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Street crime in Barcelona - why it's so prevalent, and affects tourists the most


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We were watching a very informative TV program about the British Consulate services in Barcelona the other evening and found out an interesting fact about the penalties handed down to pick pockets and street thieves in Barcelona that may explain why street crime against tourists is so prevalent.


If they take goods from you worth less than €400 [£350, approx $550] and get caught, prosecuted and found guilty, then they only get a small fine – and then only if the victim turns up to give evidence, which is why they target tourists. Many tourists will not be able to turn up to court and give evidence. Many offenders don't even get caught.


The police don't have a database that enables them to tell if the thief has been arrested before.



About 150 bag-snatchers operate on Barcelona's metro, trains and buses, committing 90 robberies a day, according to police. The thieves form well-organised gangs that often co-ordinate the shifts they work.

What you state about Barcelona and the criminal justice system is what I have read on the subject.

Barcelona is a wonderful city, not to be missed. We are going back for another cruise and will spend three more days there.

Don't be intimidated by these reports, but DO prepare yourself.

You will probably look like a tourist no matter what you wear, but you don't want to look like a clueless tourist.

Here is what we do.

1) I wear a money belt, with all important docs and most of my cash and credit cards in the belt. I keep about 100 Euros in my front pocket for daily expenses.

2) My DW has a Packsafe purse with a reinforced strap (so they cannot cut it). She can strap it to her waist so no one can take it by snatching it.

In Barcelona you get fined more for double-parking or wandering around with your shirt off than for stealing three purses in one day.

3) Be aware of your surroundings and who is close to you. Take care when going into places where people will be physically close to you like on Las Ramblas or the Metro. Try to stay away from groups or get surrounded by people. Don't be distracted by street vendors, just tell them "NO, GRACIAS."

4) Keep your passports and excess cash and credit cards in your hotel safe. Carry a photocopy of your passport on your for identification.

5) OK to use your camera, but keep a watch on it. I have one with a strap around my neck.

The areas that felt most vulnerable were on Las Ramblas and the Metro. That was a low percentage of our time in Barcelona. While on a city tour, I never felt threatened going to the major sites like Sagrada Familia. Go and enjoy the city.

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Another tip use large safety pins to pin your pockets shut where your money is, also note money isn't safe in your front pockets either. Only take the amount of money you think you might need.


If there are two of you cruising together make sure you both take different credit cards and leave them in the safe if possible but definitely don't carry them at the same time when sightseeing.


my dh thinks i am crazy for suggesting the safety pins..only we do not pin the pockets shut, we pin the waist wallet to his pants belt loop in addition to the wrap around. also i use the pins to secure the zippers on my pac safe travel bag so that in order to get to my wallet the pin needs to be opened

Edited by maggie cruises
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I couldn't help laughing at all the precautions to take when abroad. Sometimes it's a lot nearer home and a place you just wouldn't expect it. We were in Guernsey a few years ago. A beautiful quiet place with hardly any crime. DH went to get a coffee fo us and i put my bag on the table, he shouted me to ask if i wanted anything to eat and by the time i had turned my head back to the table my bag had gone. :eek: pays to be vigilant everywhere.

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my dh thinks i am crazy for suggesting the safety pins..only we do not pin the pockets shut, we pin the waist wallet to his pants belt loop in addition to the wrap around. also i use the pins to secure the zippers on my pac safe travel bag so that in order to get to my wallet the pin needs to be opened

Wallet, I don't carry my wallet at all in places like Barcelona, Rome or Athens. The MONEY BELT is the way to go. Only way they can get that is if that undress me.

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Yes, we have travel insurance.


I have had the hardest time getting a private transfer. It is the strangest thing. For example, I was in touch with Spanish Trails. She took a month to get back to me (had excuses), then I told her I wanted to book. I had to email again a week later. She said she would send me the paypal link to pay a 40euro deposit, but that was last week. I sent another email but haven't heard back.

I was also in touch with Auto Vilar for a transfer. I thought I was getting the info and was about to book and he stopped answering emails, so I didn't book.

Another company recommended here wanted about 490Euroes for an airport transfer with a stop at Sagrada Familia!


If I could find a reliable transfer company that can actually answer my emails, I would consider booking. This problem never happened in any other port we are booked in. Strange!

barcelonadaytours dot com emails answered before the end of a day


sorry missed the post about 340 euros!!

