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Concordia customers suing for all of this money, be happy your alive!!!


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I read 2 pages and ran out of time so I have no idea what all 23 pages of this thread entail.


Norovirus made a ship return back to embarkation port not that long ago and those passengers were all given a free cruise. Some passengers (a small percentage) got sick for a few days. Most passengers didn't get sick and didn't go through any life threatening conditions at all. Yet still, they were given all of their money back.


How is it fair to say then that the Concordia survivors only deserve the same?




- Having your meal interrupted and never getting to finish eating dinner because your ship ran aground.


- Fighting through crowds of panic crazed passengers to get back to your stateroom and get your lifejacket.


- Having an incompetent captain tell everyone that everything was fine when it wasn't.


- Fighting gravity in a listing ship where the floor becomes a ceiling and the ceiling becomes a wall.


- Trying to get down in a lifeboat that won't move because it's jammed due to the nature of the listing ship.


- Watching people jump into the frigid waters or worse yet, making the decision to jump yourself.


- Being a part of a human ladder where everyone is holding on so tight to each other, trying not to fall into the water while waiting for rescue.


- Finally making it to land, realizing you don't have your important documents and have nothing that confirms your identity since you left them in your safe.


- Having to stand outside for hours once on land with nothing while watching the ship continue to list and having no clue where to go or what is coming next... you're on an island that is foreign to you and you don't know anybody.


- Not getting a single minutes sleep because you're being ushered all over the place until finally the next day you're able to get into a hotel.


- Having to worry about whether or not the embassy is going to be compassionate and give you the documentation you need to return home.


- Trying to figure out where your meals are coming from since you have no form of money on you and no ID.


- Really.... I could keep going... what these people experienced was as far from a vacation as it gets. It was a living nightmare. Imagine 3-4 days of not knowing if you'll make it home okay. Imagine water rising up around your feet and closing in on you. Imagine the things you'd wish for if you thought you were about to die and how those thoughts would linger with you even after you'd reached safety and would forever change your life.


They deserve more than to have their money back. If I'd been on that ship, I would have had over 20k in photography gear on me. That wouldn't have included my laptop, my jewelry, my nice clothes, my memories that would be lost forever on memory cards, my asthma machine, etc. Likely, I would have had approx. 30k in value of posessions and another 1-2k in cash as I like to spend only cash for everything off the ship (paying for independent excursions, tips, eating on the islands, shopping, etc.)


14k would definitely not have paid for my lost posessions. Much less my cruise fare, airfare, parking expenses, and potentially mental health issues.

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Why is it that these Costa Concordia customers are attempting to sue the Carnival Corp for all of this money and most of them were not even hurt? Have we as people gotten so greedy that we have to use a misfortune to become rich? I can see if you really were hurt or a loved one was killed or harmed etc... But Really? If you had the money to sail on the ship for heavens sakes and make it off safely, is that not enough? The Captain is going to Jail and your getting your money back from your cruise. Why am I thoroughly disgusted by this greed?


I think your outlook would be different if you were on that cruise.

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I do rather wonder whether you would feel the same way, Little Miss, if it had been your young children onboard. And you couldn't find them. And they were panic stricken and told to return to their cabins. Yes, they got off safely. Yes I am sure your first thoughts would have been Thank God We Are All Alive!!!! But what would your second thought be. What would you think when your kids refused to go near the beach the next time you wanted a nice holiday. Or refused to let you turn the lights out at night. Or wouldn't let you out of their sight? When you thought about how the Captain had endangered their lives- and how the little girl they had spent time playing with died? Would you be quite as casual about their trauma?


(simultaneously posted with one above)

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I do rather wonder whether you would feel the same way, Little Miss, if it had been your young children onboard. And you couldn't find them. And they were panic stricken and told to return to their cabins. Yes, they got off safely. Yes I am sure your first thoughts would have been Thank God We Are All Alive!!!! But what would your second thought be. What would you think when your kids refused to go near the beach the next time you wanted a nice holiday. Or refused to let you turn the lights out at night. Or wouldn't let you out of their sight? When you thought about how the Captain had endangered their lives- and how the little girl they had spent time playing with died? Would you be quite as casual about their trauma?


(simultaneously posted with one above)


I would get them help as soon as possible along with myself and go from there.

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I would get them help as soon as possible along with myself and go from there.


And would you not feel that Costa and the Captain bore some responsibility for their trauma? In fact, would you not feel that they bore a great deal of resposibility for endangering your children's lives?

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The funny part is is that this seems to be a racial Slur with regard to the treatment of slaves on slave ships... Please don't say that you are going there because you notice that I am Black?? I'm going to give you more credit than that even not knowing you.


