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Carnival Cruise Etiquette 101


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Treat others as you want to be treated-do unto others as they would do unto you

It all got thrown out the window years ago.

Now it's treat me as if i were emperor, and the heck with you. Not every one, and not everywhere, but most of us "older" folk see it more and more every day. They used to say that the generation of the 80's was the "me generation," but it really is the current generation. I deal with the public everyday in person and on the phone, and the younger the person the less ability they have to connect with another human. Ever see a young couple out on a date, she's on her phone, he's on his-how do they really know why they went out with each other?:o


I digress-you asked for helpful hints-Read the signs before action. Hot tubs say no children-(at least they used to)

Unfortunalety there is no sign for not using your hands when reaching for food-use tongs......

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I am not sure if this thread was meant to be tongue in cheek or not, but I can say that many people don't seem to be teaching their kids simple courtesy these days. I am not saying that to put people down, but my point is sometimes I think the younger generations just don't know. I am 43, and writing this makes me feel ancient. ha ha !


Some things are not common sense apparently. I have had discussions with my kids about looking someone in the face when he or she is waiting on them in a restaurant. My daughter once stared at the menu the entire time she ordered. After the waitress left, we talked about how the waitress is a person and that was rude. I see people talk on their cell phones while paying at the grocery store. I see people on their cell phones at the dinner table at a restaurant. ( I recently went to a very nice place that asked a woman to put hers away. I couldn't believe they did it, but inside I cheered.) Sometimes, people really don't know what is rude because no one ever addressed it with them. Even on this board, I wasn't sure if it is considered rude to ask a question on someone else's thread. Still not sure. lol


So, for those who say this post is just for drama, I think some people might not be offended by suggestions by people who have experience. I'm not. ;)

You don't have to agree with the suggestions. I think it is more of a list of pet peeves. So, for the drunk girl who kept wobbling and leaning across my plate at the buffet line: Here is my rule: If you are so drunk your friend has to steady you, go to your room, order room service, and sleep it off before some hateful woman puts cocktail sauce in your hair. That's my etiquette tip. ha ha

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If it takes you more than 5 seconds to remove yourself from the bottom of the waterslide once you go down, you shouldn't be on it!;)


If you are going to walk on the jogging track, stay on one side so that you don't clog up the whole thing for those of us who DO run.


really? 5 seconds? Do you realize there are people in the world with physical limitations or disabilities? Get over yourself.

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I am not sure if this thread was meant to be tongue in cheek or not, but I can say that many people don't seem to be teaching their kids simple courtesy these days. I am not saying that to put people down, but my point is sometimes I think the younger generations just don't know. I am 43, and writing this makes me feel ancient. ha ha !


Some things are not common sense apparently. I have had discussions with my kids about looking someone in the face when he or she is waiting on them in a restaurant. My daughter once stared at the menu the entire time she ordered. After the waitress left, we talked about how the waitress is a person and that was rude. I see people talk on their cell phones while paying at the grocery store. I see people on their cell phones at the dinner table at a restaurant. ( I recently went to a very nice place that asked a woman to put hers away. I couldn't believe they did it, but inside I cheered.) Sometimes, people really don't know what is rude because no one ever addressed it with them. Even on this board, I wasn't sure if it is considered rude to ask a question on someone else's thread. Still not sure. lol


So, for those who say this post is just for drama, I think some people might not be offended by suggestions by people who have experience. I'm not. ;)

You don't have to agree with the suggestions. I think it is more of a list of pet peeves. So, for the drunk girl who kept wobbling and leaning across my plate at the buffet line: Here is my rule: If you are so drunk your friend has to steady you, go to your room, order room service, and sleep it off before some hateful woman puts cocktail sauce in your hair. That's my etiquette tip. ha ha


Actually this was not tongue in cheek. The thread was not meant to cause drama, how could discussing etiquette cause drama with sane adults. For people who think my threads are drama causing, why not just skip them instead of making comments that are not related to what is being discussed. I skip over alot of threads that don't interest me. Most of the suggestions are excellent.


I can see the point to some degree about not sharing wine, but a cake that has been ordered, wouldn't that be ok, particularly since you can't eat it all and most likely won't eat it later due to the desserts onboard?

