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Pet Peeves


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Thank you for making the connection. You can see the thong with hip huggers when the wearer bends over.

Not sure why anyone would want to walk around with dental floss for panties anyways. Muffin tops are also more obvious with hip huggers.

Young girls are understandably more insecure with how they look, but you expect more discretion with older woman.


But isn't it just as bad no matter how old you are? You're never too young to learn how to dress appropriately. And honestly, I don't think I have seen a thong hanging out of the top of a pair of jeans in about 10 years. Most of the thongs these days are pretty low rise. And some people do find them more comfortable than bikini or regular panties.

Sorry, I just get tired of hearing "older women shouldn't wear this or that" without taking into consideration body type, skin tone, occupation, personality, etc. Everyone is different and even some younger people don't look great in short shorts or dresses, but I say if you look good in something and like it, then wear it. Even if you don't look great in it, it's really none of my business. Here is a pic of me taken two weeks ago. I'm 51. Do I look like I shouldn't be wearing short shorts or short dresses? Or sleeveless shirts or hip huggers?:


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But isn't it just as bad no matter how old you are? You're never too young to learn how to dress appropriately. And honestly, I don't think I have seen a thong hanging out of the top of a pair of jeans in about 10 years. Most of the thongs these days are pretty low rise. And some people do find them more comfortable than bikini or regular panties.

Sorry, I just get tired of hearing "older women shouldn't wear this or that" without taking into consideration body type, skin tone, occupation, personality, etc. Everyone is different and even some younger people don't look great in short shorts or dresses, but I say if you look good in something and like it, then wear it. Even if you don't look great in it, it's really none of my business. Here is a pic of me taken two weeks ago. I'm 51. Do I look like I shouldn't be wearing short shorts or short dresses? Or sleeveless shirts or hip huggers?:



I feel you on your response... much of what this has turned into is really judgmental. Funny how we can say anything that we want hiding behind a keyboard on the internet. JMO

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I feel you on your response... much of what this has turned into is really judgmental. Funny how we can say anything that we want hiding behind a keyboard on the internet. JMO


That is kind of the point of this thread...not to degrade as such no not worry about offending when pointing out the pet peeves...some just dont come accross clearly in their posts.


You may or may not agree with some of the points discussed but not everyone has the same taste or may be looking through the same perspective.



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But isn't it just as bad no matter how old you are? You're never too young to learn how to dress appropriately. And honestly, I don't think I have seen a thong hanging out of the top of a pair of jeans in about 10 years. Most of the thongs these days are pretty low rise. And some people do find them more comfortable than bikini or regular panties.

Sorry, I just get tired of hearing "older women shouldn't wear this or that" without taking into consideration body type, skin tone, occupation, personality, etc. Everyone is different and even some younger people don't look great in short shorts or dresses, but I say if you look good in something and like it, then wear it. Even if you don't look great in it, it's really none of my business. Here is a pic of me taken two weeks ago. I'm 51. Do I look like I shouldn't be wearing short shorts or short dresses? Or sleeveless shirts or hip huggers?:



I think you look great and very healthy for your age, but I think you're taking my posts much too personally.

They were just thrown out there as a personal opinion, that wasn't directed at anyone in particular. Which I thought was the point of this thread.

There's no reason to be defensive. Which is another pet peeve of mine.

By the look of your photo, you have nothing to worry about.

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That is kind of the point of this thread...not to degrade as such no not worry about offending when pointing out the pet peeves...some just dont come accross clearly in their posts.


You may or may not agree with some of the points discussed but not everyone has the same taste or may be looking through the same perspective.




And this I agree with as well.;)

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When I post pet peeves its what I see daily at my job.(high end mall) Its not like I haven't done a fashion don't in my life. We aren't picking on people personally just observations we see some of the pet peeves is plain common sense. Like matching your bra with top(they make bras in ever color) or men not pulling their pants up.

Speaking of this:

I learned something new yesterday(got to love teenagers at my job) I never knew the term for the men when they don't pull up their pants. Is called "sagging" :D

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Not to be picky... but I think that what many are describing are "faux pas" and not "pet peeves". Just by the definition alone, " "fashion faux pas" occurs when the error is directly related to a person's appearance or choice of clothing."


And to me a pet peeve mainly describes a behavior annoyance... i.e, complaining, poor hygiene and lack of manners.



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You may or may not agree with some of the points discussed but not everyone has the same taste or may be looking through the same perspective.




Yep, I find it funny when someone here tells of their pet peeve and someone gets offended and starts defending themselves :rolleyes:

Aren't we entitled to our opinions after all?

Or someone has to point out that it's OK to do this or that IF you're sick :confused:

Can we also get offended discussing favourite foods, music and films? There'd be some interesting flaming :D

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Not to be picky... but I think that what many are describing are "faux pas" and not "pet peeves". Just by the definition alone, " "fashion faux pas" occurs when the error is directly related to a person's appearance or choice of clothing."


And to me a pet peeve mainly describes a behavior annoyance... i.e, complaining, poor hygiene and lack of manners.