You just lost what tiny little spec of respect I had left for you. Not that you care, I'm sure.

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I read 2 pages and ran out of time so I have no idea what all 23 pages of this thread entail.


Norovirus made a ship return back to embarkation port not that long ago and those passengers were all given a free cruise. Some passengers (a small percentage) got sick for a few days. Most passengers didn't get sick and didn't go through any life threatening conditions at all. Yet still, they were given all of their money back.


How is it fair to say then that the Concordia survivors only deserve the same?




- Having your meal interrupted and never getting to finish eating dinner because your ship ran aground.


- Fighting through crowds of panic crazed passengers to get back to your stateroom and get your lifejacket.


- Having an incompetent captain tell everyone that everything was fine when it wasn't.


- Fighting gravity in a listing ship where the floor becomes a ceiling and the ceiling becomes a wall.


- Trying to get down in a lifeboat that won't move because it's jammed due to the nature of the listing ship.


- Watching people jump into the frigid waters or worse yet, making the decision to jump yourself.


- Being a part of a human ladder where everyone is holding on so tight to each other, trying not to fall into the water while waiting for rescue.


- Finally making it to land, realizing you don't have your important documents and have nothing that confirms your identity since you left them in your safe.


- Having to stand outside for hours once on land with nothing while watching the ship continue to list and having no clue where to go or what is coming next... you're on an island that is foreign to you and you don't know anybody.


- Not getting a single minutes sleep because you're being ushered all over the place until finally the next day you're able to get into a hotel.


- Having to worry about whether or not the embassy is going to be compassionate and give you the documentation you need to return home.


- Trying to figure out where your meals are coming from since you have no form of money on you and no ID.


- Really.... I could keep going... what these people experienced was as far from a vacation as it gets. It was a living nightmare. Imagine 3-4 days of not knowing if you'll make it home okay. Imagine water rising up around your feet and closing in on you. Imagine the things you'd wish for if you thought you were about to die and how those thoughts would linger with you even after you'd reached safety and would forever change your life.


They deserve more than to have their money back. If I'd been on that ship, I would have had over 20k in photography gear on me. That wouldn't have included my laptop, my jewelry, my nice clothes, my memories that would be lost forever on memory cards, my asthma machine, etc. Likely, I would have had approx. 30k in value of posessions and another 1-2k in cash as I like to spend only cash for everything off the ship (paying for independent excursions, tips, eating on the islands, shopping, etc.)


14k would definitely not have paid for my lost posessions. Much less my cruise fare, airfare, parking expenses, and potentially mental health issues.


I would think that the $14K is just a preliminary lowball offer. But even if only 1% or 35 passengers accept it, it is legally binding with respect to them and could save Carnival Corporation $millions. I would think that they could have saved much more with a more realistic settlement offer. But it appears that they are ready to litigate with their customers.

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I have to say that I only read a few pages of this thread and that is enough for me. I read posts much more than posting myself (guess that makes me a lurker) but I do have one thing to say about the original post. If it looks like a troll and feels like a troll then it's probably a troll. Shameful and disgusting that it's gone on for so many pages, considering the subject.

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the funny part is is that this seems to be a racial slur with regard to the treatment of slaves on slave ships... Please don't say that you are going there because you notice that i am black?? I'm going to give you more credit than that even not knowing you.




and the race card has been played , ladies and gents !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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You just lost what tiny little spec of respect I had left for you. Not that you care, I'm sure.


Assuming your not black, I would see why this would not be offensive to you. But let me break it down to you... Black people have come a long way and in any way,shape or form that Boats, branding,hazing, or beating someone with water via a hose, are all things that were done to mutilate black people when they came from Africa on boats. In no way, shape, or form did I deserve nor warrant that response. And the poster should have chosen his words better regardless if it was meant like that or not. We are all here to state our views and have fun but when unnecessary racial jabs occur, that's where I draw the line.

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I would get them help as soon as possible along with myself and go from there.


Hi LittleMiss,

I have been reading all of the posts and agreeing with some, completely disagreeing with some...and shaking my head in disbelief at some. :(


Anyway- I just wanted to comment about your post above- about getting them help ASAP. I'm not sure if you are from out of the country or here in USA (not being snide- I noticed that you don't have a location listed)- but here in my area (east coast- Baltimore/DC metro area) the cost of "help" (counseling, possible meds, etc...) should really be taken into consideration. To cover belongings and possible years of therapy- I really don't think $14,000 would even begin to cover it.


I think if some doofus can spill hot coffee in her lap in the drive thru and sue McDonald's for $2.7 million- and WIN (although the amount was appealed and later reduce to around $600k)- that offering $14,000 is not only laughable, but downright insulting.:mad:


Any good negotiator will tell you- start high! So, sue for millions and you'll probably end up with a few hundred K when it's all said and done (after everyone gets their share-)...