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Guess the ones that do bother me some are:


1...Running in the hallways late at night


2...Slamming your cabin door late at night


3...Agree with the packed elevators and still people trying to squeeze on


4...Kids pushing all the buttons on the elevators


I don't think these are 'rules' people should adhere too, just common courtesy.

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Guess the ones that do bother me some are:


1...Running in the hallways late at night


2...Slamming your cabin door late at night


3...Agree with the packed elevators and still people trying to squeeze on


4...Kids pushing all the buttons on the elevators


I don't think these are 'rules' people should adhere too, just common courtesy.

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when did a cruise ship become a library.


one rule: when you book a cruise, realize you are paying to share a ship. those that you share with have quirks you may not be used to.


save your rules for where you are in total control, like home. trying to instill them in public is fruitless. there are no hall moniters.


and let those enforcing the law enforce it.



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I am not sure if this thread was meant to be tongue in cheek or not, but I can say that many people don't seem to be teaching their kids simple courtesy these days. I am not saying that to put people down, but my point is sometimes I think the younger generations just don't know. I am 43, and writing this makes me feel ancient. ha ha !


Some things are not common sense apparently. I have had discussions with my kids about looking someone in the face when he or she is waiting on them in a restaurant. My daughter once stared at the menu the entire time she ordered. After the waitress left, we talked about how the waitress is a person and that was rude. I see people talk on their cell phones while paying at the grocery store. I see people on their cell phones at the dinner table at a restaurant. ( I recently went to a very nice place that asked a woman to put hers away. I couldn't believe they did it, but inside I cheered.) Sometimes, people really don't know what is rude because no one ever addressed it with them. Even on this board, I wasn't sure if it is considered rude to ask a question on someone else's thread. Still not sure. lol


So, for those who say this post is just for drama, I think some people might not be offended by suggestions by people who have experience. I'm not. ;)

You don't have to agree with the suggestions. I think it is more of a list of pet peeves. So, for the drunk girl who kept wobbling and leaning across my plate at the buffet line: Here is my rule: If you are so drunk your friend has to steady you, go to your room, order room service, and sleep it off before some hateful woman puts cocktail sauce in your hair. That's my etiquette tip. ha ha


I'm 43 also and I agree with you completely. (and I feel old but I feel like my philosophy is ancient! lol)

A few years back I was "nannying" for a family and the oldest daughter (12 at the time) fought me tooth and nail about saying please and thank you. This went on for over a year. Mom finally told me "thats just who she is, she doesn't say please or thank you, just yes or no.....she doesn't mean anything by it". (mind you, this child was perfectly competent, no issues with development or anything else that would make it understandable) A short time later I said "bye bye" to this crazy woman and started my own business, a place where please, thank you and consideration for others is taught to the children in my care, imagine that!!

My point is, some parents these days feel their special little angels are above even the basics of social manners. I don't really know why some parents raise their kids this way, but they do.. These kids eventually grow up..

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I hope Im not in front of this one..... :eek:


There are guards at the top who will not let idiots or children start down the slide until the person in front of them is safely out of the way. Carnival doesn't want to be responsible for their broken bones :)

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As much as I appreciate your trying! You must realize the ones doing these things are the ones going to reply with some snarky comment. The generation doing these things have been disrespecting people all thier life and are not going to take anything you say as..."oh! I've been doing this..let me stop!" They are just rude and immature and are past our help. But thanks for trying!

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One would think that common courtesy would be a given but it is not. Maybe someone can learn something from this thread that they did not think of before as being rude.


For me it is about respect for others, the do unto others as you would have done to you philosophy. You know if you bump into someone say I'm sorry or maybe excuse me. Not that difficult right? Don't be nasty to the people working on board as they ARE people who do have feelings and are not beneath you. Pretty simple.


If you think this thread is causing drama maybe you are one of those that does not care about common courtesey. I don't know why you would think this would cause drama but whatever.

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One more: Young children should not be in the Hot Tubs! Or if they are, not for long. It's not healthy & could cause them problems. Many parents don't know this, just a warning.