The reason these are pet peeves rather than a "faux pas" is because they are things that bug the writer, even if they are correct in a fashion sense. For example, many women no longer wear stockings when they get dressed up. That is now a fashion norm. But for someone on this thread, naked legs on formal night might bug them. That would make it their pet peeve, even though it is now fashionable.

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Yep, I find it funny when someone here tells of their pet peeve and someone gets offended and starts defending themselves :rolleyes:

Aren't we entitled to our opinions after all?

Or someone has to point out that it's OK to do this or that IF you're sick :confused:

Can we also get offended discussing favourite foods, music and films? There'd be some interesting flaming :D


I totally agree.

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Yep, I find it funny when someone here tells of their pet peeve and someone gets offended and starts defending themselves :rolleyes:

Aren't we entitled to our opinions after all?

Or someone has to point out that it's OK to do this or that IF you're sick :confused:

Can we also get offended discussing favourite foods, music and films? There'd be some interesting flaming :D


Yup and those are pet peeves. LOL

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But isn't it just as bad no matter how old you are? You're never too young to learn how to dress appropriately. And honestly, I don't think I have seen a thong hanging out of the top of a pair of jeans in about 10 years. Most of the thongs these days are pretty low rise. And some people do find them more comfortable than bikini or regular panties.

Sorry, I just get tired of hearing "older women shouldn't wear this or that" without taking into consideration body type, skin tone, occupation, personality, etc. Everyone is different and even some younger people don't look great in short shorts or dresses, but I say if you look good in something and like it, then wear it. Even if you don't look great in it, it's really none of my business. Here is a pic of me taken two weeks ago. I'm 51. Do I look like I shouldn't be wearing short shorts or short dresses? Or sleeveless shirts or hip huggers?:



AMEN!.. Im 49 and "most" dont think i should be wearing Speedos.. If it wasnt for my hair color (turning grey).. You probably wouldnt think i was much over 35. I tan very easly durin summer, and no.. im not one of those "alligators" you find on a beach in Fla..LOL. I spend enough time in the gym to keep things in spec, even though Im on the thin side, I had people come up to me and ask if i was a swimmer..

I figured others are just jealious that they dont have the body to pull it off at my age or older..

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David30101 and centracalicruzer,


I too am in "pretty good shape" for 55 yrs, and my co-workers often tell me I can wear (younger-type) clothing that I know personally I would feel foolish and self-conscious in, such as thinking "everybody will think I am dressing too young."


My feeling is that if you have to defend your choices so vehemently then you know in your heart of hearts that you shouldn't be wearing it. And if you're dressing the same as your daughter or son; then you are competing with them for the attention of the same demographic they are, and that's deplorable behavior from a parent. Sorry, but we all have to accept that we're gonna age no matter how hard and no matter how (seemingly) successfully we're fighting it.


I'll probably get flamed for these remarks but its my personal opinion. bmw

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David30101 and centracalicruzer,


I too am in "pretty good shape" for 55 yrs, and my co-workers often tell me I can wear (younger-type) clothing that I know personally I would feel foolish and self-conscious in, such as thinking "everybody will think I am dressing too young."


My feeling is that if you have to defend your choices so vehemently then you know in your heart of hearts that you shouldn't be wearing it. And if you're dressing the same as your daughter or son; then you are competing with them for the attention of the same demographic they are, and that's deplorable behavior from a parent. Sorry, but we all have to accept that we're gonna age no matter how hard and no matter how (seemingly) successfully we're fighting it.


I'll probably get flamed for these remarks but its my personal opinion. bmw


Oh, no worries, I am not dressing the same as my daughter - I don't wear shorts in real life as short as those in the photo, only when I'm running marathons and half marathons! I do wear shorter shorts than Bermudas, but not with those teeny tiny inseams that you see in the junior department at Target. On the other hand, I live in a part of California that regularly gets to 100 + degrees in the summer, and I am not going to go around suffering in knee length shorts just to suit someone else's idea of age appropriate, and anyway I think that because California is much more casual than other parts of the country perhaps us "old ladies" can get away with more! :) My goal is to be stylish and youthful but also age-appropriate. It's a tough line to walk, to not dress too old and frumpy and yet not dress like you are trying too hard. I try to be pretty conscious of it in my clothing choices, and sometimes it's hard because women's sizes really don't fit me. I was so happy when New York & Co. started selling size 0's so I didn't have to always shop in the junior departments! In fact, I just gave my 27 year old step daughter a dress I had bought on clearance a few years ago but only wore a couple times because it just felt too youthful on me. And I dress pretty similarly to most of my friends my age, both here in the town where I live and old classmates that I see in photos on Facebook. So, I don't think I'm defending it too vehemently, just trying to state that age is only one factor in determining whether one should be wearing a particular style of clothing.