Thanks for starting an interesting thread- it's a much better read than how to smuggle booze onboard or if chair hogs have any rights...;)


Take care,


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Assuming your not black, I would see why this would not be offensive to you. But let me break it down to you... Black people have come a long way and in any way,shape or form that Boats, branding,hazing, or beating someone with water via a hose, are all things that were done to mutilate black people when they came from Africa on boats. In no way, shape, or form did I deserve nor warrant that response. And the poster should have chosen his words better regardless if it was meant like that or not. We are all here to state our views and have fun but when unnecessary racial jabs occur, that's where I draw the line.


They did go somewhere that no one should have went.

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So let me try to understand, are you complaining that I should have selected my words better... (as per your post below).


Assuming your not black, I would see why this would not be offensive to you. But let me break it down to you... Black people have come a long way and in any way,shape or form that Boats, branding,hazing, or beating someone with water via a hose, are all things that were done to mutilate black people when they came from Africa on boats. In no way, shape, or form did I deserve nor warrant that response. And the poster should have chosen his words better regardless if it was meant like that or not. We are all here to state our views and have fun but when unnecessary racial jabs occur, that's where I draw the line.


or are you amused as per your direct response in the post below.


Ooooh greg-nc threaten me with a good time why don't cha :D.


What is the appropriate therapy for schizophrenia / DID?


I can only come to the conclusion that you are trolling for your own personal amusement.

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Hi LittleMiss,

I have been reading all of the posts and agreeing with some, completely disagreeing with some...and shaking my head in disbelief at some. :(


Anyway- I just wanted to comment about your post above- about getting them help ASAP. I'm not sure if you are from out of the country or here in USA (not being snide- I noticed that you don't have a location listed)- but here in my area (east coast- Baltimore/DC metro area) the cost of "help" (counseling, possible meds, etc...) should really be taken into consideration. To cover belongings and possible years of therapy- I really don't think $14,000 would even begin to cover it.


I think if some doofus can spill hot coffee in her lap in the drive thru and sue McDonald's for $2.7 million- and WIN (although the amount was appealed and later reduce to around $600k)- that offering $14,000 is not only laughable, but downright insulting.:mad:


Any good negotiator will tell you- start high! So, sue for millions and you'll probably end up with a few hundred K when it's all said and done (after everyone gets their share-)...


Thanks for starting an interesting thread- it's a much better read than how to smuggle booze onboard or if chair hogs have any rights...;)


Take care,



But over $500 million dollars for 39 passengers...REALLY?

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Assuming your not black, I would see why this would not be offensive to you. But let me break it down to you... Black people have come a long way and in any way,shape or form that Boats, branding,hazing, or beating someone with water via a hose, are all things that were done to mutilate black people when they came from Africa on boats. In no way, shape, or form did I deserve nor warrant that response. And the poster should have chosen his words better regardless if it was meant like that or not. We are all here to state our views and have fun but when unnecessary racial jabs occur, that's where I draw the line.



OK , your first response to this "racial slur post" indicated you considered those actions a "Good Time"



Then you come back with your "racially offensive" speech.


Which is it here ?

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They did go somewhere that no one should have went.


I really believe that it was a clean up effort afterwards but really? Is The Concordia that important to them that this had to be posted? The statement had nothing to do with anything and yet instead of acknowledging the fact that he made a boo boo with his verbiage, this Reginaphlange person comes after me? Really

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My training has nothing to do with my opinion that I, just like yourself, is entitled to. I Should have never responded to the question of my professional background because apparently some of you believe that I should think one way or another because of this. This thread was not entitled "trash the thread starter" it was simply giving my opinion and some of you instead of stating yours decided to condemn me and for what? My freedom of speech? Really?


Yes, that is upsetting, but YOU stated your profession to prove that your opinion has more validity than that of another poster.


I have read many of the posts today. My opinion is that since I did not walk in the shoes of the survivours I don't have the right to suggest what compensation might be appropriate for each individual.



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But over $500 million dollars for 39 passengers...REALLY?


Well, if they were really able to get awarded for that full amount- it is only 12.8 million per person. After lawyers take their 1/3= leaves approx. 8 million per person. And we know that they will never be awarded that full amount- and that Carnival Corp will appeal, appeal, appeal until many years have gone by.


Meanwhile- your medical bills continue to mount, lawyers still want their retainer fees, maybe you have lost your job due to PTSD- until you finally agree to go ahead settle for a portion of what you are entitled to just to make it go away.


And that is normally what the big corporations wanted you to do in the first place...:(

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