THANK YOU! My DD (9) thinks its so unfair that the hot tubs are full of kids, but she is not allowed to join. The water is too hot, and raises their body temp to high, too fast, causing fever symptoms, and coma, if in there too long. NOT a good idea

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There are guards at the top who will not let idiots or children start down the slide until the person in front of them is safely out of the way. Carnival doesn't want to be responsible for their broken bones :)


FYI---That same guard yells at people who don't get out of the way fast enought at the bottom:)

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Actually this was not tongue in cheek. The thread was not meant to cause drama, how could discussing etiquette cause drama with sane adults. For people who think my threads are drama causing, why not just skip them instead of making comments that are not related to what is being discussed. I skip over alot of threads that don't interest me. Most of the suggestions are excellent.


I can see the point to some degree about not sharing wine, but a cake that has been ordered, wouldn't that be ok, particularly since you can't eat it all and most likely won't eat it later due to the desserts onboard?


I understand about the cake question because I ordered my younger daughter one of the little $7 birthday cakes. It didn't occur to me at the time about sitting with other people. When they brought the cake to our table, I immediately started thinking about how to handle it because it wasn't big enough to share around the table. I admit, I have very old-fashioned Southern manners, but I was taught not to eat in front of someone without offering him/ her some. This usually isn't a problem since we don't eat out with other folks we don't know sitting at the table. The other family had two kids, and we had three so I just told my daughter, "I ordered this just for you since it is your birthday. It is like a personal pan pizza. ha ha!" No one but she ate it, and we took the leftovers to our room. If there hadn't been an abundance of other desserts for the other kids, I probably would have cut it in stamp size pieces and passed it around the table. That is just the way I was brought up.


As for the wine issue, I understand an expensive bottle of wine is much different than a cheap birthday cake, but I guess my point is some questions of manners may vary depending on the area in which one lives. I also bake something for new neighbors and when someone passes away. That's just what my momma taught me to do . ha ha! :D

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Mom finally told me "thats just who she is, she doesn't say please or thank you, just yes or no.....she doesn't mean anything by it". ..


omg! I am so tired of people saying this, or something like it, such as 'he's just a teenager, that's what the do' or 'that's the attitude they have'. I have major issues with my teen's attitude and behavior. (he was adopted at age 9) he is now 15. I try to get support and advice on how to deal with him, and the answer i get is "all teens are this way". I'm so sick of hearing this. It's a bunch of bull. I have been around A LOT of teens, and know many many of them with at least some manners and common courtesy. unfortunately it's getting less and less because parents, and society in general is accepting their behavior instead of taking issue with it.

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omg! I am so tired of people saying this, or something like it, such as 'he's just a teenager, that's what the do' or 'that's the attitude they have'. I have major issues with my teen's attitude and behavior. (he was adopted at age 9) he is now 15. I try to get support and advice on how to deal with him, and the answer i get is "all teens are this way". I'm so sick of hearing this. It's a bunch of bull. I have been around A LOT of teens, and know many many of them with at least some manners and common courtesy. unfortunately it's getting less and less because parents, and society in general is accepting their behavior instead of taking issue with it.


I agree completely. Of course teens are that way, but that is why we have to parent. You keep trying, and he will respect you for it later. ;) Someone will scream that it was child abuse and I am NOT advocating hitting children, but my mother smacked me in the mouth once when I was 15. I deserved it. I wasn't abused, but I was 5'7 and she was only 5'1. She reminded me quickly that I was taller than she but not bigger. I don't hate my mom for standing up to me. I respect her for it. I would never abuse my kids, but I do give and expect respect from them. If they are rude, I call them on it.

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Actually this was not tongue in cheek. The thread was not meant to cause drama, how could discussing etiquette cause drama with sane adults. For people who think my threads are drama causing, why not just skip them instead of making comments that are not related to what is being discussed. I skip over alot of threads that don't interest me. Most of the suggestions are excellent.


I can see the point to some degree about not sharing wine, but a cake that has been ordered, wouldn't that be ok, particularly since you can't eat it all and most likely won't eat it later due to the desserts onboard?


why not your meal too, if you can't finish it.


no, i don't share food. i don't buy drinks, and i don't share bottles of wine, just because you're in my proximity.

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I would like to see some of your thoughts implemented, but I will be darned, if I pay for a bottle of wine, I am going to share it with some strangers because you think I should. I am afraid, I think you live in a dream world and some day you might wake up to reality. JMO.

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