book via the cruise line...just my bias.


yesterday there was a winter storm at my local airport. Many flights were cancelled. had I been flying then to catch a ship the same day, I would have been out of luck. fortunately my flight was today and the flights were going again...I am in the port city a day early...much less stressful than flying the same day, especially from a winter weather city during snow season.

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Didn't know we could do that - thought because RCCL ( Choice AIR) booked the flights they had to make the changes and they were less than helpful doing that... probably because the cost of the flights increased significantly between the time we booked & paid and when they ( the airline) changed their schedule



Many of you are missing the whole point about Choice Air tickets. These tickets are likely to have been highly restrictive and not the same tickets as the ones purchased directly from an airline. Read the Sticky about Cruise Air on the Cruise Air forum. If the OP purchased these highly restrictive tickets, which can be non CHANGEABLE and non ENDORSABLE, then the airline will not change the times or endorse them to another airline, even if the airline, itself, changed the flight times to make it impossible to arrive at the cruise city before cruise departure. Thus, the OP would have been relegated to the mercy of Choice Air, anyway. EmeraldRCCL: Probably Choice Air was slow to change the flights because they had little or no inventory left of these severely discounted, restrictive tickets left. The price didn't "increase;" they just didn't have the discount tickets left.

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Many of you are missing the whole point about Choice Air tickets. These tickets are likely to have been highly restrictive and not the same tickets as the ones purchased directly from an airline. Read the Sticky about Cruise Air on the Cruise Air forum. If the OP purchased these highly restrictive tickets, which can be non CHANGEABLE and non ENDORSABLE, then the airline will not change the times or endorse them to another airline, even if the airline, itself, changed the flight times to make it impossible to arrive at the cruise city before cruise departure. Thus, the OP would have been relegated to the mercy of Choice Air, anyway. EmeraldRCCL: Probably Choice Air was slow to change the flights because they had little or no inventory left of these severely discounted, restrictive tickets left. The price didn't "increase;" they just didn't have the discount tickets left.


In my opinion, RCCL should not offer Choice Air if the airline has the ability to change their customers flight from what they had booked that would result in them missing the ship. I have never booked my air through the cruise line because I do always fly in the day prior.... However if I did, then I would fully expect that they would ensure I made it to the ship. Otherwise they should tell me to fly in the day before for it to be guaranteed, etc.


Then the way they treated them to get to Cozumel is inexcusable. And further, no apology onboard, wilted flowers, etc. horrible customer service!



Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

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Wow, problems at every turn, but they all go back to one basic mistake: you should always arrive a day early. This is especially true when you're coming such a long distance and have so many stops on the way. Traveling with a sick senior citizen, it's even more important.


As experienced cruisers, y'all should've know that.


Royal should've encouraged you to come in a day ahead.

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In my opinion, RCCL should not offer Choice Air if the airline has the ability to change their customers flight from what they had booked that would result in them missing the ship. I have never booked my air through the cruise line because I do always fly in the day prior.... However if I did, then I would fully expect that they would ensure I made it to the ship. Otherwise they should tell me to fly in the day before for it to be guaranteed, etc.


Please understand a few things....


1. The airlines ALWAYS have the ability to change flights. The issue is whether or not your particular ticket has restrictions that prevent you from being more easily rebooked or not. Restrictive tickets can come from any number of sources, not just through Choice Air.


2. Despite the "feel good" verbiage from Choice Air, and no matter what ticket they book for you, they cannot ENSURE that you will make it to the ship. The airline could have a mechanical problem, all later flights could be booked solid, the airport might close for weather related reasons... who knows?! Way too many things are out of the cruise line's control, so even if Choice Air/the cruise line does everything in their power, they can never ENSURE you of making the cruise.


3. While being scheduled to fly in the day before GREATLY increases the chances that you will make the cruise, it does not guarantee this. Severe weather, for instance, can impact flights for several days, as can an airline strike.


As the saying goes, "nothing's sure but death and taxes!" :D

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In my opinion, RCCL should not offer Choice Air if the airline has the ability to change their customers flight from what they had booked that would result in them missing the ship. I have never booked my air through the cruise line because I do always fly in the day prior.... However if I did, then I would fully expect that they would ensure I made it to the ship. Otherwise they should tell me to fly in the day before for it to be guaranteed, etc.


Then the way they treated them to get to Cozumel is inexcusable. And further, no apology onboard, wilted flowers, etc. horrible customer service!



Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk


RCI and other cruise lines offer these restrictive tickets for one reason: there's a market for them. Many, many passengers (1) do not take the time to investigate the restrictions of these tickets, (2) are willing to take the risks to get the "cheaper" price, or (3) are lulled into complacency by the apparent promises on the cruiseline or Choice Air websites. When passengers stop buying these tickets, the cruise lines will stop selling them. And, no, if you read the RCI cruise contract, you would not "fully expect that they would ensure" that you made it to the ship on time:



All arrangements made for or by Passenger for transportation (other than on the Vessel or on any Transport owned or operated by RCT in connection with

a RCT Land Tour) before, during or after the Cruise or CruiseTour of any kind whatsoever, as well as air arrangements, shore excursions, tours, hotels,

restaurants, attractions and other similar activities or services, including all related conveyances, products or facilities, are made solely for Passenger's

convenience and are at Passenger's risk. The providers, owners and operators of such services, conveyances, products and facilities are independent

contractors and are not acting as agents or representatives of Carrier. Even though Carrier may collect a fee for, or otherwise profit from, making such

arrangements and offers for sale shore excursions, tours, hotels, restaurants, attractions, elements of the RCT Land Tour packages that are provided by

independent contractors and other similar activities or services taking place off the Vessel for a profit, it does not undertake to supervise or control such

independent contractors or their employees, nor maintain their conveyances or facilities, and makes no representation, whether express or implied,

regarding their suitability or safety. In no event shall Carrier be liable for any loss, delay, disappointment, damage, injury, death or other harm whatsoever

to Passenger which occurs on or off the Vessel or the Transport as a result of any acts, omissions or negligence of any independent contractors.

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Please understand a few things....

1. The airlines ALWAYS have the ability to change flights. The issue is whether or not your particular ticket has restrictions that prevent you from being more easily rebooked or not. Restrictive tickets can come from any number of sources, not just through Choice Air.

2. Despite the "feel good" verbiage from Choice Air, and no matter what ticket they book for you, they cannot ENSURE that you will make it to the ship. The airline could have a mechanical problem, all later flights could be booked solid, the airport might close for weather related reasons... who knows?! Snip 3. While being scheduled to fly in the day before GREATLY increases the chances that you will make the cruise, it does not guarantee this. Severe weather, for instance, can impact flights for several days, as can an airline strike.


As the saying goes, "nothing's sure but death and taxes!" :D

you are so right...many things can go wrong. if there were an airline strike and I could not get a new flight, I would have been driving all day and all night :eek:in shifts to make my cruise...same for weather if the roads were passable.

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Real nice that some of you feel obligated to judge what the OP either doesn't deserve or to out right blame her for their troubles. You might feel differently if you had the same experience. For those that keep suggesting that the OP should have flown in the day before, great advice but it was Mardi Gras...no hotels available. Even if there were, get over yourselves. Some people just can't afford to budget the money and/or the time. I'm a huge RCI fan but 25 percent is a joke after what they experienced. Hopefully RCI will come around with a better offer.

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