Edited by katiepe
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  • 1 month later...
Wow, thanks for the tips. I am rethinking a few things. We were going to have a short tour to Sagrada Familia before our airport transfer in Barcelona but now we are not. We are going straight to the airport from the ship. I guess now we will just get a taxi that day by standing in line for one. Just hoping there are taxi vans for 7 so we can all ride together:confused:


I have a few questions about those slash proof purses/bags. I see a few options at Magellans I have been wanting to purchase one for a while now but I keep thinking this, "If they try to cut it, meaning they will have a knife very close to my body, and can't cut it, will that knife/cutter slip and cut me or will it anger them?


Also, for any Med. ports, I am wondering if children are fair game? I don't plan on having my kids carry valuables but we have 5 kids and my two sons usually do carry a backpack with water and snacks. If it were to get ripped off of them, I think it would be very upsetting to them. My sons are 13 and 17. My girls (10-14) also carry little purses with nothing of real value in it. Should I not let them? Also, I am now assuming it is best not to let kids carry Iphones with them. They were planning on it so that they could use it for a camera. This may be a stupid question, one that can't really be answered but I will try - What is of most value to them - Iphone, camera, jewerly? I know money and credit cards! Should I not let me kids carry anything? Just having a purse snatched, with nothing much in it, would be the worse part for them.

Thanks. I am also going to go check out those Youtube videos.


I also have some concerns about kids. We had travelled throughout Europe and other coutries in the years before kids without much worry (but always staying aware & taking precautions) -- however, now that we are planning our first European trip with Kids, so we were also wondering if kids are also a target?

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I have not heard of children be targeted -- perhaps because they are not carrying credit cards and cash. However, just like in any large city, it isn't a good idea to allow children to wander off on their own. Actually, having children is another reason to insure there is nothing that can be pickpocketed on you as your attention will be on the kids. You will all be perfectly safe is you take precautions before you leave the ship.

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I love Europe. If I had money I'd live there. That's how much I love Europe. I've been many places in Europe that I felt safer than here in the US but....


I have been to Barcelona and was very vigilant until I was in an arcade with my son. I knew about the pickpockets and my son needed me to help him so I put my handbag between my feet and helped my son for 30 seconds and that was that- robbed of my 40th birthday present- a new digital camera with 14 days of trip pictures. I cried like a baby. It hurt me so badly to have my photo memories stolen.


I reluctantly returned to Barcelona with my Dad a couple years later and I only left the hotel with my room key and a bottle of water and enough money for the HOHO bus, which parked out front. I circumnavigated on the HOHO bus and went right back to the hotel.


If I went there for a cruise I'd go directly to the ship. Barcelona is the only city in Europe that I didn't like.

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Twenty-five years ago I was in Barcelona traveling with a English guy and two American girls who I had met on the train into town. We were about to head out to Madrid together. The English guy made a point of telling me that he kept all of his cash in a number of different places so it couldn't be stolen.


I left him alone for a minute to go get a newspaper and the girls had gone somewhere and when I returned he was literally in tears. Someone had come up with a map to ask for directions and while he was giving directions they stole his backpack. It was a set-up. For whatever reason, he had NOT put his money everywhere, it was all in his pack. I ended up giving him a little money, but needless to say his summer was ruined. Fortunately for him the British help their stranded citizens with some travel home money. So I know how bad it can be.


I like to take a couple of pair of "cargo" pants when I go to Europe and often wear them on the plane. They are a bit out of style these days, but I feel that stuff that is put in the leg pockets simply isn't going to be taken. And it makes it far less likely that I will lose something moving my hands in and out of my front pockets. In a place like Barcelona, I almost certainly will be wearing Cargo pants.

Edited by Mississippian
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I always see male travelers with the two inch thick wallet in the back pocket and the women have those purses the can hold a small child. You do not need these things, guys carry a small thin wallet with cash, your drivers license and a debt card and one credit card, you leave the other items home and you keep another cc at the hotel safe, you keep this wallet in your front pocket or you get and wear a money belt and a tucked in button up shirt so you can open the buttons and access the money belt. Women, get a bra wallet, your bra is also good for holding other valuables and you wear a button up blouse so you can access the bra wallet, leave the purse home!


Go to a local store, not a tourist store and pick up one of those nylon bags that fold up into a little pouch if you need to carry small items that you buy, look at the bags that the locals are carrying and copy them.