Now, I'm trying to think of a pet peeve I can list, and I will say that I don't like sandals on men, except for leather flip flops. I just don't like the way they look, but will certainly defend any man's right to wear them if they choose. Well, any man but my husband. :rolleyes:

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Not sure this qualifies as a peeve but it seems "they" are of the opinion people can't think for themselves..........just read an article about a store in Brazil which has clothing hangers that indicate how many "likes" an article of clothing has...........so that potential buyers will be advised if they are buying something popular. Sad thing is I know many who would be affected by this! And just think how the stores could skew the numbers to get rid of their non-movers!

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Not sure this qualifies as a peeve but it seems "they" are of the opinion people can't think for themselves..........just read an article about a store in Brazil which has clothing hangers that indicate how many "likes" an article of clothing has...........so that potential buyers will be advised if they are buying something popular. Sad thing is I know many who would be affected by this! And just think how the stores could skew the numbers to get rid of their non-movers!


I think a store got me with a review from a "customer" recently. They stated how great the item was and the quality was such and such, but when I got it... not the case. I only read the reviews and make a decision to purchase on my own, just as many inquire of advise here.

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Im not trying to defend what i like to wear.. Im just voicing my opinion for others. If I didnt post my age on here most of you wouldnt even know how old I was anyhow. Then this topic wouldnt matter. "Just for Men" can take care of the grey in my hair anyhow.. LOL.

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Well, I am super picky about not having a panty line (on myself), so I make sure to wear underwear that doesn't cut into me. If it shows one single bulge anywhere I'll wear something different. VS has some great thongs with wide lace that lies flat against your skin and works well with a form-fitting dress or slacks.


I don't really have a lot of fashion pet peeves for others, except that when I see a woman dressed really frumpy and out of style I feel bad because I think how much better/younger she could look if she just updated her clothes a bit or wore something slightly more fitted. But then I realize I don't know where she is in her life or what her financial circumstances are and it isn't any of my business to judge her. I love to read stuff by the Fabulous After 40 girls or What Not to Wear, but I don't always agree with EVERYTHING they say - it is, after all just THEIR opinion.

There's a great book called "How not to look old" The author stresses moderation - a "too young" look is just as aging as a "too old" one.

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There's a great book called "How not to look old" The author stresses moderation - a "too young" look is just as aging as a "too old" one.


Great title and good food for thought.

I probably am one of the "frumpy older ladies" that so many are trying to NOT look like LOL and I really don't care!

I am overweight, don't want to be trendy, and couldn't care less if my clothes shoes or handbags have a label to show how much I spend on them.

I just want to be neat, clean and comfortable most of the time so...

I guess one of my real peeves is people who think that you need to be trendy or you aren't worth paying attention to.

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One thing that really irks me when I see it in public is a dress that exposes your hoo-ha. If it is so short that I can see your underwear (or lack thereof), it is too short! I recently grabbed dinner with some co-workers at a casual, family restaurant, and there was a 20-something wearing a dress that left nothing to the imagination. I don't care how young or fit a person is, something that short, in my opinion, never looks very good.


I'm also not a fan of women who go braless. Get some support ladies! I don't want to see your nipples popping through either.


PJs in public are not my cup of tea, either. I know they are comfy, but your Spongebob Squarepants flannels should be left at home.

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Great title and good food for thought.

I probably am one of the "frumpy older ladies" that so many are trying to NOT look like LOL and I really don't care!

I am overweight, don't want to be trendy, and couldn't care less if my clothes shoes or handbags have a label to show how much I spend on them.

I just want to be neat, clean and comfortable most of the time so...

I guess one of my real peeves is people who think that you need to be trendy or you aren't worth paying attention to.



I think the thing many women need to pay attention to is fit. Even if you're older, overweight and don't care to be trendy, a person can still look classy.


I try (don't always hit the mark according to some photos) to pay close attention to the fit of my clothing and have it altered. I'm not terribly overweight, but I find if clothes are too big they make me look bigger than I am. Especially for the plus sized woman. Too many times I see lovely ladies with sleeves too long, pant legs too long, clothing too baggy, it all brings the look down to frumpy.


I stick to classic lines rather than trendy. The clothing lasts through more seasons that way and photos years from now won't be an embarrassment.


I think all people can be beautiful if they just learn what's best for them instead of following trendy styles. Trendy in small doses is enough for most people.

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I don't think nobody here is talking about being trendy or trying to be.


We are talking about people who like to look presentable and not look like a walking flea market or worse.


And there are actually some folks (me) who will buy a label because it's good quality..not so I can advertise it. Some "labels" are very poor quality..I've seen some Calvin Klein stuff I'd never buy and Vera Wang should be ashamed of her Kohl's line as it's so cheaply made. It's kinda easy in my mind to spot a person who bought it for quality and not to show off. The people who buy labels..especially knock offs..and dress head to toe in them are the ones that look like the walking flea market in my opnion. That's my pet peeve.


Great title and good food for thought.

I probably am one of the "frumpy older ladies" that so many are trying to NOT look like LOL and I really don't care!

I am overweight, don't want to be trendy, and couldn't care less if my clothes shoes or handbags have a label to show how much I spend on them.

I just want to be neat, clean and comfortable most of the time so...

I guess one of my real peeves is people who think that you need to be trendy or you aren't worth paying attention to.

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