Every time you stop at a store front turn and look back at the way you came, after few turn and looks, you can tell if you are being scoped out by a pick pocket or a purse snatcher, you wil see the same person stop and turn to look at a store front also. stop and stare at them and let them pass you, once you make eye contact they move on.

Edited by tgwabd
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I also have some concerns about kids. We had travelled throughout Europe and other coutries in the years before kids without much worry (but always staying aware & taking precautions) -- however, now that we are planning our first European trip with Kids, so we were also wondering if kids are also a target?


I think kids will only be a target if they obviously have something valuable that could be stolen, such as an iphone or suchlike, or cash.


I bought a slash proof cross body handbag for my recent trip to Barcelona (and other Med ports) from QVC, it isn't all that glamorous but it is functional and it was inexpensive. It is a Travelon, and I don't think it will last forever, but I have only used it for that trip. I think the advantage aside from possibly being slash resistant is it will deter most thieves, who know which bags are more easily robbed. It is a bit like having an alarm system in your house, it won't prevent a determined burglar, but might make them go to the next house that doesn't have an alarm.


Re cargo pants : I have a friend who used this method somewhere in Spain and was easily robbed. Any outer pocket anywhere on you is accessible to thieves.


And I would just like to say that there are some very honest and helpful people in Barcelona, both my friend and I on different occasions on this short trip left things in the back of taxis and transfer cars (her mobile and my backpack) and we got both back with no trouble and were very thankful to the drivers and hotel reception staff.

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I think kids will only be a target if they obviously have something valuable that could be stolen, such as an iphone or suchlike, or cash.

I bought a slash proof cross body handbag for my recent trip to Barcelona (and other Med ports) from QVC, it isn't all that glamorous but it is functional and it was inexpensive. It is a Travelon, and I don't think it will last forever, but I have only used it for that trip. I think the advantage aside from possibly being slash resistant is it will deter most thieves, who know which bags are more easily robbed. It is a bit like having an alarm system in your house, it won't prevent a determined burglar, but might make them go to the next house that doesn't have an alarm.

Re cargo pants : I have a friend who used this method somewhere in Spain and was easily robbed. Any outer pocket anywhere on you is accessible to thieves.

And I would just like to say that there are some very honest and helpful people in Barcelona, both my friend and I on different occasions on this short trip left things in the back of taxis and transfer cars (her mobile and my backpack) and we got both back with no trouble and were very thankful to the drivers and hotel reception staff.

Thanks for the help. For family trips we do not allow each other to bring all of the electronics (I say "we" because the kids cannot bring the iPhones, iPads, etc. -- and I am not allowed to bring my laptop) [and probably best to go retro with softcover books instead of the Kindle]. My older DD may want to have some $ with her while ashore, but we will make sure she knows all the safety procedures beforehand -- and it will not be very much. The only other item may be a camera -- and except for the point and shoot for myself, I will have the kids use disposables (there are now digital disposable cameras).

If I did not have kids, I would not be worried as much. I have had great times in Spain (before kids) and almost everyone I have ever met there were wonderful. We were never bothered -- even when wondering around Madrid and other cities in the wee hours of the morning trying to find our hotel. I lived in NYC most of my life and feel I have a second sense and street smarts when it comes to strangers and trouble, but when going back into any of the boroughs with kids in tow (or even just my DW), I am much more vigilante than I am when going solo.

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Have been in Barca twice pre-cruise overnight, staying in hotel and touring the city. Never had any problems. Left valuables in the safe in the hotel safe. Kept camera in hand at all time, stayed vigilant and came back to the hotel in the evening about 8pm ish and had a quiet drink and an early bed. Nice relaxed start to the cruise.

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Have been in Barca twice pre-cruise overnight, staying in hotel and touring the city. Never had any problems. Left valuables in the safe in the hotel safe. Kept camera in hand at all time, stayed vigilant and came back to the hotel in the evening about 8pm ish and had a quiet drink and an early bed. Nice relaxed start to the cruise.


IMO, you are the perfect example of what to do in Barcelona. Hope others will do the same.

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Very interesting thread. I will be in Barcelona for one day on a cruise next year. I was talking to a coworker who was born and raised in England before moving to the states. He has traveled extensively throughout Europe. He mentioned that Barcelona (especially the Las Ramblas area) was one of the worst cities for pickpockets. I was surprised by his statement but reading through this thread has enlightened me even more.

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I have a PacSafe pouch which has a strap with wire in it that can't be cut. Room for a credit card, a photocopy of my passport, some cash and my phone. It's really all you need. That being said, I've carried a purse for a week in Barcelona, Istanbul, Madrid, Rome etc and have not had a problem. Use a purse with a thick leather strap you can wear bandolier-style across your chest and a zipper. I don't carry a wallet, but use the purse for my usual 'stuff' like sunglasses, tissues, etc and use the PacSafe for the other stuff. All the pickpocket things I've heard of first-hand were on public transportation or train/bus stations.

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  • 3 weeks later...

We have been watching episodes of Scam City on the travel channel. Very interesting! Last one was Barcelona. Shows how they do it. Pickpockets are working in groups- while one picks at your purse/pocket/bag, another walks behind him and sometimes others to your sides.Blocks others from seeing it happen. Do not carry purses or bags including duffle bags, to your side! They recommend ladies wear cross body purses and in front of you with one hand on it alwaysl Watch out for them going up stairs, escalators. Also gives examples of distractions and "accidentally" bumping into you!

Most of the fulltime thieves are well known to police, but regardless of the number of arrests the punishment is still only 3 days in jail plus fine. They make enough in a day to not even worry about it. Perhaps we all need to write letters to spanish govt to change the laws!

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I agree Barcelona is one of the worst places for pickpockets. There have been numerous threads on these boards for years. Although pretty savvy, I had my wallet stolen from my purse there. As you say, the credit card was used within minutes at two restaurants for huge amounts (near $800 and $600 US). I also heard the same story from police re: the thieves have accomplices who "cash out" to them.


Luckily, my passport, an extra credit card, and some cash were in my room safe. The thieves got into my zipped purse (which was under my arm) and got the wallet without my knowledge. They are that good.


Same experience on the Metro in BCN. Just a few Euros were in my purse with my ATM card (which I cancelled immediately afterward, no loss) and my cell phone (which they *tried* to get but it was tethered to something inside my purse -- and the tether was *almost* broken apart.)


My hand was on my zipped bag every second until someone shoved me as I tried to exit the car. I let go of my bag for a split second to right myself by grabbing a rail. In literally five seconds or less, I was bumped, the purse was unzipped, the cash was grabbed, and I was shoved off the train.


Since then, I have a used a diaper pin to close the zipper on the outside of my bag and a second diaper pin on any compartments inside that need to be secured. And that's just for whatever minimal stuff I need to carry in my purse. Everything else is on my person or in the hotel/on the ship. If I have to get a few Euros out for a gelato or a ticket, I step away from the crowd, pull out the amount I need, repin everything and then step into line. Yes, I know....making that donation on the metro has left its mark and I"m slightly bent as a result of it. :D


Vigilance is important but it man not be enough. Put your things somewhere that people are very, very unlikely to get it.

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We've have been to Barcelonia twice and will be back again next year and we love it there. We stayed for 4 days the first time and were only there for the day the last time. Before our first trip we read all about the pickpocket problems and we took precautions.


We don't carry any bags at all and my husband has a small plastic sleeve - think season football ticket thing- that he wears around his neck under his shirt. It is so light it can't be seen and he puts a credit card and some cash in it. I have a small pouch that clips on my belt loops that I keep a small wallet and medication in. It also slips under my shirt. Less is best. We actually use these in all the ports in Europe and have had no problems. If we do carry a backpack it only holds water and sunscreen.


Don't let anyone invade your space and tell them to get away if anyone does. Most of these people prey on those who are distracted and not paying attention.

Edited by joandian
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I'm a single mom and travel with my twin daughters who are 7. We've been to Barcelona twice and will return again next year - we love it there and feel safe wandering day or evening. I followed all the great tips I found here about cross body purse with interior pockets zipped shut. We wander on foot and on the subway with no problem. I did wear a backpack on the subway once with just snacks and drinks for the beach and when we got out, the backpack was open, but nothing taken. I will say, the pickpockets are magicians, but we kept our items safe and always had a fantastic time. Parc Guell, Sagrada Familia, the Gothic Quarter - I can't imagine being so close to these places and not seeing them. Just wanted to chime for those with kids that mine had absolutely no problem there - though I would not let them bring electronics into any port.


All the best,


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  • 3 weeks later...

It's not all doom and gloom in Barcelona.


Me and the Future Mrs OFH had been out celebrating my birthday and were both a little worse for wear ( I was bladdered ( English slang for very drunk)) and were returning to our hotel in Barcelona.


During the taxi ride my wallet fell out my pocket and my glasses slipped off my face. Yes I was that drunk.


On getting in to the hotel room my future wife put me to bed. When there was a knock at the door the taxi driver had returned them to the hotel, and the night porter then brought them to my room.


So yes be aware of your surrounding and be sensible but its probably no worse than any major city either side of the Atlantic.


And to top it all off, the next day Liverpool beat Barcelona in the Nou Camp at football ( Soccer)I got drunk again. kept hold of wallet.



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This thread was inactive for a while and I've done some research in the past couple of months. This information is factual and may change the minds of people who feel that the warnings are overstated:


I looked up the top 10 places in the world where you are most likely to be picketpocketed:


1. Barcelona, Spain

2. Rome, Italy

3. Prague, Czech Republic

4. Madrid, Spain

5. Paris, France

6. Florence, Italy

7. Buenos Aires, Argentina

8. Amsterdam, Holland

9. Athens, Greece

10. Hanoi, Vietnam




Specific to Barcelona:


1. Spain, Barcelona


Barcelona is the number 1 tourist attraction in Spain! In addition to a number of sights it also has a dozen or so pickpockets for every attraction. If pickpocketing would be on the Olympics, Barcelona would be the definite gold medalist!


When you disregard pickpocketing, Barcelona is a relatively safe place to be. Spanish people are not very fond of drinking, they much more prefer smoking pot – and that makes people sleepy and friendly.


When walking on the famous pedestrian street La Rambla be sure to wear your backpacks in your front. Pickpockets work in teams – 1 person distracts you and another one opens your bag or goes through your pockets. They don’t hesitate to use scissors or a razor to cut their way in!


Technique used to steal your money in Barcelona:

A friendly local notices that your clothes are dirty and offers to provide you with a napkin so that you can clean yourself.

What really happens is that the local himself or his partner in crime has secretly spilled something on you to get your attention. After accepting the napkin and starting to clean yourself your mind is occupied and it becomes easy to go through your bag or your pockets.



Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/world-a...#ixzz1ysOCKeLW

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have posted this before, but it bears repeating. We have been all over the world..been to Europe over 24 times and to Barcelona 3 times. We are getting up in years and the last time in Barcelona, we got off the plane very tired but decided to take public transport into Barri Gotic. I believe someone scoped us out at the airport baggage claim but my husband doesn't think so. Anyway, walking through the old quarter, my purse was stolen and I didn't have a clue. I was uber prepared to be diligent but I was tired and my knees were killing me. Hence, we spent that evening in a police station, surrounded by dozens of other victims, with no hoe of retrieving anything. We didn't expect to get anything back but wanted to make a claim in case we needed it for insurance. So, my advice is to take a taxi into town and put your stuff away in your room before traipsing around Barcelona. We will be there in November and WILL be using a car service because we are in our late 60's and know we will be tired and not as alert as we should be.

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For some reason my husband seems to attract the nerdo wells in Barcelona,last time walking thro the squares to the Cathedral he was sprayed with mustard all over the back of his coat and cap, he is a tall guy and he turned on the perpetrator who took one look at his face and ran!!! His Coat was not in a good state but on returning to the ship and retelling the story a member of staff insisted on sending it to the laundry, nice people somewhere.


Been on a bus there and saw a guy pick a young mans pocket so i shouted a warning, the guy jumped off the bus and the victim was grateful but the bus driver never turned a hair, must happen all the time.

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  • 1 year later...
WOW I am just speechless on what to say and ask! I never imagined it was this bad. Kind of sorry I have a day post cruise now in Barcelona, I was looking forward to seeing the sights and walking around and possibly hitting the beach.


Do you really suggest I leave my wedding rings at home?? I have never taken them off and I traveled alone last year with my young twin daughters in Paris I even walked the streets at night with them and never once felt we may be in danger...I don't even know If I can get them off without doing my finger in..lol Not to mention DH would wonder why I was leaving home without them especially when he wasn't coming this time..;)


Sounds like I definitely have to look into one of these purses/bags you all suggest. But I do have to ask how in the world can they be so bold as to steal from you if your purse/bag/wallet is on you??? I just can't wrap my head around it. I can see it if you put it down somewhere then yes, but to actually walk up to you and cut it or take something out really makes my head spin.




I never where my wedding rings or any good jewelry when I travel. It all goes into my bank safe deposit box before I leave home. Why risk the loss of special jewelry that has great sentimental value and can't be replaced if stolen or lost.

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